#i need more logince
analoceits · 4 months
do you have any more complicated polycule headcanons for sanders sides? seeing your post filled me with a sense of This Person Is Correct and now I want to pick your brain for more
oh fuck YEAH
post asker is talking abt here
prinxiety used to have a LOT of tension between them. everyone else thought they were OBVIOUSLY crushing and eventually convinced them to date. this lasted a week and went So Horribly it is never spoken of. virgil and roman have resolved to just make out when they feel like it and that deals with the tension.
logan tried to graph out the individual relationships in the polycule exactly Once, because they wanted to explain things to remy. the project kept logan awake for three days and she had to be physically dragged to bed.
moceit are the only two in the polycule to have ever actually been married. mind you, this was all an elaborate scheme by janus to get them married bc he was SO PISSED at patton from their last argument he NEEDED to divorce him. they have tried to get remarried, but logan ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to do all that fucking paperwork again.
logince is the only relationship in the polycule to have never broken up, to everyones BAFFLEMENT bc they get into explosive arguments on the regular. turns out, when they got together, they both agreed that whoever initiates a break-up "loses the relationship" and after everyone found that out it makes Complete Sense.
logan ALSO has their own boyfriend leaderboard, BUT hers is private and she never tells anyone the rankings. they only announce if she has changed the rankings. (janus has figured out that virgil is at the top permanently bc logan NEVER announces a change in rankings after virgil has done something.)
analogical broke up exactly One time. no one remembers why BUT everyone remembers that virgil and logan were both so fully DEVASTATED that everyone worked together to get them to start dating again. janus stopped trying to break up analogical after this.
anxceit dated pre-polycule but took a While to get back together once the polycule started. everyone predicted this would happen, to virgil and janus's annoyance. whenever anxceit did start dating again they both immediately agreed they could NEVER tell anyone else bc they would NEVER hear the end of it. this lasted a week, before they threatened to break up which each other in a public argument.
loceit is not dating, despite the fact they are obviously in love with each other and actively flirting. this is because logan is waiting for janus to confess, and virgil has promised janus he will Literally Kill Him if he gets with logan BEFORE managing to stay with patton for six months straight without a break up to prove that he can be a Mildly Functional Partner. this will never happen.
every single time moceit breaks up, no matter WHAT the reason, no matter HOW AMICABLE, virgil and janus get into a physical fight. after a while everyone realized they both just like the adrenaline rush of fighting and they use the break up as an excuse, so they just leave them to it.
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Role Reversal
Roman kept mentioning that he doesn’t like transformations and it kept reminding me of Patton turning into a giant frog and Janus disguising himself as other sides. It would be very cool and epic if you could make some Roman angst based off this concept (no pressure obviously) – anon
The song "I Am in Great Pain, Please Help Me" by Crywank reminds me so much of Roman (specifically, your brand of Roman angst). I was wondering if you had the spoons for it, to write something inspired by it? No pressure to, ofc! – anon
Perhaps something where Roman is comforting Logan and then after Roman leaves, Logan is like, “Wait, shit, I should have been comforting YOU!”. You know the scene in What Makes A Perfect Gift where Logan asks for Roman’s input and Roman looks genuinely surprised? The angst potential for Roman not thinking he’s needed at a BRAINSTORM is so slept on. I know you’ve had a lot of Roman angst asks lately so I understand if you don’t want to do it, but I definitely wanted to ask just in case! – anon
Roman angst disguised as Logan centric. Logan Sherlock fic about him trying to figure out why Thomas’s mental health is so bad. – anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: roman being insecure, logan being insecure
Pairings: logince can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 3143
Logan feels stressed about Thomas's mental health and goes to Roman for help discussing a possible upcoming video, only for Roman to accurately guess that Logan's feeling insecure about his own role in keeping Thomas happy and healthy. Little does Logan know: there's more going on than meets the eye and it isn't until later that he realizes Roman's far more fragile than anyone could've guessed. After that, well, there's really only one course of action.
If Logan had not been paying very, very close attention, there is every possibility that he could have missed it.
He almost did; despite being entirely focused on his goal, he has to admit that it wasn't something he saw as necessarily related, and as such, dismissed initially as not relevant to solving the problem of why Thomas's mental health had been in a steady decline since the wedding. However, upon further reflection, he can conclude that not only was the sudden tightening of Roman's expression related, it was most likely the strongest indicator he's seen since he began.
"Sorry, Specs, I think my hearing cut out of a second there." Roman scratches the back of his head almost sheepishly. "Can you—can you say that one more time?"
"I believe it would be helpful for Thomas for us to do another 'low-key' video, as it were, and for you and I to work together."
"Yes, I heard that part."
"As we want to focus on recapturing some of Thomas's whimsy and zest for life—" here Roman's expression quirks towards amusement— "it would be apt for you to try and recreate some of the dreams Thomas has held onto in the past."
"Right, but not like—"
"Including transforming into those he aspired to be or the roles he aspired to fill," Logan finishes, frowning when there's that momentary tightness in Roman's smile again, "do you concur?"
"I—so I'm all for helping Thomas fall in love with his dreams again, you know, but, um…" He twists his fingers together. "I'm not sure that this is…the best way to do it?"
"You are the embodiment of Thomas's Hopes and Dreams. Who else would be better equipped to help me?"
Roman blinks as if he hadn't been expecting the comment. Which is in and of itself a little odd; Roman typically never passes up the opportunity to remind them of his standing in Thomas's psyche, nor to claim credit for half of the things Thomas does even when it's far more of a group effort. "Right, but I don't see how me turning into various things would be helpful."
"Thomas is a very visual learner. It's been proven in the past via various theater productions and other activities that he thrives in environments where he can immerse himself in what it is he's doing. By having you, his Creativity, directly mimic the dreams he wishes or wished to obtain, we draw a more substantial connection between the Thomas that he is now and the Thomas he aspires to be."
Roman's mouth works. Logan frowns.
"If you have something you want to say, Roman, by all means, speak your mind. This brainstorm won't be nearly as successful if only one of us is contributing."
"Where is this coming from, Logan?"
"I'm not quite sure what you mean."
"This." Roman gestures back and forth between them. "This sudden need to 'fix' Thomas. You've been pretty clear with the rest of us that you don't think staying 'in his head' would be helpful, not when you're working so hard on your lists that you want him to do."
"Well, it's been pretty clear those aren't working, so—"
"But they have been. You know they have been—we all celebrated when Thomas finally managed to clean his kitchen and you were right, he did feel better afterwards. Your methods were working, are working."
Logan swallows. He did feel very accomplished after the last bowl had been placed in the cupboard, and no one had been happier than he when Thomas not only made himself dinner but cleaned up afterwards, but this was different. "Thomas deserves the drive to go after what he wants as well as doing the maintenance required to sustain his current lifestyle."
Roman nods. "And what sorts of things are those?"
"Roman, I don't understand—"
"Please," he interrupts, holding up his hands, "humor me?"
"You're the one who's Hopes and Dreams," he protests feebly, "you're Creativity. I'm not going to be good at coming up with them."
"Just try. You're better at it than you think."
"O-oh." He blinks. "Thank you, Roman."
"Of course."
"Uh—well, I think Thomas has a passion for filmmaking that he hasn't fully realized in shooting the YouTube videos due to the constraints of the channel."
"He's been enjoying doing the modeling shoots for Instagram as well. And he has a few shows that he wants to catch up on—not a dream, I know, but something he wants to do."
"That's good, Logan. What else?"
"Does he still have the dream of being an actor? On a more professional level?"
"I believe so, yes."
"Well, there you are, then."
Roman nods. "And if we go off of your transformation idea, what—what exactly would I be transforming into?"
He furrows his brow. "Well, you would be—if you were doing—I suppose you—ah. I see your point."
"It's not that there's something Thomas isn't that we need to make him into," Roman says quietly, "we can just remind him of the things that are already inside him that he can chase and pursue."
"…that is a very valid conclusion to have reached."
"He doesn't have to work all the time—I think both you and I know the dangers of letting yourself believe you can," he says with a gentle nudge to Logan's shoulder, "he can give himself time to rest and work on things that he wants to, not things that he has to."
"And I suppose making another video would be counterproductive to this aim, as it requires a level of work that would not be outweighed by the reassurance it might provide."
"I don't know if I would've said it nearly as well as you, but yeah, pretty much."
Logan sighs, closing his notebook with an almost despondent flap. "Then I suppose I have nothing else to work on."
He frowns at Roman. "'Good?'"
"Well, now that means you can do the things that you want to do."
"M-me? What on earth are you talking about?"
"Did we not just go over how important it is to not be consumed by work all the time?"
"Well, yes, but—"
"Did we not just talk about how it's necessary to rest and do the things you want to do from time to time?"
"I don't—"
"Did you not just say that you have nothing else to work on right now?"
"I know what you're doing," he says, meaning for it to come out accusatory and missing dreadfully, "it's not going to work."
"Me convincing you to take time for yourself and enjoy spending your time how you want to spend it isn't going to work?" Roman grins, leaning forward onto his elbows, propping his chin on his hands. "Are you sure?"
"Roman," he warns.
"What? It's not like I was the only one who came to this conclusion about Thomas a second ago, you were instrumental in figuring it out, Specs."
"And we all know that you're way smarter than I am, so if you're going to take your own advice—which you should, then—"
"Alright!" Roman laughs as Logan buries his face in his hands, trying not to smile too obviously at the praise or blush from how many compliments Roman's just given him, "you've made your point, you can stop now."
"I think you mean I've just reiterated your point, but that's alright." A warm hand pats his shoulder. "You're doing great, Logan. You don't have to stress out about this right now. Thomas has earned a break and so have you, okay?"
"…I suppose there are a few things I've been waiting to do that could occupy my time."
"There you go!" Roman claps his hands and gets up, affectionately ruffling Logan's hair and dodging his attempts to swat him. "Let me know how it goes, I'd love to hear about whatever you're working on."
Logan aims another swat at his shoulder and misses, watching Roman sink out. He shakes his head, unable to keep the growing smile off his face as he thinks about his own projects. Yes, there are several things he could do, he could work on refining the data for the experiment, he could read that study he's been eyeing for a few days, he could look over the manuscript he's drafting…
It isn't until he gets back to his room with a different notebook open on his desk that he pauses.
Why had Roman been upset at the suggestion of transformation?
They had agreed upon resting and doing what they wanted, letting Thomas do what he wanted. They had agreed that resting was good, pursuing one's own passions was good. What about transformations had rankled Roman so? He hadn't directly addressed it—something virtually unheard of for Roman. Perhaps it had been something to do with the act of transforming itself? But no, Roman had always been among the first to thrill at being someone else, or pretending to be someone else. What had caused such a dramatic shift?
What sorts of transformations had they done recently? There had been the whole thing with Remus—Logan suppresses a shudder as he remembers Remus's song and everything that happened in it—but Roman had been unconscious for most of it. Aside from that, it had been…
Well, Janus had been transforming into them more often than not, but that was him, mostly, not Roman. And Patton had become the giant frog, but that hadn't really affected Roman that much either. No, the last time Roman had been the one transforming, it had been…for…
Logan stands up, eyes still fixed on a point in the distance as his mind races.
Roman hadn't transformed for himself. It had always been at the whim of someone else. Roman was Hopes and Dreams—Thomas's Hopes and Dreams. Roman did things for Thomas. He was Thomas's wants. Despite how often they all called him selfish, he…he didn't really fight for the things that he wanted.
Could he name a single thing that Roman wanted that wasn't something for Thomas?
I think you and I both know the dangers of believing you can work all the time.
There's nothing that Thomas isn't that we need to make him into.
"Oh, Roman," he whispers into the quiet room, "when did you get so good at hiding?"
He doesn't want to know the answer, but his mind is already coming up with a helpful list of every time he can remember where Roman let himself get pushed to the side, overruled, scolded, overlooked, for the sake of someone else. He thinks about the times where Roman had been obviously uncomfortable with what they wanted him to do, and then did it anyway. He thinks about how long it's been since he's actually heard Roman say what he wanted, not what Thomas wanted, not what Patton or Janus or even he wanted.
How long has it been since someone wanted Roman for Roman?
He looks back down at his desk and pulls out a different notebook. He's underestimated Roman. He won't go into this upcoming conversation unprepared.
He knocks on Roman's door as softly as he can, waiting for the quiet come in to push it open. Roman looks up from his—
Oh, no.
"Oh, Roman," he murmurs before he can stop himself, crouching next to Roman's slumped figure and carding a hand through his hair, "I'm so sorry."
"N-no, I'm sorry, 'm sorry, I can—" he scrubs a hand harshly across his face— "it's fine. What, um, what do you—"
Another sob interrupts him before he can finish asking if Logan needs anything, which only makes his chest ache all the more. He eases himself down next to Roman's buckled legs and wraps a comforting arm around his shoulders, pulling him close enough to wipe a thumb across his cheek.
"Shh," he says when Roman tries to speak again, "don't stress yourself. I'm not here for anything other than this, little one."
The pet name rolls off his tongue before he can stop it, but at the slightly wounded noise that leaves Roman's lips, he resolves to use them as often as he can. He scratches his nails lightly against his scalp, shushing him again when he tries to stifle another sob.
"I'm here because I realized I'd hurt you earlier," he continues, still speaking gently, "and I did not attempt to comfort you in any way. No, no—don't pull away from me, dear. Shh, don't fret, don't fret, I'm not upset—look at me, Roman, do I look upset?"
Roman's eyes, still filled with tears, roam frantically over his face. Logan keeps his expression as soft and open as he can, letting the concern write itself plainly over the furrow in his brow. After another moment, Roman sniffles and he's already reaching for the tissue box he can see perched haphazardly on the end of the desk. He takes it with a grateful mumble and blows his nose with a honk.
"You were right. You don't need to change to be worth something, or to be fixed. You don't need to become something you're not—oh, darling, hush, now," he says when Roman's eyes grow wide with distress, "I'm not angry, I'm not—oh, you poor thing."
For Roman had begun to sob in earnest, trying in equal parts to pull away from Logan's embrace and push himself near into his chest. Logan slides an arm under his legs and pulls them into his lap, tucking Roman's face into the crook of his neck and kissing the crown of his head. There's a moment where Roman tenses and he fears he might pull away, but then he all but collapses into him and buries his nose in Logan's shirt.
