#i really fucking wanted to get a zoro. but i didn't bc i am leaving the country soon and i didn't have money.
realboutfatalfury · 2 years
oh also saw soooo many figures yesterday at the mall. i'm glad i don't have much money in my wallet bc if i did i might've bought one.
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Zoro x Fem Reader FLUFF JEALOUSLY HUMOR!!! Zoro is always busy that he rarely ever goes on dates or hangs out with S/O. Sure, S/O always treats him like massages or cleans his training room etc, but it doesn’t help that Zoro doesn’t want to be teased. One day, to cope with loneliness, S/O makes a plushie of Zoro to keep her company! She’s more happier and playful afterwards so she barely misses Zoro! Zoro gets some free time one day and gets rejected bc S/O is playing with Chopper and plushie!
Sup Bitches I’m back from the dead. Not really lmao but I am still alive and I finished off this draft today so here.
🍶TW’s : loneliness, Zoro being dumb, swearing, sappy OOC Zoro (fight me).
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Your hand jerked away from the needle as you pricked your finger again making this stupid plushie. You loved it, yes, and you knew it would be well-used, but that didn't change the fact that it was a pain in the ass (fingers) to make. You swore under your breath as you sucked the small injury, glaring at the offending needle.
"Whatcha makin?" Usopp sidled beside you, his nose poking into your personal space. You grunted before sighing heavily.
"A plushie."
"A green one?"
"Mmmhmm. Zoro's been...." you trailed off as you tried to come up with a better way of saying that you felt as if he was too busy for you.
"He's been training a lot" Usopp finished for you. You nodded sullenly, shaking out the cramping of your fingers. Usopp hummed in understanding.
"Well for what it's worth, I think it's turning out really well. Maybe you could make plushies of the rest of the crew!" he said with a grin. The compliment made your heart sting with happiness. You hadn't heard one in a while with Zoro so busy, and you returned his grin with a bright one of your own. Determination dulled the ache in your hands as you looked down to your project.
"Why don't you sit outside with us? You can bring that along and enjoy the sun." he offered. You nodded after a second. Spending time around your friends would help the loneliness that had seeped into your bones.
You joined the rest of the crew outdoors, giggling at the way your captain, Usopp, and Chopper all made each other screech through their various antics, joined occasionally by Brook and Franky. Brook tried to ask to see your panties, and even as your foot landed on his skull, a smile curved your lips. You'd forgotten what it was like to spend time with your friends like this, having been so caught up with Zoro being busy.
You made some serious progress on your plushie in between shared jokes and laugher, and by the time you were ready to go to sleep, you were finishing the last stitch by candle light. Zoro was on night watch as usual, leaving you in your shared bedroom by yourself. Again. You sighed, stroking the plushie's face gently like you would your boyfriend's. It felt... comforting- like you could pretend it was his sun kissed skin. Warmth flooded your face as you realized how ridiculous you must have looked. You shook your head, discarding the idea. He had pushed you to this point. Right?
You sighed heavily, the loneliness coming crashing down again as you settled into the cold blankets. You tried to push the thoughts of being alone out of your head as you cuddled the replacement Zoro to your chest.
"Dumbass" you muttered to the plush as you drifted off.
You woke up shockingly refreshed. You hadn't slept that well in a while, not since you were starved of your boyfriend's attention. Dragging the plushie with you, you rose and got dressed before stepping out of the room, almost running directly into a solid wall of muscle. Calloused hands grabbed your shoulders as you stumbled to avoid the sudden obstacle.
"Oi. Careful."
Your heart flipped at the sound of his voice and you whipped your gaze up.
"Zoro!" Your eyes brightened, and a grin puffed your cheeks. You slammed yourself into him, hugging him tightly.
His arms wrapped around you lightly before patting your shoulder as a way of asking you to pull back.
"Whatcha got in your hand?"
Your face heated as you shoved the plushie behind your back, having forgot you still had it with you.
"Umm nothing?"
He raised a single brow.
"Nothing important?" you tried as he backed you into the room step by step. He kicked the door shut without breaking eye contact.
"If it's nothing important why are you hiding it then?" He smirked at you, and you wanted to smack the knowing curve of his mouth off his face.
