#i personally think that the DY ver is the correct one if I consider the timeline and characters' ages and the information i got from DY
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whydoyouaskmethis · 6 months ago
I noticed some inconsistencies about Lei Mengsha family. Li Suwang said in TBOY that Lei Mengsha and Baili Dongjun met with Li Xinyue before Lei Mengsha and Li Xinyue married.
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But in DY, Baili Dongjun didn't seem to know that Lei Mengsha was already married and had a daughter (like me 😂).
Lei Mengsha brought Baili Dongjun to his house after he passed out after finishing the exam. Baili Dongjun was alone when he woke up and he didn't know where he was. He only met with a little girl that was Li Hanyi. Baili Dongjun thought she was his master's (Li Changsheng) daughter because her surname was Li. And when Li Xinyue appeared, he didn't recognize her either.
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Which version is the correct one?
16 notes · View notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-04 15 BIT COIN now
Also does this mean I have to actually use LinkedIn non-ironicallypic.twitter.com/voC7icQhpF
So I currently have 2,080 LinkedIn requests and my DMs are basically melting. This level of support is amazing and a bit overwhelming. Please hang tight if I don’t respond right away, I’m working on it! <underconstruction.gif> https://twitter.com/melt_dem/status/980940397919776768 …
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ http://fortune.com/2018/04/02/chase-blockchain-jpmorgan-amber-baldet/ …
I was giving a talk to this great group of future tech entrepreneurs and came back to a million notifications what happened https://twitter.com/techatnyu/status/980935526567030784 …
I love when design's figure out a way to serve more people in creative ways! The http://brailleneue.com/  typeface includes places for brail!pic.twitter.com/FsWr0NIT2O
2/ it’s wonderfully freeing to know that you can survive and thrive with very little money. Lots of investment bankers live in terror that if they lose their $250k+ salaries they’ll die. Practicing stoicism periodically is healthy.
I had a friend who insisted with all sincerity that you can’t raise a family in nyc on less than $500k a year. Useful to separate wants and needs. https://twitter.com/patrick_oshag/status/980186855961489408 …
Their fault for texting. We need to go back to old fashioned communication with greater human connection: AOL instant messenger. https://twitter.com/dickerson_des/status/979867128143794177 …
Laura has a great podcast. We chatted about security, custody improvements, and ASIC resistance. https://twitter.com/laurashin/status/979762986372947969 …
2/ Or just put the whole treasury in cryptokitty accessory stickers. https://www.kittyhats.co/
Where End the Fed is the slogan, Bitcoin is the implementation. https://twitter.com/ronpaul/status/980942965869723648 …
Bitpay Raises $40 Million in Series B Round http://bit.ly/2Ees8aN  via @CoinDesk #bitcoin
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” - Hayek
Wyoming is Challenging the Fed, Can it Become America's 'Crypto Valley'? https://mises.org/power-market/wyoming-challenging-fed-can-it-become-americas-crypto-valley#.WsKW2OrsJfQ.twitter …
Why does the US Post Office still exist?
