#i need mills to physically drag me to a store and buy the products she's been recommending for literal years šŸ’€
mercymaker Ā· 4 months
got a haircut today and am feeling very šŸŽ€šŸŒŗāœØļøšŸØšŸ’–šŸŒø
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draven-imani Ā· 3 years
Journal 5 (part 1)
Weā€™ve had anā€¦extremely productive day. We found a note on Hosillaā€™s person that detailed three safehouses of the cult of Baphomet: Nyserian Manor, Topaz Solutions, and the Tower of Estrod. The note was signed SVā€”which Iā€™m assuming is Stauton Vhagn. Looks like he came back and finished the job of destroying the Wardstone after Commander Tirabade stopped him the first time.
After talking to Aravashnial, Anevia, and Horgus, we pooled our information together. Nyserian Manor was owned by a noble who sometimes worked with Horgus, and had taken out a loan from him once to buy Commander Tirabadeā€™s sword from her. Anevia hadnā€™t been aware Irabeth had sold her swordā€”apparently sheā€™d told her wife sheā€™d lost it. Anevia was going to be having words with the commander of the Eagle Watch upon seeing her again.
The Tower of Estrod was of interest to Aravashnial, as it was a place of arcane studies. He also requested that we look into the Blackwing Library, where the Riftwardens would be located.
Anevia wanted to look for Irabeth, and therefore would like to look into going home as that was the only lead she had on where her wife may be.
As we discussed, we exited the subterranean tunnels and entered the sewers. And came upon three orphan kids and a middle aged pinkish tiefling woman with many piercings and a bow. The orphans immediately ran to Luna, clearly familiar with her. Another point in her favor for ā€˜good person, not a murderer/serial killer/whatever else the rumor mill decides to sayā€™.
ā€œSo you must be ā€˜Unaā€™,ā€ the tiefling said, imitating the orphans mispronunciation of her name. Or maybe legitimately mistaking her name for that. ā€œNice to meet you, incase you havenā€™t noticed, everythingā€™s gone to hell.ā€
The tiefling introduced herself as Hiskaria. She had arrived in town from Numeria recently to join the Raven Corps, actually, although she was apparently a Kenabres native initially. She was on lone by one ā€˜Kevoth-Kulā€™, because she was a criminal on parole, and joining the Raven Corps was her penance.
Aaaaaand as the only member of the Raven Corps around that means it fell on me to keep her around until we could either find her handler or someone with more authority. That and strength in numbers. We couldnā€™t exactly leave her behind, even if she is a confessed murderer.
Oh, yeah, I didnā€™t mention that her crime was murder did I? Yeah, our new buddyā€™s a convicted murderer. One fake murderer and one real one, and if I had to put money on it, everyoneā€™s going to get whoā€™s who wrong.
After some discussion, we decided to head for Horgusā€™ manor first. It would provide a safe place to leave the orphans, so that we wouldnā€™t be dragging them around in the open where every demon still lurking around might decide to swoop down on them.
We made it there with only minor incident, some rat demon ripping up a clothing store who dubbed himself ā€˜the rat kingā€™. He was of personal offense to Melody given that he was in the process of destroying things of beauty. That and the owners of the shop were still there and might be able to salvage some things.
Given my studies I was able to identify the demon as an Abrikandilu, a wrecker demon. A destroyer of beauty, not just of artwork like the dresses, but of physical beauty, using their fangs to cause horrible scarring on those they attack. I also knew that Radiance was the only weapon we had that would pierce its defenses, although it also had a unique weakness to mirrors, due to all demons of this kind having an abhorrence of their own visage. That being the case, I suggested that Luna and Melody slip into the store to get one of the mirrors from the changing rooms within while I distracted and fought it with Radiance and Hiskaria took pot shots at it from a safe distance.
Radiance and I were both more than happy to finally be putting a demon to the blade.
Spilling demonsā€™ blood, at least, we both agree on.
