#i mean come on he was born like 5 minutes ago that's not his fault
mikayare · 5 days
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rereading trigun manga and omg I did NOT remember how much manga vash actually hates his brother (I love them they're such a chaotic sibling duo)
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randyisrad · 1 year
hello shuake nation . i'm here to deliver my goro bpd essay that i promise like 2 months ago .
1) fear of abandonment/drastic efforts to avoid abandonment
I'D LIKE TO START THIS ONE OFF BY . showing examples of him being abandoned. Shido leaving him and his mother before he was born, and it's implied that his mom talked about it like. all the time (also not great for small child !) his mom attempting suicide , and goro being passed between foster homes.
goro goes to the most extreme lengths to prevent being abandoned again . creating an entirely different version of himself to get people to like him, assassinating people at shido's command so he won't toss him aside , and (this one might be a little bit of a stretch) murdering akira . this boy does nawt like being abandoned ! ! !
2) unstable relationships, often switching between idealized and devualued
do i even . need to explain this one . (im going to anyway)
goro's relationship with akira is SO unstable . he cares about him so much and that . really scares him , but hes so unbelievably jealous of him and feels that akiras "better than him" and thinks he pities him so he hates him . he praises him one minute and even if he hates it he genuinely means it , but internally he's terrified of akira looking down at him so he has such an anger towards him . akira is 100% his favorite person and he doesn’t know how to process that so he lashes out . i dont know how to put everything into words but im keeping this one shorter cuz its pretty self explanatory and if i got the chance i would not shut UP about it so
3) unstable identity and sense of self
he literally has 2 personas . one crafted out of lies and images of who he wishes he was, and the other crafted out of the hatred he holds . thats unstable as hell
4) impulsivity in at least 2 areas that are self destructive
went to his dad when he was 16 telling him abt his persona so he could get close enough to ruin him , constantly carrying out hits for shido to get close enough to ruin him , turning himself psychotic with his personas power . the list goes on
5) frequent suicidal ideology/behavior
goro turned himself psychotic , was fully prepared to be killed by the phantom thieves as long as they died with him, had no plan for what would happen after he murdered shido, fully accepted his death in maruki’s reality , etc .
6) emotional instability
he tries to keep a calm demeanor , but due to being neglected in his childhood , goro has no emotional maturity . he’s constantly lashing out , specifically at akira and the other thieves . he has a meltdown in front of them despite being deathly afraid of being vulnerable , and he has a habit of blaming every issue on akira like it’s his fault . this one is also a little bit of a reach , but he shows a bit of his true personality to akira after their rank 8 battle , and tells him he hates him . it doesn’t make a lot of sense for him to tell akira this , especially if he’s trying to keep up the detective prince charade , which he goes back to shortly after this .
7) chronic feelings of emptiness
this one is hard to directly point out , because it isn’t explicitly shown in game , but it’s obvious if you read in between the lines . we don’t know a lot about his childhood besides what he says in the bathhouse , but he seems sort of apathetic and empty about his circumstances .
8) emotional outbursts
this one is really similar to the 6th diagnostic criteria , but once again -- he lashes out at akira and blames him for his situation even if it isn’t his fault , lashes out at the phantom thieves , and has a meltdown in front of them . but i’d specifically like to mention the scene in his bossfight when his charade flickers , and loki is seen for a brief moment . he wasn’t trying to summon loki , but he’s so emotional that he comes out anyway .
9) stress ideation and severe dissociative symptoms
i can’t specifically think of any examples for this but . it’s real in my heart . trust . but if goro has ALLL of the other symptoms , it’s so very likely for him to have this one , too .
and that concludes my goro akechi bpd essay , i hope you enjoyed goro nation . :3
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Preparing for the wedding
Annabeth woke up before her alarm. She was laying her head on Percy’s chest, who was still asleep. His arm was on her waist holding her close even when they were sleeping. She was so in love with him. It was a big problem. One day he was getting on her nerves and the other they were getting married. The events of the past few days were playing in her mind again and again. From Thalia bailing the wedding 4 days ago as she was stranded in Alaska to her younger brothers flying earlier to surprise her and Rachel never leaving her side as she helped her handle every crisis that came up.
The Thalia part had hurt her a lot. She was her first friend, and she wasn’t going to show up on her wedding day. Percy had suggested to wait a few days if that would made her feel better, but she didn’t want to wait any longer to get married to him. Even with the cost of Thalia. She was tired of waiting for her to show up. This time it wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t wait around. They had gone for the separate ways, and it was probably for the best.
Bobby and Matthew showing up was a pleasant surprise that made her feel better about the whole Thalia situation. Since she had gone to college in California and spent time with her brothers she realised how much they had in common. They opened up to her and after Annabeth moved back to New York they never lost touch again. She had even managed to make amends with her stepmother. The past few years definitely looked great to her. No more Gods or monsters, just her, healing all of her past wounds and making her 7 year old proud of how far she had come.
She was deep in thought when she felt Percy waking up. He brushed his arm on her lower back and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Good morning, love of my life. How long have you been awake for?”
“5 minutes? Maybe less.”
“We’re getting married tomorrow. Do you realise that?” Percy said with excitement in his raspy morning voice.
“I haven’t fully grasped it yet, but I’m getting there. We have a lot of things to do today. With everyone arriving at the venue and everything. Rachel is coming over at 8 to pick up some things.”
“Don’t worry about Rachel. She has her own keys. We have to get her a really good gift. After everything.”
“I’ll think about something.”
“Maybe our first born.” Percy joked. “But it’s Rachel. She wants nothing, but our happiness. How are you feeling?”
“Nervous. Excited. Incredibly happy.” Annabeth replied.
“About Thalia?” He asked a bit more tentatively.
“It’s fine, I guess. We knew that at some point she was going to disappear. It’s the cost that comes with being a hunter. I feel a little guilty that I have gotten over it so fast. If that happened a few years ago I would be a mess for weeks.”
“We have grown a lot. Emotionally I mean. Being 17 and 23 is completely different.”
“You’re a lot wiser nowadays.”
“What can I say? Fiancé Percy is a lot smarter than Boyfriend Percy.”
“What about Husband Percy. What is he like?” Annabeth smirked as she sat up, closing the back between them.
“I guess you have to sit around long enough to see yourself.” He kissed her neck which made Annabeth heat up. “How are you feeling?”
“Over the moon that from tomorrow I can call you my wife. It has a nice ring to it. I might not be able to keep it together.”
Annabeth couldn’t help, but smile. “Are you going to get emotional?”
“I will definitely cry.” He replied all serious that made Annabeth laugh. “Watching the love of my life walking down the aisle makes me all sentimental. I thought you loved my soft side.” He pouted.
“I am not complaining.” She smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I just love you so much, it’s overwhelming.”
“I love you too, Wise Girl.” He kissed her softly on the lips before their fingers intertwined. “Come on, I’ll make us breakfast.”
30 minutes later they were eating pancakes and drinking coffee on the kitchen island. The door unlocked as Rachel came inside. “Good morning, my lovely friends.” She said as she let two boxes and a few shopping bags near the door. “Eating breakfast without me? I thought you wouldn’t wake up.”
Percy presented her, her own plate with blueberry pancakes and chocolate syrup. “You thought I would let you starve?”
“Thank you. So, wedding preparations.” Rachel said as she put a mouthful of pancakes in her mouth. “The wedding planner is already on the venue preparing everything for the rehearsal dinner. What time are we having the rehearsal?”
“Around 1.” Annabeth replied. “The wedding party will be there by then. And then we’re all having lunch by the sea.”
“We should head out soon.” Percy said as he gathered the plates and put them in the sink. “We have to load the cars and everything.”
“Don’t you have practise?” Rachel asked him.
“I was going to help you load the car and until you get ready I would do a few laps in the pool.” He explained. With the Olympic qualifications around the corner, Percy couldn’t lose his form. His coach had said it repeatedly the past few weeks. But he was wiling to take a break so that he could focus on his fiancée and their wedding.
“I can’t believe that next year you’re going again on the Olympics next year.” Rachel smiled.
“I haven’t qualified yet. I might go.”
“That’s what you were saying about Beijing as well.” Annabeth noted. “You’re going to qualify and then win a couple medals for me.” She kissed him on the cheek, “I’m going to take a quick shower. All the boxes we need to load are the ones in the living room.”
Percy had to load his car and Rachel’s car three times. Meanwhile, his phone was filled with texts from his friends that were flying in for the wedding. From college, swim meets and from Camp. He was grateful that he was going to share his and Annabeth’s day with all of their friends. As he was done with his morning gym and laps his phone started ringing. “Hey mum, how are you?”
“I’m good. I just called you to let you know that we’re all set to go. Do you need us to take anything else? Did everything fit in the car?”
“We’re ready as well. I’ll just take a shower and we’ll leave.”
“Alright, hon. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”
“You’ll be on top of my list.” Percy said before saying goodbye to her and closing the phone.
“Are we ready for operation wedding?” He asked as Annabeth got in the passenger sit and prepared the aux.
“I’ve been ready for the last 6 years.” She said and kissed him.
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Promises. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFFY ANGST*
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Summary: Eddie’s wife is pregnant with their first child. While cuddling with her, he reflects on the type of dad he wants and doesn’t want to be. 
Word count: 837
TW: Mentions of pregnancy. Mention of throwing up (nobody actually throws up. It’s just mentioned). Eddie talking about his parents (sad home life). A little bit of fluffy angst, but it ends fluffy I promise.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch his wife from the bed as she washed her face clean in the bathroom. His gaze fell to her growing belly that was on the sink counter, a smile spreading across his face as the sight.
She turns the light off to the bathroom, walking back into their bedroom as she yawns, climbing into bed with her husband.
Eddie immediately shimmies down the bed to rest his head on her belly, giving the bump kisses through her shirt. “How’s she hanging today?” He asks, rubbing the sides of her belly.
“She’s a pain in my ass.” She jokes, rubbing her hands through his dark hair, untangling some knots. “Kicking me when she’s mad, which makes me have to pee every 3 seconds. I got tacos for lunch, and then threw them up 10 minutes later because someone doesn’t like the grease.”
Eddie chuckles softly. “Already fighting with mom? You’re supposed to be nice to her, remember?” He directs the question to his unborn daughter.
“The only thing she lets me eat without getting sick is ice cream, and bread.”
“She’s just like you already. Loves ice cream like her mom.” Eddie takes her hand and kisses her wrist. “I love you. Both of you.”
She smiles down at him, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “We love you too, Eds. You’ve been so patient with me, even when I’m being a grumpy bitch.”
“You’re not grumpy. Just uncomfortable. Besides, I promised you I would be here every single step of the way, I wasn’t kidding.” He says, playing with her wedding ring. “I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to be like my father and I meant it.”
Even though they had been together for almost 5 years, married for almost 1 year, it wasn’t often Eddie talked about his parents, but more specifically his dad. She could count on one hand how many times he talked about him.
“My dad was so in and out when my mom was pregnant with me, just coming and going whenever he wanted. And then in and out of jail my whole childhood.” He wasn’t looking at her while he spoke about his absent father, somehow feeling ashamed and embarrassed, like it was his fault. “I promised myself if I ever had kids, I was going to be the best dad ever. That I would be there for my girl when she was going through the pregnancy.”
“Well guess what, you are the best soon to be dad, and best husband I could ever ask for.”
Eddie finally looked up at her, his big doe eyes filling with tears. “I know I said this before and even after we got married, but you know I’m never going to treat you the way my dad did my mom, right? I’m never going to hurt you.” His voice strained in the last sentence.
She takes her thumb and wipes a tear away from his cheek, cradling his stubbly face. “I know, baby. I know you would never hurt me. Just because you and your dad share DNA, doesn’t mean you’re going to turn out like him.”
He nods his head, leaning into her hand. “Never want to be like him.” He whispers, almost as if he was telling himself instead of her.
“You’re here with me, you’re not locked up in prison, you’re already doing better than your dad. I’m not going to worry about you being an absentee dad. What I am going to worry about is you not letting me hold the baby once she’s born, you’re going to hog her.”
Eddie grins ear to ear before kissing her belly. “Yeah I’ll make sure she’s a total daddy’s girl. You don’t have a chance.” He laughs.
“We’ll just have to try for a little boy so he can be a momma’s boy.”
“And what’s going to happen if I only know how to make girls? We’ll just have a house full of girls.”
She giggles at the horrified face he makes. “One of them has to like me more than you.” She jokes.
“No, see, I already know this one is going to be wrapped around my finger. I can’t even tell you no, what makes you think I’m going to tell someone that is half of me, no?”
“Oh, so I’m going to be the bad guy?” She laughs, her belly bouncing.
Eddie chuckles, “Yup. You’re going to be the hard ass. I’ll be the one to save them and take them out for ice cream after. Sorry babe.” He says with a bright smile on his face.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
“Can we go get ice cream?” She asks in a sweet voice, knowing he couldn’t say no to her in that tone. “The baby wants it.”
Eddie chuckles, rubbing the sides of her belly. “Well if the baby wants it, who am I to tell her no? Let’s go, you two.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Lost Our Baby Prank - Bakugou Katsuki
Dad!Bakugou x Mom!f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, Fluff, Katsuki is horrible at prank wars as always
Summary: Y’all remember those stupid “I lost our baby” pranks that were going around on YouTube awhile back? Yeah this is that. Poor Y/N.
Bakugou and the boys of the Bakusquad were out at a cafe just hanging out. Bakugou’s a new dad and Y/N decided to give hubby a day to himself after taking care of Katsumi back to back, even with his hero work. Topics were discussed, jokes were made, and of course they were getting along just as the Bakusquad did. Some time into the conversation, Kaminari thought of an idea for the new dad.
“Hey Kacchan! How have the pranks between you and Y/N been going?” Kaminari asked. Bakugou looked at him with a raised brow as he set down his drink with a little laugh.
“Oh. Yeah, no. After Katsumi was born a few months ago we decided to dial it down a bit. Just until she doesn’t need so much attention.” Bakugou said. That’s when he noticed the electric blonde’s smirk.
“Wellll, it’s been 5 months since Katsumi was born. Why not pull a prank with your little princess?” He offered. That grabbed Katsuki’s attention.
“What?” Bakugou asked.
“A prank with Katsumi. Use her to prank Y/N! You can do one of those ‘I lost our baby,’ pranks! It’ll be hilarious!” Kaminari laughed.
“Uhhh, I don’t think that’s a smart idea,” Kirishima said. “C’mon Bakugou, are you really gonna do that to Y/N?”
Kirishima looked to his friend, shocked to see a deviled smile on his face. “She won’t even see it coming!”
“Bakugou,” Sero began. “Don’t do this. We get you and Y/N have these dumb prank wars or whatever but c’mon, that’s her child.”
“It’s my child too!” Bakugou countered. “It’ll be fine, Y/N’s a prank master! She’ll get it. Besides she’s been on a winning streak. It’s time for me to knock her down a peg!”
“You sure she’ll be fine?” Kirishima asked. Bakugou looked at him, then thought about it, and then smirked. “You down to help me out, Dunce Face?”
“Let’s go right now!” Kaminari said. And with that, the two blondes ran out the cafe together leaving behind cash to pay for their meals and drinks.
Considering the two blondes left the cafe earlier than you expected Katsuki to be home, he knew this would be unexpected. So the two crept into the house quietly, looking for Katsumi.
“Katsumi~” Katsuki cooed, looking for his daughter. “Wait here, Sparky.”
Bakugou quietly walked deeper into the house until he went into the master bedroom where his two girls were taking a nap. He thought it was an adorable sight that made his heart swell. He approached the bed and that’s when his baby girl woke up.
“Oh! Looks like you caught me, princess.” Bakugou said softly to his sleepily dazed daughter. She grew excited at the sight of her father and sat up, revealing her bed head. Bakugou picked her up in his arms as she cooed excitedly at him. “You ready to help Dada prank Mama?”
Before Katsuki left the room, he set your alarm to go off in 10 minutes. Then, he quietly stepped out the room and went to Kaminari. “I got her.”
“Heyyyy, there’s the lil princess.” Kaminari said once he saw Katsumi. She squealed in excitement at seeing her uncle and the boys immediately shushed her. Katsuki passed her off to Kaminari and began his plan.
“Alright, just go outside and wait in your car with her. I’ll come get you when the pranks done. For now, take some snacks for her, here’s her bottle, and her favorite toy.” Bakugou said, placing all the things in Kaminari’s free hand.
“Alright, thanks.” Kaminari said before walking out the door and speaking to Katsumi. “Okay princess, let’s go. Your Daddy’s gotta scare your Mommy.”
And now, all Katsuki has to do was wait.
You finally woke up when your alarm went off. Weird, you thought you set it for later. Oh well. You sat up, stretched, and looked down at where you thought your baby would be. When you didn’t see her there your body took a screenshot.
“Katsumi?!” You said in a scared voice. You jumped out of bed and looked to the window and noticed Katsuki’s car was home. You sighed in relief and maybe thought your daughter was just with him. You ran down the stairs to find Katsuki watching T.V on the couch.
