#i probably shouldn't have deleted all this crap outta my inbox
marshmallowgoop · 5 years
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This isn’t something I should have edited together.
But here it is: all the messages I’ve received in the last month or so that are mean spirited and/or really hurt me (no matter how well intentioned they may have been).
After all my years of feeling invisible and like no one cares, I think I’m finally getting somewhere. I’m not just being insulted behind my back anymore.
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A Tweet: sometimes following the klk tag is good and nice and sometimes you get an essay on why ryuko and senketsu are in love
by the same blog, who is upset that this is not a popular ship
I’m more worth it than ever to be insulted straight to my face.
Transcript under the cut.
EDIT: I’ve explained my reasons for posting this collage here.
“You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over from what we heard in the Discord, right? Surprised the self-professed shirtfucker lore god didn’t think of that. Don’t trip over your massive brain since you ‘write stuff, at times’.”
“Ragyo’s bath scene was anti-fanservice. She’s disgusting, but it’s meant to turn the gross ass men off from her that would normally be pulled into that. As much as Ryuko and Satsuki are independent, strong lesbian women, so is Ragyo. She’s completely on the wrong side, morally, but geez Goop. Get it together with your points on her. I get that she’s not Senketsu but c’mon. Disappointed because I expected different.”
“senketsu raped ryuko in their first scene together. shipping them is gross.”
“If you have to outline the technical definition of ‘rape’ as it applies to a ship, it’s a bad ship. I thought you were better than this, Goop :(”
“on the fence about whether you have any fucking brain cells at all at this point”
“goops, you’re starting to stoop to the level of those that are bugging you. your last reply came off as super patronizing. i love you dude, but seeing you become as big headed as the haters is disappointing. get well soon.”
“’to quote steven universe’“
“no wonder your headcanons are so unpopular. This whole blog is a bad take
All of the women (except Sukuyo) are gay coded in that show, including the villains. It’s completely unrealistic to except them to cater to your clothesexual Kindergarten bullshit. You watched a different show than the rest of us.”
“You’re so butthurt about this Ragyou thing. Get over yourself. So what, your takes on her are shit. Talk about what you know you can write about successfully then.”
“Senketsu was made using pieces of Ryuko’s DNA. Shipping them borders on incest, it’s pretty fucked.”
“Some of us lesbians want diversity in our representation. We don’t want them all to be perfect, and we accept that we can have representation that isn’t moral just like every other sexuality. You can’t speak for everyone, especially as a non-lesbian, and declare Ragyo unfit for being a gay character. Go back to talking about the talking shirt.
your latest take really hurts me, goop. i started following you awhile ago because i love kill la kill. but as a lesbian and someone that loves ragyo (while not excusing her) your claim that she is ‘too evil’ to be representation for me and my people really turns me off of this blog.
Should’ve stuck with what you know. You obviously aren’t aware of the symbolism behind Ragyo and anything about her beyond her calling Senketsu ugly.”
“Goop, giving a Tumblr link on the topic of gene splicing is the equivalent of getting your degree from the back of a cereal box. I have to agree with the other anons on Senketsu/Ryuko.”
“I can assure you no one thinks you’re a man lmfao”
“That feel when senketsu will still inevitably die at the end of the series and ryuko moves on like she’s intended to, because girls can’t wear their sailor uniforms forever. And then she goes on a date with mako.”
“we don’t give a shit if you think ryumako is intended because it’s clear you and your writing are incredibly biased and angled to support your own ship. nice try.”
“usually i agree with many of your takes, but your recent ragyo one is Not That Good, goop”
Sent on October 17th, 2019, at 9:45:45 am: “You could play cringe bingo with this blog, omg. Tag yourself, I’m marginalized Senketsu”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019 at 6:12:00 am: “She shouts his name because she’s talking to him.”
Sent on September 27th, 2019, at 8:31:37 am: “🚂[train emoji] - the sexual assault theme when senketsu forces himself upon ryuko when they first meet. inb4 you come up with some headass explanation as to why it isn’t a sexual assault-geared scene lmfao”
Sent on September 21st, 2019, at 6:47:06 pm: “SENKETSU BEING OPPRESSED AND MARGINALIZED? how many people actually know he exists? not enough for him to be oppressed. comparing this to what the anons were talking about before, idk what you think oppression is.”
Sent on September 23rd, 2019, at 5:47:32 pm: “yeah right, and you have a degree in journalism and creative writing. fat chance on tumblr. at least find something published with actual citations if you want to use it as gospel. but then again, sloppy writing through some heavy ass shipper goggles, what a surprise.”
Sent on September 21st, 2019, at 6:40:42 pm: “comparing the attractiveness of a human versus a piece of sentient clothing? that’s beyond apples to oranges.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 3:31:08 am: “You tagged them as being the most canon a few posts ago, Goop. Maybe you should take a rest, some of these replies are getting convoluted.”
Sent on October 17th, 2019, at 4:57:52 pm: “AU where you have good takes”
Sent on October 14th, 2019, at 4:43:14 pm: “’Face me in klk IF’ cringe”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 1:28:30 pm: “ryuko is physical with senketsu because he’s her fucking shirt. this is getting hilarious, holy shit. they were right.”
Sent on October 29th, 2019, at 7:40:48 am: “You’ve been too busy sucking your own dick to post anything too embarrassing probably.”
Sent on October 14th, 2019, at 6:11:04 pm: “’Demonization of men’ we have gone full headass now, there’s now turning back.”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 2:37:06 pm: “Not everyone sends you comments because of the Ragyo issue, don’t lump everyone together. Some of us have just seen this all go downhill and feel like voicing that.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019 at 3:35:13 am: “you’re not going to explain how senketsu’s supposed oppression is on par with human racism because there’s no evidence that it’s as overwhelming except in your mind, since you’re the only person who would ever try to say what senketsu experiences is on par with what marginalized humans go through.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 3:09:13 am: “Not to be that guy, but if you see Senketsu as a child and still ship him with Ryuko we have a huge problem.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 2:55:57 am: “Wait a minute, you just said Senketsu is a ‘literal child’, but also ship Ryuko with him and think they’re canon? That’s pretty pedophilic what the fuck”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 7:12:02 pm: “You ever wonder why we’re here?”
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