#i promise im not gonna kill anyone but like they weren't kidding there are a LOT of fascinating things to kill people with
altruistic-meme · 1 month
having been told by my employers that any of our tools or parts could be useful weapons in a pinch paired with having watched a lot of Bones recently has resulted in me picking up the gear shift rod i install and testing the weight in my hand before going "how would they figure out that this was the murder weapon? it's such a weird shape, the fact that it's got a bunch of weird curves and angles along the length would mess with their height and angle estimates if they were thinking about a straight weapon... one side has threads and the other has a flat edge with a hole which would throw them off on what every day items have either of those aspects-" and i don't think these are normal thoughts people generally have at their jobs
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hoshinasblade · 3 months
For real, the animator had ri have been a Hoshina loyalists. Cause no way he looks that bad. For a Narumi prompt it could be funny that he gets with someone that doesn't know him. Someone who doesn't believe he is the 1st division captain because they only see him as the "wet cat" version of himself. And we have Narumi losing his mind over the fact you don't believe him
(not sure where tumblr took my post again because i cant find it lol) the budget went to hoshina and his tight shirt and there was nothing left to animate narumi properly. anyway, this is such a cute and interesting prompt because because yes, he is losing his mind over you not believing he is the cool first division captain 😆
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pairing: gen narumi x f!reader trigger warnings: narumi gen is a trigger warning himself, just super short because im not used to writing anything narumi-related yet. hopefully you don't get mad at me anon for not going exactly per the ask lol my brain is a mush right now, i'll try harder on my next fics
the rich man is here, shouted the kids from the hallway. you can hear their hurrying footsteps - excited little taps that in turn triggered your heartbeat to race as well. you shut your eyes, calming yourself down.
narumi gen is not exactly a rich man; the children in the orphanage just calls him that fondly. apparently he has been dropping by for years, way back when you weren't working as a teacher yet. the older orphans refer to him as nii-san.
narumi would bring toys snd snacks for the kids, and would spend time with them until the early evening before he has to say goodbye. last time, he played video games with everyone; he brought crayons and sketch boobs for his visit today, and within an hour, it was eerily quiet - the little girls and boys holding their pencils, drawing all sorts of things.
the youngest in your herd, a six-year old boy with a missing front tooth ran to you when he saw you by the door, showing you his drawing - a stick-man figure with a knife in its hand, and an animal beside it which you were not sure whether it's an oversized dog or a giraffe.
"it's a kaiju, and narumi nii-san is fighting it", the boy explained, and you patted him in the head. "he's a captain of his team, i'm gonna be like him when i grow up!"
you looked at narumi who is sitting on the floor, but he was already looking at you. you shifted your gaze. "this is so pretty, we should display it in the art wall", you suggested to the boy who grinned at you, clapping.
"you know that it's not a good thing to do, lying to kids, right?" the children had bid narumi goodbye just past 7pm, and although some of them cried, narumi was quick to promise he would be back next weekend. you were surprised, he used to only be here once a month.
"huh?" he responded to you with confusion. you walked him out the orphanage to the parking lot outside. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"look, i know you are trying to be nice. and i thank you for that. what you've done for these kids is more than anyone else have done for them. but telling them you're some guy who kills kaiju is wrong. and telling them they can be like you?" you scoffed.
narumi's mouth was wide open before he realized you have finished your speech. "but i am a guy who kills kaiju", he replied, his hand on his chest as if he is swearing on his life. "really, i'm not lying. i'm the captain of my team -"
"right, and you fight kaiju on the daily," you finished his sentence for him.
"yes, i am a real badass, i promise!" he exclaimed when he sensed you do not believe him in the slightest. it looks comical how he looks close to panicking over the fact that you are not buying whatever he's selling. he frowned at you, and you stared at him, the eye contact lasting for a few seconds.
maybe this guy is a con-artist and he makes his living manipulating people, you said to yourself. this would make a lot of sense considering you think he has the good looks to lure people in. narumi had flirted at you once or twice before - or you wish he was flirting and you were not just reading too much on his actions.
"you know if you meet my friends, they would tell you the truth," he suggested, his voice cheerful.
"why would i meet your friends?" you asked, equally confused.
"so they can tell you that i am the coolest captain of the anti-kaiju defense force. they would also tell you i am a good man and a dependable friend," narumi said, reciting maybe the contents of his curriculum vitae to you. is he in a job interview? you wanted to ask but didn't.
you sighed in defeat. "are your friends as exasperating as you are?" you asked in jest.
"come on, let me impress you", he told you with sincerity that is almost startling. you were not expecting him to sound so genuine, so adamant at proving himself to you.
the kids will have their dinner in a few minutes and you will be needed to help out. you gave narumi one last glance before strolling back to the orphanage. "i'm off on fridays", you said.
narumi's smile could have lighted the entire street.
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jupiterseemsnice · 6 months
oops its me again
I literally posted one thing on here then bounced apparently lol.
i fell down the rabbit hole of depression again oh man.
living with depression is so crazy because internally your telling yourself you need to get up and do things and its like your body is on vacation. I hate being the way I am. all messed up in the brain. I have good days I really do but sometimes the bad out weigh the good. which is so stupid because my life is a blip on the radar compared to a lot and I do mean a lot of other peoples struggles. And some people are literally dying right now and I'm posted up in my bed upset because of some chemical imbalance.
Now I'm not shitting on mental health because it is real I.e me, but its foreal wack. like its like an out of body experience when someone with a PHd tells me I have something wrong with me I'm like welp lol.
i just cant believe all of my life choices have led me to where I am now in life. Im 28, unemployed at the moment, No education like shit man I didn't even graduate highschool. Truthfully I wish just for one single day I can go back in time to slap the shit out of my 14 year old self and tell her to get her shit together. My school days consisted of boys and friends who weren't really my friends and gaucho pants. I'm not even kidding I am not even friends with the people I spent the entirety of my pre pubescent life with. My childhood bestfriends are just facebook friends, I cant even remember the names of the boys I used to chase around at recess. Then in highschool I was more concerned about older boys and what I was gonna wear to the school dances,which I wish the fashion in 2012 weren't so well I guess now they're an "aesthetic" vibe for kids today. Yikes.