“Suki, you’re home! Hey!” You said and kissed his cheek.
“Hey babe, good nap?” He asked and held you closer on the couch.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah, it would’ve been better had I woken up next to my daughter whom I was sleeping with in the first place. So..where is she?” You asked your husband.
“Oh, she woke up so I took her and put her in her playpen.” He said. You sighed in relief before getting up to find her.
When you walked to her playpen, you were shocked to see it was empty. You immediately called out to your husband. “Katsuki?”
“Yeah?” He shouted back from the living room.
“She’s not in here!” You shouted as you looked around for her.
“What?” Katsuki asked, playing dumb.
“She’s not in there!” You said, running out to him. Katsuki played his part and stood up pretending to be shocked.
“What?!” Bakugou asked as he faked a panic. “What do you mean?!”
“She’s not in there! Katsuki she’s not there!” You said in fear as you searched your large home. “Katsumi! Katsuki is this a prank?!”
“No!” Bakugou said, running around to make it more believable. “Katsumi!”
You and Katsuki both called out for her, running around the house. After searching for a little longer, you grew insanely worried and met with you husband again in the living room, crying. “Katsuki! Where is she?!”
“…Shit! Y/N! I forgot,” Katsuki began.
“What? What do you mean you forgot?!” You asked, running up to him. “Katsuki! What did you forget!
“Baby, don’t be mad, okay?” He went on.
“What?! Tell me what happened?!” You said with tears.
“I forgot, I left the back door open,” as Bakugou spoke you began to shake your head in disbelief.
“No..no, no, no-“
“She must’ve got out.” Bakugou said. That’s when you let the tears heavily fall.
“No! No, Katsuki please! We have to find her!” You cried. You tried pushing your way to the door but Katsuki held you back. “Please, Katsuki tell me it’s a prank! Please!”
“It’s not!” Bakugou pushed.
“Well then we have to go out and look for her!” You said trying to push pass your husband who held you back at your shoulders.
“We can’t! What if someone comes back with her! Let’s just keep looking.” Bakugou said.
“What?!” You said looking at your husband in shock. Your husband would never say that. What was he thinking?! “Can we at least go in the back to find her?”
“Well- didn’t you already check?!” Bakugou asked as he ran to the backdoor, still playing his part.
“Yes! She’s not there!” You said, crying. You reached for your phone in a hurry as you began to call the police for help. “I’m calling the cops.”
“What?! No!” Bakugou said running to you and taking your phone to cancel the call. “No! No, no, no! No!”
“What are you doing?! Katsuki! Where is she?!” You asked crying. “Please! Where’s my daughter?!”
“It’s okay! It’s okay, baby. She’s fine. She’s fine, okay?” Bakugou said, pulling you into his arms to kiss your forehead but you pushed him off.
“Where is she?!” You shouted as you still cried.
“She’s with Denki, outside.” Bakugou said bringing you to the front. He motioned for Kaminari to come and you finally settled down a bit when you saw Kaminari walking closer with Katsumi in his arms. You reached for your baby as Kaminari gave her to you and walked into the house. You held Katsumi tight against you as you cried with her in your hold. Katsuki tried holding the two of you in his arms but you pushed passed him.
“Y/N-“ he said, struggling to grab onto you as you forced out of his hug. “Baby.”
“How could you do that?!” You screamed at your husband who looked at you in sorrow and guilt as you cried. “What is wrong with you?! Katsumi’s our daughter! I get that we play jokes but you took it too far! Please don’t play around like that with Katsumi! Like that’s not okay!”
“Baby, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t care!” You cried with an exasperated voice. “You can play around about anything but please don’t play with Katsumi! That’s not cool! I don’t know why you think that’s okay! I would never do that to you! Like..this is our baby! It’s not even funny!”
Bakugou was left speechless as he watched you walk away and slammed your door shut to your bedroom, leaving the two out in the living room. Bakugou turned to Kaminari in shock as Kaminari was giving him the same face. “Think we took it too far?”
“Too far.” Kaminari agreed. Katsuki dropped his head in shame before snapping his head to his friend.
“This is your fault!” Bakugou shouted.
“You were the one who wanted to do it!” Kaminari argued back.
“I know!” Bakugou said sadly as he let his head drop again. “It’s usually never my fault so I just needed to give it to someone else.”
Kaminari huffed but knew his friend meant well. He gave his friend a sympathy pat on the shoulder as he spoke. “Alright, I’m gonna go but I hope things get better, alright bro?”
“Alright. Thanks man.” Bakugou said, walking Kaminari to the exit. When he left, Bakugou went back to you and Katsumi in the bedroom but opted to knock before going in. “Baby? Can I come in?”
“Go away!” You shouted from behind the door still as mad as ever. Bakugou flinched at your volume before speaking again.
“Baby, it was just a prank. I’m sorry…..can I come in?” He asked.
“No.” You deadpanned and that made Bakugou’s heart hurt. He hated seeing your tears and he didn’t even know why he continued the prank. He should’ve just let it go. With that, Bakugou decided to give you your space as he sat in the living room before deciding to go out to the store to make it up to you.
About half an hour had passed since you heard from Katsuki and you were sitting in bed with Katsumi in your arms. All of a sudden there was a knock on the bedroom door and it was obvious it was Katsuki. “Go away, Katsuki.”
Ignoring your request, Bakugou slowly opened the door and poked his head in. “Please baby? I’m sorry.”
“I don’t care. You should’ve never done what you did.” You said, not taking your eyes off your daughter. Bakugou took caution as he walked into the room and stood next to you at the bed.
“I know, and I feel horrible. It was stupid and I promise I’ll never do it again.” He said, trying to hold into your hand.
“Okay.” Was all that you said, still not looking at him. Bakugou could still feel your intimidating aura around and knew he wasn’t out of the woods yet.
“Forgive me?” He asked, and when you looked at him with cold eyes he knew you didn’t. He sighed and nodded his head before pulling out a pint of your favorite ice cream. “Forgive me now?”
“No. You’re annoying.” You said, looking at the ice cream with a pout. Bakugou noticed and smiled a bit before bringing out your favorite brownies from your favorite cafe.
“How about now?” He asked with a smile and you let out a small laugh when you saw the chocolatey treats.
“You’re still annoying.” You said. And that’s when Bakugou pulled out a new toy for Katsumi and placed it in front of her. She instantly loved it and giggled at the sight of it, causing you to smile.
“Now?” Bakugou asked with curiosity as he sat down next to you and pulled you in to wrap his arm around your waist. You giggled before leaning onto his shoulder.
“Yeah, I forgive you.” You said with a smile and Bakugou kissed your forehead before scooting in closer..if that was even possible.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I won’t do something like this ever again.” He promised. You kissed his cheek before placing your head on his shoulder again and bringing your daughter closer to the two of you.
“Heh..yes you will but it’s okay. Because I’ll forgive you then too.” You said with a smile. “But I swear to god, if you do do something like this again, you’re sleeping on the couch. Got it?!”
“Yes M’am.” He said nervously with a chuckle.
“Good. Love you Suki.”
“I love you too, Y/N……does that mean you’re gonna get me back?”
“You’re not even gonna see it coming, Suki.”
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy
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kittehkwrites · 4 years
Summary: Erik does not understand the importance of nap-time. 
Warnings: Fluff, dad!Erik, Soft!erik
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Before your son was born you thought you’d be the mother of a momma’s boy or somethin... Boy were you wrong.
From in the womb, your baby boy would only calm down at the sound of his father’s timber voice.
“Aye lil man, yo momma’s tired right now and you doin all that kickin is keeping her up.” He’d say all serious but you couldn't help but smile at how he was acting and he followed on with “i’m gonna need you to bring it down a few notches” At that, your son would kick back at his father’s hand and the look on Erik’s face was too funny.
it had your stomach shaking and the little boy inside you pushing his hands and feet inside of you so that you could both feel and see his clear displeasure at being told to relax.
“Don’t get fresh lil boy.” You had to let a little ‘oop’ out when his voice got deeper and your thighs clenched up since it’s been a while. Ain’t his fault, the doctor just said to lay off it since the last time you guys went “a bit rough” and they didn’t want to chance an early birth.
The baby relaxed the same way you did when he used his authoritative tone.
“That’s right lil man.” He said after feeling the baby calm down at his command. He was smiling at you when he caught your eyes and you smiled back when he started to caress the bump caring your “future prince” as he’d always call him, since Erik stated he was the King and you’re his Queen so ‘lil man’ is the prince.
“Erik. You better make it up to him before he takes it out on me.”
“You lucky.” He said with a look like ‘what you think this is?’ But he saw your stern face and he remembered the nights of discomfort increasing since the baby was getting closer and he didn’t like you being in pain or uncomfortable during what was supposed to be a beautiful moment so he did what he could in hopes it’d pacify the baby for the night.
“Aye baby boy”- you always thought it was cute when he said that-” you know daddy loves you, right?” He pulled back from the close proximity to your stomach, waiting for the little hand or footprint to press against his large hand.
“Right?” He would look to you and you’d rub your underbelly to get the baby to respond to his now pouting father. You're convinced your baby inherited his attitude from, which would mean he’d be bratty from time to time because they can’t handle restrictions to their freedom.
“Come on baby boy. Daddy’s out here pouting”- He shoved you a bit and you just let out a bit of a scoff before continuing- “and momma can’t sleep with y’all fighting at each other” A little more rubbing and your little boy was pushing out his foot to meet the spot in which both you and your husbands hands were sat on your underbelly.
“I love you lil man. Can’t wait to meet you when you get here.” And with that, he’d put a little kiss on your belly before coming up to you, hands still on your stomach and fingers still brushing against the stretch marks that laid on the sides of your belly, and give you a soft kiss that gave you the same sparks as the first time you both kissed.
“I love you too baby.” He said before pecking your lips “don't forget it.” He said before turning off the bedside lamp and then laying behind you before letting sleep take over the both of you.
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That was approximately 8 months ago.
The baby is now 6 months and your husband was a damn hog.
“Erik! Give me my baby!”
You and your husband have been playing an impromptu game of hide-and-seek with you son, Erik initiating the game after you wanted to put the baby down for a nap before heading to your parents house for family day.
“He’s mines too” He’d call out quickly before turning back to your son in his hands, continuing to make faces at the little boy and getting squeals of joy from the little body.
“Not for long you shit!” You huffed out as you started to make your way up the stairs, following the baby laughs. You were just tired and your husband wanted to annoy you, as you were convinced no man would keep the baby up for this long and not want to pass off their child to the mother. 
“He needs to sleep or else he’ll be cranky and I already have to deal with you! I don’t need to be dealing with the both of y’all at once, plus my family members coming up to me afraid to ask you what’s wrong or tell me how to raise my baby!” You continued, finally approaching the two bodies located in your husbands office. 
He gave you a look as he saw your slightly angered and annoyed expression, but he didn’t care. 
He had has lil man and his momma could stay mad, he thought.
“Babe. It’ll be alright. He don’t give no trouble, right lil man? Tell yo momma to go lay down before she pops a vessel.” He said in that ‘baby’ voice that annoyed the crap out of you but you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow up at the nonsense spewing from your husbands mouth.
So you nodded your head, went over to the baby and checked his diaper before kissing him on the forehead and making your way out of the room.
He don’t even know.
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Just as you said, so it happened.
You guys reached your family gathering and guess what happened within the first 20 minutes of greetings from aunts, uncles, grandparents and such?
If you guessed a cranky baby, then you were very right.
“Baby?” You ignored your husband who now had his signature stoic expression placed on his face, but it slowly formed into a confused scowl at the jerky limbs and loud hollering coming from the sleepy child who, may I remind you, ‘don’t give no trouble.’, according to your big headed husband.
“Baby? Your so-”
“-oh now he's my son? i thought you had that covered? Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't you say he didn't give any trouble?” You were making sure he’d hear the judgement in your voice at his foolish comments made earlier. 
“Yea bu-”
“-but nothin. Handle it before he ‘pops a vessel’” You said before seeing one of your favourite cousins and going to them, leaving your husband in a state of confusion while your son just wanted to sleep.
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This went on for another 15 mins before your cousin and a couple other relatives came over and asked what erik did to the baby.
You simple said “He wouldn’t let me put the baby down for a nap.” which resulted in a few head shakes and inhales from the surrounding bodies, knowing that a nap could be the best thing for the baby and the parent.
“Girl go help that man. He probably over there trying to give the baby commands like some drill sergeant.”
“Don’t do my man like that” You couldn’t help but laugh at the way they all saw erik as this military man but to you he would always be your big softie, especially after the birth of your son. He just showed his love differently than others and you didn’t fault him for it. 
You waited another two minutes before gulping down the rest of the juice in your cup before heading to your husband and distressed baby.
“Alright papa. Momma’s hear. I know, i know. Daddy doesn’t have the magic touch huh? Maybe he’ll listen to me won't he? wont he? That’s right. Come on papa, nap time.” You said, taking him out the grasp of your husband after washing your hands in the kitchen sink and drying them off once you reached to the two inside. 
You checked his diaper and it was dry, probably changed before you got here since your husband probably thought he had a soiled diaper. You also saw the half empty bottle of milk in the baby bag near where you were seated on the couch and chalked it up to your husband attempting to silence the cries of the infant.
You had placed him on your legs once you got comfortable on the couch. Fingers running over his eyebrows, his cheeks, his nose and back up to his forehead and ears in the soothing motion. Within 5 minutes he was sleeping and your husband couldn’t be happier. 
“Yes mr know-it-all” You responded smartly, not taking your eyes off the small body in your lap.
“Don’t get smart now.” You had to refrain from clenching your thighs together and looked at your husband with challenging eyes.
You saw him deflate slightly once he remembered he was in the wrong. 
“I’ll listen next time.” You let out a little hum and turned back to your son in your lap. 
You just sat in awe at the life you created with the man next to you. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t realise your husband had grabbed your chin softly before turning your face to his, placing the sweetest, most gentle kiss on your lips that left you weak once he pulled back.
“I love you” He said. That glint in his deep eyes made you swoon like it had when you first met him at the black owned coffee shop near the outreach centre.
“I love you too” You said softly before smiling at the grin that broke out on his face after knowing you weren’t so mad with him. 
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Hey y’all!
Hope your week started off alright and that you’ve enjoyed your weekend😊
This is the main account that i’ll be posting on in regards to my written work because i couldn’t interact as i wanted to on my side-blog.
But I won’t be deleting anything on that blog, im just moving over to this one.
Let me know what you thought of this soft imagine and who you’d like me to write for or just ask me anything😁
Remember to like, share and/or comment and be safe!
Love y’all and thanks for the support.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Jax Teller x Daughter Reader
“You gonna actually behave for your father this week?” You mum asked as you packed your bag.
“Maybe, depends if he pisses me off or not” you shrugged.
The thing was your mum and dad split about 4 years ago, a year after Abel was born. They had you at a young age, at 15 to be precise, you was now 18 and had seen their relationship completely fall apart, you saw how he treated your mum towards the end of the relationship and you hated it, you hated how he made your mum feel, how you saw the whole thing. However you were grateful Abel was still too young to understand what was going on.
“Y/N please, I know you don’t get along with him but he is your dad at the end of the day” mum sighed.
“Not gonna change my opinion on him” you laughed.
Even though your parents weren’t together anymore they never actually filed for a divorce.
“Just try” mum said placing her hand on your shoulder “for Abel at least, it’s hard enough on him as it is”
“And it’s not hard for me mum” you spat “try going through school where everyone is obsessed with the sons, constantly badgering me about them, about dad, asking if the fucking rumours are true”
You knew that your mum wasn’t completely innocent in the whole relationship break down. So you had an attitude with them both.
The drive to Teller-Morrow was silent, neither you or your mum spoke because you were your father’s daughter at the end of day, your mum always said it was like having a female Jax in the house, the way you held yourself, your attitude, your temper. So no words were spoken just for Abel’s sake, he didn’t need to see his sister and mum biting each other’s heads off.
Climbing out of the car, you grabbed your bag from the boot, before wandering off to find your uncles, at least you had a good relationship with them, it was just the relationship with your dad that was rocky.
You didn’t get it, he was such a good father to Abel, but with you it was a different story, one of his biggest regrets was you seeing the breakdown happen, all the arguments that happened when you were younger. Since then you saw the man that you once saw as your hero as the bad guy.
“Hey kiddo” Jax grinned, opening his arms to you.
“Whatever dad” you huffed walking by him, dumping your bag on the picnic bench before placing a cigarette in your mouth.
“She’s in a mood, sorry Jax” you heard mum say, making you roll your eyes. “Give her a couple of days and she should calm down”
“She’s so much like me it’s scary” he sighed as he watched you laugh with Tig and Happy.
“If you’re gonna talk about me can you at least go somewhere where I can’t bloody hear you” you snapped not looking at them.
Jax knew that with both his kids being here with him for the week, he was going to try his hardest to mend the bridges that had once been burnt. He wanted nothing more than getting his little girl back.
“I will speak with her” Jax nodded as he took Abel into his arms, who was grinning at the sight of his daddy.