Minor correction @BitcoinMagazine, CSW wasn’t on the panel - he asked a question after the panel. Originally he was supposed to be on the panel but I told the organizers I wouldn’t participate in a panel with a known fraud and he was removed. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/vitalik-buterin-and-joseph-poon-call-out-craig-wright-deconomy-2018/ …
Save the children guys #Bitcoin #BCashpic.twitter.com/1qoR2OcmMA
#litecoin #DogeCoin better then #bch LOL @Excellion the man! Btw notice roger the fraud ver can’t talk about today’s #bitcoin costs only the past when they were high. Viva la #litecoin #bitcoin Ver really is such a bum. It’s pathetic that dude hasn’t been washed out yet. https://twitter.com/the_hopemeister/status/981123144365760512 …
"More babies are dying"pic.twitter.com/1xRfKAcB7p
@Excellion Loved your discussion with @rogerkver at @deconomy. I think your calm, considered approach speak volumes when debating such an aggressive & manipulative person. Try not to let him bait you in the future though. Roger steers the discussion to the one he wants to have
This is how I track my monthly health/habits/food/etc., feel free to copy it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g7UTvWFJ_F-1RmiaKvSHCwCa0n6rCZHIcOq43opQKOY/edit?usp=sharing …
New KRS Podcast: @adamgazz M.D. / Ph.D - Improving your brain with medically prescribable video games: https://www.kevinrose.com/single-post/Adam-Gazzaley …
Reminder: Mister Rogers stamps are now available at USPS, just ordered mine: https://store.usps.com/store/results?_dyncharset=UTF-8&Dy=1&Nty=1&siteScope=ok&_D%3AsiteScope=+&Ntt=mister+rogers&search=&_D%3Asearch=+&_DARGS=%2Fstore%2Fcartridges%2FSearchBox%2FSearchBox.jsp …
can't wait to read this!! https://twitter.com/jasonfried/status/976850741985009664 …
So many cool topics in this episode...more reasons to use the sauna. https://twitter.com/foundmyfitness/status/975769511788929024 …
also... "Banano is designed to be a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy" thx memelord @henryminden for bringing @bananocoin to my life https://banano.co.in/
“writing a check separates a commitment from a conversation." - warren buffett
as an investor in @InterchangeHQ i was waiting for you to say @InterchangeHQ
but where to find? feed me data please. https://twitter.com/danheld/status/981331508156706816 …
i love public speaking because it forces me to examine my thinking and try to organize it into logical structure. here is one set of charts i think are pretty sexy - utilization v speculation. tsxn volume is an imperfect measure - other ideas for how to measure?pic.twitter.com/gBF8BkCwrs
The particular phenomenon is "judgement culture": people who spend most of their time judging others, especially highly creative people like Einstein and Musk, not doing creative work themselves. This seems like a bad habit - almost a trap - some people get into.
Yesterday's gains are today's capital.
Finished the Three Body Problem trilogy. A stunningly ambitious work. It tackles the ultimate questions about the universe and makes few concessions. Makes Star Wars look like children's fairy tales.
(Idea attributable to Seneca).
A lion is prized for its strength and a bird for its flight, their uniquely expressed attributes. Similarly, humans are prized for their reason, and not their trappings - physical, material or social.
buddy that’s been my plan this whole time https://twitter.com/CNBC/status/981377066238033920 …
going down but still feeling a little bullishpic.twitter.com/JlWfeDcdbL
twitter, only when you sign up you get to pick five things you actually know about, and your tweets about anything else come flagged with a gigantic caution sign
Paypal blacklists payments for a World Socialists pamphlet about the Iranian opposition https://boingboing.net/2018/03/29/oh-paypal.html …
Cryptocurrency policy is important! Lots of stuff is happening now! Sign up for the Coin Center newsletter to learn what we are doing! https://coincenter.org/newsletter
On July 26, 2016, 19 killed and 26 injured from a stabbing spree in Japan. When someone goes and bombs a concert, we don't start fighting for "bomb control". What's next, knife control? If someone insane wants to kill, they will do anything they can to do so.pic.twitter.com/N5YUV7s09B
Short, easy to read primer on the history & definition of money and how governments have intervened https://mises.org/library/what-has-government-done-our-money …
1/2 Cantillon Effect - Newly created money is not distributed evenly/simultaneously in a population. It has a specific injection point and flow through the economy. The first recipients are able to spend it before prices go up. The last recipients get hit with this hidden "tax."pic.twitter.com/8iqv3ZiABv
Please join me in reporting and blocking these fraud accounts, thank you. https://twitter.com/NickSzabo4_/status/981207308654006272 …
An attempted robbery of a TN home turned into an incredibly scary situation when the homeowner was assaulted, leading to a skull fracture. Thankfully, he was able to access his firearm and shot one of the robbers to defend himself. #ArmedCitizen #2A #NRA http://ms.spr.ly/6018rF6Ir
Vote for your favorite finalist for our #GrandparentsExplainCrypto contest! http://bit.ly/GrandparentsExplainCrypto … �� (click on the "Vote" tab). Winners will be announced next Tuesday. Don't forget, you can win .5 #Litecoin just by voting! pic.twitter.com/k4ot7SSE1m
Abra and @billbarhydt are featured again in @businessinsider! Check it out: http://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/litecoin-price-surges-after-abra-explains-why-its-switching-from-bitcoin-2018-4-1020379060 …
"Ask not what Litecoin can do for you, ask what you can do for Litecoin." - Here's how: 1. Tell all your friends and family about Litecoin 2. Show your favorite merchants how to accept LTC 3. Spend LTC wherever you can 4. Buy back your LTC that you've spent #PayWithLitecoin
The flappening is at an ATH of 62%! #Flappening #PayWithLitecoin http://flappening.watch/ pic.twitter.com/e5sjNA1hqv
An awesome read about @SatoshiLite's predictions for Litecoin payments! #PayWithLitecoin https://twitter.com/DTPaymentNews/status/981191757449883651 …
Transcript: Nectome and aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/nectome-1517-2018/ … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y524FbBaVHM … cc @Lets_Upgrade @antonioregalado
Satoshi holding on to a million Bitcoin? Most core developers I know are skeptical of the methodology used in the original article making this claim. https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/the-well-deserved-fortune-of-satoshi-nakamoto/ … (To be fair, I don't know of a written critique.)
