#i reply faster on discord than ims
perplexities · 1 year
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ephemyrals · 7 months
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# 𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬 .     ━━          a private writing blog featuring muses from multiple fandoms including genshin , hsr   &.    bsd as written by mona  (       25+ years  ,   she / her     )    .    please check the rules before interaction , you can find them below the read more  .    heavy    &.    dark themes will be present on this blog  ,     follow at your own discretion  .
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❛❛  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐱 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠  .    stories tell about love  ;    about its mythical properties  ,    the way it changes people  .    connections are what makes time on earth worthwhile  ,    is what they say    ━━      more than bustling chatter carries in the background  ,    gazes lingering from afar  .    more than a brush one another  ,    a gentle caress   (       ephemeral     )    ,    fading alike dust in boreal breeze  .    maybe  .  .  .    it is more  .    but why come to care  ,    𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲  ,    right from underneath the tips of your finger  ?        ❜❜ 
[  ❀  ]     closely intertwined with : @gemkun , @raytm , @starspurn @taiixuan , @scrtilegii / @furiaei
i . i am highly selective  ,     mutuals only  .    i might not always follow back  ,    for whatever the reason may be  .    basic roleplay etiquettes apply  .    please do not involve my in ( dash ) drama  ,    writing is a hobby for me    &.    i am just here to have fun  .    my activity is sporadic  ,    sometimes replies might take longer depending on how busy life is  .    you can nudge me if you think i have forgotten or when you are thrilled to continue our thread quickly  .    this helps me with direction  ,    please be kind about it  .    i do not reply to my threads in order received  ;    i generally reply faster for characters i have muse for    &.    to my mains  .
ii .    i do not often post starter calls  ,    since i prefer plotted threads  .    feel free to shoot me a message  ,    either on tumblr ims or discord  .   you can also turn a meme reply into a thread if you wish to    (        it is even encouraged        )    ,     please do so in a new post    &.    do not forget to tag me  .
iii .    reblog memes  ,    art    &.   poetry from their source  ,    unless i have tagged you in it  .    don’t reblog threads you are not involved with  .    it helps me keep track of what i have got coming in  .
iv .    i love writing ships  ,    which includes any sort  :    romantic  ,    familial  ,    enemies etc  .    of course it is chemistry - based  ,    but feel free to just barge into my ims    &.    say you want to ship    (        within appropriate age range        )    . pro - shippers dni .
icon border and banner from paletterph
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
❀ tbhk  :   minamoto teru .
❀ hsr : aventurine , blade (request) , kafka , sunday , acheron , robin .
❀ genshin : childe , aether , kaveh .
❀ dgm  :    lavi bookman &. nea d. campbell .
❀ miscellaneous , request only  :    vanitas (vnc) , hiiragi shinya (ons)  ,    cloud (ff7)  ,    komacine machi &. kurapika (hxh)  , cheng xiaoshi (lc) , gojo satoru (jjk) , zoya (ptn) .
blogroll : @fiyres (khr) , @autymns (bsd)
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serabellyms · 5 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: serabellym (sera is fine!)
MUSE NAME: multi-muse, so too many to list.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: discord if you have it, IMs if not. I tend to answer Discord more regularly & IMs I sometimes leave the notification until I have the mental capacity to respond as it's usually about plotting, so I have to be in the right mindset!
EXPERIENCE: on tumblr, about 2 years now? In general, well over 10 years.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: some angst or a dab of hurt/comfort is always a soft spot for me. I don't mind fluff once in a while, but it does become dry and repetitive after a while. Realistically, what I want is plots/threads that are dynamic and have a flow; maybe it starts off hurt-comfort, and as replies go on (and we're talking 10, 20, 30 replies in, so long-standing threads) it turns to fluff. Maybe there's a dabble of smut somewhere in there. Either way, dynamic threads is what I crave.
If you constantly drop threads/forget about threads/threads never go past 1 or 2 replies & we never plot, I'm less likely to interact, period. Taking your time is a very different thing; having multiple threads that are 2-3 replies that constantly get dropped are a motivation killer for me.
If you remake your blog more than once every 6-8 months, I get exhausted. For context, in 2 years I've moved blogs only 3 times. The first was to move from a side blog to a main blog (so it wasn't like I could clean up my blog and make it a main blog); the second was to move from multiple single-muse blogs to one multi-muse blog (I had a lot of content across 4 blogs, it was easier to combine it into one fresh/new blog).
PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO TAG FOR EYESTRAIN. It aggravates me to no end when asking for a tag is a problem. I often get the impression that people don't take the request for eyestrain to be tagged seriously, not realizing that the things I ask to be tagged trigger chronic headaches when it's missed.
Not filling out my interest tracker. I'm very clear why this is a requirement. It's actually detailed & coded on my end to organize it for my own sake well beyond what's asked for in the tracker. It makes it easier for me as someone with a disability to keep track of things, & it alleviates my anxiety to have those tools at my disposal, tools that I've taken the time to create for myself to make my life easier.
PLOTS OR MEMES: both! Generally, memes are good icebreakers, but I'm of the opinion that memes and plots go hand-in-hand. Memes are a great way to trigger a starter for something you've been plotting with a writing partner; conversely, memes can also serve to open the door for plot ideas to form when you discuss with people. I operate on the basis that memes are a way to start threads, and are generally not treated as one-off interactions on my blog. If you send a meme, it's going to be answered in a way that it can serve as a starter. In this case, anyone is welcome to continue memes that I sent if they'd like. I will not be upset.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies. Shorter replies are more difficult for me to write and work with in most cases. I can rip through a long reply faster than I can a short reply, because with long replies there's enough content that it gets the creative juices going, and it's a matter of just letting the flow roll. If you give me a short reply, you'll probably be waiting 2-3 times as long for a response than a long reply. (& for those of you thinking "but a long reply is more words to write"--I type around 100-120 words per minute. It's not about the word count or typing speed. It's about my ability to think of a response. Longer replies come easier from a creative standpoint for me.)