At least one of his kids didn’t hate him.
However he had a plan, he knew you loved bikes, so he had one sat in the garage waiting to be restored and he was hoping it was something you could do together and then he could teach you to ride. He knew it wouldn’t magically fix the relationship but at least it would give you a memory that wasn’t bad.
Your mum had now left, which meant you were stuck with your dad for the next week, no doubt it would be a week of you looking after Abel, it always was when you were here, the club came before you. It always had and always would.
“Table in 5” Jax shouted as he walked into the club, he didn’t miss the eye roll that came from you, he knew what you thought, you had only been here 10 minutes and he was putting the club before you. But this time would be different.
“Okay so everyone knows my relationship with Y/N is very much on the rocks right now” Jax sighed running his hand over his face. “And I know it’s my fault and I want to fix that, so this week I only want to be involved in club business if the shit has hit the fan. Anything else speak to Chibs, I need to fix things with my little girl before it is too late”
Everyone nodded, they knew how much Jax loved you, you was his first born at the end of the day and it killed him knowing that you hated him.
“Anything we can do to help we are here” Happy nodded.
“Thanks Hap but this is something I need to do on my own, I created this mess so I need to fix it” Jax sighed “If it can be fixed”
It was now Wednesday and Jax still hadn’t made any progress, the bike lay untouched in the garage, and you hadn’t spoken more than a few words a day to him.
“Uncle Hap am I being a bitch?” You sighed looking up at him as you lit a smoke.
“Honestly kiddo, I know where you are coming from but he is the only dad you are gonna get” Happy said placing his hand on yours. “I know the reasons you have for hating Jax but he misses his little girl, I’m not saying forgive him straight away but stop shutting him out”
“I miss my dad” you sighed “but you didn’t hear me say that”
“My lips are sealed” Happy nodded “you know he took a step back from the club this week to spend time with you and Abel”
“I didn’t know” you sighed running your hand over your face.
“I think he wants to restore a bike or something with you” Hap smiled kissing your head “he’s in the garage”
Trudging into the garage with your head hung low, you felt guilty about how you went off at dad this morning.
“I’m sorry” you mumbled, not looking up.
You heard him sigh and his footsteps getting closer to you.
Talk about irony, the radio had started playing bad husband, scoffing as dad placed his hand on your shoulder.
You can be a liar and a good father A good dad, but a bad husband
“Guess the song is 90% right” you sighed “you are a good father to Abel at least”
“Hey look at me kiddo” Dad said lifting your chin. “My biggest regret in life was letting you see all the fights between me and your mum. I know that has done so much damage to our relationship but I never stopped loving your or your mum okay”
You stayed silent, you didn’t know what to say.
Forever be a hero in my eyes, But there’s always another side. To a good father. A great dad, but a bad husband
“Look me and your mum still love each other and we probably always will” he sighed “we just don’t work well together okay but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you”
All I want is for us not to hurt. And it’s been an exhaustive search to find the words
The song was basically saying everything you couldn’t.
But I’m not so sure how to close this. I just don’t know how some people can be so good At one thing and so fucked at a whole ‘nother, shit, it’s no wonder
You both just stood there not saying a word as Jax pulled you into his arms holding you tight.
“I’m not saying we have to go back to being as close as we once were but I want a chance, a chance to mend the bridges I burnt, I want to be in your life and not as someone you hate” Jax whispered.
Nodding your head, you sniffed as a tear fell down your cheek, this was the most you had talked in a year. All you wanted to hear over the past year was that your dad still loved you.
“You don’t have to say anything yet sweetheart” dad whispered kissing your head “now what do you say to helping your old man fix this bike up and then I would like it if you let your old man teach you how to ride”
“I’d like that” you mumbled.
The next few days flew by and your mum had arrived to pick you and Abel up. Pushing yourself off the bench you walked over to her with a slight smile on your face.
“Come on, let’s get you home” mum said.
Glancing over to your dad you smiled softly before turning back to your mum.
“Actually mum, I think I’m gonna stick around here a bit longer” you nodded feeling Jax place his hand on your shoulder squeezing it softly. “I wanna stay with dad, we still have a bike to finish”
Your mum stood staring at you, confusion spread all over her face.
“You want to willingly stay?” She questioned
“Yup” you nodded.
“Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?” She laughed before turning to Jax “you okay with her staying?”
“Course I am” he beamed at the fact you wanted to stay with him longer.
As soon as you said bye to your mum, you headed back into the garage leaving Jax stood there in his own world.
“Come on dad the bike isn’t gonna fix its self” you laughed rolling your sleeves up.
The hours flew by and you was both covered in grease, Chibs walked outside hearing all the laughter coming from the garage, a smile formed on his face as he snapped a photo of the two of you before walking back into the club house.
“Okay a know normally a would bring this ta table but no one is to disturb Jackie Boy, a don’t care wha it is, if it’s club business, Ye arms fallen off or Ye are on fire, ye come ta me” Chibs smiled leaning against the bar. “Tha is until further notice, this is wha they both need”
Everyone nodded in agreement, it was nice to see you and Jax not at each other’s throats and they knew that the fact you wanted to stay here meant you really wanted to rebuild the relationship
Standing back from the bike something clicked.
“Why does this bike look so familiar?” You asked.
“Well princess it was your grandads” Jax grinned draping his arm around your shoulder.
“JT’s” you said looking up and he nodded. “Wait and you are just letting me have once we have fixed her up?”
“That’s the plan” Jax laughed “he would have wanted you to have it and it’s better than it sitting gathering dust”
You were in awe, you knew how much this bike meant to him. Wrapping your arms around him you gave him a tight hug.  
Neither of you talked about much other than the bike, outside of the garage you were slowly building things back up, you both knew it would take longer than a week but it was a start.
“So your mum says you’ve been getting into trouble at college?” He asked as you were packing the tools up.
“Meh” you shrugged “someone said something, I didn’t like it so I fucking punched them and broke there nose. No biggie”
Jax couldn’t help but smirk, you were exactly like him, in so many ways.
“You can’t say anything dad you taught me talking was boring when you can fight it out” just as you said it an idea popped into your head. Spinning round on the balls of your feet you grinned at your dad.
“No, nope happening” He laughed when he realised what you was thinking “me and you aren’t going at it in the ring” he chuckled.
“Why do you think you will lose old man” you taunted.
“Nope it’s not that” he said looking up “I am not boxing with my daughter”
“You’re just scared because you know I’m gonna beat your ass” you giggled squaring up to him.
He knew you weren’t gonna back down. You was a Teller at the end of the day.
“Fine but if you get hurt you are telling your mum it was your idea” Jax sighed in defeat.
And with that you ran off into the clubhouse to tell everyone.
It was now 7pm and Tig was wrapping your fists.
“You sure about fighting your dad kiddo?” He asked.
“Uncle Tiggy I’m sure” you nodded “we need this, well I need this. If I’m gonna let go of the past I need to do this”
“Okay then” he smiled kissing your fist “beat the shit out of your old man”
You were now standing face to face with your dad in the ring. He knew what was happening, and he wasn’t going to fight back, he had overheard what you said to Tig. So if beating the shit out of him was what you needed to forgive him then that is what he was going to let you do.
Punch after punch, you felt the anger flow through your fists, you were fuelled by every bad memory, everything he did and he just let the punches keep coming.
Your emotions got the better of you as you scream, pounding your fists against his chest as you burst into tears. As soon as this happened Jax wrapped his arms around you, dropping to his knees holding you tight.
“That’s it princess let it all out, all the anger, all the pain” he whispered rubbing your back. “I’m never gonna leave you okay, no matter what happens with me and your mum, you will always have your old man in your corner. My biggest regret is you saw everything happen, I never wanted you to feel like I loved Abel more than you, you are my little girl, my princess and I love you”
Once you had calmed down, you felt a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you no longer felt an immense hatred towards your dad.
It had been a couple of days after the ‘fight’ and you had actually started to open up. The bike was finished and you were just putting the tools away.
“I want to drop out of college” you said “it’s really not for me, I struggle with the exams and coursework”
“You know whatever you decide I will support you” Jax smiled softly at you, hee knew where you was coming from, he was exactly the same when it came to tests and the theory behind things. “If you did drop out what would you do?”
“Actually I wanna be a mechanic” you said looking up. “Maybe I could work here”
“Why don’t you sleep on the idea and if you really want to drop out then we will get it all sorted” he said kissing your head. “Now what do you say we take her for a spin?”
“You think I’m ready for the roads” you laughed.
“You are a natural” he grinned tossing you your helmet “it’s in your blood”
The rest of the day was spent riding round the streets charming, a smile on your face and your relationship with your dad well on the road to being what it once was. Never in a million years you would have thought that restoring JT’s bike would actually restore your relationship as well.
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'Hello life ruiner' 'oh calm down that was years ago and your life doesn't look that ruined to me' for Lucien and Eris?
ok so sorry this took me so long but here it is. I kind of went for a Damon/Stefan Esque vibe so hope you enjoy
A knock on the door had eris up from bed too early.
“Are you kidding me?” his lover asked. Their time together was rare as they were typically both occupied during this time of day, setting aside a few hours a week to make time for each other.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll be back to bed soon, and” eris smirked. “We’ll finish what we started.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
“I’m counting on it” Eris quickly put a shirt on and walked to the door and peered through the hole. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Eris took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Hello, life ruiner.”
Lucien gave the appearance of looking around. “Oh calm down, that was years ago and your life doesn’t look that ruined to me”
“Yes well, when you left my reputation shattered with my father's blood on my hands it took half a century to get back to a fraction of where I was.”
“So dramatic and we both know that that was only partly my fault.” When Eris didn’t respond, Lucien filled the silence. “Half a century? Huh, has it really been that long?” god his brother was infuriating, it took all of eris’s self-control not to smack him across his face.
“I actually believe it’s been about 75 years.” Eris turned around to face the voice. “Hello, Lucien.”
Lucien looked amused. “Hello Azriel.”
“That mate of yours making you lose track of time?” Azriel chuckled as Lucien tensed.
“Elain is doing well thank you for asking, I see you and my brother have remained close throughout the years.”
“Extremely and thoroughly” eris provided, enjoying the way Lucien shifted uncomfortably. “And as fun, as this little visit was, I have more important” Lucien's eyes flicked to Azriel. “Things to do.”
“Can’t get rid of me that fast brother, I was instructed to reconcile with you or sleep outside.”
“That bad? Seems to be a regular occurrence for you.”
“There’s that sense of humor I missed so much,” Lucien drawled. “So will you have a drink with me?”
“No.” Eris began to shut the door before Azriel stopped him.
“Sorry, can we just have a minute please?”
Lucien appeared grateful. “Of course.”
Eris turned to Azriel, “he destroyed my life, I am not going to have a drink with him.”
“Sweetie, it’s been almost a century and it was mostly beron’s fault.”
“Keyword being almost. Check back in 25”
“Minutes?” Azriel asked hopefully.
“Years.” Eris was about to walk away when Azriel stopped him gently grabbing his arm.
“Eris.” He turned to face him, Eris's gaze softening.
“Please, if not for him then for me, have a drink with your brother and maybe there will be some rewards after.” Eris hated when he got like that, everything about his resolve crumbled and all he wanted was to melt into his hard chest.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But those rewards better be nothing short of spectacular.”
It was Azriel's turn to smirk. “Oh, they will be.” He turned, dropping Eris’s arm, and walked back to his bedroom on silent feet, fading into the shadows. He looked like a god and Eris had to force himself to turn away. He opened the door once more to find his half-brother standing against the side of his house in a nonchalant manner, pretending he hadn’t been listening.
He shot Lucien a look. “Not a word.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“There are rules.”
“The control freak strikes again.” Eris shot him another look. “Ok ok, what are they?”
“You get 1 hour, and the words Mom, dad, hellion, Gwyn and our dead brothers do not come up.”
“No family, got it.” he held his hand out, eris knew he expected him to ask where they were going so he didn’t. Instead, he took his hand as Lucien winnowed them away.
A second later Eris opened his eyes immediately recognizing the stuffy summer court. It reeked of joy and pleasantries Eris did not want to participate in. They walked in silence into the town square to whatever trashy bar or club Lucien was taking him to. Suddenly he stopped in front of what appeared to be a lingerie store.
“Need some new panties brother?” He ignored him instead walking inside and whispering something to the cashier, something even his fae ears couldn’t pick up. The cashier flashed them a sly smile and walked to a rack of clothes. She snapped her fingers and a door appeared, Lucien turned to Eris and although this was unexpected, he kept his features completely neutral. Alright, at least he’s trying to make this interesting. He followed him through the door and down the stairs to a dark room lit with neon lights. The room was large and filled with high fae and faeries alike.
“It’s a chain, across all 7 courts, called the underground beluga.” Lucien provided even though Eris had pointedly not asked.
“Inconspicuous.” He chuckled at that. They went up to the bar and sat down.
“Bourbon please” and at the same Lucien said “a round of shots.”
The waiter looked confused, “So which is it, bourbon or shots?”
“We’ll have both.” Answered Eris to both the waiter and Lucien’s delight.
“I like your style.” responded the waiter.
Lucien clapped him on the back and pushed him to sit down. “As do I.”
Drink after drink came and just 1 had turned into 5, 7, maybe 10? It was hard to keep track. It started off tense but by drink 3 Eris and Lucien had dissolved into jokes and memories. Reminiscing the good, eluding the bad. They spoke of their childhood and when they had been close. He did well with avoiding the topic of family.
Eris was drunk as fuck. His mind was hazy and his vision blurred but he was sure that it was his name being called up to the stage. “Eris vanserra you’re up for karaoke, it was requested by a member in this club, that would like to remain anonymous, for you to sing don’t stop believin by journey to the middle.” He blinked twice and turned around to face his brother. The sly fox was smirking.
“Oh, you little shit.”
He took a sip from his bourbon, “I have no idea what you mean”
The host's voice came again “Eris, come on lad you’re not above karaoke get your ass up here.”
“You heard the man.”
And then the cheering began. “ER-IS ER-IS ER-IS”
“Come on brother, give the crowd what they want.” but eris had a better idea.
“Alright,” He paused, smirking, “brother.” Eris pressed his hand on Lucien's shoulder and winnowed them both to the stage. “This performance will now be a duet,” he announced to the crowd, causing an epidemic of cheering. Lucien’s cheeks flushed a deep crimson, one not too different from the color of his hair. The music began and the lyrics to the song appeared in the air. Well this was happening, eris thought, might as well lean into it.
He gripped the microphone in one hand, letting the alcohol take over, and belted. “JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL.” he winked at a seraphim, walking to the center of the stage. “LIVIN IN A LO-NELY WORLDD. SHE TOOK THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOIN AN-Y-WHERE.”
Eris looked to Lucien, enjoying the shock on his face, he gave him a look as if to say, your move brother.
Lucien cracked his neck, ran a hand through his hair and took the microphone in both hands. “JUST A CITY BOY. BORN AND RAISED IN SOUTH DESTROITTT.” with each word, his voice became more and more confident. “HE TOOK THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOIN AN-Y-WHERE”
He joined Eris in the middle of the stage and they sang together. “STRANGERS, WAITIN. UP AND DOWN THE BOULEVARD. THEIR SHADOWS.” With the snap of Eris's fingers, their shadows reflected on the curtain began to dance on their own and he lit everything up in a heatless flame. “SEARCHIN IN THE NIGHTTT. STREETLIGHTS, PEOPLE. LIVIN JUST TO FIND EMOTION.” Eris and Lucien looked to each other and then at the crowd that was going crazy. “HIDIN, SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHTTTT.”
In reality, they were sweaty, off-tune, drunk idiots doing karaoke. But to Eris in his drunken stupor, thought they were gods on that stage. Leaving every emotion he had felt in his almost 600 years with don’t stop believin. He was on a high and could not be brought down no matter what. Up on that stage with his brother, he was invincible.
They sang at least 4 more songs, each one more insane than the last. They drank and joked until the sun came up. And though Eris had nowhere near forgiven his brother, maybe just maybe he had taken a step in the right direction.
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❦ born on accident | pjs
↬ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ: tatts & cupcakes | chapter 4
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: park jongseong / jay x reader ft. all members + eventual appearance of i-land k
↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: enhypen single dad au | ceo!jay | single dad!jay | baker!reader | single mom!reader | fluff | slight angst
↬ ɴᴀᴠɪ: beginning | previous chapter | next | series masterlist
↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: talks about kids being born on accident, implies that the boys weren’t wanted, slight crying, semi-angsty (if there are any other warnings I missed please let me know)
↬ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.2k
As you checked the time on your phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in the few minutes that Jay and Ni-ki were gone, it felt like they were just taking too long. You looked around, searching for Jay and Ni-ki when you saw Ni-ki in his arms some distance away nearby the bungeoppang stall. Normally, you wouldn’t have minded that the two of them were just hanging out together but the black-haired man standing in front of them who looked too familiar was enough to instill panic within you. You practically ran to them, evident in how you were breathless, but whether your eyes were wide due to surprise or from running you weren’t sure.
