#i might try and shave the pattern down a lil or just cut a new smaller one
ookaookaooka · 2 months
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eeveedel · 5 years
Can you write harry being a lil insecure about gaining weight and he’s scared that Louis wouldn’t want to be with him so he starts to not eat as much work out and try’s to eat salads and that he absolutely hates, Louis notices so he plans a night where he body praises him etc smut an fluff would be nice
I love this prompt and I also got a request on twitter last week to write chubby Harry and Louis on a dinner date so I decided to combine them. This baby is LONG so I hope you like it!
This is in the same verse to my first chubby harry drabble but it’s set before the events of that drabble. 
Important warnings: this contains chubby kink, food kink, eating kink (is that a thing?), and body insecurity. If that is triggering to you please don’t read, I want you all to stay safe. Love you all sm xx 
It was only Louis’s third date with Harry, and yet he already felt himself falling embarrassingly hard.
He had asked Harry out for lunch a week after the alpha had spilled his drink on him at a New Year’s Eve party, and since then every one of Louis’s January weekends had been booked and his phone was always full of short texts from Harry asking if he was having a good day. Louis felt stupid, teenage-like butterflies whenever he read one of those texts, but he didn’t even care. It was a new year, and he was dating a cute, funny, sweet alpha. He was allowed to be a little ridiculous.
Their third date was at an Italian restaurant downtown, and Harry had brought Louis flowers, which the waiter had put in a vase for them at the table because Harry apparently chose restaurants that believed in true love. The alpha was wearing a black turtleneck and a pair of blue jeans, which was what he had worn to every other date they had been on, and had his legs spread wide as he sat across the table and flicked through the menu. He wanted to know all about Louis’s master’s program and his teaching assistant position, which he claimed was far more interesting than his own job as a paralegal. Louis was rambling and maybe drinking his wine a little too fast, and was very caught up in how handsome Harry looked with his freshly shaved face and his tousled hair, that he almost missed the waiter coming over to take their orders.
“Oh, fuck, sorry,” Louis said once he realized the poor server was standing next to their table patiently waiting for Louis to notice him, “Can I get the red pepper eggplant parmesan?”
 “Of course,” the waiter nodded, scribbling down on his pad before turning to Harry, “And for you, sir?”
 “Um, can I just get a Caesar salad?” Harry asked, “No croutons, dressing on the side?”
Louis frowned, remembering how fifteen minutes earlier Harry had told him how hungry he was.
“I thought you said you didn’t eat lunch,” Louis blurted out, and Harry glanced at him.
“Oh,” Harry said, “I’m just not hungry today in general, really. So just a salad’s fine.”
The waiter finished writing down the rest of Harry’s order, and then gave them both a quick smile before leaving them alone again. Harry launched back into asking Louis questions about his job, and the omega tried to answer the best he could without letting his thoughts run away from him.  
Louis didn’t want to push Harry that much. But he had definitely noticed that when they went out, the other man usually got a salad or a small appetizer as his main course, never touched the basket of bread rolls, and never wanted to get anything after dinner. He had mentioned to Louis more than a few times that he was on a diet, and Louis wasn’t about to question that. He really didn’t care if Harry wanted to lose weight, that was his business, even if Louis admittedly found the alpha’s extra weight ridiculously sexy.
But the thing was, it was clear that Harry was still hungry when they had dinner. There were more than a few times he’d heard the other man’s stomach audibly grumble after he’d finished eating and he had coughed loudly to cover it up.  He also always frowned just a bit, only for a moment, before he ordered his small meals. Diet or no diet, Louis didn’t want him to be hungry.
The dinner went by with Harry picking at his salad unenthusiastically and asking Louis lots of questions. The alpha was funny and charming enough to distract for another half an hour, but when the waiter came back around to ask if they needed anything, Louis once again became hyper aware of the way Harry’s lips twitched just a bit, like he wanted to frown.
