#i miss spelled huangshan because g osh i'm yelling
soul-embers · 5 years
Hello! How about Maofeng Tea for four words thing?:> I love your writing so much qwq
a/n: here you go anon!! sorry for the delay in getting this out this is my first time writing for huangshan maofeng tea so i hope that he’s not ooc! he just seems like the type who really likes to tease and poke at his ma from what i assume based on his lines. 
 ah// i’m happy that you like my writing. ; u ; 
1. — summoned
Huangshan Maofeng Tea despite his upstanding, reliable, and trustworthy Doaist appearance, he’s not nearly as reliable as he looks. He enjoys stirring up trouble far too much, but he is reliable when needed to be, which makes him the sort of fellow that everyone loves and hates at the same time. 
And seeing the excited look on his Attendant’s face just spurs him on with wanting to tease them so clearing his throat, putting on his best smile he speaks. 
“The signs are strong... You must be my Master Attendant, yes? Good features, clever expression. Truly extraordinary.” Huangshan Maofeng Tea finds it hard to keep a straight face when you look so pleased with his words. If anything life with you wouldn’t be boring. 
2. — react
Maofeng finds that you are a delightfully fun Attendant to poke and tease in any shape form or fashion that he could think up. You never failed to amuse him or make him laugh with your reactions, a bonus point to you since he comes to appreciate your reactions from the bottom of his heart-- truthfully! 
“Heavens, Master, I fear calamity today. But, worry not, there is hope in the Way. If only we keep... Hm? The calamity? Oh, just financial ruin, nothing serious...” Maofeng has to bite the inside of his lip while he watches your face fall and you start processing the best way to avoid financial ruin (he feels a bit bad after saying it due to needing money to keep the restaurant going), but your expression changes from one of pure horror and shock to careful planning and calm. 
Seeing you like this lights a fire in him as well, the reliable him taking the reins while he helps. Though what he said was nothing more than a jest, he learns that you are more than capable of handling whatever may happen in the future. 
3. — outing 
“How can I trick Master into letting me go today... Eeek! Master, you're here! I was saying, um, I observed the stars last night and read that today was an auspicious day for an outing...” 
Maofeng has no idea that his muttering aloud would be heard by anyone, especially not heard by you his Master Attendant whom he was trying to sneak away from, but instead was brought along with you on a shopping trip to the local fresh market and for a summoning. Something about exchanging something else for a shard to eventually summon a new Food Soul Maofeng sort of stopped listening after that. 
He wasn’t so sure he’d be able to have fun with you around, but spending time with you like this is enjoyable. Maofeng found himself getting into the spirit of things and getting just as excited as you did over ingredients and spices. Stopping at a small stand, he purchased a small trinket, a simple ring that would look good with your features, and is flattering for any gender. The bright flush of your face has his heart beating faster as he places the ring he bought for you on your finger. 
He feels like there’s something more he should be doing, but once you turned to continue walking he feels as if the moment has passed. Maofeng is smiling, today really was an auspicious day for an outing. 
4. — pledge 
The stars spoke of great things, which pleased Maofeng to no end. The smile on his face, the happy fluttering beating of his heart, while he waits for your return, puts him in a great mood. His readings are never wrong, and today is the best day to ask for your hand in being his Pledge partner, he can hear his teacher very faintly in his mind. To stay away from relationships, but since meeting you he’s found that he hasn’t been able to help himself. 
He’s fallen for you. So completely and utterly in love with you, being with you makes it feel like everything has finally fallen into place. The piece to a puzzle that he’s been looking for has been found, the fit is just right and whenever he’s with you he feels so at home. Knowing that he has a piece of your heart with him and that you have a piece of his heart with you thanks to the Contract. 
With every solid beat of your heart, the sound of your laughter and the sight of your smile Maofeng swears that he’s fallen in love with you all over again. Your smile is added along with your response to meet him when you returned from the Guild meeting, and the delicate silence in the restaurant was broken when your voice breaks the silence and called out for a healer. Brownie looked horrible, but the moment Maofeng saw blood staining your clothes and cheek is when the world around him fell away. 
He didn’t expect to open his eyes and see you smiling down at him causing him to reach out and feel if you are real. Warm, soft, familiar and most of all real. 
“Sorry for the scare Maofeng, but gosh I never thought that you would be the one to scare the daylights out of me!” You smiled and he noticed your bandage cheek, reaching out to touch it you placed your hand against his, holding it against the bandage, “I’m fine just a small cut.” 
Maofeng felt a weight lift from his shoulders, a relieved sigh following it as he pulls you close to him. Lips dancing mere inches from yours while he speaks. 
“Master please don’t ever scare me like that again. I- it felt like I died when I saw all of that blood. I have a greedy request of you Master-- I planned something romantic, something fitting for you, but I find that I do not want to let you go right now.” 
“Maofeng, hey it’s okay calm down,” you say, trying to calm him down and all he can do is smile. 
“All that men fear must be respected... and I find that I fear your death. I want to bind myself even tighter around your heart. To protect you, to act as a shield for your heart,” 
“Shh! Not a word. I know what you want to say, and I accept. Life is short. I'll cast off my monk's robes for civilian clothes and grow old together with you. If you will so allow it, please Pledge with me... let me protect you, Master.” 
“Only if you’ll let me protect you as well Huangshan Maofeng Tea,” you speak his full true name, something you do only when you are serious, and when you close the distance between your lips and his Maofeng wholeheartedly accepts the kiss. 
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