#i need a verse tag ... it is Pending
archived-diegesis · 5 months
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He hasn't taken a break.
Its been days and she noticed how he was working himself like she used to in the early days. The slow days were long back then as she did her best to get him used to human life. Furina gave him a small smile as she place her hand on his desk and tapped a familer tune.
It was a familiar action, one she has done many times when she wanted to get him to take a break.
" I....will be honest i haven't been the best of companions my dear chef justice and it has come to my attention that you have not been out of the office in days. "
She held up the basket in her hands as she tilted her head. Furina could think of many reasons why he would say no to joining her but....she held out hope to a yes.
"May....I have the honor of your time ? "
@sagnaevi // conti.
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lastavengedarchived · 3 months
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She'd given him So Much. So much more then she could Ever Know. Supposedly it went both ways, which was something that both filled him with a sort of dread, but also lifted his spirits more then any drink ever could. He wasn't sure he could ever convey how MUCH she'd brightened his life. Mostly because he wasn't very good at putting sentiment to word. He wasn't usually very good at Physically showing it either, but he was Nothing if not Creative! Today of all days especially, his mind was Buzzing with ideas!
It had started as a 'simple test' for his old wasp suit. It had needed some love and care, care that Nadia was all to proficient in providing the poor neglected thing. Now, he hadn't planed on the suit also getting a tailoring touch up, but apparently he'd waited far too long to touch it up to modern 'taste'. Yet today he could find no care in the world but for the focus on her face, the concentration as she modernized the wing system. The flick of her wrist behind every tool switch, and the steady hand between the bioenergy blasters. All the while they chatted and quipped, debated and theorized until at last the old suit had been sparked with new life.
However, once she had given her all clear, that is when his capacity to withhold his thoughts lost its grip on his tongue. Smiling with nothing but sheer unfiltered Pride he scooped her up into a big, heavy hug. Careful not to damage the work as the wings upon his back flittered up to attention and buzzed as if powered by the force of his joy alone.
" Oh Nadia, "
Nadia, not the name they had chosen for her so long ago but it didn't matter, it'd Never matter. She could change her name every single day and he'd adore each, and every one of them. Releasing her from his hold he set both his hands on her shoulders, seeing the light hit those hopeful eyes of hers as his heart Ignited with what he could only understand as pure parental love.
" Nadia you work so hard, not just on things like this old mans outdated suit but yourself, your work, The World! You keep finding ways to put your foot forward and stride into a world rife with pitfalls and difficulties and YET you keep pushing onward. Head in the clouds and eyes on the road you have forged a road that is Genuinely awe inspiring, it spurred me to pick up my mantle as Giant Man again and I've seen it spur so many others to action. "
His hands rose, cupping her face in their gentle hold.
" My dear Nadia, if you'll forgive this old man his sentiments, I am So. So Proud of You, and Knowing the world is in your hands- oh Nadia, I've never been so excited to see the future you help make. "
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There's one thing that she knew was more belief than theory. It's one of the few things that she didn't need to test and that was having hope that things would work out. Partly that she would male them and partly the part that Nadia didn't need to break down in scientific understanding. She did not need to know how she got so lucky or delve into probability science; she could count this as a blessing, as a proof that the universe was inherently good. That thing that defied the need for like-minded bugs to understand was that she got to have a family. First a chosen family which that was her family, her first, and there was no putting value of less than the next onto anyone. Nadia wouldn't, couldn't, trade them.
Following that was the shock of Hank Pym in the flesh, no lingering Ultron, at the front door of her living residences. It took months to find the stride and rhythm between the two of them, but at the end of that? She got to know her hero who became not so much less than that, but truly became like a father not so much by blood or genetics (that didn't matter) but by work and effort into maintaining a bond, a relationship.
Helping with Hank's own and old Wasp suit had been a project she eagerly took on. Getting to work alongside him, not just sharing the lab space, but in the ideas and common goal had been delightful. More than delightful but English didn't have a better word. This how they bonded, science and their work. He really had inspired her own view on science as a whole, the way he wrote about new discoveries or theories, anything is possible and there was a wonder that not many dissertations could ever inspire.