“Y/n?” you heard from both men, causing two pairs of eyes to settle on you.
“Hey, are you ok? I’m sorry we didn’t go back right away, Ni-ki wanted bungeoppang, and I bumped into one of my old hyungs.” You saw Ni-ki nibbling on said bungeoppang and was glad that Jay was kind enough to buy it for him but that wasn’t the focus on your mind right now.
“Are you two together?” you heard from K. After so long, that was the first thing you heard from K’s mouth?
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you answered. Deep down, you knew that one day you were going to have to confront K and tell Ni-ki who his biological father was. But you’ve always thought that it would happen later on in life when he was in high school or even after college, never did you think that you’d be seeing K again for the first time after so many years right now.
“Y/n, what the hell happened in 5 years?” Unable to stop yourself,
“You wouldn’t know now, would you? Seeing as you’ve absent.”
“I’m not the one who walked out.”
“You don’t wanna go there,” you warned, eyes glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, he’d be 6 feet under years ago.
“Can we at least talk? It’s been 5 years and I-”
“I have never shut the door to Ni-ki’s life but unless you want to actually be a part of it, I have no reason to talk to you. So, if you’ll excuse me, well be going home.” You took Ni-ki from Jay, starting to walk off in the direction where the car was parked. It didn’t take long for Jay to reach you both and unlock the door to the car. Once the drive back to your apartment started,
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Jay said.
“What happened today isn’t anyone’s fault, Jay.” Tears were threatening to pour out of your eyes but you knew damn well that you weren’t going to cry in front of Ni-ki. Looking at Jay, “Can we stop by somewhere, please?”
“Yeah, of course.” You dropped off Ni-ki to Heeseung’s apartment, promising to pick him up later tonight. Upon seeing the panic on your face and Jay behind you, Heeseung knew better than to ask what had happened right now. It wasn’t until you were back in your apartment, sitting on your couch, and fully processing everything that had happened, that you cried. Nose snotty, eyes puffy, throat heavy ugly cry. Not knowing what else to offer but his embrace, Jay hugged you and brought you closer to his chest. He was warm, his soothing rubs of circles on your back were comforting, and his scent of honey and lavender reminded you that you weren’t alone. When the tears were finally manageable and you found enough strength inside of you to talk,
“Ni-ki was… he was born on accident,” you said, having to clear your throat after the statement. You loved Ni-ki with all of your heart and hated how bad it sounded but you couldn’t hide that it was the truth. As silence filled the room, you could feel Jay’s eyes on you but you were too scared to look at him. All you’re life you’ve been given looks of pity, anger, and sometimes even disgust. While you didn’t care about the looks from other people, you cared more than you wanted to admit about how Jay saw you. You didn’t know how long the two of you stayed in silence until finally,
“So were Won and Sunoo,” Jay said. At those words, you looked up to be met with a look of empathy and comfort in Jay’s eyes. You realized that Jay wasn’t and couldn’t judge you like everyone else did because he knew what it was like to be in your position.
“Born on accident, I mean,” he added.
“I guess we’ve never talked about our kid’s other parent,” you found yourself saying.
“We never had a reason to until now.” Though you were feeling slightly better, you still clung to Jay while his arms never left your waist.
“Jungwon and Sunoo’s mother was my ex-girlfriend. She was constantly cheating on me during our relationship and at one point, I even found myself questioning whether or not Won and Sunoo were truly my sons. I hate myself for it but I had a DNA test done when they were a few months old. After they were born, things were okay for a short while until one day, she left them in front of my doorstep at 5 am. I never saw or heard from her again. She was always kind of absent so it’s kinda been like Won and Sunoo never had a mother.” You looked up at Jay to see him now crying. As you wiped his tears away, you couldn’t stand the thought of someone just leaving the two sweet boys who have started to become more than Ni-ki’s friends and more like his brothers.
“Your turn, only if you’re comfortable with it,” Jay said. You figured it’d do you some good to get the weight off of your chest. There were some things about K that you never told anyone, not even Heeseung.
“K and I were together since high school. After high school, he decided to start his career as a choreographer and I wanted to sell the stuff that I baked. When I got pregnant with Ni-ki, K started changing the way he acted and his feelings towards me. I didn’t want to continue a relationship with a man who couldn’t accept changes so I packed my things and never looked back. When Ni-ki was born, K visited 3 times and never came back after Ni-ki turned 2. Heeseung’s helped out a lot but there’s only so much he can do, y’know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” Jay replied with a sigh. As he played with the ends of your hair, “At least we have each other now.”
As the days went on, you found yourself constantly wondering what to do about K. If you wanted to, you could call his studio and talk to him but did you want to? After all, over the past few years, you invited him to multiple important occasions in Ni-ki’s life but your calls were sent to voicemail, texts left on read, and you eventually just stopped. You weren’t going to beg someone to be a part of your son’s life when he had no interest in it. You were closing up the bakery one Friday night a few minutes later than you normally would have but the bakery was one of few things that grounded you lately. Ni-ki was sleeping over at Jay’s house with Sunoo and Jungwon so you didn’t think too much of it. It wasn’t until the bell rang, signaling that someone had come in that things started to take a turn.
“We’re closed,” you called out from behind the counter.
“Can we talk?”
❦ written by riri (@enhykkul) | next | series masterlist | main blog masterlist
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Everything Undesired chapter 6
Chapter 5
Mammon made it home in record time. He was like a man on a mission with how he marched through the house. He could hear Cyrus crying and he froze.
“No.” he told himself, “No, you are not stopping. Get. Over. It.” The demon forced himself to carry on towards Arella’s bedroom. He could hear her singing softly to the baby as he started to settle down.
“See? It’s okay.” she cooed as she leaned down to press a kiss to Cyrus’ forehead. “I know you miss your daddy, but he has to get his grades back up. We have to be patient and wait for him to get home.”
Cyrus only looked up at his adoptive mother, letting little coos and chirps out as he wiggled around in her arms.
“Arella.” Mammon called, surprising her a little.
“Mammon!” She smiled. “How was your day? I thought you’d be staying later... Is everything alright?”
“No,” the demon replies. “Nothing is alright. This isn’t fair to you. Cyrus is my kid. I’m the one who said I’d keep him and I’m making you do all the work? That’s horrible, don’t ya think?”
“What? No, I don’t mind this.” She smiled, trying to reassuring her partner. “You help enough, Love. It’s not like-”
“No, I don’t help nearly as much as I should. I’m only able to keep him when he’s quiet but the minute my own child starts cryin’, I push him off on someone else- usually you. I’ve been such a terrible mate and an even worse father and for what? Somethin' that’s not even his fault?! I’m bein’ ridiculous. I’ve put all this weight on your shoulders when I shouldn’t have.” His voice began to rise with each word, unknowingly transforming into his demon form which scared Cyrus.
The infant began crying loudly as he hid his face against Arella’s chest. She immediately tried to calm him as the Avatar of Greed rushed forward to them returning to a more human-like appearance.
“Let me have him.” He frowned. Scaring his son was the last thing he wanted.
Arella would only nod as she handed the boy off to his father, watching carefully for any signs of distress from her boyfriend or from Cyrus.
“I’m sorry, Buddy.” Mammon lowers his voice to a softer, quieter tone as he bounced the baby in his arms- a trick that often worked well with Satan during his infancy, “I didn’t mean to scare ya. Please don’t cry.”
His movements were tense at first but soon relaxed as Cyrus started to wind down. Once the boy was calmer, his face buried in his father’s neck which made him stiffen briefly, a grimace on his face as he fought the impulse to pull away.
“Mammon,” she started, “please, don’t force yourself to take care of the baby. It won’t end well.”
“Don’t worry, babe,” he looked to her, “If I don’t make myself do this, I’ll never be able to get past it. I’ll keep him for the rest of the night. I’m sure ya have things ya wanna do, right?”
“I mean I do have homework, but I really don’t want to do that right now,” She admits. “Maybe... we could do something together? Maybe go out with the baby or shopping?”
“It has been a while since you’ve really left the house,” he nodded. The idea of them going out and doing the things normal families do was tempting, he had been longing for that kind of thing. “I’ll get him fed and get him dressed in warmer clothes while you go get ready.”
Arella nodded as she gathered up some clothes and headed to the shower to wash up.
Mammon looked down at his child who still had his face buried in the crook of his father’s neck. The demon padded over to where Arella had been keeping the formula and started to make a bottle for him. It was a lot harder to make a bottle while also holding an infant than he remembered- maybe because Satan wasn’t as squirmy as Cyrus was. He knew the boy was just trying to get comfortable but it was making his stomach twist and tie in knots as he feared he might drop the child. How much did infants take at feedings again? Was it three ounces, two?
Just to be safe, he grabbed the container of formula and went into the kitchen to fill three ounces of water into the bottle before adding the powder and shaking the bottle to mix it together. He ran it under warm water for a bit and tested on his skin it to make sure it wasn’t too hot for Cyrus.
He readjusted the little one in his arms as he gave him the bottle, holding it at an angle where the baby couldn’t take too much too fast. When Cyrus wouldn’t eat anymore, Mammon pulled the bottle way to see how much he’d actually taken. His eyes widened in alarm when he saw how little his son had actually eaten.
“An ounce?” he asked as he looked down at Cyrus with a worried expression. “No wonder you’re always cryin’, kid. Ya gotta be starvin’. Do ya just not like the taste of formula? Is that why you’re not eatin’ enough?” He tried to offer the bottle back to his son, but Cyrus only turned his head away and let out a whine. “Ya really ain’t going to eat any more than that, huh?” He grabbed a kitchen towel and placed it over his shoulder as he laid his son up against his shoulder.
He started to pat Cyrus on the back until he heard a few burps from the child. The white-haired demon pulled the towel off his shoulder and placed it in the wash basket in the laundry room as he readjusted the infant in his arms so he was cradled in Mammon’s arms. He took a few moments to really look at Cyrus for the first time since he was brought home. The Avatar of Greed knew he was lucky sometimes, but he never really processed just how much Cyrus looked like him. As unfortunate as he was to experience what he had at the hands of the witches, the fact that his son had absolutely no traits from his biological mother- whichever one of them that may have been- was a miracle.
“Ya really are my little mini me, aint’cha?” He let a small smile grace his lips, “This might work then. I really could pretend you were always ‘Rella’s kid with me...” He brushed a thumb over the baby’s cheek and felt a warm feeling start to form in his chest as Cyrus’ tiny hand came up to grasp his thumb and he smiled at Mammon for the first time. He felt tears start to gather in the corners of his eyes at the thought. “Our baby...”
The sound of that made the demon hopeful and ultimately, he was glad he forced himself to do this. All he wanted was to be a good father despite everything. He wanted to give his son the loving home he deserved- one he knew the child wasn’t going to get with the witches.
“I’m lettin’ ya know right now kid, your old man can be a real idiot sometimes and I know I’m gonna make some mistakes with ya- I already made a couple- but I think you’re gonna turn out just fine...”
“I think you’re going to do just fine too, Mammon. You’re already on the right path.”
Mammon’s head shot up at the sound of his older brother’s voice as Lucifer came to join him, leaning back against the counter as he looked down at Cyrus.
“This really was the best-case scenario. He could have had any mix of features and yet he turned out looking exactly like you.”
“It really is a miracle, huh?” The second-born smiled. “I don’t think I could have done this otherwise, ya know?”
“I agree. I’m ashamed to say, but if he had looked anything like one of them, I would have killed him on the spot regardless of your wishes. As impossible a choice as it was, I would have put your well-being above all else- including the life of an innocent child.”
“I know you would have. That’s what makes you such a great older brother, ya know? No matter what kind of trouble the six of us seem to get ourselves into, when it really matters, you’re always there to save the day. You always have the answers.”
“For a moment that night, I didn’t.” The first-born admits. “After finding out what happened to you all I felt was wrath and guilt... I introduced you to those horrible women all those years ago when you were looking for a place for that human girl. Back then I could have never guessed it would lead to all of this... and then when we heard Cyrus for the first time, I couldn’t believe it at first.”
Mammon only nodded at that. “I’m glad you didn’t though. Things may be rough right now- I may not be able to completely separate him from the events of those nights, right now- but I think as long as I keep pushin’ myself to do this, it’ll happen eventually. That I’ll be able to love him at some point... All I want is to do right by him, Lucifer. All of us aside from Satan know what it’s like to have a father that never loved us apart from our usefulness as the seven virtues... And I always told myself that if I ever had a kid at some point that I would show them all the love that the old man never gave us.”
Lucifer let out a chuckle at that, “To be honest, I don’t think he even loved us in that aspect either. If he really did, he wouldn’t have sentence Lilith to death. We wouldn’t have had to wage war with him. The only ones who ever loved us were the angels who carried us until our births.”
“Yeah, but the war was inevitable, Lil was just the last straw- for all of us.”
The brothers were silent for a time, the only sounds that could be heard be heard coming from Cyrus as he purred in contentment.
“I’m gonna see if Arella’s ready and get him dressed in some warmer clothes. She wants us to go out with Cyrus and I don’t know ‘bout you, but I think it’s high time to show him off.”
“Have a good time then,” the eldest nodded with a soft smile as his brother headed back to Arella’s room.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
As Fate Would Have It
[1 / 5] 
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The last time I saw him was July 16, 1392. It was also the day I died. 
➣ pairing/genre: idol!KTH x reader, past life au // feat. OT7 BTS
➣ word count: 1.3k (jus a lil bitty beginning)
➣ warnings/tags: this is gonna talk about death, but not in a super gruesome/direct way. we keep things pretty SFW over here
a/n: here we goooo! thank you guys for sticking around for this new series, I hope you enjoy it! as always, your comments, reblogs, and asks mean so much to me and really help more than you know to keep going. So please let me know how you feel about this new series! Enjoy! 💕 p.s. if you didn’t read the prologue I would recommend you do! 
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“This is a major downgrade,” you sulk while shivering beside a crowded bus stop.
           “Yeah, well,” Noa, your roommate gripes from your right, “at least you got to be royalty once. Quit complaining.”
           “I heard that Kate Middleton is on her third life, and she’s been royalty all three times!” Daeun chimes in from your left. She’s also shivering, clinging to a flimsy umbrella that’s doing a poor job of keeping the three of you safe from the rain.
           “Like what, born into royalty? Or did she manage to marry into it like this lifetime?”
           Daeun and Noa continue chattering away, throwing off multiple theories and speculating about Kate Middleton’s past lives. Of course it’s all guesswork; the details of previous lives are usually meant to be kept secret. However it provides a temporary distraction from the bad weather, which is all you can really ask for right now. Hopefully it will prove enough of a distraction to sway you from your rampant thoughts of last night’s dream.
           “Being born royal isn’t all that fun,” an elderly woman calls out as she ambles up from her seat to catch the approaching bus. It’s not the one you’re taking, that won’t be here for another couple of minutes. “My mistress saw a lot of sorrow in her day, and few remember her now. She deserved to be remembered, in my opinion. I owe her my first life.”
           You tilt your head, squinting a little as the woman gives a wistful sigh. A memory nudges you from the catacombs of your mind.
           “Who was your mistress?” The question falls from your lips before you can catch it.
           The woman blinks, smiling softly. It’s almost as though the mere thought of her past mistress brings her peace. “Iseul, the final daughter of the Goryeo dynasty.”
           The name carries a weight that comes crashing into you, both liberating and binding you to your memories. You’ve heard that name before, albeit centuries ago. And this woman…
           Two syllables, enormous power. The instant you utter them, the elderly woman gasps and drops her cane in shock. You rush forward, picking it up and placing it gently in her hands with a warm smile. There are tears in Ja-young’s eyes as you look at her, her old face creased with wrinkles and countless stories.
           “My…my lady…” Ja-young attempts to bow, drawing the attention of several onlookers. You grasp her shoulders, stopping her.
           “There’s no need to bow,” you reassure. “I’m just a girl now. I hold no power.”
           Ja-young shakes her head. “No, my lady. I- I owe you my first life! What you did for me-”
           “You would have done the same for me.”
           “Oh, my Lady…” Ja-young’s bottom lip quivers as she clutches your forearm with surprising strength. “My wish has been granted. For so long I’ve been waiting to meet you again. You look just as you did, all those years ago…how did I not see it sooner? So vibrant – you haven’t changed at all.”
           Noa and Daeun remain silent behind you, having experienced this before. It’s not your fault that nearly all your court from your first lifetime as the emperor’s daughter in the Goryeo dynasty have just so happened to be born within the same lifetime. Although, it does become a little odd when you cross paths with a gossipy maid or flirtatious errand boy in the produce aisle of your local grocery store.
           Life is funny that way. You’re on top of the world one moment, and living off of a diet of Mac n Cheese the next.
           “I’m happy to see you like this,” you smile. “You’ve lived a full life, it appears.”
           Ja-young inclines her head. “As I did in my first lifetime, so long ago. My Lady-”
           “I’m afraid that I’m just Hana now,” you gently correct. Despite the fact that you’re living in the 21st century, you still aren’t the most keen on the general public discovering your identity. Not when there’s potential danger still lurking out there.