Things went off about how weā€™d hoped. The Abrikandilu was a bit faster than Iā€™d anticipated and it rushed me rather than me pinning it by the building as Iā€™d planned, but I stopped its fangs with my shield and avoided any new scars. Melody and Luna came out with a mirror, which drew the demonā€™s attention. Lunaā€™s axe stuck into it. Then Radiance slew it.
Radiance roared in my head each time it drew blood against a demonic foe, in what I can only describe as ecstasy. They, at least, get joy from battle. I wish I could say the same, but the demons die all the same. I feel good about it, that we slayed the demon and helped those people. Itā€™s something good. Not joy, thatā€™s too strong of a word. I feelā€”satisfied, maybe?
Regardless, the shop owners thanked us. They had little to offer and we tried to assure them that we didnā€™t need anything, but they insisted on at least providing us with a nice outfit each in thanks. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever owned anything so fine. An orphan and a soldier donā€™t exactly make for elegant living.
Afterwards we made it to Horgusā€™ manor with no further incidents. His holdings were untouched. Melody mused at first that perhaps someone was trying to frame him. However after some thought, Hiskaria and I disagreed with that assessment. Demons by nature would seek out where the most people are, the places where they could wreak the most havoc. And as we approached it was clear that his manor was devoid of life. It would seem that his men and his servants had fled their posts when the attack happened, and as a lucky result the manor had been untouched. Iā€™ll give Horgus some credit here. While he was clearly visibly upset that the men heā€™d hired to protect his holdings had left their posts, he tried very hard to be reasonable that it was for the best that theyā€™d left and protected the servants, and that it had indirectly kept the demons from destroying his things. He was however very upset that theyā€™d taken all of the mints from the little bowl at the front entranceā€”as was Miss Melody, who bemoaned that it was quite rude of them. Ah what I would give to have her priorities.
Luna was shepherding the orphansā€”one of whom, Hamm, had taken a shine to Hiskariaā€™s magic and gotten it into his head that he was going toā€¦what was it? Summon demons in his snot bubbles? Charming kid. Glad his entire world falling apart around him didnā€™t completely destroy his sense of innocence and wonder. Suppose he was lucky he ran into Hiskaria so the three of them didnā€™t get killed or worse. Thatā€™s a point in her favor.
After gathering up food from the kitchen and some entertainment for the kids from a room formerly used for the staffā€™s children while they were on the job, Horgus went down to the safest part of the manor: the vault. He opened the safe, which proved to have been completed untouched. Inside was more wealth than Iā€™d probably ever seen in one place before, or ever will again. He paid Luna that looked like a rather hefty sum. Then he also paid myself, Melody, and Hiskaria 1000 gold for returning him here safely, although payment had never been promised. Hiskaria tried to argue that sheā€™d only just joined with us, but he said that it was payment due to someone who couldnā€™t be here to take their cut.
Horgusā€¦is a complicated man, I am beginning to realize. I cannot pin him down yet. Even more than most people, his words and actions do not align. And even some of his actions I think are more masks on top of that. Luna insists heā€™s a good man but wonā€™t give details beyond that. Sheā€™s had a few private conversations with him, so Iā€™m inclined to believe she knows something thatā€™s given her that impression. And I trust Lunaā€™s judgement in people.
As Horgus locked himself away, we heard the beginnings of him teaching the kids something or another about someā€¦math thing. I donā€™t know, look, Iā€™m not the one to look to about Abadar tax bracket stuff. Luna was just glad he was hopefully keeping Hamm from thinking about snot demons.
From there we went next door, to Nyserian Manor. Or what was left of it. Which was not much. At all. Or anything, really. See, the demons hadnā€™t been very discerning in their building demolition. Theyā€™d destroyed their own safehouse. Idiots. Served anyone who was inside right for betraying humanity to the demons.
Next up was Blackwing Library.
Oh Blackwing Library. This one made me angry.
