#i made a kist of people to tag
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callmehopeless · 5 years ago
Holy shit! Just finished reading Intoxicating, you are so incredibly talented please add me to your tag kist of anything Adam Driver. I'm so happy to be following you!!! Was literally reading that shit at work and had to relax lmao
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people
(Nah but in all seriousness, ur so nice, thank you friend - this made me smile <3)
Consider yourself tagged
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Emil the Thief Whose Brother is a Judge at a Court in Poland
Emil the Thief Whose Brother is a Judge at a Court in Poland
 I love Kieslowski’s movies, I love Polish as a language of music and songs, and I really like Polish people. But everywhere there are exceptions and unfortunately I met one.
In December 2020 we contracted a company that sent two Polish workers to paint the walls and ceilings in my apartment. They were about 25-35 years old. The smaller one was a deeply honest workman, calm, considerate. The other was about 180-185 cm tall and chubby and his name is Emil. As I was soon to discover, Emil wanted to talk all the time. He knew to make conversation in German.
When you have your flat painted at short notice, you have to collect your items and store them in one of your rooms while the painters do their job. I had my possessions piled up in the middle of a room, so that the walls were free for work. The painters came at 8 am and for three days, and they worked until 5 pm. Upon arrival, they placed their backpacks and their jackets on my possessions in the living room and then they dressed for work. And I served them coffee and milk on a tray that they would take with their sandwiches.
Emil needed attention. First, attention from his colleague. Then that was no longer enough. He tried to get my attention. But after the first comments he made, I sought to avoid conversing with him. He was boastful. He said that his brother was a judge at a court in Poland. He said that his parents’ house was very big, that he had several siblings. He said he had painted his living room walls in the same color he was about to put onto my walls. He made me very uneasy.
His colleague, a quiet man with a very open smile, caught all my attention. He emanated honesty and integrity. At one point I helped him when Emil tried to have yet another conversation with him. He joked about Email driving him crazy with his chitchat. I grinned and laughed a bit.
They worked on and off in the same room, or in separate rooms. I was not always present in the flat.
At one point Emil turned around some of the paintings I had stored in the living room. He had placed his backpack right next to them every day, right between my paintings and the kitchen item box. He made some condescending sound and gesture when I showed him one.
I remember looking at the box with my kitchen items and thinking: Where are my coffee grinders? Then I thought that I must have packed them into another box.
They left after three days.
A good while later I needed a coffee grinder and I tried to locate it in the kitchen box. I went through all the boxes that still stood in the living room, next to the paintings. Then I searched the entire apartment twice. I could not find them. Then it hit me: Emil had stolen them.  A day later I realized why I had searched for my color mixing manual in vain for several weeks: Emil had stolen the manual as well, I had it stored with the paintings.
I remembered suddenly his reaction to my painting. His boastfulness. I realized that he had stolen my items under my eyes. It was meant to hit me, to hurt me. He had stolen them while his colleague was working in another room, while I was not in the flat. And he had let me know that he would get away with it: “My brother is a judge at a court in Poland”. By taking one of my paintings and making a condescending gesture. By rolling his eyes at my heavy wardrobe. By claiming that organic produce is the same as regular produce. Now I wonder if he had also stolen items at the produce wholesale business, where he had worked for a year before starting the job as a painter some months ago. I never asked for any of this information, but fortunately Emil thinks he is so superior that he talks way too much. He thinks he is a great, friendly guy who gets along with everybody. He tried to talk himself really tall, all while he shrank further and further.
Emil does not respect women, at least not women who are not interested in him as a man. He takes revenge by stealing from them.
My coffee grinders were antique, they had been heirlooms in my family since more than half a century. They are made from warm bright shades of brown wood: honey-colored wood. They look like new - that is how good care my family took of them. They measure about 5 cmx10cmx13cm. One of them had a sign in front “Zussenhaus” or a similar company. They had handles on top where you would insert the coffee beans and then use the handle to grind them.
So if you are in Poland or Germany, and you know someone called Emil who is Polish and gave you as a Christmas or Easter gift or just as a gift an antique coffee grinder recently, be aware that it is a stolen good. Be aware that Emil does not give it to you because he values you, he gives it to you because he wants to appear important. Be aware that I will miss my coffee grinders and never forget them because my grandparents used and took care of them. Be aware that I much desire to have them back. Know that you can hand them to the police with a note that they were stolen in Germany and that a police report has been filed. The police report is with the Police of Hesse, Germany, case number 161857966222.
All you need to know about Emil is that he is 180-185cm, chubby, likes to talk, and likes to boast. He sure will have told you about his brother who is a judge at a court in Poland. He believes himself to be cool and superior.
Theft can be a form of hate crime, an assault on a woman, especially if it is done with malicious intent such as giving hints to the victim that only make sense later. It is a way of trying to signal to a victim-woman that the offender-thief is superior to her. No, he isn’t. Emil was always much inferior to those around him and will always be. And deep down inside, Emil knows this. By stealing he reveals his disrespect, his rejection of others. Meanness is the only thing he has to respond to his own inadequacy.
 April 2021
   Emil der Dieb dessen Bruder Richter bei einem Gericht in Polen ist
 Ich liebe Kieslowski’s Filme, und Polnisch als eine Sprache der Musik. Und ich mag Polen im allgemeinen sehr. Aber Ausnahmen gibt es ueberall und leider habe ich eine getroffen.
Im Dezember 2020 haben wir eine Firma beauftragt, die Waende und Decken in meiner Wohnung zu streichen. Die Firma sandte zwei Polen, ca. 25-35 Jahre alt. Einer von beiden war etwas kleiner, sehr ruhig, bedacht, mit einem wunderschoenen warmen Laecheln in den Augen. Der andere ist 180-185 cm gross, etwas wohl genaehrt, und heisst Emil. Emil kann genug Deutsch, um leichte Konversation zu machen.
Wenn man in letzter Minute Maler ins Haus geschickt bekommt, hat man keine Zeit zu packen. So habe ich meine Gegenstaende in offene Kisten gepackt und in die Mitte der Zimmer geschoben, damit die Maler die Waende und Decke bearbeiten konnten. Sie kamen jeden Morgen um 8 Uhr, blieben bis 17 Uhr, drei Arbeitstage in Folge. Morgens legten sie ihre Rucksaecke im Wohnzimmer auf meine Kisten und Gegenstaende und zogen dann ihre Arbeitskleidung an. Ich brache ihnen jeden Morgen Kaffee und Milch auf einem Tablett, den sie dann mit ihrem Fruehstuecksbrot zu sich nahmen. Am ersten Tag machte meine Mutter auch noch belegte Broetchen, aber sie sagten, sie bevorzugten die mitgebrachten.
