#i moved it to a new post 'cause of stinking legacy editor
vartouhix · 4 months
@thuganomxcs :
In his mind the floor of his van was just about to get wet, along with portions of the seat and some of her clothes. The road itself wasn’t something he’d describe as smooth but nothing could have prepared Yusuke for what he saw. ‘Chucking water on the burn..normal. But what the hell was THAT?!’ The moment her eyes began glowing he saw the burn from her skin slowly disappearing from view. Just who was this woman? Never in his life has he ever seen such efficient healing.
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But for now he would be forced to remain focused on where they were going. As she says, if these people were part of a korean mob, then they’ve probably made eyes on Yusuke’s plates and were probably planning to raid his apartment as he thought of all of this. “That’d definitely be the better idea, but I have a feelin’ they’d be coming after us anyway. I get to kick more ass AND I get some answers, Two snitches, one bullet type’a deal. Either way Supergirl hope ya don’t mind small houses cause that’s where we’re goin’.”
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She could feel the cooling sensation of the water as it slid down her throat, into her stomach, and finally, into the ever-churning stream of water in her hydrotubules. The fresh water replacing what she had lost already helped her feel a bit rejuvenated, even if it was just a placebo effect and wouldn't really make a difference until at least about twenty minutes had passed. Vartouhi finished off the bottle of water, crushing the plastic into a tiny ball between her hands. For a moment, she struggled with where to put the trash, before deciding to leave it in the cubby on the inside of the passenger's side door. She'd try to remember to get it later, so as not to be rude, she thought.
Vartouhi turned her attention back to Yusuke, biting her bottom lip in concern at his prediction. She unfortunately had to agree, they would probably be pursued before long, if they weren't already. She tipped her head at his wording, not quite understanding his phrasing but getting the gist from context clues, at least. "Any shelter would be preferable to roaming the streets like I've been doing the past few weeks..." she admitted, leaning back in the seat to let her head fall back against the head rest. Her eyes moved to take in the city scenery passing by them. "Why are you helping me?" she asked, curious.
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