If you know me you know thatā€™s bad. Of course, you donā€™t know me, because youā€™re just a bundle of inanimate papers sandwiched in leather that Iā€™m writing in to keep my tenuous grip on sanity together. Suffice to say: thatā€™s bad. I donā€™t get angry easily. Unless youā€™re a Deskari worshipper or waving his symbol in my face like Iā€™m a bull, but I mean, thatā€™s just asking for trouble from any Iomedaen, really.
As we approached the library, it was immediately apparent that the entire thing had been decimated. Aravashnial was despondent. All of his friends and colleagues with the Riftwardens would have been there, and he feared the worst. While Melody and surprisingly Hiskaria tried to comfort him, Luna tried to sneak closer to look into the library. I stuck close to her, although not so close as to blow her cover.
What she saw was a turncoat Iomedaen with five librarians bound and gagged, and a sixth librarian being forced to pile books around them, to serve as both a book burning and a funeral pyre.
We didnā€™t have long to think as he pulled out the flint and tinder. Luna downed a potion of invisibility and vanished. We had to put our faith in her. And as usual, she didnā€™t let us down, as a moment later blood splattered across the floor and she reappeared behind the armored man with her hood up and a declaration that she was ā€œthe Butcher of Balestreet, Bitchā€.
The cavalierā€™s two tiefling thugs tried to flank Luna, but I helped fight off one and Hiskaria finished them with a potshot from outside the door that got him right between the eyes, while Melody swooped in to take a stab at the other.
Luna clearly outmatched the man she was facing, and he was smart enough to realize it. He dropped his weapons, and offered to surrender. He swore if we let him go, heā€™d never do such a thing again.
The others seemed ready to let their guards down.
I didnā€™t buy it.
I could feel it. This was an evil man. The kind who would just turn around and do something like this again the second he had an opportunity, if we let him live.
Luna lowered her weapon to go deal with the tiefling thug. I told her what I just wrote, that if we let him go he would just harm others. She said it wasnā€™t going to be her choice to make.
If anyone was making this choice, it was going to be me, and me alone.
Melody tried to reason that maybe we could get some information out of him. That we could take him alive, and question him. After all, thatā€™s what she was best at.
And then what, I asked her. What do we do with him after that? There werenā€™t any jails. The city was in chaos. Where do we put him when weā€™re done questioning him so that he doesnā€™t hurt anyone else?
He swore again that heā€™d just go away and be good. I called bullshit.
Melody said maybe heā€™d know more about the safehouses, or the other plans. What weā€™d potentially be walking into.
Fine. For the safety of the rest of the group, Iā€™d take him alive.
So I punched the cocky bastard in the face and left him to Melody.
Hiskaria and Luna went about helping the librarians while Melody did her thing. She manacled the man and tied him up for a nice friendly chat. I stuck around. I didnā€™t trust this man. Kaleb, I learned his name was. Much good it did.
Melody woke him up. First thing he did was tried to play ignorant. Tried to pretend like heā€™d been possessed, like he hadnā€™t been in control of his own faculties before.
Bullshit. More lies.
Melody saw through his lies this time just as much as I had. She told him to start over and try again.
Next he tried to weave a sob story about how heā€™d been coerced into doing what heā€™d done. How he was a crusader whoā€™s unit had been taken captive, and heā€™d been forced into committing evil acts out of desperation.
Again, nothing but lies. All he knew how to do was lie, habitually, spew whatever falsehood he thought would get him in our good graces.
When Melody and I called him out on it again, he snapped. In a final act of rebellious desperation, he finally told the truth. Heā€™s nothing but scum of the earth. He was a crusader, and his unit had been wiped out, that was the one honest thing that had left this mouth. Afterwards heā€™d decided to hedge his bets and side with the demons, so he started committing every atrocity he could to try to win their favor. And he swore that when he died and went to the pits of the Abyss to be reborn heā€™d come back.
And flay us alive.
Bad choice of words.