“You want some dessert?” Louis asked, “We could split something.”
“Oh, I shouldn’t,” Harry said, turning to him, “On that diet, you know, for New Year’s.”
“Oh. Right,” Louis said, “That’s fine, then. I’ll just have a bowl of vanilla ice cream, please. And an iced latte.”
“Oh, I’ll take a cup of black coffee,” Harry said, “Thanks.”
Ten minutes later, Louis had his ice cream and they both had their drinks, and Louis couldn’t ignore that Harry was watching him closely as he ate. Louis lifted his head to look at him, frowning at the alpha.
“Do I have something on my face?” Louis asked, and Harry shook his head.
“Oh, no, you’re good,” Harry said, and then picked up his coffee to take another sip. Louis noticed his eyes flick down to Louis’s half-melted bowl of dessert, and Louis picked up his spoon.
“Do you want some?” Louis said, and Harry shook his head.
“M’not hungry,” he said quickly.
“S’just a spoonful,” Louis said, “Really, it’s – “
“I’m really not hungry,” Harry cut in, a bit loud.
Louis blinked at him, and Harry’s cheeks colored as he took a sip of his coffee.
“Sorry,” he said, “Uh. I’m allergic to vanilla. Um. Yeah. Allergy.”
“Oh,” Louis said, “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“It’s fine,” Harry gave him a weak smile, “Uh, you never got to tell me about that class you’re thinking about teaching in the fall?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Louis said, and set his spoon down. He started to launch into another rant about graduate school, and Harry nodded and laughed along, but he was still stealing glances at Louis’s sad, melted ice cream.
So when the waiter took away their plates and cups and gave Harry the check, Louis made a decision. He had known this alpha for only a month or so, but he wasn’t going to let him be hungry, so help him God.
For their fourth date, Louis invited Harry over to his apartment and said was going to cook, his treat. Louis needed cooking practice anyways; he had started taking classes on the weekends so he could move beyond being in his mid twenties and relying on instant noodles and granola bars to live. He also figured maybe being in Louis’s apartment rather than out in public might help Harry loosen up a bit.
Harry gladly agreed and they set a date, which meant that the next Friday, Louis was tied to his kitchen all day. As the time of their date drew closer, he had finally gotten around to spreading out everything on the table, and he checked again to make sure it was all hot. He had spent all afternoon working on it, so if it wasn’t all perfect he was going to lose his mind.
He wasn’t sure what Harry’s favorite foods were; he had barely seen him eat anything that wasn’t soup or salad and maybe some snacks at parties. So he had gone with some American comfort foods and hoped they would do the trick; ribs covered in sweet barbeque sauce, mashed potatoes, cornbread, fried green beans, a chocolate cake and an apple pie. So maybe the cake and the pie were bakery-bought, but he thought it was still fairly impressive on his part.
Louis was still fiddling with the table when the door bell rang, and he nearly sprinted to answer it.
He opened the door slowly, just peaking out from behind the door as it cracked open. Once he saw Harry in the hall, he opened the door fully and grinned. The alpha was dressed in a proper button down tonight, bright blue, along with a pair of dark jeans and loafers. He smiled back at Louis, then held up the bottle of red wine that he had clasped in one fist.
“Hi,” he said, “I didn’t, um, know if you had anything, so I thought I’d bring something to drink.”
“That’s so sweet, thank you,” Louis said, “I, uh, have half a box of wine in my fridge but that’s probably not a very classy move.”
Louis ushered Harry inside and closed the door behind him, then awkwardly came back around to take the bottle of wine from Harry.
“You look really nice,” Louis blurted out, “I like your shirt.”
“Oh, thanks,” Harry said, and tugged on the hem of his shirt a bit, “And you…you look lovely.”
Louis gripped the bottle of wine tighter. He was wearing all black with a pair of mismatched patterned socks because he had been too focused on getting dinner ready to dress up properly, but Harry sounded so sincere he nearly blushed.
