#i promise i won't spam the dash like last time
demonzoro · 10 months
baratie arc sanji is sooooo. he's such a snarling dog leashed to a post except that post is a lighthouse he swore his life to guarding. and then you find out he was the one who made his own leash. everything about him is so "give a wild thing food and it'll never leave". he was a wild thing zeff fed. gin was a wild thing sanji fed. some people love with their teeth bared. some people are just all teeth and therefore just all love. everything is a cage to him btw (he makes it so). the baratie is a cage. zeff's bond is a cage. his body is a cage. four walls and a ceiling over his head - like he learnt the dictionary definition of a home and misunderstood. he's always hungry. he'll make sure you never starve. the door to the cage is open and he's looking at it ravenously, pacing just behind the threshold, never eating and always starving
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otterskin · 10 months
Finished Loki S2
Well. I finally did it.
I am so very, very sad. What a letdown of a show. I feel like I'm grieving. I'm just so hurt and disappointed and betrayed. It feels like a poison burning through my guts.
So it was a bit better than Season One.
...I did like Victor Timely. And Mobius was great. He was something of an Odin analogue and I wish they'd actually explored that more. They seemed so uninterested in Loki's past despite this being a time travel show. None of his relationships or even his divine nature ever seemed to matter. It would've been so easy to take these same scripts and swap in just about any other Marvel character. Iron Man, or Peter Quill or Gamora or a new character, made just for this series.
Of course if you liked it, I still want to be friends. Last time I made a post like this I found myself blocked from people I'd always been friendly with. I never want to insult you or belittle what you like. And I don't like wallowing in negativity, so I promise I won't clutter your dash with it, either. I'll move on after this. Probably just spam some cool drawings of Odin I found or something else that feels untouched (for now...I see What If isn't done massacring my boys). I still want to be friends because ultimately, I'm happiest when everyone is having a good time.
Anyway. I...I just...want to leave this whole mess behind.
Last time this happened I stopped writing my fics. I just recently started again. Now I'm wondering if I should continue. If there's even a place for me in the fandom anymore. I don't know if it's even worth the effort, or how many people even like my fics, really. I get lovely comments and I appreciate them, but I know I'm far from popular or anything. I just try so hard, you know? But I don't know that it matters. I feel like what I'm doing doesn't matter.
I dunno. I guess I'm posting this because I'm just very sad. I've loved this character for over ten years, longer, if you count Norse Mythology itself, and it got me through a lot of hard times. But now it feels that's all been turned against me.
I guess...I need to know if anyone cares if I continue. Or if I should just mourn and try to move on, somehow. I'd just starting going in on Part Two of Finnesang and was wrapping up Lokabrenna, and now I...I've just lost all steam. I'm someone who writes when inspired, not out of spite. So being so disappointed, and feeling like a bit of a pariah in the fandom already, I just need to feel like someone actually wants me to stick around.
Anyway. Sorry for such a morose, navel-gazing post. Resume your scrolling, friend.
But also expect a lot more posts about Blue Eye Samurai.
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campdnpamerica · 5 years
meet the smarties tent!!
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hi! i’m brook, im 15, i go by she/her, im pan, i’m queerdaniel on tumblr, and i’m the leader of the smarties tent 🤓! i’m also known as g8er boi when i sport my gay sk8er boi dress and some jean shorts bc confidence! im a hufflepuff, a band nerd, and an aspiring intellectual who’s in way too deep. i’ve been in the phandom for almost 3 years now, and i’ve been a campdnp admin multiple times and am the queen of tent wars, so you all better get ready, because i (and my tent of snorting candy) am ready to have FUN!