"If you have control of the servers belonging to Visa or MasterCard, you have control of Sweden" Also good points made here about the vulnerability of digital payments to war and other conflict: easy for Putin to cripple Sweden this way. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/03/being-cash-free-puts-us-at-risk-of-attack-swedes-turn-against-cashlessness …
Twitter Miranda: "Anything you say may be used against you i̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶m̶a̶r̶k̶e̶t̶ at any time."
62. So I *do* think both sides need to improve their discourse. But Craig Wright *is* crazy. Fin.
61. Samson did then attack bitcoin cash'ers for calling it bitcoin cash. That seems unfair; we for example have no issue with Ethereum Classic.
60. Samson: "Now that you have your own coin and BCH people have their own chain to promote, there really doesn't need to be any animosity" Agree fully; though it does seem we are still far away from that.
59. "Bitcoin Core is some science project for people who live in first world countries..." One line I think I saw on /r/buttcoin is "Bitcoin has turned into a bizarro ICO for the lightning network"
58. Roger's argument: the core devs diverted the project and shifted the vision in ways that many of its constituents disagree with ("store of value") and belittled and censored them, so of course people are upset. I personally do agree that the vision was diverted.
And actually @VitalikButerin, one thing that you, maybe accidentally, missed was Roger saying how people and babies are dying because of Bitcoin Core. If you call out frauds and liars, call them all out. https://twitter.com/bitcoinrick/status/981233235635195904 …
In other news: water is wet. Everyone knew this already. https://twitter.com/crypto/status/981235460545622017 …
CSW calling other people "pseudo scientists"... LOLpic.twitter.com/h3i6xJESzQ
While it's great that Vitalik calls out a scammer like CSW and says he has no place at the conference, or any conference, I do disagree with many of his comments. @TuurDemeester highlights some important ones. https://twitter.com/TuurDemeester/status/981156859045404673 …
Bitmain started selling Ethash miners. #ethereum asics are here. What will $ETH do? https://shop.bitmain.com/product/detail?pid=00020180403174908564M8dMJKtz06B7&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=e3-announcement …pic.twitter.com/cWszghZ3Xu
Denying creators the right to refuse remuneration if they want to freely share their work undermines the core value of © -- the creation & broad public dissemination of new knowledge. Let people who want to get paid get paid. Let people who don't want to get paid *not* get paid. https://twitter.com/OpenRightsGroup/status/981203448313122816 …
Head of copyright committee wants to deny EU creators the right to share via @creativecommons https://creativecommons.org/2018/03/29/head-copyright-committee-wants-deny-eu-creators-right-share/ …
I'm going to live tweet comments on the "Bitcoin, Controversy over Principle" section of Deconomy for fun.