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late at night for me, usually. I need to get more into daytime writing, but it's hard. I'm the kind of person who throws together half a reply while I'm laying in bed about to crash, lol.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: As a whole? No. There are likely reasons I'm drawn to certain characters because I relate to them or empathize with them/what they've been through, but I am not like my muses. Often, my own experience influences how I interpret the muse's experience.
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tagged by: stolen lmao
tagging: @inufangs @smokedanced @hopegained @missallanea @stardustedstories @tenebriism @talesofourworlds @sailingtempest @primitiveside @bloodiedbiotic @altosk & anyone who'd like to steal!
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lostin-thewild · 1 year
the bitch is back. hi! ! i’m gonna start by saying this is a terrible fking idea bc i’m the worst and i ghost a lot but… i love to write so here i am posting this again. i need people who are willing to jump IMMEDIATELY into writing. too often i spend a ton of time plotting or talking about characters… we can do that WHILE we write lol
i’d love to find a few chill rp partners! i’ll start with the other important things 1) i rp on discord only. 2) i can be a little flakey. i’m sorry. i cannot and will not reply every day. so if you’re looking for someone who will consistently reply to threads 10 times a day, that’s not me. HOWEVER i love, love to talk headcanons and about our ships on the daily in between replies! (you want someone who will make you a tumblr tag and a pinterest board? that’s me lol) i’ve also been loving discord for fast / fun text threads so if we do that in addition to threads, you’re likely to get a response from me every day. 3) if you’re looking for someone who will write 4 paragraphs per reply, that’s not me. i sometimes write long starters or sometimes i get in my feelings and write a lot, but a typical reply from me is 1 paragraph! 4) if we’ve tried writing / plotting together before and it didn’t work out PLEASE feel free to reach out! i’m just very shy and i think people hate me for ghosting so i feel awkward reaching out to them. I’M USING A DIF DISCORD NOW THO SO PLS MESSAGE ME ON TUMBLR.
i’m 30 and prefer partners close to my age. but at the min, 21+ muns only! i’m looking for some chill stuff, where we can try a plot/thread or two together and see if we vibe. if we do, i will want 30 ships with you. if we don’t, no hard feelings. we just might not be the writing partner for each other and we can part ways! you can always tell me if you’re not feeling something, and i ask that you be receptive if i do the same.
below the cut i’ll put some more info about me / what i’m looking for. plots, faces, ships i’m into, etc. it’s VERY long and has more info than anyone needs bc i add to it all the time. you DO NOT have to read it all! (kudos if you do lol) it’s just in case you want to learn more about me! like this if you’re interested and i’ll reach out via IM!!! or if you see anything below that catches your eye, feel free to just IM me as well! (you will get a response faster from me if you IM me instead of liking the post just fyi)
i love being friends with my rp partners, so please know that i WILL message you periodically to check in with you (not on your level of interest in the plot, you as a person lol), send you gifs, posts, playlists, whatever, talk about our plots, etc. i’ll make pinterest boards, instagam templates. all that. please know it is NOT me attempting to rush you into replying! i’m so patient and don’t care how long you take. i genuinely just want to be your friend lol. so if you will be annoyed by me messaging you, i’m probably not for you. and if you give me no enthusiasm in response, i’m less likely to want to write with you. it is what it is.
i’ve been more into creating a new muse with every plot lately. but i’m happy to play against any of your muses if you like to write with pre-established muses! i also LOVE mumus/having multiple plots in the same universe. i love real life plots, i love creating fantasy universes, i love scifi, horror, angst, fluff… literally anything. i’m open to nsfw and dark themes (no rape, incest, abuse, or grooming) as well as long as we talk about everything beforehand. i’m down for smut as long as it’s part of a plot, but if it’s not your thing, i’m fine not including it!
i’ll write m/m and m/f. i’m open to f/f, but i go for m/m and m/f more. always here for platonic things also!!! i do have a preference for playing men bc  like getting in touch with my masc side. i don’t care if you only want to play women just let me know up front. i’ll play muses 18 to 118. (ok mb not that old but i have had muses in their 60s before.)
here are some faces i love as well as ships and plots i’d love to do! i’m 100% not limited to these things!!! but if you’re curious as to what i like or if you want a jumping off point to start plotting, it might be helpful for you!!
M O S T   W A N T E D aka i will do anything in return if you give me any of these!! - i’d literally give my first born for this. i’ve tried it so many times but i suck and it keeps falling through! - i wanna use my oliver jackson-cohen muse in something like dark and angsty and smutty and like mafia-ish. idk if this sounds remotely interesting i can give you the pinterest and tag and stuff i have for him/the plot!! - also this, this, this, and this okay thanks bye. - rudy pankow x madelyn cline in a bffs to lovers just wait i can explain this!! - i also wanna use manny montana. maybe an age gap? maybe dark, maybe angsty, maybe smutty idk like the usual YOU KNOW  - i need a m/m hockey rivals plot i have ideas too!! - will give my second born for anyone who lets me play as or against milly alcock, emily carey, and/or olivia cooke in something fantasy/historical bc... obsessed with them in HOTD O T  H E R   P L O T S - books i’d love to do plots based on: red, white & royal blue!!!!, the selection plssssss, anything based on the grishaverse (especially SoC or wesper or helnik omg), the house in the cerulean sea, falling kingdoms, shadowhunter universe (OCs mostly, but i would also play matthew fairchild or an older kit rook!), captive prince, all for the game, the raven cycle, the winner’s trilogy, the lunar chronicles, IT (18+ eddie x richie bc i’m trash?), the crown’s game, the night circus, an ember in the ashes, the kiss of deception, the song of achilles, throne of glass, the cruel prince... proably more lol. tbh you don’t even have to have read any of them i can just scream the plot at you lol - i would KILLLLLL for a plot based on young royals on netflix! - absolutely a n y t h i n g enemies to lovers. especially if it’s like slowburn enemies to friends to lovers. pls. - bodyguard plots!! bodyguard x royal, bodyguard x politician’s kid, bodyguard x actor. anything. - any kind of age gap plot with an older woman x younger man pls  - SPORTSSSS. i’m absolute trash for hockey and baseball. (but will do any sports honestly.) olympic stuff!! gimme figure skater/hockey player. give me teammates secretly crushing on each other/hooking up after the game but no homo/etc. give me rivals. two people competing for a captain spot. etc. - rom com plots!!! (sweet home alabama, the proposal, just go with it, set it up, while you were sleeping, the girl next door, trainwreck, clueless, bridget jones’s diary, chasing liberty, LITERALLY ANY) - fake dating!!!! (or fake married or anything like that!!) any kind. in any plot. in any scenario. can’t promise not to cry if we also include the only one bed trope bc i don’t care how often i see it, i consider it literary genius every damn time i encounter it. - i live for friends to lovers. especially if they’re both really dumb and if it’s gay. - college! sororities! frats! sports! - i love any sort of crime plot. mob. mafia. anything like that. - royalty anything. real life or fantasy. - historical plots!! literally from any era. i just love history ok. - stuff with older muses! a couple of divorcees. single parents, second chance romance.. idk anything lol - anything in my PLOTS tag
i generally prefer to pick a plot THEN a face, but just to get an idea of the kinds of faces i usually go for, they’re down below! honestly i’ll probs suggest a lot of faces not on this list
F A C E S aaron paul, alex fitzalan, anthony mackie, aron piper, axel auriant, bill skarsgard, charlie gillespie, cody christian, dacre montgomery, dev patel, diego luna, dylan sprayberry, felix mallard, freddy carter, hero fiennes-tiffin, ian bohen, isaiah mustafa, joel kinnaman, jonathan daviss, logan shroyer, lorenzo zurzolo, lucien laviscount, manny montana, matthew daddario, maxence danet-fauvel, octavio pisano, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, oscar isaac, nick robinson, rafael silva, rege-jean page, ronen rubinstein, rudy pankow, ryan guzman, suraj sharma, taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, thomas doherty, timothee chalamet, tom holland, zethphan smith gneist.