"...It's embarrassing" you finally mumble, looking to the side. Faster than you could realize, Zoro's arm sped around your waist and yanked the plush from your hands. You gasped, and reached in vain for his hand. He placed one hand on the top of your head as you struggled, keeping you from jumping up to grab it from him.
"Is this... me?"
You groaned in defeat. There was no hiding it anymore.
He chucked heartily, ruffling the top of your head.
"Cute. It can never compare to the real thing though" he teased. You scowled playfully and crossed your arms.
"It's only to keep me company when you're so busy!"
Zoro laughed, flopping down on the bed and tossing you the plush.
"Whatever you say. Now go get some breakfast before curlybrows kicks down this door. I need sleep."
You caught the mini-Zoro with a slightly ache in your chest. Not even a 'love you' or a kiss? You plastered on a happy energy as you walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, you looked at the plush in your arms in defeat, giving it a small forehead kiss to make up for the one the real Zoro had neglected. It helped a little, and you could focus on the short but sweet interaction you had with your boyfriend, even if it wasn't everything you wanted, or needed.
You walked into the dining area with the plush still cradled in your arms. The crew seemed excited to see your skill, asking you to make plushies of all of you. You agreed, with the promise that Nami would let you use more money than your usual allowance to buy the necessary materials.
The day passed as usual with the Strawhats. A mid-morning skirmish with a weak band of pirates gave you a little bit of exercise, with the Monster Trio wanting to blow off steam the most. Nami didn't even bother getting up from her lounge chair, flicking through her fashion magazine. Zoro didn't even talk to you during or after the skirmish, only tossing you a small victory smile as he went straight back to training. You sighed, clutching the plush tightly as you curled up under the tree on the deck with a book. You couldn't focus on the words. You were so used to reading aloud to Zoro while he "napped" beside you that it felt strange to not read aloud. Glancing at the rest of the crew, you got up with a faked yawn and wandered back to your room.
You flopped on the bed, disheartened and bored out of your skull. Your gaze fell on the plush, and you hugged it to your chest before kissing the top of its head.
"At least you're always here"
Your eyes fell on the abandoned book on your blanket. You sighed in embarrassment, but knew it would make you feel better to do it. You picked it up, and began to read aloud to mini Zoro. It felt natural, like he was actually there with you. A smile curved your lips slightly at the familiarity. Maybe... just maybe... it would be okay to let yourself believe that he was spending time with you.
Later that day, Zoro came back to the room exhausted, groaning as he hit the bed. You stroked his freshly showered hair and massaged his shoulders and arms as he fell into a slumber without a word. You swallowed down your disappointment and fell asleep beside him, waking to an empty bed.
The next day felt less lonely, and you didn't notice Zoro's absence as much with the plush by your side. When asked about it, you said you wanted to see how the design would wear before beginning the other crewmate's plush's, and it's not like you minded that it was of your boyfriend. Chopper took particular interest in the plushie, finding it adorable. The two of you played games together, Chopper even considering the plushie the third player you had to play for.
Unbeknownst to you, ever since meeting you for that brief moment in the morning after his nightwatch, Zoro had felt something missing from his life. He couldn't quite put a finger on it, but he did know that when he saw you on the deck cuddling that damn plushie like you loved it, a spike of... something... struck him. It should be him that you were showing affection. Well, it was him technically, but it wasn't at the same time. You were acting like that damn stuffed thing was actually him, instead of a thing. He sucked his teeth before beginning his next set of reps. What the hell was he feeling? You still gave him massages at night and... and... hm... When was the last time we actually spent any time together? ...Shit.
"Okay. Now it's your turn!" Chopper proclaimed as he finished his turn. You took the dice and rolled, moving your character a few spaces and drew a card. Familiar heavy footsteps vibrated the wood underneath you as your boyfriend approached you. You purposely ignored him.
"Okay, now mini-Zoro's turn!" you said cheerfully. Chopper made the plush grab the dice in his small hands and roll them one by one, and handed him a card face up so you could both see what hand he had.
"Oi" he called quietly. Chopper looked up, but you didn't move.
"Oh! real Zoro! Are you done training?"
"For today, yeah."
You interrupted their small chat.
