#i may be wrong because it is an indoor mv after all but let's see
finexbright · 2 years
Completely agree with your take on the video and pretty much everything else tbh. One thing I'm curious about though, why does his management/ label etc allow him to put out something so transparent? Surely it does them no favours when he's this loud?
the thing is that harry has always been loud, but especially since more so since the end of 2020. he's made some very pointed comments about/to jeff and wrapped it as an inside joke but it's very obvious to those who know the behind the scenes insight or whatever. at first, or honestly at any other instance even i would have thought how this mv even saw the light of the day but i think it's very clear that because of the dumpster fire of a stunt that is dwd and the horrible negative pr he's been getting for the past couple years as a consequence of the stunt, it was very easy for him to get the upper hand on this. i may be wrong, but i think the way it works is that it's transactional in nature, so like it's like "okay harry if you do this and this, then we'll let you wear blue for your performance" kinda thing. that example is vague but yeah it's a barter system of sorts and i think with this one harry straight up went "you've done enough, i'll take it from here".
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