adeline rudolph, aisha dee, amber stevens west, anya taylor-joy, aslihan malbora, benedetta porcaroli, brianne howey, bruna marquezine, chloe bailey, cindy kimberly, constance wu, dove cameron, dua lipa, eiza gonzalez, ester expósito, geraldine viswanathan, january jones, josefine frida pettersen, khadijha red thunder, katheryn winnick, kristine froseth, lovie simone, madelyn cline, maia mitchell, marilyn lima, meg donnelly, milly alcock, natacha karam, natalia dyer, paulina singer, precious mustapha, rachel hilson, romi van renterghem, ryan destiny, samantha logan, sofia bryant, sydney sweeney, tessa thompson, veerle dejaeger, yael shelbia, yara shahidi, zion moreon.
you can also look through my FACES tag for more ideas! but honestly, i’m open to a lot!!
S H I P S aron piper x omar ayuso aron piper x manu rios axel auriant x maxence danet-fauvel brandon flynn x richard madden bridgette lundy-paine x fivel stewart cody christian x dylan sprayberry evan mock x thomas doherty (x emily alyn lind) jonathan daviss x rudy pankow madelyn cline x rudy pankow oliver stark x ryan guzman rafael silva x ronen rubenstein savannah lee smith x zion moreno
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chmerical · 1 year
get to know the author⋯
name:  fio
pronouns:  she/her
preference  of  communication:  discord  all  the  way,  i'm  slow  as  all  hell,  but  i  promise  i  get  to  messages  there  10000x  faster  than  tumblr  ims
most  active  muse(s):  ly.la  (  ok  can  u  blame  me  ats.v  is  one  of  my  hyperfixations  rn  )  ,  z.elda  (  to.tk  has  my  soul  )  ,  zi.ggy  b.erman  &  k.ate  sch.midt  (  summer  brings  out  my  fs  feral  self  )  ,  l.ottie  ma.tthews  &  j.ackie  tayl.or  (  currently  rewatching  y.j  hehe  yes  already  <3  )  ,  morde.cai  fraser  (  lets  go  re.gular  show!!!!  )  ,  emm.a  pe.rkins  (  cause  that  crabby  barista  lives  in  my  heart  )  ,  my  ocs  always
experience / how  many  years:  so  i  started  off  way  back  when  on  g.aiaonline,  i  was  like  11-12,  i  jumped  into  forums  after  that,  and  then  found  tumblr  groups  when  i  was  like  14-15,  i'd  deadass  go  into  the  computer  lab  to  rp  during  my  free  period.  i  had  always  wanted  to  try  indie,  but  it  was  so  scary.  i  finally  bit  the  bullet  when  i  was  like  19  and  i  stuck  around  for  a  couple  years.  took  a  break  and  now  i'm  back!  so  like...  hella  years  :')
best  experience:  meeting  my  friends.  hands  down.  it's  corny,  sure,  but  like  y'all  have  made  such  an  impact  on  me  and  have  made  this  place  so  amazing.  adore  you  guys  heavy!
rp  pet  peeves:  as  i  saw  a  friend  say,  "ideas  are  universal,  but  that's  a  little  too  on  the  nose"  everyone  has  their  own  look,  their  own  voice,  their  own  vibe,  so  the  whole  like..  copying  all  that  grinds  my  gears  heavy 
plots  or  memes:  memes  bc  they  help  me  with  plotting!
long  or  short  replies:  medium  length.  i  wanna  build  back  up  to  my  longer  replies  cries
are  you  like  your  muse(s):  i  have  so  many,  but  by  basing  it  off  my  favorite  ones  to  write..  i'd  think  in  some  ways,  yeah.  a  lot  of  the  muses  i  pick  because  they  resonate  with  me  in  some  way,  whether  it  be  personality  or  experience  or  the  way  they  view  the  world.
tagged  by:  @sylkshe  &  @slaughtyr tagging:  @sunxsin  , @redemptioninterlude , @h0b1e , @dcmur3  , @cahroline & anyone who wants to swipe !