“Let me pour us some drinks and then we can eat, I set everything out,” Louis eventually said when words came back to him.
He brought Harry to the kitchen to pour out the wine and have a quick toast, and then led the alpha to his small dining nook. Harry stopped in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room, and his mouth hung open for a few minutes before he properly spoke.
“Oh, wow, Louis…I thought you were just making, like, pasta or something, I didn’t know – “
Louis shrugged, “I thought it would be fun.”
He moved to sit down, and Harry followed him, still staring a bit wide-eyed at the food. Louis picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and put some on his own plate while he looked at Harry.
“You can just grab anything. I don’t want it to get cold.”
Louis got half way through putting all the food on his own plate, but Harry still hadn’t moved and his plate was empty. Louis frowned, tilting his head.
“Is something wrong?”
Harry’s head snapped up at that, and he opened his mouth.
“No, it looks good, I just,” Harry stuttered, “Might not have a lot because I’m – I’m on that diet.”
“Harry,” Louis cut in, his voice strong enough to surprise himself. Harry looked at him with wide eyes, and Louis nervously swallowed before he spoke.
“Harry, I want you to be able to eat whatever you want with me,” Louis said, “It doesn’t matter to me what you eat, or how much, or whatever. I don’t care. I really don’t. And I know you aren’t happy eating those salads when we go out, so if you want to eat what’s here, eat what’s here. Please.”
Harry just looked at him, his eyes still round, and then he finally stuttered.
“You mean that?”
“Yes, I do,” Louis said, and picked up his glass of wine, “Now, I kind of spent five hours cooking today, so please, for the love of God, dig in.”
Harry just stared at him for a moment longer, and then he gave Louis a small smile.
“Well, um, thank you,” he said. The alpha finally picked up the dishes one by one, filling his plate, and then he finally grabbed his fork.
Harry started with the potatoes first, digging his fork carefully into the mound on his plate. He took small bites, his mouth closing a bit too hard around the fork as he ate slowly.
“Oh, wow, these are really good,” he said as he picked up another forkful, “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I started taking a night class this month,” Louis admitted, “My New Year’s resolution was to not starve on my own anymore.”
“Well, it’s paying off,” Harry said, and Louis smiled.
Harry picked up one of the ribs next. He bit down hard on the meat outside, and then immediately moaned so loudly Louis felt his chest flutter.
“Holy fuck,” Harry sighed, “Louis, you gotta tell me where those cooking classes are, this is crazy.”
He took another bite, and then another one, quick after each other. There was sauce on the corner of Harry’s mouth now, but he didn’t seem to notice as he polished off the rib.
“You got a little – “ Louis said weakly, but Harry didn’t seem to notice because he had moved onto the other rib on his plate. He finished it just as quickly, and when he was done there was a bigger smear of sauce on his mouth and on his chin, as well as on his hands.
“Louis, this is crazy,” Harry said, picking up his fork again to dig into the rest of his mashed potatoes. He glanced at the omega and shifted a brow, “Why aren’t you eating anything?”
“Oh,” Louis said, and then looked down at his still-full plate, “Guess, uh, I was worried I put in all that work and it didn’t even taste good.”
“It tastes incredible, really,” Harry said. He had finished off his potatoes, and reached for the bowl in the middle to put more on his plate, “Seriously, have some.”
“Uh,” Louis managed, and then picked up a wedge of cold cornbread off his plate and nibbled on it.
Harry was starting in on his third rib, and then moving onto the fried green beans, and then ripping apart the pieces of cornbread on his plate. He was eating fast, and he kept fucking moaning in what Louis assumed was the same way he moaned when he was having sex, and there was sauce and crumbs all over his face and he looked flushed and happy for once while eating and –
Louis was getting turned on.
He was an awful freak of a person but he was getting turned on. He had cooked for an alpha, provided for him, made him happy, and that was turning me on. It was all very 1950’s and backwards and he didn’t really give a shit, because Harry was getting a fourth rib and a third scoop of mashed potatoes and life was great.