Emil brauchte Beachtung. Zuerst versuchte er immer wieder, Gespraeche mit seinem Kollegen zu fuehren. Als sich die Gelegenheit bot, dann mit mir. Aber nach kurzen Wechseln versuchte ich, Gespraeche mit ihm zu vermeiden. Er war aufschneiderisch. Sein Bruder sei Richter an einem Gericht in Polen. Er habe viele Geschwister. Seine Eltern haetten ein grosses Haus, das jetzt so gut wie leer steht, weil seine Geschwister dort nicht mehr leben. Die Farbe, die er auf meine Wand auftragen wollte sei genau dieselbe, die er in seinem Wohnzimmer habe. Ich fand ihn merkwuerdig.
Sein Kollege, ein ruhiger Mann mit einem tiefen Laecheln, hatte meine ganze Aufmerksamkeit. Er strahlte Ehrlichkeit und Integritaet aus. Als ich ihm kurz half, versuchte Emil ein Gespraech mit ihm anzufangen. Er gab mir zu verstehen, mit wenigen Worten, dass Emil ihn mit seinem Geschwaetz in den Wahnsinn treiben wuerde. Ich lachte. Er sagte auch, dass er und Emil schon seit einiger Zeit zusammen arbeiten wuerden.
Sie arbeiteten mal zusammen mal getrennt in meinen Raeumen. Ich war nicht immer anwesend.
Einmal nahm Emil eines meiner Bilder und drehte es um, betrachtete es und machte eine abwertende Geste. Jeden Tag legte er seinen Rucksack genau zwischen die Kiste mit meinen Bildern und die Kiste mit meinen Kuechenutensilien.
Ich erinnere mich daran, wie ich einmal auf meine Kiste mit den Kuechenutensilien sah und mich fragte, wo meine Kaffeemuehlen sind. Ich dachte ich haette sie vielleicht in eine andere Kiste gelegt.
Nach drei Arbeitstagen in Folge war die Arbeit beendet und sie gingen weg.
Eine gute Weile spaeter brauchte ich eine Kaffeemuehle. Ich ging zu meiner Kiste, die noch immer im Wohnzimmer an derselben Stelle stand, so wie die Kiste mit den Bildern, und durchsuchte sie. Dann durchsuchte ich alle uebrigen Kisten, dann jedes Zimmer in der Wohnung, zweimal. Dann erkannte ich:: Emil hatte sie gestohlen. Einen Tag spaeter verstand ich, warum ich mein Farbmischhandbuch nicht finden konnte, das ich schon seit Wochen immer wieder suchte: Emil hatte es auch gestohlen, ich hatte es mit den Bildern in der Kiste gelagert.
Ich erinnerte mich spontan an seine abwertende Geste zu meinem Bild. An seine Angeberei. Ich verstandt dass er mich vor meinen Augen bestohlen hatte, absichtlich. Es sollte mich verletzen, bestrafen. Er hatte sie gestohlen waehrend sein Kollege in einem anderen Zimmer arbeitete. Als ich nicht in der Wohnung war. Und er hatte mich wissen lassen, dass ich ihm nichts anhaben koenne: “Mein Bruder ist Richter bei einem Gericht in Polen”. Indem er abwertende Gesten zu meinem Bild machte. Indem er zu meinem schweren Schrank die Augen rollte. Indem er behauptete, bio-Lebensmittel seien genau dasselbe wie normale Lebensmittel, er wisse dass, er habe im Gemuesegrosshandel gearbeitet.
Jetzt frage ich mich, ob er auch beim Gemuesegrosshandel gestohlen hatte, wo er ein Jahr lang gearbeitet hatte, bevor er vor ca. Mitte 2020 den Malerjob antrat. Ich habe nie nach diesen Informationen gefragt. Aber gluecklicherweise schwaetzt Emil sehr viel und sehr gerne von sich selbst. Er versuchte, sich selbst wirklich gross zu reden, waehrend er immer mehr schrumpfte.
Emil respektiert Frauen nicht, zumindest nicht solche, die von ihm als Mann nichts wissen wollen. Er raecht sich an ihnen indem er sie bestiehlt. Vielleicht macht er das auch bei Maennern, von denen er sich nicht respektiert fuehlt. Vielleicht.
Meine Kaffeemuehlen sind antik. Sie sehen wie neu aus. Sie sind aus Holz in hellen warmen Toenen: eine ist aus zwei verschiedenen Hoelzern gefertigt, die andere aus einem. Honigfarbenes Holz. Eine hat vorne eine Marke der Firma, “Zussenhaus” oder aehnliches. Beide haben oben eine Hantel mit der man die Kurbel bedient, die die Bohnen mahlt. Sie sind ca. 5cmx10cmx13cm gross.
Wenn Sie nun in Polen oder Deutschland leben, und jemanden namens Emil kennen, der Ihnen kuerzlich zu Weihnachten oder zu Ostern oder einfach nur so eine Kaffeemuehle geschenkt hat, so sollten Sie wissen, dass es sich um Diebesgut handelt. Sie sollten auch wissen, dass Emil Ihnen gestohlene Ware geschenkt hat, nicht weil er Sie schaetzt oder mag, sondern weil Emil sich wichtig machen will. Sie sollten auch wissen, dass ich meine Kaffeemuehlen vermisse. Meine Grosseltern haben diese Kaffeemuehlen benutzt und gepflegt, deshalb sehen sie so gut aus. Nehmen Sie bitte auch zur Kenntnis, dass ich meine Kaffeemuehlen wiederhaben moechte. Und auch, dass Sie die Kaffeemuehle oder Kaffeemuehlen zur Pollizei bringen koennen mit dem Hinweis, dass es sich um Diebesgut handelt, und dass in Deutschland eine Strafanzeige gestellt wurde. Fall Nr. 1618587966222 bei der Polizei in Hessen, Deutschland.
Alles was Sie ueber Emil wissen muessen, ist, dass er 180-185cm gross ist, gut genaehrt, und wirklich gerne redet und angibt. Er hat Ihnen ganz bestimmt erzaehlt, dass sein Bruder Richter am Gericht in Polen ist. Und er haelt sich fuer cool und ueberlegen, wie Sie bestimmt schnell gemerkt haben.
Diebstahl kann eine Art von Hassverbrechen sein, ein Angriff auf eine Frau, insbesondere when er mit boeser Absicht durchgefuehrt wurde, wie beispielsweise dem Verteilen von Hinweisen die erst hinterher Sinn machen. Es ist eine Art, der Opfer-Frau zu signalisieren, dass der Taeter-Dieb ihr ueberlegen ist. Nein, ist er nicht. Emil war schon immer denen um ihn herum unterlegen und wird es auch immer sein. Und ganz tief drinnen weiss Emil das auch. Durch Diebstahl offenbart er seine Verachtung, seine Ablehnung der anderen. Gemeinheit gegen andere ist das einzige, was er seiner eigenen Unzulaenglichkeit entgegensetzen kann.