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bothfeetinthegrave · 7 months
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name — Rabbit is a nickname I've had for around a thousand years. My real name is Rory, or Ro if you prefer that over nicknames. I'm not choosy.
pronouns — he / him
preferred comms — discord works for me around %80 of the time, which is much more reliable than IMs here. My info's in my pinned if you'd like to add me - just let me know who you are!
name of muse — This is Eden Muir's blog, he's an OC / my favourite dead guy. My other writing blog @belovedcorvid, where I will probably reblog this, is for Donquixote Rocinante.
experience in RP — I've been writing on this site for around 11-12 years, across a few different URLs.
best experiences — I don't really have a specific best experience, it's hard to compare interactions because they're so different. I do want to mention though that I have never been included in as friendly and immediately accepting of a writing community as I have with OP, both here and on Cora's blog.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — I don't have a lot - I'm a pretty chill guy and the people I interact with are really considerate. I guess if I had to pick something, it's when another person continues an ask without moving it to a new thread? And even that feels really silly to sit down and write out like this.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — No smut here, at least not so far - not really my thing. Between the other two, no real preference. Why not both? We can have hurt/comfort as a treat. I'd actually like to write some more shippy things, but I'm slow and not good at recognising when that's possible.
plot or memes — I find plotting to be easier with people I've interacted with a bit already, so I guess I would say memes.
long or short replies — Too long replies I get wordy. OTL I always want to do dialogue only or short replies because I wish I was faster, but they never stay that way. You never have to match me, and if you ever want me to focus in / make something easier to reply to, let me know!
best time to write — My schedule's wild, so right now the stars have to align in the following way: evenings on days where I haven't been on triage team all day, and don't have tabletop. This usually means mid-week and sundays.
are you like your muse — There's a fair bit of me in Eden, just because I think that's the nature of character creation for many people.
I am like Cora because I too am barely keeping my shit together and would like a cigarette.
tagged by: @isutoburu ♡ tagging: @byanyan @intothewildsea @vanishinq @rubctosis @cmdrace @taiixuan and @ anyone else that would like to fill this out, just say I tagged you! I have no idea anymore who's done this one and who hasn't so if I've tagged you and You've already done it I'm sorry. OTL
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wlwhq · 6 months
hey babies! i am home from my trip! this weekend was awesomely wild - ran a 5k (my first one!!!), ate some delicious snacks, rode some amazing rides, and made some cool memories! not sure when i will get to go back when i normally visit dland two or three times a year, so this was a great way to round out my fav vacation and start 2024 off right.
under the cut are some changes to my activity and how i plan on operating this blog ooc. nothing crazy! but i wanted to keep you all in the loop. i should really make a rules page, maybe i will do that, but in the meantime, ill link this post to my pinned and then you can read it whenever. love u babes
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starting with my next adventure in life - i am going back to school starting this week, taking four hugely important classes so i can apply to a rad tech program this summer. basically, if you thought i was slow before (which I am), i am about to get even slower and most likely be dropping things that sit for too long. i am also going to suspend discord writing/rping for the time being, as i already have little to no motivation to get logged onto there when my tumblr drafts get as high as they do.
i am going to be making a point of prioritizing the tumblr replies that (in no particular order) 1) come from people i have befriended and spoken to/plotted with ooc, 2) have been longstanding and either are about to be wrapped up or have a feasible end point, 3) have just been started for me or were plotted/started while i was away (whether things are kept up once the vibe is felt up will be figured out as i go), and 4) i am personally excited about replying to.
im telling ya, it’s going to be a rough semester and i am anticipating my activity going from slow to possibly nonexistent at times. #4 on that list above is most important to me, as this is a hobby and i want to come here as a definite stress reliever & not let it add to my stress. the easiest way to make me feel #4 about our threads or ships or interactions, whatever you wanna call them, is by doing #1. cannot promise fast ooc responses either, but they will definitely be faster than replies. this is not me becoming a “private” multimuse, just a gentle encouragement that if you want “quicker” replies from me from here on out, id prefer that we talk ooc and become friendly if we aren’t already - if you want your replies to not sit as long!
i am sooososos sorry to spring long paragraphs on you time and time again, but i am trying to not disappoint anyone, hurt any feelings, or deter anyone who wants to write with me. in order for me to keep my sanity for the next few months, changing the way that i run this blog is essential. i understand if you want to either drop threads, unfollow, or break the mutual if you’re reading this and are not thrilled about it. i want you to make your dash what you want to make it, the same way i have done with mine! please feel free to message me if you're wanting to be one of those "primary" blogs that i devote my energy to replying to. chances are if you think you are one of them, you are, but still.
tldr; i love you all to the moon and back and this isn't goodbye!!! i shall still be around, just devoting my energy to the things that i have the most muse for because they are plotted out/fangirled about/loved down ooc as well as ic. <3
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tammarp · 1 year
hello! im looking for a spiderverse rp :) recently saw across the spiderverse and this whole franchise has been on my brain nonstop ever since. all my rules, preferences, characters, etc will be listed below :) please give it a read before dming me!!
not a lot, just bear with me lol
- for literacy, preferably literate to adv lit, though i can match anything up to novella. as long as you send at least a 2-3 paragraphs, im fine! responses that go beyond like 3 messages' worth will take longer for me to type, though, so please keep that in mind.
- please be at least 17+, i won't rp romance with anyone younger than that
- my average response time for the summer is at least once per day! most likely ill reply faster than that, especially if im into the plot lol, but yeah. id prefer if you don't ghost for weeks with no answer–just tell me if you're gonna be away for a while! no big deal, just keep me informed. if you don't say anything for over a week, ill probably leave 👍 you can feel free to message me again, i just don't like holding on to inactive chats
- no smut :) just not into it. down for romance/make outs/etc but not full smut. fade to black is totally fine though 💪
- i would LOVE to move to discord!! please!!! the notification problem is killing me!!
