#i love interviews with farrell because
trillscienceofficer · 29 days
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from Cinefantastique Vol 28 #4/5, November 1996
TABOO BREAKER: Another Trill gender bender, “Rejoined” echoes TREK's legacy of exploring the nature of love.
By Dale Kutzera
Thirty years ago STAR TREK broke a long-standing television taboo by presenting the first interracial kiss—a fact Gene Roddenberry often boasted about. Early in DS9’s fourth season a similar taboo fell. Though not the first lesbian kiss—LA LAW and ROSEANNE have done it, as did PICKET FENCES (albeit with the lights out)—it was certainly the most passionate. For 15 incredible seconds, Jadzia Dax and the wife of a former host kissed. And not a closed-mouth kiss, turned away from the camera as between Kirk and Uhura. This was passion.
The writers did not set out to create a “gay” show with “Rejoined.” The original story involved a male lover of one of Dax’s previous hosts and how their renewed attraction broke a Trill taboo against relationships with lovers from past lives. “We had talked for a long time about doing the show about Dax and a former spouse,” said staff writer/producer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, “and we always suspected that was a Trill cultural taboo. But how do you make the audience understand that even though Dax is doing something they would find acceptable, it’s against the norms of social behavior for her society? The story came before the decision to do the same sex couple. It was always an analogy to the way homosexual relationships are treated in our society. Trills have no reason to be against same sex couples, but what a better way to show that they are a totally different, alien society than to see them reacting in self-righteous indignation just because they were lovers in a previous life? That society should dictate who you should and should not love is a sad thing and that’s what the show is about. We didn't sit down and say ‘Lets do a gay show.”
Credit Ron Moore with taking Rene Echevarria's story and re-shaping it by making the past lover a woman. “Initially it was a man, she was a woman, and here they are,” said Moore. “I remember reading the story and thinking about it. Literally, I was on my way home and started to think this would be a much stronger story—it would really be a stand-out episode of the series—If this was a woman. Play it as a woman and really go for it. I called Ira from my car and he was receptive and the next day we just dumped it on the staff. It got batted around and there were reservations here and there and then everybody signed on board.”
“Ron is the one that made it happen," said Echevarria. “People had talked about doing a so-called lesbian angle in other contexts. Ron is the one who brought it together and said this is the show. The taboo was Michael Piller’s idea and Ron merged it, saw how they tracked and said, ‘We will do the show and never even mention the fact that these are two women. This taboo tracks with our own taboos or many audience members’ taboos about homosexuality and the argument will track straight down the line and it will be great.”’
Realizing that, as in any story of rejoined lovers, it would inevitably lead to a passionate kiss, Moore wrote a memo to Ira Behr and Rick Berman justifying what could be DS9’s most controversial episode. “We knew it was going to be a controversial episode if we went for it, so we clearly had to go to Rick and the studio,” said Moore. “Rick questioned us. He wanted to make sure we knew what we were doing and why. He focused in on it and then he went to the studio and their reaction was the same: “Why? How is this going to work? How are you going to handle it? Is this going to be just salacious? Is this going to be tasteful? And how far are you going to go?’”
The studio was concerned that some viewers may infer that the two women were having sex, and worried that some affiliate stations would not air the episode. “It really boiled down to how far are you going to go and how are you going to handle it?" continued Moore. “The fact that this show was not known as NYPD BLUE and was this shocking the audience and taking them by surprise? I think we pushed it in the kiss scene. That is a powerful, amazing scene. You can’t get around that. That is the show stopper. It was not a gratuitous scene—I thought I would have done it if that character had been a man. So I didn’t think we were doing it to grab attention. It was the right thing to do in the story and it’s going to hit you in a more powerful way. One of the arguments we used was this is part of our franchise legacy. The original series prided itself on TV’s first interracial kiss. We've been priding ourselves on that for 30 years, so why not take the next step and be true to our ideals and convictions. STAR TREK has a point of view, a not completely middle-of-the-road view of the future. This is part of our view.”
Before proceeding, the general premise was run past actress Terry Farrell. “Ira called me last summer to say Michael [Dorn] was on the show and would I mind kissing a woman?" said Farrell. “At the time I said, ‘As long as she’s beautiful.’ I was just being silly. Then I thought as soon as you get the script I want to see it, because if it is anything sensationalized or a joke I don’t want to do it. [Ira said], ‘No it will be a love story with integrity.’ And I thought it was.”
With the green light given, Moore and Echevarria began work on the script. “This was a love story and the trick was to write it as a love story and forget the fact that she was a woman,” said Moore. “The backstory helped in that they were married once. They were husband and wife—write them that way. Two people who really shared something. One of them died. They never got to say good-bye and years later, in different bodies, they run into each other again and play that out. The thing with the Trill taboo was a perfect metaphor for issues of sexual tolerance and intolerance and we played that taboo without really playing our taboo."
The writers tried not to focus on the fact that both lovers were women, and simply wrote the story as a straight romance. “It’s easy to do on paper because the name Lenara is not one you really associate with women anyway,’’ Moore said. “We made it up. So on paper it’s easy to forget and just write this love story and this taboo is what we’re dealing with. It’s not until you’re sitting in the room watching casting sessions that you got two women playing these scenes and you go, ‘Wow, this is really going to hit you in a different way when you see it.’ But we tried to stay true to just telling the story and not going for the easy shots.”
“I was excited, because they were brave,” said Farrell of the writers. “If I were to change the names to Frank and Sara I totally believed that love story. It didn’t matter what the names were, these two people were in love with each other. I was so happy that I was the one who was willing to fight for the love. I knew people would relate to me. And at the end I was so sad. No matter what anybody else says, it made me really proud.”
For Farrell the episode also offered her an opportunity to express on film her off-screen respect for Avery Brooks. In a moment of critical decision, as Dax contemplates breaking the Trill taboo and throwing her future into chaos, Sisko advises her against the hasty decision, but vows to stand by her whatever her choice may be. “I didn’t even need to do homework on that scene. I just used my relationship with Avery. The first year was very difficult to adjust to the dialog. People got impatient with me, other directors and other actors. I was 28 years old. but I felt like I was 18. I lost my confidence. I must have driven them nuts, but Avery was always very supportive and strong. He really helped me build my confidence. He’s strong and silent. I don’t know anything about him personally, but he’s been incredibly giving to me emotionally. We cried a lot on that scene. A lot more than you saw. It felt weird not crying too hard, but holding back. It helped to have a director [Brooks] you trust. I needed his opinion on that.”
Director Brooks had Farrell and gueststar Susanna Thompson (who earned thepraise of everyone involved in the show) rehearse the critical scene up to the momentof the kiss. The actual description of the scene in the script was general, leaving it up to the actors and director to stage. “I said it was a kiss they have been waiting a hundred years for. It’s a powerful moment, let them do their magic on the set,” said Moore. “Avery and the two actresses staged it and pretty much it was left as Avery, Terry, and Susanna wanted it.”
“It described I was touching her face and whispered in her ear—her husband said it turned her on,” said Farrell. “We rehearsed up to the kiss then stopped. I thought it was great Avery directed it. because he was really into being honest and telling the truth, trying to pretend we’re not aliens in outer space, and being honest in the emotions. Avery talked about being passionate and sensuous. What was really hard for me was it starts out in my close-up, then a two-shot and the kiss. She said one word, then gotcha. We wouldn’t dissect this. If I were kissing a man we would say, ‘No tongues? Okay, no tongues.’ Avery didn't want them to cut it down too much. We wanted to make sure that didn't happen. You don't go through telling that kind of story and then say, ‘We can’t be very brave.’”
The writers and cast were pleased and a bit surprised that the kiss was kept almost intact through the editing process. “We saw the kiss and thought, ‘Boy how is Rick going to edit this,” said Echevarria. “We were just so gratified and thrilled to see that he did not pull back on the emotion of the moment. He allowed it to happen. It's by far the most passionate gay kiss I've ever seen on television.”
The reaction to the episode was predictably mixed. Some affiliates did not air the episode. Others excised the scene with the kiss. Mail to the writing staff was heavier than for any other episode they had been involved in, and much of it negative. "My idea that sci-fi fans are socially far-thinking, that they are in many ways liberal, leftist, humanist, whatever, was totally blown apart by some of the incredible comments we received,” said Behr. “There’s a strong conservative strain in the American soul and maybe it’s there in sci-fi, too. I don’t think we were saying anything that was that extraordinarily out of line, but maybe we were and that's pretty sad.”
Not all the mail was negative, however, as Echevarria remembered. “I would say it was ten-to-one pro—saying thank you very much and you don’t know how important this was. Letters from teachers, counselors, groups that counsel gay teens—saying how important something like this is. My mother was just scandalized. For the first time ever she culled me and said, ‘I can't believe you did that. It's so bad and so bad for the children of America.’ I couldn't have been happier.”