 April 2021    ©calloutdicksjerksandthelikes
Po Polski - Coming soon
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yarnfeet40-blog · 5 years ago
The Linc - Dallas Goedert had the best single-game grade of any tight end in 2018
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
Rookie Dallas Goedert owns the best single-game performance by a tight end from the 2018 season - PFF While Goedert’s season-long performance is impressive for a rookie, there’s one game in particular that stands out, as it happened to be the highest-graded game by a tight end in 2018. Who was it against? You guessed it—the Dallas Cowboys. In the Eagles Week 14 trip to Dallas, tensions were high in an overtime thriller, as the two NFC East rivals were jockeying for first place in the division entering the final stretch of the season. Despite the Eagles losing 29-23 in overtime, Goedert made a name for himself on the playing field this time by posting a 94.6 overall game grade across 31 total snaps.
NFL Trade Rumors: Eagles “open” to moving Nelson Agholor - BGN The Philadelphia Eagles are “open to moving Nelson Agholor” in a trade, according to NFL insider Jason La Canfora. The phrasing here is key. La Canfora is not saying the Eagles are actively shopping Agholor; he’s just saying they’re willing to hear offers for him. This rumor passes the sniff test. Agholor’s projected $9.4 million cap hit for the 2019 season isn’t a convenient number for the Eagles. It’s hard to imagine he’s back at that rate.
The QB Scho Show #15: We’re Dumb Animals, We Never Learn Anything - BGN Radio Michael Kist is joined by Mark Schofield to break down all the silly nonsense sprouting forth from the NFL Combine measurements. Kyler Murray is big enough to play QB, we guess? Daniel Jones has big hands, that’s great! What we look for from the QB Class on the field in Indy & more!Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Eagles left some level of doubt on a Jason Peters return in 2019 - PhillyVoice In 2017, Peters was indeed a dominant player before he tore his ACL, which Roseman pointed out. In 2018, he was still an above average tackle, but certainly far from dominant, and I believe the difference between Roseman’s comments this year and last year reflect that. Peters may very well return (and in January, I personally thought he would), but Roseman left some window of doubt on Wednesday.
Some RB Talk - Iggles Blitz If he’s willing to come back for a cheap, short-term deal, that would make some sense for both sides. Ajayi won’t get a big deal from anyone since he’s coming off a torn ACL. If he stays in Philly, he knows the offense and knows they will spread the ball around. He could then try to hit the market in March of 2020 and land a big deal from someone at that point. Ajayi will turn 26 in June and he’s only had 562 career carries. Zeke Elliott has 868 carries (and more than 1,000 touches!). Ajayi has a lot of tread left on the tire. The flip side of that is that Ajayi has knee issues. That will limit his value, with the Eagles and other teams. Regardless of whether Ajayi comes back, the Eagles need to see about adding young talent at the position
Eagles excited to enter ‘fluid’ part of offseason - PE.com How active can the Eagles be in free agency? “I expect us always to be aggressive in every aspect. That’s kind of who we are,” Roseman said. “With that, obviously there come risks. We’re not going to be risk-averse. If there’s an opportunity to improve our football team, we’ll do that. We have the flexibility. We’re not going to use the cap as an excuse, but we’re also going to try to be smart about it.”
NFL experts predict Nick Foles’ 2019 team, Eagles’ QB plans - ESPN In$ider Mina Kimes: I like veteran Tyrod Taylor as an option to compete with Sudfeld. Keenum makes sense, depending on the cost, but I can’t shake the memory of him getting obliterated by Philadelphia in the playoffs. I think Bridgewater will look for a better starting opportunity.
In a Familiar Place at the NFL Combine, Mike Mayock Adjusting to His Unfamiliar Role - MMQB This still has Jacksonville written all over it to me. The Jaguars picking up Calais Campbell’s option and restructuring, rather than cutting, Marcel Dareus are clear signals that Tom Coughlin, GM Dave Caldwell and coach Doug Marrone aren’t turning the page on the core that got them to the AFC title two Januarys ago. All they need is a quarterback who can win now. And Nick Foles sure showed he could do that working with the Jags’ new offensive coordinator, John DeFilippo, in Philadelphia in 2017. What’s more, word around the campfire is that Jacksonville didn’t work a trade out for him over the last couple weeks because the brass felt like no one else was that serious about trading for him with the franchise tag attached. Maybe the Redskins or someone else muck this one up, but it sure seems like Foles is headed for North Florida.
24 Notable NFL Trade Candidates - Spotrac Nelson Agholor, WR, PHI, 25: A solid receiver, but clearly now not a top threat. His $9.3M salary for 2019 puts him in a tough spot for any team. He’s a potential release candidate if a trade partner can’t be found. His $9.387M 5th-year option becomes fully guaranteed on March 13th. Trading him leaves behind $0 of dead cap to the Eagles.
Expect Howie Roseman and Eagles to be aggressive this offseason - Inquirer The Eagles have about $6 million in space, if they roll over their savings from last season, with the cap projected to be about $190 million. But they could end up with more than five times that amount with restructurings. That could give Roseman room to re-sign some of the Eagles’ own free agents, although the market could price them out on Graham, Darby, and Tate. Hicks, who is coming off another injury-riddled season, could be more affordable. The Eagles stand to recoup compensatory draft picks with Foles and other free agents likely to part, but Roseman said that won’t keep them from being players in free agency. “We understand the cost-effectiveness of draft picks, especially when you have good players on your team and you’re paying them,” Roseman said. “We’re just trying to balance and make sure that we’re also not shortsighted enough to say, ‘Hey, the hit rate in the fourth round is only 20 percent to get a starter. Here we have a starter that we can get at a really good price.’”
The Dallas Cowboys Have Some Big Contract Decisions to Make - The Ringer Stephen Jones said on Tuesday that the team is eyeing new deals for Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliott, Demarcus Lawrence, and Amari Cooper. Can Dallas afford to keep its four stars—and if so, at what cost?
Why won’t Dave Gettleman squash the never-ending Odell Beckham rumors? - Big Blue View It seems, though, that the relationship between Beckham and the Giants is a fragile one. It isn’t hard to believe what Gettleman said about not wanting to endlessly have to put the end to whatever rumors the media can come up with. It also isn’t hard, though, to believe that the GM is keeping his options open. He wants options. In the event something happens and Beckham goes Antonio Brown on the Giants, Gettleman is leaving himself room to make a move without saying he went back on his word. Even if he won’t say any of that, either.
9 people who should replace Jason Witten on ‘Monday Night Football’ - SB Nation No. 3 — Peyton ManningIf Peyton can be lured away from Nationwide ads he’d be the biggest name ESPN could get. Not only is he smart, but he’s funny — and we need more fun in the booth for the premiere game of the week.
Bryce Harper reportedly ends insanity by signing mega-deal with Phillies - The Good Phight Bryce Harper is just a man. A 26-year-old man who is a former NL MVP, a six-time all-star in seven years, who will likely hit his 200th career home run in 2019. He is a man the Phillies have watched bash their pitching since his debut in 2012, slashing .271/.378/.519 against them in that time and hitting the most home runs in their park than he has hit anywhere else outside Washington, D.C.