They talked at a speed all their own and laughed together. One of the greatest, happiest sounds to share and hear. She had been intent upon keeping his single pair of wings design since that felt more him, but there's something fun they could do with the silhouette. A nod off to his favorite things a trench coat without worrying about a trench coat being a hindrance to Wasp mobility. Anything additional flapping could interfere with wing function.
Her hands move adept at what she was doing, engineering had been one of her most important skills and modernizing the gadgetry in the bioenergy gauntlets, head piece with the googles, and wings were a must. The tailoring being snazzed up also had been a necessity if only because she is nothing if not Janet Van Dyne's step daughter and supersuits could and should look cool!
When the final touches are done and it was time for them to move onto full body testing, with him in the whole suit and plans to go out somewhere, maybe to a park to enjoy the flowers up close or something, or head into New York and zip around between the skyscrapers together. Nadia stands up and it was not even a minute of standing, not a chance giving to put her foot forward that Hank pulls her into a hug. He doesn't realize it, but he pulls her up onto her tip-toes (luckily she's a ballerina). Then he even lifts them a little further just by the fluttering of his wasp wings.
OH NADIA and there's something to the tone of his voice that gives her pause. Nadia's only five foot, and she tucks her face into his chest at the unexpected hug and pulls her arounds around carefully to hug his torso back. It's a good hug, a nice hug, and it's been a good day spent with HER DAD. That is not the end of her father's affection as he sets her feet back onto the ground and large hands go onto narrow shoulders.
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Nadia looks up a little confused, but smiling and about to ask "everything okay" but doesn't when he repeats her name. A whole speech follows that which she wasn't so sure what spawned such a moment or what she was ever so deserving, but than that didn't matter she reminds herself in thought half way through as he tells her that she inspires him. Tears well up in her eyes, for it was a lot of emotion, it's been a long journey to this and she genuinely had once been content and accepted this was a fantasy, and then once more had thought maybe she couldn't trust this or him (from her own lesson from quantum entanglement).
❝ I- ❞
Yet she did get this, and did get to trust him. They both made this dynamic a real one, built on work and trust. It felt real, nature, and it had little to do with being related (that was an added bonus). Nadia swallows a little, wants to go wipe her eyes because she gets to feel loved, and the inner child in her had dreamed of that every day until she came to America.
❝ Mhm! If you forgive, uhm, my tears... ❞ She sniffles, leans her head forward and goes in for another tight hug and rarely does Nadia not have words, but her happiest, her feelings and emotions were so much right now after the day that she had share working on a super suit and talking about anything with Hank. ❝ Thank you... thank you so much. ❞ It wasn't thanking him for his praise of her, but for being here and building her trust and teaching her, for working on being a better him and being her dad not just her biological father.
❝ szeretlek apa ❞
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dualitytransformation · 8 months
AU where Jekyll is trying to get rid of Hyde, so he concocts a potion that he THINKS will do the trick. And it does — after immense pain for both of them, their body is no longer being shared — BUT HYDE IS SUDDENLY A FULLY SEPARATE BEING IN HIS VERY OWN BODY, STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF JEKYLL!!!
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gcldfanged · 1 year
The ground had been too hard with ice to bury the old man, so Jae had spent the better part of an entire day chopping down trees to fashion a pyre for him. Despite the steel coloring his once pitch black hair and beard, he'd looked as handsome as he had in the photos of his youth: a towering sequoia amongst a forest of lesser men, great iron muscles straining and thick veins splintering blade, bullet and lash-tortured skin. His anguish was their suffering, the austere Loyalists who bled for home and country. They were nothing more than primitives that the Modernists now laughed at, for not whoring themselves, for covering their superior human forms in hand me down skin and hides like simple animals.
If they were seen as little more than a sidestep away from basic savagery, then he would continue to stalk the wilds as one of them. Wrapped from head to toe in mink and thick wools, none of the glimmering liquid gemstone colors of industrialized silks, nor the pinstriped cotton-twills of Junon's boxy suits and jaunty fedoras. His shoes were traditional gutals, handcarved leather and insulating fur, stocky with their slightly upturned toes and soles that left barely a footprint in even powder-snow. Surrounded by drooling, panting mountainous 'shepherd dogs' only a handful's generations of careless breeding away from wolves- They were as one, of the same razor-edged instinct and unified mind focused solely on the hunt. On the kill. Wolves wished they killed with the ferocity that they did.