I think the bull metaphor before was apt, because I certainly saw red for a moment. I donā€™t think anyone was in disagreement when I stabbed Radiance through his blackened heart at this point though.
We didnā€™t learn anything though. Except that he wasnā€™t a cultist. Just a psychopath who found an excuse to start killing people.
As we discussed our next course of action, the librarian weā€™d rescued approached us. He knew that Aravashnial was with the Riftwardens, and he knew what had happened to them. The Riftwardens after locking what they could in their vault had teleported to a different location, meaning Aravashnialā€™s friends were safely somewhere else. Unfortunately, a day later someone else arrived. Xanthir Vang. Another of Deskariā€™s generals. A worm that walks, a terrible creature that is both a swarm and one being bound to Deskariā€™s will. Xanthir cut through the floor, right above where the vault would be in the secret Riftwarden floors below, and lifted the entire vault from the floor. Then he ripped it apart like it was nothing. He seemed disappointed that the Riftwardens werenā€™t thereā€”predictably, I suppose, since he had a personal grudge against them.
We found a single dead and dried up worm husk in a corner of the room. I donā€™t like this. Itā€™s probably my imagination that my arm itches. Probably. Another of Deskariā€™s generals so close. Thatā€™sā€¦terrifying.
With this information tucked away, we decided to head for Aneviaā€™s home to look for clues of where Commander Tirabade may be. Mostly to make sure her wife was safe, and to inform her of everything weā€™d found out thus far, and a little tiny bit to ask her about that sword sheā€™d apparently sold behind her back.
On the way, we were accosted by a skeletal demon from atop a building, who also called himself the rat king. He claimed the one weā€™d defeated before was a usurper, and then summoned a swarm of dire rats to attack us. We dealt with the dire rats handily enough. They took a few chomps at me, annoying little things. Between rats and lizards, do I just taste good or something?
Nope, just licked my hand to test it, Iā€™m quite certain I do not taste good.
We arrived to a small unassuming house. Irabethā€™s funds clearly went to things other than worldly possessions. Not that it was a bad house. Iā€™m not trying to be judgmental of Irabeth Tirabade Iā€™m just saying with her position most people would have much larger quarters, so she clearly puts hers to good use elsewhere. Iā€™m not one to judge small living quarters, I live in the barracks. Which probably are in ruins now. Ah, well. Not like I had anything of sentimental value in there anyways. My fiddle, my sword, and my shield were on my person, those were the only things I might have cried over losing. And then my sword got forcefully replaced by a talkative holy blade anyways.
I wish I could say Radiance is growing on me like Horgus. Unfortunately, we got off an extremely wrong foot and they havenā€™t exactly tried to mend any bridges. Luna says I should be more assertive with them, since Iā€™m the only one who can wield them, they need me to do their holy mission they want. And Radiance even agreed with her, because of course they did.
Figures. A guy tries to be nice to the holy sword who heā€™ll have to be working with for the foreseeable future and apparently even trying to just not make waves with the being youā€™ll have to work with talking in your head is the wrong move.
Fineā€¦assertive. What do they want me to do, put Radiance in time out in their little box when they get uppity? That is a funny image though.
Iā€™ve completely lost my train of thought.
Right, reread a few paragraphs, Aneviaā€™s house. So, Luna and Melody took a peek inside to make sure nothing was lurking around inside.
Predictably, something was lurking around inside.
He was invisible, but when Melody began using detect evil he ā€˜pingedā€™, so she had an idea of where the invisible presence was. The invisible presence summoned a fire beetle outside to attack Anevia, but Hiskaria turned and shot it dead before it got a chance.
Melody and Luna had a good idea where the invisible foe was, and began to force him back into a corner, although their swings of axe and glaive kept hitting nothing but air.
I came in, and I swear to you Iomedae guided Radianceā€™s blade. Not only did I strike true, from the amount of red that splattered across the ground, Iā€™m certain I hit something vital. That, and I made him very angry. The next thing I saw was an enraged orc, whose invisibility faded away as a blast of fire was released from his hand point blank in my face. Too familiar. Far too familiar. And then darkness.