“It was a challenge emotionally for me to have a relationship with a woman,” said Farrell. "It wasn't anything I ever thought I’d want to do in my career. I've taken jobs to pay the rent. It was a great feeling to get to do a show that was that special as an actress. A lot of people go through their whole career and don’t get to do something that controversial or with that artistic integrity. I’m very proud of that.”
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doux-amer · 2 years
I can’t believe it took me until 2022 to finally understand Andrew Garfield’s appeal... I thought he was cute like a deer, and then I was just neutral about him beyond “seems like a nice guy. Also seems like he’s very enthusiastic and he’s straddling that cute eager puppy and annoying theater kid line closely once in a while for me” in the later years. But then something clicked last year? And then the Golden Globes flirting this year????? I’m not sure what, but I think I can see the attractiveness.
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mayiwritesomething · 5 months
Love is an Unfamiliar Name (Pt. 8)
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Wordcount: 2,5 k
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Warnings: angst, just curse words as usual.
A/N: Our reader decides do give a payback, but things won’t go as planned and a little drama takes in, both making mistakes which is quite sad tbh.
And in this chapter, we have Colin Farrell as a reader’s friend. Why? Because i think Colin would be a great friend to have around haha. Have you ever watched his Hot Ones interview or his most recent ones from the Sugar press? If you haven't, just check it out.
The Irishman
On Friday night, you were on your way to Vivienne's penthouse for the show's after-party. Jenny was unusually excited, but you felt a sense of unease, haunted by guilt at the thought of meeting Pedro, especially since you hadn't spoken since his apologetic phone call. He had even texted you in the morning, suggesting a coffee meet-up, but you chose to ignore it, opting instead to scroll through Instagram reels while lying on your bed. As you chuckled to yourself in the car, watching the city lights pass by, you couldn't help but feel a bit childish in your avoidance.
"Why are you laughing?" Jenny inquired, focused on fixing her makeup. She looked stunning for the party, taking it quite seriously.
"Just thinking about how sometimes we just become exactly what we hate," you replied, a hint of seriousness in your tone.
"Wow, that was deep," she said, sensing your subdued mood. "You know, if things go south, at least Colin will be there to have your back," she added with a mischievous grin.
"I KNEW IT!" you exclaimed, understanding why she was giving her best this night. "There had to be a reason behind all of this," you teased, pointing at her.
"Stop being silly," she blushed, even in the dimly lit car.
"Poor Jeff," you chuckled. 
"He's now dating Annette from the makeup department," she shared, not caring much. "Great in bed, but not the sharpest tool in the shed... attractive, but better off not speaking," she lamented while fixing her hair. "How do I look?"
"Stunning as always," you complimented her. "By the way, Colin's single again," you mentioned casually.
"Oh, really?" she feigned surprise. "I could never know," she teased back.
You just laughed and continued, “Things with Jill weren’t working anymore; I still don’t understand what he saw in her; gosh, she was so boring.” You always shipped Colin and Jenny.
"Well, she must have been good at something, if you get me,” she laughed. "By the way, don't tell me you chose that backless dress just because you felt like it," she said 
"I felt like I should," you replied as the car pulled up to your destination. You could only think of how much that place should cost.
As you arrived, you caught sight of Colin engrossed in conversation with Vivienne. He exuded charm, and you felt Jenny's cold hand grasping yours at your back. You waved to Colin, who signaled for you to join them.
"Hey man," you greeted him with a hug, "it's been a while." You both had met years ago while working on an independent movie project, and you had formed a strong friendship, feeling comfortable and open around him.
"Hey mate, how are you doing?" Colin embraced you, then turned to acknowledge Jennifer. She seemed frozen. Jennifer, the queen of hookups, was caught off guard.
"Hello," she managed to say, her voice a bit shaky. You stood behind Colin, silently prompting her to ask how he was doing. "How are you?"
"Much better now," he replied, his gaze lingering on her as she blushed, causing you to stifle a laugh.
"Good to hear," she said, clumsily adjusting her hair. "Well, I'll go talk to Vivienne and get something to eat; do you guys want anything?"
"I'm good," you and Colin chimed in simultaneously.
Jenny hurriedly departed, resembling a rabbit fleeing from a wolf. You and Colin continued chatting about his breakup, and you shared details about your situation with Pedro. He chuckled at how you would blush at times. Both of you were in fits of laughter when you felt a familiar hand gently touch your back.
"Hi, Pedro," you greeted him, turning to acknowledge his presence.
"Hi," he responded, his eyes fixed on Colin. "How are you?" He then looked at you.
"Doing fine," you replied more politely than usual, noticing his troubled expression you decided to keep the diplomacy. "Let me introduce you guys." Facing Pedro, you gestured towards Colin. "Pedro, this is my friend Colin."
"Hi mate," Colin greeted him, shaking hands with a smile, and Pedro gave him the fakest smile back.
"And Colin, this is Pedro, who is also a friend." You emphasized the word 'friend' with a hint of cruelty. You poured yourself a shot of whiskey, feeling guilty about drinking alcohol around Colin but wanting Pedro to sense the same pain you were feeling.
"Cool, I didn't know you would meet another friend here." Pedro's words carried a sharp edge. 
"And I didn't know I had to tell you," you retorted almost immediately.
"Well, I'm talking to her because she is my bridge to Jennifer, man," Colin interjected, pointing at Jenny, sensing the tension rising. He could almost smell the impending confrontation between you and Pedro. Your eyes locked with Pedro's, and he turned to face Colin.
"Is there a problem?" Colin, not known for his patience, inquired.
"We're good, man," Pedro replied. "I guess I'm just interrupting your friendly gathering," his tone tinged with irony.
"Can we just talk later?" You asked, holding his hands, which were shaking, aware of the turmoil simmering within him. Part of you felt a tinge of satisfaction in it.
"Yes, as we should," he agreed.
"Pedro!" Oscar's voice called out to him from across the rooftop.
"Well, I should go," Pedro said as he left.
Turning back to Colin, who was now sipping his sparkling water, he said, "If this guy could just stab me now, he would." Colin said, looking over his shoulder. "What the hell did I miss?"
You shared with him the details of your last time with Pedro, how he had been mean to you, and how he attempted an apology.
"Kid," Colin chuckled, "the guy was just playing it cool, like 'I don't do relationships' kind of stuff."
"He said we're just friends with benefits," you stated angrily. "Friends, Colin, friends."
"Come on, dude's burning with jealousy right now,” he said, looking at Pedro talking to Oscar. “—and you, Mrs., now I understand the emphasis you placed on 'friend' when introducing him. Seriously? How old are you?" Colin's defense of Pedro caught you off guard.
"What?" you exclaimed.
"I'm not stupid; I could see that—and it is obvious you did it on purpose. I'm not a pawn, okay?" Colin said.
"Colin, imagine if Jill had just slept with you, and she tells you it's better not to act like a couple or anything because you're just friends." You vented your frustration. "And to top it off, she says the only thing she misses is your body!"
"Come on, you were both drunk," he pointed out. "Listen to me, both of you."
"Seriously? Come on! Why don't you adopt him then? Poor little Pedro, a grown ass man who can’t answer for his actions," you snapped in anger.
"I already have two children… and that doesn't change the fact that you also made a mistake," he said firmly.
"Oh great, he treats me like a whore, and you just brush it off, saying he was drunk. Now I'm the one labeled as vilain for making him taste his own venom," you said, frustration evident in your voice.
Colin chuckled, shaking his head. "Kid, both of you were drunk when that happened.” He then continued. “Dude called to apologize and asked you for a coffee today — Who the fuck does that with just a fuck buddy? Coffee? On a Friday morning? Wake the fuck up," he urged. "I've lost count of how many times I've done the same thing he did. Pretending to be just friends when I really wanted more."
You listened, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. "And why the hell do guys do this? It hurts, man," you muttered.
"Because everyone’s fucked up and scared, just like you are, just like he is.” He kept talking. “You like him; he likes you too. Why not just try to have a conversation about it with him?" Colin advised, sounding like an older brother.
“You even talk like Jen." You wiped away a tear, nodding. "You and her would make a great couple, you know?"
"Go talk to your guy; I'll find Jennifer and test my luck, deal?"
"Deal!" you chuckled, scanning the crowd for Pedro. Spotting Jenny, you pointed her out to Colin. However, Pedro was nowhere to be found. Then, you glimpsed a figure leaving the bar with two cups—it seemed to be him. Hurrying, you attempted to catch up as he disappeared into a secluded spot on the deck.
Brushing off a greeting, you dashed after him, rounding the corner and calling out, "Hey, Pedro—" only to freeze in disbelief as you saw him making out with one of the models.