"Chopper your turn" you reminded the small reindeer. Chopper made his turn, pulling ahead of your little character on the board with a small cheer.
You laid down two cards, and rolled the dice.
"Wow, smart move!" Chopper said, moving the mini-Zoro to make him "talk". You giggled.
"Why thank you, Zoro" you said, stressing his name. You felt your boyfriend stiffen behind you. You both knew now you were being petty, and you both knew he really did kind of deserve it. With a sigh, he stood. If that's how you were going to play it, he had to figure out how to make it up to you.
He walked away, thinking. How could he make it up to you? You'd been keeping your shared room tidy despite him just tossing his clothes and things on the floor in exhaustion. You'd massage his muscles on particularly hard days, and even snuck bottles of water near his sake when he was training. In return, he'd basically ignored you without explanation, exchange a few words here and there but there wasn't even any physical affection besides that brief hug when you'd literally stumbled into him.
You needed something special for dealing with him these last few weeks. He'd need some help from that damn cook, but for you, he'd do anything. He stalked towards the kitchen, slamming open the door. The blonde hardly flinched, glancing back with a glower.
"I need food."
"You can fuckin wait for dinner."
Zoro swallowed back an insult he crossed his arms and leaned his elbows on the counter, staying well out of the kitchen.
"'s not for me" he mumbled.
"No? Did Luffy send you again? I told that damn glutton to wait just 5 minutes for a snack"
"Wha- No! It's for her."
Sanji turned around with an evil smirk.
"Oh, finally realize you were neglecting your girlfriend, and now you're trying to suck up to her with my food?"
"Damn ero-cook. Fine! I'll figure something else out!" Zoro snapped at the blonde. Sanji sucked his teeth.
"Calm your man tits, Marimo. I'll do it for her, not your dumb fuckin ass." He turned around and started to take out ingredients for your favorite dessert.
Zoro breathed deeply, nodding at the cook's back once before stalking out of the kitchen.
You felt a little bad about being so petty to Zoro earlier. Did he deserve it? Yes. Well... Maybe? He was really busy, and a partnership wasn't always 50-50, not when one person can't give as much as they want to a relationship when they're so busy with something. You just wished he could tell you he was going to be busy so he couldn't give you the attention he usually did.
You sighed, looking down at the plushie in your arms. You wished you were the one being held, or that you were holding a warm, living, breathing being you loved in your arms. Walking back to your shared room from dinner you gnawed on your lip, concerned. Zoro wasn't at dinner. Did you go too far? No. He would've called you out right there and then if you had. So why-
Your body froze in the doorway, hand still resting on the handle. Soft light echoed through the room, pillows and blankets scattered into soft piles with a tray full of your favorite dessert nestled between them. One soft mound was occupied by your favorite swordsman, shirtless and in grey sweats lounging easily with a furrow on his face. He looked up quickly as the door opened, slowly getting to his feet.
"Umm. Yeah. I uh... I'm sorry for neglecting you, and we should... spend time? um. Together. Spend time together. For you. I mean to make it up to you."
"...oh. I'd uh... really like that" your smile started small and embarrassed, and grew into a bright grin as he held out his arms for a hug.
You looked at them for a second before leaping at him and slamming your body against his, wrapping your arms around him. His grunt turned into a breathless chuckle as he caught you. You breathed in his scent, took in the warm skin under your hands, the beating of his heart. He nosed your temple before landing a kiss on it.
“Don’t let me get away with that shit again, got it? Come beat my ass if I ever start to take you for granted again. You’re… everything to me.”
You pulled back and met his gaze, eyes shining with emotional wonder.
“I’ll beat your ass so hard” you promised cheekily. He snorted.
His calloused palm scratched pleasantly against your skin as the fingers of one hand curled around the side and back of your neck, thumb brushing your cheekbone. You leaned into the touch greedily, drinking up the attention like sand soaks up water. His face was closer.
“I promise” you whisper, eyes flicking between his gaze and his lips. A small smirk curls one end of his mouth, making your breath hitch. He noticed.
Zoro was a man who never apologized with words, believing that actions are much more important than honeyed words. His kiss conveys it. His chapped lips mold to yours tenderly, lovingly. He was warm, his breath hot. His hand on your face held you to him, while his other wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to his body.