BUT I will always hold onto my skinny jeans till the day I die lol.
finally killed off the side bangs when I was 22.
I finally took the initiative to go back to school though. signed up for classes cause 10 years out of highschool I've learned I've retained nothing except for stuff that isn't going to take me anywhere. like PEMDAS. did anyone else learn it as " please excuse my dear aunt sally"? or did I just grow up weird. even though I know what it means and can tell you what it stands for, if you put a problem Infront of me using that formula I'd look at you like a deer in the headlights.
I doubt anyone will ever read this but if by some chance you do... I cant promise its gonna get better, but you have to fight the battle more then once to win it. So keep fighting, keep loving, and never accept less then what you deserve. truly, I know trust me I know its easier said then done, but the universe needs you.
I really do be rambling on here lol.
its nice to get the internal thoughts...external? lmao.
I'm trying to find joy in the things I used to love.
I started reading again, I haven't gotten very far in the book I just got but I'm gonna get there. have been finally giving myself a proper bedroom. when I moved into my apartment the only thing I had for my room was a bed. now I got a big girl bed frame AND a new mattress oh and I replaced this giant desk I bought off market place for $30 dollars with a smaller one, more simple. and I got fairy lights for my curtains and today I bought a led salt lamp. very vibey in here. even as I'm dumping all this into endless typing I have lofi playing in the background. I hope oneday I can just breathe without a heaping pile of bullshit on my imaginary plate. fingers crossed.
I love you.<3
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 10
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
I hope you guys like this chapter! If you wanna support me further and hang out, check out my Patreon for more of my content and my discord!
Word count: 1,818
Warnings: Minor violence
Chapter 9 Chapter 11
Loud announcement after loud announcement blasted from the speakers as the police spoke. Repeating the same few sentences over and over again. His stomach turned as anxiety took hold of him. Izuku Midoriya stood nearly a block away from the scene as he watched. He and Bakugou were given orders to sit on the perimeter and wait in case they were needed. Having experienced The League before, their assistance was helpful. But everyone was hoping it wouldn't be needed. For now, everyone's top priority was you. Bakugou huffed in frustration, folding his arms across his chest as he watched.
"I don't get it. We should just round them up while we still can. If we don't act fast, they'll slip out of our hands again." He growled.
"Arrest isn't our top priority right now. The hostage's safety is. We can't risk any harm coming to her. You know that." Midoriya answered. The blonde scoffed and spoke again after a long pause.
"I still can't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That he has a daughter. You'd think he would have mentioned something like that by now. After all these years. Especially one with such a strong quirk."
"Yeah...I don't have kids of my own so, I don't know much about that but...It's odd isn't it? That he never mentioned her. Not even to us." Bakugou thought for a moment.
"Maybe it was the mom. Maybe she kept it that way. We don't know much about her."
"No...that doesn't sit right. Her mom seems intense, sure. But that's his daughter. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid like her, I wouldn't be able to stop talking about her. So, it doesn't make sense why someone like him..."
"They were young, right? About our age?"
"That's right."
"Think about it. If you and Ururaka got pregnant right now, what do you think would happen?"
"Thats different, she's a hero too-"
"No. Really. Think about it. If she told you tomorrow you were gonna have a kid, how would you feel?" Midorya thought for a moment.
"Scared, I guess."
"Would you slow down your hero work? After everything you've done, all the work you've put into this. Would you risk it all to be a proper father? And what about her? Would Ururaka be okay putting her life on hold for that kid? I doubt it."
"I see what you're saying. But that still doesn't explain why we're just finding out about her now."
"I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from shit like this happening. It's clear he still cares for her. It was probably his was of keeping her safe. As messed up as that is."
"I studied All Might my entire life. Became his successor and student. And still...I feel like I never really knew him until now."
"You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here." Shigaraki's voice purred as his grip tightened around your arm. Pulling you closer to him. You felt your blood quickly rush up to your cheeks. The hot feeling coursing through your veins. You heard the loud squeak of a chair shifting across the floor. Your quirk unwittingly being activated. He ignored the sound, his deep red eyes glaring into yours as his scarred brow bone curved over them in a tight scowl. His eyes, so brilliant and full of passion. You were lost in them. Time always seemed to stop when he did this.
"Boss! We gotta get out of here! We can't fight them all!" Spinner shouted, tearing those eyes away from you. How long had he been starring at you? Was he just as lost as you? You were doubtful. If he was lost in anything, it was probably his rage. His grip on you loosened, slowly dropping your arm almost like he was reluctant to.
"The truck. Is the truck ready?"
"Yes, but I doubt we can get out of here without being caught."
"Of course not. That's why we'll need a distraction. Until then we need time. Toga, the phone, quick." She jumped at the command. Grabbing a smartphone of hers and quickly adjusting it to film. Shigaraki's hands quickly found your body again. But they weren't nearly as harsh as last time, just firm. Man handling you to appear threatening. One hand coming around your neck from behind to display his fingers, and the other around your arm. He pressed you against his body.
"Filming!" Toga shouted.
"You heroes should know better than to just barge into such a delicate situation. The conditions are simple. Make one wrong move, and the girl is dust. I'll even leave her in a pretty little urn for you, hehehe, All Might."
"Cut! Edit and send to the heroes right?"
"And social media, anything to get it on the news. Dabi, Twice, is there a way for you to contact our friends on the outside?"
"But boss! They have us tapped! They'll be prepare for our escape!" Twice shouted.