He looked terrified, clearly not expecting you to show up out of nowhere. Your hands were cold as the world seemed to be in slow motion—his touch, his gaze, his smile, just how he held you. Tears blurred your vision as you stood frozen.
"Hey girl, are you okay?" The woman in his arms asked, concerned. You were mad, but you knew it wasn't her fault. It was his; it was yours.
"Ye—yes," you choked out, struggling to form words. "I'm… I'm just…— I guess…." Tears overcame you. Pedro muttered something incomprehensible as he released the girl and approached you. Anger, guilt, and sadness flooded through you, making you feel utterly foolish.
"I got it man," you said, stepping back, your voice trembling with anger. "Let's just keep things as they are, right? Like they fucking are! It's working out great for you, fucker."
"Oh! You're the one with your Irish friend over there," he retorted, his anger matching yours.
"Because Colin is my friend, Pedro. He's just a goddamn friend," you shot back, your voice rising. "He was the one trying to convince me you were just scared of whatever shit we have going on and that I was being a bitch.” You were now shouting and walking in his direction; you were lucky the music was too loud. “Turns out, he was wrong." Pedro stood frozen, the girl by the wall looking confused.
"I didn't know you both had something," she interjected, trying to calm you down.
"I’m not talking to you!” You now faced her: “I don't give a fuck if you knew or not. HE is the problem here," you declared, pointing at him, your frustration boiling over.
"Don't you dare call me that!" you shouted as he reached out to you. "You know what? Go ahead, screw whoever you want. I'm done. I'm so fucking done." Tears streamed down your face as he attempted to apologize. "Fuck you! Tonight was supposed to be a great night," you lamented, feeling foolish and angry. "This whole thing—us—it is just a waste of time." 
"I’m sorry—I want things to work," he muttered.
"Oh, I can see that," you laughed bitterly. "It works for YOU.” You were now pointing your finger at his face as you spilled all the anger. “You have me or anything whenever you want. We only meet when YOU can meet me.” The tears stopped, and you could feel your face burning. “You never care about MY schedule, NEVER! Everything is about you! You’re so fucking selfish man!”
“You agreed to the schedules! Wanna know why? Because you’re such a control freak! That’s why! —Seeing each other in the middle of the night? It was YOUR idea. Don’t play the innocent girl now,” he shot back angrily. “Who told me, ‘Let’s keep this between us’? Stop being a fuckin hypocrite and act like we were something else, and I betrayed you!” he added, his desperation evident. “You were the one who decided I was your dirty little secret! You cut the cards!”
"Secret?" you yelled back. "Have you ever put yourself in my position? I'm a woman working in a male-dominated industry. Do you know how it is to have people saying you got a job probably because you slept with someone? To have your competence questioned, despite your achievements? To have people assume there's a man pulling the strings behind the scenes? Have you ever had to deal with those things in your life Pedro? HAVE YOU? I don’t think so!"
"You love jumping to conclusions about others without even attempting to have a conversation!"
“Are you sure I’m the one who jumps to conclusions?” You laughed ironically. “Come on, don’t act like you care, man! You said it yourself! You only like the body and the sex, and honestly? You can have this with someone else.” Listening to these words come out of your mouth made you feel even worse. “I am not a sex doll... Maybe we expect different things from each other,” you said coldly as your eyes began tearing up again.
You continued, “I really wanted to be by your side tonight without feeling any guilty, but you found something better to do, and that is okay, I don’t think you betrayed me. I’m just disappointed. Part of me still had some hope that things could be more than whatever I had these last months… At least someday in a near future, you know? But as I said, we want different things, and now I can understand it.” 
"I didn’t mean like this. I really thought that you were—oh, damn.” In a moment of clarity, he realized his mistake. “Fuck! I… I… —I ‘m Sorry for messing this up. I really thought you and him... Fuck… I truly…I don't know—" he tried to say.
“I’ll tell you what to do: Have your fun, man. Enjoy your freedom, that’s all that matters to you at the end of the day,” you said, tears streaming down your face.
“Please, I’m sorry…” He tried once again, his hands reaching out to hold yours.
“Go ahead and enjoy your night with whoever this girl is, or whoever you want to be the stallion with,” you said ironically as you watched the girl disappear. You then noticed Colin and Jennifer, relieved to have found you.
“There you are!” Colin exclaimed, though his expression quickly turned sympathetic as he saw your tear-streaked face.
“I’m leaving—Jen, can you keep me company while I wait for my Uber?" Bye, Col. It was nice to see you,” you said, avoiding eye contact as you spoke.
“Of course, come here,” Jennifer replied, offering you support.
Meanwhile, Pedro attempted to follow you but was intercepted by Colin, who advised him to give you some space before trying to talk to you again.
“What happened?” Jen asked as you waited for the cab together.
“He thought I was with Colin,” you said sadly, brushing away the tears. “So he decided to be with someone else too. According to him, I kept him hidden as some sort of secret—where is this darn car?” Your voice was numb with shock, and his words still echoed in your head.
“Oh, my dear,” Jenny tried to comfort you. “He was a jerk, but from what Colin told me, things were already messed up when he arrived.”
“Things were messed up from the beginning of everything, Jen. I don’t even know if I can call that a beginning, because it was… I don’t even know what it was,” you muttered. “I just want to sleep, okay?.”
“Okay, will you text me when you arrive?” she asked.
“I will,” you promised.
“Keep reminding myself
That people are good
And when they do bad things
They're just hurting inside
Keep fooling myself
That everyone cares
And they're all full of love
It's just their patience gets tried”
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dhampiravidi · 2 months
my comfort movies
(no, I did not choose these bc 90s/00s Brad Pitt was hot as fuck.)
Interview With The Vampire - sad vamp recounts tragic love story concerning his murderous BF (played by Tom Cruise).
The Covenant (2006) - 4 witch boys in high school are in a suspenseful, shitty rom-com featuring baby Seb Stan.
Alexander - Colin Farrell plays the fab bisexual conqueror who goes from hopeless romantic to batshit, all while screaming.
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - tbh if you don't know the books, you won't wanna watch my demon-hunter teens.
Breakfast on Pluto - my Irish wife goes through tons of shit just because people are cruel BUT she's so loving & fab the whole time.
all of these have either canonically queer characters or a hell of a lot of homoerotic subtext (looking at you, witch boys--not including Reid, the token straight friend) so if you're a coward, don't watch.
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power-chords · 1 year
I'm curious, in all of your Mann research, if he's an aficionado of noir literature. If so, any specific books/authors?
My gut says Mann is probably a lot more interested in noir as a film medium than as a literary one, though I think he has a very strong almost political interest in pulp and genre fiction as a "devalued" category of art generally, and especially crime/detective fiction (this is one of the central arguments of my zine actually). I mean I am sure he's familiar with Chandler and Ellroy and Hammett etc, he was at one point attached to an adaptation of The Winter of Frankie Machine, and before inking the deal with Meg Gardiner he was originally slated to write Heat 2 with Reed Farrel Coleman. But if we're talking formative influences the mosaic of literary figures that he references on the record suggests a different sensibility/lineage at work: Saul Bellow, Nelson Algren, Henry James, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger... to be honest I was completely unsurprised when I saw that he follows William Gibson on Twitter. I think he is essentially engaged in the creation of filmic systems novels, and he comes from that immigrant postwar tradition.
But he loves American film noir (especially insofar as it is derived from the German Expressionist expat community in Hollywood) and how aptly timed is your ask because a couple of friends and I just watched The Big Heat today, which happens to have a 10-minute featurette of Mann talking about the film:
I love, LOVE this interview because within the first two minutes he's rattling off names and it goes from Fritz Lang and Fred Zinnemann to suddenly... Bertolt Brecht, Thomas Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger (BRO!) and then it's immediately followed by this long digression on how the two women are the most fascinating characters in the film.
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Suzanne Farrell Teaching
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Above: students at Florida State University rehearse Balanchine's Serenade, staged by Suzanne Farrell. Photo by Meagan Helman for the Florida State Univ. News
Suzanne Farrell is Krafft Professor of Dance at Florida State University in Tallahassee. She gave an interview to the FSU News that was published on November 16, 2023.
Legendary ballerina Suzanne Farrell reflects on career, 20 years as Krafft Professor at FSU
Florida State University’s School of Dance Krafft Professor Suzanne Farrell, an internationally recognized New York City Ballet principal dancer, a 2005 Kennedy Center Honoree and the founder of Suzanne Farrell Ballet, has long been regarded as one of the most extraordinary and influential ballerinas of the late-20th century.
Farrell, who performed with the New York City Ballet for 28 years, is considered the last muse and protégé of choreographer George Balanchine, founder of the New York City Ballet.
This year, Farrell set an excerpt of “Divertimento No. 15,” a choreographic piece by Balanchine. This classical ballet was featured in the school’s annual “An Evening of Dance,” which highlighted a diverse lineup of seven live works restaged by retired and current faculty.