"There you go, little one, shh, it's alright. You can cry, crying is good. You're alright, you're safe, I'm right here." He runs his hand up and down Roman's back. "Shh, shh, that's it…that's it, my dear."
"Sorry—'m so sorry—"
"Shh-shh-shh, no apologies from you, not about this. You're overwhelmed and overworked, it's perfectly alright for you to be emotional right now. You can let it out, I don't mind at all. In fact, I'm here to help."
"Mm. You took great pains to comfort me earlier, even when I did not ask, and you," and here he gives Roman a little shake, "have not let anyone comfort you in quite a long time. So yes, I am here to comfort you, to help, and if that means letting you cry in my lap for as long as you need, then that is what I shall do."
"It's so hard," comes the sniffling whisper from under his chin, "I keep—I keep trying to be what they want but they don't know what they want and then it's my fault and I can't—they keep changing and wanting me to change and I can't—"
"Shh, shh…hush, my dear, it's alright. That's right, just let me hold you…"
They spend a great deal of time like that, curled up on the floor. Logan keeps carding his hand through Roman's hair, soothing away the more violent of sobs with gentle touches up and down his back or patting his chest. How long has Roman been holding this in? How long has it been since their prince has let himself fall apart without remorse? And how long has it been since they took pains enough to notice?
He pulls himself from his own thoughts when Roman's head turns, bumping slightly against his chin. He tilts his head to press a kiss to his temple, leaning back just enough to see the blotchy face come into view. Taking another tissue, he carefully dabs up the last of the tears he can see, holding it so Roman can blow his nose again.
"…thanks, Logan."
"Of course, my dear." He raises an eyebrow at the little shudder that goes through him. "No?"
"N-no, yes. Yes. Very much yes. Sorry."
"None of that now, my dear. Do you feel any better?"
"A little bit."
"That's excellent. Shall we sit here for a little longer, or do you want to move somewhere a little more comfortable?"
"C-can we just stay here for a little longer?"
"Of course we can." He runs his thumb over Roman's cheek again. "I am truly sorry it took me so long to figure out what was going on, little one. But I'm here now."
Roman averts his gaze and once again Logan is struck by how different Roman is right now; no longer does he see their fiery prince who so eloquently made him take his own advice mere hours ago, instead he sees a shell of a Side who shies away from a gentle touch like a dog too scared to eat. The comparison alone is enough to coax him to lean forward and kiss his cheek, cuddling him against his chest.
"I'm here now," he repeats, "let me look after you."
"You will?"
"Yes, Roman, I will. I'm right here—" he pulls him a little closer— "I've got you, little one, you're alright."
"I don't know what to do."
"Right now?"
Logan's heart clenches in his chest and he forces the ache away, running his thumb over his cheek once more. "Well, what do you want to do right now?"
"I want to stay here."
"Then we shall stay here. And when you're ready to figure out what you want to do next," he says, adjusting them until they're both comfortable as can be, "I will be here to help."
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs@el-does-photography@princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl@raven1508
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Frothing at the mouth you guys Logince is so cute omfg I see them and I go
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Maybe I should work on my Logince fic for awhile. Oh but eugh it needs so much work and it's intimidating me for over a year now.
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
What your favorite Sanders Sides episode says about you because I’m binging the series rn and I wanna do this. All of this is a joke, I’m just being silly
My True Identity: Wow look at the fun little identity crisis series! Would be a shame if this goes downhill, right? Yeah, that’s what denial of the inevitable sounds like.
Way Too Adult: I’m willing to bet you’re a fan of the Unsympathetic Patton stuff. Just the vibe I get.
Taking on Anxiety!: I’m so sorry for the atrocities that have occurred in this fandom regarding Virgil. All you wanted was a sassy little emo boy and the fandom made him the embodiment of uwu, I’M SO SORRY-
A New Year of Lying to Myself… In Song!: You just like the song. I feel you, I like the song too.
The Dark Side of Disney!: We meet again, prinxiety shippers. :)
I’m in a Disney show!: Your favorite character is C!Thomas.
The Mind vs. The Heart: I won’t say you’re a logicality shipper… but if they got married, you definitely wouldn’t complain.
Dad’s Big Game Day Tips: … Daddy issues. I’m sorry, it needed to be said.
Alone on Valentines Day: I don’t have a joke here, but I’ll just say that my first thought was “aromantic”, so take that as you will.
Losing My Motivation: Oh my gosh. We get it. Logan is wonderful. That’s the 5th PowerPoint you’ve made today. Please just let me go home.
Q&A: You want an updated one. Me too, buddy, me too.
Am I Original: Going back and rewatching this video after POF makes you cry every single time.
My Negative Thinking: Hey analogical shippers, how are you doing? Still starving? … anyway let’s do some more logicality and prinxiety, shall we? :)
Growing Up: You’re everything that the people who’s favorite episode is “Losing My Motivation” are, but for Patton, and you don’t understand why the fandom thinks he’s kind of problematic.
Making Some Changes: *obnoxious chanting* LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAM-
Becoming A Cartoon: … I won’t say anything. I won’t crush your dreams. I’ll just observe, smile, nod and just move on.
Accepting Anxiety: I don’t blame you, a lot of work was put into that episode. By the way you know you can ship prinxiety platonically, right? You can like it platonically without liking it romantically, I-I hope you know that-
Fitting In: You’re actively choosing to ignore drama online and I’m impressed with that, also you are aware that it’s messed up to bash Thomas for making a Harry Potter video 6 years ago, IT WAS SIX YEARS AGO AND HE LIKED HARRY POTTER, DON’T YOU DARE CANCEL THOMAS FOR THAT-
Moving On: Sorry, I’d write a joke for this one but I’m too busy crying-
12 Days Of Christmas: holy wow- no thoughts, head empty. You saw the colorful and festive little Christmas special and you actually said “:D” out loud.
Why do we get out of bed in the morning?: You probably said one thing in support of logince at one point in your entire life and you got chased with pitchforks by the prinxiety shippers and then Roman started bullying Logan, I am so sorry for this fandom’s sins :(
Crofters the musical: You’re basically Roman in this episode. “But look at him now! (Cue Logan chugging jam like a fucking madman) He’s just so COOL!”
Learning New Things About Ourselves: Your motto is “angst doesn’t exist if I can’t see it.”
Embarrassing Phases: I… completely forgot this episode existed. This is your favorite? I’m not judging your taste or anything, but what’s with your taste?
Selfishness v. Selflessness: Your favorite design? Janus. Your favorite personality? Janus. Your favorite ship? A Janus ship. Your favorite side? … Logan.
Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts: Remus’ abandonment issues aren’t canon. But if I say that too loud, then you people might stab me, so nevermind.
Are There Healthy Distractions: Apparently this episode’s plot of Thomas forgiving his previously homophobic friend is an analogy for Thomas forgiving Virgil for having been a dark side. That’s the connection! I missed it too! I thought it was a silly Frozen episode too! IT’S ABOUT VIRGIL!
Putting Others First: … guys, you can stop fighting the moceit vs roceit war, neither of them will ever be canon. ALSO HOLY WOW PATTON IS A FROG AND HE’S RIPPED FOR SOME REASON, WHAT THE FU-
Flirting With Social Anxiety: Your number one headcanon for the season 2 finale is a direct Frozen quote where Patton is like “Thomas you can’t marry a man you just met” and Roman is like “you can if it’s true love! >:0” (also hi again prinxiety shippers!)
Working Through Intrusive Thoughts: You have anger issues and you relate to Logan. Or you’re just happy to see the silly, goofy, demented Duke with fandom-inflicted abandonment issues!
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So I'm actively watching Supernatural and I can't stop thinking about the boys as hunters.
Roman and Remus are like Sam and Dean, brothers and incredibly stupid for each other. Going to Hell, coming back, punching the Devil in the face because why not. They may not have the best lifestyle but they have each other and really, what else do you need? They handle.. everything. Someone give them a nice hunt. Please.
Virgil got into the life accidentally but fully protected himself as quick as possible. I'm talking tattoos of every protective symbol and phrase that you can think of and he knows plenty of them. He doesn't keep many people close and he has the most run-ins with demons.
Logan didn't believe in monsters at first but he had a Bobby incident happen and lost someone close to him. That's what made him get as practical as he could with his defense and his offense. He deals the most often with ghosts and spirits and he's perfectly comfortable with that.
Patton is the type of hunter where you look at him and think he's completely normal, but then you show up expecting him to be useless and he's the most badass person you've ever met. He's the vampire hunter because of course he ends up being one. He's the cheery "what a nice hunt! Who wants some dinner?" guy. I love him.
Janus tracks down more unusual creatures, got into it because it was a family business. He speaks a whole cacophony of different languages and will not hesitate to start speaking German in the middle of nowhere if he doesn't like the person he's talking to. He
They all as a group culminate in a badass "oh my god stop almost dying" "STOP TRYING TO SUMMON THE DEVIL" "can we have one nice day" "thanks for the tip" group ever. And I don't even think they hunt together. I think they're all in different states, occasionally travelling, and then they call each other for tips. Every once in a while, they send out a "might need help with this one" text and everyone shows up because you can't let a hunter go alone like that.
Dukexiety, Logince, and Moceit are my thoughts here. Remus and Virgil have a weird amount of demon knowledge between the two of them and they use it, Logan and Roman are definitely in love but refuse to admit it and it's "just casual" (it's not), Janus and Patton are basically married.
— 👑
D E V O U R I N G this I fucking L O V E this S O fucking much oml P E A S E!!! I seriously adore all of their roles they D E S E R V E to be a badass team!!! Also I'm cackling at the thought of part of the group being surrounded by supernatural creatures and one of them sends a text to a groupchat and not even 3 seconds later a van pulls up with everyone else XD
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Burning Timber, Grey Fog
Woo boy, it's day four already? Damn. Finally made a taglist! Just a general one for my fics. If ya want to be on it, pls ask.
Pairing: Logince, gen
Trigger/Content Warning: depression, overworking, insecurity
Description: Roman has a horrible creative block due to burnout, and Logan experiences brain fog unlike any other. They decide to take care of each other for a nice day of rest and self-care.
Extra: written for Day 4: Block by Burnout of @loginceweek2024! Inputting a little bit of ‘Logan struggles with depression’ because I say so. Also, making creative burnout literal for Creativity is a must (change my mind, you can’t). Got rushed, sorry folks!
[Masterlist] | ao3 link
[read under the cut]
When Roman’s hand sparks, he realizes that it won’t be a productive day. 
When Logan wakes up in figurative fog and struggles with moving much, he knows it’ll be a day of grey. 
When Roman’s hand sparks, he realizes that it won’t be a productive day. 
He has so much to do. He has to reword a few things in this paragraph, finish the draft for another project, rework an entire section of this other one… He’s already late on a lot of these, and Thomas has commitments he agreed to. He can’t just not go because his Creativity is being slow and not doing its job. Roman needs to be creative, he needs to get these things done. He has to. He knows, everyone knows, he has to. 
His ink-stained hands ache and start to burn, but he just pushes on. The feathered pen he writes with is an extension of his arm by now, and it scribbles words onto the pages before him. The words themselves look blurry- he can’t tell if it says want or won’t- and the paper seems to blend in with his desk. He can’t quite remember which project he’s working on right now. Is it the short story? Is it the poetry collection, the one he needs to reframe a little? He’s not sure, but he still needs to write, write, write. What kind of Prince would he be if he let down his family and his centre? He can’t afford to let down the Others, to let down Thomas. He can’t stop. Even if his hands burn now, he can’t stop. 
His hands disagree with him, however, when one sparks and catches the paper on fire. It’s only a small flame, but it breaks Roman from his thoughts. He immediately pulls his hands away, dropping his pen. He tries to blow the fire out. He resorts to dumping some of his water on it- wait, when did he get water- which puts out the fire, but it also wets the thin paper. A corner of the paper is burnt and ashy. Roman sets his forgotten water cup down and stares at his ruined project. He put all that work, all that hard work, into finishing this project and now he has get new paper and rewrite everything, and- and- 
Roman hands spark again as spots of wet drip onto his desk. He realizes a minute late that he’s crying, eyes red-rimmed already. He inhales a shaky breath as he shrinks in his chair. He knows what this means, when his hands spark and he catches things on fire and ruins things. He sniffles as he holds his hands tucked against his chest, still staring at what he did. It hurts, very much so, to see all of the time and energy wasted because of his stupid, stupid hands. He curses under his breath, conceding to the fact that this means it won’t be a productive day for him. At least, not what he considers productive. He’s heard Janus’ lecture before: self-care is productive, it helps your health, you need to rest for a bit and listen to your body and blah, blah, blah. Guilt bubbles up in his gut and to his chest. His chest aches, his heart aches, at the thought of not getting work done.
Lazy, lazy, lazy, he can practically hear his thoughts. 
Roman can’t sit here, he knows. He’ll just try to work more and catch more things on fire, and ruin more things, and he can’t do that ‘cause it doesn’t help. 
Stupid, f*cking burnout. 
And he can’t think if he could still work on projects. His mind feels all jumbled and messy and it’s like… like… well, he can't even think of a simple metaphour. He sighs, sniffling again. He should go find someone. It’s better when he can be distracted with someone. He wants comfort, though he feels so icky to want. 
“It’s okay that I want things,” he mumbles to himself, a reminder the Others often tell him. 
So, before his thoughts can yell at him more, he forces himself out of his chair and out his door. 
When Logan wakes up in figurative fog and struggles with moving much, he knows it’ll be a day of grey. 
He can hardly open his eyes.  He feels icky and gross and sweaty as he lays in bed with sheets this way and that. It takes great effort to just look around and spot his clock. It reads 11pm. He sighs, realizing how late he slept in. Late for him, at least. Logan hears static in his ears, and his mind buzzes slowly and unsure. Every moment he makes to adjust his position or feel around for his glasses makes his body groan in protest like an old machine, unoiled and rusty. Everything feels so grey. It’s like… his brain feels soaked in figurative fog, and it takes a lot to move. It sucks, especially because he’d promised Janus yesterday they’d play chess today. He has work to do, a commitment he can’t just get out of, and he’s just being so lazy.