You thought of all the loneliness he had caused you, how little he communicated, and how frustrating he was. How he seemed to care more for training than your relationship, and therefore about you. Yet you couldn’t have it any other way. He drove you mad because he slashed a way into your life and heart that could never be filled by anything or anyone else. You loved him.
Fuck, I love him.
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loguetowns · 1 year
Hi! I got into the One Piece fandom bc of OPLA and fell in love with OPLA Zoro lol. I then checked out the anime and found your animanga Zoro fics and they’re so cute, I’ve loved reading them :)
Would love to know your thoughts on OPLA too!
in the iconic words of lola tung, oh my goodness i love this question!!
firstly, i hope you've been having fun exploring the world of one piece!! i feel like getting into a new fandom can be so overwhelming sometimes. with that said, i am absolutely tickled that my fics have been feeding your zoro crush ♡
as for my opinions on opla, was it the most artful masterpiece in the world? no. but did it set out to do everything it wanted to do? yes. did it make me wholly content and leave my heart full? absolutely!!
i'm gonna add my detailed thoughts below (bc there's so many lol) but i will say that i think it was a success!
i'm not sure what the general animanga fandom's thoughts were on opla but for myself, i tried going into it with as little comparison/expectation from the original material as possible and i think that's why i liked it so much. i remember reading that the team's two goals were to honor existing fandom and also bring one piece to a new audience, and they totally did that!!
on the production itself, i think the team did the best with the budget they were given. it's a netflix show, not a hollywood production. certain effects and post-production weren't flawless, but i can 100% appreciate where they chose to spend their money. the choice to focus on character design and setting helped to bring the world of one piece to life in a way where it doesn't feel corny seeing it as a live action, ya kno?
storytelling wise, i can understand why they chose to keep what they kept and where they took out material/story. the essence of each arc was kept and the fact that they were able to introduce new plot and keep the core story intact within 8 episodes was a huge win.
it's funny because syrup village and baratie are two arcs that i don't care for but i adored them in opla. i also didn't even realize until after i finished watching that the buggy arc was so different from the original but i think that speaks to how well it was done!
i also like that they brought in this little side story of coby, garp and the marines. coby was an effective tool to explain the world of op to newer audience members, and the dichotomy between good vs. bad and whether lawful = good was set up really well in a short series because you had this marine subplot.
and then, of course, the characters ♡ the cast of opla has my whole fucking heart fr!! i already knew i was going to love mackenyu!zoro as soon as i saw his concept photos. but what surprised me was how much i fell in love with opla!sanji and usopp! they are so delightfully adorable and i have big crushes on them now.
the other standout thing for me is that i think the cast did a wonderful job at capturing the east blue crew's initial innocence and wonder. after following the strawhats for so long, i forget how much they've grown since the beginning. like, they really were just a bunch of teen dreamers who were given permission to be free by this weird kid in a strawhat.
for me, i don't see it as the opla competing with the animanga, but rather it's another version of the same story that i can love as much as the original ♡
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swordsmans · 2 years
I neeeeeeed to know about "luffy slips into an alternate timeline/dimension where he "died" instead of sabo and meets an older ace/sabo" I live for stuff like this please
sorry this took me so long! i. didn't realize you had sent an ask rip (that stupid sanji post has annihilated my activity page im in hell)
omg this one is actually one that i'm least likely to actually write because it has the potential to be Long (as you can see with the giant outline), but i wanted to kind of play around with the idea of luffy-less world in the post-timeskip era, because i really like time travel/redo fics where everyone is better/stronger but i think it would be NEAT if the straw hats had to fix things that might have happened if luffy died as a kid. think "doomed timeline" (if that means anything to you). even though the premise is technically ASL i am a straw hat bitch through and through so it's actually more of straw hat fic than the original idea.