“One of my dreams as a dancer was to perform the choreography of George Balanchine,” said Associate Professor Ilana Goldman, who served as the rehearsal director for this work. “When I finally did, it felt sublime, as if I was the physical embodiment of the music. I am so thrilled that our students had the opportunity to not only perform Balanchine’s choreography but to have been coached by his muse, Suzanne Farrell — it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Farrell has been a member of the School of Dance faculty for more than 20 years and continues to work with and mentor students, hosting master classes and workshops at FSU each semester.
“The opportunity to work with a legendary performer like Suzanne Farrell is an amazing experience for our students,” said Anjali Austin, professor and chair of the School of Dance. “Her dedication to our program throughout the past 20 years has made an indelible mark on many.”
In an interview, Farrell re-lived her history with the New York City Ballet, working with Balanchine and how she came to Florida State University to teach.
“Initially, I was not going to teach at a college level,” Farrell said. “I had just been giving young dancer auditions in Miami but came to FSU on my sister’s request and met many nice dancers that made me rethink. It’s a beautiful atmosphere, and I love working here. I give everything when I teach.”
Even early in her career, Farrell thought teaching was not a path she intended to take.
“When I was a young dancer, I thought I had forever,” she said. “Mr. Balanchine once said, ‘One day, you will all teach.’ I thought to myself, ‘I’m not going to teach. All I want to do is dance.’”
That moment of retirement came sooner than Farrell thought, so she began staging and teaching Balanchine’s ballets around the world.
“In a nice way, it extended my dance life,” she said. “I’m not dancing, but I’m still doing what I love to do.”
Farrell noted that the transient nature of a dance career instills a sense of immediacy in a dancer.
“Dance is a young profession; we retire at a young age because the body has to stop,” she said. “Therefore, you have to positively profit from everything you do and every moment you do it. You can’t say, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ because before you know it, it’s time to retire.”
Farrell explained, “In ballet, we are our own technology. It’s not like sending someone a text and it’s done — it’s a constant evolution of getting the choreography to where it should be.”
“I like bringing my stories into my teaching because it’s not just the technological aspect, it’s also passing on stories from one person to the next,” she said.
Farrell learned to use visual aspects to provide dancers with a mental image when correcting inaccuracies.
“I’d say ‘move your arms like the leaves when the wind comes, the leaves turn over, they don’t resist.’ Moving with nature is what ballet is all about.”
When asked about the evolution of ballet since she first began her professional career, Farrell highlighted the inheritable legacy left by previous generations.
“We are the beneficiaries of every dancer that came before us. Nobody can do it by themselves,” Farrell said. “There are stories you inherit from someone who maybe danced it first or before you were alive. There’s so much legacy and it’s not just in the past. Just because someone isn’t alive anymore doesn’t mean they are not influential and inspiring in spirit.”
This academic year, the School of Dance is celebrating 90 years of dance, 60 years of dance degrees and 20 years of the Maggie Allesee Center for Choreography at FSU. Recently ranked as one of the top five dance programs in the nation by Backstage Magazine, the School of Dance is dedicated to providing the highest caliber of training to its students.
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Suzanne Farrell and George Balanchine, 1963. Photo: Fred Fehl for the Associated Press via the NY Times
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
Don't Do call it a comeback.
The Golden Globes - the least respected awards show, but one that the industry loved because of the fawning, star-f*cking Hollywood Foreign Press Association and, hey, who doesn't a party and free flowing drinks - returns after the industry had to put on a time-out because of controversies surrounding their leadership.
While there were some film and television critics who called on press to not write about the event as they didn't feel the HFPA has truly addressed their failings, and celebrities who didn't even comment on their nominations because to do so would seemingly mean that they have forgiven the HFPA, there was still a good bit of star power on hand. And I must say I am pretty happy with the winners.
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*It's Spielberg so it's a well-made film, but it wasn't extraordinary. As I exited the screening someone ahead of me turned to their friend and said, "Well, not all of his films can be epic.". Spielberg has the hard task of topping himself. Upon reflection though, I appreciate the film more. Yes, I think he should have chosen to either focus on the familial relationship and his parents' marriage (the most interesting part of the film) or focus on a teen chasing his love of filmmaking - honestly, Spielberg's documentary exists so this film needn't cover both. But it's a brave thing for him as a son to examine their parents as mere humans and come to a place of understanding and acceptance of that (in reality it took Spielberg much longer than his film counterpart to come to peace with his parents' failed marriage).
BEST DIRECTOR – MOTION PICTURE Steven Spielberg (The Fablemans)
BEST ACTOR IN A MOTION PICTURE – MUSICAL OR COMEDY Colin Farrell (The Banshees of Inisherin)
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*The award was always Farrell's to lose and while I love he won, I was also pulling for Ralph Fiennes (The Menu). In typical Colin Farrell fashion he gave a wryly funny and heartfelt acceptance speech (which he started out big-upping Ana de Armas for her work in BLONDE), thanking Martin McDonaugh, his cast and his two sons James and Henry.
James is 19 already!
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BEST SCREENPLAY – MOTION PICTURE Martin McDonagh (The Banshees of Inisherin) *McDonagh thank his cast including "new friend Barry Keoghan who almost stole the movie and Kerry, an old friend who did steal the movie."
McDonagh attended with his partner Phoebe Waller-Bridge.
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I wonder if Waller-Bridge bumped into Donald Glover. The two were to star in Amazon's TV adaption of MR. AND MRS. SMITH - a project that Glover brought to the streamer. He brought in Waller-Bridge who he became close to when they made SOLO (he also feted her when she won her BAFTA-LA honour). But in 2021 it was announced they had creative differences and she left the project. When Glover wrote about it in his self-interview in Interview magazine last year he wrote, "I still like her. I assume she still likes me." Waller's replacement is Maya Erskine of PEN15.
BEST MOTION PICTURE – NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGE Argentina, 1985 (Argentina), Prime Video
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*Austin was asked about his still present Elvis accent. He says he doesn't think he sounds that much like Elvis anymore, but says it is now in his DNA. Maybe when he does commentary for the DVD?
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BEST MOTION PICTURE – ANIMATED Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio *A great film and deserving but I have a soft spot for PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH. I highly recommend it.
BEST ACTRESS IN A MOTION PICTURE – MUSICAL OR COMEDY Michelle Yeoh (Everything Everywhere All at Once)
BEST ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE IN ANY MOTION PICTURE Angela Bassett (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever) *First major award win for an MCU project.
Her 1994 win vs. 2023.
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Bassett and husband seemingly gathered their son after he participated in a TikTok prank ans told them Michael B. Jordan died.
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*I think Ke Huy Quan's return to acting has eclipsed Brendan Fraser's role in THE WHALE as this awards season feel good story. Quan gave an emotional and enthusiastic speech, shouting out Steven Spielberg who cast him at 7-years old in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM and later GOONIES which Spielberg executive produced.
While Quan has recently reconnected with Harrison Ford at last year's D23 (where Ford was stomping for the next Indiana Jones film and Quan season 2 of LOKI),
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Quan and Spielberg has kept in touch over the year. After not finding acting work Quan began working behind the scenes in film as a stunt choreographer and assistant director. and Spielberg would frequently invite him to his film sets.
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And while THE GOONIES cast has often reunited over the years like for their DVD commentary and other things, the one Goonie Quan remains the closest to is Jeff Cohen who played Chunk who has been Quan's lawyer for years.
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*This whole time I thought "Naatu Naatu" was the end credit song of RRR, but no, that's "Etthara Jenda", which to me is the much better song. Some people speculate it's a bit too political which is why the studio didn't put it forward for consideration because you have to remember, India did not put RRR forward for anything - its American distributor is running this campaign. It's that distributor who has put it forward for Best Picture for the Oscars.
How big is RRR here in the states? Los Angeles based Beyond Fest announced they were selling tickets for a IMAX screening and cast Q&A and the tickets sold out in 98 seconds.
BEST TV SERIES – DRAMA House of the Dragon
BEST ACTOR IN A TV SERIES – DRAMA Kevin Costner (Yellowstone)
BEST ACTOR IN A LIMITED, ANTHOLOGY SERIES, OR A FILM MADE FOR TV Evan Peters, Dahmer (Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story)
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*Years ago I went to a panel Evan was on IIRC it was when Evan did the American Horror Story season of CULT and Evan talked about how supportive and caring Sarah Paulson is because AHS darkness often takes a toll on him and Paulson held enough awareness that she could tell when things were getting too rough on him and she would step in if the director/s were making him do too many retakes or if shooting went on too long. I hope in that time he has built up the armor he needs to not get worn down if he's going to keep playing in Ryan Murphy's toybox.
*I am just going to assume Taron made this special post to show people that there are no hard feelings over PWH not thanking Taron during his speech.