He tucks his arm back under him when he can’t find his glasses. Frustration shifts into upset and tears prick his eyes. He doesn’t understand why. It’s just his glasses, there’s no reason to be emotional. He whimpers pathetically as it gets worse. He’s going to fail like this. He can’t fail, he’s Logic. Logic can’t fail. That’s not how it works, he can’t fail, Logic can’t fail, he can’t- can’t-
A knock on his door gets left unanswered, no energy to even get out of bed. He tries to stifle a stupid whine, but it slips quietly through his throat. The person knocks again, and he hopes they go away. He hopes they won’t see and hear how lazy and pathetic he’s being. 
I need to get up. I need to work. I can’t be lazy, I can’t.
“...Lo?” a soft, familiar voice calls from beyond the door. 
If only he could think, he’d name the voice. 
“Logan, I'm coming in, okay?”
Logan shuts his eyes again, giving up on moving. He hears a distant concerned noise as someone walks over to his bedside. He feels the sheet ruffle and shift as the person sits beside him. They brush strands of greasy hair out of his face, and the warm hand makes him lean into the touch. The person coos at him, repeating the action. After a little bit, Logan’s eyes slowly crack open. It’s blurry, but he can make out red and gold and white. 
“Hey there, specs. Welcome to the waking world,” it’s Roman, his brain finally supplies, brushing his hair back. 
His voice is soft and gentle, and it makes Logan float a little. He hums at the nerd. 
“Can you move today, or is it a lot?” the Prince asks. 
As soon as the nerd groans, he has his answer. 
“Okay, sweetheart. How about a bath, hm? I bet that’d help get all the ickiness off.”
“Then I- I’d get up,” Logan slurs, whining. 
“Don’t worry, little nerd, I’ll help you. Okay?”
Roman slowly scoops his struggling detective in his arms, easing him up a little against his pillows. 
“Alright, I’m going to sit you up all the way. Squeeze my hand if you need to stop, little nerd.”
Logan nods, and Roman takes one of his hands in his. He squeezes lightly and Logan responds, showing he can tell him to stop if need be. He gently helps the logical Side sit up, keeping an eye on him as he does so. As soon as he’s sat up, he places a light kiss on his icky hair, not caring how icky it may be because Logan is more important. 
“There we go. Good job, sweetheart. I’m proud of you,” Roman mumbles against his hair. 
“Mm, yeah?”
“Yeah. Now, do you think you can try standing up, or do you want me to carry you?”
Logan heistates, “...carry, please?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Lean on your headboard for me, alright?”
The detective does as bid as Roman separates himself from him. A whine slips from his lips as he pulls away, and the Prince shushes him as he hooks his arms under Logan’s knees and behind his back. Logan takes the opportunity to place his arms around Roman’s neck and lean on him. Or at least, attempt to move his arms the best he can. Roman slowly lifts him as his hands end up resting on his chest. Logan can’t find it in him to care. 
Eventually, they make it to the bathroom. The knight sets his nerd on the toilet as he starts the bath. He makes sure it’s warm enough, but not burning, before he turns back to his nerd. 
“Need help in, sweetheart?”
“No,” he speaks so softly.
“Okay, want me in here with you, or are you okay by yourself?”
“Mm, myself.”
“Alright. Just yell for me if you need anything. I’ll be right out the door, okay? I’ll put some soft clothes for you on the sink before I leave.”
Logan just nods as Roman places a pair of soft clothes on the sink next to him. He kisses Logan’s forehead before he leaves and shuts the door behind him. Logan takes a breath for a minute before he prepares for his bath. Roman sits against the door, almost as if to keep watch while his companion takes care of himself. 
After a while of helping Logan out the bath and down to the living room, he sets them both up on the couch. 
There’s two water glasses on the coffee table in front of them, along with selections of snacks and such to keep fed. Logan wears his unicorn onesie, fiddling with a small crow plushie with fabric glasses on it. Its eyes are orange. Roman sits beside him, now in soft things instead of his prince outfit, pulling up Netflix on the tv. There’s a space blanket wrapped around the nerd that huddles in. 
“Yeah, what is it, specs?”
“Why… what were you doing in front of my door earlier?”
Roman shifts in his spot.
“Well, it was late for you, and you weren’t up, so… I came to check on you.”
“...you noticed I was gone?”
Roman lightly scoffs, “Of course, I did. What kind of quest- oh, oh hey.”
He turns to see tears sluggishly fall down Logan’s face. He makes a concerned noise as he thumbs the tears away, cupping his face and sitting down the remote. Logan avoids his eyes, sniffling quietly. 
“Oh, sweetheart, what’s going on in that mind of yours?” Roman asks gently. 
“I, I just-”
To his horror, he cries harder. Roman scoops him up in his arms, into his lap, and rocks him. Logan buries himself under his chin, breathing shakily as he cries. When it sounds painful, Roman shushes him and rubs soothing circles on his back. 
“I just didn’t…” Logan speaks as his cries slowly calm down, gulping around the lodge in his throat. “I didn’t think anyone would notice. I- there’s a lot I need to do, and I can’t.”
“Oh, Logan… someone will always notice. Not just me. Patton would, and Virgil, and what do you think Janus and Remus would do? Hm?”
“Remus would break my door,” he grumbles.
Roman lightly chuckles, because he’s seen Remus break doors to get to others before, and he knows he does more than just that. He can’t count the number of times his brother smashed his door or plop in on top of him from the ceiling, all because he sensed Roman having a Bad Brain Day. 
“Yeah, he would. And Janus would start talking about how it’s okay to feel like that. Because it is, sweetheart. It’s okay if your brain isn’t cooperating, or if today’s a grey one.”
Logan nods smally against his chest, “I know. You know that too, right?”
Roman heistates, “Um, yeah, of course I do.”
Logan gives him a look as he turns up at him. 
“You’re burntout, Roman.”
The Prince pauses at the bluntness, glancing away from the detective in his arms. 
“I saw your hands sparking and twitching earlier. Which is why,” he grabs one of Roman’s hands for emphasis. “I asked why you were outside my door.”
“I did notice, by the way. The Others would’ve gotten to spoil you, and I want a turn.”
Logan smiles slightly, “I know. But you know you also have to be spoiled.”
“But I have things to do, and I can’t just stop, and let people down-”
“Someone told me it’s okay if you need rest, Roman.”
Roman scoffs, “Using my own words against me.”
“Technically, they’re Janus’ words-”
“Okay, okay, I get it. Guess it’s a Bad Brain Day for both of us.”
“Then let me spoil you, too. I want to.”
Roman rests his chin on Logan’s head as his detective leans back against his chest. 
“Only if I can still spoil you, nerd.”
“We’ll spoil each other, then.”
Roman smiles at that, picking the remote up with his free hand. 
“So, what should we watch then?”
The pair do as promised and take care of each other for the rest of the day. Caring for Logan is the perfect distraction Roman needs, and it helps Logan feel all the more loved and appreciated. Logan reminds his prince that taking a break from creating is okay, and that he’s happy to spoil the sh*t out of him. They cuddle and watch movies for a long while before one of the Others starts making dinner, spotting the duo on the couch. 
Janus watches from the shadows, smiling as he sees them rest and relax for once in their workaholic lives.
Taglist: @lost-in-thought-20
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rosepetalgold · 6 months
i look at you (and i dream)
Summary: Roman tells Logan what he’s thinking about and discovers his dreams might be closer to reality than he’d dared to imagine.
Relationships: Romantic Logince
Warnings: None! Pure domestic fluff!
Word count: 962
Notes: Title inspired by Mikrokosmos by BTS
Read on Ao3 Masterpost
“Roman, are you even listening to me?”
Roman blinks, emerging out of the colorful tapestry of his thoughts to find Logan staring at him from where he’s paused chopping vegetables for the dish he’s concocting for dinner, one eyebrow arched in a silent question.
“Sorry, my love,” he says sheepishly. “I just got caught up daydreaming.”
Logan sighs, shaking his head not unkindly as he returns to his cutting board, the slightest upturn of his lips betraying that he mustn’t be too put out by Roman’s lapse of focus. “I suppose it would be too much to ask for your ambitions of fame and grandeur to wait until I was done telling you about my day.”
“Oh, no, I wasn’t thinking about any of that.”
“Work, then?”
“No, not that either.”
“Then what on earth were you daydreaming about?”
Logan casts him a sideways glance, clearly baffled, even as his knife doesn’t falter in its steady rhythm. “I’m right here.”
“I know,” Roman breathes, not even trying to keep the wonderment out of his voice at the truth of such a simple statement, still unable to quite believe that this was real, that Logan was here, was choosing him, was his. “But I look at you and I just can’t help but dream.”
But his words only cause the puzzlement furrowing Logan’s brow to deepen. “I don’t understand. What could you possibly be dreaming about?”
Roman laughs under his breath, answers dancing over one another in his mind like so many bits of dandelion fluff caught in a breeze, too many to ever count. Where to even begin?
He shifts closer, gently finessing the knife from Logan’s grip and laying it on the counter before taking his lover’s hands in his own.
“I dream about waking up next to you every morning and watching the sunset next to you every night. I dream about seeing you land your dream job and finally being recognized for that endlessly brilliant mind of yours. I dream about buying a house together out in the country like you want and us making it our own. I dream about surprising you with homegrown roses on idyllic summer mornings and slow dancing in the dark with you on starlit winter nights. I dream about all the days I’ll come home to you and all the ways I’ll fall even deeper in love with you and all the countless quiet moments I’ll get to just be by your side as we grow old and gray.” He laces their fingers together, marveling inwardly at how readily Logan reciprocates the touch, palms warm and steady against his own. “I dream of us, of the life we’ll lead, of the future we have together.”
Logan only stares at him for a long moment, gaze searching his own as a hint of pink begins to tinge his cheeks, and Roman can’t help but smile softly at the sight, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to the bloom of color.
“You really think about all that?” Logan’s voice is slightly choked, words scarcely more than a whisper, and Roman draws back, a twinge of worry flickering to life in his stomach, but Logan’s grip tightens around his, keeping him from retreating.
“Of course I do. You’re it for me, Logan; why would I ever dream about anything else?”
Logan doesn’t even bother replying, simply tugs one hand free from Roman’s fingers, wraps it around the back of his neck, and pulls him into an ardent kiss.
Logan had never been as much of one for words as Roman was, had always tended to struggle a bit to vocalize his deepest feelings, but Roman doesn’t need a long-winded reply, not when the press of the other man’s body against his is all the answer he needs.
Logan, though, apparently isn’t content to let his reaction do all the talking for him.
“I know that not many people would call me a dreamer,” he says as he pulls back, gaze so open and vulnerable in the golden rays of the late afternoon light that Roman’s heart squeezes in his chest. “But I want that too. That future. The two of us. You.”
“It’s ours,” Roman vows. “And I’m yours.”
They meet in the middle this time, an intoxicating press of lips that tastes of hopes and dreams and happy endings, and oh nevermind all his indulgent imaginings about what might be, this is all Roman could ever want.
If this is his reward for daydreaming, he really needs to do it more often.
Entirely too soon Logan is drawing back again, rosiness now fully blossomed across his cheekbones.
“We don’t have to have a house in the country,” he says as if his brain has just caught up to Roman’s earlier words, the delay in processing entirely more endearing than it should be. “I know you like the city.”
Roman shrugs, sure the expression on his face can only be described as utterly besotted as his hands find a home in the familiar curve of Logan’s waist, pure affection melting through every inch of his body. “I can compromise as long as there’s no bears.”
Logan chuckles, low and bemused.
“No bears,” he promises, and with the way his eyes are sparkling with amusement, what else is Roman supposed to do but kiss him again?
“Love you,” Logan murmurs against his lips, the words still enough even after all this time to send butterflies dancing through Roman’s stomach like it’s the first he’s ever heard them. “I love you so much.”
“Love you too,” he whispers, and here, with Logan in his arms, present and future inseparable from each other for one breathlessly suspended moment, he can’t dream to ask for anything more.
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!): @darth-does-stuff
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part-time-zombie · 3 months
pairings: logince (platonic, can be seen as romantic)
summary: when thomas suggests doing a photoshoot featuring logan, roman is tasked with overseeing the finer details. on one hand he's thrilled to work on a project like this again, but on the other...
tags/warnings: minor hurt/comfort
word count: 1290
“Are you sure this is what I’m going to wear?” Logan exasperatedly called out from the other room.
Roman flashed a cheery smile in response even though he knew Logan couldn’t actually see it. “Absolutely. It’ll look great on you, promise.”
“It’s not exactly my usual outfit.”
"Neither is a skirt, but this is all about capturing your vibes, and let me tell you this is perfect for that. Now stop whining and get dressed already.”
He heard a low sigh as Logan returned his attention to changing into his outfit, leaving Roman to figure out how he’d do his makeup after.
When Thomas first suggested reprising Logan's skirt look into something more stylized, Roman couldn’t help but feel somewhat conflicted. Sure, a chance do something fashionable was always welcome, and seeing people applaud him online was something he would never get tired of, but he still couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy.
Why does Logan get the outfit upgrade and not him? his birthday is this month, and a new skirt photoshoot would have been a wonderful gift to celebrate it. He knew Logan was getting to be far more popular than him, but surely he’d at least get some sort of recognition for the sake of his upcoming birthday.
Whatever. He would still have the day to celebrate, even if the fans forgot it.
Logan had finished getting dressed by now, the sharp clacking of heels on the hardwood floor pulling Roman from his thoughts.
Roman was glad he was already sitting, because he would have nearly fallen over upon seeing the final look. Tight black lace, a royal blue vest, and cats-eye glasses all complimented the form-fitting pencil skirt perfectly. Logan seemed to agree, as he held himself with a surprising amount of confidence that wasn’t there before.
Roman picked those clothes out himself and he was still impressed by how amazing it looked on Logan. It was fashionable and stylish and very much fit Logan's taste. Roman couldn’t help but pat himself on the back a little bit for being able to dress him up so well.
“Is this look acceptable?” he asked, a faint blush in his cheeks.
Roman could only nod at first, struggling for a moment to remember how to properly form words. “Uhm, yes. You look… nice. Very nice, actually. Heads will turn for sure.”