"They've planned for it already. We've lost the element of surprise. We need results."
"Shigaraki?" You croaked.
"What!?" He shouted in your ear. You winced, holding your free had up to tap at his wrist around your neck.
"Could you, loosen up a bit?" He swiftly pulled his hands away from you. Watching you gently cough and regain your breath.
"We're not, really going to kill her, are we?" Toga pulled her attention away from her phone and shuffled closer to you. Turning to be in-between you and Shigaraki, almost to protect you from being grabbed again.
"No. Not if we plan to get out of here." He and turned sat down on the couch, his hands coming up to rub against his sore neck. Toga patted your back.
"You alright there? You're burning up. You're not sick are you?"
"No...No Im fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, Toga." It made her smile to hear you say that.
"Don't worry. Tomura's smart. He'll get us out safe, you'll see." You smiled back at her.
"I'm sure. But somehow I doubt I'll see you again. So, if this is goodbye-"
"Don't say that!" Toga shouted. "We're gonna stick together. Remember? I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you!" You starred at her with wide eyes as your heart raced in your chest. A loud flutter.
"But, Toga."
"But nothing, friends stick together, right?" You nodded. "Then that settles it! We're taking her with us, aren't we guys?" Confused faces looked up at the two of you. "Well?"
"Uh- Sure." Spinner shrugged.
"Hell No - Alright!" Twice shouted.
"Heh, alright." Dabi chuckled.
"Tomura?" Toga called the absent-minded man.
"We're taking her with us, right? She's one of us now!" Toga reached for your hand and curled her fingers between yours. Shigaraki looked up at her, his eyes lost in thought. "Tomura!" She scolded him like a little sister. He blinked a few times, shaking his attention to you.
"Are you, Y/L/N? Are you one of us?" You froze for a moment. No. Of course not. You're not a villain. You're not like these people! You're a heroes' kid! You're not evil! You're a good person!
You opened your mouth to speak, an overwhelming cacophony of thoughts keeping you from answering. For the first time in your entire life, you had been cared for in a way you never had before. No longer reliant on a bottle of pills to function properly. No longer forced to be productive. No pressure to be anything special. You could grow here. You could be yourself here. The room buzzed with energy at the activation of your quirk. Your emotional state boiling to a head, you opened your mouth to answer but before you could speak-
The building began to shake underneath you. You were thrown to the floor, eyes darting everywhere in search for the cause. The sound of explosions blasted above you, while what sounded like a bulldozer echoed below.
"Damn it! They're coming from both ends!" Dabi announced, gaining his balance to perform a ready stance before his blue flames emerged.
"C'mon Shigaraki! What do we do!" Twice shouted as he clung onto the man's forearm. The rest of you inching closer and closer to each other.
The blasts above became louder and louder until it became evident it was right above. Your stomach turned as you came to the realization. Before the order left his lips you had reached for a table across the room and brought it up above your small group for protection.
"Y/L/N!" Just in time for it to deflect the shrapnel of drywall that burst from the explosion above. Suddenly the floor below gave way, sending the six of you falling through the open air. There were supposed to be several floor to the building, but thanks to the hero, Deku, flimsy walls of the already rotting building had been quickly demolished within seconds.
You watched yourself fall, your hand desperately reaching for anything to hold on to. Failing and plummeting down with the rest of them. You watched as the DynaMight emerged from the smoke above to watch you with a satisfied grin plastered over his face.
The cries of the others behind you filled your ears. Why wasn't this hero doing something? Why wasn't he jumping to catch you? To catch the others? Is going to let you fall to your deaths? You can't let him do that! Quick- Quick- your quirk- catch them!
After a few attempts at activation in your panic, you were able to catch the others in the air. Just before their bodies hit the concrete of the building basement. Dropping them down from a safe few feet. The fall was uncomfortable, but a relief to you and the others that you could work so quickly.
But your success was short-lived as the building trembled and quaked with another explosion. You looked up just in time to watch what was left of the old hide out to come crashing down around you. Leaving you trapped in the basement, in complete darkness.
"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" A familiar shriek echoed in Bakugou and Midoriya's ear pieces. They both jolted at the painful intrusion. Your mother, having just stolen a police walky talky huffed on the other end.
"Our apologies ma'am but they're fine. I saw it with my own eyes. They're just trapped under debris. Everything is going according to plan." Midoriya reassured.
"Ac- ACCORDING TO PLAN!? You mean to tell me, young man, that you intended to trap my daughter in with her KIDNAPPERS, WHO THREATENED TO KILL HER!?" She spat, understandably.
"If they wanted her dead by now, she would be. Shigaraki doesn't play games unless it's necessary. Trust me." Bakugou barked.
"So now what? We just wait until this psychopath decays his way loose?"
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
@witch-o-memes @lolilith
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Writing prompts!
So I just reached 100 followers and I am BEYOND happy YALL. So heres 100 prompts for people to send me asks with! Send as many numbers as you want in one and I'll make a blurb from it. (And by blurb I mean I will grow attatched to your request and write a whole fic on it probably lmao) THIS WAS PREVIOUSLY MY 100 FOLLOWER THIBG BUT IM BRINGING PROMPTS BACK FOR REQUESTS.
FYI no matter when you are seeing this, request. I don't care. I'm always up for inspiration. :))))
If it has a star next to it, I came up with it on my own.
These probably wont be blurbs and will be longer!
I'm currently writing for >>>>
Breakfast Club
Spencer Reid / MGG
The Maze Runner
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Barry Allen
Theres a list of who I write best for on my page!! ^^^^
1. "I told you not to read that."
2. "Sir, this is for children only."
3. "Are you kidding me? We're not 'fine'!"
4. "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no!"
5. "Hey... what's wrong with your face?"
6. "You look a lot different from your profile picture."
7. "Are you going to keep walking by my house, or are you going to come in?"