           “Oh, if that’s the case then I’m Ma-ri now,” Ja-young – now Ma-ri says. “Hana, I’ve been praying for the opportunity to see you again. I’m running out of time now.”
           Time. It once seemed so infinite. And now it’s slipping through your fingertips faster than you can keep up.
           “You’ve made it to your fourth…?”
           Ma-ri nods solemnly. “And final lifetime. But I wanted to tell you, my Lady, that I kept my promise to you. I visited your grave often, I told my children stories of you. However, I wasn’t the only one who frequented the site.”
           You jump as the bus driver lets out a shrill honk, clearly impatient. Ma-ri turns around, waving him on. With a shrug and an eye-roll, the bus driver closes the doors and continues on his way. Now the bus stop is empty save for your party of four.
           “Who else visited me?” You ask, curious now at the gleam in Ma-ri’s eye. She had always been a feisty one, if you remember correctly.
           An invisible shudder runs through Ma-ri’s body as she finally delivers the message she’s waited three lifetimes to deliver. Indeed, she can pass on to the unknown now that she’s finally laid eyes on her mistress once more.
           “Kim Taehyung is not a murderer!” Noa defends, crossing her arms protectively as you clench your jaw.
           “No, but Sungho was. And they’re one and the same, aren’t they?” You mirror her, also crossing your arms. “Aren’tthey?”
           Your eyes flicker across the street, toward a billboard that lauds a BTS sponsorship for all to see. However, all you see is Sungho, smiling down at you with those same dark eyes from centuries ago.
           Ma-ri left just a few minutes ago, catching a bus and leaving you with a scribbled address to visit anytime you wanted. You tucked it away safely into the pocket of your jeans before losing your mind.
           “Hana, I don’t think you should be directing your anger at Taehyung,” Daeun quietly interjects, standing just off to the side. “He’s done a lot of good in this life-”
           “You’ll understand when you’re older!” You grind out. Noa winces, but begrudgingly agrees.
           “Yeah…sorry Daeun, but you’re a first-lifer. You’ll understand the next time around. It’s hard to separate people from what they were before.”
           Daeun doesn’t argue, knowing it’s pointless. Living with seasoned lifers, as people who have lived multiple lives have been so lovingly dubbed, doesn’t allow much room for argument. Noa sports two past lives, enjoying her third. And you…
           “Is this really how you wanna live this life?” Noa says, arching a brow. “Angry at some idol philanthropist just because of what happened in your first life? C’mon, Hana. That was three lifetimes ago.”
           “You’re not suggesting that I get over it, are you?”
           “Nuh-uh,” you take a step back, offended. “No way. Goryeo fell, I died, and he was there to watch everything burn to the ground. And I’m just supposed to let it go all because he’s some adored global icon?”
           “YES!” Both Noa and Daeun shout, sending a few birds flying from a nearby bush.
           You pause to think, staring daggers up at the billboard and Taehyung’s flawless features. Perhaps you would find him beautiful if it weren’t for the past marring your current viewpoint. You stare and stare, mind whirring with the possibilities of all that you could do instead of forgiving.
           “It’s no use sitting here and sulking about the past, not when I can’t do anything about it…” you start, ignoring the relieved expressions on your roommates’ faces.
           “Good, that’s good.”
           “No, back up. You were doing so well!”
           The corners of your lips turn up into an evil grin. “…I have an idea.”
           Daeun groans. “What’s the stupid idea now?”
           You shake your head, stepping forward as the bus rounds the corner. “I’m not telling you.”
           “Why not?”
           “Because you’ll try to stop me.”
           Noa elbows you lightly. “At least tell us what your end goal is here.”
           The bus pulls up, doors opening and a flurry of people pouring out onto the street. In the din and chaos of it all, you turn to your friends.
           “If you can’t beat them…” again, your eyes fall on the billboard, quickly finding Taehyung’s eyes among the rest. “Join ‘em.”
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official-weasley · 3 years
Neither - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: pure family fluff
Word count: 3,693
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
A/N: I just want to say a few words about the baby talk. I have done some research about how to properly write it and the letter R is usually pronounced as W but with some words, it looked weird and when I was reading it I got confused. So all of Aoede's Rs are replaced with Ls instead because I find it more readable, no offense to any babies out there! 💙
“You know sometimes I am really happy we are wizards so we can use spells like the Silencing Charm,” Charlie said, panting and giggling, laying next to me.
“Are you calling me loud?” I smirked.
“You weren't exactly quiet, love.” He winked at me and bit my lip. “Not that I mind.” He added seductively.
“It's your fault I was screaming from pleasure.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him making him laugh.
“Oh, unlock the door in case Aoede wakes up. We don't want her questioning why we lock ourselves in the bedroom.” I unglued our lips after we started making out again as if we were 17.
“Alohamora.” Charlie waved his wand at the door before returning to my lips.
“You know, speaking of spells...” I raised my eyebrows at Charlie's grin and scarlet cheeks.
I knew that look – he had an idea for which he wasn't sure how I would react or what I would have to say about it.
“Yes?” I asked slowly.
“Aoede is going to be 3 in a few weeks and we have been doing great with her and our life is back to normal...” He was avoiding my gaze, making a heart shape with his index finger on my shoulder.
“Mhm.” I hummed.
“How about we stop using the Protection spell?” He mumbled so fast as if I would scold him for his words.
“You mean start trying for another baby?” I lifted his chin for him to finally lock eyes with mine.
“May...be.” Charlie made puppy eyes and scratched the back of his head.
“Are you going to carry this one for 9 months?” I laughed wholeheartedly.
“You know I would if I could, love.” Charlie's cheeks turned a deeper red.
“You know what...” I said slowly, pretending to think about it, tapping my chin with my finger.
I loved messing with him and stalling every time he asked me about something he was nervous to see how I would react.
“I quite like that idea.” I bestowed him with the biggest grin and kissed him tenderly.
“Really?” Charlie sighed in relief. “I thought you would say it's too soon or that you don't want any more children with the amount of morning sickness you had with Aoede.”
“If we would have another child like Aoede is, I would endure the morning sickness for the whole 9 months if need be. She is adorable and such an angel.” I pressed my lips against his again. “And, truth be told, I have been thinking the same. I think we're ready.”
“You do?” Charlie's eyes sparkled as they usually do when Andrei tells him he has the baby dragon shift.
“I do and I think Aoede will be a great big sister.” I smiled.
“She's going to be the best.” Charlie nodded in agreement.
“Can I ask you why you were so nervous asking me this?” I made him lay down and rested my head on his chest.
“I feel like myself again. We are both working again. Aoede is such a sweetheart and every time we play with her and have so much fun and I watch you two giggle it just fills my heart with so much joy and warmth and I guess that the wish to make our family bigger came back.” He smiled sheepishly.
“And you thought I don't feel the same?”
“I guess so.” Charlie shrugged. “I know you wanted more kids before everything that went down last year but we haven't talked about it since Aoede was born and I didn't know if you still felt the same with you already having to take care and be part of Teddy's life.”
“Just because Teddy is here once or twice per week and just because we lost friends and family, doesn't mean I don't want to have more children with you.” I tilted my head to look up at Charlie and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“So can we say we are trying to get pregnant again?” Charlie was shaking from excitement.
“Again?” I teased.
“Okay, Aoede wasn't exactly planned but we were pregnant before, that's what I meant.” He playfully rolled his eyes at me.
“I know what you meant, Charles. I just love messing with you when you are nervous around me for no reason.” I chuckled.
“Hey, you can be intimidating!” Charlie tried defending himself.
“Intimidating?” I gasped dramatically. “Should I remind you how long we have been best friends and how long I am your wife for?”
“I know.” He brushed his nose against mine. “I just really want this so I got silly for a second.”
“I know, Char. It's cute how much you blushed.” I caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers.
“Oh, shut it. I'm manly.” Charlie frowned and flexed his muscles.
“Sure you are.” I patted him on the head. “Especially since Aoede was born. You definitely didn't go all soft and mushy.”
“Never.” Charlie lifted his chin proudly. “I'm a real tough guy!”
“Of course.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “It's very tough-guy of you when you let Aoede paint your nails.” I giggled.
“Okay,” Charlie rolled his eyes, “maybe I'm a bit soft with her. I just can't say no to her big blue puppy eyes.”
“You mean these eyes?” I made the exact same expression Aoede always makes when she wants something from Charlie.
The more she grows the more she looks like me and apparently she got her expressions after me as well. She learned how to persuade Charlie to let her paint his nails and makes 5 ponytails on his head and makes him go to work like that. And I don't want to point any fingers but I think she saw how I make puppy eyes at Charlie when I want something sweet and he has to go to the store so I think...I think she got it from me.
“Stop it, love! Unfair!” Charlie pouted. “What do you want?”
“Well I was just playing around but since you gave in to it, how about you make the sandwiches for our trip?” I giggled.
“Okay,” Charlie sighed, “but you pack our things.”
“Already did that yesterday when you were giving Aoede a bath.”
Ever since the war has ended and it's safe to travel around again and Aoede started to show interest to go outside more, we have been going on a trip every weekend. Charlie managed to convince Andrei to only work during the week so he can spend the weekend with us and now we go on adventures, as Aoede likes to call them, every week.
She is not old enough that we could apparate somewhere so we have been mostly going for hikes around our village and the Sanctuary.
Last month we visited the Sanctuary with Aoede for the first time. Charlie was beyond excited to show our daughter all the dragons he is working with. After all of our friends and co-workers stopped cooing at her and telling us how adorable and cute she is, Charlie picked her up and we started to walk around.
He showed her all the habitats and took her to the Nursery to see the baby dragons and we were even lucky enough to observe a dragon being hatched but it was soon evident that Aoede didn't inherit Charlie's obsession and love for dragons.
The trees and the boulders in the Sanctuary were more interesting to her and even though Charlie tried hard to hide that he was a bit hurt, I knew that this meant a lot to him. So that night when we came home and we put Aoede to sleep, I tried cheering him up by telling him that Aoede is still too young to appreciate how amazing dragons are and that she'll come around, even though I wasn't so sure she would because she didn't play with the dragon plushie Charlie bought her once but she loves going through my art supplies.
“Of course, you did.” Charlie ran a hand across his face, pretending to be annoyed that he has to make sandwiches even though I know he doesn't mind at all and he makes such good ones.
After a few minutes of us just giggling like two idiots, he leaned over me a bit, supporting his head with his arm, and started gently caressing my thigh, with a smug expression on his face.
“You want to go again?” I sent him a wink.
“You said you want to have another baby.” He smirked.
“Oh, you want to start working on that straight away, do you?” I chuckled.
“Why waste any time?” He whispered in my ear seductively.
“What if Aoede wakes up?” I tried staying focused as he started biting my neck.
“I checked the time. It's not even seven. She won't be up for at least half an hour if not more.” Charlie extended his arm to reach for his wand on the nightstand.
“Colloportus.” He mumbled and went back to my neck.
“Charles,” I blushed, “you are on fire today.”
“Always for you, love.”
“Uh, Charlie?” I scratched my cheek, looking at the calendar.
“Yes, love?” He lifted his head, careful not to move as Aoede was drawing all over his right arm.
“I think we have to make a trip to the drug store.” I was thinking of ways to talk to him not to make Aoede suspicious or say anything we shouldn't in front of her.
“The drug store? Why for?” Charlie asked confused.
“Well, uhm, how to say this...” I narrowed my eyes and bit my lip. “Do you remember that conversation we had in our bedroom a few weeks before Aoede's birthday?”
“Mum, my bilthday was a month ago,” Aoede said absentmindedly without knowing what we were talking about.
“I know, sweetheart.” I couldn't help but playfully shake my head looking at her.
Her tongue was sticking out and her brows were furrowed in concentration as she was deciding which color to use for the unicorn's mane.
“We have a lot of conversations, love.” Charlie was still puzzled about what I was trying to say.
“Yes, but one morning we had a very specific,” I tried putting as much emphasis on the word as I possibly could, “conversation about something to do with our future and then we...ugh...hugged a lot.”
“Hugged a lot?” Charlie blinked at me twice before his eyes widened. “Oh, yeah. I remember that conversation. What about it?”
“Think about it, Charles. Connect the conversation with the drug store.” I found the whole situation too amusing not to chuckle.
“Oh,” the skin behind Charlie's freckles turned red at once, “you're late?”
“Mum's late? To whele? She's still in hel pajamas.” Aoede looked in my direction for the first time since we started this conversation.
I just nodded at Charlie who was staring at me – excitedly waiting for my answer – trying to forget what Aoede asked us because I didn't know how to explain it to her.
“Okay, time to go to the drug store!” Charlie exclaimed, ignoring Aoede's question too.
“Dad, you moved!” Aoede frowned. “Now look what you made me do!” Aoede pointed at the drawing on Charlie's arm.
From what I could see, she colored outside the line, due to Charlie moving his arm.
“I'm so sorry, Pumpkin. I will be still I promise. Can we fix it somehow?” Charlie pressed his lips together, looking down at what Aoede was doing.
“I don't know,” Aoede sighed, “mum, what do you think?”
I made my way to the living room and sat on the floor next to her and Charlie.
“How about we do this?” I picked up the color Aoede used to outline the mane and made it bigger.
“Yeah, let's just pretend that I'm a canvas,” Charlie said sarcastically as we both started drawing on his arm.
“Shh, dad. We have to focus.” Aoede lifted her right hand – her drawing with her left – and tried putting it over Charlie's mouth to make him stop talking.
“You two are too adorable.” I looked up at Charlie as he said that after a few minutes of silence.
“What?” I felt my cheeks burning when I saw the love and admiration with which he was looking at me and our daughter.
“You both had your tongue out when you were drawing.” Charlie giggled, nodding to Aoede who wasn't finished yet, her tongue still outside.
“Oh, yes. This looks so much bettel! Thank you, mum!” Aoede hugged me, warming up my soul as every time she did that.
“Okay, can we go to the drug store now?” Charlie asked impatiently.
“Do we all have to go?” Aoede didn't look nearly as excited as Charlie.
“Okay, you stay here with mum and I'll go.” Charlie gently pulled his arm away, not knowing if Aoede was done.
“Can I dlaw on youl alm then, mum?” Aoede turned to me, the biggest pleading grin on her face.
“I don't have a choice, do I?” I chuckled.
“No, you do not.” Charlie and Aoede said together.
“Okay, so what are we drawing?” I asked my daughter when Charlie closed the door behind him.
“A unicoln, of coulse.” Aoede said as if I was supposed to know that already.
“But wasn't the unicorn on dad's arm enough?” I giggled.
“Mum,” Aoede looked from her pencils at me, “thele is nevel enough unicolns.”
“That's true. I simply don't know what I was thinking.”
“Okay, I got it!” Charlie said the second he came back.
“Got what?” Aoede asked without lifting her head, focused on her masterpiece on my arm.
“A muffin for you.” Charlie lifted one of the bags he brought back.
“You went out to get me a muffin?” Aoede gasped and jumped up, completely forgetting about her drawing.
If there was anything she loved more than doodling was muffins and cookies.
“Well, I had to make up for the fact that I almost ruined your unicorn.” Charlie motioned for me to stand up too and get the other bag.
“Okay, apology accepted, dad.” Aoede snatched the bag from Charlie and hurried to the kitchen.
“What do we say?” Charlie lifted his eyebrows at her, as she bit into the muffin.
“Phank you.” She said with her mouth full, which was my queue to go to the bathroom.
“Can I come in?” Charlie knocked on the bathroom door.
“So? Did you get the result yet?” Charlie couldn't hide his excitement.
“I did.” I tried keeping a straight face.
“And?” He wanted to peek at the pregnancy test but I quickly hid it behind my back.
“We're going to have another baby!” I tried whispering as much as I possibly could, not knowing where Aoede was.
“You're not joking? You're pregnant?” Charlie teared up at once.
“I'm pregnant.” I nodded and took a step closer to him so I could hug him.
“You have no idea how happy you are making me.” Charlie sniffed, mumbling into my hair.
“I think I have some idea.” I giggled and tightened our embrace.
“I have just realized that we have to tell Aoede.” Charlie gently pushed away after we stood embraced in the middle of the bathroom for 5 minutes.
“Do you think she would want a brother or a sister more?” I giggled. “Let's find out.” Charlie grabbed my hand and guided me out of the bathroom.
“Pumpkin, can we disturb you for a second?” Charlie said gently, sitting with me on the sofa and gesturing to Aoede to join us.
Aoede walked to us and let Charlie pick her up and place her in his lap.
“So,” Charlie cleared his throat, “mum and I have a question for you.”
“Am I in tlouble?”
“No, sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong.” I brushed my fingers through her dark red hair.
“We were just wondering what would you like more a brother or a sister?” Charlie asked.
“What does that mean?” Aoede questioned. “Well, you know aunt Ginny?” I started to explain.
“I love aunt Ginny!” Aoede clapped her hands.
“Yes, so aunt Ginny is your dad's sister.” I continued.
“And all your uncles...”
“Uncle Bill and uncle Pelcy and uncle LonLon and uncle Geogie and uncle Fled...”
