#i love the og photo of him he's so goober
enjoy-my-swearing · 9 months
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Day whatever of drawing Copia's face until I get it right.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on HSS: Class Act Chapter 14
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- pIcking highlights photos was hella hard, so...here’s 9 please don’t say a thing 😭💀
- I maaaay or may not have moved everything around in my schedule to make sure I played the chapter when it dropped (unfortunately I could not post until now)
- Y'all I felt like I was watching my actual kids get ready for their performance. These are more of the moments that make me miss high school 😩
- Ajay trying to give a pep talk and constantly being interrupted was a mess chile. But funny.
- So we get to talk to Rory, Skye, and Ajay before the show, so in the order I clicked:
Rory: Meghan pacing with him while he was lost in thought was adorbs
Skye: Deserves better than her shitty ass parents, yes I said it. We all know the truth.
Ajay: I may have melted a little inside when Meghan came to talk to him, and he was about to snap but immediately softened (I'm still mad at him, but this was cute)
- Meghan point blanked asked him if Ajay thought she was guilty and Ajay point blank says he didn't know what to believe. Bull, Ajay, just apologize and hug it out lol
- MEGHAN SINGING LET IT GO TO GET AJAY TO CHILL (I love my goober child so much lol we're the same person) 😂😂😆
- So I spent 12 diamonds for the crew to make Ajay a card. Honestly, it was kinda worth it. Clint and Nat making the card for Ajay about Rory is a true talent, and Meghan going the silly route in her message just felt right (amid all the sentimental notes)
- Skye being stressed out about her parents not being there just made my blood pressure rise and want to fight somebody (ask me if I was surprised when they didn't' come?? Ask me) 💀
- Lololol was I, a 22 year old player nervous for a fictional 14 year old's stage kiss/ first kiss? When am I not nervous when it comes to this damn book
- RORY LIKES MEGHAN RORY LIKES MEGHAN RORY LIKES- okay I'll stop. Sincere apologies for the Ajay and Skye romancers. I'll try to keep my foolishness in check. Again. But like come on, he essentially admits that he likes the girl before he fumbles out something else to cover it.
- Me: Now kiss
My well meaning friend: Serene, ya got one more chapter, please chill.
Me: ......no
- I was so happy to see Rory's mama in the crowd *cries*
- Also, Aiden's music was SO PRETTY. I hope PB puts the track up sometime.
- Speaking of Aiden, good to know he and my OG MC Denise are still going strong, pair of cuties 💖
- Ajay willingly hugging the MC if you give him the card??????? Still not an apology, but maybe I can let it slide...
- ERIN AND TWIN!!!!! I SHIP IT!!!!!!! (I also low key ship Skye and Twin but that's a whole other post). Malcolm giving Erin the flowers literally made me squeal, why are they so f*** precious???😭😭😭
- Speaking of precious and tears and crap, Mrs. Silva taking Skye in under her wing??? Praise God, I can now sleep better at night, lol 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Guys....um....Danielle is changing in my eyes?? I'm not saying she's forgiven for the nasty things she said and did, but getting Amber and other people to buy tickets and support the show was really kind and mature of her. I see you Danielle, we're getting somewhere!
- Lol, I think I glossed over the stage kiss itself, but there's other things to scream about
- I like how the story's all "cast party at MC's place, surprise". And the outfits for guy and girl MC look really nice!
- So. Like. It's not a secret that I'm a Rory stan, specifically my Rory with my MC, so I have it on good authority that my soul will ascend my body next Monday 2pm EST. I've been waiting all book for certain people to confess certain feelings in a certain fashion 🤷🏾‍♀️
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