And then I was awake again, Melody tipping one of my potions into my mouth. Luna had bloodied the orc, but heā€™d refused to go down in his blind frenzy. Then Hiskaria had stepped in and finished the job.
I proceeded to heal myself a little more thoroughly while the ladies talked to Anevia about what just happened.
Huh, now that Aravashnial and Horgus are gone I am the only guy in the little group of ours, arenā€™t I?
The prettiest guy in our group by default as well, not that thatā€™s saying much.
Anevia recognized the orc, he was someone who Irabeth had stopped from some previous scheme years back, who sheā€™d left out in the world alive. Apparently, he came back for revenge. He wonā€™t be getting a third chance.
With that settled and no more assassins lurking about, Anevia went to her and Irabethā€™s bedroom and opened a secret compartment. Inside she read a note and took out some supplies. She told us that Commander Tirabade and the other remaining Crusaders were hiding out at the Defenderā€™s Heart tavern, and the passcode to get in was ā€œSilverstrongā€.
We decided to go straight there, as it was closer than any of the safehouses, and allies were still more useful than victories at the moment.
I was especially feeling that way when that damn skeleton ā€˜rat kingā€™ showed up again, and threw a flock of vultures at us. Most of which decided to descend upon me. I know vultures are a bad omen but come on, thatā€™s too on the nose even for me. Whatā€™s worse? Do you know whatā€™s worse? Whatā€™s even worse than vultures? Fiend vultures. These things could smite. I had, no joke, five buzzards smiting me like a bunch of feathery antipaladins.
Just my cursed luck again. Why does Desna hate me?
So, yeah. I was hurting. And really wanting some rest. While everyone else was ready and raring to go for two more safehouses after we finished meeting with the Commander. I finished healing myself again and I was almost tapped out of spells, and completely out of potions. My fervor was wearing thin as well. Luna was all well and good, she didnā€™t use spells. Hiskaria was fine, she mostly only used her cantrips to empower her bow to fire twiceā€”a neat trick that didnā€™t really cost her anything. Melody had used one judgement and some spells but she was just fine and equally ready to go.
Ever the weak link.
Eh, no point thinking like that, right? Plenty more happened after that. We arrived to Defenderā€™s Heart and gave them the passcode. They came out to meet us, initially excited to see Anevia.
Then they saw Luna, still with her hood up in her Butcher guise from our fight earlier.
We tried to explain that this wasnā€™t what it looked like. That she wasnā€™t actually a murderer. That the rumors and stories and reports were wrong. Anevia tried to back us up. Luna took off her hood, and pointed out that she drank one of the two of them under the table at this very tavern just a few days prior, and no one got hurt. Despite our best efforts, tensions were raising. The guards were going for their weapons, and we were surrounded. The paladins were throwing accusations, and no one was listening to our words, they were only hearing what they believed to be true.
Then a strong hand came down on both of the guardsā€™ shoulders. A voice spoke, and told them that maybe sometime they should try actually using the gift Iomedae grants them to detect evil.
Irabeth Tirabade stood behind the two guards, in the flesh, asā€¦everything as I ever would have imagined. Tall, proud, honorable, noble.
The guards scrambled to cast the detect spells, and predictably found that Luna was not evil. They were puzzled but relaxed somewhat. Then jumped and went for their weapons again when they looked in Hiskariaā€™s direction.
The Commander told them that it was alright, and held up some papers, saying all the paperwork was in order for Hiskaria.
It looked like she was officially Raven Corps now.
Commander Tirabade picked up Anevia and carried her inside, and asked the four of us to follow. She got to quarters where she could lay Anevia down, then turned to me.
And the conversation went something like this.
ā€œActing Captain of the Raven Corps,ā€ she said.
I was flabbergasted for a moment then realized she had to be talking to me because there was literally no one else she could be talking to. ā€œMe?ā€
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