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Taron (in Giorgio Armani with his mum) was nominated for a SAG Award.
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BEST ACTRESS IN A TV SERIES – MUSICAL OR COMEDY Quinta Brunson (Abbott Elementary)
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BEST ACTOR IN A TV SERIES – MUSICAL OR COMEDY Jeremy Allen White (The Bear) *Very happy for White but I really wished he had been recognized during his SHAMELESS years. He was as good as the often recognized William H. Macy and Emmy Rossum.
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gaymormonmike · 5 months
I am reading Terkel's book Coming of Age. It is a chronicle of interviews he had with people who shaped the 20th Century. These aren't the people you would be familiar with. Stud's hung out with and was friends to the marginalized . He fought against any prejudice aligning himself with Blacks such as Mahalia Jackson, gay and lesbians, downtrodden workers, unionists, and was comfortable with anyone that was open, honest and willing to speak out. He had a Chicago radio program that interviewed people (we would call them podcasts today) from 1952 to 1997. He wrote oral histories of his famous people and of the everyday person. His oral history of people on the home front during WWII won a Pulitzer prize and made me love the way he wrote and spoke and how much he wanted to record the unspoken stories of everyone. He understood that everyone had a story to tell. I am sharing this because if you never heard of Studs Terkel, you are missing an American treasure. Check him out. Here is part of his story from Wikpedia:
A political leftist, Terkel joined the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writers' Project, working in radio, doing work that varied from voicing soap opera productions and announcing news and sports to presenting shows of recorded music and writing radio scripts and advertisements. In the late 1940's he voiced characters in WMAQ's Destination Freedom series, written by Richard Durham.[5] His own well-known radio program, titled The Studs Terkel Program, aired on 98.7 WFMT Chicago between 1952 and 1997.[6] The one-hour program was broadcast each weekday during those 45 years. On this program, he interviewed guests as diverse as Martin Luther King Jr., Leonard Bernstein, Mort Sahl, Bob Dylan, Alexander Frey, Dorothy Parker, Tennessee Williams, Jean Shepherd, Frank Zappa, and Big Bill Broonzy.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Terkel was also the central character of Studs' Place, an unscripted television drama about the owner of a greasy-spoon diner in Chicago through which many famous people and interesting characters passed. This show, Marlin Perkins's Zoo Parade, Garroway at Large, and the children's show Kukla, Fran, and Ollie are widely considered canonical examples of the Chicago School of Television.
Terkel published his first book, Giants of Jazz, in 1956. He followed it in 1967 with his first collection of oral histories, Division Street: America, with 70 people talking about the effect on the human spirit of living in an American metropolis.[7][8][9]
He also served as a distinguished scholar-in-residence at the Chicago History Museum. He appeared in the film Eight Men Out, based on the Black Sox Scandal, in which he played newspaper reporter Hugh Fullerton, who tries to uncover the White Sox players' plans to throw the 1919 World Series. Terkel found it particularly amusing to play this role, as he was a big fan of the Chicago White Sox (as well as a vocal critic of major league baseball during the 1994 baseball strike), and gave a moving congratulatory speech to the White Sox organization after their 2005 World Series championship during a television interview.
Terkel received his nickname while he was acting in a play with another person named Louis. To keep the two straight, the director of the production gave Terkel the nickname Studs after the fictional character about whom Terkel was reading at the time—Studs Lonigan, of James T. Farrell's trilogy.
Terkel was acclaimed for his efforts to preserve American oral history. His 1985 book "The Good War": An Oral History of World War Two, which detailed ordinary peoples' accounts of the country's involvement in World War II, won the Pulitzer Prize. For Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression, Terkel assembled recollections of the Great Depression that spanned the socioeconomic spectrum, from Okies, through prison inmates, to the wealthy. His 1974 book, Working, in which (as reflected by its subtitle) People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do, also was highly acclaimed. Working was made into a short-lived Broadway show of the same title in 1978 and was telecast on PBS in 1982. In 1995, he received the Chicago History Museum "Making History Award" for Distinction in Journalism and Communications. In 1997, Terkel was elected a member of The American Academy of Arts and Letters. Two years later, he received the George Polk Career Award in 1999.
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oscar-piastri · 8 months
sporting rumours might be my favourite kind because they can be so so ridiculous sometimes. this rumour feels like one of those ones that a random account on twitter or instagram puts out and other people pick up on it to act like they're in the know or whatever but they're all just circulating lies they made up. farrell? I'll believe it when I see it!
I don't know a lot about this programme tbh, I had only heard of it just today but I know enough about the sport I guess? odds are not really in his favour so that might cheer you up?
right???? the welsh team had to delay their roster announcement because he called them to say he wouldn't be there. it doesn't feel great that he left them scrambling like this. he also told his gloucester teammates around the same time he told gatland. I'm actually not sure any of them knew his intentions beforehand. maybe he owes them nothing but I also think it would have cost him nothing to inform both coaches of the possibility, so they could more easily plan for his departure
i find rumours funny until it's about my faves then i turned into a ball of stress and trust issues bejfbezfe. i've seen an interview with farrell and the way he talked? man will stay where he is forever, he loves his club too much
damn no but they're teammates, you spend a lot of time together, you have to tell them!!! just for a good cohesion and also for the team to find someone to replace you????? like melvyn jaminet announced his sudden move from toulouse to toulon 3 months after the beginning of the season, 2 years before the end of his contract. it was sudden af especially after denying it many times. And even though the staff had to be involved for legal reasons and money, he told his teammates he was gonna probably leave before it was official. because they're teammates, friends and also because he felt like he had to be honest. i really dislike stuff like this, when someone leaves and doesnt tell the team and stuff, it's a team, it's a collective thing.........
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Was thinking about what you said about the likelihood BJ never sees any of them / Hawkeye again, and besides the very interesting cocktail of emotions that idea makes me feel (agreement and denial at war, essentially), it inevitably got me thinking about the Trapper & BJ comparison again.
I think about BJ calling out, I'll see you in the states, I promise! and the smile he wears. and I think the reason it hits so hard is bc in the moment when he says it, he absolutely does mean it? the flush of emotion in those big life moments can make everything seem undeniable e.g. "you mean a lot to me, so of course we will see each other again". but ofc people don't live in those big life moments.
it's so easy to envision BJ finding a way to integrate Korea into the greater lie that is his life (easier to do when it's over, in the past and subject to whatever framing he chooses to give it). the truth he can't face in the moment of goodbye is that it really IS goodbye, that Korea-as-it-was and Hawkeye do not fit in the life he told himself he burned to get back to.
(Hawkeye was so tired, I got the impression he implicitly understood all this about BJ and wearily accepted it even though it hurt -- another way GFA knocked me down; sometimes people are not as strong for the people they love as they'd hope, and sometimes you just have to accept that it's going to hurt and there's nothing to be done.)
With Trapper, I think it is also very likely he never sees Hawkeye again, or at least not for a very long time. But I don't think he ever lied to himself about it; he seemed like a "ripping the bandaid" type. the pain of not seeing hawkeye again is one he is willing to confront and accept (and inflict?)
(...apologies, this didn't end up being as coherent as I'd hoped, I sat down with coffee on my break and started rambling in your inbox lol)
"I think the reason it hits so hard is bc in the moment when he says it, he absolutely does mean it" <- oh heck yes, BJ is -- to me -- the character on this show who faces all of this experience the least, including the bits that, despite everything, were good. he's got that increasingly at-odds-with-his-outbursts genial type of "everything will be fine" attitude right up until the last moment we see him.
something about the best lies are the ones we believe ourselves and the things he's going to be slapped in the face with when he gets home, despite knowing that it's not the home he left (also do we think he shaves off the moustache, yay or nay? if he does, I put that down to the commitment to put on the "nice young husband/father/veteran/doctor/community man" man again, for better or for worse, but if he keeps it, I'll assume it's his one concession, because I doubt he'll actually properly talk about anything).
Trapper was weary and pragmatic and (correctly) pessimistic way back in ceasefire (although he allowed Hawkeye to be hopeful for the most part, I like the read that Trapper tries very hard to not bring Hawkeye down, but occasionally how he really feels just slips out), not to mention the way he talked in mail call.
Who was it that said Trapper's speech about the war in mail call is basically Hawkeye's journey's-end by s11, because um... ouch.
I just watched my first Mike Farrell interview yesterday (the first interview I've seen with any cast member except for Alan Alda, and it was very emotional, but at least I didn't tear up as Mr Farrell himself did!) in which he said that he imagines they'll see each other at least once again, and that BJ would "walk across America" to see him -- but then he also added that it wouldn't be same, which was quite a sad little amendment to what until that point seemed like his personal BJ/Hawkeye is end-game headcanon.