8. "Dude, it's three in the morning."
9. "I can't believe I use to think he was attractive."
10. "Actually, you *are* speaking to the manager."
11. "This isn't going to be a typical best man's speech."
12. "According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars."
13. "That's the worst reason I've ever heard to have a baby."
14. "I didn't even recognize you!"
15. "You're Satan."
16. "I need a place to stay."
17. "It's six o'clock in the morning, you're not having vodka."
18. "Safety first. What are you? FIVE?"
19. "This is girl talk, so leave."
20. "You're bleeding all over my carpet."
21. "Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now."
22. "Hold still."
23. "You're not interested, are you?"
24. "Oh honey, I'd never be jealous of you."
25. "I'm telling you, I'm haunted."
26. "Touch her again and I'll break your wrist."
27. "Don't look behind you, hurt that guy is checking you out."
28. "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend."
29. "Quick! Kiss me!"
30. "Just shut up and kiss me."
31. "I hate high school reunions."
32. "I think I picked up your coffee by mistake."
33. "I've never felt this way before... and it scares the shit out of me."
34. "Wait a second, are you jealous?"
35. "This is by far the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in."
36. "You never told me you had a fucking twin."
37. "Am I suppose to be scared of you?"
38. "You're hiding something from me."
39. "A wedding?"
40. "Where would someone hide in a town like this?"
41. "H-how long have you been standing there?"
42. "Is this skirt suppose to be this short? I kinda feel like a french whore" *
43. "Oh fuck off."
44. "When did you take that?"
45. "I hid it."
46. "Stop trying to look cool in paparazzi pictures, you look like a dumbass." *
47. "Can you stop laughing?"
48. "You look like a reptile from this angle. Lizard? Snake? Turtle? I just can't decide." *
49. "You have a dirty mind."
50. "You guys are lame."
51. "I don't know. Resurrection maybe?"
52. "This is a safe space." "What the hell are you talking about?" "SAFE SPACE!"
53. "Just stab him."
54. "I'm in dire need of assistance."
55. "I'm gonna die in an elevator full of idiots."
56. "Shoot me."
57. "I feel like you know." *
58. "You're making me dizzy."
59. "I don't want any excuses, they must have the hottest date ever."
60. "Are you with him because it's easy?"
61. "Dibs!" *
62. "If we die, I'm going to kill you."
63. "Do you think you could just go *one* day without pissing me off?"
64. "Your hands are really soft." *
65. "We've become the clingy newlyweds you've always complained about."
66. "Pregnant?"
67. "We are SO much cuter than them."
68. "Wanna go for a drive?"
69. "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
70. "Sleep over? Please?"
71. "Are we on a date right now?"
72. "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't suppose to see that."
73. "Well I think you're beautiful."
74. "Your feet are so cold!"
75. "You come here often?" "Well I work here, so I'll have to say yes."
76. "You met me yesterday though?" "Yes, and I would die for you in one second. Next question."
77. "I can't stop smiling."
78. "Did you see it?"
79. "Don't leave me alone."
80. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
81. "You didn't tell me your friend was cute! Now what am I gonna do?"
82. "How can you drink that stuff?"
83. "Stop apologizing for other people! You aren't the shitty one!"
84. "I just wanna be swept off my feet. Is that so much to ask?"
85. "Oh, my ankle! It must be broken!" *wink wink*
86. "These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaing about your tie you whine ass." *
87. "I don't want to ruin your party."
88. "Could you just come get me?"
89. "Now I have to start counting all over again!"
90. "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"
91. "You are very endearing while you are half-asleep."
92. "But I want to hear you sing!"
93. "No- Mom- don't tell him I said that. Wait!" *
94. "And you wonder why you are still single."
95. "Somebodys cranky." "Somebody needs to shut up."
96. "She's hot. But she's evil."
97. "Pinky promise!"
98. "I'd rather jump out that window. But thanks." *
99. "Hello, sunshine."
100. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Prompts based on things my best friend has said (changed a little bit for context)
1b. "Man, I hope this ice melts soon."
2b. "Holy SHIT the Disney World parking lot is packed."
3b. "Those tree lights are burning my retinas."
4b. "These are fun to work with." "Not to eat." "No!"
5b. "I mean, I could hit a kid with a car."
6b. "You up? I need to call you! It's not bad it's just kinda funny!"
7b. "Wow I can't imagine being that rich! How old are the kids, maybe I can date one."
8b. "The oldest I would go? 98 I think, for money purposes."
Thank you guys so much. I love you all. SEND ME THOSE ASKS!!!
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neo-culture-mafia · 6 years
Chest Fire (l.dh)
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Warnings: |Strong Themes| |Triggering Themes|
Summary: He wasn't the same. No one was, really. But, especially him...Donghyuck. He lost you and can't bear feeling sober anymore. He needed to be numb so he didn't feel himself and get lost in his own mind. But the guys are getting tired of watching Donghyuck drink away his money--but the damage had already been done.
Donghyuck stumbled the now home feeling club where sweaty bodies pressed against each other and peach scented vodka drifted through the humid and sticky air.
The alcohol was making his fingers turn into fire as his toes curled in his combat boots. Another random girl walked up to offer him a dance, but he turned her away already knowing that she couldn't move like you. You were special, and no whore at the club could compare to you, yet he still came crawling back here for the simple fact he couldn't crawl back into bed with you.
He was lost and needed help because his heart was losing its sense of direction. The booming of the bass vibrated through his shoes as his fingers curled into his palm. He needed to stay balanced and he was finding it harder with every passing minute.
He lousily made his way over to a bar stool, not wasting a second before sitting down. "Anoth-" Hyuck was cut off by the bartender. "Im sorry buddy, I'm cutting you off. You've had way too much to drink tonight." He said and Donghyuck was just sitting there, his mouth wide open in shock.
