#i mean i'm right!!!!! these are canon facts lsplash told meeeeeeeeeee
virdemption · 2 years
Canon A-90 facts you were never told about but I was
Trans man + He/Him.
Subspecies derived from Ambush's species - Probably explains why they were good childhood friends.
Security - He is a knight. At least he comes across as that. He wants to appear as noble and respectable as he can but he's actually very feral. Even moreso than the other two! His stop sign is his shield, his sword was custom made in secret before he ran away for the hotel.
His armor makes him the heaviest entity out of everybody (both rooms + doors) but he's actually underweight and is one of the lightest when he's not wearing it.
[BODY HORROR + BLOOD + KNIFE IN BOTH LINKS] He can do this! I go a lot more in depth here!
He... Is really bad at using his sword. He never learned how and his blades are more natural feeling to him but something something internalized pressure before going to the hotel weighing in + doing that forever before the sword but he'd still rather use the sword.
Inability to properly use the sword is why he deals less damage than the other two. It's usually when he's using the blades and claws when he gets someone in one shot.
His blood stains EVERYTHING and not even A-60 or Guiding Light can clean it. They hate it so much when he activates his bodily blades.
SOUNDS SOUNDS SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THE SOUNDS. Biggest gripe with the movement is the sounds. Even if you hold still, make just the slightest noise or the wrong one you will be sliced. He has good hearing and hates it.
Cannot STAND the sound of ringing phones especially. People would text him but they're so taken aback by how he texts vs how he talks that they'd rather not. He replies with shit like "Howdy :3c" and they're like what is wrong with you.
Isn't as aggressive as A-60 but is way easier to piss off than A-120, he does often snap at people.
He's fairly neutral for the most part, the anger comes from the obnoxiousness of intruders and the fear they'll hurt Curious Light.
Sometimes. (Increasingly more often). When he's hungry, he will get more aggressive (but in a manic way, not anger). Full razors, cloudy mind, and a higher sensitivity to sounds follows through as he'll tear apart intruders limb by limb and feast on them right then and there.
He doesn't keep the bones though, he gives them to A-60.
Gets really jittery a lot and tends to struggle clearing his head.
He was the last Rooms entity to show up in the hotel before their banishment (you'll never guess where). A-60 and A-120 had made it there together a few weeks beforehand. He arrived there as a getaway from his expectations and to find cool stuff.
Found Curious Light wandering the Rooms after she got super duper lost and takes care of her until he can one day reunite her with her mom (Which they do eventually, and he's good friends with Guiding Light).
Carries a duffel bag everywhere that has a bunch of random junk collected off of intruders. He's somewhat attached to a lot of stuff in there.
Very introverted, struggles to express anger with words and starts speaking complete gibberish when aggravated, especially dealing with intruders or if A-60 is upsetting Curious Light. (H gagweek sihco hc lgc shcr ht nils64 nlxo)
Guiding Light, A-120, and Ambush are the only entities who can translate his gibberish.
Eyes show as just a dark void, but his irises become visible when experiencing any extreme emotion, pupils also being visible if it's that strong of a feeling. Depending on emotion, they change shape and size (e.g. goat-like when stressed/scared).
Blood/internal systems change colors from red-yellow-green depending on how he feels as well. His default color is actually yellow but he's never in a good enough mood to shine that or green. Therefore everyone assumes he's just normally red. Even though a few people have seen him yellow and one person has seen him green.
He's the reason there's so much gold and batteries in the Rooms, when he collects them from humans, he scatters them about so people get distracted and give him the chance to strike.
Collects skin conditions like pokemon cards he has eczema acne and that thing where you get spots on your torso after your body fights off a virus I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL IT but his entire body is pretty red/yellow/green depending on how he feels as previously mentioned.
Positive relationship with A-120 for the most part, finds A-60 annoying but puts up with her (Help I hate most A-90 ships)
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