Whether or not BJ and Hawkeye do see each other again (and purely geographically, there's a higher chance of Hawkeye bumping into Trapper, especially considering the fact that Charles is in Boston and I like the idea of Charles and Hawkeye getting surprisingly close after the war -- surprising to them of course, they have more in common than they'd admit!) I would love to know (but would be afraid to ask) Mr Farrell what he feels about how they left things, and how that might play into one or two odd reunions.
I've gone deep down a rabbit-hole of thinking about all of this in terms of BJ's issues (and Hawkeye's issues -- I say this over and over again, but was BJ wrong when he felt like he was Trapper's replacement, and to rage against the box he'd been put into that didn't really allow him his own personhood. On a meta sense, if Hawkeye knows they're in a haunted narrative, then BJ specifically is aware that he is Trapper's shadow and he doesn't like it! and I don't think it helped with everything else that was going on) and so the idea of fluffy mutually healing BJ and Hawkeye doesn't really gel with me, because they've hurt each other -- and BJ has really hurt Hawkeye, sometimes in very pointed, somewhat vindictive-seeming ways -- a lot!
But would BJ romanticize it in his head after he got back and real life there got hard to handle (as I imagine it will for him)? Would he smooth out the rough parts and -- who knows -- create outright lies to fix things (in which BJ Hunnicutt creates the ultimate AU) -- he and Hawkeye were the best of friends after all, and he says in their last scene that he doesn't know how he would have made it without him (I cannot go back and look at the wording, I cannot go back and look at that episode yet, I'm not strong enough!) so he's not wrong when he remembers just how important Hawkeye was to him.
The ways in which Hawkeye at times becomes a kind of stand-in for Peg (or, that is, the wife that BJ has in Korea -- I said this in another post, but I want to reiterate that I use "wife" deliberately, because I hc BJ veering wildly between acting with Hawkeye as his male best friend, and BJ treating Hawkeye like his put-upon spouse, because he's just... real fucked up about his actual wife, but then also at times they're a gay couple), versus the idea that Peg could start to be the butt of comparisons to Hawkeye?
I'd have to think about that one some more, now I've just written it. It depends on the Flavour of post-war fucked up BJ.
Anyway, Mike... Mike, care to go into detail about it not being the same? Do you think BJ will be able to live a life of benignly empty oppressive polite middle-class heterosexual suburbia after all of this? Would he just... carry on, living the dream (the dream here being used as in a literal sense that he builds the fantasy to cope)?
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🔥 BJ Hunnicutt
My opinion on BJ Hunnicutt is whatever one of my mutuals last posted about him. My opinion on BJ Hunnicutt is whatever will get me notes. My opinion on BJ Hunnicutt is whatever Mike Farrell said in whatever his latest interview is because that man has so much love for this show and this character and his longstanding support of the queer community means so much to me and I like to think it meant a lot to Mr. Stiers too if it’s not too parasocial to say so and his interaction with MASH fans even decades later is so kind and sweet and the way he played his character even when the writers admitted he didn’t have enough to work with textually still has such an impact on so many viewers and I think that’s really powerful especially when you think about how it’s contributed to the recent boom in the general MASH fandom economy which no matter what I absolutely consider a net positive to the legacy of the show and to the world in general and even just to me personally given the way that being a part of this small community has changed my own life.
But mostly my opinion on BJ Hunnicutt is just. Whatever.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
In regards to Tom’s career trajectory, I recently read an interview with one of his agents James Farrell who represents Austin and John David Washington and it’s so interesting ppl talk about how bad his agent is when this same agent was able to turn around Austin’s career and make him seem more serious as an actor (critically serious not commercial like Spider-Man). His agent is all about taking the long road and waiting for quality projects as opposed to quantity.
While it’s great for JE to have a lot of projects going for him, whose to say that most of those projects are going to do well? Like I’ve seen that Ben Affleck and Ana de aromas film and despite a good cast, the film was subpar. Leo Dicaprio has done a lot of films yet the general public really only know him f from his few poignant projects, not the quantity of films that okay at best. Just like Bryan Cranston is always going to be Walter White for some because his performance was that good. Again this isn’t shade to Jacob but really fandoms in general who’s favs do less roles than their counterparts. I remember a few years ago Zendaya was casted in this film with Jake Gyllnehaal that didn’t go into play and just recently that same film was made with Jenna Ortega and it’s come out in film festivals and bombed. Not every film is gonna turn out great.
I trust Tom and Z and I know whatever project they do, they have a great team who cares about their worth and time. Yes there are actors who do a lot of roles and are great.
My fav Christopher Abbot who was in TCR(I recommend watching Sanctuary with Margaret Qualley if you have the chance cause it’s great) and now is in Poor Things. Though he had been acting for a while, it wasn’t until James white, a perfect film, where he was taken seriously from critics. Before then his was most notable as a boyfriend from Girls. He was 27 -28 when he filmed that project, similar age to Tom.
Sorry for the rant, I’m aware of fan wars but I hope to have brought a nuanced opinion to discussing young actors career. Tell me if you want the link to his agents interview. Peace and love xxx
Thanks Anon... Yea, they all 3 share the same agent lol. Funny huh? 😅
His agent is all about taking the long road and waiting for quality projects as opposed to quantity.
I didn't know that actually.... 🤔
But yea, playing the "long game" is actually not a bad thing imo. I mean, just look at Ke Huy Quan lol 😅 So, you're NEVER "too old" to do more substantial work/projects in the industry, or even win an Oscar! I think some of these fans need to take a look at some of these older actors out here. Even THEE Leo (who a lot of our faves seem to admire) was nominated at age 19 for his first Oscar, but Leo didn't even win an Oscar until he was already in his 40s!!! Soooo....why do stans of actors these days put so much pressure on their faves to win an Oscar at 25?? 🥴
I just don't get it. You have to look at the pattern and lower your expectations....
Like I’ve seen that Ben Affleck and Ana de aromas film and despite a good cast, the film was subpar.
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That film was a Wattpad fanfic ROTFL 😅🤣 I couldn't believe what I was watching! No WONDER that film got scrapped for the big screen and got switched to straight to streaming lol. 😅
Leo Dicaprio has done a lot of films yet the general public really only know him f from his few poignant projects, not the quantity of films that okay at best.
Actually, I think MOST of Leo's film work has been pretty decent, which is why so many younger actors look up to him and his career. He's very calculated on what he will choose and what types of roles he will do. Even if the film he did itself wasn't a "blockbuster", they've typically been interesting, his acting is usually on point, and he puts butts in seats. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I trust Tom and Z and I know whatever project they do, they have a great team who cares about their worth and time. Yes there are actors who do a lot of roles and are great.
Exactly! At this point, I don't care what Tom and Z decide to do career-wise as long as it makes them HAPPY and feel FULFILLED. That's all that I wish for my faves... As long as they're happy and fulfilled, and feel GREAT about their work, then, I'm happy! :) 🥰
My fav Christopher Abbot who was in TCR(I recommend watching Sanctuary with Margaret Qualley if you have the chance cause it’s great) and now is in Poor Things.
Thanks for the rec! 😉👍🏾
Sorry for the rant, I’m aware of fan wars but I hope to have brought a nuanced opinion to discussing young actors career. Tell me if you want the link to his agents interview. Peace and love xxx
No worries! You know I LOVE discussing films. 😊 And yea, sure, send me the link to his interview! :)
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marjaystuff · 9 months
Interview with Melinda Curtis
A Cowboy Christmas Carol
The Cowboy Academy Book 3
Melinda Curtis
Harlequin Heartwarming Pub
Nov 28, 2023
A Cowboy Christmas Carol by Melinda Curtis recalls the story of Scrooge, A Christmas Carol.  In this case it is one of twin brothers, Ryan, wants nothing to do with the holiday. If readers want a story that will put a smile on their faces, they will want to read this because the banter between the characters is off the charts.
Ryan and Tate Oakley are twin brothers who are part of the rodeo circuit.  They always come close to winning but never can achieve the big prize. Ryan feels it is because they need better horses.  He decides to buy a pair of the best roping horses from the woman who was his nemesis in high school. Jo Pierce was expelled from school after an epic prank on Ryan and now she is a horse breeder and trainer while single parenting her twin sons. Because she has a huge pending balloon mortgage hanging over her head, she reluctantly names a price. As the two continue to negotiate and work to come up with a solution to both their problems, they learn the reasons for their animosity of the past.
Readers will enjoy taking a journey with the hero and heroine as their feelings begin to change, realizing that they both must let go of the past to find a future. This is a wonderful, sweet romance with delightful characters and a hilarious horse. 
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?
Melinda Curtis: I changed it to be a Christmas book.  I watched on Apple TV, Spirited, played by Will Farrell.  I love a Christmas Carol and played on it.  I thought what is better than a grumpy cowboy who does not like Christmas.  I gave him an emotional wound that happened at Christmas.