"I am...You-you should..." He slurred over his words, trying to at least get 5 more drinks out of the bartender he now deemed as a friend. Yet, this guy saw himself as Hyuck's friend too, and friends don't let each other kill themselves by drinking their pain away...even though it might help.
Yet, the raging fire in Hyuck's chest only became more apparent at the sudden news of his cut off.
"I think it's time I call Mark, Hyuck. It's time to go home." The bartender said grabbing his phone from his back pocket; and like a cherry bomb...Hyuck exploded.
"No." He slammed his fists on the bar like a 5 year old. "No no no." He repeatedly said slamming his hands down. "Give me more. You're not my father." Donghyuck said and the bartender just sighed and felt pity at the sight.
Stares were coming from each direction as the man gave in to Donghyuck's wants for more liquor. Hyuck sat down, drinking his beer through a straw because he had read somewhere that women liked 'sophisticated' men. Yet, even after 20 minutes of him sitting there sipping his bitter liquid through a neon yellow bendy straw, he finally gave up when he was now drinking air through the endless loops of the bendy plastic.
Even if someone came over and talked to him, he knows he could never take them home to where you used to lay; where you and him had pillowtalks; where you and him did things that only the moon kept secret. It would never be the same...no matter what girl came skipping along.
This was his last resort on trying to cap the memories he had with you. The alcohol was no match for his loneliness though, and it was starting to show. "Hey buddy, you good?" The bartender asked, putting a hand on Hyuck's shoulder. "Uh yeah...totally." Donghyuck chuckled. He turned to face the other man again. "How much is my tab?" Hyuck asked as he grabbed his wallet.
"Why? Usually you pay after 2 weeks." The guy said as he dried a glass lazily. "Not this time my man." Hyuck said fooling around with his wallet. "No, seriously. It's fine." The bartender said going into a folder and ripping up pieces of paper that were labeled as receipts.
"I was gonna pay!" Hyuck said getting defensive. "No...I promise it's fine." The bartender said and Hyuck groaned as he still slipped a 100 out and gave it the worker. "For all the trouble I caused." He said and the man just grabbed it hesitantly. "Thank you?" He questioned, but Hyuck was already out the door with another beer in his ring adorned hand.
He stumbled in a literal circle for 20 minutes. "Hyuck." He heard someone call. It sounded like you. He immediately stopped and looked at the beer. "Hyuck!" Someone screamed this time. "Y/n?" He called out, turning around now. His heard was whooshing with all the passing traffic; all the bright city lights blending together. The fire on his chest wanting to grow more and more at the such sweet sound.
"Y/n!" He yelled and the people passing him gave dirty looks but he was trying to find you. "Hyuck." Someone grabbed him from behind. He whirled around and was met eye to eye...with Jaemin. "...y/n..." is all that Hyuck muttered to himself.
"No. It's Jaemin." Jaemin reassured and the delirious boy could only nod, meaning he could understand him. "It's time to go home now." Jaemin said holding Hyuck's arm and leading him to a car.
"Can we go to y/n's place?" Hyuck asked like a five year old who just lost his favorite toy. Jaemin opened the passenger door and helped the boy in.
You and Jaemin were twins. You were siblings but acted like best friends, so naturally when you and Hyuck started dating, the three of you became family. So seeing Hyuck so hung up about you leaving him...it hurts Jaemin too.
"I don't think that's a good idea, buddy." Jaemin sighed, buckling his best friend up. "Please. I need to see her." Hyuck gripped Jaemin's hand. "Please." He choked out, tears ready to spill at any moment.
Jaemin removed his hand and groaned; slamming the door with such a force that it rocked the car a little.
"We're here." Jaemin braked hardly infront of the homes for you and what seemed like a million other people. Hyuck was jolted awake, but he was still thankful for the hour trip Jaemin made.
Jaemin just looked out his window and sulked like a pouty baby. Hyuck had sobered up a little and he was able to control himself and his own body.
He hopped out of the car and walked the short way to the gate. He opened the small gate and walked up the foot path to your house. The walking distance felt like muscle memory as he recognized the familiar feeling.
He was then met with the glimmering marble stuck in the ground. He stared at your engraved name in the ground. He just sighed, falling to his knees. "...hey baby..." He said sitting on his bottom and crossing his legs so he sat like a kindergartener in class.
"I miss you." He sighed again, tracing hearts next to your name. "Jaemin misses you...he's just...scared to come visit you..." Hyuck said looking back to the boy sitting in the car. Even in the complete darkness of night, anyone could see Jaemin's body shake with sobs. The light behind him made it look like a shillouete. It was absolutely beautiful yet heartbreaking.
Yet his body straightened again and you could see Jaemin light a cigarette quickly.
Donghyuck looked back down to you. "Jaemin started smoking again." He sighed and picked at the weeds growing around your headstone. "Renjun doesn't come out of his room except for missions." He said and recalled what the others were doing.
"I caught Jisung in your room, trying to talk to you...he's been a mess." Hyuck told of the younger boy, totally lost with the fact you aren't around anymore. "And...we're just all...really sorry it happened like this."
You died in a mission gone wrong. You had the option of staying in the truck with Chenle, or accompying Hyuck and Jaemin into the warehouse where Jeno, Renjun, and Jisung were working undercover. You all didn't hear the man sneaking up behind you, and when you did...it was too late.
Hyuck was twirling his engagement ring around his finger. "This is useless." He said and took it off, setting it right next to yours that was locked in marble forever. He leaned back and looked at the stars. They were so bright that night. It was crazy. "...let me let you go already..." He mumbled as he watched a star fizzle out completely.
"I love you." Hyuck said leaning down and kissing your stone sweetly. "...wait for me..." He said as he got up and walking away back to the car. He hopped in, now completely sober after the experience.
"Ready?" Your brother asked, ready to speed away from this place that held you imprisoned. "Yeah...I'm ready." Hyuck said and they zoomed away as if they were still threatened by the attacker that took you.