Logan let out another sigh, though Roman could still spot a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. “If you say so. You would know more about fashion than me, though I must admit, I do enjoy this outfit more than I initially thought.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll really enjoy what we’re doing for your makeup,” Roman said with a cheer, beckoning Logan to take a seat beside him. He gently removed his glasses and set them aside before working, brows furrowed in concentration as he applied the makeup. Logan sat obediently still, looking up and moving his head however Roman requested, and Roman felt a warm sense of happiness spreading through his chest. Logan worked well with him, and Roman was surprised by how much he seemed to enjoy the process, albeit subtly. Logan may not burst into song when he’s happy (well, aside from when he’s eating crofters), but he made his feelings clear all the same, and seeing the small smile and excited twinkle in his eye was all the proof Roman needed that Logan was just as happy about this as he was, if not more so.
Roman set his brush down and leaned back, admiring the finished look. Logan looked completely transformed. He was stylish and confident and, one would argue, even hot in a manner that Roman rarely got to see. He really had brought out the best in him.
Logan fixed the glasses back on his face before turning to look at himself in the mirror, eyebrows shooting up in surprise as he finally saw himself for the first time.
“What do you think?”
That same smile from earlier was back and bigger than ever as Logan leaned closer to the mirror and examined the makeup. “It’s very well done,” he started, eyes not leaving his reflection. “I don’t wear makeup recreationally, but you’ve done an excellent job with this. I doubt I’ll wear this all the time, but I do like the look very much, almost more than my original outfit.”
“You really should wear this a lot more, though. It’s a great look for you.”
Logan ducked his head in an attempt to hide his blush. “I’m tempted to agree.”
“Seriously, you’ll have to beat the fans off with a stick after they see you looking this good,” Roman said with a laugh, one that quickly died out on his tongue. Right, the fans will all love him. Him, not Roman. Yet again.
Logan turned to look at him with an odd expression. “Is something wrong, Roman?”
“What? No, nothing’s wrong. If anything, your outfit is absolutely right and we need to make our way to that photoshoot,” Roman replied as he quickly gave him another smile and a dismissive wave, hoping Logan will leave it alone.
Logan furrowed his brows for a moment, but thankfully didn’t pry any further. “Alright then. Now do you have any advice for how I should best perform for this photoshoot? It’s best to make sure the aforementioned ‘vibes’ are correct.”
“Well, this is all about you, so as long as you feel like yourself you’ll nail it. Show them that confidence and poise I know you have in you and the rest will be a piece of cake.”
Logan nodded thoughtfully as he and Roman both got up from their chairs, taking a moment to check the upcoming schedule on his phone.
“Right, so it looks like if we finish the photoshoot on time today and we get the photos back quickly, we’ll be able to post the results on…”
Logan trailed off as the date appeared on the screen, and Roman knew exactly what made him pause. Logan put everything in his calendar, he knew every important and unimportant date. Of course he knew what day was coming.
“Oh. Roman, I’m so sorry. It was the only day that worked best for Thomas, and I didn’t even realize that it would be-“
“Don’t worry about it, specs,” Roman muttered, trying his best not to look too unbothered. “It’s been a hectic couple of weeks and you said it yourself, this day works the best. It’s not an issue, as long as the look goes over well.”
“You’re not upset?”
Of course he was upset. Everything had been going wrong for him and now everyone forgot about his birthday. Even if they remember later, it’ll still be outshined and overlooked by the photos of Logan’s outfit.
Still, that outfit was incredible and the last thing Logan needs right now is to feel guilty for looking this good and getting some much deserved attention. As much as it hurt to be disregarded, Roman wouldn’t do that to him.
“It’s just a birthday, they happen every year. Besides, I’m sure we’ll all still do something together for it anyway. Now come on, let’s stop moping around and get this photoshoot going!” he said, letting his excitement override his wounded pride.
Logan gave him a nod as he followed Roman out the door, sharing thoughts about the outfit and various poses he could do for the shots. Roman hyped him up the whole time, ensuring all the attention was right where it belonged.
At least his birthday would still be memorable in its own way.
He’s so doing his own photoshoot later, though.
@keitaisghost @nico-the-overlord @lio-the-chaotic-nonbeanie-weenie @britt-ish123 @rougeside4 @new-zee-land @can-i-take-a-stab
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diamondwind99 · 8 months
Tumblr media
Here’s my first entry for logince week, for the prompt “stars”. I think they’d enjoy stargazing together! Also put in a lil something special - that’s a real constellation called Phoenix, visible in the Southern Hemisphere. I think the Phoenix mythology is very applicable to both Roman and Logan in their own way. For Logan, I see it as the expression of the fire he’s been feeling he needs to suppress in favor of being just pure Logic and nothing more, which we now see slowly returning. For Roman, I think the last few episodes have really knocked him down and feeling like he’s lost a part of who he is as Creativity, and part of the finale will be him re-evolving into something bigger and better than ever. Their journeys are both very individual and very similar, and that’s a huge part of why I love exploring their storytelling dynamic together.
(also tumblr graphics killed the photo quality I'm kinda annoyed about that)
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shsl-fander · 8 months
Logince Week Day 4
Prompt: Block by burnout
Tw: Overworking, lack of sleep, burn out, insecurities, harsh criticism
Pairing: Roman/Logan
Description: Roman's been working himself to the max for the past week but despite all his efforts, he absolutely hates everything hes making. He finds himself exhausted, drowning in his insecurities. Logan has to come and talk some sense into him and let him sleep.
Read on ao3 or under read more
Roman slammed his head against his desk, his groaning muffled as his face stayed against the wood, frowning deeply. Everything he was producing was awful, nothing great like he should be making, nothing good enough, nothing that made him deserve the title of creativity.
He lacked the energy needed to work his best, and without the energy motivation him to strive, Roman took longer to do each small project, leaving him to work non stop the few days before Thomas needed it from him.
Typically Roman would ask Logan to help him brainstorm when the negative thoughts were clouding his brain. Ever since he'd let Logan know about some of his insecurities when they had tried that whole puppet thing, the logical trait had made a huge effort to be less critical on his work. Additionally, he'd been including Roman in many of his studies as well.
It made Roman feel appreciated, as opposed to worrying if he met up to Logan's expectations before. Logan was just so perfect, Roman adored him and everything he represented, he wanted not only to match that level but also to impress him, to make Logan love Roman too.
However, he couldn't ask Logan for help right now since Logan was so busy with his own work, he surely wouldn't have any interest in Roman's struggles.
He just felt so tired, the weight of his own eyelids feeling heavy on his face as he attempting to stay awake. He'd barely even gotten anything done, and reading all the stuff he had written made Roman feel so awful about himself he'd wished to curl up in a ball and just quit right then and there. Why couldn't he just make something incredible, he'd done it before?! A prince is supposed to excell all the time, not be pathetic and drown in his own self hatred then once in a while create something spectacular.
Roman had nearly drifted off to sleep, slumping over on his desk when he heard gentle knocks coming from his door. A familiar knock pattern, two short knocks followed by one longer knock, only one person was sophisticated enough to think the personalize the way they knocked in a way that felt professional for them : Logan.
Roman jolted up, springing out of his seat, slurring his words as he responded, "You may enter!"
Roman ran his hand over his face, attemping to wake himself up enough to where his royally fucked up state wouldn't be too obvious to his visitor. "Thought you were still workin', Specs?" he comments as he watched the door open, biting back his yawn.
Logan shook his head, stepping further into the prince's room. His eyes darted around the place before they focussed on Roman sitting at his desk. "Falsehood, I finished around an hour ago," he corrected, "I assumed you were finished as well and was wondering if you wanted to compare, to see how my data would match your writing?" he offered.
Roman felt a wave of panic rush over him, he frantically slammed his laptop shut, chuckling uncomfortably. "Oh! Right, that! Obviously that was the plan, as that's what we've been doing for ages! Ahah..."
Logan blinked, "Correct," he stated simply, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Are you alright, Roman? You seem tense," he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
Roman bit his tounge, while it was clear Logan cared about his wellbeing and all, he couldn't just admit to Logan that he wasn't finished. He wasn't going to make himself look stupid in front of him like that.
"Roman, you do not need to lie to me, I can tell you're stressed," Logan sighed, setting his folders down on the ground and walking closer to Roman, standing by his desk. "What's bothering you?"
Roman relented, slumping over on his chair, "I've been working non stop for the past week and yet I have absolutely nothing to show for it!" he grumbled, "I've made like 7 different full drafts but I keep scrapping them become they're all royally awful and I can't put something like that up, what will everyone think of me?! And I'm just so tired but I can't be tired without anything good to show from it," he rambled, just spilling out his guts.
Roman took a deep breath," and the absolute last thing I wanted to do was dissapoint you, Teach," he admitted quietly.
Logan's eyes grew wide and he frowned deeply, "Do you really think that lowly of me?" he asked.
Roman's head shot up and he frantically shook his hands, "What?! No I don't think lowly of you, I think the exact opposite-" he started to defend himself but Logan interrupted him.
"I meant assuming you could dissapoint me, you could never dissapoint me," Logan insisted, reaching out to touch Roman's hand before he froze, blushing slightly. He decided upon resting his hand next to it instead, "Especially not with something like this. However, I assume you're being extremely hard on yourself right now, I'm sure you're looking at your work with an unfair lense."
Logan cleared his throat before he spoke, hoping to god that the racing of his heartbeat and warmth spreading across his face wasn't obvious to Roman and also didn't mean anything about the crush he had been trying to deny. "I formally apologize if I don't say it enough, but you really impress me Roman, consistently. It saddens me to see you look at your own creativity with such harsh eyes, but it's even worse to think I would think of you like that as well."
Logan shook his head," I can't believe I'm saying this, but the work can wait, I can make adjustments in Thomas's schedule to allow for it. You need to give yourself a break before you burn yourself out any further, " he instructed, spinning Roman's chair to face him.
"You look like you are two minutes away from passing out," he pointed out matter-of-factly.
Roman stammeres, opening his mouth to protest but Logan just stared back at him, giving him an all too familiar look. "I hate when you're right," he muttered, crossing his arms stubbornly.
"I am always right, you just only sometimes admit it," Logan countered with an amused smirk. "Trust me, you'll thank me later when you can start again with fresh eyes and will create something wonderful, I just know it. If you want I can assist you as well, since I should actually be free the majority of tomorrow."
Roman headed over towards his bed, snapping his fingers to conjure up more comfortable clothes that he could sleep in, automatically appearing already wearing them. He flopped down onto his bed, exhaustion already getting the best of him. He'd been too busy non stop writing that he hadn't had a good nights sleep in nearly 2 weeks.
Logan smiled softly, and oh there was this tug at his chest that made him feel as if his stomach was turning. Roman looked so...adorable, which was an odd thought for Logan to have, but he was certainly having it. Not to mention the way his hair was much messier than usual, sticking up in parts, or the way his eyes were blinking closed every few second. It was oddly endearing, and it made Logan just wanted to cup his face and kiss him, feeling the taste of his lips against his own and the way they'd gently press and...
"Ahem, I'll be uhm leaving now," Logan mumbled, his face almost completely pink now. He headed towards Roman's lamp to shut off the light.
"Wait! Specs?" Roman called out drowsily, hugging onto his stitch stuffed animal.
"Yes, Roman?"
Roman glanced up at Logan, a tender smile spread across his face. "Thank you for everything you said today, and thank you for giving me more time."
Logan's gaze softended, "Of course, I care about you Roman, much more than any project, even the most important ones. I'd much rather be months behind schedule than let you hurt yourself, remember that please."
And it was true, Logan deeply cared about Roman, more than he even began to understand. And Roman cared about Logan too, deeper than just wanting to make good content for him.
They loved each other, and soon enough they'd learn to tell each other that. For now, Roman needed to rest, so Logan clicked off his lamp and slowly snuck out of his room, shaking his heas fondly.
He'd always be here to check up on him, always
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pencilpat · 11 months
Sanders Sides: College AU
Part two of this AU! Here are the character sheets for everyone. Both Logan & Janus are transfem in this AU. Prequel, Part 1
Featuring queerplatonic logince and implied future dukeceit!
Janus and Remus have some realizations about each other as they begin to settle into sharing a space. Roman attempts a confession again, with much more success. Virgil and Patton are doing well, and enjoying pulling the strings behind getting their friends together.
3,970 words
CW: brief mention of ableism from a parent, character living in poverty, swearing
Janus leans against her wall, pinching her eyebrows with a sigh. “So, a whole coffee shop right at your disposal wasn’t enough?”
Remus barely acknowledges her, simply continuing to set up the coffee maker he purchased while she was at school, humming to himself.
“Remus, I don’t even drink coffee. How do you expect this to be of use to me? In my apartment.”
“Ah please, it’s fine! If anything, I’ll just take it with me when I leave!”
“Yeah. Leave.” She pans her gaze over what once was her living room, however small and crappy it was. It’s now covered in folded piles of Remus’s clothing and miscellaneous junk. Sighing, she stumbles out of her crutches to rest them by the door, pressing her weight on the kitchen counter. “Remus…” she begins, but doesn’t even know what to say.
Hell, this is just as strange and surreal as it was last night when she got the text. Remus looks different, older, and healthier, with significantly more piercings and obscene tattoos. She can’t tell if he did them himself or got them done, but they do suit his ‘quirky’ nature. The wisp of a mustache above his lip is now filled out and curled. Him being entirely shirtless when she got home was also a surprise. When he said he needed a place to sleep she had assumed he would be sleeping here and not much else. It makes sense that the twin’s shitty parents got rid of Remus eventually, and the thought makes her pinch her lips together tightly. She observes him working to screw tiny screws into plastic, ashamed as she finds herself eyeing his lean muscular build. She scoffs at herself and walks the rest of the way over. It's just Remus, same idiot as he was in high school – she knows him and how to handle his eccentricity.
“Remus, the instructions call for the bigger screw for that hole-“
“Oh, I bet they do!” Remus chuckles, standing up with his hands on his hips to glare at the machine like it purposefully caused him to pick up the wrong screw. “Everyone’s always looking for a bigger screw aren’t they,” he says, this dramatic, pouting lilt coating the words. She snorts out a small laugh, a sound that seems uncharacteristic for her, yet one that Remus always used to draw forth.