- i really prefer bxb or nbxb with me playing the boy, but i might be willing to gxb depending on the character :) just ask
OKAYY fun stuff now :)
pairings!!: (who ill play) ✨=PLEASE
- miguel x peter b ✨ ✨ (miguel preferably but im willing to try peter because i want to do this soo bad)
- hobie x miles (miles)
- hobie x pavitr (pav)
- gwen x miles (miles)
- pavitr x gayatri (pav)
- oc x oc (mayybe)
- others, just ask!
characters ill playy
- miguel (omgg dying to play him) ✨✨
- miles (learning!! but looking for practice)
- pavitr (happy to play! but again still practicing lol)
- others are fine too, just ask! chances are ill be down
just interact (like, reply, etc) or dm me if you're interested!! thanks :))
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cahrolinehasmoved · 1 year
get to know the author⋯
name:  charli
pronouns:  she/her
preference  of  communication:  discord  all  the  way,  i'm  slow  as  all  hell,  but  i  promise  i  get  to  messages  there  so much faster than the ims here.
most  active  muse(s):  just caroline. i have an archangel azrael ( azrahel ) but i put her on semi hiatus until i can actually feel like doing things on her blog.
experience / how  many  years:  been on this hellsite since 2011. so . . . . 12 years lol . somthin' like that.
best  experience:  meeting  my  friends.  hands  down. 
rp  pet  peeves:  people stealing shit such as graphics, writing ( i LITERALLY just went through this on azrael... ) and any other stuff. not reading my rules and my muse's information ( every day...on caroline. at this point, i ignore. bitchy, i know but whew...its all over my blog basically ), and people rushing me for replies. i am slow...but i am trying.
plots  or  memes:  memes  bc  they  help  me  with  plotting!
long  or  short  replies:  medium - longer length replies. sometimes ya girl rambles on and on.
are  you  like  your  muse(s):  in A LOT of ways, yeah. i really related to caroline the most as a teen tbh. and still, somewhat now with the whole insecurity stuff and all. but also, we both have a fiery personality. i think that's one reason i can maintain muse for her a lot more than any other muse? because like . . . . writing her, the words, actions, etc comes naturally ? and like i feel like i can get into her headspace fairly easy. idk if any of this makes any sense lmao. tagged by: @chmerical <3 tagging: @flesheaten , @fuckedprophet , @theirhorrorstories , @biigscene and YOU !
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cori-rps · 2 years
BRINGING THIS BACK BC I CAN. hi! i’m cori. i’d love to find a few chill rp partners! i’ll start by saying that i only write on discord. i also cannot reply every day. so if you’re looking for someone who will consistently reply to threads 15 times a day, that’s not me. HOWEVER i love, love to talk headcanons and about our ships on the daily in between replies! also love text threads. i usually reply to those daily. full disclosure, i can be a little flakey. i have a full time job and a life. i love rp, but it’s not my number 1 priority. if we’ve tried plotting before, if we have a dead server, etc. feel free to reach out again!!
i’m also 29, so i’d prefer rp partners who are 23+, just because i’m more comfortable with people closer to my age. looking for some chill stuff, where we can try a plot/thread or two together and see if we vibe. if we do, let’s add more stuff! if we don’t, no hard feelings. we just might not be the writing partner for each other. you can always tell me if you’re not feeling something, and i ask that you be receptive if i do the same.
i generally create a new muse for every plot i do. that’s just how i roll. but if you have a pre-established muse that you think would work for any plots, i’m more than happy to write against any of your muses! i also LOVE mumus/having multiple plots in the same universe. i love real life plots, i love creating fantasy universes, i love scifi, horror, angst, fluff... literally anything. i’m open to nsfw themes as well as long as we talk about everything beforehand. i’m not crazy about smut, so if you love it, i'm probably not for you. i'm down for some darker themes, but absolutely NO rape/other SA, abuse, grooming, student/teacher, or incest.
i’ll write m/m and m/f. i’m open to f/f, it just doesn’t tend to be my favorite! always here for platonic things also!!! i do have a preference for playing men, but would prefer if you played both because i do like playing women also! i’ll play muses anywhere from 21 to 100. (maybe that’s an exaggeration, but i love older muses so come at me.)
below the cut i’ll list some faces i love as well as ships and plots i’d love to do! i’m 100% not limited to these things!!! but if you’re curious as to what i like or if you want a jumping off point to start plotting, it might be helpful for you!!
like this if you’re interested and i’ll reach out via IM!!! or if you see anything below that catches your eye, feel free to just IM me as well! (you’ll get a response faster from me if you IM me first!) 
i generally prefer to pick a plot THEN a face, but just to get an idea of the kinds of faces i usually go for, here’s a list! this is NOT an exhaustive list, and you will likely hear me suggest people who are not on this list. i’m also not picky AT ALL about who i play against. 
( plots )
- books i’d love to do plots based on: red, white & royal blue!!!! (i actually have a muse for this who i’d love to use soz. would do movie faces or our own), anything based on the grishaverse (especially SoC), the house in the cerulean sea, falling kingdoms, OCs set in the shadowhunter universe (tho tbh i might be open to playing an older matthew fairchild or an older kit rook???), all for the game, the raven cycle, the winner’s trilogy, the lunar chronicles, IT (eddie x richie bc i’m trash?), the crown’s game, the night circus, an ember in the ashes, the kiss of deception, the song of achilles. tbh you don’t even have to have read any of them i can just scream the plot at you lol
- would highkey LOVE some type of poly plot
- absolutely a n y t h i n g enemies to lovers. especially if it’s like slowburn enemies to friends to lovers. pls. 
- SPORTSSSS. i’m absolute trash for hockey and baseball. (but will do any sports honestly.) gimme figure skater/hockey player. give me teammates secretly crushing on each other/hooking up after the game but no homo/etc. give me rivals. olympics. two people competing for a captain spot. anything with sports.
- fake. freaking. DATING. (or fake married or anything like that!!) any kind. in any plot. in any scenario. can’t promise not to cry if we also include the only one bed trope bc i don’t care how often i see it, i consider it literary genius every damn time i encounter it.
- i live for friends to lovers. especially if they’re both really dumb and if it’s gay.
- college?? sororities?? frats??
- i love any sort of crime plot. mob. mafia. anything like that. anyone remember the show eye candy? highkey want a plot based on that too. 
- royalty anything. real life or fantasy.
- BODYGUARD PLOTS. bodyguard x first son/daughter. bodyguard x royalty. bodyguard celeb. (or just anything with oc celebs.) i would literally give you my firstborn child for richard madden x brandon flynn in a bodyguard x client plot 
- historical plots!! literally from any era. i just love history ok.