"..soon enough..." Hyuck whispered to himself, setting his chin in his hand and looking into the city. "...soon enough..." He closed his eyes.
Hyuck didn't sleep at night, literally. He sat up on the rug the whole night, afraid of the harsh reality that once he opened his bedroom door, you wouldn't be there. He knew you weren't there, he just doesn't want to accept it.
You both were so strong and had so many plans for the future. You both wanted kids, a home, a life...and it was all down the drain now.
It was just getting harder to live everyday when his every breath felt like a gunshot to the chest. His mind was a bomb, and it was going off every time he is reminded of you and the way you used to tell him it was okay.
"You fucker." Jaemin yelled as he shot the man down quickly. Hyuck dropped his gun and grabbed you as you began to drop.
"Chenle, get 127 unit down here, man down." Jaemin called and Hyuck was still frozen in shock, yet the bullet stuck in your neck made him snap in and out of this icy trance.
"Come on, you got this. Keep your eyes open." Hyuck said taking off his bandana and getting ready to wrap it around your throat so it can stop the bleeding. Yet, you wouldn't be able to breath . Him and Jaemin realised this at the same time, as your eyes became icy and pale. You were dying. You realised this too. It would be a painful and gruesome way to go, but it was happening.
"It's okay." You motioned with your mouth, the hole in your throat, not letting you speak. The look on your fiancés face would haunt you to the other side. He looked so...scared. "It's okay. I'm here." You mouthed again and touched his cheek. He just looked down at you as you took your final breath. Jaemin hasn't told anyone yet, but he was so ready to pop one on himself in that very moment, yet he was so convinced this was a dream that all he did was stare down at your cold and pale face.
Jaemin woke up the next morning and wished he didn't. Hyuck didn't sleep till the next night; he was too afraid of the dark and the thoughts that would cloud his mind once he was alone, wanting to be with you.
Hyuck was now laying in a baby position, holding his legs close to his chest. The knocking on the door brought him out of his dark thoughts. "Open." He mumbled and the door opened to Jaemin.
"Dude...we've been at training for an hour now." He said and all Hyuck did was nod, understanding what he was saying. "Sorry?" He yawned and Jaemin slumped at his friends expression.
He sat down next to his laying position.
It was pure silence until it was sliced by Hyuck's heartbreaking confession. "It hurts." He said, and Jaemin didn't have to be a genius to figure out what he was talking about. "I know...i know." He said putting his hand on Donghyuck's shoulder. "It hurts so much." Hyuck cried, curling up into a tighter ball.
The firey feeling in Hyuck's chest was like never before. It felt so much different as your literal other half held him as he cried like a child.
The burning was unbearable as his eyes screwed shut in pure agony. Jaemin couldn't help the tears from pouring either. Sitting on the ground in yours and Hyuck's apartment was all too real. It was too real you weren't here anymore.
Hyuck finally calmed down and looked to his friend. "...please...please end this..." He begged and Jaemin couldn't yell at him. He wanted to end this pain too. The bottle of aspirin wasn't doing anything anymore. It all hurt too much for any medication to numb it.
"...I'm...not going to kill you..." Jaemin breathed, the words falling out of his mouth. "...please..." Hyuck became desperate to make the raging in his chest and head stop.
"I'm...no." Jaemin said standing up now, leaving Hyuck on the floor. "It hurts...I know...It hurts like hell. But, you can't give up now. She wouldn't be happy with this..." Jaemin started getting into his own mind.
He had been so long without one of your hugs or seeing you smile at his surprise tickle attacks.
"I...I know it seems like the only way. I know that." Jaemin said pulling at his hair.
"Because it is." Hyuck bursted through the air, throwing the TV remote at the wall. It ended up hitting the vase and made it shatter into a million little pieces.
"I'm tired! I'm tired of coming home alone! I could lie, and say it's okay and that I like it that way, but I don't!" Hyuck screamed, kicking things around to get his point across.
"It feels as if I'll never be happy again, and at this point I don't care. I just want this..." Hyuck said pointing to himself and all around the room. "this....I want this to end..."
They were left together in the quiet room, the only sound being their breathing. They could only look at each other at a time like this.
"I just don't know what to say anymore." Mark sighed as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. They were all in practice, and Jaemin had left about an hour ago to find Donghyuck.
"None of us do." Renjun mumbled, twisting his leather bracelet around his wrist.
"He's gonna end up killing himself if we don't do something." Mark said what everyone was thinking. "We just need to get him out of the house." Mark finished as he grabbed his jacket.
"No...we should let him be alone...he'll just be aggressive if we tell him to move on." Jisung finally piped in, trying to get everyone to turn around and leave Hyuck alone.
"Jaemin has it...it will be okay." Jisung said, more of assuring himself than anyone else.
Everyone looked at each other in silence, even though they knew it wouldn't be okay...ever.
"...okay..." Mark said dropping his jacket and walking back over slowly.
"...30 pushups..." Mark said and the Junior Forces hit the ground, their worry and fear going into the performance they were all wearing on their face.
"...i'm cold..." Jaemin muttered and Hyuck could only nod, the tears falling down into the blue water. "...me too..." He muttered.
He held Jaemin close to his chest, the water sloshing over the sides a little bit. "...it's going to be okay..." Jaemin reassured Hyuck, but also himself. "...i know..." was all that was muttered from the slightly older boy.
"...thank you..." was the last thing said by Hyuck before he grabbed Jaemin's hand. He closed his eyes as the banging and yells from the front door began to get more violent, the rest of the units trying to get to them. Yet, they were in the bathroom and no one could make it to them in time. It was already over.
Jaemin gripped Hyuck's hand one more time as he felt everything become still, shuttering in the cold water that entrapped both of their bodies. Both of their eyes closing, and the raging fire in their chests finally stopped....