Louis had managed to get through one rib and a small serving of potatoes by the time Harry tapped out and leaned back in his chair, sighing loudly.
“You’ve been holding out on me,” Harry said, “Holy shit, you should’ve invited me over on date one.”
The alpha reached up, rubbing his belly with one hand, and Louis felt his fork slip out of his fingers and fall to the plate. Two of Harry’s top shirt buttons were spread tight, a bit of his pale skin showing through, and he was just sighed and rubbing his stomach happily.
“It’s – it’s just something new I tried out,” Louis croaked out.
“Well, your first try was incredible,” Harry said, “Seriously, I feel like I should undo my belt – “
“Let’s watch a movie!” Louis said, and picked up his plate. He reached out and took Harry’s, too, and Harry just looked at him.
“Movie?” he asked, and Louis nodded.
“Yeah, I thought we could watch a movie,” he explained, “Thought that would be fun. I got Hulu Premium so. No ads anymore, woo.”
Harry just looked at him, and shrugged.
“Sure, sounds fine by me,” he said.
“Great!” Louis said, “I’ll go put the food away and then you can pick something out.”
He left the dining room quickly, and then dropped the plates into the sink. He turned the tap on, letting water rush onto them, but he had no intention to clean them yet. He just gripped the sink, shaking his head.
Was he a bad person? Did he have a weird fetish now? Was he objectifying Harry?
No, no. That was crazy. Finding a chubby alpha attractive is not a fetish. That would be fucked up. He wasn’t a bad person for thinking Harry was very, very hot, not in spite of his weight but because of it.
So why was he losing his mind over watching Harry eat? Why was he getting hot everywhere at the mere thought of the being able to open up all of Harry’s too-tight buttons and riding the alpha into the fucking sunset?
“Louis?” Harry called, and Louis pressed his hands over his face.
“Uh huh?” he called back.
“You good in there? Need help?”
“Oh no, no, I’m fine!” Louis shouted back, and then shut off the water that was close to flooding his sink, “Just – give me a sec.”
He rushed back into the dining room, and then as quickly as he could he brought all the food back into the kitchen, covered it in plastic wrap, and managed to shove it all into his fridge. The fridge door barely closed, but he managed to make it work. When it was shut he straightened himself up, smoothed down his shirt and hair, and then went back into the living room.
Harry was on the sofa, Louis’s TV remote in one of his big heads. He had his legs casually spread and one big arm slung over the back of the sofa, and he smiled when Louis came in.
“Hey, I found this new rom com, I don’t know if you’re into that, but personally I love – “
“That sounds great,” Louis agreed, and quickly sat down on the couch as well. He so, so badly wanted to cuddle up into Harry’s side, but he didn’t know if that was proper fourth date etiquette, so he just stayed close to Harry but respectfully far, just touching Harry’s arm as he leaned back. Harry gave him a quick look, but didn’t say anything.
Louis shot out a hand, patted Harry’s knee, and then retracted his hand lightning fast.
“’Kay, you can start the movie,” Louis said.
Harry nodded and pressed play on the remote, and the beginning credits of the movie started a few minutes later.
Louis tried to enjoy the film, but he just kept squirming in his seat, unable to get comfortable. He sat with his legs crossed, his knees tucked to his chin, both feet on the floor and his hands in his lap like he was in an Internet article on proper posture. None of it was comfortable, because he knew he really wanted to sit in Harry’s lap, press himself into his soft side, or at that very least move Harry’s arm so it was slung around Louis’s shoulders.
After about an hour of fidgeting around, he looked at Harry.
“Hey, I’m a bit peckish,” Louis said, “Do you want dessert?”
Harry glanced at him, and Louis was fully expecting him to say no. He had never had dessert with Louis before, and they had just finished eating an hour ago, and Harry had eaten a lot, and –
“Sure, that sounds good,” Harry said, “What do you have?”