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Hi!! My name is Layla. My pronouns are she/her or they/them. I'm bi (or smth honestly who knows at this point) and my tumblr handle is monachopism. I'm 17, from Boston, and I'm a makeup artist and musician. I play 5 instruments: Guitar, ukulele, bass, piano, and voice. I've been following Dan and Phil for about 7 years now. I fell out of touch with them for about 2 years until Dan uploaded his coming out video and I fell in love again. I love learning new things and meeting new people. I have a lot of passions; it can be kind of intimidating, but I promise I don't bite. I also have pretty bad ADHD and executive functioning issues so sometimes I won't do stuff/won't reply to things as often as I should, but that doesn't mean I'm not invested or interested!! Anyway, so so excited for this week. I can't wait to get to know everyone!
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Hi! I’m Adriana, 19, knows how to read (barely), my pronouns are she/her and i’m bi. I’m from portugal. I’m serpensortiaxx on tumblr and I’m a potterhead (slytherin of course), adirectioner (yes, still) and a few more fandoms, besides phandom. Oh i also love marvel! I’m a math major in college and I love reading, in the moment i’m reading “They both die at the end”. I wear too much black (and I always do this pose taking pictures, I just realise when I was choosing the pic, oops). I have been watching dnp both for a few years now, they are two of my favourites youtubers! (Others are safiya, simsupply and cristine). It’s nice to meet y’all!
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hey everyone! i’m hadley (they/she) and my url is starboydjh. beyond writing, dan and phil, playing video games and reading, im a big fan of all things nerdy, like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Dexter and Star Wars. it works out that im in the smarties tent i guess! I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since 2008 when I found Phil on a weird sketchy Buffy server (that got deleted a month after I made my account lol) I’m a college student studying for my MFA in graphic design at the honors level and my BFA in marketing. I was a competitive irish dancer for 15 years and I’m also a proud vegan! hit me up if you want to talk about true crime, game of thrones discourse, or if you just want a nerdy friend to talk about stuff with
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Hi! I'm Inês, my pronouns are she/her, I'm 19 from Portugal. My tumblr is confused-pumpkin.
I love to read, play videogames, listen to music and my dog! In fact, I like him so much that I chose a picture of him instead of myself, but I promise I'm a real person and not a 40 year old man. I'm very hyped for this camp (maybe the sugar on the candy is contributing for this) so let's have fun!!
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yooo whaddup my name’s Ming Way :D she/her. i’m 18, i’m from Malaysia and i’m chinese. i’m formlessphan on tumblr. i like drawing and i also read a lot of fan fiction from whatever fandom im currently hyperfixating on. i’m currently in that limbo between college and uni, figuring out which uni to go to and having loads of free time which is hhhhHh Stressful but yay free time. gotta make my asian parents proud yknow sksksks. i’ve been in the phandom for about 4 years since 2015, so i skipped the really really bad stuff but yknow i caught up on cold tea🐸🍵 i went to singapore ii which was the best time of my life and i cried when they sang the ii song cuz i’m a nerd. i play piano, drums and a little guitar(like barely). i’m a big mcu fan and you can catch me crying about endgame any time of the day. nice to meet ya’ll!! <3
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Hey you can call me Fin they/them but I don't really care. I'm ace and my Tumblr is @beanfish05 I like to draw, write and read. I can barely play the ukulele and guitar. I was in Hong Kong when dnp were in America and in America when they were in Hong Kong. and I don't know what else to put
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I’m Rachel. She/her. I’m 26 from New York. I don’t remember exactly when I started watching Dan and Phil, but I think it was around 2011/2012. I love to read and write. Oh I forgot to add my tumblr is completelyuncreative2.
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Hey nerds! My name’s Helen and I’m super stoked to be part of this! This is my second campdnp thing this year and the last one was... chaotic (shoutout to the Fijis), but super fun! I’m 17, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m a proud Hufflepuff. My tumblr url is panicatthechuckecheese (yes, it’s wild, I’m aware). Catch me on there spamming your dash with whatever my current special interest/hyperfixation is. I’ve been a fan of Dan and Phil since late 2014 and I’ve been to both their tours. I’m a massive space and math geek and I’m hoping to work in artificial intelligence some day and potentially become a programmer or astronaut at NASA. Can’t wait to participate in the rest of this week’s events!
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