Social Media Information:
BGN Facebook Page: Click here to like our page
BGN Twitter: Follow @BleedingGreen
BGN Manager: Brandon Lee Gowton: Follow @BrandonGowton
BGN Radio Twitter: Follow @BGN_Radio
Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/3/1/18245897/eagles-news-dallas-goedert-best-single-game-grade-any-tight-end-2018-season-beast-philadelphia-ertz
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costchard98-blog · 5 years ago
The Linc - Dallas Goedert had the best single-game grade of any tight end in 2018
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
Rookie Dallas Goedert owns the best single-game performance by a tight end from the 2018 season - PFF While Goedert’s season-long performance is impressive for a rookie, there’s one game in particular that stands out, as it happened to be the highest-graded game by a tight end in 2018. Who was it against? You guessed it—the Dallas Cowboys. In the Eagles Week 14 trip to Dallas, tensions were high in an overtime thriller, as the two NFC East rivals were jockeying for first place in the division entering the final stretch of the season. Despite the Eagles losing 29-23 in overtime, Goedert made a name for himself on the playing field this time by posting a 94.6 overall game grade across 31 total snaps.
NFL Trade Rumors: Eagles “open” to moving Nelson Agholor - BGN The Philadelphia Eagles are “open to moving Nelson Agholor” in a trade, according to NFL insider Jason La Canfora. The phrasing here is key. La Canfora is not saying the Eagles are actively shopping Agholor; he’s just saying they’re willing to hear offers for him. This rumor passes the sniff test. Agholor’s projected $9.4 million cap hit for the 2019 season isn’t a convenient number for the Eagles. It’s hard to imagine he’s back at that rate.
The QB Scho Show #15: We’re Dumb Animals, We Never Learn Anything - BGN Radio Michael Kist is joined by Mark Schofield to break down all the silly nonsense sprouting forth from the NFL Combine measurements. Kyler Murray is big enough to play QB, we guess? Daniel Jones has big hands, that’s great! What we look for from the QB Class on the field in Indy & more!Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Eagles left some level of doubt on a Jason Peters return in 2019 - PhillyVoice In 2017, Peters was indeed a dominant player before he tore his ACL, which Roseman pointed out. In 2018, he was still an above average tackle, but certainly far from dominant, and I believe the difference between Roseman’s comments this year and last year reflect that. Peters may very well return (and in January, I personally thought he would), but Roseman left some window of doubt on Wednesday.
Some RB Talk - Iggles Blitz If he’s willing to come back for a cheap, short-term deal, that would make some sense for both sides. Ajayi won’t get a big deal from anyone since he’s coming off a torn ACL. If he stays in Philly, he knows the offense and knows they will spread the ball around. He could then try to hit the market in March of 2020 and land a big deal from someone at that point. Ajayi will turn 26 in June and he’s only had 562 career carries. Zeke Elliott has 868 carries (and more than 1,000 touches!). Ajayi has a lot of tread left on the tire. The flip side of that is that Ajayi has knee issues. That will limit his value, with the Eagles and other teams. Regardless of whether Ajayi comes back, the Eagles need to see about adding young talent at the position
Eagles excited to enter ‘fluid’ part of offseason - PE.com How active can the Eagles be in free agency? “I expect us always to be aggressive in every aspect. That’s kind of who we are,” Roseman said. “With that, obviously there come risks. We’re not going to be risk-averse. If there’s an opportunity to improve our football team, we’ll do that. We have the flexibility. We’re not going to use the cap as an excuse, but we’re also going to try to be smart about it.”
NFL experts predict Nick Foles’ 2019 team, Eagles’ QB plans - ESPN In$ider Mina Kimes: I like veteran Tyrod Taylor as an option to compete with Sudfeld. Keenum makes sense, depending on the cost, but I can’t shake the memory of him getting obliterated by Philadelphia in the playoffs. I think Bridgewater will look for a better starting opportunity.
In a Familiar Place at the NFL Combine, Mike Mayock Adjusting to His Unfamiliar Role - MMQB This still has Jacksonville written all over it to me. The Jaguars picking up Calais Campbell’s option and restructuring, rather than cutting, Marcel Dareus are clear signals that Tom Coughlin, GM Dave Caldwell and coach Doug Marrone aren’t turning the page on the core that got them to the AFC title two Januarys ago. All they need is a quarterback who can win now. And Nick Foles sure showed he could do that working with the Jags’ new offensive coordinator, John DeFilippo, in Philadelphia in 2017. What’s more, word around the campfire is that Jacksonville didn’t work a trade out for him over the last couple weeks because the brass felt like no one else was that serious about trading for him with the franchise tag attached. Maybe the Redskins or someone else muck this one up, but it sure seems like Foles is headed for North Florida.
24 Notable NFL Trade Candidates - Spotrac Nelson Agholor, WR, PHI, 25: A solid receiver, but clearly now not a top threat. His $9.3M salary for 2019 puts him in a tough spot for any team. He’s a potential release candidate if a trade partner can’t be found. His $9.387M 5th-year option becomes fully guaranteed on March 13th. Trading him leaves behind $0 of dead cap to the Eagles.
Expect Howie Roseman and Eagles to be aggressive this offseason - Inquirer The Eagles have about $6 million in space, if they roll over their savings from last season, with the cap projected to be about $190 million. But they could end up with more than five times that amount with restructurings. That could give Roseman room to re-sign some of the Eagles’ own free agents, although the market could price them out on Graham, Darby, and Tate. Hicks, who is coming off another injury-riddled season, could be more affordable. The Eagles stand to recoup compensatory draft picks with Foles and other free agents likely to part, but Roseman said that won’t keep them from being players in free agency. “We understand the cost-effectiveness of draft picks, especially when you have good players on your team and you’re paying them,” Roseman said. “We’re just trying to balance and make sure that we’re also not shortsighted enough to say, ‘Hey, the hit rate in the fourth round is only 20 percent to get a starter. Here we have a starter that we can get at a really good price.’”
The Dallas Cowboys Have Some Big Contract Decisions to Make - The Ringer Stephen Jones said on Tuesday that the team is eyeing new deals for Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliott, Demarcus Lawrence, and Amari Cooper. Can Dallas afford to keep its four stars—and if so, at what cost?
Why won’t Dave Gettleman squash the never-ending Odell Beckham rumors? - Big Blue View It seems, though, that the relationship between Beckham and the Giants is a fragile one. It isn’t hard to believe what Gettleman said about not wanting to endlessly have to put the end to whatever rumors the media can come up with. It also isn’t hard, though, to believe that the GM is keeping his options open. He wants options. In the event something happens and Beckham goes Antonio Brown on the Giants, Gettleman is leaving himself room to make a move without saying he went back on his word. Even if he won’t say any of that, either.
9 people who should replace Jason Witten on ‘Monday Night Football’ - SB Nation No. 3 — Peyton ManningIf Peyton can be lured away from Nationwide ads he’d be the biggest name ESPN could get. Not only is he smart, but he’s funny — and we need more fun in the booth for the premiere game of the week.