...everything stopped...
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I honestly think this is the worst thing I have ever written, to be completely honest.
I might do a couple time stamps for what happens after...but...yeah. I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry in advance if I made you cry.
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You have to watch the video in the end.
Look everyone's story is different. And I understand his.
But I want to explain something. Carpenters and Construction workers rule the world.
They're as important as a McDonald's Happy Meal.
I want to explain something else. Sometimes people don't dream of going to Harvard, they're forced to. Sometimes people at Harvard -- I got into Harvard and I got into Yale Law. I chose not to go to either. -- sometimes people at Harvard just want to work with their hands.
I got Into Harvard. And I got into Yale Law.
I went to the University of New Mexico after a dabble at Oklahoma State, TVI - now CNM.
After a long time.. High school, being accepted into Ivey League schools, marriage, divorce, a 7 year old, 6 colleges/universities, trying to decide on something other than a Speech Pathologist because i believe you can learn a child's dialect and they don't speak wrong but different -- I gave myself a stern taking to.
I wanted to be an Architect.
To be an Architect my most important people are Carpenters, Construction workers, electricians, plumbers. And more.
I would need carpenters for sure because I love Gothic, Roman, Greek, Colonial style homes/buildings.
Well I never made it as an Architect my local universities didn't offer it at a bachelor's level and I failed out via running out of money for Speech Pathology.
And it was fucking hard.
But I want to tell you something. Look at his post here you'll see him on scaffolding. In NYC there's scaffolding every where. One of my favorite things on a hot day was sit under there and listen to them work.
We did so much underground work, freeing slaves.
One day I just couldn't handle it anymore. And I sat under scaffolding and I leaned my back against the wall and I pulled my knees up to my face and began to very loudly cry. It was one of the loudest places in the city. I thought no one could hear me.
Then I felt someone touch me. And ask if I was Ok. I wondered how long I had been crying because it was silent and I thought all the workers went home.
So I wiped my face in my shirt and I nodded "mmm I'm ok. Sorry. It was just so loud I thought no one could hear"
"Well we all did"
And I looked up and half the construction crew was standing looking worried.
And it made me bust into tears again. And they asked if i had been beaten or raped or needed the police or any random thing.
And i said "no. I'm just a recent widow and my child died right after child birth and i return kidnapped victims and my job is just hard let me put it that way"
So he gave me a bottle of water and asked if i needed money and told me safe places to go where nice people worked that were nice to the homeless.
So one day the noise of the hammers... The rhythm... I just decided. Not going to work was better for me. I was just gonna do something nice for nice people ... May be for a day or two..
So i would go to Macy's and buy shirts and boots and extra personal supplies for the construction workers, the people they told me about that were kind to the homeless and giving.
After a week the CIA asked what i was doing and when i would return to work. I said they could do it and i didn't want to.
They told me i wasn't acting healthy. I needed yo be underground feeling desperate and worried that i couldn't get people home to their families when my family was killed in front of me.
I couldn't. "Well quit buying stuff"
"Fine I'll buy less"
"Quit going to Macy's. What's wrong with the Bodega?"
"Oh sure where i shopped with my dead husband? No people need quality and quality is what they deserve! They work and they can afford their own clothes but they don't because it's too expensive for rent!! They can't afford clothes that don't rip or get holes in them every two weeks!!" I was yelling but i was mad. I wasn't letting people suffer and i wasn't letting myself suffer. No one had the right to tell me i was wrong. "Lower their rent so they have more than a few hundred bucks!! Look at them# bologna sandwiches that was all! They had no money to even eat! What am i doing wrong?! Good quality! Leave me be!!"
We always had long talks about quality. Because sometimes we found good at Bargain Basement and sometimes we didn't. So i knew Blue would approve.
"Yeah well you'll get fired"
"You wanna fire me?! Go ahead! And then when i want to go back to work you're not going to stop me! You'll thank me! So shove it!"
"You're causing a scene"
"No you are!!"
"You sit here for hours under the scaffolding that could fall on you and kill yoh while playing solitare in cards by yourself! You're not even Tarot. You could be making money on the street helping us but you aren't"
"That lady is a bitch. That lady ain't. That lady is sweet as the devil and that man is married to a cunt!!!! There are you happy now? Leave me be?" I was already exhausted and all the construction workers were down waiting for an explanation and to protect me.
They weren't very happy to find out I worked for the CIA. I guess they felt betrayed. I said "i help victims that get trapped under ground"
And so they thought like They fell into a pit of mud or something and needed help. Which is understandable.
I couldn't explain how i could feel abandoning those girls was my right. How i needed to. How helping them was destroying me. It was not explainable.
I didn't want to be encouraged to go back. I didn't want to be told i was wrong because it hurt my heart. I So damaged.
And I didn't want to volcano in anger. Not at anyone that didn't deserve it.
So I explained then... "*if someone is kidnapped and stuck or put under ground for human trafficking then they can't get out -- not on their own. They need me or the CIA and the CIA can cover for me while I am recovering to a better emotional state"
And one said "but you'll be fired"
"Well i run the CIA so i doubt that and i do check in with them every day down the street at least twice. That is why i was later today there was an issue with ome of the clubs and i had to sort it out. I just can't see the girls and work Like i used to. Promise to take them home. Make sure they see their families when my own was murdered in front of my face. Its just not something i can do"
They asked me for $500 and went to Macy's and in my place where i always sat and did solitare was a white paper Macy's bag. And it said "for the CIA GIRL named Sabrina"
And inside was a leopard fur coat. Of which they had got $250 from the CIA guy attempting to chew out my ass. And luckily it had been marked down. $657.32.
"Don't worry it was half off. And we split the leftover remaining for food. I hope you don't mind" i heard behind me.
I was crying so much I had snot bubbles.