EC:  How would you describe the twin brothers, Ryan versus Tate?
MC:  Ryan is more protective, while Tate goes through life letting things slide off his back. Ryan sees it as Tate not taking life seriously or applying himself. Ryan cares more about Tate. Ryan is trying to have he and his brother move forward and create a good life for both.
EC:  Describing Ryan?
MC:  He is guarded, standoffish, cold, an introvert, and a planner. He is also stubborn and grumpy.  He is referred to as ‘the not nice Oakley.’ 
EC:  How would you describe Jo?
MC:  Rough and tumble.  She is also direct, prickly, obstinate, and can be grumpy.  She has a father who tries to break her spirit but remains confident.  Unlike Ryan, she loves Christmas. She does not want to break the bonds of family even if it is at the expense of the livelihood of her ranch. 
EC: What about the relationship?
MC:  She and Ryan bond because both came from divorced parents.  In high school he was seen as not being very nice and she was seen as being a stubborn tomboy. The high school pranks they played on each other got out of hand, which affected their relationship.  She now thinks of him as pushy. She has a crush on his twin brother Tate.
EC: The role of the twin boys?
MC:  Max and Dean are the twin boys of Jo.  I wanted to write them as a mirror of Ryan and Tate. One is more introverted and one out to have fun. It shows how Ryan and Tate would have turned out had they had a loving household to grow up in. Max and Tate are the extroverts who the girls gravitate too, while Ryan and Dean are the introverts and responsible.
EC:  You also have a horse, Tiger, in the story?
MC:  Horses are like dogs in they have different personalities.  They can be troublemakers. I wanted an unusual looking horse.  I modeled him after my daughter’s dog. He just wants to be with people, plays rough, and is an escape artist. Tiger was considered the companion horse, the family horse, and the ‘heart horse.’  There is a phrase in the horse community; this is my heart horse. The one I will remember always after they are gone.
EC:  Next books?
MC:  The next book in this series will be Tate’s book, titled, A Cowboy for the Twins, coming out March of next year. Readers will learn a lot more why he does not have a care. More of the Harmony Valley books coming up. This year I had a lot of releases.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
In 2014, a list penned by Lindsay Lohan naming 36 of her lovers were leaked and appeared in US Weekly Magazine. Some of the names included were Justin Timberlake, James Franco and Georgia Rule co-star Garrett Hedlund. (Although Hedlund's rep has denied he slept with the star).
Some of the other names on the list included: Ashton Kutcher, Ryan Philippe, Stavros Niarchos, Joaquin Phoenix, Nico Tortorella, Evan Peters, Danny Cipriani, Maggio Cipriani, Garrett Hedlund, Justin Timberlake, James Franco, B. del Torro (Benicio del Torro), Wilmer Valderrama, Jamie Burke, Jamie Dornan, Zac Efron, Orlando Bloom, Colin Farrell, Heath Ledger, Max George, Guy Berryman, Adam Levine, Petey (Muse) Wright, Josh Mond, Ryan Phillippe, Lukas Haas, Paul Charles Valmorbida.
Lindsay stated that she made the list as part of her recovery process in AA.
"That she was my fifth step in AA at Betty Ford," said Lindsay. "And someone when I was moving must have taken a photo of it."
James Franco wrote a short story after the leaked list, titled "Bungalow 89" which blurs the line between reality and fiction.
It's a story Franco has told before, in an interview with Howard Stern, where Franco refuted the leak of Lindsay's "conquest list" by saying he'd turned her down at the Chateau Marmont, after recognizing that she was "troubled."
Lindsay Lohan was the main protagonist in his story "Bungalow 89."
Apparently, according to the story, after Lindsay snuck into his room at 3.a.m., "instead of fucking her, I read her a short story about a neglected daughter, called 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish' by J.D. Salinger." The story was featured in Vice Magazine's fiction issue.
"Bungalow 89" reads like a weird attempt at Faulkner-esque- stream-of-consciousness, but it also reads like an overlong explanation from Franco that he did not sleep with Lindsay, despite what her conquest list might say.
Apparently, while the two were guests at the Chateau Marmont, Lindsay would not stop trying to sleep with him, but he wouldn't entertain the idea. He wrote:
There was a Hollywood girl staying at Chateau Marmont. She had gotten a key to my room from the manager. I heard her put the key into my front door and turn it, but I had slid the dead bolt and that thing - I don't know what you call it: it's like a chain but made of two bars - that kept the door from opening.
She said, "James, open the door. Open the door, you bookworm punk blogger faggot."
My phone rang.
"You're not going to let me sleep are you?" I said.
"I just want to sleep on your couch," she said. "I'm lonely."
"We're not going to have sex," I said. "If you want to come in, I'll read you a story."
I read some Salinger to this young woman who hadn't read him before. Let's call this girl Lindsay. She was a Hollywood girl, but a damaged one. I knew that she would like Salinger, because most young women do. I read her two of the Nine Stories, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" and "For Esme - with Love and Squalor."
"Bananafish" was great because it has a nagging mother on the other end of the phone line, nothing like Lindsay's real mother, but still, the mother-daughter thing was good for her to hear.
And there's the little girl in the story, Sibyl, and the pale suicide, Seymour, who kisses her foot and talks about bananafish with her, those fantastic phallic fish who stick their heads in holes and gorge themselves - it should be called "A Perfect Day for Dickfish" - and then, bam, he shoots himself.
Then I read "For Esme." A man goes to war. He is traumatized. Then he is saved by the innocence of a young girl.
And what do we say about all this obsession with innocence? Salinger would be a companion to young women, real young women, for years, and then, one fateful night, he would sleep with them and the friendship would end.
After that, after he fucked them, they were no longer the innocent ones running through the rye to be caught before they went over the cliff. They had gone over, and he had been the one to push them.
Now we were lying in bed. I wasn't going to fuck her. She had her head on my shoulder. She started to talk. I let her. I ran my fingers through her hair and thought about this girl sleeping on my chest, our fictional Hollywood girl, Lindsay. What will she do? I hope she gets better.
For anyone else, this would be story enough. But for James Franco, Lohan is but the Proustian madeleine that inspires him to ruminate on the nature of celebrity. He continues writing:
You see, she is famous. She was famous because she was a talented child actress, and now she's famous because she gets into trouble. She is damaged. For a while, after her high hellion days, she couldn't get work because she couldn't get insured. They thought she would run off the sets to party.
Her career suffered, and she started getting arrested (stealing, DUIs, car accidents, and other things). But the arrests, even as they added up, were never going to be an emotional bottom for her, because she got just as much attention for them as she used to get for her film performances. She would get money offers for her jailhouse memoirs, crazy offers.
So how would she ever stop the craziness when the response to her work and the response to her life had converged into one? Two kinds of performance, in film and in life, had melted into one.
Conclusion: James Franco would like you to know: he did not sleep with the woman described in this story and if you think that woman is Lindsay Lohan, then OK.
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frogeye-pierce · 4 years
What going on in fandom about Mike Farrell today?
Today? I can’t imagine what other bombshells could drop!
But last night it seems like this post was the source of all craziness. There’s also this interview that was going around yesterday that absolutely blew my mind 🤯.
Also, it looked like there were some really amazing memes like this about it too! (mash tumblr is so creative I 💚 all of you!)
I’ll be honest though, I missed most of “the live action” last night because I got swept up making an unrelated uquiz and then when I came on here at like 4am all that was left was just people’s posts like “I’m done. goodnight”.
Basically, I believe a previously undiscovered extra feral side of Mike Farrell was unearthed (who thought that was even possible!?) It kind of seemed like the mash version of some supernatural fandom drama haha.
I don’t want to claim to be an expert since this is just what I saw! All the credit goes to those amazing blogs that contributed and the collective braincell we all share on here :) Thanks for the ask!! ✨💚 ✨
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
Celebrity Crush || Talk Show
Paring: Joseph Quinn x Original female costar
Word Count: 3044
Summary: It’s Jimmy Fallon time
Warnings: fluff, secret relationship, health scare
A/N: Of course I make this up for this to go the way I want. (For this I’ll be using my OFC in Trouble in Hawkins for this OFC to play her.)
Last: Fallen in Love | Next:
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"Joseph, Joseph, Joseph..." I huff as he keeps ranting over the phone. "Can I talk now?" I ask when he stops. "Yes." He tells me. "I told you, I do this interview then early tomorrow morning I'm on a flight to Brazil. I'm still coming. I didn't change my schedule." I laugh at him. "So you're still coming?" He asks. "Yes! You know what." I send him a picture of my schedule so he knows exactly what I'm doing for the month. "See, I'm still coming." I smile through the phone. "Okay. I'll see you then. Love you." He tells me. "Love you too." I end the call. "So, theses are times I let Dexter out to potty. The time I feed him. An estimated time when he takes a nap and when he's most playful." I hand my brother a piece of paper. "You're such a mom." He laughs taking it from me. "Well I care about my son." I laugh with him.