Bryce Harper reportedly ends insanity by signing mega-deal with Phillies - The Good Phight Bryce Harper is just a man. A 26-year-old man who is a former NL MVP, a six-time all-star in seven years, who will likely hit his 200th career home run in 2019. He is a man the Phillies have watched bash their pitching since his debut in 2012, slashing .271/.378/.519 against them in that time and hitting the most home runs in their park than he has hit anywhere else outside Washington, D.C.
Social Media Information:
BGN Facebook Page: Click here to like our page
BGN Twitter: Follow @BleedingGreen
BGN Manager: Brandon Lee Gowton: Follow @BrandonGowton
BGN Radio Twitter: Follow @BGN_Radio
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/3/1/18245897/eagles-news-dallas-goedert-best-single-game-grade-any-tight-end-2018-season-beast-philadelphia-ertz
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atomairbus1-blog · 5 years ago
The Linc - “Smart people I talk to around the league think the Eagles apply the tag” to Nick Foles
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
2019 NFL Free Agency: Ranking the likelihood that Le’Veon Bell, Demarcus Lawrence and others will be tagged - CBS Sports The Eagles are weighing playing a very dangerous game with their back-up QB. IF they tag Foles he will sign it ASAP and lock in his $25M. Ultimately, besides Jacksonville I don’t know who else trades anything of value for him, and it’s not like Foles is the only QB out there (Teddy Bridgewater, anyone?). How much more than the fourth-round pick Baltimore got for Joe Flacco can the Eagles hope for? And does it make more sense to just take the comp pick return in 2020 rather than risk it in 2019? Smart people I talk to around the league think the Eagles apply the tag in the end. Personally, I would not.
ESPN has a 5 step plan for the Eagles’ 2019 offseason - BGN I really don’t love the idea of moving on from Jason Peters. It’s tempting to want to save $10.5 million by not bringing him back in 2019 ... but who’s starting at left tackle if he isn’t back? Halapoulivaati Vaitai and/or a rookie protecting Carson Wentz’s blindside for 16 games is not a comforting prospect. I think the Eagles should bring back JP for one more year. They should also draft a rookie who can potentially take over in 2020. Jordan Mailata also might be ready to make a meaningful impact by next year.
The Kist & Solak Show #79: Overrated & Underrated Draft Prospects - BGN Radio Michael Kist and Benjamin Solak discuss what they think the Eagles’ philosophy will be in the free agency period before hitting up their picks for overrated and underrated prospects in the 2019 NFL Draft! Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Clearing up Eagles DE Chris Long’s contract status - PhillyVoice I’ve gotten to the bottom of it, and it’s not that complicated. Long signed a two-year deal in 2017, but then signed a new deal in 2018 that added an extra year in 2019. He is under contract through the 2019 season.
Answers From Within - Iggles Blitz I wrote about that for PE.com. The Eagles must get improved play from players already on the roster if the team is going to be a Super Bowl contender. There are going to be salary cap issues in 2019 so the team can’t just hunt for help. They need cheap answers…young players already in place. Mack Hollins could be a key player. The Eagles could have really used his ability as a deep threat last year. WRs normally struggle as rookies and take a big step forward in their second or third year. It would help tremendously if Hollins could do that in 2019. Hollins is a big guy, but was an exceptional deep threat in college. He averaged 21 yards per reception for his career.
2019 NFL franchise tag primer and candidates: Everything you need to know - ESPN Can a tagged player be traded? Yes. In fact, there have been reports that the Philadelphia Eagles could do just that with quarterback Nick Foles. In this scenario, the compensation is agreed to by both teams and does not necessarily have to be two first-round picks. The new team can accept the terms of the tag or renegotiate into a multiyear deal.
How to navigate all of the swirling NFL offseason rumors - The Athletic Foles holds most of all the cards. As long as he remains unsigned, he can’t be traded, as no player under a tender is tradable. Foles can’t sign a deal until he picks his new team and that team agrees on compensation with the Eagles. The Eagles might be offered a two from a non-divisional opponent, but let’s pretend Foles wants to go to the Giants and play in the division. He won’t sign the deal, and the Eagles will remain restricted from improving their team until Foles’ cap number comes off the cap. This game of chicken has the potential to backfire on the Eagles and unless they can make a quick deal with a team Foles approves of, then the longer this goes on, the less attractive the pick becomes for the Birds. Expect Foles and the Eagles to get something done at the Combine.
Le’Veon Bell—Yes, Le’Veon Bell—and the Other Players Who Could Be Hit With the Franchise Tag Starting Tuesday - The Ringer Nick Foles, Philadelphia Eagles: Foles’s situation is unlike the rest. If the Eagles place the franchise tag on Foles, they almost certainly would not be doing so to keep him: They would tag him intending to trade him. If they don’t sense a big enough trade market for Foles, they may choose to let him leave as a free agent, which would likely give them a compensatory pick in 2020. If the Eagles do use the tag, however, they could send him to a team—Jacksonville?—that would sacrifice a draft pick to avoid bidding against another team on the open market
Four Downs: NFC East - Football Outsiders The Eagles have the second-worst cap situation in the league, per Spotrac; they’re $1.7 million over the cap already. As such, their free-agency period is going to be one of triage, figuring out where they can save some cash and which contributors they’re going to have to let walk. Graham and Hicks are probably the highest-priority names here; the Eagles are going to have to wait out the initial free-agency splurge and hope that Graham and Hicks will return on team-friendly deals. They’ll need a starting running back, too, but they’ll likely have to find someone cheaper than Ajayi or Sproles to go alongside Wendell Smallwood. The biggest name is Foles, who is going to start for someone in 2019. There’s been talk of franchising him in order to trade him, but that would require freeing up gobs of cap space by cutting names like Jason Peters or Nelson Agholor. Better to let him walk and take the third-round compensatory pick in 2020.
2019 Free Agency Profile: Jay Ajayi - PFF Question marks surrounding Ajayi’s health should keep his asking price lower than other veteran backs on the market. Expect him to take on a lead role for an NFL team willing to take a low-cost bet on his health in hopes of getting the playmaking ability his displayed with the Miami Dolphins in 2016. Ajayi earned a career-high 77.3 overall grade and forced 62 missed tackles that season.
Top pending free agents from NFC East - NBCSP 4. Brandon Graham, DE, Eagles. BG is 30 now and is coming off a season where he had just four sacks, but he’ll still be a highly sought-after free agent. The former first-round pick has played all nine of his NFL seasons in Philly, but will likely get to test the free agent waters. Graham isn’t the top DE in this free agent market, but that doesn’t mean he won’t get a big deal.
Fran Duffy’s Combine Preview: Edge Rusher - PE.com Jachai Polite, Florida: Polite is a freakish athlete, and he should perform extremely well in Indianapolis in all of the athletic tests. He has an explosive first step to pair with great flexibility turning the corner, and that’s how he wins as a pass rusher more often than not. That athleticism will transfer to the bag drills, but let’s not look over one other part of his skill set. While he’s more of a “high-side” rusher, relying on speed to win upfield, I thought Polite had pretty violent hands when attacking blockers. I think that will show up in those drills as well.