Wolves never attacked unless you'd wronged them, somehow- Then they would take you, if they could. Normally they would merely hunch in the snow with baleful eyes and curl their tails between their legs miserably, saliva glistening on their fangs from one too many days without fresh meat. They knew better.
The Han were a proud nation of survivors, from the barren terrain and the frigid temperatures stymieing new growth and life, to the hostile occupation by Wutai stomping their pride and faces into the frigid, muddy earth. They were the product of a culture and an ideology that, as far as everyone else was concerned, no longer existed. They'd been worse than just cast out- To sink so low as to accept foreign aid, to fall so far as to do terrible and cynical things. Men and women would sacrifice themselves for 'The Greater Good'. This, he knew. His grandfather's entire life had been committed to the belief that it had all been voluntary.
But that wasn't the problem. It wasn't the dying. It was living and dying for what their leaders had become. Unbeknownst to them, to the old man whose last words were a long rattling wheeze and a hand thrust out at his grandchild and a strangled "What was it all for...?", to everyone else who'd worked and toiled and sacrificed so much, their great country was nothing at all.
Fucking nothing. Somehow their most promising generation had turned heel to greedy capitalists and as the old ways deteriorated, it didn't take long to find the trails of blood and mako they'd left behind. They bowed before and kissed the polished leather of Shinra's dress shoes as their industrial engineers swarmed over the bloated carcass of Haneul like a plague of botflies. The natural flora and fauna withered and twisted into mako-poisoned mutations, jobs became scarce due to rampant automation, their sons and daughters prostituted as the company grew fat off their blood, sweat, and bitter tears.
As far as he was concerned, The Silver General may as well be the court jester prancing about for an oligarchy of human parasites tearing into their great nation's pride and simple dignity- It's humanity. He'd seen it and lived in it, the desperation and poverty. Distinguished intellectuals and artisans selling themselves on the street. The Loyalists labeled 'rebels' and 'criminals'.
It was almost a relief his grandfather had passed when he did, just to prevent him from the knowing- That they hadn't just fallen, but passed hitting rock bottom and carved it's way into the chthonian underbelly of modern man's gravest sins.
Chaebols had become a byword for crooks, because natives understood what the decadent West's idea of business was. It was only a quest for ownership. It wasn't fair trade. It wasn't about equality. It was zero-sum savagery. It was taking what you wanted and giving your victim the illusion of consent.
The profiteers 'enriched' themselves, bloated their accounts with foreign gil. There was rarely even the simple poetic bliss in one of them getting torn apart by a reactor bomb planted by AVALANCHE. They survived. The shitheads always survived. The assholes always did.
So what did that mean about him?
His gaze is twinned black holes and merciless, spearing his gimlet eyed stare down the nose of a stolen rifle. It was anger and outrage and pain- A once great nation's desperate denial of the inevitable.
"Shinra isn't welcome here."
The words aren't ungainly on his lips, they never had been. Han was his language, but they'd learned Common in primary school, babbling syllables in other tongues.
Their enemy's and their ally's: He'd learned Wutainese when he attempted training to enlist in counter-intelligence. He'd felt the weight of hungry eyes more than once as Shinra's science department sniffed around, attempted to slobber all over him. It was disgraceful- Disgusting, the way they posed and preened and invited him to become more than 'just a farmer with a gun', not even Public Security, but a SOLDIER.
To Hell with them.
To Hell with anyone.
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infernal-feminae · 9 months
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Hm. She thinks she'll be ready to return that place she once called home soon. She just needs to go over once she's going to say again.
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requiemofrebellion · 1 year
@kisumshi ― starter
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The castle was quiet, for once. The others had left to get some fresh air and explore around outside. Calcifer had been sitting where he normally was, on top of logs letting them burn. He had waited several minutes before he figured the others didn’t forget anything and therefore were not going to come back inside for a while. So, he shifted into his human-like form, sliding off of the makeshift fireplace, standing and dusting himself off from the ashes. 
