#i never thought i'd come to irrationally love absolution this much honestly
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rutadales · 2 years ago
currently resisting the urge to ask for more info about nearly all of the wips you just posted in that tag game bc i feel like that would be a lot for one ask. so instead i will simply ask more about ���🏳️‍🌈🦈TWO!!!!!! and/or Egg is back fic. and maybe come back and ask about more later :3
THANK UUUU 😈🏳️‍🌈🦈 TWO!!!!! is honestly one of my favorites!! It's an older one so I'm not thrilled with my writing but I'd love to come back and finish and clean it up 😭 it's just self indulgent fluff (with a wee bit of angst I mean it's me come on) about c!Foolish finding ways to get Bad to leave him alone (his method is kissing. really thought that one through didn't ya champ)
"And as Foolish yanks him back, he realizes several things all at once:
One, Bad is a lot closer than he realized.
Two, this whole ridiculous game of cat and mouse gets them absolutely nowhere and killing him would do absolutely nothing.
Three, everything Bad does is because he's desperate for Foolish's attention.
So Foolish decides to give it to him, all at once.
He pulls Bad closer, maybe too forcefully in retrospect, and angles his body so he's standing in front of him straight on. The hand not tangled up in Bad's clothing moves to his chin and tilts it up, just enough. In an instant, Foolish presses them together and distantly notes that Bad squeaks as their lips meet. Later, Foolish will hate how he so clearly noticed that Bad's lips are chapped.
The kiss itself is incredibly brief and hardly anything more than a peck, if that. Still, Foolish feels his cheeks heat unreasonably at the action. He draws back, hands still on Bad, before he really processes that he just kissed him.
Which, alright, in terms of spur of the moment decisions, not his best."
the egg one is obviously more angsty! I wrote it before the egg finale so it was just me spit balling about certain concepts. Bad getting mind controlled, Foolish's ptsd, the way those two are maybe the only two who will ever understand each other's trauma, Foolish's reluctant but ultimately very deep care and concern for Bad. Not sure I'll ever finish this one, but fun idea anyway.
"He also knows that it's wildly unfair to blame Bad for something an ageless, unknowable entity forced him to do. The logic always painfully knocks against Foolish whenever he feels himself getting irrationally angry at them for what happened but at the end of the day, Foolish will be the first to admit that they're just as much victims of the egg as he is.
Still, Foolish also knows that it's going to take a long, long time before he stops seeing Ant as his executioner and Bad as the monster who called for it.
This fresh hell certainly isn't doing my favors in that department. He squints against the light and tries to piece together what happened. Foolish had been- he'd been asleep. For what felt like the first time in months he'd actually gone to his beacon with a mountain of blankets and had decided to camp out there. He'd been scared and stretched thin, and even if the light never seemed to chase away the red in his nightmares, it at the very least left him feeling physically better.
So he had decided to sleep.
And then he woke up here.
He blinks, slowly, and tries to summon his own power and is met with nothing but the dull tingles more akin to static electricity than actual lightning.
Great. Perfect.
As he rolls over, he can't help but note the ceiling above him is one he's seen before, from this exact same spot even. Then he had been on his knees and there had been lava illuminating the walls. And, Foolish can't help but think as he strains against his bonds, he was probably better off.
"That's not going to work." Foolish flinches before he spots the voice, and hates himself as he relaxes at what he sees.
"Hey Bad."
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