lnd v0.4.1-beta has just been released! https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/tag/v0.4.1-beta … this release includes a number of bug fixes, cross-impl compatibility improvements, p2p networking hardening, and a new macaroon! https://keybase.pub/roasbeef/lnd-v0.4.1-beta/ …
The #bitcoin #LightningNetwork DoS attack/test rumors are true. We did create a network stress tool for LN. The network is operating out of 8 countries running 22 attack vectors in-parallel from ~384 endpoints. Don’t trust; Verify. pic.twitter.com/hfSHVtQo02
Leaders shift groups of people's feelings quickly
Here is the note that @sundarpichai just sent to Googlers worldwide.pic.twitter.com/bdC6KeTl9c
Is there a podcast app that shows you top rated episodes (not podcasts) and recommends new content you might like based on past ratings? Similar to Spotify/Pandora recommending songs (not albums)
Great interview/podcast from @naval here on happiness as a skill you can develop, just like anything else. https://play.google.com/music/m/Dzt3juof75ibhvxrjaz3bdiwssm?t=136_Naval_Ravikant_on_Happiness_Hacks_and_The_5_Chimps_Theory_-_The_Tim_Ferriss_Show …
I've been using this 5 minute journal this year and really enjoying it. Helps you build appreciation into every day. https://www.intelligentchange.com/products/the-five-minute-journal …
I’m surprised the IRS tax return databases haven’t been hacked/leaked yet. Maybe a hidden benefit of using ancient, outdated tech?
The Ventures @ CICS (@umasscs) event will be held on April 3rd. See you there. #Entrepreneurship https://www.cics.umass.edu/event/ventures-cics-panel-networking-event …pic.twitter.com/HDQ9AmAhly
We’ve created https://doublespend.cash  -- a tool demonstrating Bitcoin XT’s ability to monitor double spends on the Bitcoin Cash network
After a devastating earthquake in 2010, the world collectively pledged about $13B to aid to Haiti. That's enough to give every Haitian a 50% pay increase for 3 years (on average) and far less than we'd need to fund a #crypto #UBI there. https://jamespflynn.com/2018/03/21/the-cryptoeconomics-of-funding-a-universal-basic-income/ …
Damned if you do, damned if you don't? http://gavinthink.blogspot.com/2018/03/precautionary-principle-problems.html?spref=tw …
The most appetizing valid BIP39 Bitcoin wallet mnemonic, converted to emoji:
Freedom isn't free; privacy is an important facet of freedom. If you wish to contribute to pushing the envelope of financial privacy, I hope you'll join me in donating to the Grin project. http://grin-tech.org/yeastplume.html
On today's #BTCsessions I look at http://lopp.net  - one of the best aggregations of #Bitcoin resources I've ever seen, put together by @lopphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p_kDig9Ffw …
It would be great if muting someone on @Twitter also auto-muted replies to that account from other non-muted users who are mentioning you in a conversation thread. Receiving notifications for such tweets is less than useless.
I just published “Why Bitcoin is Different” https://medium.com/p/why-bitcoin-is-different-e17b813fd947 …
Alternative Minimum Marmot
A deep problem with America today, cutting across a remarkably wide swathe of domains, is the quiet collective understanding that it's taboo to ever challenge or question the magic words "it's for your/our security."
"Cryptocurrency seemed like a rare (and easy) shot at prosperity." <-unfortunately people of all demographics eventually learn there are no easy answers. Life hard for all. https://twitter.com/Recode/status/981339321134301184 …
Wow. https://twitter.com/breaking911/status/981350798973075456 …
I'm not, because I don't blame millions of people for the actions of one bad egg https://twitter.com/michaelianblack/status/981268351744905217 …
'If transactions fees go up to $1, or god forbid $60, then blockchains would be a joke and should be regarded as such.' [email protected] /pX0vIlal21
Were you fooled by something today? Consider this:pic.twitter.com/9V2WT7RghR
#BTC a year ago 300k txs, now 170k #LTC a year ago 2k txs, now 40k #ETH a year ago 50k txs, now 750k #ETC a year ago 20k txs, now 100k #BCH a year ago 0 txs, now 20k BTC dominance a year ago 90%, now 45%... A substitute good is one good that can be used instead of another....pic.twitter.com/tWuPw3r0XB
Don't like fast, easy, safe, cheap, and reliable transactions? Don't use #BitcoinCash. For everyone else there's now @blockchain, @coinbase, @BitPay, @BitcoinCom, @CoinText, and so many more!pic.twitter.com/1MiWwimAFf
Be your own leader.