Clothes appeared on him, just a casual look of black pants and a red hoodie. His orange hair was short and messy like an untamed fire. Hands reached above his head, stretching out his body, having felt cooped up for a bit too long, even though his natural form was the fire form. He dropped his hands back at his sides, golden orbs looking around the room before he heard the click of the door switching to a different location and it opening. His gaze moved from the kitchen to look towards the doorway, watching Howl emerge from the entrance. 
The fire demon didn’t move to greet him though, just watched him for a moment. Caramel colored fingers reached to grab a small piece of wood and put it near his lips, as if he was ready to chew on it. A small little fire still burning from where he had sat in his true form, to keep the castle warm. 
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“ You hurt? ” Calcifer finally questioned after staring Howl down. “ The others left to explore outside or something like that. ” After all, if it had been anyone but Howl that entered the home, Calcifer would have turned back into his true form, not allowing anyone other than Howl to know he could shift his appearance. 
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ode-of-odr-archive · 2 years
"If you cannot bite, never show your teeth, ja?"
The demon spawn’s Icelandic accent was heavy. Admittedly he was tightening it, drawing out how much different he was to the mere human before him. A mewling mess on the ground look up at him on Rose, who’s head was covered in a rune covered skull, or was it her own head? It was hard for one to tell with the smoke bellowing out from her snout. 
Many feared the mare, for her kind were where the term ‘nightmare’ came from. 
Not only was Raserei, not human, but not even native to this country. A man so far away from home in so many ways it was almost a tragic comedy. Something Greeks would admire he was sure. 
The giant man leaned forward on his horse, “Your need to bark and show those teeth have brought me to your door, Benny.” 
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liecoris · 5 months
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@rcdhotnight asks:
"when's the last time you got some sleep?" He asked quietly. Taking it upon himself to gently adjust their child in his arms. It was still a surreal thing for both of them involved in a union like this. The wasteland didn't much give a shit to those inhabiting it, them included. For the metallic shacks, they called their place of home, anything was better than the outside world. He rocks their child gently as he motions Mukuro to take a breather lying down. he'd join her so that she may catch her breath. They had more now than what came before, but it still eats away at Sam's thoughts and thoughts of providing something better for Mukuro and their child. (Sam! Post Apocalyptic Verse)
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「Some restful sleep? I don't recall, but what about yourself, dear? When was the last time you rested as well?」 Mukuro asks with a soft smile as she watches Sam handle their child, meaningful rest was hard to come by these days, she'd only really ever fall asleep if Sam was beside her but at least her body gave her the courtesy of actually relaxing when she laid down when Sam gestured her to do so。
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A soft sigh would leave her lips as she felt her muscles relax, she watched her beloved and their child with adoration as she rested。 She never would have thought that her life would have ended up like this, things could always be better of course but Mukuro was happy now。 Having a loving family was something Mukuro always wished for and for that to happen even in this wasteland, Mukuro was more than thankful。
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【 40 random questions? 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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tresradiossolis · 2 years
Here’s my Daycare Pass! - for both my sideblogs, @duo-daycarefun and @sxnmxxndaycare
"V-very much appreciated, come on in.."
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archived-diegesis · 3 months
".....if Mr.Eros is dad dose that make Mr Boothill papa? .....or is Mr. Eros papa and mr.boothill dad ?"
Loud computing sounds......Did she say that out loud -
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bungoustraypups · 3 months
new pinned post
hi i'm cio, most of this is copy/pasted from my bsd-only blog @bungoustraypups-verse
i also have my @bungostraydogs-nextgen blog for my bsd fankid/next gen character development where i plan to be more active soon
make sure to read my carrd
here's my link in bio page too
i’m 25
things to remember when interacting with my posts/content:
yes i love mori. no i do not think mori is a canon pedophile or child predator (he isn’t a canon child predator either, for that matter) and i do not think mori abused dazai. yes i am open to discussing why i believe this and you’re welcome to debate me on the second opinion, but i am not open to arguing about it, and i am not open to debate on the first one. please respect my boundaries.