- stuff with older muses! a couple of divorcees. single parents. i’m down for age gaps as long as the younger person isn’t TOO young (so probably 25+ depending, just dont be gross). i also highkey want to do a younger man x older woman plot PLS
- anything in my ( plots ) tag!!
adeline rudolph, aisha dee, amber stevens west, anya taylor-joy, aslihan malbora, benedetta porcaroli, brianne howey, bruna marquezine, chloe bailey, cindy kimberly, constance wu, dove cameron, dua lipa, eiza gonzalez, ester expósito, geraldine viswanathan, halle bailey, january jones, josefine frida pettersen, katheryn winnick, kristine froseth, lovie simone, madelyn cline, maia mitchell, marilyn lima, meg donnelly, natalia dyer, paulina singer, precious mustapha, rachel hilson, romi van renterghem, ryan destiny, samantha logan, sofia bryant, tessa thompson, veerle dejaeger, yara shahidi.
( faces )
aaron paul, alex fitzalan, anthony mackie, aron piper, axel auriant, bill skarsgard, charlie gillespie, cody christian, dacre montgomery, dev patel, diego luna, dylan sprayberry, eli brown, felix mallard, freddie thorpe, freddy carter, hero fiennes-tiffin, isaiah mustafa, jamie campbell bower, joel kinnaman, jonathan daviss, lorenzo zurzolo, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, matthew daddario, maxence danet-fauvel, oscar isaac, nick robinson, rege-jean page, rudy pankow, suraj sharma, taron egerton, thomas doherty, timothee chalamet, tom holland, zethphan smith gneist.
you can also look through my ( faces ) tag for more ideas! but honestly, i’m open to a lot!! 
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unprocione · 1 year
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✦ 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖉 ✦ 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖌𝖑𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖈 ✦ 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗 ✦ 𝖕𝖗��𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘  ✦ 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖘 ✦ 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖘 ✦ 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 ✦ 𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙  ✦ 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ✦ 𝖛𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖘 ✦ 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖘 ✦ 𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
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01. unprocione is an independent, selective, & mutuals-only roleplay blog for leon scott kennedy from the resident evil / biohazard series, operating in eastern standard timezone with headcanon-based characterization mainly taken from resident evil 2 & resident evil 6. this blog was established in june of 2022, and mentions triggering and mature themes to be expected from the resident evil / biohazard series. this is not a space intended for those under eighteen years of age and i'm only comfortable interacting with those above eighteen years. i prioritize those i follow back and plot with when it comes to interactions. i'm a very private man who is easily burnt out from social interaction and my offline life has been a stressful endeavor recently. my reply times are not guaranteed to remain consistent whether through roleplay or through out of character conversation but i'm making an effort to the best of my abilities right now - there is absolutely no pressure on you to match my reply length or to reply faster at any time.
02. i'm still pretty new to the resident evil series & rpc, the series as a whole is older than i am, so i feel it goes without saying that i am not exactly a lore encyclopedia. i'm always learning and always happy to be informed if i make an error with the timeline or with the behaviors of a character, feel free to correct me so long as your criticism is constructive and polite!
03. i'm not shy about using my block button. i don't deal well with people who post indirects or passive-aggressive comments often, and i don't tolerate people who are involved in consistent drama. i don't harbor bad feelings towards anyone after i've blocked them, but i'm protective of my personal space and my writing as a low-pressure creative outlet and i'm doing my utmost to keep it healthy for me.
04. i tend not to soften resident evil as a series in terms of the triggering material already present in violent gore or accumulated trauma, but i'm also not going to force others into uncomfortable situations and ruin the fun. i tag everything that i can think of, and if you read something in my writing that makes you uncomfortable, contact me and i will tag it for you without prying further. please always keep open communication with me about triggering topics so i can steer clear of them in our writing altogether, i don't see myself in any position to judge what anyone's going through and i would prefer to avoid rough situations entirely than cause you any difficulty in our mutual hobby. there's discussion of advanced post-traumatic stress disorder on this blog, the origins some of which are stemming from childhood. i go into expansion on long-term and repeatedly reopened survivor's guilt. also present, are themes of loss of self-control, hallucination, addiction, and extensive mention of dehumanization as a government agent and asset of the united states defense industry.
05. i'm open to writing romantic relationships with leon, but i don't consider leon an easy man to love with his career and difficulties and i write him as such. i don't want to neglect the complicated and messy intricacy of him. i only write romantic relationships with people who i've spoken to out of character and have plotted with beforehand, i don't enjoy pre-established romantic scenarios if i don't already have an established ideal of what leon and your muse are like in non-romantic interactions prior. i, myself, am a gay man, and so i'm more comfortable writing leon also as a gay man, as it comes more naturally and comfortably for me. i will not be interacting with muses who are blood-related children of leon's, or writing with those who treat homosexuality or experienced homophobia as fetish-material. if you write a female muse from the resident evil series who are usually romantically involved with leon, such as claire redfield or ada wong, please keep in mind leon will not be attracted to either of them further than platonically, but i still handle those bonds as intensely as any romantic relationship.
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xxunnanaxx · 11 months
when people ask me how i learn things, i really like to rely on a certain phrase.
"being bad is something you can be good at."
and it might invite replies like "easier said than done, you make it look easy" or "oh good im always bad" but i don't mean it like that!
Being new and unfamiliar with something is frustrating and sometimes humiliating. When you're "Good at being bad," you understand what it *means* to be new to something.
You lack information, how to use your tools, and *how* to use them. When learning anything new, it's important to remind your brain of a few very key things;
Struggling is not a moral failing. "Failing faster" is how you gather information and breeds experimentation. Our education systems tend to instill a habit of overblowing the consequences of "failure," and the sooner you become comfortable with trial-and-error, the more useful it becomes.
"Talent" doesn't exist. Anyone that picks up anything easy isn't just built different. Every activity requires skill, some might be transferable. Sometimes people will pick up something that relies on skills they built somewhere else.
Reach out for information. Have you ever experienced someone asking about something you like, and you're super excited to talk about it? It's way more common than you think, and showing a bit of vulnerability invites those types to you. Sometimes people will just put tutorials out to the world, and discords exist for different hobbies!
Finally, take breaks when needed. If you push through too much at once, you can burn yourself out and absorb information slower. Getting nowhere? Sleep on it! Your brain processes information automatically, and a fresher mind might see something new right away.