Charlie flinched when Aoede said Fred's name. George came to visit us often ever since Charlie first invited him to stay with us last Summer. Aoede always questioned why he came alone and why her uncle Fred was never with him so George knowing Aoede is too young to understand said that uncle Fred is on a special adventure.
“Yes, all those wonderful uncles of yours are your dad's brothers.” I finished.
“Oh.” Aoede narrowed her eyes. “So if dad has so many blothels and a sistel, why would you ask me what do I want?”
“Well, if we ought to have another baby would you like a sister or a brother more?” Charlie started to sound nervous.
“Neithel,” Aoede replied with confidence and certainty.
“What do you mean neither?” Charlie failed to understand.
“Dad, you have such a big family why would I need a blothel ol a sistel?”
“Umm,” Charlie scratched the back of his head, turning to me as Aoede obviously left him speechless.
“Well, umm, mummy and daddy want to have another baby,” I mumbled.
“Why?” Aoede tilted her head to the side. “Alen't I enough?”
“Oh, sweetheart, of course, you are. That's not why we want another baby.” I said as quickly as I could, not expecting her to think that she wasn't enough.
“Why then? Did I do something wlong? Ale you going to leplace me?” Aoede was on the verge of tears.
“Dear Merlin, no! Aoede, you are perfect to us.” Charlie found his voice again. “We just want to have a bigger family, for you to have someone to play with.”
“But I don't want that.” Aoede shook her head. “I like to play with you.” She pointed at both of us.
Charlie and I exchanged a look. We did not expect this conversation to turn out as it did. We were both left speechless and our joyful moment in the bathroom was forgotten.
“So, if mummy would have another baby, what would you say to that?” Charlie pressed his lips together, waiting for Aoede to answer.
“Mummy won't have anothel baby so I don't have to say anything.”
Charlie stiffened in his seat and I was sure all color left my face. This didn't go as we hoped at all. I thought Aoede would have a preference – either a brother or a sister – and our biggest worry would have to be to hope that she guessed the gender right, but we didn't know how to deal with this at all.
“It might be a little too late for that,” Charlie said, his voice barely a whisper.
“What do you mean?” Aoede questioned, looking up at her dad.
“Mummy already has a baby in her belly.”
I don't think we were this nervous when we were caught by Snape snogging on the Seventh floor and we had to have a talk with McGonagall and Flitwick about losing 100 points for our Houses.
“But why?” Aoede frowned. “I don't want to shale you with anyone!”
“But you don't mind when Teddy comes to visit.” Charlie tried reasoning with her.
“Yes, but Teddy leaves. The baby would be alound all the time and I don't want that.” Aoede shook her head.
“Sweetheart, we still love you the same. We love you every day more and no matter if we will have another baby, we won't leave you, you are enough and we won't stop loving you or stop paying attention to you.” I tried calming her down as it seemed she was about to throw her first-ever tantrum.
“I don't cale. I don't want one!” She jumped from Charlie's lap to the floor and went back to her drawings.
Charlie and I looked at each other, our mouths open in shock.
“She'll warm up to the fact that you're pregnant, right?” Charlie whispered to me.
“I hope so.” I gulped.
“Hey, don't worry. Once she sees that nothing will change she'll warm up to the baby.” Charlie put his arm around me and embraced me.
“Yeah.” I nodded.
“Since when is she so stubborn, though?” Charlie giggled.
“She agreed with everything we did so far.” I bit the inner side of my cheek.
“She might be a miniature you but she didn't get that stubbornness from you.” Charlie placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Must be you then.” I chuckled.
“Hey, I lived in my little dragon world when I was her age.” Charlie nudged me playfully.
“She did awfully remind me of someone.” I narrowed my eyes, thinking. “The determination and her thinking she is right and has the final word.”
The second that came out of my mouth, Charlie's eyes widened and I gasped.
“Grandma Molly,” we said in unison, half horrified.
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Let The Little Ones Sleep!
Master List 
Luka still remembered the day Juleka had pointed out the words to him. He was trying to play a chord on his small guitar when she had stopped him to point out the thing on his upper arm. He was around six years old when he took a good look at them. They were foreign and unfamiliar, written in another language that he did not recognize. 
He had gone to his mother, questioning her about the strange words on his upper arm.
“Those are the first words your soulmate will say to you.” His mother told him. The song he always heard, no felt, changing it’s tune to become less energetic and more soft.
“But I don't understand them, what do they say?” He asked. 
"Now where is the fun in me telling you that. Those words are written in English, which means that is the language your soulmate speaks. If you learn English then you can find out what it means and be able to talk to your soulmate when you do meet them." His mother explained. And the energeticness was back.
"How am I gonna learn English?" He questioned. 
"I will teach you! You and Juleka!" His mother proudly announced.
And that was how his lessons started. For the next 5 years his mother taught him and his sister English. And by the time he was 11 he was fluent in it. 
He now knew what the words on his upper arm said, and he could not be more confused. “I’ll go wake them up.” Wake who up? Why couldn’t his words be simple like Juleka’s? 
Speaking of Juleka’s words that brought on a new question, why were his words on his upper arm while Juleka’s were on her hand? And this time both him and Juleka went to ask their mother. Well, it was more like he asked and Juleka waited patiently behind him for the answer. 
“Such curious children you two are, never change. The place where the words are, is the first place your soulmate will touch you.” Her song turning slightly amused.
Curiosity peaked, Juleka spoke up, “Where are your words mom?” What are your words?” 
Their bright and energetic mother seemed to shrink at the questions. Her song turning sad and muted.
“Well my children, some people are born without soulmates. And I am one of those people.” 
“Oh.” Juleka mumbled at her answer. Her song turning slightly guilty before perking up again at her mother’s next words.
“There is nothing to be guilty of Juleka, it isn’t you fault I have no soulmate now is it?” Juleka shook her head, “ Exactly, but I don’t need a soulmate to be happy because I have you wonderful children. Now I think there are two wonderful children who need to do their homework. Hmm.” 
“Going right now mom.” Luka grabbed Juleka and started dragging her to their room so he could help her with math. Juleka didn’t protest. 
When he was fourteen and Juleka was twelve he got his first look into how exactly the bond worked. Not that at that moment he knew. 
Juleka had come home from her first day at collège a nervous, lovesick mess. He didn’t even need to listen to her song to know that. She had gone on and on about this one girl who was in her math, science, and English class, her eyes practically hearts. 
However when Luka asked if Juleka had talked to this mysterious girl, he got a stuttered out no. 
And this exact story played out for two more weeks. Juleka would gush something about Rose, he had finally found out her name, but had never gotten the courage to talk to her. It always ended with a sad Juleka and his only way of cheering her up was to play the happy, energetic song of their mother. 
It seemed that this would be her love life from now on, with Juleka too scared to do anything about her crush. But, thankfully, he was wrong about Juleka’s love life. 
Because on one fateful day when he went to pick her up he witnessed something magical. 
Juleka was walking down the steps towards him when what he could only describe as a ball of pink happiness and energy bounded up to her. She called out, “Hey your Juleka right?” and both Couffaines froze. 
But that didn’t stop the ball of pink positivity. She went right up to Juleka and grabbed her hand to shake it, and he could see the blush that was currently gracing her cheeks. He walked closer to the pair just in time to hear Juleka stutter out a, “Y-yeah that’s me.” 
If it was possible Rose’s smile got even wider at those words but before she could say anything was when it happened. Rose had to suddenly take a step back as bright purple and pink lights emerged from both their hands. Hovering in the air just long enough to create a heart shape before disappearing. All those around, including Luka and the two newfound soulmates, could only stare. 
“Wow you’re my soulmate!” Rose finally exclaimed, breaking the silence. 
“Oh I-I guess I am." Juleka mumbled. But Rose didn’t hear her, as she started pulling her away talking so fast that Juleka couldn’t understand her. Yet despite that being with her just felt right, so when she turned to lock eyes with her brother, she shook her head. That day Luka went home alone as Juleka got to know her soulmate. 
And that was his first and only look at how a soulbond worked. While it was definitely memorable and something he would never forget, soulmates were not his priority. 
As seen by his crush on Marinette, who was definitely not his soulmate. But despite knowing they could never be together, his heart always hoped. And when she did get together with her soulmate, he couldn’t be happier, because one of his best friends was happy. Even if the pairing was unexpected, he honestly had no idea that Marinette and Kagami would be soulmates but their songs work well together so he should’ve expected it.
However lately he had been feeling weird. The songs that he heard from every person became so much louder than usual, he could hear every mood change, every spark of surprise, happiness, sadness, fear from all those around him. It was starting to get overwhelming and he didn’t know why. This had never happened before. 
It all reached a high when he got introduced to one Damian Wayne, who was staying at Chloe’s father’s hotel and Chloe had to show around Paris. Well sorta introduced. He was having a major headache that doubled when he got inside the hotel and Chloe only said a quick Damian meet Luka, Luka meet Damian, before taking off with Damian to show him something he couldn’t recall. 
He went to their usual room in the hotel they would hang out in, closed all the blinds, and took a nap, hoping that his headache would go away with sleep. 
He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right. He woke up but his headache still hadn’t fully gone away, yet it was still much better than it had been before. He grabbed a water bottle from the secret fridge and slowly drank from it as he waited for his friends to return. 
He didn’t have to wait long as soon the door to the room burst open and in walked his friends, including Damian. Suddenly his headache came back full force but he didn’t let it show. The last thing he needed was his friends worrying about him while they were trying to have fun with Damian. 
Time quickly passed and it was hard for him to keep up with everything that was going on, but as the day got later, one by one his friends started falling asleep. Until it was only him and Damian awake. Neither wanted to start the conversation, so for a solid hour awkward silence flooded the room. 
It seemed that Damian was starting to get tired of the silence as he moved to go past Luka to the others. However, what he said as he was about to pass Luka almost had him frozen, almost. "I'll go wake them up." In English, the exact words that were on his upper arm.
Luka's eyes widened in shock from three things. The first was that this guy was his soulmate. The second was that the major headache he had been having was probably the result of his soulmate being here and that must have interfered with his ability to hear people’s songs. The third was that Damian was about to evoke the wrath of his friends when they're woken up from their sleep. Not wanting to have another incident like that occur again he stepped into Damian’s path. 
“No, let the little ones sleep.” Right as he said those words Damian moved to push past him, touching his upper arm in the process. However the second Damian did bump into him he seemed to come to his own conclusion as he suddenly jumped back right as blue and green burst from where they touched. Just like he remembered from all those years ago the colors hovered in the air for a minute, just long enough to create a heart before disappearing. 
The others seemed to remain undisturbed in their sleep as Luka and Damian stared at each other with wide eyes. Finally Damian got the courage to speak up. 
Damian really didn’t know what to think. The words “let the little ones sleep” had haunted him for his whole life. In the league having a soulmate meant having a weakness, and having any weaknesses would get him killed. So he had it drilled into his head from birth that the second he met his soulmate he was to kill them immediately. 
Of course he really didn’t want to, the stories his mother told him in secret of how special soulmates were wanted him to meet his and not kill them. But not killing his soulmate would be seen as a betrayal to the league, which would lead to serious consequences. 
So he kept quiet about his soulmate, even when he was permanently sent to live with his father. The only reason they knew was because he had been working out in the batcave with a tank top on and Dick had seen the words on his upper arm. And Dick being Dick proceeded to tell the whole family about what he had discovered. Which resulted in a lot of teasing about his soulmate and what their first words to him would be. 
After a while the teasing died down and he honestly forgot that he had a soulmate. He had more important things to prioritize anyways. Like how he was in Paris to oversee if there was any damage left from when the magical terrorist Hawkmoth had been defeated a few months ago. His father had wanted to come to but he had things he needed to take care of in Gotham so he was there alone. Which wasn’t that bad in his opinion, it meant he could get more done, especially since his siblings weren’t here. 
Unfortunately his father had contacted the mayor of Paris and asked him to make sure that he ‘didn’t get in any trouble’. And so the mayor had his daughter follow show him around Paris. 
She also had her friends tag along with her on their tour of Paris but there was one friend in particular that he couldn’t get off his mind. Luka, Bourgeois had introduced him as, he didn’t look well and it seemed she knew that as she didn’t push for handshakes or proper greetings like she did with her other friends. 
Luka had walked off to what was apparently their hangout room as Bourgeois and all of her other friends left the hotel and gave him a tour of Paris. It didn't take nearly as long as he thought it would since they skipped over big tourist attractions and took him to what they called "local treasures". But the weirdest part was that he could get his mind off if Luka, and that frustrated him to no end. He barely knew the guy so why was he so infatuated with him.
They returned to the hotel to find Luka looked a little better, but that didn't stop his friends and him from worrying. There seemed to be several conversations going at once and Damian couldn’t keep up with all of them, so he tried his best to keep up with a few. However, something he noticed was that despite Luka keeping a smile on his face and nodding along to whatever conversation he was a part of, all the others including him would constantly cast him worried glances that he seemed to not notice. 
As the day turned to night, one by one, more of the group fell asleep. Soon it was only him and Luka left awake and neither stepped up to break the awkward silence. It irritated Damian to no end, even though he liked silence, he did not like this type of silence. But it seemed that neither him nor Luka was going to be talking anytime soon, an hour had already passed, so he decided that it would be best to wake up one of his friends. His best bet would probably be the optimistic one, Marinette.
Unfortunately in his thinking he had reverted back to English when he said, "I'll go wake them up." Instead of in French so Luka could understand. Out of the corner of his eye he was pretty sure he saw Luka's eyes widen in what appeared to be shock, but he wasn’t too sure. 
However a second later Luka tried to block his path also saying in English, “No, let the little ones sleep.” The exact words on his upper arm. 
His mind registered this discovery and he realized that must have been why Luka’s eyes had widened. However his body was already in the motion of walking and did not register that piece of information so he ended up bumping into Luka. Specifically his upper arm with Luka’s upper arm. The realization caused him to jump back in shock right as blue and green lights emerged from both their upper arms and formed a heart in between them.
They both stared at each other with wide eyes in complete silence before he finally got the courage to speak up. “I-” Curse his luck or thank it, Bourgeois interrupted him before he could get a sentence out.
“Ooooh are you guys soulmates?” She questioned, seeming much more awake than she should. 
“What’s going on?” Marinette asked with a yawn, her eyes fighting to stay open.
“It seems that Mr. Frowny Face and blueberry boy are soulmates.” Alix spoke up from her spot on the couch.
“Wow, didn't see that coming.” Nino said sarcastically as he slid Alix twenty euros. 
Almost everyone slid Alix and Bourgeois various amounts of money, the only ones that didn’t were the ones that didn’t take the bet. Aka those who knew better than to bet with Alix. As Kim slid his thirty euros he grumbled something along the lines of “Stupid time traveling bunny seeing the future” but Damian was more shocked at the fact they betted on him and Luka being soulmates. Despite only having one interaction before this. Luka, on the other hand, seemed much more calm and only shook his head at their antics. 
“Would you prefer if we gave you boys some privacy?” Marinette, the only one besides Kagami that didn’t bet asked. 
Damian and Luka exchanged a glance before Luka answered, “That would be nice.”
Marinette and Kagami dragged the others out of the room, with Marinette instructing Kim to pick up Rose and bring her to wherever they were going since she didn’t want to wake the girl up. Something about her being the baby of the group and how the baby is always allowed to sleep. No one objected to that so he assumed that was normal, or maybe no one objected because of Juleka giving everyone death glares.
Once everyone had left Damian turned to Luka, “So we’re soulmates.” He stated.
“We are.” Luka replied. Both stayed silent once again, Damian wasn’t good with talking about this kinda stuff and Luka was just as clueless about what to do. 
“How long are you going to be in Paris?” Luka asked, his fingers silently twitching and he wished now more than ever that he could play his guitar to relieve some of the stress he felt. He did not think that talking to your soulmate was supposed to be this stressful. 
“Another week,” He instantly answered, but at seeing the slight frown on his soulmate’s face he quickly added, “But I can always ask my father for more time. I am sure he would understand.”
“That would be nice but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” 
Damian was about to reply but he stopped himself for a second to think, he would never hear the end of it from his siblings if he asked for Luka to come back to Gotham with him. Plus Gotham was not the best place to bring one’s newfound soulmate. His mind decided he replied, “No I want to get to know you.” 
Luka tried and failed to hide his smile at his soulmate’s words. That is until he came to a quick realization, “I don’t know your full name, we haven’t even had a proper introduction.”
Damian was surprised by that as well, he went back through their interactions and realized that Luka was right. Then he realized that he never got the full names of any of Bourgeois’s friends. He had been referring to them all by their first names...he couldn’t ever let his family find out about that. 
Breaking him out of his thought process was Luka sticking his hand out to him as he properly introduced himself, “Luka Couffaine.” 
Damian took his hand and shook it as he introduced himself, “Damian Wayne.”
“Wait Wayne as in Bruce Wayne? The billionaire?” Luka stared at him curiously. 
“Yes.” Damian hesitantly answered. 