“I’m sure they are with you, maybe,” she says in mock sympathy. Remus stands up straight and gasps at her, mockingly offended.
“Are you only good for witty quips or are you gonna help me build this thing?”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“Huh, makes sense you don’t have the energy to help then!” Remus sticks his tongue out at her and goes back to his fiddling. She laughs breathily, and walks along the walls to her bedroom, overwhelmed.
She drops against her bed like a sack, muscles aching from a day of walking. She lays against her pillows and listens to her own breathing rasp slightly. Living with the mildew is taking its toll as well, she assumes. She blindly fumbles on her bedside table for the familiar feel of her over-the-counter pain medicine, taking two dry. Too tired to get a drink. Too tired to get up much more at all for the day, most likely.
Ah, but she does have to. She groans. Bananaconda, curse you and your feeding schedule, she grits her teeth, cursing her beloved pet for being so beloved. Her snake’s cage takes up and entire wall of her room pretty much, always present in her mind. She’s one of her main joys in life though, and God damn her if she doesn’t take better care of Banana than herself. She sits up again, giving herself a moment before pulling herself up fully to standing, stumbling over to the minifridge full of mice.
Bananaconda eats very willingly, thankfully, making her life slightly easier in its turmoil. She made sure to stroke her scales gently for a moment a bit before feeding her as well. Anyone who says snakes don’t thrive on affection is an idiot in her eyes. Janus sighs, watching the monthly lump of food slip along her pet’s belly. “I’m jealous of you, baby. If only I could sleep that much.” She laughs at her own murmured words, and half-stumbles half-crawls back to bed.
She’s resolved to study in the morning already when there’s a knock on her door. She hides her face in her pillow and groans. Loudly.
“Janus! There’s a whole horror movie marathon on! Remember watching all those old things? You should come watch!” Before she can say anything, her doorknob is turning. At the very least Remus has the decency to have his eyes covered as he opens the door, but he was seemingly too excited to talk through a door.
“Remus, I’m… very tired right now.”
“Huh? It’s only like 7!”
“Remus, please.” She holds up a hand, trying to pause him. “I… I can’t even get up right now, let alone get to the living room. I’d prefer to rest.”
“Oh.” Remus pauses, blinking behind his hand. “Well, I just know you used to love them a lot. I saw you lookin’ all sad and figured it might cheer you up?”
“Even if I do want to… I can’t get up, ok? I’m sorry, I know it’s annoying and inconvenient and whatever else, I’ve heard it before-“
“Why don’t I just carry you!”
Now that does pause her. “Remus, what?”
“Y’know, pick you up! Er, if you’re decent and all.”
“Yes, I’m decent.”
Remus immediately uncovers his eyes, still seemingly slightly disappointed as she says it. “I can carry you out here! You’re not heavy!”
“What, am I going to grow extra arms to hold on or something?” She can’t help laughing. She’s a grown woman only a few inches shorter than him – he can’t be serious.
He most definitely is, she realizes, as he steps over and begins putting his arms under her legs and back. She lets out a tiny yelp, and is up in the air before she knows it. Thank god the room is dark, because her entire face goes half dark half pink with flush. “Remus!”
Remus just cackles, and starts carrying her into the living room. The lights are also off out here, and she sees in the light of the TV screen that her cabinets have been scoured as there are packets of hot cocoa on the counter along with two mugs. Remus sets her on the pull-out bed with surprising gentleness, and she sees the beginning of the first Scream playing already. Remus goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cream yellow mug held out to her, steam glimmering in the TV light. She accepts it, still a bit breathless. Remus crawls over the bed, careful with his own mug of coffee – coffee, at 7 pm, she notes – and settles beside her. Their backs are pressed onto the backing cushions of the sofa.
She watches his face, glowing excitedly as he blows on his mug. He looks enraptured by a movie she knows he’s seen at least 6 times. It’s bizarrely cute to her, and she refocuses her gaze onto the movie, though not really watching. Was he always like this? She finds it hard to remember. She doesn’t remember being so… taken with him? She used to find him more of an annoying side-piece to the friendship with Virgil and Roman – a jester to their catty monarchy - though he was genuinely good to her and enjoyed being around her. She glances again at his brown eyes, seeming slightly red when lit up. He’s laughing through the first kill of the film, that high pitched cackle he’s always done. She supposes neither of them really knew what it was like to have people enjoy being around you before that little group.
She can’t help a light chuff of a laugh at herself, taking a drink of hot cocoa. What is she thinking about right now? It’s just Remus, that dumb kid from her high school. Any amount of loneliness on her part wouldn’t be a fair reason to tug at his heart, anyways.
Janus does enjoy the cocoa, and the movies – well, the three of them she makes it through. Remus made sure she was laughing and made as many inappropriate jokes as he could. He noticed her drifting to sleep as it got fully dark outside, and didn’t interrupt her, letting her fall to sleep. Her cocoa was fully drunk, and he lets her just… rest, for a while. He’s not an idiot, he did notice how exhausted she looked from the moment she opened the door. His eyes glance away from The Bride of Chucky onto her crutches. She didn’t have those in high school. Flitting back over to her face, Remus sighs out a low breath. Three years is longer than he thought, truly.
The molded apartment and impoverished conditions aren’t… new, for her, either. Virgil brought up to him once, during a panic attack, noticing Janus living in her car through most of the time they’d known her. Of course, himself and his brother were too rich and privileged to notice something like that. He glares at the television spitefully. If he had known, if she had ever mentioned it, if, if, if. Whatever. It’s unchangeable, and now he’s also cut off from that money and lifestyle. Turns out rich actors aren’t fond of ‘schizo’ sons. He shakes his head out from the thoughts as the marathon’s end title pops up, downs the last of his coffee, and then crawls off the bed. It doesn’t feel right to physically move her, so he sets the two blankets and pillow down on the kitchen floor and resolves to sleep there. Faces flit at him from the shadows of a new environment, but he's too at peace to feel distress.
“Heh, night Janus,” he whispers into the silent room. “Enjoy the bed.”
Apparently 9 pm on a Friday was the best Logan could manage, as their texts show, and Roman is chugging coffee just in case. Patton and Virgil will not stop being lovebirds in the living room, and Roman seethes over his mug at them from the chair across from the sofa.
“Geeze, Rom, if you glare any harder you might actually put holes in us,” Virgil chuckles, sitting up just slightly, laying against Patton’s chest and stomach. This only makes Roman glare harder at him, and Virgil rolls his eyes. “Roman, dude, it’s ok. We have the plan remember? Subtly clearing out once she gets here?”
“You could just go now!” Roman whines, very loudly.
Patton giggles at him. “Roman, c’mon, you know she thinks it’s a friendly hang out! She would be confused if it’s just you when she gets here.”
Roman groans, but he knows they’re right. It feels… icky? Just weird, to do to her, but if Patton thinks she’ll be ok with it, he trusts their advice. Roman takes a large drink of lukewarm coffee and pulls out his phone again. He is still in dress pants, his black gloves, and a slightly undone blouse despite Virgil and Patton having chosen to be in pyjamas. Casual elegance is always his expectation for himself, even when a cutie isn’t due over any minute. His phone has yet to show any signs of Logan getting any closer though.
Only a few minutes later, it seems Logan just doesn’t announce her arrival. Roman lets out a startled squeal as a knock comes on the door. He instinctively hides behind his hands for a moment, and Virgil laughs at him. He huffs and stands up to open it to her, coaxing his cheeks to lose their flush. He pulls the door open with a smile, and finds her standing calmly, dressed in a simple black polo shirt and jeans, the porch lights glinting off her piercings. Shockingly it’s the most casual he’s ever seen her, and he’s caught staring at her. The undone top button may as well be pornography as far as her usual attire is concerned.
She clears her throat. “Roman? Are you ok?”
He stands up straight, nodding. “Yeah- Yes! Yes, I’m fine. Why don’t you come in.” He bows to the side and gives her room to enter. She raises and eyebrow and smiles just slightly and his unnecessary grandiosity. Logan walks inside, already knowing where the living room is due to visiting Patton here once or twice. Roman trails behind her, brushing at his white streak of hair, tucking it behind his ear. He tries to watch her move without actually staring, her light and poised way of walking enrapturing him as always.     
“Hello Patton, hello Virgil,” she waves as she walks in, settling on one of the other free chairs that doesn’t have Roman’s cup on the table beside.
“I made coffee if you would like a cup? I even let it cool so I can put some ice in it!”
“That’s very kind, Roman, thank you.”
Roman smiles, proud of himself, and practically skips to the kitchen to get her a glass. Virgil turns his head to look at her, picking up the remote to turn off whatever gameshow was on previously. He switches to Netflix and smiles. “Going for the classic Doctor Who tonight, L? Or did you have anything new you wanted to check out?”
“I actually have not watched any of Doctor 12, my studies really picked up before I could get that far.”
“Actually shocking you haven’t seen Matt Smith yet,” Virgil teases. Logan raises her eyebrows at him with a playful smile. “Just saying, you’re a nerd for this show, I figured you would have seen literally everything it has to offer.”
“Eh, school has always been top priority, even if it means not doing much else.”
“Still, you should schedule in a free day, or something. Just like, a day for doing things for fun.”
Logan seems to consider it, touching her chin. “That is true, doing things for enjoyment is a necessary part of life – it’s just difficult to fit it in, what with work and school taking up almost every day I have.” She shrugs, closing her eyes with a sigh.
“You need something fun, Lo!” Patton calls, obviously already sleepy based on their voice. “Even if it’s a silly show or just going out to eat instead of… well, eating oatmeal for every meal.”
“I like oatmeal,” she retorts, sitting up slightly and crossing her arms.
“You like other things too, though!”
She sighs and nods, conceding. “You’re right, Patton. Other foods can be enjoyable.”
Virgil and Patton exchange a glance as Roman reenters the room. “Y’know, me and Pat are busy most of the week too, but Roman has pretty light courses – you two should go get dinner some time.”
“Oh! Why yes, Virge, that does sound lovely!” Roman hands her the cold caffeine and she smiles in thanks. Their hands touch slightly, and Roman rushes back to the other chair to try hiding the way his face darkens.
“Mm, very well. Getting food is an acceptable activity to lose time on, considering I would need to eat either way.”
“And I will be paying, of course!” Roman touches his chest as it puffs out proudly.
“Roman, I make my own money, I assure you I can-“
“Ugh, just let me do something nice for you!” he says, a bit too aggressively. Paton giggles at him and hides their face against Virgil. “You deserve someone to treat you, Logan.”
Logan sighs, not fully grasping the reason he wants to, but supposing that it won’t hurt. “Alright, Roman, if you insist. We can alternate who pays.”
Roman’s mouth shuts, and he tries not to look annoyed at Logan’s refusal to be spoiled. Patton and Virgil certainly never complain, considering his incredibly large allowance from his parents. Even with all the clothing he buys, it would still be difficult to spend $7,000 monthly without friends to support. He chooses to gripe in silence though, as Virgil turns on Doctor Who and the title theme sounds its sci-fi score through the room. Roman glances over at Logan again, pleased to see a relaxed grin on her lips as she drinks coffee.
They all relax through the first four episodes of the season, Logan occasionally asking for clarification on the emotional themes and Patton in return requesting clarification on the scientific themes. Roman makes occasional compliments to certain shot framing and lighting choices, and Virgil remains mostly silent.
After the end of the fourth episode, Virgil yawns exaggeratedly. “Well, L, I think me and Patton are going to head to bed, but since you don’t work until like 2 tomorrow, you and Roman should stay up and keep watching. If needed you can stay over, too, you know the couches rock.”
Logan smirks slightly. “Yes, the couches are quite comfortable. Very well, you two. Rest well, remember to brush your teeth.”
“If the couches are so nice, perhaps we should slide over onto that one now that they’ve cleared off!” Roman declares as the couple disappears down the hall to the bedrooms. Logan hums in agreement and they both move over. Their coffees are gone, and Roman finds himself with nothing to fidget with. He ends up picking at the leg of his pants and tapping his foot, barely able to pay attention to the show. How could he when she’s right there, breathing and shifting so close to him? He tries sneaking his hand closer to her own, trying to build tension. She doesn’t seem to notice, focused on the show.
Roman takes a breath, and fully slides his hand over to rest on top of hers. She immediately begins to pull it away, turning to glance at him. “Do you need something, Roman?”
“U-uh- Nothing, no! Your… hands… just look soft?”
She pauses, tilting her head at him. “Soft?”
Roman is screaming curses at himself in his head, but he tries to smile casually through it. “Y-yes! They look,” he picks one up gently, lightly running his gloved fingers over the back of her hand, “really smooth, and your fingers are very long and thin… They are quite dainty.”
“Um. Thank you, Roman.” Logan seems taken aback; her face confused. “Why do you bring it up?”
Roman meets her eyes, her light blue ones clear enough to hold his reflection, and a small sigh leaves him. “I don’t know. All of you has always looked quite soft to me. Truthfully… I think about it probably a bit too often.” He smiles bashfully, glancing down away from her eyes. “I think about you a bit too often.”
Logan tries to piece together what he’s talking about in her mind. Thinks about her? Her being soft? It’s not tracking with her – Roman thinking of her often doesn’t seem like a characteristic she would expect. “What do you mean by that, Roman?”
“I- I mean,” Roman glances up to her face again, something passionate and soft filling his features. “What I mean is that- is that I like you, Logan.”
“I like you too, Roman, you’re an excellent friend.”
“No! No, as- as more than that. I like you in ways beyond friendship.”
Logan blinks rapidly, mouth falling open slightly. “Oh- Goodness, Roman- I’m sorry, I- I don’t- I’m not exactly interested in romance. With anyone, not just you in particular.”
“Ah. Oh.” Roman chews at his lip awkwardly. Of course she wouldn’t be. It makes sense given how romantically illiterate she is. “I mean… we don’t necessarily have to be romantic?” he proposes.
“What do you mean?”
Roman licks his lips, sighing, trying to put his words in order. “What I mean is, while I do like you as more than a friend, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be romantic partners!”
“How so?”
“Well- There are other types of attraction! Like how I’m mostly homoromantic, but sexually I don’t have much preference at all!”