We just released lnd 0.4.1 beta with a bunch of bug fixes and improvements! Check out the code and upgrade here: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/tag/v0.4.1-beta …https://twitter.com/roasbeef/status/980982325440741376 …
Just released the first beta of LightningTip! I created it to make it easy to accept tips via the Lightning Network on my website. It uses LND as backend to create invoices and monitor which of them were paid. Source code: https://github.com/michael1011/lightningtip …pic.twitter.com/wIMb4a5SsJ
Tonight: @lightning Labs CTO @roasbeef to speak @SFBitcoinDevs about lnd 0.4, the beta release for the live bitcoin network! https://www.meetup.com/SF-Bitcoin-Devs/events/248815578/ …
Meet @starkness. The Lightning Queen. She'll stitch a global payment network on a shoestring budget. One of few people who can follow a rosabeef conversation in realtime. 15/10pic.twitter.com/Yvt8qRPbgN
The Times 21/Mar/2018 Bitcoin will the become world's single currency, tech chief says. https://twitter.com/Beautyon_/status/976511842926432256 …
To a layperson, this shouts conservatism. You don't want to be dumping into a bubble. Interesting that there is this much discretion over a programmatic selling program, though.
Has anyone written about @Ripple's Q4 markets report from Jan? They dialed back $XRP selling despite the bubbly run up. I'm impressed despite my critiques. Co sold $71.5mm in Q4, but could have sold 3x that according to their programmatic sales policy. https://ripple.com/insights/q4-2017-xrp-markets-report/ …
This beyond outrageous. @MailChimp is banning an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit that’s never promoted an ICO or really any for-profit initiative in its existence. https://twitter.com/blockchainedu/status/981301435433345024 …
Prediction: Security tokens will exceed $1trn in aggregate market value before Utility tokens do. https://twitter.com/dylancm4/status/981219662380769281 …
This is why I only write while running wind sprints naked. https://twitter.com/FEhrsam/status/981208225331605504 …
Bitcoin Magazine
BitPay Raises $40M in Series B Funding to Expand into Emerging Asian Markets
Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Poon Call Out Craig Wright at Deconomy 2018
NVIDIA CEO: “Cryptocurrency Is Here to Stay”
Going Meta: Vitalik Buterin Issues Proposal for Capping Ethereum’s Supply
BlockFi Gives Hodlers Another Option to Borrow Against Crypto Assets
Bitcoin Price
Cryptocurrency market finally in the green; AirAsia debuts BigCoin cryptocurrency – April 2
Telegram raises $850 million in second ICO round; Ethereum falls below $400
Cryptocurrency market bloodbath continues; Bitcoin Cash topples hard and fast – March 29
Litecoin dips hard for the first time since February – March 28
Ethereum falls to new 2018 low as markets tumble; Australia seeks public input on cryptocurrency taxation – Mar 27
Bitcoin Reddit
MAST: BIP to reduce transaction size, improve privacy, enable smart contracts on Bitcoin blockchain
saw Bitcoin in the wild today [kiosk at the mall]
What do you think about my Icons? (available for free)
New AML/CTF Rules for Australia’s Bitcoin Exchanges Become Effective Today
Babies are dying because of "bitcoin core" - Roger Ver
Meet the Charity ‘eat BCH’ – the P2P Electronic Cash-to-Food System
Cryptocurrency Hedge Funds Experience Poor Performance and Shutterings
Australian Regulations for Cryptocurrency Exchanges Introduced
Our Love and Hate Relationship with Bitcoin Miners
OTC Cryptocurrency Desks Trade Billions Over Skype
Brave New Coin
Token Engineering Pt III: Analysis of Bitcoin, design of Ocean protocol
Hacks, tax, and forks the biggest drivers of crypto in Q1
Bank of Japan publishes a consumer crypto Q&A section
China’s waning influence on the global Bitcoin economy
New York law firm launches crypto litigation tracker
Hardware Wallet Trezor Confirms Upcoming Cashaddr Support for Bitcoin Cash
Is Nasdaq’s Latest Slip Good for Cryptocurrencies?