fukumori is my OTP and i have specific ways i like to discuss them. specifically, on any post i make, do not discuss anything about them being "divorced" or anything other than actively in love with each other unless i bring it up. it bothers and distresses me when this is brought up against my will, especially on my posts i make about them or implying them being a thing, so on and so forth. always assume my fukumori posts are made with the intent of them being actively together and in love unless i say otherwise explicitly
i'm aware that there's a lot of canon divergence in how i portray the characters, it's on purpose, and how i portray them in my fanworks is not necessarily reflective of how i think they would or should behave in canon, and aspects of some of their backstories/some headcanons i have for them apply solely when writing them in fanworks and not in the canonical material. please don't assume things about how i watch/read BSD based off my fics, especially when it comes to verses that are completely separate AUs and not just canon divergent
don't trash talk mori on my posts. seriously. i don't wanna hear about how you hate or dislike him even if you're being nice about it. he's my favorite character. go say that on someone else's post
i am an OSDD system of 300+. we are polyfragmented. one of my most active sysmates is a mori fictive. my system’s fictives are not the same as their source and for the love of god please don’t ask him or any of the others invasive or weird questions. be nice and treat them like the people they are, if they choose to communicate on this blog.
i have 400 bsd fankids and ocs and a multitude of aus.
here is a non-detailed list of the fankids/ocs
here is the website i store the profiles for the ones who have profiles, they’re not all done yet and more are coming
here is the list of aus (link pending)
the quickest way to my heart is to ask me questions about these guys.
eventually i’ll have a tag page. stay tuned.
please reblog this linked post bc im in a bad financial place and need donations to at least try to keep my mental health intact as well as to pay for some of my subscriptions i have that make me happy <3
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everharrt · 7 days
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In his most original creation, 10 years ago, Esmé was attached to a witch named Alice. He was charged with protecting her and his soul was bonded with hers. He fell deeply in love with her. I will always have a soft place in my heart for that ship, and if Alice's writer is out there somewhere I wish them nothing but happy days and to know I think about those two so very often.
As for presently - I only have 2 ships established on Esmé currently and I am deeply adoring both of them.
This will always be on a case-by-case scenario. Esmé is 35 minimum in his canon, pending younger for verses. In canon the most I would be comfortable would be perhaps 10 years? I feel as if a fresh twenty year old has a lot to learn and can too easily be exploited by older partners, so I'd like to steer away from inciting any of that dynamic or presentation. I can easily see him being involved with someone older than he is, however. There's not really a limit upward from 35. But again, it's all case-by-case, depending on the muses involved and the dynamic.
I can be. Mostly I look for chemistry with the muses and chemistry writing. We don't have to know each other intimately out of character --- the aforementioned mun who wrote Alice and I did not speak much out of character aside from dynamics on the occasion (things that reminded us of the muses) but we gelled very well with how we wrote and the chemistry was there. It really comes down to writing styles and interest in the ship itself. If one side is giving more than the other and it's obvious that they aren't really interested, it's easy to lose the feel in general.
I'm open to anything, mostly. No taboo topics, nothing squicky, and Esmé is a bit pickier with his partners / who he has interest in but if all of the right boxes are checked I'll give it a whirl.
All you have to say is "I ship this, do you?" I don't require much more, and a lot of people are shy or misread things. Just for clarification, sure. And if I don't see the ship that doesn't mean I won't in the future - it just likely means we need to write or discuss the dynamic more.
I won't say obsessed but I'm tired of tiptoeing and pretending I'm not interested in ships of all kinds. Character relationships are what drive our development at the end of the day. So I'd say in-between, ship favorable.
I'm not in any particular fandom but some favorite ships are: Spike and Julia from Cowboy Bebop, Kerrigan and Raynor from Starcraft, Ana Amari and Reinhardt from Overwatch, Fiona and Sean from Shameless, Wolfgang and Kala from Sense8.
Establish a dynamic of some sort and ask.
I stole this! Feel free to steal it and tag me if you'd like.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
special verse tag drop. mostly my ship verses.
closed -> not open for outside interaction, besides some anon asks about this verse semi-open -> open to some outside interaction, asks, and anons about this verse open -> open verse for interaction and requesting single ship -> this verse is single ship, meaning only one romantic ship for the character w/ another character established, but may be an open verse for other interaction. this will only be from my end / the case for my end / not expected the same from my partner. this is just for me.