“So… you are implying we would only be sexual?”
“Er, well no! Not necessarily. Oh, goshdarnit, words can be hard. There’s more than just romance and sex too! Like, even though you are feminine in your gender and not my typical type, aesthetically I find you incredibly beautiful! And- and I picture you erotically or sensually quite often as well.”
It’s Logan’s turn to go pink, glancing away to process her thoughts. Before Roman mentioned experiencing these feelings, she hadn’t thought to consider him in that way at all. But she quickly glances him over again, his dark skin with light markings glowing in the television lights and his perfect, slightly long hair. His golden jewelry and greenish eyes, filled with hope and warmth as he looks at her. Perhaps she gets what he means by aesthetic beauty.
Logan breathes in slowly, and fully meets his gaze once again. “Well, Roman- I suppose- I mean, I understand your thoughts. You are also a very attractive person.” Doctor Who is nothing but background noise now, their gazes locked solely on each other. Roman is clinging to every word she speaks, holding her hand in his own trembling ones. “If it would make you happy, I would… be willing to attempt non-romantic partnership. I need to do further research on this whole subject of attraction, I think. There seems to be more to it than I realized.” Logan touches her chin. “What do you call a partnership like this? I don’t know, ‘non-romantic partner’ seems a mouth full.”
Roman tries to tamper down the joy for a moment to properly explain the topic to her - it’s rare he’s the one to teach Logan something. “Well, in queer spaces most of the time they call it a ‘queerplatonic’ or ‘queererotic’ relationship.”
“That is also a mouthful.”
“Hence why they shorten it! ‘QPR’, ‘QPP’- er, as in ‘queerplatonic partnership’.”
Logan hums, seeming to rotate the words over in her mind. “Very well. I suppose, then, that you are my queerplatonic partner.”
Roman grins at her widely, his slightly crooked teeth shining in the low light. She smiles back, a bit shocked with herself. Roman squeezes her hand, and chuckles. “Er, for boundary reasons- Am I allowed to kiss you?”
Logan can’t help a single sharp syllable of an embarrassed laugh slipping out of her, her face blushing deeper. “Sure, Roman, if it’s quick. I’m not very big on physical affection most times.”
Roman nods, and plants a quick respectful kiss on her cheek, giggling at himself. “This is so stupid- I’m being so awkward, I’m sorry!”
“It’s quite alright, I also feel awkward.”
“I can tell, nerd, your face is so bright it’s shining.”
Logan looks away, adjusting her glasses on her nose. “You don’t look much better, frankly.”
They meet eyes again, exchanging tiny smiles. “I suppose those dinner plans are a definite now, hm?”
“I suppose they are.”
“Want to finish watching this stupid nerd show?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can I cuddle you during it?”
“Of course you can.”         
Roman and Logan lay against each other, their bodies warm with embarrassment. Logan lets herself get so wrapped up that she does end up having to stay the night for time’s sake, and Roman leaves her to rest on the sofa for the night with one more quick, flushed kiss. Logan curls into the throw blanket and lets a geeky smile fully fill her face in the cover of darkness. She doesn’t know how she got here, with a careless, dramatic theatre major of all things. Logically they’ll be incompatible, right? She doesn’t know.
What Logan does know is that Roman’s confession felt right, in some way – like it was meant to happen. And the brief kisses certainly didn’t feel bad either. She falls asleep warmly, with no idea what the future might hold for the first time in years.            
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analoceits · 6 months
hi. business offer: you get a new rp partner and i get a new rp partner. tss fandom specific.
soo yeah. i am bored as fucking hell and both of the people i usually rp with are busy and i need to rp once a week or i die (/j)
analogical, loceit, moceit, anxceit, logince, dukexiety, dark sides, light sides (these are all platonic or romantic; will do other ships, but these are just favs)
fantasy/sci-fi AUS (ESPECIALLY werewolfs/vamps/fae)
dramatic/dark plots and themes
multi-paragraph (i can also do short form tho, dw!!)
probably more stuff that i. forgor.
logicality (unless its in a poly ship)
non-tss rp.
if you are 18+ romance ships are off the board, obvi.
obvi, but: anything nsfw, inc*st, or p*dophilic.
karrot kings or thomas x side (nothing wrong with either i just. Do Not know what to do with that. HOWEVER platonic thomas x side is alright)
also, one last thing: if you dont know how to rp/are a bit rusty/are new i still am up for rping!! even if you dont know a thing, ill teach you if you want to learn. keep the trade alive and all, yknow?
anyway uhh dm me if this sounds cool pls.
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The ship fics are adorable, however I am also aro as heck and I have a proposition: Aromantic (possibly acespec, idrc whatever you wanna do there that's not the main focus) Logan being absolutely baffled because the other sides are flirting with each other and getting into relationships and flirting with him (not that he picks up on it) and he's just like. What. (long ask, so cut for brevity) - anon
Could you write a fic with aromantic or aro-spec Roman in it? – monkeythefander
*materializes into existence* Hi :D Mayhaps I request some Logince (Logan and Roman) hurt/comfort? Logan has a nightmare and Roman comforts the touch-starved Logan. Logan being a bit overwhelmed by all his emotions. Roman grounding him and giving him all the affection. Maybe some insecure Logan? Random Headcanon: Roman calls Logan "Erudite" as a comforting, loving nickname? Cause Lo is a lil nerd. Do what you will. Have fun :D – oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
THOUGHT THOUGHT THOUGHT!! This has been on my mind for a while Names, as we have learned, are very important to the sides. (this ask is super long so not all of it is here) - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: mild arophobia
Pairings: background virgil/patton/janus/remus
Word Count: 3123
Logan blinks awake with sweat soaking his sheets and an ache in his muscles. In the middle of the night, the only solace he can find is with someone who might understand.
Logan blinks awake with sweat soaking his sheets and an ache in his muscles.
"That's it, come on, now…"
There's a voice. Someone is speaking to him. Is it in his head? No, he would not have used such a phrase for himself at this moment.
"Stay with me, come on, I'm right here, wake up, L."
'L.' Ah. Virgil. Logan blinks again, stirring and wincing at the tug in his limbs as a blurry face swims into view. Virgil smiles at him—at least, he presumes he does, it is difficult to tell without his glasses—and ruffles his hair.
"Hey, there, buddy. You doing okay?"
"Virgil?" He swallows through his dry throat and tries again. "Virgil?"
"Yeah, buddy, it's me. You were having a nightmare, do you remember?"
His brow furrows as he tries to recall it. No images come to mind—though perhaps that is for the better—but the ache in his limbs coalesces into a strange and heavy soreness that isn't reminiscent of any sort of muscle pain. On instinct, his hand moves toward its center to try and figure out what's going on, but his fingers only scrabble uselessly against the soft fabric of his shirt.
"Hey, hey, uh-uh," Virgil interrupts, taking gentle hold of his wrist and pulling it away, "stay here. You with me?"
"I'm with you. I don't—I don't remember my nightmare, but my chest—my chest hurts."
"You think it's from hyperventilating?"
He shakes his head. "Not that kind of hurt."
Virgil nods, the mattress creaking slightly as he leans back to give Logan his space. "You wanna talk about it at all? You need to be grounded?"
"Can—?" His throat dries up again mid-question. "Can I have some water?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure, I'll be right back."
The mattress squeaks again as Virgil's weight leaves it, the light to the bathroom and the sound of the sink following shortly. Logan drifts in the strange fuzzy half-dark of his room for several moments more before Virgil reappears with a glass of water. He sits up, carefully, and drinks about half of it.
"Thank you."
"Sure thing, bud. You need me to stay for a little longer?"
The soreness hasn't receded, but the prospect of letting Virgil stay makes it…worse. His fingers twist into the blankets. Virgil waits patiently until he sighs and his shoulders drop. "Can you see if Roman's awake, please?"
Surprise flickers across Virgil's expression, but he nods and stands. "If I can, I'll send him up. If not, do you want me to come back?"
"Just to say you couldn't find him, or he isn't awake. You don't have to stay."
"I don't mind," he says softly, but Logan shakes his head. "Okay. I'll see what I can do."
Virgil sinks out and Logan lets out a breath he hadn't been sure he was holding, putting the glass on his nightstand before his hands can shake too much to spill it. He rubs his chest. The soreness hasn't abated, but the lancing pain atop it has. Despite knowing how ill-advised it is, he finds himself once again trying to remember his nightmare. His fingers worry the creases in his shirt.
A knock on the door startles him out of his thoughts.
"Logan? It's Roman, Virgil said you were looking for me?"
"Come in."
Roman opens the door and glances around, spotting him in the bed and smiling. He looks…far too awake for the middle of the night, but at least he's dressed down in a T-shirt and sweatpants.
"Hi, Specs," he says quietly, shutting the door behind him, "what can I do for you?"
Roman's brow furrows when he cuts himself off, taking a small step away from the door. "Can I come over?"
Logan nods and he comes to sit on the edge of the bed, still a respectful distance away, but close enough to lay a hand encouragingly on Logan's blanket-covered knee. Even through the fabric, the touch grows warm in a rush. Roman's hands are callused, he realizes, from years of swordfights and writing alike. His thumb makes little strokes back and forth, filling the room with the sound of fabric rustling.
"Logan?" Roman smiles when he looks up. "I think I lost you for a moment there."
"Don't apologize, I'm pretty sure it's my fault." He indicates his hand. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Okay, then." He pats his knee. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but I can't imagine midnight socializing works its way onto The Schedule, so—"
Logan snorts.
"—if you wouldn't mind telling me a little bit about what's going on in your head right now?"
"I had a nightmare."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Virgil was here, he…he woke me up. He got me water." Roman nods. "He…asked if I wanted to talk about it."
"And did you?" Roman prompts when he doesn't finish. "Is that when you asked him to get me?"
"Do you…want to talk about it with me?"
His mouth hardens into a thin little line.
"You don't have to," he continues, softer now, "I can just babble on and distract you until you get bored enough to fall back to sleep."
"That's not—" he touches his shirt again— "my chest hurts."
Roman blinks. "Okay. Um, do you want me to have a look at it?"
"…can you?"
"Of course, Specs, can I come a little closer?" Logan nods and Roman scoots up the bed. He briefly mourns the loss of the hand on his knee only for his breath to stutter when Roman's warm hand comes to rest gently on his chest. "Is this alright?"
He nods, not trusting his voice. Roman carefully rubs his hand back and forth, back and forth, in small circles, then bigger circles, then side to side, then down his sternum. A small furrow appears between his brows as he goes. When he's finished, he lays his hand right over Logan's heart and closes his eyes.
A few moments later, he opens them again.
"I can't feel anything wrong," he says, looking up at him, "but it does…I can feel something a little sore. Is that what it is?"
"Do you think it's just from the nightmare?"
"I don't even remember what the nightmare was."
"Okay, that's okay." His fingers tap lightly against his chest. "Is—can I keep asking questions?"
"Thank you. Does it have anything to do with why you sent Virgil to look for me?"
Logan's quiet for a moment. Roman waits patiently, his fingers still drumming lightly against his chest. "I…it didn't feel right."
"To ask Virgil."
"Why not?"
Roman makes a soft oh sound and scoots the slightest bit closer. "Is it because the others are in a relationship now?"
It had been a long time coming, if the others were to be believed. Patton and Virgil and Janus and Remus—the four of them had recently started to explore the dynamics of a polyamorous romantic relationship and it had been going well. The four of them had been…happier than Logan could remember seeing them.
The thought of it is enough to twinge the ache.
"Hey," comes Roman's gentle voice, "stay here with me?"
"I'm here, I'm here."
Roman carefully pats his chest. "I'm guessing that was it?"
"Do you want to talk about that?"
Logan's mouth thins again. "It's stupid."
"If it's giving you nightmares, Specs, it's not stupid."
"It's not—" his head snaps up to look at Roman, who meets him with such soft and patient understanding that Logan's hand twitches toward his unconsciously— "do you…think that's what it was?"
"You woke up without being able to remember the nightmare except for this ache in your chest," he says, "you didn't feel comfortable letting Virgil comfort you, and you asked specifically for me."
Logan swallows. "Your logic is impeccable."
"Why, thank you."
"Still, it seems like an inappropriate thing to have a nightmare about." He shifts to ease a cramp in his leg. "The people that matter to me have gotten together and are happy about it. How is that supposed to give me a nightmare?"
Roman doesn't say anything, just looking at him expectantly. He sighs.
"I don't know, Roman."
"Do you want to try and figure it out, or do you want me to distract you from it until you can fall back asleep?"
"It'll frustrate me if I don't know why."
"Then let's figure it out."
"But that's hard," Logan mumbles, mostly under his breath. Roman chuckles and strokes his thumb across a wrinkle in his shirt.
"You like hard problems."
"Not when they keep me from sleeping."
"Come on, then, Braniac," Roman encourages, "let's get you thinking."
Logan sighs again, leaning back against the headboard. Roman goes to lift his hand from his chest but without thinking about it, he covers the hand, keeping it there. Roman makes a surprised noise.
"No, no, it's alright." His hand shifts to get comfortable. "Can I ask why—would it be helpful if I asked you questions to help you think, or do you want to do it on your own?"
"You can ask."
"Thank you. Can I ask why you felt more comfortable asking for help from me than from Virgil?"
"We went over that."
"Say it again for those of us in class that aren't as clever as you."
Logan frowns slightly—Roman is clever. "Virgil has recently entered into a relationship."
Logan turns to look at him. "What do you mean, 'so?'"
"What does that have to do with Virgil comforting you?"
"I'm not part of the relationship." Roman gestures for him to keep going. "That should—I'm not one of the people Virgil loves. Yes, yes, I know," he interrupts before Roman can say anything, "Virgil might love me, but he's not in love with me—he does not feel romantic love for me."
"I'm going to keep asking you why this matters, Logan."
"He's not—shouldn't he be doing that for his partners?" Irritation bleeds into his words. "Isn't that how that works?"
"How what works?"
"Romance," Logan spits, only belatedly realizing that Romance is Roman's thing, "as soon as you enter a romantic relationship with someone, they become your one and only priority, or whatever, they're who you're supposed to comfort, to seek comfort from, it doesn't matter what other relationships you might have, or might have worked on for years, as soon as someone gets the label of romantic partner, everything else might as well not exist."
