#i really wish my insurance covered massage therapy but also i'm seriously considering just paying for it myself
madmaryholiday · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if going to the chir0practor as a teen/young adult made my neck pain/headaches worse. cos they did the thing where they crank your head to the side and pop your neck, and it almost always gave me an instant headache. but i've had headaches daily since i was in elementary school, so it never occurred to me that this might be a NEW bad thing.
and these days, most of my headaches feel like tension headaches specifically related to pain/tension in my neck muscles. and no matter what pillow i use or what position i sleep in or what exercises/stretches i do, it never seems to get better.
note: i'm NOT asking for advice. i'm just wondering aloud whether my attempts to deal with back pain might have inadvertently made other chronic pain worse in the long term. especially knowing that that specific type of neck adjustment at the chir0practor is way more hazardous than i thought back then.
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