#i love our ooc chats and our ic interactions ❤
imaginarianisms · 8 months
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Before going into further details, I want to mention that in order to allow the actions below, you just have to leave a like on this post and to please not reblog! By liking this post, I’m going to assume that you have read my rules and got a basic understanding of my portrayal of the muses that are available by reading through my blog pages. I also take it that you are interested in interacting with my muse(s) to develop possible relationships ( positive or negative, platonic or romantic or otherwise ) with them. It’s required that we’ve have to have interacted in order for you to like this post - this is for Ask/RP blogs only, personals, do not like this post.
Go on, punch that ❤︎ button, I won’t bite, I promise! By liking this little beauty, that means you all are okay and are giving me full permission with the following from yours truly:
🌹 Write completely random starters and mention you in them.
🌹  Write headcanons about our characters, depending of course on the bond between them and tagging the other mun.
🌹 Tag other muns with their urls in pictures/videos/audios etc. that somehow represent our friendship or the unique bond between the muses.
🌹 Spam your askbox with any of my muses whenever, with any verse I have in mind. However, you can also suggest any verse or plot idea as well.
🌹 Talk to the other mun OOC or IC.
🌹 Contact the other mun via IM or discord whenever something new related to their character crosses the mun’s mind.
🌹 Send memes, inbox starters, turn asks into threads, request to plot with you.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in random starters.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in graphics or text posts which remind me of your muse.
🌹 Talk and/or to you via tags, instant messages or asks, if I don’t have your Discord.
🌹 Answer and/or reply to any of yours asks, text post or open starter anytime.
🌹 Invade your inbox at ungodly hours whether it’s IC or OOC, with an idea.
🌹 Contact you to plot or to set pre-established relationships. My muses need friends, enemies, old mentors, old friends/fling/colleagues, people they work with now, people they stumbles upon… there are many possibilities, no matter the verse! I’ll talk to you but please talk to me, too. I don’t bite!
🌹 Writing spontaneous headcanons, drabbles or anything else about our muses’ bond which could pop up in my head.
🌹 Making you gifts (Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists, drabbles, promo banners etc.) and tagging you in them.
🌹 Send you some love and cookies and wrap you in a blanket!
🌹 Be friends that have fun roleplaying and being dorks together.
🌹 Liking your starter calls.
🌹 Chill about the alien invasions and fangirl and finish each other’s conspiracy theories.
🌹 Showering you with love, chocolate, hugs and cookies!
🌹 Plotting and crying screaming and suffering with me.
Finally, by you liking this, I, in return, give full permission for you do all of these things but also be aware that I know your muse(s) and have read your own rules. Don’t be shy to come by and like this post, throw a meme at me or come and prod my IM space at any time.
Also, by liking this post you are saying that you have;
🌹 Read my rules.
🌹 Skimmed through the verses & about pages.
By liking this post, I am okay with the following:
🌹 IC asks and inbox invasions (also chill about alien invasions and the zombie apocalypse too and a bunch more tbh.)
🌹 Liking my starter calls.
🌹 Random Starters.
🌹 Plotting and suffering.
🌹 Random little gifts be it drabbles, drawings, aesthetics or anything else. ( I will love you forever and shower you with chocolate, affection and love tbh.)
🌹 Tagging me in stuff that made you think about our muses.
🌹 A simple chat over IM or Discord if we're close.
Any of these I am just thrilled to do because that means that you enjoy rping with me as much as I do with all of you wonderful and talented people! Thank you all for reading this, I’m looking forward to interacting with the wonderful writers out there and their magnificent muses! Stay safe, I love you all!  — Sincerely yours, with all of my love, Angie ♥
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quirkhearted-m · 3 years
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{So, since I’ve had this blog up for a bit now, figured I’d do a permanent starter call. This also applies to old mutuals and any future mutuals as well. 
This will be a way for me to know who’s okay with me doing the following:
Sending my muses into your inbox unprompted & posting starters for you unprompted.
Interacting OOC either in the IMs or on Discord (which you’re welcome to ask for if you want it), talking about muses or just general chatting. 
Messaging you with things that remind me of our muses, messaging you with plots, or just messaging you in general whenever.
Creating tags for a relationship (platonic & romantic) if I feel there’s chemistry (as long as you feel it as well).
Creating things for our muses (aesthetics, playlists, etc).
Tagging you in things that remind me of our muses/your muse.