3 Running Backs With Most To Prove At Combine - The Draft Network Devin Singletary, Florida Atlantic: Singletary is an absolute joy to watch on film. The cuts he executes often don’t make sense and lead to some of the most creative tracks I’ve ever seen a running back take. His elusive ability is rare and tacklers just look silly trying to square him up in space. The strange thing about how Singletary wins and how he profiles to the next level is that he doesn’t have the burst or long speed expected for his skill set. While he makes insanely dynamic cuts, his acceleration and home run speed disappoint. Is he faster than I am giving credit for? We’ll find out in Indy. I’d also expect a back with his creativity and ability to create in space to be featured more as a receiver in college. He only caught six passes in 2018, with his receiving output declining every season of his career at FAU. Why wasn’t catching the football a bigger part of his collegiate role? We’ll get a deep look at his ability to run routes and catch the football at the Combine. Looking natural doing so will boost his stock.
NFL Franchise Tag Thoughts, Sean McVay’s Coaching Staff, More NFL News and Updates - MMQB I’d be surprised if the Cowboys paid top dollar for Earl Thomas, who’s played footsy with Dallas for some time. Xavier Woods, at a cost of $685,000, showed promise last year; he’s not Thomas, but he’s a lot less expensive for a team that has Lawrence, Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliott, Amari Cooper and Byron Jones to take care over the next year or so. Maybe Thomas takes a discount to come home. If not, I don’t get the sense the brass is going to bend over backwards to make it happen.
Patriots’ interest in OBJ made Giants think twice about trading him - PFT The Giants came close to trading receiver Odell Beckham Jr. last year. And then they didn’t trade him. So what happened? As Chris Simms explained on Monday’s PFT Live, New England’s interest in Beckham ultimately caused the Giants to think twice. Basically, if the Patriots saw something in Beckham that would have caused them to give up significant trade compensation and to cough up a significant second contract even though he’d never previously played for the Patriots, the Giants should be more inclined to keep him around.
PFT: A ‘sense persists’ the 49ers will pursue Odell Beckham Jr. - Niners Nation Pro Football Talk is offering the latest speculation about OBJ. At the turn of the new year, they reported there was buzz the San Francisco 49ers would be interested if the Giants made him available. Things quieted down amidst all the Brown hubbub, and then last week, NFL reporter Jay Glazer predicted OBJ was going to be traded this offseason. He did not say to whom and he simply predicted rather than reported, but it got tongues wagging. This evening, PFT reported that a “sense persists” the 49ers will try and make a run at OBJ. They say the No. 2 overall pick for OBJ might be too high, but maybe they would send it if the Giants sent back a third or fourth round pick. It is worth noting PFT also suggests the Rams might decide another big splash is needed, but does not offer up any sort of persisting sense.
2 maps that might help you decide which AAF team to cheer for - SB Nation The AAF’s Eastern Conference has teams in Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, and Orlando. The Western Conference has teams in Phoenix, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, and San Diego. But if you don’t happen to live in one of those eight cities, you might be wandering who you should cheer for. Everyone knows geography is one of the best ways to pick a team, and that is where the map below comes into play.
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/2/19/18229717/eagles-news-smart-people-talk-around-league-think-eagles-apply-franchise-tag-nick-foles-philadelphia
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yarnfeet40-blog · 6 years ago
The Linc - Doug Pederson’s old friend thinks Eagles should keep Nick Foles over Carson Wentz
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
Brett Favre says Eagles should go with Nick Foles over Carson Wentz - NBCSP “No disrespect at all to Carson Wentz. I think he’s already proven that he’s a great quarterback. Totally different than Nick Foles. Nick Foles, to me, is more of a (Tom) Brady-esque type quarterback. Very limited in what he can do but very, very good in what he does. He’s a pure pocket passer and he’s great at dishing it out and he’s proven that he’s clutch. He did it this past week, he did it last year, he’s done it time and time again, and he’s proven that he can win the big games. That, I think, is what we have to look at, or the Eagles, or anyone in a similar situation — it’s about winning, it’s about being clutch, doing really what you expect your players to do. And he does it as well as anyone.” Favre spoke on his radio show on SiriusXM NFL Radio, co-hosted by Bruce Murray.
Even one of Philadelphia’s biggest haters admits he’s impressed by the Eagles - BGN I can’t believe I’m saying this about the guy who once said “Philadelphia is the dumbest sports city in America” but Colin Cowherd actually had a really good take on the Philadelphia Eagles earlier this week. You would think that Cowherd might rip the Eagles for how their 2018 season ended, calling them a “one-year wonder”or a “fluke.” But he didn’t. Instead, he actually went on a long rant about how the Eagles were incredibly impressive in their playoff loss to the New Orleans Saints.
The Future of the Eagles with Zack Rosenblatt - BGN Radio Michael Kist talks with Eagles’ beat writer Zack Rosenblatt of NJ.com to take a look back at the 2018 season before discussing a range of topics regarding what happens with the Eagles before the 2019 season! Enjoy the show? Leave a five-star rating and a review on Apple Podcasts! Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Ranking the Eagles’ 2019 offseason needs from most glaring to most stable - PhillyVoice One of the strengths of the Eagles’ roster over the last few seasons has been the defensive line, and there haven’t been any recent down years in terms of the pass rush. And you know what? You don’t want to be that team that can’t get to the quarterback. The lack of a pass rush is a fatal flaw for many teams, especially in today’s NFL, where there are so many elite quarterbacks who can just pick you apart if they have time to throw. If you can’t affect the quarterback, you’re in big trouble.
Eagles’ Success Stems From Culture Established By Doug Pederson - PE.com Pederson waited for every last player to file through the tunnel and greeted each one with a hug or a pat on the back. Some greetings lasted longer, depending on if the player wanted to take in that moment or just continue walking. But each was sincere and made an impact. “I’ve never seen that before,” said 11-year veteran defensive end Chris Long. “There’s nothing fake about that. I mean there’s nothing fake about that. A lot of people, when they get power in the league and they get the head coaching job, they don’t treat people the way Doug treats somebody. I just really appreciate him.”
Biggest looming 2019 free-agent decisions for all 32 NFL teams - ESPN The defensive hero of Super Bowl LII, Graham played through a high ankle sprain last postseason and wasn’t fully healthy for much of the 2018 campaign. He ended up with four sacks -- his lowest total since 2013 -- but the 30-year-old picked up steam as the season went on. He can be a force both against the run and as a pass-rusher, and he has been a key figure in the locker room over the past several seasons. Graham loves it in Philadelphia. If the Eagles can get him at a discount, a deal could get done. But his best chance at a bigger payday will be elsewhere.