here's a copy/paste under the cut (you will see that i write a lot of notes to myself in these things)
takes place post-timeskip era
sabo has no connection to the revolutionary war; he and ace set out as pirates together. because of this, they are not associated with whitebeard (therefore no marineford); instead, they are associated with shanks somehow (maybe; not subordinates tho)
they're no longer two captains one ship, two captains (allied) on two ships (SEE ALT 2)
straw hats have all experienced some form of "bad" ending that leaves them jaded, cynical, or (for some) borderline evil
luffy = strength, joy, freedom optimism; most arcs involve rescues, but i dont think any of the straw hats are "weak" enough to die during their initial crises without luffy, otherwise they wouldnt be straw hats--just win at a massive cost and the next three years would be significantly harder
zoro - frees himself from the courtyard and continues being the demon of the east blue but--
nami - gets the money to free her village, arlong refuses to free cocoyashi; nami seeks out the demon of the east blue in order to take out arlong (in exchange for the money she earned and that arlong has stashed). fight is brutal but they kill arlong; nojiko dies, nami ends up traveling with zoro afterwards bc she has no reason to stay behind with nojiko gone.
they become a well-known, ruthless, and efficient bounty hunting duo on the grand line (bc it earns money and zoro wouldnt make it out of the east blue without her); both are jaded as FUCK bc zoro's dream is stagnant and nami is still wrestling with the guilt of failing her family years later, they're also bloodthirsty because money + power fills the void
usopp - kaya dies in the initial plot to kill her, usopp is blamed and flees the village; gets picked up by the buggy pirates (please this could be so funny please but remember this is supposed to be sad but think of how funny this could be though circus sharpshooter usopp he and buggy would be. so funny in the same room together)
sanji - stays at the baratie until the vinsmokes have a use for him. "wedding"/WCI goes through(?) and/or sanji is a member of the big mom pirates; pudding refuses to kill sanji, big mom is going to kill her but sanji bargains for her life; germa mods are awakened; in order to protect zeff+etc, pretends to be emotionless like his brothers, ends up working as a germa agent instead of staying on WCI because now pudding is as much of a liability as zeff or smth (pudding tho??? pls be nice to her but figure smth out). sanji war crimes
chopper/brook/jinbei remain stagnant
franky - whore do not forget this man was a gang leader who did actual violence; franky family is bigger and badder than ever, babyy
robin - can't stay with crocodile (boring bland unoriginal) put her somewhere she can experience problems; maybe she leaves, ends up on water 7, encounters franky; joins franky family(?) for protection but since she's no longer under a warlord's protection she's fair game for marines/bounty hunters; continues to work as an assassin tho and doesn't stay around much to protect the franky family from the people after her
franky family could potentially work as an alt strawhats "maybe i dont want to die actually" environment for robin; franky helps robin stabilize a little but since they're both kind of Messed Up it's less of a "we're fine actually" and more like "we're fucked up but at least we're fucked up together". they run a Criminal Organization together. they are a gang. robin is an assassin. no one is happy go lucky here even if they have found measure of """"""peace""""""
luffy encounters ace/sabo, it's emotional (obvs; this is self-indulgent)
however his brothers are both fundamentally fine, they are thriving and alive--there's nothing here to fix. you know who isn't fine? his crew.
convinces ace/sabo that they need to find them--whether it's to convince them to join their crew or just to make sure they're okay (whats the motivation here besides luffy wanting them to be happy because they're his family? does he need one? does it even matter?)
ALT 1 are luffy's crew here or did luffy enter the doomed timeline alone. if so--everyone? or just a few
interesting interactions: doomed/real zoro (consider the implications of a zoro who has stagnated/given up on his dream; this guy's got issues but our guy has no self-preservation however maybe they both have no self preservation. interesting convo about worth or value of life without drive)
doomed/real nami (LOTS of grief here babes, but maybe an interesting convo here about strength vs vulnerability)
doomed/real sanji (ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god can you imagine. can you imagine how much that would mess him up to see himself become Sanji Vinsmoke)
luffy has fundamentally changed all of their lives for the better but the straw hats are all strong as individuals (physically and emotionally) even before they join the straw hats. that's the point
even if the "doomed" straw hats encounter/join luffy would their lives fundamentally change for the better or are the experiences they accumulate as straw hats what changes them--it's not just luffy going "ur mine now you're happy" it's the development they go through during events/by interacting with each other; maybe some choose to stay where they are but have a shift in perspective of some kind
at least try with asl here
is sabo still kind of unstable? is ace still depressed? how does luffy's absence change them?
ALT 2 consider that they drift apart without luffy to hold them together; luffy makes an effort to reunite them?
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