Mysterious Developer bitPico Claims Responsibility for Lightning Network DoS Attack
Ethereum ASIC Miners Set to Hit the Market as Bitmain Begins Taking Preorders
Overstock Cancels Secondary Stock Offering after Share Price Plummets
Coin Journal
New AML/CTF Rules for Australia’s Cryptocurrency Exchanges Become Effective Today
Andromeda Group Give Blessing to Promising ICO in Multimillion Dollar Deal
Bitmain Announces 1st Ethash Asic For Ether Mining
CoinFestUK Announces Full Schedule & Lineup
Japanese Online Broker Monex Plans Acquisition Of Hacked Crypto Exchange Coincheck
Coin Telegraph
Fintech Firm’s Stock Drops By 30 Percent Following Announcement of SEC Investigation
Bitmain Releases Ethash ASIC Miners
Story of Coincheck: How to Rebound After the ‘Biggest Theft in the History of the World’
John McAfee Charges $105,000 Per Tweet For Promoting Cryptocurrency Projects
Bancor Network Launches Native Wallet With Built-In Token Conversion
CoinSpectator Blog
ZeroEdge.Bet – a revolutionary approach to gambling with 0% house edge games & single cryptocurrency
Bank Negara Malaysia issues warning against fake cryptocurrency certificate
How Zerocoin is Set to Solve the “House Always Wins” Problem?
You can now pay with crypto in over 6,000 South Korean Shops
Gibraltar leads on ICO regulation
What If They ICO? Investors Seek Veto Power Over Future Token Sales
Crypto Data Startup BitKan Raises $10 Million in New Funding
Ethereum ASICs Are Here: What It Means and What's Next
US Insurance Giants UnitedHealth and Humana Launch Blockchain Pilot
OKEx Denies Manipulation Claims After Bitcoin Futures Rollback
Crypto Currency Reddit
Adoption levels will begin to cap if the user experience isn't improved. As bad as Coinbase is, it is the only choice for beginners that makes the process simple enough.
What do you think about my Icons? (available for free)
Social experiment: 36% of employees would accept part of their salary in cryptocurrencies
Vitalik's absolute FIRE response to Craig Wright claiming that less than 0% of the BTC network is colluding with selfish miners
As seen from San Francisco
Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 04/04/2018 – Triangle Support Holding!
Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – ETH/USD To Gain Traction?
Asian Altcoin Trading Roundup: Top Cryptocurrency is Verge
Litecoin Lifted from Amex Backed Abra Announcement
Bitcoin Cash Price Technical Analysis – BCH/USD Remains Supported
Reddit Cryptocurrency
Adoption levels will begin to cap if the user experience isn't improved. As bad as Coinbase is, it is the only choice for beginners that makes the process simple enough.
What do you think about my Icons? (available for free)
Social experiment: 36% of employees would accept part of their salary in cryptocurrencies
Vitalik's absolute FIRE response to Craig Wright claiming that less than 0% of the BTC network is colluding with selfish miners
As seen from San Francisco
0 notes
lovelyfantasticfart · 5 years ago
Record Breaking Year For Better Toronto Real Estate Market
Trial consulting covers a number of areas such as mock trials, witness training, jury consulting, and jury selection and more. Variety of condos, family house and flats are being in-built main areas to absorb the population and meet the demand of dwelling protection. The senior unsecured score on Residence Belief was lowered to BB from BBB. Boland stated estimates on a sale price for Dwelling Capital could be speculative, however said industrial banks could be interested. Even you probably have already bought a commercial actual estate property, it is very important keep in mind that it's an extended process. What does this real estate market imply to a Buyer or Seller in Toronto? As both a resident and real estate agent working in Oshawa, I know first hand what a beautiful place this city is to reside and elevate a household. There are increasingly more actual property investors that see the large potential of the Toronto real estate market, comparable to any other large city on the earth, including New York.
Nonetheless there are a few suggestions for you, anyone should first know money of sleep that very good for someone. Also spread the word among buddies and family, as many individuals know somebody who knows someone who has a automobile they're trying to sell. Their state-of-the-art approach to creating property has undoubtedly attracted people who find themselves in search of inexpensive luxury. Do not forget to send a "thanks" word to everyone who submitted suggestions whether or not successful or not. Cover the seeds or plants within the holes with fresh soil and add some fertilizer in line with the manufacturer鈥檚 suggestions. As you'll be able to see, the whole space is now surrounded by the glass and steel towers of twenty-first century Toronto. Gregory, you forgot to say that prices in Toronto dropped 30% the final time that this kind of gross sales drop occurred. Analysts say 30 per cent to 50 per cent of sales in sure buildings were to such traders, with some already set to exit the market.
