#i probably wont apply bc as a guy with a gore/medical precedure thing it feels deeeply unethical and Not Right for me to get my kicks while
pin-up-puppy · 15 days
Was just sent an email thru my college that they're looking for ppl from the theatre department to help out the pre-med department by playing victims for the nurses interested in ER work/physical trauma diagnoses, and that I was nominated to apply. Basically the costume department works with the pre med department and gives you a bunch of different fake wounds from head wounds to stab wounds to knife slashes and a victim profile and you have to lay there in varying states of "unconsciousness" while the pre med students practice transporting/diagnosing patients. Anyways how do I
A. Act normal thru the procedure
B. Get them to take pictures so i can send em to a certain sadist so it can see me bloody and unresponsive with the light fading behind my eyes
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