“No wonder Chloe’s been acting so weird, a billionaire’s kid is staying at the hotel.” 
“HEY I DON’T ACT WEIRD!” Someone, definitely Chloe, shouted from the other side of the door. 
“Have they been listening this whole time?” Damian questioned Luka, he seemed more likely to know. 
“Probably,” He answered as he walked over and opened the door. All of the friends that had previously left the room to give them privacy fell when the door opened, most of them having the decency to look a little guilty for eavesdropping. Luka fondly smiled at them before turning back to him and stating, “Welcome to your week, or longer, in Paris.” 
Damian, strangely, found himself smiling back at him. “Can’t wait.” 
Alix, the first to have gotten up, looked between the soulmates who were currently staring at each other with lovesick grins and fake gagged, “Great another lovey dovey couple.” Juleka and Rose both threw pillows at her, while the others laughed. Yeah, Damian didn’t think it would be so bad.
So this is my last contribution to the trope tussle! I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 fics I put out! Hopefully for the next event I will be able to post more works because school will be less of a pain! 
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lieslidoo · 4 years
The beauty in the mundane Howl Jenkins X Painter!OC
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Part 1: an uncharacteristically early start.
this is really not book or movie accurate I just like the characters so like, MAJOR cannon divergence, love y’all. Have mercy on my soul dear reader, for I have not proofread this fic.
Far beyond the bustling coasts of Porthaven and the lush greenery of the folding valley lay the small village of North Bexley. Surrounded by two mountains of admirable size, it stood snugly as if it had always been there, and as far as Agatha Havenglow was concerned, it had. 
Miss Havenglow was perhaps one of the most well known inhabitants of this charming Hamlet. Had you gone to the village folks and asked about her, many of them would have told you that she was a strange young girl who would have been unbearably lonely if it wasn’t for her sister, Emily Havenglow. 
Some of them, more knowledgeable, might show you around the town and point out the many things she had painted : various hanging signs, storefronts, advertisements and the occasional mural. And If you had asked Mr. Tailor, the town’s baker ( who funnily enough married the village tailor’s eldest daughter Ann) he’d tell you she was “too good for this small town” and that  “She ought to leave us for South Bexley”, by which he’d mean that she should leave North Bexley for better, bigger towns and not, as it may seem, the actual town of South Bexley, which has, as of yet, not been located (and nor do I believe it ever will be). He might then point you in the direction of the Havenglow’s home, at the edge of Silverkeep lake more commonly known as North Bexley Orphanage, where our story begins.
On the first day of the month of may, Agatha was getting an uncharacteristically early start to her busy day. She put on the pair of woolen socks Mrs. Havenglow had gifted her for their last birthday and threw her shawl around her shoulders. The dark herringbone floor creaked as she moved to her nightstand and picked up her journal and her charcoal pencil. And, as she had done every morning before, Agatha drew back the green velvet curtains, opened her blinds, sat on the windowsill and started to draw. She drew the camellias and Irises that Her mother loved so much and the arrowwood her sister had cared for, the wrought iron swing that her and Emily bickered over and the wooden one that Mrs. Havenglow had put in next to it in a futile attempt to bring peace to her garden. The small pond that emptied into Silverkeep lake where the children would once go to capture frogs and feed ducks. Everything held a story, a memory and try as she might, she always felt she failed to adequately draw them.
She was hard at work sketching the small tree stump on which she had once twisted her ankle when her door opened and the familiar scent of Emily’s cinnamon basil tea filled her room. “You’re up early today.”
“You’re painfully observant today.”
The girl joined her sister on the windowsill and, with her tea tray in her lap, waited for her twin to finish her drawing. She had learned a long time ago that this was to Agatha what gardening and baking was to her, her way to make sense of the world around her and to safely interact with it, and there was nothing in the world she loved more than watching her draw. After a few minutes, the pencil stopped moving and the handkerchief stopped smudging and there was peace, both in Agatha’s room and mind.
“Are you done?” “Yes.” “Let me see.” She handed her the journal and took one of the warm cups of tea in exchange. “I don’t know how you do it. It’s so…”  “So what?” “So alive.” The artist snorted at her sister’s praise and took back her journal, setting it on her dresser a bit harsher than she normally would have.  “How was the may dew?”  Agatha asked Emily, her voice still rough from sleep. 
She was referring to a strange custom the girls of Bexley had been doing for centuries. On the first morning of may, all young maidens would run out to the nearest prairie and dutifully wash their faces with the morning dew. It was a sight to behold, pretty women, all in their white nightgowns laying on the green grass and waiting for the sun to shine on them away from the hungry gaze of men and the pressures of marriage. 
“It was intimate, and invigorating.” “Did you go with the other girls?” “Of course! Praying is best experienced in the company of your peers.” “And by praying you mean rolling around in a prairie for half a sunrise?” Agatha mocked. Her sister sneered at her and dangled her legs out the window. The air was crisp and the sun was warm. 
“Oh! The bannocks!!” Emily cried out “I thought you had forgotten” “I could never! its tradition.” Agatha laughed at her sister’s earnest response to what she clearly said in jest. Try as she might she could not recall one time where her sister had forgotten a celebration ; be it holiday or name days, she never faulted. The girl handed her a small bun and took hers, raising it towards the sky. “Merry May-Day Aggie” “Merry May-Day lily.” The bread was still warm and smelled of rosemary, lavender and honey. As the bannock touched her mouth, she thought of the village fête tonight and felt a strange sense of trepidation, something that was quite rare in a village where familiarity and predictability were king. “Are you going to say yes tonight?” She asked. “To what?” “To Lawrence, are you going to say yes?” “If he proposes, yes.” Emily stated, sadness burdening her normally sweet voice “There must be something we can do, have you asked Mr. Tailor? he’ll help us, I’m sure.” “He doesn’t have the money. Lawrence is our best solution, our only solution.” There was a moment of silence and Emily braced herself for what she knew her sister would offer. This room had heard this particular argument unfold a myriad of times and for a moment, Emily was saddened that this was probably the last. “We could run.” “Aggie, no.”  “You could open an orphanage where you want, Agatha argued, you don’t need it to be in boring old Bexley” “Well I like boring old Bexley, and I love Havenglow cottage, and I won’t see it go to waste on some rich stuffy old man who will only use it in the summer.” “So you’ll marry a rich stuffy old man instead?” “Lawrence is not old.” He wasn't, not particularly
“No he’s just boring.” He was, most definitely “What a wicked thing to say!” Emily chastised. “A wickedly true thing to say. He’s not worthy of you goose.” “Agatha…” the girl softened at the old nickname, “don't start, please.” “If you just moved away to a city, even for a month,” Agatha started, “I’m sure you could see that Bexley cottage is not the be all, end all of your life, and even if you don’t, I'm sure you could find a better, handsomer, RICHER man to take Lawrence’s place.”
The girl was not wrong. Emily was certainly the most coveted maiden in North Bexley. A born homemaker, she could steal any man’s heart with her baking prowess and her angelic singing voice. Although her heart had, as of yet not been moved by anyone.
“We don’t have a month aggie, and who’ll take care of this place? Who will make sure no children are turned away?”
“We haven’t had a child in 5 years Emily.”
“Then it should happen any day now.”
“Oh for the love of god!”  Agatha exclaimed, snatching her sister’s hand with her own “Promise me, if there’s a possibility, even a small sliver of a chance you could escape this wretched, pathetic excuse for a…”
“Aggie…” Emily warned
“Marriage, you’ll take it. You’ll try.”
“Aggie, its…”
“Please, for me.”
The girl mulled it over and sighed. Emily could never say no to her sister, being the second born, she always felt like Agatha knew best and she had been shown to be right many times before. The eldest Havenglow seemed to have a sharp sense of intuition and often knew something would happen before it did (be it a stranger entering town, an unknown illness falling upon a villager or an unpredicted visitor at the cottage door). When the girls were children, Emily used to swear that Agatha possessed magic powers, but the girl relayed it to having spent all her life in a predictable and boring small community. After all, she reminded herself, sorcerers were few and far between and she would most probably never meet one in her lifetime, so the idea of her being such a creature was absolutely preposterous.
“Fine, I promise. But if by the time of his proposal I don’t have a better, safer option I will say yes, and I will go through with it. And that’s final.”
Agatha considered arguing further but, feeling the time wasn’t quite right, laid her head on Emily’s shoulder and chipped away at her bannocks.
 A heavy silence fell over the room as both of the Havenglow girls ate their breakfast, their linen nightgowns floating in the wind and their feet snuggly kept warm by the impeccable knitwork of the late Mrs. Havenglow.
Hello there, no Howl in this chapter, but lawd he coming. Had to set stuff up :)
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demivampirew · 4 years
A new chapter begins
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One-shot Henry x Reader
Triggers: mild smut, crying, blood loose, breakup.
A/N: I’ve decided to continue to tag the stories under the Henry tag. (like my dear @littlefreya​ says, we are no breaking the rules) I will also tag it under smut, even if there’s barely no sex on this story, but just in case. If you don’t like to see smut and you’re a lazy person who did not filtered the smut tag, don’t come at me, is no my fault; you’re the one to blame for that. Is a free world. I’m free to write whatever I want.
Tag list: @lunedelorient​​ @henrythickcavill​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @mary-ann84​ @desperate-and-broken​ @peakygroupie​ @summersong69​ @ivvitm1109​ @madbaddic7ed​ @iloveyouyen​ @the-soot-sprite
Henry was in the middle of an important mission on Word of Warcraft. All his attention was put on it when the non-stop barking interrupted his attention. Kal was trying hard to announce to him that someone was knocking at the door. When he finally took-off his headset to ask the Akita what was going on, he heard the knocking. He ran into the door before the person left. With the virus going on, he received no visits unless it was an emergency. Since he hadn't ordered anything online, he wasn't expecting any packages either, so whoever was on the other side of the door, came without any previous notice. He asked who it was before opening and he felt goosebumps when your voice met his ears and your name was pronounced. His legs were shaking and his heart was beating fast. He hadn't seen you in a few months after you two broke up and things did no exactly ended up in the best way - Henry promised that he loved you and would fight for you two to be together, but decided to terminate the relationship because due to work you couldn't travel with him and he was not the type who could be in relationships that would require time apart from each other. And, for the first time in his life, he regretted that decision. You were right, the love you felt for each other was worth fighting for. Seeing you confused him because you were mad at him and said that never wanted to see him again after he broke his promise and your heart. He allowed you to enter the place and you sit on the couch of the living room. - How are you? - Henry asked, sitting in a chair in front of you. - Fine, I guess- you replied with a dry tone and shrugged. You were still angry and it was obvious. - Can I get you something to drink? I have cold Guinness in the fridge.- he offered. - No, thank you.- you rejected the beer and a long silence follow after that. - Why are you here? - your ex-boyfriend questioned confused. - Because I have something to tell you.- you answered and paused revelling the motive of your visit. You looked into his eyes and grabbed the bottom of your loose shirt and raise it, revealing a baby bump. It was big enough to be obvious what it was, but no so big that was visible with clothes on - unless you were wearing tight clothing. Henry was speechless. He felt as if all the oxygen was escaping from his body and he couldn't concentrate or breath correctly. - How... Since when have you... - he could complete any sentence of how shocked he was. - I found out a week after we broke up when the symptoms started.- you explained- I didn't tell you back then because the firsts months can be risky and I had no desire to bother you if I lost it. My intention is not to bother you at all, I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to be a part of the baby's life. In case you don't want to do anything with her/him, that's fine with me. - Are you serious right now? Of course, I want to be part of my kid's life. That's like, everything I've ever wanted. A family... a true family. Children to love and a woman that I love.- he said while kneeling in front of you with a huge smile on his face, extending his arms to grab your face. You pulled them off and he felt his heart crush as a reaction to your rejection. - I think you are confused.- you informed him- I'm not here to get back together with you. I'm here to let you know that you'll be a father if you choose to be it. But, just like you decided months ago, our relationship is over. I want a partner that wants to be with me for me and not because he feels obligated for we have a child together. I deserve love, true love. - But I love you.- Henry assured you- I had and I'll always love you. - Yeah, sure. That's why you broke up with me or why you didn't go looking for me after that to say you were wrong, because you love me.- you replied, rolling your eyes and pouting. - I wanted to do it, but I was afraid you were going to reject me like you're doing now and I couldn't take that.- he explained. - Then you're a coward and selfish.-you defied him- We could have been together if you care about my feelings as much as you care about yours.- you pointed out and stood up. You walked towards the door and stopped yourself abruptly. You turned around and after a deep sigh, you took a picture from your bag. It was an ultrasound photo of the baby. You left it in a piece of furniture and then left the place. Henry took the picture and stared at it. His head was spinning and he felt a rollercoaster of emotions. His biggest dream and nightmare came true at the same time: he'd have a child with the love of his life, but he wouldn't be able to spend time with them together, because he hurt you and he made you feel like you weren't worthy of his love and attention.
In the following months, you allowed him to come with you to doctor's appointments and ultrasounds. You approve for him to text you two times a day - on the morning and at nighttime- and the only subject you'd talk was the pregnancy and its symptoms.
At 2 am, Henry was woken up by a phone call. You informed him that you were at the clinic due to blood loss but the doctor had already checked on you and told you that everything was fine but that you had to stay for a few hours on observation just to be sure. Your intention was only to keep him updated in everything baby related as he asked, but soon enough he was there keep you company. Wearing a green lose the shirt, some grey sweatpants and a beanie; clearly, he hasn't changed from his sleep-clothing before rushing into the medical centre. By midday, after a few other routine tests, the doctor confirmed that there was no risk at all and let you go. Henry took you to your place, but refuse to leave until you accepted to move with him. He assured you that he was no going to try to get back together with you, since clearly you had no desire, but was only for him to be there if you needed anything. You had always been a bit stubborn, but you knew that was the best thing to do, so you accepted.
Taken aside the hurtful part of seeing each other every day, living with Henry was amazing. He cooked all meals. Would gladly satisfy your cravings. He even moved into a little guest room, leaving you the biggest bed in the house; you told him that you were ok in the smaller one, but he insists you on staying in the main room to be more comfortable.
Week 24 of your pregnancy. Your belly was growing bigger by the day. After a conversation with Henry both agreed to wait until the baby was born to know the sex. As for the cohabitation, you two finally reached a good place. He was always friendly, but you were cold and distant, but after almost two months of living together, you finally started to be nice to him. Now you would even spend time watching movies together and laugh like you used to do in the past. Henry was on his free day from shooting the series. Production returned a few weeks before, and most days he'd woke up at 3 am, but he'd sleep until 10 am on his work-free days. However, that night you woke him up at 5 am. He was peacefully sleeping when you entered the room and started to call his name. You had to move his arm to get him to wake up, for naming him wasn't enough to wake him up. - What's going on? - he asked worriedly as he tried to wake up. - Is moving! - you exclaimed excitedly- The baby is moving for the first time! - you repeated- Do you want to feel it? - Hell yeah! - he replied smiling and put his hands on your belly. He waited for a few minutes until he finally felt the unborn child move inside you. He held the tears covering his eyes. It was such an unreal moment. Henry pressed his forehead on you and kiss the exterior of his baby's home. The touch of his lips against your skin sending shivers down your body and you smiled. Seeing him be this happy filled your heart. You knew that whatever happens in life, he would always be there for the two of you. You made him move and you laid on the bed next to him, allowing him to keep a hand on your belly. He deserved to enjoy that moment as much as you did. - I've been thinking in baby names.- you said smirking - Really? Ok...let's hear them.- he encouraged you - If it's a girl, Katerina Simone. -you proposed - Ok, but... it doesn't rhyme with my last name.- he pointed out. - Oh, because Henry Willian Dalgliesh Cavill rhymes a lot.- you joked, laughing. Henry raised an eyebrow and gave you a judgy look- My doesn't rhyme either.- you informed him. - So it doesn't matter. Those are pretty names.- You affirmed him. - Alright, and what if it's a boy? Do you have a name in mind? - he wanted to know. -Oh, yeah.- you look at him, giving him a devilishly smile- Bruce.- you replied and laugh. - Are you serious?- he asked, laughing but a bit hurt. You chose the name of his character's rival for your baby. That was mean. - No, I'm just messing with you.- you admitted.- If it's a boy I thought about naming him - you paused and he was getting anxious- Geralt Clark. - you finally said and he looked at you with surprise. - Is this another joke? - he questioned suspiciously - Nope, I'm serious this time. I like Geralt, is a cute name and I've got the feeling that might be a popular name among kids his age. And Clark, well, I first I thought about Kal, but you already have a son named Kal and I didn't want to create any confusion, so I went for that one instead. - You didn't have to name them as my character, you're free to choose others.- he assured you. - I know, but I'm happy with those names and I know they meant a lot to you and I'm sure our son if it's a boy, will appreciate them. Henry looked at you with the biggest smile. After a long silence, just staring at each other, with one of his hands in your belly with yours, feeling the baby move, you finally spoke again. - Can I ask you a question? - you requested - Absolutely. - Do you... this is going to sound silly - you excused yourself- do you think that I'm attractive? I mean, with this huge belly. Do you think I'm sexy? - you questioned shyly. - Pfff.- he replied, making a gesture with his face as if he was surprised that you had to ask that- Let's say that if we would be together still, I'd have spent every free minute making love to you, instead of watching movies. You were lying on your back. You looked at the sealing while smiling. Henry moved the hand to your face, stroking it with the back of it. You turned your head to face him and give him an unspoken signal that he could kiss you and he did exactly that. His lips tasted so sweet. Gosh, you missed his touch so much. You giggled a lot while trying to have sex with your belly - on the side, you on top and he going down on you were the main poses you went for. After finishing, still naked, you fell asleep with him spooning you, keeping an arm around your belly, kissing your shoulders and the back of your head.
