#i love theresia's design man
darlingjewels · 4 months
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in memory;
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blobbei-art · 11 months
i love kasifer and theresia's monster designs so much, you're designs are so fluid man
Aaaah thank you so much, I always feel so self conscious about always making the same/similar things!! Theresia's design is currently a WIP (yet again), but I think it's finally going into a right direction!
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I'll use this as an opportunity to show the current update on it, in which she seems to be becoming more bull-like haha
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bthump · 3 years
Gahhh I love Claymore. For a series written by a man it's really good! There are even muscly women like Rachel and Undine, and I love all the characters! My faves are probably Clarice and Miata and Cassandra but there are so many great characters! Umm what are your top five Claymore characters lol
Yeah I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it when I first read it, how (comparatively to my expectations at least) non-fanservicey it was and how great so many of the characters were.
All your picks are great (Miata might be my fave monster design), and I also love pretty much every character in it, except like, Raki I guess lol.
I guess my faves would be:
5. Helen bc she's fun.
4. Cassandra bc she's a weirdo nerd and that's awesome.
3. Priscilla bc she's perfectly tragic.
2. Roxanne bc her whole thing is seducing other claymores, stealing their ideas, and killing them, and that's awesome as hell.
1. Theresia because I love overpowered female characters and she's one of my favourite types in general with her emotional detachment and absolute confidence and newly discovered emotional tether. Also her appearance at the end made me cry lol.
Funny that only one of them is from the main characters lol, but idk the manga just has so many great incidental characters.
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theky2aqw-blog · 6 years
Dies Irae - Me vs AnimeFeminist
Hey Sorry for the wait. I was watching Dies Irae and thought should I need to go for the funniest thing to exist by searching a triggered feminazi/sjw talking an article about Dies Irae.
But Before that
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wow I am quite getting good with this huh?
Dies Irae is an anime adaptation of the Visual Novel with the same name. It contains themes of Nazis, Magic, Immortals, Witches, and Harem because why not.
We will be focusing on Episode 00, the Episode designed for VN viewers to relate with the anime, which highly focuses on the Theresia(Rea) route without the Hentai parts and combines some moments for Marie, Kasumi, and Kei routes. Sadly it removes the interesting bits of Rusalka and her slight romantic and really well defined sexual interest for him in the Theresia(Rea) route.
So what is episode 0 all about?
Episode 0 is actually talking the times of the start of 1939 Germany where the Villain Reinhard Heydrich has a secret meeting with the Obsidian Round Table. Of course the interesting bits of how the Nazi officers were debating and talking back and forth on things they are interested in talking about. And it also slowly ends with the current day Japan where episode 1 will begin.
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So what is with AnimeFeminist I mean FemiNazi,
well they are fully triggered over everything especially the depiction of Nazis in Anime, so why not dissect it and the funny claims in their article. so yeah I loved mocking this article to death. Time for us to go with the debunking part. (Yay another reason for me to kill my sanity once more):
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1. “ Under normal circumstances, it would be hard to choose the worst part of Dies Irae. The show is a Kickstarted adaption of a 2007 visual novel that’s notorious for originally being released unfinished, among other… qualities. This episode technically wasn’t the start of the story, but a prologue “Episode 0,” serving to set up the villains before the main story begins. ”
- Unfinished? Prologue? What? 
- It was unfinished in its early days and that is thanks to both Sony and Nintendo not really giving them the liberty to do so and that the project was already at its deadline making delays and unfinished content.
- It did finish it all after the release of the first part of the series by extensions and additional content packs for play station gamers to play it and also the PC ports was Japan exclusive so it took many years untiil reached the West. Also its not a prologue just a part of the VN itself.
2. “ this episode was about Nazis. Not “serial numbers filed off,” Marvel’s Hydra-style pseudo-Nazis, but actual, factual Nazis. Sure, the swastika on their armbands is replaced with a vague, meaningless fantasy symbol, but that doesn’t do much to cancel out that this episode focuses on real historical figure Reinhard Heydrich. Yes, that blue-eyed, blond-haired bishounen that background characters call an “example of the master race” (shudder) ”
-At least you made some clarifications in your 2017 article, but still funny how you get easily triggered by this
-Yeah it focuses on the old medieval man named Karl Kraft(before becoming Heydrich) in his time in Germany as one of the generals for Hitler, and the fact that nobody cares if they are nazis or what.
- and Master race? yeah you get afraid when it is said because it clearly talks about people like you who act like actual facists without realizing it.
