#i mean my country already has floods c'mon anon
melonjii-blog · 7 years
But melons though ;-;
anon melons are gr8,, but you’re going to pay for the damages if my house ends up flooding bc these tears are forming a smol puddle
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billkinspp · 3 years
I 100% agree with what you said about the cheating storyline mostly because I’ve experience mental betrayal like this from my partner in the past and it hurts just as much as physical cheating (in this case oh aew experienced both which I just can’t even imagine his reaction when he finds out)
I’ve been with a partner for 3 years and we lived together my parents live abroad and my partner got a good job in sweden so he left the country but came home every few weeks it was like that for a while but I decided to also leave the country and go for a year live with my parents I thought he’s gone sure so I have nothing to do at the time I didn’t work so I thought I’ll go with my parents find work there save up a little so when I come back and when he comes back we could get our own place
(we lived at my parents while they were gone) so it was ok when I was away I kinda got use to being alone you know even when he texted me I was kinda annoyed I thought jfc he’s bothering me again we have grown apart just like teh and oh aew have after he changed majors so I came back to my country earlier than expected I was supposed to be back in March but I came back in august
and then it was good for few months he kept coming back for few weeks it was normal and right after new year in January 2020 I got a message from this ex girlfriend (mind you she cheated on him) it was screenshots of their conversations from the months that I was gone and it was just disgusting they were flirting and he told her that he had sexual dreams about her etc
I felt so so unbelievably heartbroken because I thought we had the same goal to make money and comeback so we can start our live together in on our place and he said he was BORED when he was away so he texted with her but it doesn’t mean anything so when I saw that ep 3 all of my memories flooded back in and I couldn’t stop crying honestly
it hurts because this was my comfort show and now I won’t be able to look back at s1 the same way because I’ll remember what teh did he is absolutely disgusting in my eyes I don’t see how they could be an endgame if they are then this show is a joke
how is oh aew supposed to recover from knowing his partner had sex with him for the first time in a while only because he was sexually frustrated from thinking about other guy how do you recover from such a hard blow to your self esteem I would keep wondering if he still thinks about him all the time when the trust is ruined like this it’s best to end it that’s my opinion on this
thank you anon for sending in your thoughts and sharing such a personal story. i don't know if i'll do any justice replying to your asks? or if my response is gonna suffice your rhetorical questions but i'll put in my two cents. first of all your experience is unique to you and your feelings are valid. its very unfortunate that you had to reminisce your past relationship through ep 3. we all have our stories and some trigger us more than others when we're consuming media - especially when its a comfort show like itsay.
before i watched ep3 i was already aware to a certain extent that teh had done something and people were screaming at him. and all i could think about was that oh c'mon how bad can it be. the worst i can think is him cheating. and there's no way that's gonna happen right? funnily enough it was just that. uhm cos i have my own personal story about infidelity and how it might not just leave the two people in the relationship in tatters but families and friends and everyone involved - directly or indirectly.
cheating happens for a lot of reasons and what teh did was definitely not right in the moral compass but how ohaew and teh navigate this is their choice because its their story. cheating has a lot of consequences - for some its a dealbreaker while for some it gives them a new perspective and a chance to better their relationships, their shortcomings. for a lot of couples, this crisis might even open new opportunities for much needed honest and open conversations about their relationships. there is a lot of psychology behind this of course. now i'm not saying that infidelity should be excused- but rethinking infidelity, in general, could do some good- all i'm saying is that every character is unique, every story is unique, everyone is bound to make mistakes (make major fuckups even) because that's so human, the very nature of our existence.
having said that the blow in ohaew's self-esteem still will undoubtedly run deep and burn. i can see him questioning his shortcomings or himself probably in the next ep or maybe they will not show this at all. i am not sure as to how the storytellers are going to pan this out. with how things ended on ep3 i fully agree that they should definitely break up. honestly, i don't know what the essence of p'meen's storytelling is right now or what exactly he's trying to show us. what ohaew defintely needs is a kickass group of friends who's got his back, preferably some booze and lots and lots of self love sessions. either way i want them both to be happy - together or apart. whatever happens, their happiness is key.
and i think we should all just really try to ride it out till the end to finally come to a judgement. but of course, that's just my take on this and your feelings and your take are equally valid.
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