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courtofjurdan · 4 years
One Chance part 17
Previous Chapter 
Main Masterlist 
A/N: Hey peeps, I know it has been ages since I updated this, but here I am with an update. By the way, when you see “~”, it means its switching to past and then when you see another one, it goes back to present. And I got all my info from google and tv shows for this chapter so if it is not entirely right, I’m sorry. This is the last chapter. I have an epilogue planned also. I hope you enjoy this!
Jude felt pain ripple through her stomach and then felt wetness down her leg. She looked down expecting it her water to have broken but instead she was met with blood. As the pain intensified, the blood got worse.
“Cardan.” “Cardan!”
At that moment she realized she was at home alone. She went looking everywhere for her phone. Finally, she found it on the kitchen island, and called for an ambulance immediately. She called Cardan next telling him to either hurry and come home, something is wrong with the baby, or meet her at the hospital when the ambulance arrives.
Cardan hurried home from his job. He got there after the ambulance arrived. He went with her to the hospital and she was admitted quickly. They needed to do an emergency C-section before anything worse happens to the baby. They rolled Jude to the operation room, Cardan right behind her getting dressed in sterile paper clothes.
She gave birth to her baby, and the whole room was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Jude began asking, “Why isn’t she crying?” She looked to Cardan who had tears running down his cheeks and she knew her worst fears were being confirmed. She started to scream, “No, no, no…”
“Jude!” Cardan put his hands on her cheeks. “Wake up, baby. It’s a dream.”
Jude opens her eyes, tears falling out. Her breath coming in pants.
“Take a deep breath with me.”
Jude copies Cardan breaths. After she is calmed down, Jude says quietly, “She was dead and I couldn't do anything about it.”
Cardan knew what she was talking about. He put his hand on her very swollen stomach, “Look she's okay. You feel her kicking and moving around in there?” A nod of her head. “That means she is happy and healthy in there. There is nothing to worry about.”
~~~ Jude is 38 weeks now. She’s now very round, extremely emotional, and has crazy nightmares all the time. Cardan is always there to comfort and care for her around the clock.
Two months ago Jude and Cardan moved into the house his dad had bought for them as a gift. It was a two story house with 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. They decided to get a house where they could live forever. A house they could fit their ever growing family.
Cardan got closer to his dad. His dad finally met him halfway into wanting a relationship with him. They met at least once a week for dinner or coffee. Cardan got a job at his company, a very good paying job. Unfortunately for Jude, Madoc still hasn’t wanted to mend their relationship, but Jude is okay with it. She doesn’t want someone that doesn’t want her.
When Christmas came around five months ago, they decided to have everyone get them baby stuff rather than presents for themselves. They basically had a baby shower for Christmas. Jude liked it because she is not a fan of planning parties or events.
It’s now the end of May, and Cardan and Jude finally graduated from college. They got to do virtual college because of the current predicament they were in. They only had to go to some classes, but mostly they did it from home. Definitely this last month, Jude just wasn’t feeling up to do stuff. She is always tired and sore, and just needs to take it easy. ~~~
Jude looked back at Cardan as he wiped her tears away and put her hand over her stomach to feel her baby kick. She repeated Cardan’s words, “She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s okay.”
Cardan kissed her cheek. And rubbed her back as Jude processed everything.
Then she grunted, “I need to pee. So help me up before I pee in the bed.”
Cardan laughed before he got out of bed and helped Jude steady her feet on the floor.
~~~ Jude has to pee a lot. Cardan swears she has to pee every 20 minutes. Which means Cardan has to help her every 20 minutes. But he doesn’t complain to her, it’s half his fault that she does, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Cardan never realized how hard it was on women to grow a baby. He thought they just gained weight and got tired but no, he was wrong. He didn’t know how uncomfortable Jude would be as time got closer. He didn’t realize how swollen her feet would become, how sore her back would be, the amount of loss sleep because the baby was restless or she was too uncomfortable. It made Jude so strong in his eyes.
Jude’s chosen family, Van, Liliver, and Garret, and her blood/adoptive family, Taryn and Vivivenne, were always there for her. And her family was excited to see their niece and become aunts and uncles. Her chosen family was surprised when Jude came to them and mentioned about them being aunts and uncles for her little one. She explained to them that they were more than just best friends. They were more like brothers and sisters to her. They all had an unbreakable bond with each other.
Jude and Cardan have set up the nursery. Jude insisted that she wanted a faerie book style room. And Cardan gave that to her. It’s a room any little girl would want, and when it came to Cardan, he would give anything both of his girls asked. But seeing Cardan trying to put baby furniture together was the best thing Jude has ever seen. She sat in a rocking chair every night watching him struggle, it was the best entertainment. At one point, he decided to call for backup, and Van and Garret came in and helped. So then Jude got to watch all three of them struggle together. But they eventually got it put together.
Jude has started to have Braxton-Hicks contractions for about a month and a half. Cardan hates them. Everytime she has one and she stills, he starts to freak out and Jude has to tell him it’s fine and calm down. It’s not like he feels the pain from them. But Jude is secretly happy he’s there for her and he cares so much about how she feels. ~~~ Once Jude goes to the bathroom, she asks Cardan if he will make breakfast for her. Her breakfast included popping some toaster strudels in the toaster and putting the rich icing on top. Jude basically has been craving anything sweet. So if it’s sweet, Jude wants it.
They eat breakfast and Jude decides to go to the baby room and go through stuff/ organize. She is nesting. She has gone through the hospital bag about three times already, she’s organized the kitchen several times, she cleans everything that she is able to, demanding Cardan to clean the stuff she can’t. And again, Cardan does it, because he doesn’t want to be on Jude’s bad side at the moment.
When Jude was resting from her organizing, Cardan got ready and left for work for his dad’s company. Cardan insisted that he stay with her until the baby is born but she said she would be fine alone. In the end, Liliver came over the days Cardan had to work. Liliver liked to call it their “girl time” before the baby got there.
It was about 7 o’clock pm when Jude decided to get a shower. Cardan was off at 8, and he was bringing home food which was right up her alley.
Now dressed in her pajamas, which consisted to be some stretchy legging and Cardan’s t-shirt, she made her way back to the bedroom. When she met the threshold of the bathroom and bedroom, she felt wetness run down her leg. She paused. All she could think was “Is this really it?”
She called for Liliver. “Hey, Bomb!”
Liliver was there in a couple of seconds. She saw Jude’s pale face and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”
Jude stuttered, “Umm I- I think my water broke.”
Liliver looked down and saw the puddle of water gathered at her feet. “Oh okay, yeah. So, let’s just go sit down on the bed, I’ll clean that off the floor, and I’ll go call Cardan, okay?”
They slowly made their way to the bed. Liliver got a towel and put it over the fluid to dry it up, and got her phone out and called the man of the hour.
“Hey Cardan, I need to come home. Now.”
There was a pause. And then he seemed to find his words, “Uh, why? What’s wrong?”
“Well, all I have to say is ‘are you ready to go have a baby?’ Jude’s water broke.”
Heavy, nervous breathing came back to her, “Oh my gosh, really? Okay, okay, I’m leaving now. Is she okay? Crap, no she’s probably not okay, what am I thinking, she’s having a baby. Do I need-”
Liliver stopped his rambling, “Cardan, stop, Jude needs you to come home. Everything’s okay right now. I’ve got it handled.”
“Okay, I’m leaving right now.” With that he hung up.
Bomb helped Jude get some shoes on and braided her hair so it was out of her face. Knowing if it was down, all her hair would stick to her face from the sweat that was already starting to bead on her head as her contraction got stronger.
After she finished having one, Liliver asked, “Jude, have you been having contractions today?”
Panting, she said, “Yeah. I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Why didn’t you tell us? Cardan would have stayed home with you.”
Jude glared at her. “Exactly, Cardan would have stayed home and fussed over me. I don’t want someone taking care of me, I’m a big girl.” No, what Jude didn’t say is that she’s scared. And saying it aloud makes everything a reality, and she is not ready to admit that yet.
Not fifteen minutes later, Cardan comes through the front door. He walks quickly to their bedroom. He sees Liliver and Jude on the bed. The former rubbing Jude’s back through her contractions.
Cardan bends down in front of her and gives her cheek a kiss. He grabs her hand and waits till the contraction passes, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.
When it is over with, he tells Jude, “I’m going to change my clothes real quick, and we will head out, okay?”
Jude nods her head. Cardan can tell how nervous and stressed she is.
He gets up, changes into some sweat pants and t-shirt, puts some Nike high tops on, and goes back to Jude, bending down in front of her, “Okay, you ready?”
Tears immediately fill her eyes, which isn’t a shock, she cries about everything these days, but when her body starts to shake with nervousness, Cardan knows this isn’t her just being an emotional basket case.
He immediately has his hands cupping her cheeks, “Hey Love, what is it? What’s wrong?”
A sob wracked through her, “I’m scared, Cardan, I’m so scared. What if I fail her? What if something goes wrong?”
He put his hands on either side of her stomach, “Hey I’m scared too. But guess what? We get to meet our little princess today or tomorrow, and that’s all that matters. She is going to be so loved. You’re going to be an amazing mom, I know you will be. She is going to love you so much. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t doubt yourself.” He gave a kiss on the lips. “You’re so strong, nothing is going to go wrong.”
Jude opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment a contraction hit her, and the words dissipated from her lips. But Cardan was there to rub her back, and tell her to breathe.
After it was over, Cardan grabbed the baby bag from the living room and headed out to the car with Jude. Liliver promised she would clean up a few things and lock the house before she leaves. Cardan thanked her, internally grateful for such a friend.
Cardan helped Jude into the car, and then got into the driver's seat. He blew out a big breath, and a wide smile bloomed on his face. He looked at Jude and said, “Let’s go have a baby.” He leaned across the middle and put his hand on Jude’s belly and kissed her lips excitingly. It made Jude smile right back.
The car ride wasn’t too bad. Even though Jude grunted and cursed, she didn’t complain once. She held onto Cardan’s hand while he drew circles on top of it, asking if she was okay. Which just aggravated her.
Once arriving at the hospital, the nurses took her back to a room. The room had machines, obviously a hospital bed, a chair for Cardan, and in the corner was a little bed for the baby to be checked out in. It was so surreal to them.
Cardan helped Jude change into her hospital gown, and helped her lay in the bed. The nurse came and put monitors on her stomach, one looked at the baby’s heartbeat and the other could tell when contractions came and how strong they were. The nurse then started on IV to put her on some fluids.
Doctor Tatterfell came in to check how far she was dilated. Which was a 5, she couldn’t believe she was already halfway there. Hence, she has been having contractions since this morning so I guess it does make sense.
But now, at 10pm, the contractions hurt bad. She held Cardan’s hand like it was her last lifeline. And Cardan, the ever encouraging boyfriend, let her, and he massaged her back and whispered sweet nothings about how good she was doing and how strong she is.
She got into different positions throughout the hours to try and relieve some of the stabbing pain that pursued every 5 minutes.
After finishing having one, Jude said, “Cardan, next time massage my lower stomach and my lower back at the same time. It might help.”
So that’s what Cardan did. It seemed to be the best right now to relieve some pain. Soon a nurse came in asking if she wanted an epidural which she immediately said yes.
They again checked to see how dilated she was, and they told her she was at a seven, and then they went ahead and gave the epidural.
Soon, Jude was numb from the belly button and down. Cardan held her hand as the needle went into her back. He couldn’t believe how big the needle was though, he was very nervous for her, not that he would tell her that. But she took it like a champ. Cardan let her know that much too.
Now she was laying back down, getting in a comfortable position on her side. Cardan wiped a cold rag on her forehead, she had sweat quite a bit in the last three hours.
He laid the rag down on a tray and muttered, “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. Rest now while you can, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.” He was going to sit in the chair they had provided him.
Jude spoke quietly, “You rest too.” Jude ran a hand over her stomach. “I have a feeling we won’t be sleeping much tomorrow.” She smiled up at Cardan.
Cardan softly laughed and kissed her lips right before he went down and kissed her belly.
Soon they both were resting and asleep. Jude got about 2 hours when she started to feel the numbness wear off. She didn’t wake up Cardan, wanting him to get as much needed sleep as he could get.
Taryn came in while they were still sleeping. Jude wanted someone there that could document this moment, and Taryn said she would happily record and take pictures of this monumental day.
But soon, the pain increased, which means her groans of pain got louder. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep it quiet enough, and Cardan heard it. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand.
After the pain subsided a little, she called out, “I feel a lot of pressure, Cardan.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You feel like you need to push?”
She nodded her head.
Cardan spoke quickly, “Okay, wait just a second, let me get a nurse.”
Cardan opened the door, went out the hall a little bit and got a nurse. In no time, Jude’s team of nurses and her doctor came into the room.
Doctor Tatterfell checked her and said, “Okay Jude, when you feel another contraction go ahead and push.”
Some nurses held her legs back while Cardan held her hand and let her squeeze it to the point of it feeling like it was breaking.
After 15 minutes of pushing, Cardan muttered into her ear, “You’re doing so good, Jude. I’m so proud of you. You’re almost done.” Cardan could tell how tired she was.
She pushed again and panted, “I can’t. I can’t push anymore. It hurts and I’m so tired.”
Cardan looked past her legs and back at Jude, “Jude, honey, you can do this. She’s almost here. She’s already crowning. We just need a few big pushes, and she’s here. I know it hurts, and you’re tired, but it’s going to be so worth it when this is all done.” Tears started to well up in his eyes.
Jude put a determined look on her face and breathed in deep, and pushed.
Cardan mumbled to her, holding her hand, “Push, push, push, push. Good job, baby.”
This happened two more times, and on the third push, Jude felt relief. She then heard her baby girl crying, and her baby was placed on her chest. She gathered her up in her arms, admiring the little body that wailed with life.
She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, couldn’t help the sob that tore from her throat. She heard the nurse ask Cardan “Dad, would like to cut the cord.”
He did, and turned back to his girls. Jude heard a sob to her right, and turned her head to see Cardan with the widest smile on his face, tears falling from his eyes.
Cardan looked at Jude, kissed her forehead, kissed the baby’s head and said, “She’s so beautiful.”
Jude sniffed. “She is.”
They took the baby away to be checked by the nurses and doctors while they cleaned Jude up from the rest of the birthing part.
Taryn was still there and did her part. She took pictures and recorded like she was supposed to. She cried while she did it. This was an experience she would never forget.
They weighed the baby and checked her height. She was 7.4 lb and was 19 inches long. Born on May 28, 2020 at 1:09 am.
Soon the nurse came back over with the baby. “Okay. Here she is.” She gave the baby to Jude. “Do you plan to bottle or breastfeed?”
“I plan to breastfeed.”
“Okay then let's see how she does.”
The nurse helped her get the baby to latch, it took a couple of tries but she did it. After the nurse saw everything was going well, she left the room along with Taryn to give the family some alone time.
Cardan cupped the baby’s head as she fed from where he stood, “Jude, you baffle me. You brought this sweet baby girl into the world, and you did amazing. You did amazing carrying her for the last 9 months. And now we get a lifetime of happiness together.” He gently grabbed Jude’s chin from where she was looking at the baby so she would look at him. “Jude Duarte, marry me.”
Jude’s eyes widened and she whispered, “What?”
“You make me the happiest man in the world. I want to live with you forever, I want to raise our children together as husband and wife. I want to attempt to be the man you deserve every single day for you and our family. You bring out the best in me. So will you make me an even more happier man if that’s even possible today and marry me?”
Jude eyes filled with more tears and she nodded, “Yes, Cardan, yes, of course.”
They kissed as the baby unlatched herself. Jude broke the kiss and looked down. The baby had gone to sleep. She looked at Cardan and smiled, “Okay, dad, are you ready to hold her?”
Cardan nodded enthusiastically and held out his arms. Jude met him halfway and gave him the baby. He sat down in his chair by the bed and gazed adoringly at her.
And for the hundredth time that day, Cardan cried. He let the tears roll down his face, unashamed. This was the happiness of his little family, his baby girl that had dark brown hair, and looked to be like golden brown eyes from the little bit she did open them, and his fiancé that blessed him with all this joy.
He looked down at his baby and ran a finger down her cheek, and with a thick voice, breathed, “Welcome to the world Liam Rose Greenbriar. I’m your daddy.”
All Cardan could think of was he was so thankful that Jude gave him one chance.
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