With a bit of practice, trying new things can go from scary to fun, and over time you'll pick up little skills that can even carry into other things! In my own experience...
"I could never draw. I mean, I could try anyway..." "I could never get into fighting games. Wait, this is fun actually!" "I could never learn music theory. Oh, this isn't so bad!" "I could never learn gui- wait, this sounds familiar..." "I want to learn programming. I can totally give it a try!"
Of course, your methods and rationalization will vary, and it might be harder for some than others. But after getting a dozen friends into fighting games, I can say from experience that you could very much surprise yourself if you can give it a try and stay calm through the first few days of "Auuugh! I don't get it at all!"
Finally, and I'm sorry to drag you into this, reader's friends:
Invite people to suffer with you! Making something social out of it is a great way to keep your mind off the more frustrating parts, even if they're just hanging out while you study. But if you can create a group of study buddies, you'll always either be ahead and get to reinforce your understanding by helping friends, or have someone ahead of you that you trust to help *you* understand, someone that knows you better than a tutorial on youtube. This one's last because it's the least necessary, but it's what often helps me.
That's most of the advice I have. Sorry about the wall of text, I just wanted a place that has all of my advice about this put together. This little rant is vague on purpose because it's more about mindset than actionable steps *to* learning, that's something that'll come when you decide what you want to learn. It's impossible to guess how everyone learns, and how everything *is* learned, but hopefully this will make someone try.
And remember...
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n0fa0e · 2 years
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NAME: Jazz
PRONOUNS: she/her (but I have been called he/him because of the characters i've played so either is fine.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord! I use Tumblr IM just for the fastest contact when someone follows. But anyone can ask for my discord at anytime or I'll just add you.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ma-lin, Lilith, Ru-Gin, Rickie, Roseline Jr, Jester.
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS): Christ- does anyone remember Bebo? That site is no longer up but i moved from that to, to a fan made website for pandora hearts, to here on tumblr. So a LOONG ass time.
BEST EXPERIENCE: I have 3- One with a tokyo ghoul rper. Who clear read the assigment and fucking got me and my muses. Loved them to death I hope their doing good. Second was @sosordid whore disappeared for a decade and I message them out of the blue and we reconnected. Made one of the most thought provoking muses. Literal husband material! I never thought i would have a muse connectiom that I would put on the red string of fate timeline. I can always see these two character connecting. Even if they are in their divcore arc. Thridly the one time I no life a canon character. I had one of the most toxic character relationships. An I loved every minute of it. @illholy is a good bean I love judith and all their muses they create.
It really comes down to the mun connection that can make or break interactions. Although i'm akward once there a click that can make the muse interaction even better.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: if you don't match my energy. There is nothing that kills my vibe faster than the clear realization someone is not as interested in an RP as you. But also it's on fair if someone isn't interest just say so. Only smut is a deal deal breaker, idk why people are so horny here.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT?: I have never written fluff in my life. But I'm mostly up for anything// smut not so much it really really depends.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'ma be real- I kinda like rolling off the cuff without plots. Some of the best interaction I've had have been no plot related.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Long or short doesn't matter.
BEST TIME TO WRITE?: Night. I shove everything into que when no ones around.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: mm I don't think so? It's more like each character share some form of trauma that allows them to be easier to connect with and write. But never really me?
Tagged by: @sosordid
Tagging: @straye @laplacemail @kitschd @moontraveled @invigilatcr @thronelessking
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drdumaurier · 1 year
name: Kore
pronouns: she/they
preference of communication: discord is easier for me, but IMs work as well
your most active muse: Bedelia without a doubt. She has been the most constant muse I have ever had and in a few months I will have written her for 10 years.
experience/how long (months, years?): Probably something like 15 years or so, but on tumblr it's around 10 years give or take.
platforms used: forums, twitter, tumblr, discord.
best experience: I cannot really only pick one, but there's something really special about find people with whom you can write in so many settings and AUs. Usually it happens with ships, but it doesn't have to be. Honestly I just love having someone who's as invested as I am in writing and developing ideas. I also have made friends that are now real life friends and this has been one of the most amazing experiences.
rp pet peeves/dealbreakers: Other than the ones listed in my rules, if you don't respect me and/or my muses is definitely a dealbreaker for me. I have had some experience with people wanting to write with me on this blog only to torture Bedelia because it fitted their ships. The disrespect is through the roof. Another thing is starting to ignore me because the person found another ship/another main partner and just drops everything with me. I have no issue with people having other writing partners, it's how it works, but I'm not okay with being dropped like trash because I'm suddenly not interesting anymore. Oh and also if you pressure me to reply faster/accept a ship/write things I'm not comfortable with. Those are a big no from me.
fluff, angst, smut: All three even if I do have a preference for angst. I love the pain, but it also makes the fluff cuter afterwards. As for smut, I think it's fun to write sometimes. I'm not a great smut writer, but it's fun.
plots or memes? Either works for me. Sometimes I feel like plotting is best, especially with pre-established relationships or AUs, but it doesn't have to be a long and detailed plot, just setting the basics is enough for me. As for memes, they are absolutely always welcome. They can be really great for first interactions.
long or short replies? I prefer long replies, but sometimes the brain doesn't allow them and I'll write shorter things (that I usually keep on discord). So both, both is good.
best time to write? At night? I don't know? I write more in the evening, but it's usually because my brain doesn't allow me to write during the day. Honestly it's a bit a case of "when the inspiration hits."
are you like your muse? To some extent, yes. Of course I'm not a short blonde psychiatrist who has killed at least one person and who happens to be the therapist of a cannibal, but personality-wise there are similarities. I also think we both tend to have a façade we show the world and keep our real selves secret to the point it's hard to let anyone see the "real us." So I would say I'm partly like her. I wish I could have her confidence, even if some of it is faked.
tagged by: @dutyworn (thank you!) tagging: do it and say I tagged you!
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akuzeisms · 1 year
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NAME: Sera/Seraphina
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IMs, or Discord if you have my Discord. I don't give out my discord openly, only to those I chat regularly with on Tumblr. You're welcome to ask, but understand that I may say no until a later date when I feel comfortable doing so.