3. “In the year 2017, with fascism rising at alarming rates worldwide, someone decided it would be cool to make an anime with a bishie-fied fantasy version of the man who systematically murdered tens of millions of people. Heydrich is one of history’s greatest monsters and his atrocities are still in living memory and they made an anime focusing on him and making him look cool. I don’t give a fuck if he’s a bad guy. It’s frankly irresponsible these days depicting Nazis as anything but repugnant.
I’m actually shaking a little as I type this.”
-I am going to laugh, well I did, laugh so badly when I read this part. You are so triggered that you have to type it on the keyboard.
-And who caused Fascism rise anyways, well its puritans like you who did it in the first place. Obviously when you act like your opponent in every manner, you will end up being the enemy outside of your delusion.
-Irresponsible? When how and where? Tell me the details, I love to hear what is it all about. They did not make him look cool, its just Heydrich being Heydrich.
- also why is it repugnant to talk or make something about the nazis when you yourself act like the very nazi you hate. Hello not everyone thinks nazis are completely evil.
4. “ Dies Irae could have the most gorgeous animation (it doesn’t), witty writing (it doesn’t), and likable supporting cast (it doesn’t) full of empowered women (they aren’t), and it wouldn’t matter because they’re fucking nazis. ”
- Your sarcasm ends here huh? ok just because they are Nazis, you really get super triggered that you made an article about it. Hahahahaha even I can make something more sarcastic things without the need to put open close tenses just to say they aren’t. duh.
5. The animation is thoroughly blah. The character designs are bland and the movement is jerky and limited, even in the action scenes. It doesn’t help that most of the episode takes place at night, so everything is muddy.
- Muddy or Moody? also I do have to slightly agree with you that the animation is not really the best but at the same time it does the job it wants to propose.
6. “I have only the vaguest sense of what happened. There was a lot of jumping from one weirdo to another without any sense of transition. The episode concluded with Heydrich making a long speech about how bored he was with everything, with incoherent writing that could only come from a visual novel. The flow of the episode seemed mostly about quickly introducing a big group of characters designed to make the VN fans point and say, “Hey, I know that guy!””
-well the episode just follows what the VN did, so what else does it says.
Now comes the funny part. Brace your seats before you lose your sides from the very words the writer has to say about it.
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7. “ One of the Nazis goes on a violent rant about how an androgynous character is “disgusting” for not clearly presenting as a man or a woman, which is going to be flat-out triggering for some viewers. ”
-Ku- Kuhahahahahahaha......I lost myself laughing at this. Why would anyone be triggered because androgynous characters are disgusting except when you are offended this badly. Some Viewers? Maybe just you and your fellow mental patients. Hahahahaha
8. “The female characters might, under different circumstances, be interesting… too bad they’re fucking Nazis.”
- Here we go with the Nazis and shit thing again. This is the funniest thing I had read for my entire life coming from you. Kuhahahahaha! At least you admit Rusalka and the other females were interesting. But Noooooo, because Nazis.
9. “ There’s nothing good about Dies Irae. I can’t even recommend it in good conscience for a hatewatch because of the shocking insensitivity toward historical figures and events. Throw Dies Irae in the dumpster and find a better trashy action-spectacle series to watch this season. ”
- Thanks for throwing good trash to us. Because you are only a pansy who can’t understand others
ok now for the comment that I laughed the most
10. “ Are the Japanese just flat out ignorant as a culture about Nazi's? Considering their country was allied with them during the war and had their own issues with how they treated fellow east countries I really can't understand why anyone let along a publishing company would think a series about damn Nazi's is a good idea. The only reason I can fanthom any admiration a Japanese person could have for them is their own issues with what's a "true scotsman" or maintaining the myth that theyre a ethnically monolitic country. (including but not limited to Unit 731 where they straight up tortured POW's and civilians in some of the most disgusting ways imaginable). ”
-first probably since almost every nation outside the west talks about Nazism that much. So generally every Asian has little to no Knowledge about the Nazis and also they are not insensitive it is just that you westerners are too sensitive about that topic. well if we do not include the Koreans and Chinese who hated Japan the most.
-Yeah because Nazis are interesting to look at and think about you american thot.
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well looks like I might end up making myself pissed off on how much they do not understand the world they live in and the fact that they go full on racists when the topic is about Nazis and nations that has some positive outlook on them.
Well I will let you all watch the anime, its fun to watch and sometimes boring. But hey at least we get to know some interesting things that they will never know.
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