You’re all totally welcome to do all of the above to/with me as well! I encourage it.
Also, some other notes:
All of you are welcome in my inbox. Be it on anon or off. Mutuals or not. Whether it be sending random questions or memes. I love unprompted things for any of my muses, so I highly encourage random asks. It won’t bother me at all, nor will the amount of asks. So send as many as you’d like, about anything.
Please don’t be afraid to message me about anything. If you have a plot idea or something you that reminds you of our muses, send it to me! In my experience, that’s been the best way to get plotting started & further potential relationships (IC & OOC).
I greatly apologize if my socializing isn’t the best. I sometimes leave messages hanging, and it’s nothing any of you have done. It’s just my neurodivergent brain making it difficult to socialize as often as I’d like. But I 100% want to talk & plot with you! So please don’t let this be a deterrent. I can assure you it does improve the more I talk with someone! It’s just hard to make the jump to start, is all.
So, ❤ this post if you’re okay with everything stated above!}
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
Obviously, you're very wonderful. I still am grateful I encountered your blog for who knows how but it kept me here for a long time! You're very friendly, approachable, kind, and you write so well. You're someone very dedicated to the characters you come to like and bring them to life. (Anyone who disagrees, i will poke with an 🌂). I hope you're having a good day!
@etherealve ♚ 🥺🥺❤
♔ ———–
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MY DEAR FRIEND, PLEASE KNOW THAT SEEING THIS MESSAGE IN MY INBOX MADE ME SMILE SO VERY WIDE, I’m so glad that I’m finally able to reply to this (why can’t a day have more than 24 hours at times, honESTLY--) so I can yELL about how lovely you are:
Ever since the day we followed each other, you’ve always been so very awesome and sweet!! Our first conversations take me back to the beginnings of this blog --- you were one of the first people I interacted with over here and I’m so grateful to know that months later, we still get to chat and write together 😊 (and I hope we continue to do this for a LONG time ;W;)!! You’re so easy to talk to, someone who’s also very friendly and approachable; very open to plotting ideas and willing to chat about everything and anything, whether that includes muses’ shenanigans or not. Your presence on the dash brings me joy; thank you lots for letting us be a witness of your wonderful muses and their development (because, as I’ve said before, I enjoy to see your amazing writing and how you portray each muse differently, based on their backgrounds and current thoughts) AND FOR!!! Letting my son here be part of your muses’ (Jay, specifically, I’m looking at you--UWHEDIUWHD) lives! 
I’m looking forward to see what else we can come up with, both IC and OOC 😂; THANK YOU SO MUCH for your sweet words, I’M GOING TO KEEP THEM FOREVER, I appreciate YOU bunches!!! Hope you’re having a fantastic day 💗!!
———– ♔
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queenvh-archive · 4 years
2020 Appreciation Post
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So 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, but it’s been especially difficult for me personally. I’ve been trying to write this for a week and couldn’t find the best way to do it, hence this is being posted on the last possible day. 
I’ve been in this RP since May 2018. I’ve known some of you from before, I’ve met some of you here. This RP is truly it’s people and every single person here is a treasure. 
If you’re not mentioned in this post please don’t take it personally, it’s most likely due to my brain failing. But know I love you. If we haven’t spoken before OOC my IMs are always open and I promise I love meeting people ❤
❤ I’m going to start this with my babe Clary @zacharyefrcn / @selenagomczmassoud / @chacecrawfcrd​ I feel like at this point we speak every day and if we go a day or two without speaking it’s as if something is missing. It was friendship at first sight honestly. From fangirling over the littlest things to sending each other memes to make each other feel better, to speaking about the most random things. This year has been a difficult one for both of us but I am so happy we had each other to vent to and to bitch and to laugh at stupid shit with. This has also been a big year for our babies. We made Zanessa happen in our own little world. We finally had these two fools married. You are one of my favorite ship partners I’ve ever had and I love you madly.
❤ @sebasstan / @mencmassoud Riley, whatever I say cannot even begin to cover the love and appreciation and affection I have for you. We’ve known each other for a couple of years now, we’ve been through good times and bad and I know that I can always reach out to you and I want to believe you know the same goes for you too. I love you to the moon and back. Our Brunessa will forever and ever be one of my most favorite ships and plots I’ve ever done in all of my years of RPing. #iconic. I love our long conversations, our bitching when frustrated and all the things we come up with and get excited about. I cannot wait for many many more years of this friendship. 