Only after he's finished speaking and he sees Roman's expression does he realize what he's just said.
"You're worried the others won't think about you as much anymore," Roman summarizes with devastating softness, "and that they won't see their time with you or their relationship with you as important, is that right?"
Logan nods, shame bubbling into tears that Roman wipes away with a gentle noise.
"Does it scare you?" He nods again. "Oh, Logan…it's okay, can I hug you?"
Logan barely has time to nod again before Roman's sliding up and wrapping his arms around him and oh, Roman is big and soft and warm and his brain isn't coming up with good words anymore and he doesn't care because Roman's still hugging him and the ache in his chest is glowing and he's all warm and it almost burns and it—and—and—and—
"Shh, shh, Logan," he hears from a great distance, "it's okay. I'm right here, okay? I'm right here."
He decides he's not going to think about anything else. Nothing that isn't the fingers running lightly up and down his back. Nothing that isn't being rocked against a strong chest. Nothing that isn't the soothing murmur of words in his ear.
"I've got you, Logan. It's gonna be okay. I'm not going anywhere."
When he next surfaces out of swimming in the sensation of warm soft comfort Roman safe, he realizes Roman's moved them. He's leaning up against the headboard, Logan balanced halfway across his lap. He looks up from where his head is pillowed against Roman's shoulder. Roman smiles.
"Hey," he calls, running his fingers through his hair, "you feel any better."
"That's good." He returns to scratching lightly between his shoulders. "If it's any consolation at all, I'm sure the others wouldn't be upset at getting able to comfort you at all. I think they'd miss it, actually, and start passive-aggressively fighting for the chance to do it again."
"That's kind of you."
"I'm serious! Mark my words, they'll be squabbling for the chance before you know it."
Despite himself, he laughs at the mental image of it. Roman's chest rumbles with a laugh of his own. "I don't think I would mind so much," he mumbles, tongue loosened by Roman's warmth, "if I didn't know it wasn't for me."
"If what wasn't for you?"
"That sort of thing." When Roman still looks confused, he sighs. "Romance…all of that. That sort of thing."
"What do you mean, romance isn't for you? Not that it's a problem," he says quickly, "that's your decision and you're welcome to make it, I'm just…curious."
"I'm aromantic."
"Oh. Me too."
"I just mean that—" he stops and looks up. "You're what?"
"I'm aro too, Logan," Roman says, smiling softly and running a finger down his cheek. "What's that look for?"
"You're—you—but you're Romance."
"And Janus is perfectly capable of honesty even though he's Deceit. Just because that's what I represent to Thomas doesn't mean I have to experience romantic attraction." Roman shrugs. "It's not like I'm against it, or for it, it's just…well, like you said. It's not for me."
"But—but—" Logan's still trying to make sense of this image— "but you flirt with the others all the time."
"It's fun."
"It's not fun, it's confusing. I get accused of flirting all the time and I don't even know what I'm doing that counts as flirting."
"Well, they're probably guessing that the way they flirt with you is how you'd flirt back at them."
"But that doesn't—"
He stops again. He furrows his brow. He bolts upright to stare hard at Roman.
"What do you mean, how they flirt with me? They don't flirt with me!"
"Yes, they do," Roman says patiently, "believe me, the only reason I know that is because I walk in on them scheming on how to flirt with you."
"They—you what?"
"Look, just because I'm Thomas's Romance doesn't mean I understand all of it myself."
"Why is this so complicated and confusing," he grumbles, letting Roman chuckle and coax him back into a hug, "why can't everyone just make sense?"
"I don't think they'd be themselves if they made sense 100% of the time."
Logan begrudgingly grumbles an acquiescence, but he doesn't have to like it. Judging by the way Roman laughs again and ruffles his hair, he won't hold it against him.
"You look better," he observes softly, smiling, "do you think you might be able to fall back asleep?"
He toys with the edge of Roman's shirt. Most of the ache is gone, but there's something still lingering that he can't quite figure out how to dissipate. "I don't—alright, this next part is going to sound stupid."
"Great. I love stupid-sounding things."
"They have…they're going to have secrets now. And I…I don't…" He sighs. "Do you remember when Patton told Thomas my name?"
Roman nods. Logan rubs the hem of his shirt between his fingers. After a moment, Roman hums. "They shared something private of yours, and now you don't know how to feel that they know everything about you and you won't be able to reciprocate?"
"When did you get so perceptive?"
Roman just chuckles. "I am sorry about the name thing, I don't—"
"It's fine. It was going to happen at some point."
"Still, Logan, you should've gotten to do that on your terms." Roman drums his fingers against the small of his back. "What if…what if we did it over?"
"Did what over?"
"What if you had a name—or something, that was just a private one? And then you could keep it, it could be your secret, and you could decide how you want to tell them about it, if you ever do?"
Heat begins to color his cheeks. "Like—like a pet name?"
Roman looks down. "If you wanted?"
"If you're not comfortable—"
"If it's you," Logan butts in, "only if it's you."
Roman pauses, looking at him, before a soft smile spreads across his face. "Okay. I'm okay with that. Do you have anything in mind?"
"You're Creativity," Logan mumbles, trying to hide his blush in Roman's stomach, "you think of one."
Roman tugs lightly on his hair in retribution but settles, humming as his fingers card along his scalp. Logan finds himself drifting off under the gentle touch, roused here and there by Roman trying out different names. Starlight is too close to his nickname for Virgil, all the generic ones are taken because the others might use them, anything to do with Logic is too impersonal…
Logan stirs. He looks up. Roman cups his cheek and strokes his thumb across his cheekbone.
"Erudite," he says again, voice gentle and tender, "what about that?"
A lump appears in Logan's throat.
"Is that okay, Erudite?"
He sniffles.
"Oh, it's okay, Erudite, come here…you fall asleep for me now," Roman coos, cuddling a sleepy, weepy Logan to his chest, "shh, Erudite, it's okay…it's okay, let's try and sleep now…"
The ache in his chest fades away as he falls into a dreamless sleep.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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lily-janus · 2 years
Why Would You Be Interested In Someone Like Me?
Summary: Logan and Roman want to ask each other out, but neither thinks the other would be interested...
Pairing: pre-romantic Logince
Warnings: kissing, insecurities, low self esteem.
Word count: 4,215
For @loginceweek2023 day 1 - Insecurity
The minute Logan walked inside the school building he noticed something was different. The place seemed emptier than it usually is before classes start… or so he thought until he heard excited murmurs and saw up ahead a big group of students huddling in front of the announcement board.
Logan sighed, knowing what this was about now. It's the end of December, meaning New Years is coming up this weekend… and, of course, the school hosted a party to celebrate. Not only that, but as if to make matters more stressful, there's a dancing competition too that everyone suddenly became so obsessed with winning at, that they stopped talking about anything else!
It was truly exhausting each year… for Logan, at least, everyone else always seemed perfectly happy and excited. Everyone, including-
"Specs! There you are!" Before Logan even had time to replay, Roman tugged his arm until they were both in the middle of all the huddled students. He tugged him along until they,, at last reached the front and he saw the poster featuring this year's theme. "Look! This year's theme is royalty!" Roman gestured excitedly to the poster.
Logan scoffed. "Yes, I can see that Roman." He pushed up his glasses, reading it over.
Logan failed to see why Roman was showing him this, since he knows full well Logan almost never showed up to these kinds of things and his deep dislike of such events. But Roman needed an audience for his excitement, he supposes.
"Oh, this is going to be so fun! I already have the perfect outfit in mind and I'm totally going to win this year! I can just feel it!" Roman grinned, hoping in place as the crowd of students slowly disbanded, leaving only Logan and Roman.
"Yes, well, you're not going to win anything if you're late to class… again, so I suggest we'll start making our way there." Logan pointed out, turning around and starting to walk to their classroom, expecting Roman to follow.
"C'mon, Teach, I know it's not your favorite thing but you have to be at least a little excited about this dance," Roman said as he fell into step next to him.
Logan gave him a pointed look, making Roman roll his eyes. "Right, mister top-student has more important things to occupy his mind than a silly dance," Roman said mockingly.
"I know you're mocking me, but yes, I do." Logan agreed.
Roman groaned in the exaggerated way of his. "How can you make even mocking you boring?"
Logan gave him a tiny, teasing smile at that. "Years of practice."
The day passed on in an unusual slowness, everyone once again starting to obsess over what they were going to wear and who they were going to invite, he was honestly starting to get a serious headache. It didn't help that he was best friends with the number one fan of these kinds of things.
"So this is the first outfit that I thought of…" Roman said, showing him a picture on his phone of a fancy king costume, complete with a ridiculously huge crown. "But after a while, I started thinking if this might be better…" he swiped to a picture of a prince costume, much tamer than the previous one but no less fancy for it, a white and gold dress shirt with a red sash going from the right shoulder to the left side of the waist and a black pair of pants. And, of course, a tiara.
Logan could already see Roman in that outfit, it suited his usual mannerisms perfectly… for some reason that mental image made him feel a tad bit warmer-
"So what do you think? Which should I choose?" Roman was looking at him expectantly.
Logan looked away, feeling a little flushed. "I think the second suits you more um… excuse me for a moment.." he got up from where he was sitting opposite Roman in the cafeteria and walked quickly towards the bathroom.
It seemed to happen more and more often recently, Roman and him would hang out like they did countless times before… and then, suddenly, Logan would start feeling… strange. It was highly confusing and Logan always found some kind of an excuse to run off and compose himself, but he has to admit it had gotten harder to avoid these strange emotions as time went on… but he didn't know what else to do!
Finally, the school day came to a close and he and Roman departed, each going to their house. Logan had decided at last on what to do regarding his… feelings, he shall ask for advice from his older brother, he has always been more capable of navigating these kinds of social interactions.
"Well, if it isn't my dear brother." His brother smirked at him when he entered.
"Janus, enjoying winter break I see," Logan said, hanging his coat and stepping out of his muddy shoes before stepping from the doorway and into the house, shuddering slightly as the warmth enveloped him.
"Quite indeed, how was school? I know you simply adore this time of year." Janus teased as he looked at him from where he was sitting on the couch, watching Netflix.
Logan sighed tiredly. "It was… tiresome, as always…" even more so than usual…
Janus frowned slightly, pausing whatever he was watching to give him his full attention. "What's on your mind, Lo?"
It was incredibly frustrating how easily Janus could read people, Logan especially. Most people consistently told Logan how stoic and unexpressive he was and so it always baffled him how Janus sees through him with ease.
Logan hesitated, true, it was his original plan to ask Janus for advice… but now… he didn't know what to say, a rare occurrence for him.
Janus' smirk widened at his hesitation. "Wait a second… Are you embarrassed? Oh, now I gotta hear it!"
Logan took a deep breath. "It's… about Roman…" he started hesitantly. "I've… just been feeling… strange, around him lately." He flushed slightly.
Janus' eyes widened in sudden realization. "Oh my-"
"You know what? Forget I said anything, this was a bad idea and I should just shove these feelings down and hope they'll go away." Logan suddenly felt uncomfortably exposed and wanted to hide in his room, but Janus stopped him, clearly trying to hide his smile.
"Wait, wait, sorry, I'll be serious now. It just… took me by surprise." Janus gently guided him to sit next to him.
"You and me both…" Logan muttered under his breath.
"So, you have a crush on Roman," Janus said after a beat of silence.
Logan sputtered. "I… what? That's… that's not what I said! The mere suggestion is ridiculous!" He protested.
Janus rolled his eyes. "You're right, of course, how silly of me."
"Incredibly silly." Logan agreed, still flustered by Janus' statement.
"So, what, pre-tell, are these mysterious feelings you've been having around your best friend?" Janus asked with a sarcastic tinge.
"Well… I would suddenly start to feel… warmer than I was, mainly in my cheeks, and my heartbeat would increase like it does when I'm nervous but… we've been friends for years, why would I be nervous around him?" Logan wondered aloud.
Janus let out a deep sigh. "I sometimes forget how oblivious you are, are you even hearing yourself?"
Logan frowned, was he missing something? "What are you-"
Rising body temperature, increased heart rate… oh no…
"I have a crush on my best friend." Logan suddenly realized. "Janus, I have a crush on my best friend," he said again with a panic. He shook his head. "No, no, no. This is bad, this is worse than I thought! What am I supposed to do?!"
Janus chuckled, grabbing him by his shoulders. "I suggest you'll calm down first."
Logan nodded taking deep breaths. "Yeah, you're right, no reason to freak out, I know what to do now."
Janus nodded.
"Ask him to the dance."
"Avoid him until it goes away."
They stared at each other. "Wait, what?" They said together again.
"Ask him to the dance? Have you figuratively lost your mind?!" Logan sputtered at the mere thought… He and Roman, dressed like royalty… dancing. His cheeks warmed again.
"Yes, because avoiding him forever is very realistic. But if you want to take the cowardly way, be my guest." Janus rolled his eyes, waving his arm in a dismissive gesture.
Logan sighed, rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses. "Maybe you're right but… asking him to the dance? You know I don't fare well in these kinds of social events…"
Janus gave him a small smile. "But you do want to go with Roman, don't you? It's worth a shot."
Logan nodded, considering. "Okay, yeah, maybe I do but…"
Janus raised an eyebrow. "But?"
"But what if he says no? Or worse, says yes? He's… well he's not just my best friend, he's my only friend… I don't even know why he hangs out with me half the time. He could go with anyone he wants… why would that be me of all people?" Logan rubbed the back of his hand furiously as he voiced his concerns.
Janus took his hands, squeezing them reassuringly. "He hangs out with you because he likes you, Logan, you'll never know if you don't try. If he says yes, great, you'll have a fun evening of dancing together. And if he says no, it may take a while but you'll go back to being friends in the end."
Logan thought this over, this is all very new to him, and he's scared of messing things up with Roman and ending up alone… but, Janus was right, he'll never know if he won't ask.
After a few more minutes of consideration, Logan nodded. "Can't believe I'm saying this but… I'm going to ask Roman to the dance… not scary at all…"
Janus chuckled again, patting his back encouragingly. "That's the spirit! And if he breaks your heart, I already have an incredibly tall staircase to nudge him off of." He winked and got up from the couch. "Go get him, tiger." And with that, he walked to his room.