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verse; clint barton; who shares your burdens (mrtonystark) // a mostly closed verse in which most of 616 is canon, and look y'all have seen the 1200+ note thread. @mr-tony-stark and i go ham on plotting and writing. so i just wanted a verse tag, and like if anons wanted to ask clint questions in that verse, i'd accept them, but otherwise it's a closed verse. but i am absolutely in love with ironhawk and how much, we write and plot together <3 i love you <3
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verse; clint barton; how many more chances can i have with you (biitchcakes) // a semi-open verse, in which Clint is in a relationships with @biitchcakes - look, i just wanna gush about what Aurora and I have plotted, like I have already outlined the 2 major breakups and 1 break, and the 4 times that Clint and Jess are fools who get back together. It's relatively canon divergent in 616 event, and like y'all, Clint and Jess' West Coast Era is amazing, also Leftovers we need to write Leftovers . . . and the way i could write a netflix tv show about their west coast era, and then civil war 2 but make it more government vs. heroes and make it sad for clintjess.
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verse; clint barton; entangled to a loser like me (crisispider) // a semi-open verse, in which Clint is in a relationship with @crisispider - incorporates both 616 and spiderverse events into the fold, and clint and peter are absolutely just two golden retriever boyfriends together.
verse; clint barton; how can i watch you fade (crisispider) // a closed verse with @crisispider, in which i mess around with hawkeye: blindspot concept, and really just here to torture peter and mel
verse; clint barton; to boldly go (ss; crisispider) // an open, single ship (on my end) STAR TREK AU, i have a whole write up for Clint's Star Trek au, and I've considered this verse single ship w/ Mel's Peter; but otherwise it's very open to interaction and being requested. Clint's just your unhinged helmsman who sows chaos into all of starfleet/the federation :) [ here is the written up verse information to read ]
verse; linda carter; to heal across the stars (thefleetsfinest) // an open, single ship (on my end only) STAR TREK AU, for Linda Carter, whom is now a cardiac surgeon aboard the Enterprise. On my side, not Mel's side, I am only writing one romantic ship in the Star Trek setting/au and that's with Mel's @thefleetsfinest. Very dedicated woman to medicine and well-being of the crew. [ verse write up pending ]
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verse; pepper potts; captain of her own (uss unreliable) // an open star trek au verse, in which Pepper hot off the heels of being the infamous Captain Tony Stark's first officer (of which there's is many rumors surrounding him), has been promoted and now is Captain Potts of the USS Unreliable. . . . her first officer being Steve Rogers (@liibertysdream) of whom is a former captain himself (rumors surrounding him as well, oh no pepper what are you doing). She was communications and command before hand, with prior goals of managing a starbase or colony, now being made Captain of a ship.
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infernal-feminae · 11 days
Do you still manufacture weapons that could kill demon royalty?
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"Yes, but I am primarily selling to nobility now. Carmine Industries is considered a contribution to the crown. Though, I technically do not really own it anymore."
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deathsmark · 1 year
#𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌  a  highly  selective  &  headcanon  based  𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐨𝐬  ━  𝐙𝐄𝐃  from  riot’s  𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠  as  explicated  by  𝚛𝚊𝚢   ‹  27  /   he  &  him  ›    𝑒𝘴𝑡  𝘰𝑟𝘪𝑔𝘪𝑛𝘢𝑙𝘭𝑦  𝘪𝑛  2022 ,   𝑟𝘦𝑚𝘢𝑑𝘦  𝑖𝘯  2023. 
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ᵃ  ˢᵗᵘᵈʸ  ⁱⁿ    𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲  in  the  face  of  complicity,   the  𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕   path;  however  long,  however  parlous,  𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠  humanity  &  it  tempered  for  forbearance,  a  𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚  evil  &  it’s  true  benignity  &  the  magics  of  old,  𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒆  &  𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅. 
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 : @oblivisms, @cryroh, @diablobeats & @revorto.
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The initial thing i want to emphasize is that i highly value communication. If you are interested in plotting, have an idea for shipping ? ( please, slam dunk these into my dms so fast)  don’t hesitate to let me know. as i don’t always read social cues, being straightforward with me makes things a lot easier. my writing will most likely be sporadic. It depends on the hours i am working, where my mental health is at. I will like a post that i have seen so if i haven’t liked it chances are i haven’t seen it and i encourage you to give me a nudge. I have a tendency to talk a bit ooc, about ideas, general thoughts about my muse. I have a pending ooc tag which will be this for now ooc. but will most likely change when i begin working on my tags.
there will be dark content explored on this blog, everything will be tagged accordingly. nsfw will be potentially present and will also be tagged. 