❤  @ffsdayacoleman I know we don’t talk much ooc but I really want that to change. Your Zendaya is such a well rounded character and I enjoy every single interaction our characters had. You are an awesome writer and I have so much fun whenever we have a chat thread together or any other ic interaction. You ara amazing and I hope we get to talking more ooc
❤ @itsbenzash​ I want to begin by saying that I love love love the friendship Vanessa and Ashley have. It reminds me of some of my actual real life friendship in which even if we haven’t talked for a while whenever I have a call with them it’s as if not a day has passed. Every single time we have spoken ooc you were lovely and I love how open you always are for plotting. You rock and I want to speak more to you ooc.
❤ @jstntimberfake​ / @millyharington​  Nicki, OK let me start this by saying how much I miss you. I’ve known  you since my Invision Free days way before I started rping on tumblr #throwback. Dexter + Kassandra will always be L.F.E even though real time Scott and Kourtney broke up. I feel like we started this whole tumblr rp trip together.I know that we’ve lost touch the last couple of years but know that I do love you and I do miss you and that I’m always here if you want to speak OOC or IC. You are one of the people I’ve known the longest and you will always have a special place in my heart. I hope you won’t find this tag weird but I couldn’t make an appreciation post and not include you.
❤  @kit-x-harington​ / @cara-x-delevingne​ you will forever be the best Britney Spears the RP world has ever seen and that’s fact. just like Nicki we have lost touch the last couple of years but know that I appreciate you, that it’s such a joy seeing you on the dash because I love the way you play your characters so much and that I love and miss you as well. And as mentioned above for Nicki I couldn’t not include you in this 
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
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Before going into further details, I want to mention that in order to allow the actions below, you just have to leave a like on this post and to please not reblog! By liking this post, I’m going to assume that you have read my rules and got a basic understanding of my portrayal of the muses that are available by reading through my blog pages. I also take it that you are interested in interacting with my muse(s) to develop possible relationships ( positive or negative, platonic or romantic or otherwise ) with them. It’s required that we’ve have to have interacted in order for you to like this post - this is for Ask/RP blogs only, personals, do not like this post.
Go on, punch that ❤︎ button, I won’t bite, I promise! By liking this little beauty, that means you all are okay and are giving me full permission with the following from yours truly:
🌹 Write completely random starters and mention you in them.
🌹  Write headcanons about our characters, depending of course on the bond between them and tagging the other mun.
🌹 Tag other muns with their urls in pictures/videos/audios etc. that somehow represent our friendship or the unique bond between the muses.
🌹 Spam your askbox with any of my muses whenever, with any verse I have in mind. However, you can also suggest any verse or plot idea as well.
🌹 Talk to the other mun OOC or IC.
🌹 Contact the other mun via IM whenever something new related to their character crosses the mun’s mind.
🌹 Send memes, inbox starters, turn asks into threads, request to plot with you.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in random starters.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in graphics or text posts which remind me of your muse.
🌹 Talk and/or to you via tags, instant messages or asks, if I don’t have your Discord.
🌹 Answer and/or reply to any of yours asks, text post or open starter anytime.
🌹 Invade your inbox at ungodly hours whether it’s IC or OOC, with an idea.
🌹 Contact you to plot or to set pre-established relationships. My muses need friends, enemies, old mentors, old friends/fling/colleagues, people they work with now, people they stumbles upon… there are many possibilities, no matter the verse! I’ll talk to you but please talk to me, too. I don’t bite!
🌹 Writing spontaneous headcanons, drabbles or anything else about our muses’ bond which could pop up in my head.
🌹 Making you gifts (Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists, drabbles, promo banners etc.) and tagging you in them.
🌹 Send you some love and cookies and wrap you in a blanket!
🌹 Be friends that have fun roleplaying and being dorks together.
🌹 Liking your starter calls.
🌹 Chill about the alien invasions and fangirl and finish each other’s conspiracy theories.
🌹 Showering you with love, chocolate, hugs and cookies!
🌹 Plotting and suffering with me.
Finally, by you liking this, I, in return, give full permission for you do all of these things but also be aware that I know your muse(s) and have read your own rules. Don’t be shy to come by and like this post, throw a meme at me or come and prod my IM space at any time.
Also, by liking this post you are saying that you have;
🌹 Read my rules.
🌹 Skimmed through the verses & about pages.