"My name's Logan…" he said, but Janus was already gone.
"Remus, stop it, I'm not going to ask him," Roman said for what felt like the millionth time as he was making adjustments to his outfit. He reached his hand beside him, "gold thread."
Remus handed it to him as he groaned. "But why? You've been mooning over him for years!"
"Because, Remus, he made it very clear he hates this dance and I don't want to pressure him to go, red thread." Remus put it in his waiting palm. "I can ask him out when this blows over."
"Really? Then why didn't you do it yet huh? You're just a big coward is what you are." Remus huffed.
Roman dropped his needle and turned around to face his twin. "I'm not a coward, I'm a romantic, I'm waiting for the right moment-"
"Which is now!" Remus argued, throwing his arms in the air in exasperation. "Maybe he hates this dance so much because no one ever asked him! Did you think about that?"
Roman huffed. "Yeah, like Logan, of all people will care if he gets asked or not, just stay out of my love life okay? I can handle myself."
Remus rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I'm dying to, but it's kind of hard when you fucking don't stop talking about him! Just ask the damn guy out! It's not that complicated!"
"Trust me, now is not the time to ask Logan out, he's always in a bad mood this time of year with Christmas and New Years and the school dance, I just don't wanna add to his plate-"
"Blah, blah, blah. Excuses, excuses. You always find a reason why 'it's not the time' just man up and ask him already! I don't understand why you keep avoiding this!" Remus cut him off. "You know what? I don't care! Ask him, don't ask him, throw him off a cliff for all I know! Just stop whining about him like a little bitch!"
And with that, Remus left his room, slamming the door behind him.
Roman looked over at his outfit. He imagined what Logan would have chosen to wear if they went together. Probably something tame and serious, maybe a suit that'll hug his frame tightly-
He shook his head, it's not going to happen since they're not going together. Even if he'll ask and Logan will agree, he won't have fun there… it's just not Logan's style.
Remus was right though, he was kinda… maybe, avoiding this. But can you blame him? It's Logan for heaven's sake! Sure they've been friends since practically day one but why would serious, confident, smart Logan ever go out with someone as insecure and um… expressive as him?
Roman is pretty sure he'll say no, and then what? The chances of them staying friends after that are pretty low…
But what if he says yes?
He fantasized about this scenario plenty, of course, but he just doesn't see it happening in reality. So…. He's just been avoiding the topic.
Besides, Logan has been acting… strange, lately. Running off at random times with a rushed excuse… not meeting Roman's eyes… he fears maybe he doesn't want them to be friends anymore, maybe he finally had enough of Roman's theatrics and just doesn't know how to tell him that…
Roman sighs, folding his outfit carefully and putting it in his closet. He can't wait to go to this dance and forget about all this for a while, maybe he'll even win the contest!
But, as his mother called him and Remus down for dinner, he couldn't help but wonder what it'll be like with Logan… rather than without…
The following morning, Logan was walking to school.
That alone was far than unusual since he did that each weekday morning since first grade, the things that raced through his mind as he walked though… now those were highly unusual if not down right delusional.
Was he really going to do it? Ask Roman Prince out for the school dance everyone knows he hates? What was he thinking? He must be going insane, it's the only logical explanation as to why he's considering this…
And yet… and yet he can't help but get nervously excited at the prospect. The idea of him agreeing and them going together made Logan feel… warm, was the only way he can describe it, inside.
If he doesn't however…
He shook his head, just as he stepped into the hallway, there's no use dwelling on that… he'll just um 'shoot his shot' as they say and see what happens, afterwards he'll figure out how to deal with the outcome.
Logan nodded to himself, mind decided-
Until he saw Roman.
At the sight of his best friend, and apparently his major crush at the moment, all thought fled from his mind and he just stared for a long, embarrassing moment.
Luckily, Roman's back was to him so he hadn't noticed Logan yet.
He can't do this.
Logan suddenly realized as Roman finally turned to him and smiled, waving at him.
Logan forced himself to smile back, walking over to him to greet him.
"Good morning, Teach!" Roman grinned at him with his dashing smile.
Logan nodded at him. "Morning, Roman, how are you today?" He asked as they started walking.
"I'm super! Getting ready to rock this dance! How about you, Lo?" Roman answered excitedly.
At the mention of the school dance, Logan's stomach churned.
Ask him.
Said a voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like his older brother. Logan took a deep breath, looking around at the bustling hallway.
Here? In the middle of this huge crowd?
Logan shook the thought away. No, not now, he'll wait until they're both alone.
Logan snapped back from his pondering to find a concerned Roman looking at him expectantly. He blinked. "Yes, Roman?"
Roman frowned at him. "Are you okay? You're acting… strange. Are you sick or something? How many times do I have to tell you, the world won't end if you miss a few days of school to get better!" He stopped walking, looking Logan up and down.
"I'm not sick, Roman." Was all he said in response.
"Then what is it? You're starting to worry me…"
Just say the words, it's not that hard!
Logan swallowed. "I um… I was just wondering if you… I mean, if you wanted to um…" he fumbled with his words, getting increasingly more flustered.
"Logan, it's okay, whatever it is you can tell me!" Roman reassured him. Of course he did, he was always sweet like that.
Logan still hesitated, playing with the sleeves of his shirt as he was trying to find the courage to ask him.
Suddenly, Roman turned and walked to a nearby classroom, checking to see if it was empty, then motioning Logan to step inside. Closing the door behind him.
"Okay, just us now, what's wrong?" Roman asked again.
This is it…
Logan took a deep breath, stealing his nerves. "Roman, I wanted to ask you if…" he closed his eyes, irrationally unable to look Roman in the eyes. "Would you want to go to the dance… with me?" He finally managed to say, opening his eyes slowly.
There was a long moment of silence as Roman processed the question. He blinked in surprise. "Wait… what?"
Logan sighed. "Stupid idea, I know, forget I said anything-"
Roman takes his hand, grinning. "Yes! Yes, of course I want to go with you! I just thought you didn't like this dance." He explained.
A wave of relief washed over Logan and he smiled, lacing his fingers with Roman, his palm was so warm. "Well I'm certainly not a fan but… I feel like I won't mind it as much with you…"
Suddenly Roman pulled at their joined hands until their foreheads touched, his warm breath fanning over Logan's face. "I wanted to ask you out for so long I just… didn't know how." He said softly.
Logan flushed at their proximity and Roman's words, eyes drawn to his lips. "Really? I didn't think you'd be interested in someone like me…"
Roman chuckled at that. "Funny… I thought the same thing…" He looked down, taking a step back but keeping their hands together.
Logan took a moment to process that. "Wait… you thought I won't be interested in you? I'm pretty sure everyone in school is, how can they not?" Logan said, blant as always.
Roman looked up, blushing deeply. "I… I don't know… you're so smart and confident and perfect and I'm… not…" he shrugged.
Logan couldn't believe what he's hearing, of course he knew Roman was more insecure than he lets on but this? This is absurd!
He squeezed their joined hands. "Roman, you're my best and only friend. Sure we're very different but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy being with you. You're smart in your own way, you're sweet and caring and charming and of course I would be interested in you, I don't understand why you think I wouldn't but-"
And, before Logan knew it, they were kissing, sweet and gentle. Logan felt himself melting at the intimate touch, for once losing touch with reality as the sensations overwrote his senses.
They broke apart to catch their breaths, looking at each other, both of them flushed.
"So ah… dance?" Roman asked hopefully with a shy smile.
Logan shook his head, chuckling. "Yes Roman, dance." He clarified.
Roman gave him a sly smile that turned Logan's blush a deeper red. "Do you have an outfit in mind?"
Logan's eyes widened. "Oh no, please not-"
"Makeover time!" Roman declared with a flourish. "Come to my place after school and I'll fix you up in no time! Now come on, classes are about to start!" With a spring in his step, he led them out of the empty room and towards their first class of the day.
"Maybe the dance wasn't the best idea…" Logan said, but Roman just laughed.
"Too late! Get ready, nerd, you're about to become a 'fancy nerd' !" He accompanied the last phrase with jazz hands.
Logan rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile at Roman's… Roman-ness.
Him and Roman… going to the dance… together… this is really happening huh?
Yes. Yes, it was happening.
The rest of the days following their first kiss should probably have been a clue that this was indeed very much real and not some elaborate dream, but it was still hard to believe even with all the hard evidence.
After Logan finally worked the courage to ask Roman out, things moved rather quickly. That day after school he went with Roman to his house and they spent hours trying on different outfits and styles on Logan, trying to find something that'll fit Logan and the dance theme.
They finally settled on a royal blue coat with golden buttons with a white dress shirt underneath and matching blue dress pants. Complete with a gentle tiara with blue fake gems and-
"No." Logan said when he saw what Roman held up for him.
Roman pouted. "What's a king without his cape?" He said. "C'mon, the outfit's not the same without the finishing touch!" He wiggled the cape enticingly at him.
Logan rolled his eyes. "I feel ridiculous enough already, thank you."
Roman bit his lip, looking Logan up and down once again, he did that so many times even Logan stopped counting. "Ridiculous is not how I'll describe it."
Logan flushed but still shook his head. "No capes."
Roman whistled. "Gee Teach, pulling out the Pixar references. Have it your way then." He finally relented, putting the dark blue cape aside. "I think we found your look regardless."
Logan nodded, going to the bathroom to change to his normal clothes and go back to his house.
As he was heading out, Roman suddenly planted a brief kiss to his cheek. He pulled away and grinned. "See you tomorrow!"
A little stunned, Logan just nodded and walked outside.
Before Logan knew it, the day of the dance came.
"C'mon, let me see you, your highness"
Logan heard Janus' teasing tone from the other side of the door. Why was he doing this again? He wondered as he looked at himself in the mirror once more.
He felt utterly ridiculous and uncomfortable in the stiff outfit and his cheeks burned as he imagined Janus' reaction to seeing him in this.
"I… think I might be getting sick, it's flu season after all… maybe I should-"
"Nice try, Logan, you're not getting out of this that easy." Janus cut him off.
Logan sighed. "Fine, just promise you won't laugh?"
He heard his older brother chuckle. "I make no promises, but it's either that or be late to your precious date…" Janus pointed out.
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, he was right, damn him but he was right.
He took a deep breath, then twisted the door handle and walked outside. He barely blinked before he heard the click of a camera and saw Janus with his phone at the ready.
"Perfect." Janus smirked at him, taking a few more shots of him.
Logan rolled his eyes. "Great, you got your blackmail material, can I go now?"
Janus chuckled again, doing a mock bow. "Be on your way, your royal highness."
Logan huffed. "You're impossible." He muttered as he walked past him and out the door.
"Love you too, Lo!" He heard him call after him.
A short walk later, and he's at the school dance, looking around for Roman nervously. He could feel everyone's eyes on him and knows what they're most likely thinking:
Logan Sanders, top student and hater for all non-serious things, attending the dance with the most ridiculous outfit in existence…
A hand on his shoulder makes him jump and turn around sharply, only to freeze on the spot at the sight that greeted him, feeling his cheeks heat up.
Roman chuckles at Logan' jump, eyeing him up and down appreciatively… and looking like a prince straight out of a fairytale book. With his dashing smile, the white dress shirt laces delicately with gold and red threads, a red sash going across it from the left shoulder to the right side of his waist and a pair of black dress pants that hug his frame snugly.
Logan swallows as Roman smirks at his staring, biting his lip. "What? This ol' thing?" He indicated his outfit. "I just threw it on me at the last minute."
"I… um… You look… Adequate." He finally managed to say.
Roman raised an eyebrow playfully. "Just 'adequate'? That blush says otherwise."
Logan flushes darker at that, looking away from Roman's gorgeous green eyes.
Roman chuckles, hooking his hand in Logan's. "You're too cute for your own good, care for a dance?" And with that, he was pulled to the dance floor.
To Logan's surprise, the night went… really well, and he actually managed to have fun even with his awkwardness and everything.
Being here, with Roman, just felt… right.
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halfhissandwich · 7 months
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SO the idea was originally moxiety (went with my friends today to the zoo, one of whom is a moxiety shipper, hence inspiration) and it was. kinda cute? Could work for logince tho
Patton is a worker at the zoo and he's like a tour guide? He mostly does kids tours and all the kids LOVE him and his energy and how smart he is about all the animals. Plus, he has snacks!
Virgil takes his kiddo to the zoo and drops them off for the camp (bro has to work, camp is routine, bro does not have to stay, I was one of these kids as a kid, loved it bc my sister was a guide/counselor), and then goes to work.
But one day his kiddo is like "but I want you to see the animals too 🥺🥺🥺🥺" so well shit Virgil now has to go he's morally obligated his kiddo is too cute
They go one day, just for funsies,,, and get lost. My zoo is big as hell and I got lost today so it's fun. But he's looking for someone to ask (bro did not get a map) and suddenly kiddo is like "Patton Patton Patton!" And runs over.
Virgil goes to collect kiddo and recognizes Patton. Patton is ofc a sweetie and gets kiddo back to papa. Virgil gets directions, they make small talk, Patton is on lunch so he's chilling, he walks them to the more well known food area, all the while Virgils thinking ".. is this guy flirting with me?"
Yes. Yes, he is. in his own adorable, sweet little way.
Kiddo does not notice as Patton pulls a "well if you ever get lost or need a map or anything, here's my number, just in case" and heads out.
I am. So sleepy. Because my zoo is really freaking big and we went to every section but one. But I love them sm. Moxiety is growing on me like a fungus.
(logince would be Logan as the tour guide/counselor and Roman would be the dad and he's fall for the guy info dumping about animals)
(tour guide Remus would specialize in the rainforest area because frogs and snakes and rainforesty animals would be his jam)
— 👑
S O B B I N G this is cute as fuck P L E A S E!!! It's got Dadgil, Patt working with kiddos and he's an animal enthusiast I L O V E it!!! I adore how Patt's just like "Here's my number specifically if you need a map or directions and absolutely nothing else there's definitely not any other workers who can help too or anything" Vee's certainly not complaining and neither is his Kiddo XD Also Y E S to Dadman falling for Tour Guide Lo I L O V E how both work!!!
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