NAME OF YOUR MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): Ashley (at virmireisms) & Katrina (on this blog). I'm also relatively active on Miranda (solheimisms) and Alisa (furyisms) as well. I check all 4 blogs regularly, usually a few times a day, but I check from Ashley's most often (and usually only hop over to the other blogs to either do replies or send memes directly from their blogs).
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): I've been roleplaying since 2006 or so, so I've got well over 15 years. However, I have only been on tumblr since late 2021 or so, specifically in the Mass Effect fandom since February 2022.
PLATFORMS YOU'VE USED: Email, Userplane/Cbox/Chatango (yeeeears ago), forums, Twitter (and I will never go back), and Tumblr. I've also dabbled in D&D a bit, though I haven't played in years (only played 3.5 and 5e, and my last experiences were... unpleasant to say the least, so I'm hesitant to play again unless it's with IRL friends).
BEST EXPERIENCE: Honestly? Joining Tumblr. That's not to say I haven't met a few unpleasant people (who hasn't?) but for the most part, it feels good to have my creativity respected and given the love it deserves. I felt like on other platforms a lot of that was dying out, but it seems in general on Tumblr people actually love that kind of thing. It's refreshing. It feels amazing to have people that I can talk to regularly about our muses and just have fun with.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Multiple spacing on replies (around punctuation to separate it a little is fine, but every word is a no-go) because it causes me eyestrain. Tiny icons (same reason tbh). Excessively formatted replies (it's distracting to me/detracts from the writing). Also, people who don't fill out my interest tracker, especially if I fill out THEIRS. I don't mind if you take the time to interact with me and don't fill it out (& some people have it listed in their rules that they don't and that's fine) but my blogs aren't follow-for-follow. I want to interact if I follow. I assume you've read my rules, & if you don't fill it out, you've chosen to ignore my rules, and that is a problem. You're certainly not obligated to interact with all of my blogs, but at least one of them.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: All of the above. I'd say it goes in the order of angst (I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort tbh), smut, and fluff. However, I like there being kind of a mix of things, like a sort of ebb and flow; I can't handle just straight, constant angst; there needs to be breakpoints in the thread to make it flow more naturally, because if there's just too much of one thing, it becomes repetitive and boring.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both. If we're writing muses from the same verse and/or you have a Mass Effect AU, then memes are great, but if you don't have one/don't know a lot I do prefer plots just to hash something out and have something to work with, and then we can go from there. I like having a general idea of how our muses know each other or would interact to work from for sending memes so that we're kind of on the same page.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Medium to long. Short replies (1-2 lines) I find very difficult to reply to because there's so little to work with. Medium (2-3 paragraphs average, I'd say) is fine to me, though I'll admit I prefer long. As long as it's within 2-5 paragraphs, that's honestly my comfort zone. I tend to reply to longer threads faster than I do short threads.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late at night. I'm a night owl, so I'm that person who'll crank out a bunch of things into the queue in a 2-3 hour timespan from like... 9pm to 12am. Sometimes I can get up early and do a few, but late at night is where I thrive.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Not really. My muses are influenced/like me in small ways, like... Ashley's favourite flower is dahlias because I really like dahlias, she likes yogurt parfaits because I like yogurt parfaits, but it's generally small things like that which I can relate to. Personality-wise, no, they're not like me.
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TAGGED BY: @pessimistics TAGGING: @frstwomn @wcsea @diewithaname @inadxquacy & anyone who'd like to steal!
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✿  name : Timmy
✿  pronouns :  she/her
✿  preference of communication :  discord! I reply to Tumblr IMs when I can, but they tend to get buggy on me after a while - plus, I forget to re-check them if I open up the notifications.
✿  name of muse(s) :  Signe Grimhilt; when I have the energy (which is rare), I write Diluc sometimes over at @phoenexianoctua
✿  experience/how long (months/years?) :  middle school I think! I started out on tumblr, then lost interest for a while, then came back in college! So all in all, about 11-12 years!
✿  platforms you’ve used :  I’ve only really used tumblr and discord. Sometimes friends and I would have rps over text threads though!
✿  best experience :  back when I was in my previous fandom, I had a friend of mine (who is still here! @abysalalchemist) who was really sweet about building with me and my characters. We decided to make our OCs cousins at the time, and they were very excited about it, which encouraged me quite a bit! We still make our OCs family where they fit; Signe and his OC, Dearin, are actually cousins as well!
✿  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers : I definitely think too much of a focus on drama is a dealbreaker for me. It almost always evolves into something much larger and more hurtful than need be. We’re all here to have fun! I also tend to back away from people who pressure me to go faster with replies. A reminder or two is fine, but if it happens repeatedly on less than cordial terms, I’ll probably drop the thread.
✿  fluff, angst, or smut :  I’ll write all three! I lean towards fluff because it’s just very feel-good writing after a long day of work, but the other two have their draw as well (with the right partner). If someone comes to me with a plot for an angsty thread or if two of our muses have good chemistry, the gears in my head start turning and it is usually quite easy for me to write.
✿  plots or memes :  memes! I still like plotted threads, but memes give me something to work with and a scenario already thought of. Of course, certain plots are REALLY easy for me to run with, so in those scenarios, plotted threads work better (like that Khaenri’ah AU I mentioned earlier).
✿  long or short replies : both for sure! My energy is limited after work due to the amount of hours I tend to take on (I’m a barista at a large green commercial coffee chain), so on those days, shorter replies work way better for my mushy brain. I try my best not to, but I actually gravitate towards partners who will run with my short, silly goofy replies when it comes to my longer threads, just because I know a bit more about our muses’ relationship. Regardless, I try to match the length of my partners’ replies if I can, and replies of any length will usually cheer up my day and make me smile :)
✿  best time to write :  I will usually write on my breaks or when I get home from work after a hot bath. I guess the steam gets the brain juices flowing!
✿  are you like your muse(s) :  I think so! Signe is a lot more outgoing than I am (and also a lot more chaotic). I think I gave her a lot of my dedication when it comes to work and my interest in learning new things.
tagged by : @sungracd (thank you!!)
tagging: you!
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