By liking this post, I am okay with the following:
🌹 IC asks and inbox invasions (also chill about alien invasions and the zombie apocalypse too and a bunch more tbh.)
🌹 Liking my starter calls.
🌹 Random Starters.
🌹 Plotting and suffering.
🌹 Random little gifts be it drabbles, drawings, aesthetics or anything else. ( I will love you forever and shower you with chocolate, affection and love tbh.)
🌹 Tagging me in stuff that made you think about our muses.
🌹 A simple chat over IM or Discord.
Any of these I am just thrilled to do because that means that you enjoy rping with me as much as I do with all of you wonderful and talented people! Thank you all for reading this, I’m looking forward to interacting with the wonderful writers out there and their magnificent muses! Stay safe, I love you all!  — Sincerely yours, with all of my love, Angie ♥
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Before going into further details, I want to mention that in order to allow the actions below, you just have to leave a like on this post and to please not reblog! By liking this post, I’m going to assume that you have read my rules and got a basic understanding of my portrayal of the muses that are available by reading through my blog pages. I also take it that you are interested in interacting with my muse(s) to develop possible relationships (positive or negative, platonic or romantic or otherwise) with them. It’s required that we’ve have to have interacted in order for you to like this post - this is for Ask/RP blogs only, personals, do not like this post.
Go on, punch that ❤︎ button, I won’t bite, I promise! By liking this little beauty, that means you all are okay and are giving me full permission with the following from yours truly:
🌹 Write completely random starters and mention you in them.
🌹  Write headcanons about our characters, depending of course on the bond between them and tagging the other mun.
🌹 Tag other muns with their urls in pictures/videos/audios etc. that somehow represent our friendship or the unique bond between the muses.
🌹 Spam your askbox with any of my muses whenever, with any verse I have in mind. However, you can also suggest any verse or plot idea as well.
🌹 Talk to the other mun OOC or IC.
🌹 Contact the other mun via IM whenever something new related to their character crosses the mun’s mind.
🌹 Send memes, inbox starters, turn asks into threads, request to plot with you.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in random starters. 🌹 Tag and/or @ you in graphics or text posts which remind me of your muse. 🌹 Talk and/or to you via tags, instant messages or asks, if I don’t have your Discord. 🌹 Answer and/or reply to any of yours asks, text post or open starter anytime. 🌹 Invade your inbox at ungodly hours whether it’s IC or OOC, with an idea. 🌹 Contact you to plot or to set pre-established relationships. My muses need friends, enemies, old mentors, old friends/fling/colleagues, people they work with now, people they stumbles upon… there are many possibilities, no matter the verse! I’ll talk to you but please talk to me, too. I don’t bite! 🌹 Writing spontaneous headcanons, drabbles or anything else about our muses’ bond which could pop up in my head. 🌹 Making you gifts (Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists, drabbles, promo banners etc.) and tagging you in them. 🌹 Send you some love and cookies and wrap you in a blanket! 🌹 Be friends that have fun roleplaying and being dorks together.
🌹 Liking your starter calls.
🌹 Chill about the alien invasions and fangirl and finish each other’s conspiracy theories.
🌹 Showering you with love, chocolate, hugs and cookies!
🌹 Plotting and suffering with me.
Finally, by you liking this, I, in return, give full permission for you do all of these things but also be aware that I know your muse(s) and have read your own rules. Don’t be shy to come by and like this post, throw a meme at me or come and prod my IM space at any time.
Also, by liking this post you are saying that you have; 🌹 Read my rules. 🌹 Skimmed through the verses & about pages.
By liking this post, I am okay with the following:
🌹 IC asks and inbox invasions (also chill about alien invasions and the zombie apocalypse too and a bunch more tbh.) 🌹 Liking my starter calls. 🌹 Random Starters. 🌹 Plotting and suffering. 🌹 Random little gifts be it drabbles, drawings, aesthetics or anything else. ( I will love you forever and shower you with chocolate, affection and love tbh.) 🌹 Tagging me in stuff that made you think about our muses.
🌹 A simple chat over IM or Discord.
Any of these I am just thrilled to do because that means that you enjoy rping with me as much as I do with all of you wonderful and talented people! Thank you all for reading this, I’m looking forward to interacting with the wonderful writers out there and their magnificent muses! Stay safe, I love you all!
                                                                                   — Sincerely yours, with all of my love Angie ♥
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