“Chocolate cake?” Louis said, “Apple pie?”
“Oh, wow,” Harry said, “Homemade, too?”
“No, just store bought this time,” Louis said, “So I’m sure it’ll be far better than whatever you had at dinner.”
“Can’t even imagine that,” Harry grinned, “Sure. Do you mind getting a slice of each? I’ll nibble a bit at both.”
“Sure thing,” Louis said, and then promptly got up and scampered to the kitchen.
He got the cake and pie out of his already struggling fridge, then cut a thick slice of both the cake and the pie and set it on a plate. He also cut himself a thin slice of cake and then brought both plates into the living room. He handed Harry his dessert, and the alpha looked up at him, confused.
“Is this all for me?” he asked, and Louis nodded.
“Sorry, I’m really shit at cutting decent portions,” he said, “You don’t have to eat all of it.”
Harry just nodded, and Louis sat down next to him, digging into his cake. He tried to focus on the screen, but instead, his eyes kept flicking back to Harry.
Because Harry was eating quickly again, and he was making those fucking noises. Those moaning noises, if not a bit hushed now. He was alternating bites between the cake and the pie, fork digging between moist chocolate and golden brown apples. Louis managed to swallow down all his cake, and still, he just held his plate in his lap and watched Harry eat all his dessert. When he was done he sighed happily, and then glanced at Louis.
“Sorry, could you get me one more little slice of the pie?” he asked, and his cheeks colored, “I didn’t eat lunch today, and it’s so good.”
“Sure thing!” Louis said a bit too quickly. His skin was heating up again, and he went back to the kitchen. He cut into the pie again, a slice that probably was not little, but Harry didn’t protest when Louis brought it to him. He picked up his fork again and ate his pie, hunched forward as he somehow managed to still focus on the movie.
When he was done he set the plate on the coffee table, next to Louis’s equally empty cake plate, and then licked at a bit of sugar on his thumb. He sat back, leaning into the couch again, and that’s when Louis heard the weakest little pop.
It came to him in pieces. He saw something small hit his coffee table and then fall onto his carpet. He stared at it, and the longer he stared the clearer it was that it was a button. A little, pearly button. And then he looked back at Harry, whose eyes were wide and cheeks were bright red, and he realized the button on the floor looked the same as the buttons on Harry’s shirt.
And there was now one button missing, right in the center of Harry’s belly. The gap left behind was wide, revealing pale skin, but it was quickly covered by Harry’s hands.
“Oh my god,” he gasped out, “Oh my god, fuck. Fucking fuck.”
Louis just stared at the alpha, who had gone beet red.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have eaten that much, that’s so fucking disgusting, I – “
But before Harry could anything else, Louis had swung himself into the alpha’s lap and grabbed his face in his hands.
“Harry,” Louis said, his voice rushed out, “I really, really need to kiss you right now.”
Harry started at him with wide eyes, his mouth open.
“You – what?”
“I need your mouth on my mouth. I need our tongues to battle. God, Jesus, let me fucking kiss you.”
“I – “ Harry choked out, “Sure, yeah, okay.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Louis breathed out, and then was leaned forward, pressing his mouth hard to Harry’s.
The alpha was slow to respond at first, his lips barely moving, and then he was kissing Louis back hard. His mouth still tasted like sweet apples and chocolate, and his lips moved fast and hungrily, kissing Louis hard. His tongue flicked at Louis’s lips, and the omega gasped, leaning in to kiss him harder. He felt Harry’s big hands on his back, clawing at Louis’s shirt, and Louis groaned weakly. He pulled his mouth away form Harry’s lips, and instead started kissing his round cheek instead.
“God, you’re so hot,” he breathed out, “You’re unfairly, stupidly, illegally hot.”
“I – I am?” Harry said, and Louis groaned.