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Okay this needs to be said.
The Hunger Games is a good series. The books were. But im gonna say this. Yall are gremlins for bagging on it now after the fact.
The movies could have been better, but let's look at the books. Now I haven't read the books in a few years so my memory is hazy. Feel free to correct me, but don't be aggressive about it.
The love triangle: I have never been a fan of love triangles. Most of all the "oh! Two hot guys love me and I have feelings for both of them woe is me!" And while Suzanne Collins can write what she wants, to this day I don't like how she ended it. You had like 10 years to read this story so Spoilers ahead.
Katniss should not have ended up with Peeta. And on the same mark, she shouldn't have ended up with Gale either and thankfully she didnt. Katniss was right in that being the last thing she needed was more anger in her life. But I don't think saying that Peeta is the only help that can be given. Ver-batum "What I need is the dandelion in the spring...that it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that" Katniss suffers from fits of PTSD post the first novel. I'm not a psycologist, and my 2 trimesters of high school psych. Concepts and personal Psych don't mean shit, but I think I studied mental disorders enough to where YOU DON'T FOCUS ON ONE PERSON TO THROW YOUR PROBLEMS ONTO. Let alone Peeta had PTSD for the same reasons, then the tracker jacker (is think that's it. Can't remember. The bees) interrogation. Katniss needed professional and prolonged help, and I don't recall her getting it. I don't know if I'm coming off as too brutal, but this needs to be said. It's nice to talk to someone, but to make that person the one thing that keeps you stable is not a good mindset.
Gale. Now, I liked Gale. I enjoy seeing brotherly dynamics that don't "evolve" into love beyond friendship. But of course you have to include a child best friend in these kinds of stories. And I had that creeping suspicion the entire time the "you knew this man for years you'll go out with him" moment would come. And in book two it did. And then I disliked Gale for having been a total ass, like Katniss betrayed his trust when she had to kiss Peeta during the games. The woman was allowed to make her own choices, put on your big boy pants and stop acting like you deserved her.
Now that my biggest bugbears area out of the way, let's talk about what they did right, albeit some of them are right just barely (Sorry if my wording doesn't make too much sense. Most people who know me decipher what I mean rather easily when I rant)
The Human Cost: As anyone who read the series would point out, or remotely knows about it, the story was bloody and conflict driven. It wasn't watered down (for the audience considered, it wasn't). I was 14 when I read the series. The young adult audience Collins had in mind. Before then, I read mythologies and slice of life manga, if the most brutal I read was DBZ (They didn't have that in the school library though) so the time I read it, I was in shock. A child like Rue dying, that was jarring. Then the attack on the Capital. The moment with Prim and all the other children. Children as war casualties. 14 year old me still only thought that adults died in war, all I knew was that refugees were a thing. Im turning 20, I know it's much more than that now. But reading the death of those who were trying to help the hurt, that scared the life out if me. So I think Collins did well, if not hit the line, with the war.
Traumatic Events Affecting the Psyche: A lot, and I mean a lot of writers do this. They write off the after affects of battles. What should have been a traumatic event they just. Shrug off. Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, and several other tributes develop with some form of mental harm because of the game. What Haymitch saw made him an alcoholic for Christ's sake. Katniss' only way to deal with what she saw was to hunt, but even then, she got flashbacks. And Peeta was a mess midway through Mockingjay. It showed how ones mental state can be affected in times fear and violence.
Now, I'm gonna adress a few problems I had with the movie.
The Casting: I did wish the cast was more diverse, but once you realize how vague a lot of descriptions are, you'd get why they just went for "copy paste white dude/woman." Katniss and a lot of people in the Seam were described as "olive skinned and black hair' which sounds like ...Mediterranean decent to me? I don't know how you can solve that. Don't know many Mediterranean actors. And yeah, making damn near the entirety of District 11, the agriculture district, African American wasn't the best idea now that I look back at it. It smells heavily of a throwback to Civil War America. A lot of descriptions were loose at the end of the day.
The Hunger Games isn't the perfect story. Now with what I read, it's far from it. But it was my first Dystopia. And it was my first series. That won't stop me from admitting it's problems. But it was good, and it still holds up as "Baby's first military run state" story.
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