I am cross over , oc and duplicate friendly. If you aren’t in the league rpc i will do my utmost to be accommodating and form a verse relevant to your character, please know you do not need indepth knowledge of leagues lore to interact with me. my exclusives : @cryroh ( yasuo ) & @revorto
I dont have alot of rules here but, cut posts are preferable but i do also know that tumblr can be kinda messy with its updates so i’ll try to be lenient on this lmao. I’m ray, 27 and this is the return of my zed fixation. I look forward to writing with you.  verses: spirit blossom, odyssey, inkshadow, modern / band.headcanons. pinterest. playlist. minors dni. running on AEST, yes, australia exists.
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bryhaven · 2 years
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I posted 544 times in 2022
That's 544 more posts than 2021!
171 posts created (31%)
373 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 336 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#rivamika - 171 posts
#levimika - 104 posts
#levi x mikasa - 82 posts
#levi ackerman - 69 posts
#anime - 67 posts
#shingeki no kyojin - 65 posts
#mikasa ackerman - 65 posts
#attack on titan - 65 posts
#mikasa x levi - 63 posts
#anime art - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#feeling proud that i've caught up on all the pending fics i'm trying to read
My Top Posts in 2022:
RivaMika and their children
Pic Crew: https://t.co/y8xodtpRkM
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85 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Welcome to my life, shipping the most hated or least preferred couples in their respective fandoms 🤣😂
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RivaMika - Levi and Mikasa from Attack on Titan
FushiKugi - Fushiguro and Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen
YunoElle - Yuno and Noelle from Black Clover
KacChako - Bakugo and Uraraka from My Hero Academia
ZuTara - Zuko and Katara from Aang: The Last Airbender
MeriCcup - Hiccup and Merida from How to train your dragon and Brave
DraMione - Draco and Hermione from Harry Potter
All photos are official arts and canon shots, except for the MeriCcup one - I edited that myself 😁
And a funny coincidence to note here is that, the people who ship these non-canon ships are usually the ones who are nice, friendly, and welcoming. While the people who ship the canon ships are usually the ones who are toxic and rude.
Today, I had an argument with a hater who called me dumb because of my fangirl moment on a post. 😑 And so sometimes, I think to myself. Why is it that I find myself shipping non-canon couples? What is it with me that I find other people to ship than what is already pronounced in the series?
But then again, I realize I'm not only shipping couples just for the heck of it. And just because they're canon, doesn't necessarily obligate me to ship them.
I ship and pair people when I see the romance potential in them, when their dynamics can bring fire to the story, or when they can compliment or align with each other in ways I see fit. It's not just about the lovey dovey stuff for me. It is also the understanding, cooperation, trust, functionality, and compatibility that I can see in them that makes a good and healthy ship for me.
If I see that in a canon couple, then I won't have any problems shipping them. That's all the better. But if not, then it's not necessarily a bad thing.
So to you my fellow shippers of the ships mentioned above, don't lose heart over these toxic people. Your choices and preferences don't necessarily define you. It is our attitude on how we handle our ships that does.
Nobody is perfect. But here's to hoping for a fun and healthy social media experience for everyone ~ ❤️
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180 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
So I stumbled upon this and...
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I almost forgot that young Mikasa always kept Eren in line. Like she always throws him around or punches him whenever he does anything stupid or foolish. Like she gets him back to his senses.
This young girl at the tender age of 9 can be this sensible, rational, and level-headed. And yet the same girl at the age of 19 goes, "What should we do about Eren?"
I know there wouldn't be a story if the rumbling wouldn't happen. But still. She could have bitch-slapped him all the way to Marley if she wanted to.
But Yams said NO. We need the toxic relationship and Stockholm Syndrome to happen here 😑
248 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Welcome to the Kageyama-verse!
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302 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yes, I watch sports.
The sports:
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417 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
It's a shame that not even one of my actual works (e.g arts, edits, fics or AMVs) made it to the top 5. But I guess that's how it is.
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