Howie Roseman defends Eagles’ new medical staff after injury-marred season - Inquirer Wentz confirmed that he sought outside medical opinions and that those doctors said that his injury could have been difficult to diagnose from tests. The Eagles, he said, were basing treatment off his symptoms, which, he said, were “up and down.” Roseman, when he was asked why the Eagles weren’t able to diagnose Wentz’s injury earlier, especially once he popped up on the injury report, declined to offer details. “I am going to let what Carson talked about his own injury” stand on its own, Roseman said. “Everything we did complied with the NFL rules.” Wentz was never placed on injured reserve, but he missed the final three games of the season as backup Nick Foles helped lead the Eagles into the postseason. Wentz also missed both playoff games and said he was hoping to be available had the Eagles advanced further. Wentz said that he is expected to make a full recovery and should be fine long-term. Roseman said the Eagles had confidence that their 26-year-old quarterback, who Pederson declared as the starter for next season, can be “a 19-game starter” in the future. Nineteen games would be mean that the Eagles return to the Super Bowl. Having a healthier season would help make that possible.
It’s time for Nick Foles to take a stand - PFT If, as it appears, the Eagles will play out Foles’ contractual situation in a way that allows them to control his rights for 2019, Foles needs to be sure that everyone realizes that he has plenty of power. From the Eagles exercising a $20 million option for 2019 to Foles invoking his right to buy his freedom for $2 million to the Eagles applying the franchise tag at $25 million or so, Foles should make it clear that he will gladly sign the one-year tender, refuse to sign a long-term contract with the Eagles or someone else that doesn’t take into account the $30 million or so he’d make under the tag in 2020, and prepare to go year to year, Kirk Cousins-style, until Foles gets a fair contract from whoever holds his rights or a chance to hit the open market.
Pick Six Podcast: Here are the teams most likely to trade for Steelers’ Antonio Brown - CBS Sports So who makes sense as a potential suitor? Pick Six host Will Brinson agreed with La Canfora that just about every NFL team outside of the Steelers’ AFC North rivals could be a realistic trade partner for a player of Brown’s caliber. But the latter has an idea about where, specifically, the perennial All-Pro could land. ”I think he ends up in the NFC,” La Canfora said. “I think you look at the Eagles, I think you look at the Seahawks, I think you look at the 49ers, I think you look at the Packers. And then, beyond that, who don’t you look at?”
What will the Jaguars get out of John DeFilippo? - Big Cat Country One of the big pluses of DeFilippo is he’s known as a teacher, which could be very important if the Jaguars do decide to draft a quarterback with their first round pick even though the hire will likely ramp up Nick Foles speculation.
Redskins Coaching News: Greg Manusky will keep his job after Jay Gruden talked to potential replacements - Hogs Haven Greg Manusky is back! I know you are as excited as Jay Gruden is to hear this news. The Redskins had some casual conversations with several former head coaches/defensive coordinators for the DC job that’s not officially open in Washington. Everyone they talked to(Todd Bowles, Steve Wilks, Gregg Williams, and Joe Woods) found other jobs in the NFL and passed on joining Gruden’s lame duck coaching staff.
The Incredible Feats of Young Andy Reid - Sports Illustrated “His waist was probably twice as big as mine, and he was probably eight inches to a foot taller than everybody,” Pallas says. Ken Gerard, one of Reid’s physical education teachers at Thomas Starr King Junior High School, estimates that, at 13 years old, Reid stood about 6’ 2”, and weighed 220 pounds. Reid’s friends confirm, he was right around that size.
The Chiefs’ Underrated Pass Rush Could Be the Key to Stopping Tom Brady - The Ringer The trio of Justin Houston, Chris Jones, and Dee Ford form one of the more fearsome pass-rushing units in the NFL—and their success could send Kansas City to the Super Bowl
NFL playoffs Panic Index 2019: Tom Brady has fewer postseason road wins than Mark Sanchez - SB Nation The Patriots don’t have to hit the road often in January, but when they do, they “struggle,” at least as much as the Patriots ever struggle. They’re just 3-4 as the away team in the Brady-Belichick era. Brady’s three wins are actual fewer than Mark Sanchez has in his postseason career — in fact, one of Sanchez’s four road wins was also one of the Patriots’ three home losses. Fewer road playoff wins than Mr. Butt Fumble himself? How embarrassing.
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/1/17/18186367/eagles-news-doug-pederson-brett-favre-philadelphia-should-keep-nick-foles-carson-wentz-quarterback
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costchard98-blog · 6 years ago
The Linc - “Smart people I talk to around the league think the Eagles apply the tag” to Nick Foles
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
2019 NFL Free Agency: Ranking the likelihood that Le’Veon Bell, Demarcus Lawrence and others will be tagged - CBS Sports The Eagles are weighing playing a very dangerous game with their back-up QB. IF they tag Foles he will sign it ASAP and lock in his $25M. Ultimately, besides Jacksonville I don’t know who else trades anything of value for him, and it’s not like Foles is the only QB out there (Teddy Bridgewater, anyone?). How much more than the fourth-round pick Baltimore got for Joe Flacco can the Eagles hope for? And does it make more sense to just take the comp pick return in 2020 rather than risk it in 2019? Smart people I talk to around the league think the Eagles apply the tag in the end. Personally, I would not.
ESPN has a 5 step plan for the Eagles’ 2019 offseason - BGN I really don’t love the idea of moving on from Jason Peters. It’s tempting to want to save $10.5 million by not bringing him back in 2019 ... but who’s starting at left tackle if he isn’t back? Halapoulivaati Vaitai and/or a rookie protecting Carson Wentz’s blindside for 16 games is not a comforting prospect. I think the Eagles should bring back JP for one more year. They should also draft a rookie who can potentially take over in 2020. Jordan Mailata also might be ready to make a meaningful impact by next year.
The Kist & Solak Show #79: Overrated & Underrated Draft Prospects - BGN Radio Michael Kist and Benjamin Solak discuss what they think the Eagles’ philosophy will be in the free agency period before hitting up their picks for overrated and underrated prospects in the 2019 NFL Draft! Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Clearing up Eagles DE Chris Long’s contract status - PhillyVoice I’ve gotten to the bottom of it, and it’s not that complicated. Long signed a two-year deal in 2017, but then signed a new deal in 2018 that added an extra year in 2019. He is under contract through the 2019 season.
Answers From Within - Iggles Blitz I wrote about that for PE.com. The Eagles must get improved play from players already on the roster if the team is going to be a Super Bowl contender. There are going to be salary cap issues in 2019 so the team can’t just hunt for help. They need cheap answers…young players already in place. Mack Hollins could be a key player. The Eagles could have really used his ability as a deep threat last year. WRs normally struggle as rookies and take a big step forward in their second or third year. It would help tremendously if Hollins could do that in 2019. Hollins is a big guy, but was an exceptional deep threat in college. He averaged 21 yards per reception for his career.
2019 NFL franchise tag primer and candidates: Everything you need to know - ESPN Can a tagged player be traded? Yes. In fact, there have been reports that the Philadelphia Eagles could do just that with quarterback Nick Foles. In this scenario, the compensation is agreed to by both teams and does not necessarily have to be two first-round picks. The new team can accept the terms of the tag or renegotiate into a multiyear deal.
