#i remember seeing a mod that switched all of black mage's spells to water/stone/aero- thats her vibe
seaseren · 11 months
Thinking about combining a couple character concepts. A padjal girl born into a prominent Gridanian family, who were very proud to have a padjali daughter and happily gave her up to the Fane, although they often visited her and maaaaybe spoiled her a bit more than they were "supposed" to. When Chiaki and their mom came to Eorzea, the two kids became very good friends, since the Padjal had always been at least curious about the world outside the Twelveswood. After the Calamity, however, she became more and more frustrated with the state of Gridania and how little she could actually do, chafing against the rules and restictions and how she would get in trouble for arguing back against her elders, even when they were wrong. The last straw was when her mother, who had been impregnated just before the Calamity and lost her husband and other children in the disaster, gave birth to another Padjali child. Although it destroyed her mother to give up her baby and last family member, she had no choice but to peacefully give up the child. The padjali girl got into an argument with the other padjal, who probably viewed the situation as "sad, but nessecary", and ran away to become an adventurer, hoping to find a way to actually help people with the Elemental's Blessing. (She considered asking Chiaki to come along, but at the time they were still way too sick to leave the care of the Conjurer's Guild). Unfortunately for her, the adventurer's life is perhaps far less rosey and full of do-gooding than she initially hoped.
Now I just need to come up with names for her and her mom... (I think Chiaki ended up keeping her mom company a lot. She lost her kids, Chiaki lost their own mom, it makes sense).
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