So carpenters... They're like Gods. I've always looked up yo construction workers since that day.
Janitors at the elementary schools i attended they were always my heroes. If i didn't clean. I got beat. I tried to clean the whole cafeteria. Until I was told not to. I didn't have to. And ever since then it's been hard to just let them do their jobs and not help them.
They have been my heroes for s very long time. And not because I'm a germaphobe. Because they took pride in their work
Because like this man in this post always felt inferior. Bullied and picked on even.
Sometimes i would watch a janitor pick up trash next to the can a kid wouldn't pick up because he missed. And I would start crying and mess my make up up. And every one would ask me what was wrong. And i would bust into tears again "because the janitor had to clean!!".
I'm not talking just elementary school. I'm talking Jr high. I'm talking high school. Im talking i would skip school and smoke pot, smoke behind the principal's office or art building kinda old. And i would bust into tears because a janitors bad luck.
Ridiculous old. I would beat up bigger than me boys in school. Even beat the principal once for whipping my little brother. They still did paddling if there was a permission slip. My brothers wasn't signed. Mine and Nathaniel's had been and both said no paddling. So they called it even and let it go.
But i still cried cause the janitor who took pride in his work was bossed around like a bitch by the principal and the principal happened to be white and the janitor black.
So i stopped that shit by shoving the principal in his office and standing in front of it until he promised not to talk to the janitor. Every time he did with disrespect there i went. He took off running down the hall. Scared. Oh that pissed me off. Coward ass.
I used to work st Mazzios in Okmulgee. They used to go in after 8pm on Friday. I always waited on him and his wife cause Jamie always wanted a break to do dishes then. And we needed to. It was a mess by then. Dishes would be sliding off the counter And shit.
He never tipped. I asked his wife once why. She said "ask him" while laughing.
"Well? She's directed me to ask you. Seems your wife is in command here"
"Well I would tip if I had a waitress that didn't give me a black eye!"
"Well served, keep your dollar"
"Well next time I'm gonna pay $3!!"
So I told Jamie, "I don't mind doing dishes and it will save your nails I don't do mine. This guy here is the Principal at Preston and said he will pay to tip any waitress but me 3 whole dollars"
"Do the dishes"
She went over "I'm sorry was there a problem with your server?"
"She gave me a black eye!!!" What a dunce.
"Well I'll make sure she works extra hard on the dishes while I'll be the waitress to only you unless someone comes in since she's dangerous and can't come from behind the counter"
He looked over the back of his red booth and grinned. I grinned back.
Then he looked troubled "don't forget the tip" I sang back in a nasty I'll punch you in the face again tone. And kicked and threw all the chairs into the tables if they weren't pushed in on my walk back.
She got $5.
Oh it was definitely a joke around the restaurant. Friday nights after 8 weren't boring anymore.
His wife loved it. She was so tired of his shit. She knew we worked every Friday night and he was so dumb we could work him over on anything m
... ...
So in NYC. Scaffolding takes over the city sidewalks. Sometimes we have to walk in the street to pass. Or cross the street then cross back.because concrete barriers.
So in NYC the scaffolding is the rulers of the sidewalk. Put there by workers like the man who feels inferior to Harvard students.
They are in command.
I loved sitting under the scaffolding and hearing the hammers. The men above. Working for money. The men above free. Free in the sky. Free from the streets. As far as they could safely be from the underground.
They were like the bird Phoneix to me.
I couldn't see them but i could hear them. Banging and whistling to a song on the radio or in their head.
Up there they were free. Free to build and create. What they were doing would last for years. Decades.
What they were doing would be seen by all of New York City. Its visitors. Its home personnel. Its bodegas. The kidnapped. Every one.
The CIA was afraid i would be lonlier when they moved on. But i knew they were working. I could hear it. And one day the scaffolding I found safe Haven under would be missing.
And i would see the Grand Prize. Their work completed.
I could never finish a bunker they would always refill. I needed a Happy Ending. I needed Green Grass Roots on the side of the building the whole street they touched the lives of could see.
When they finished i took the girls. "You see that up there? The blue and green? That wasn't there before. My friends did that. I want you to know every thing you touch and every thing you see leaves a definition. Some may be wrong and some may be right. But my friends did that and saved me from my misery. And right now want to hug that building"
And we did.
So to this man in this post and all people that work and feel inferior...
Specifically to this man -- each and every student st Harvard looked at you the same way you looked st them "i can be something one day. I can be someone as important as him. I can help build a wall to stay up for years to come so students like me can keep coming to Harvard. If he can do it. And work in Harvard. I can at least graduate"
So never belittle yourself. You are important. You are worth more than money. You change the world every day.
You remember that. People we don't always say it.
But we think it. We find inspiration every where.
A girl screaming in the driveway. A dude feeling lost because all the world was shut down in a joke like but meaningful song video. My worries about people working too hard and not being home or happy.
Regular people others would think as trash. Or overlook as a fun silly video of the times.
P Diddy tripping as well as many others.
You all changed the world.
And you did it better than the President of the United States of America.
We The People.
Need our "lower class" financed people and our "lower classed: educated.
My cousin only finished 5th grade. You never could tell by looking at her. I never remember. I never think about it. Until she mentions it. And it SHOCKS me. It shocks the shit out of me. Because I didn't think about it and i couldn't tell. I look up to her and admire her.
So while I am PROUD this man made his dreams come true in secret -- why? -- because they were his dreams and his dreams alone and he didn't want no one meddling in his dreams -- I want to tell all of you.
You are not inferior because of your race or employment. Your pay grade or gender.
Here if you can pass a test or quiz or do a quick something every one gets $5.
Because you're all equal.
Love yourselves
And this man in the post is amazing i want to say again. Idk how old he is. He looks young. But he applied himself and focused and he tried. And he succeeded.
We're gonna be ok world. Its just gonna take some time
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