How to navigate all of the swirling NFL offseason rumors - The Athletic Foles holds most of all the cards. As long as he remains unsigned, he can’t be traded, as no player under a tender is tradable. Foles can’t sign a deal until he picks his new team and that team agrees on compensation with the Eagles. The Eagles might be offered a two from a non-divisional opponent, but let’s pretend Foles wants to go to the Giants and play in the division. He won’t sign the deal, and the Eagles will remain restricted from improving their team until Foles’ cap number comes off the cap. This game of chicken has the potential to backfire on the Eagles and unless they can make a quick deal with a team Foles approves of, then the longer this goes on, the less attractive the pick becomes for the Birds. Expect Foles and the Eagles to get something done at the Combine.
Le’Veon Bell—Yes, Le’Veon Bell—and the Other Players Who Could Be Hit With the Franchise Tag Starting Tuesday - The Ringer Nick Foles, Philadelphia Eagles: Foles’s situation is unlike the rest. If the Eagles place the franchise tag on Foles, they almost certainly would not be doing so to keep him: They would tag him intending to trade him. If they don’t sense a big enough trade market for Foles, they may choose to let him leave as a free agent, which would likely give them a compensatory pick in 2020. If the Eagles do use the tag, however, they could send him to a team—Jacksonville?—that would sacrifice a draft pick to avoid bidding against another team on the open market
Four Downs: NFC East - Football Outsiders The Eagles have the second-worst cap situation in the league, per Spotrac; they’re $1.7 million over the cap already. As such, their free-agency period is going to be one of triage, figuring out where they can save some cash and which contributors they’re going to have to let walk. Graham and Hicks are probably the highest-priority names here; the Eagles are going to have to wait out the initial free-agency splurge and hope that Graham and Hicks will return on team-friendly deals. They’ll need a starting running back, too, but they’ll likely have to find someone cheaper than Ajayi or Sproles to go alongside Wendell Smallwood. The biggest name is Foles, who is going to start for someone in 2019. There’s been talk of franchising him in order to trade him, but that would require freeing up gobs of cap space by cutting names like Jason Peters or Nelson Agholor. Better to let him walk and take the third-round compensatory pick in 2020.
2019 Free Agency Profile: Jay Ajayi - PFF Question marks surrounding Ajayi’s health should keep his asking price lower than other veteran backs on the market. Expect him to take on a lead role for an NFL team willing to take a low-cost bet on his health in hopes of getting the playmaking ability his displayed with the Miami Dolphins in 2016. Ajayi earned a career-high 77.3 overall grade and forced 62 missed tackles that season.
Top pending free agents from NFC East - NBCSP 4. Brandon Graham, DE, Eagles. BG is 30 now and is coming off a season where he had just four sacks, but he’ll still be a highly sought-after free agent. The former first-round pick has played all nine of his NFL seasons in Philly, but will likely get to test the free agent waters. Graham isn’t the top DE in this free agent market, but that doesn’t mean he won’t get a big deal.
Fran Duffy’s Combine Preview: Edge Rusher - PE.com Jachai Polite, Florida: Polite is a freakish athlete, and he should perform extremely well in Indianapolis in all of the athletic tests. He has an explosive first step to pair with great flexibility turning the corner, and that’s how he wins as a pass rusher more often than not. That athleticism will transfer to the bag drills, but let’s not look over one other part of his skill set. While he’s more of a “high-side” rusher, relying on speed to win upfield, I thought Polite had pretty violent hands when attacking blockers. I think that will show up in those drills as well.
3 Running Backs With Most To Prove At Combine - The Draft Network Devin Singletary, Florida Atlantic: Singletary is an absolute joy to watch on film. The cuts he executes often don’t make sense and lead to some of the most creative tracks I’ve ever seen a running back take. His elusive ability is rare and tacklers just look silly trying to square him up in space. The strange thing about how Singletary wins and how he profiles to the next level is that he doesn’t have the burst or long speed expected for his skill set. While he makes insanely dynamic cuts, his acceleration and home run speed disappoint. Is he faster than I am giving credit for? We’ll find out in Indy. I’d also expect a back with his creativity and ability to create in space to be featured more as a receiver in college. He only caught six passes in 2018, with his receiving output declining every season of his career at FAU. Why wasn’t catching the football a bigger part of his collegiate role? We’ll get a deep look at his ability to run routes and catch the football at the Combine. Looking natural doing so will boost his stock.
NFL Franchise Tag Thoughts, Sean McVay’s Coaching Staff, More NFL News and Updates - MMQB I’d be surprised if the Cowboys paid top dollar for Earl Thomas, who’s played footsy with Dallas for some time. Xavier Woods, at a cost of $685,000, showed promise last year; he’s not Thomas, but he’s a lot less expensive for a team that has Lawrence, Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliott, Amari Cooper and Byron Jones to take care over the next year or so. Maybe Thomas takes a discount to come home. If not, I don’t get the sense the brass is going to bend over backwards to make it happen.
Patriots’ interest in OBJ made Giants think twice about trading him - PFT The Giants came close to trading receiver Odell Beckham Jr. last year. And then they didn’t trade him. So what happened? As Chris Simms explained on Monday’s PFT Live, New England’s interest in Beckham ultimately caused the Giants to think twice. Basically, if the Patriots saw something in Beckham that would have caused them to give up significant trade compensation and to cough up a significant second contract even though he’d never previously played for the Patriots, the Giants should be more inclined to keep him around.
PFT: A ‘sense persists’ the 49ers will pursue Odell Beckham Jr. - Niners Nation Pro Football Talk is offering the latest speculation about OBJ. At the turn of the new year, they reported there was buzz the San Francisco 49ers would be interested if the Giants made him available. Things quieted down amidst all the Brown hubbub, and then last week, NFL reporter Jay Glazer predicted OBJ was going to be traded this offseason. He did not say to whom and he simply predicted rather than reported, but it got tongues wagging. This evening, PFT reported that a “sense persists” the 49ers will try and make a run at OBJ. They say the No. 2 overall pick for OBJ might be too high, but maybe they would send it if the Giants sent back a third or fourth round pick. It is worth noting PFT also suggests the Rams might decide another big splash is needed, but does not offer up any sort of persisting sense.
2 maps that might help you decide which AAF team to cheer for - SB Nation The AAF’s Eastern Conference has teams in Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, and Orlando. The Western Conference has teams in Phoenix, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, and San Diego. But if you don’t happen to live in one of those eight cities, you might be wandering who you should cheer for. Everyone knows geography is one of the best ways to pick a team, and that is where the map below comes into play.
Social Media Information:
BGN Facebook Page: Click here to like our page
BGN Twitter: Follow @BleedingGreen
BGN Manager: Brandon Lee Gowton: Follow @BrandonGowton
BGN Radio Twitter: Follow @BGN_Radio
Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/2/19/18229717/eagles-news-smart-people-talk-around-league-think-eagles-apply-franchise-tag-nick-foles-philadelphia
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