“Yes, you dumb, dumb alpha. I wanted to fuck you the moment you spilled your drink on me at Niall’s party,” Louis said, “Did you not catch on to me nearly presenting to you on the couch right before the bloody New Year’s ball dropped?”
“You – you wanted to fuck me?” Harry choked out.
“I wanted you to fuck me, but close enough.”
Louis stopped kissing Harry’s face, and just pulled back, frowning.
“What do you mean, why?” Louis said, “Because you’re a tall, gorgeous alpha and my biology makes me want to fuck tall, gorgeous alphas. Also you’re funny and sweet and – Jesus Christ, Harry, why wouldn’t I want to fuck you?”
“Seriously?” Harry said, and his voice sounded weak as he stared at Louis, “Louis, I’m fat.”
Louis just stared at him, and then brought his hand down and slipped it into the empty space where Harry’s button had broken. He felt the warm skin under, and he bit the inside of his cheek as he gently squeezed the flesh underneath.
“Harry,” Louis said slowly, “I don’t know if you’ve picked up on this, but I really, really like the way your body looks.”
Harry blinked at him, his big eyes confused, and he frowned.
“But why?”
“Again with the fucking questions, Harry, Jesus,” Louis sighed, “I don’t know why. I just think you’re fucking hot and your belly is hot and your thighs are hot and your ass is hot and your hands are hot and just – I don’t have a reason, it just is what it is.”
When Louis was done he was panting weakly, and Harry was still staring at him.
“Oh,” he managed, “That’s – oh.”
He was quiet for a moment, and then looked up at Louis again.
“I used to be skinny, you know,” he said, “Like, really skinny. And – uh – no one’s really wanted to go out with me since I gained weight, so – “
Louis swallowed thickly, and then held Harry’s face in his both his hands again.
“Fucking idiots,” he breathed out, “Idiots, all of them.”
He pulled back a bit, taking a second to scan Harry’s body.
“I mean…who the hell would turn down all of this.”
He squeezed Harry’s broad shoulders, then his soft biceps, then his hands went down, and he rested them on the tight, round swell of the alpha’s stomach, and his mouth went dry.
“All of…this…”
He stared for a bit too long, and he realized what was happening a second after Harry gasped weakly.
“Lou – Louis,” the alpha stuttered out, “Are you wet?”
Louis blinked.
“I think I am.”
“Oh my god,” Harry got out, and then grabbed Louis’s waist, leaning forward, “Oh my god.”
He was about to press his mouth to Louis’s again, but Louis brought his hand up before he could.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Louis said, pressing his finger to Harry’s lips, “Level with me. You’re not on a diet, are you?”
“I’m really not,” Harry said, and his eyes went wide again, “I’m also not allergic to vanilla. That was a lie, the other night. I fucking love vanilla ice cream.”
“God, you’re so stupid,” Louis sighed, “I want your dick in me.”
He choked after he said it, his eyes going wide, and Harry just stared back at him for a few moments. And then suddenly Harry was grabbing Louis around the waist and standing up from the couch, hoisting Louis up with him. Louis yelped and squeezed his thighs tight around Harry’s middle, staring down at the alpha.
“Bedroom,” Harry said, “Where’s your bedroom.”
“I – “ Louis said, “I have like two rooms in this apartment, it’s right there,” he said, and feebly pointed to the door on his left. Harry gave it a glance and then tightened his grip on Louis’s waist. He started to move towards the bedroom, but then Louis’s eyes widened and he tapped Harry’s shoulder.
“Wait!” Louis yelped, and Harry looked at him nervously.
“Pause the movie,” Louis said, “If you let it autoplay my recommendations will be fucked up for days.”
Harry just stared for a moment, and then chuckled and grabbed the remote off the couch and paused the TV. When he was done he kissed Louis on the forehead.
“You’re so cute,” Harry sighed, “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”
And God.
Louis had missed being stupid, ridiculously, grossly in love.
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