"So does his dad." He jokes. My parents and my brother were the only ones who knew about Joseph and me like his parents and his siblings. They all knew it was a secret and they were keeping it a secret for us too. "Hey, I hear my girlfriend is taking you as her plus one to Lollapalooza. You suck." He shoves me as we walk into his living room. "Sorry, she loves me more. Also just ask her to get another one. Her uncle is Perry Farrell by the way." I slap his chest. "What?" He was shocked. "Yeah, I was shocked too." I jump onto his couch. "Perks to being related to a celebrity." He sits next to me. "You're related to me..." I chuckle. "Because we adopted you when you were just a little pea." He rocks a pillow in his arms. "Still related to a celebrity." I tell him. "So are you." He gives me a look. "Yeah, but James is not my family. He hooked up with Michelle and got her pregnant with me. But who cares about them because I have y'all as my family." I lean over giving him a hug.
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For the tonight show I sat in the room watching the show before it was my turn. As I come out the audience cheers for me as I take my seat. "Thank you, thank you." I laugh then angle my body to face Jimmy. "Thank you for being here. I know it's yours first time on the show." He tells me. "Yes, it is and thank you for having me." I give him a smile. "Before we talk about Season 4... I just learned that your adopted and you're very open about this on social media." He pulls out a photo of me and my family. "Yeah, they were very open about it with me at a very young age. They weren't those types of parents who kept it from me. Also that's the recent one I used. Every year I post a picture of all of us when it's the date they adopted me." I nod my head. "Do you know who your birth parents are? Have you met them? Or what?" He asks curious putting the picture down.
"I know who they are yes but I've never met them. Michelle, the woman who gave birth to me passed away years back and the man who helped make me is a huge rockstar." I laugh. "Who?" He leans forward. "I'm not telling." I say making the audience whine. "He knows I exist but we have never met so I can say that." I explain. "Okay, now onto season 4... what the heck. And Vol 2!" He makes me laugh. "I know. This season is so messed up." I nod my head. "Especially for Max, your character Skylar, and Eddie." He says. "Yeah, we aren't the lucky ones this season. Max and Skylar got trauma, Eddie's wanted for murder. Then you have El trying to get her powers back going through her past, then there's poor Will." I explain.
"Now I must say I love you and Joseph Quinn friendship." He pulls out a photo of us I posted. Once again we were in costume, and I was carrying him on my back while we were both cracking up. "I love our friendship too. He's my best friend. We clicked instantly when we met each other and became attached at the hip. We get along so well. Well depends especially when it comes to food. For example, I was in London for work and I was visiting him. He was cooking for us but he had to make my separate because I hate mushrooms. And for all of y'all to know, this man hates fussy eaters and I'm one." I laugh.
"So when it comes to food is where you two aren't buddy buddy anymore." Jimmy chuckles. "He told me to try it or our friendship is over." I get serious. "Did you try it or are you two no longer best friends?" He chuckles. "He chased me around his flat, Jimmy. He was determined I try it to see if I liked it because I had I refused to. I knew I wouldn't like it and turns out I didn't. He said I overreacted but we're still best friends so he puts up with me." I roll my eyes smiling. "See, I love you guys." He tells me. "I love our friendship and I love him too he's the best. All of y'all would feel the same if you were friends with him." I smile.
"Last thing, do you have any idea where Skylar is headed in Season 5? Where do you see her? What do you think the brothers might write for her?" He asks me. "God... just let her be happy. Don't let anyone die in her arms because it's just gonna scar her so much more for the rest of her life. I have no clue where she's headed. The brothers don't start writing next season until August. So... give her a happy ending Matt and Ross." I look straight into the camera. "Again, thank you for being here. It was a pleasure." Jimmy tells me. "Thank you for having me again." I smile at him.
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"Guess who finally made it!" I walk into the room with Jamie and Joseph sitting down. "I hate you." Joseph glares at my outfits. "God damn it!" I look down at myself. "The best friends match. Even with the shoes." Jamie points out. "Whatever, I'm ready to be the third wheel. I've seen how you two have been acting." I take my seat on the other side of Joseph. "Hey guys, how you doing?" Hugo asks us while Joseph has trouble with his mic. "Jamie help the man." I tell him. "Yeah, just get in there." Joseph tells him then he's set. Hugo congratulates us on the season then asks the two about coming into the show. While Jamie talks about making Venca, Joseph looks over at me as I struggle with my water bottle. I pass him it to him and he opens it for me so I give him a thank you smile.
"There's a lot of discussion about hair in the series but seeing your hair right now, why are you not in the competition?" He asks Jamie so he said it's not in the show unfortunately and says Sarah does an amazing job for all of us. He talks about his was real and had to get a perm. Then they talk about Eddie being in the running with Steve with best hair so Joseph talks about going through different wigs. "Another person who should be in the running is Presley with her hair. It's all hers." Jamie looks over at me. "It's all up right now. But yes, I'm the show it's all me. So that's true, why am I not in the running?" I sit up in my chair. "Because you would win." Joseph grabs my arm. "I believe that." I agree.
Jamie goes on about becoming Vecna in makeup and what put him in the mind set of playing him. I fidget my anxiety spinner ring while I listen to him talk. Joseph then goes on about how it was sorta easier for him compared to Jamie. "I just did it in a silly voice." He makes us laugh as he goes on. "And they both did amazing jobs at pulling their characters off. Like I have to remind Joseph daily that he did such an amazing job at bring Eddie to life. He was worried while filming so now I tell him fans love him and can relate to him being an outcast. He made Eddie very lovable." I speak up. "I suspect that it's really easy for you to get into character?" He asks me. "Way more easier than theses two. I barely need time in the makeup trailer because I have such big curly hair. Plus I have three seasons on them."
Next he asks Joseph about when he read Eddie was dying and how he felt. He said of course he was devastated but he wasn't that surprised but he loved the ending for Eddie. "You may have loved his arc and ending but I hated it because Eddie's my favorite character. He brought so much especially for Dustin and Skylar." I say then see one of my team members motioning they needed to talk to me. We have to pause the interview for a second for me to leave the room then they keep going after I leave. "What's the emergency?" I ask as they pass me the phone. "Hello?" I say into it. "Sweetheart, I know you're busy with work and you just landed but it's your father." My mom says making me worry. "What happened?" I try not to think anything terrible. "He had a heart attack and is in the hospital." She tells me. "Is he okay now?" I ask her. "They said he might have to stay for a week. But it can change if surgery doesn't go as plan."
"I'm getting on a plane to come back home as soon as I can get one. Family is more important than work. I'll text or call to update you." I tell her hanging up the phone and tell my assistant I need a plane ride home as soon as possible. I go to my hotel room to pack up what little I took out of my suitcases when I got here. "Presley." I hear Joseph knock on my door. "Is everything okay?" He asks as I open the door. "I have to go home. My dad had a heart attack." I go back over to my bags. "Is he okay?" Joseph asks worried. "He's in surgery right now. My brother said it was a STEMI Heart Attack which is the worst one." I turn to face him. "Hey, I believe he'll be alright. Nothing bad is gonna happen to him." Joseph wraps his arms around holding me against his chest causing me to start to cry.
"I know you were looking forward to me being here." I try to stop crying. "Yes, but your family is more important than interviews. And I'll see you back in the states when I go for my Tonight Show Interview. Ans there's talk about trying to get me to meet Metallica at Lollapalooza. Just keep me updated on your dad." He holds my face in his hands before giving me a kiss.
Even after my dad was all better after surgery and recovering, I decided to stay home and cancel all my work just for weeks. I just wanted to make sure he was 100% okay. "Press, I told you to go home. As in your place to pay to live. I'm fine and the doctor said it was just a small scare. I'm healthy!" My dad tells me as I bring him a glass of water. "The longer you complain, I stay." I tell him. "I never want you to leave honey. I love having you here." He smiles making me laugh as the doorbell rings. To my surprise when I opened it Joseph was standing there, "What are you doing here?" I pull him inside hugging him. "I have The Tonight Show remember. I also have a small interview the next day. Also I get to meet Metallica." He smiles, "Also I brought your dad a card." He gives me a kiss before going to where my dad was.
"Joseph, what a surprise to see you." My dad gives him a hug. "I wanted to give this to you in person." He hands him the card. "Thank you, son." He takes it from him sitting down to read it. "I wanna know do you want to come with me tonight? I would love for you to be there with me." Joseph takes my hand into his. "Sure, if that's you want." I squeeze his hands.
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"Joseph there's nothing to be nervous about. You're gonna do great." I laughs as he nervously messes with his fingers. "It's my first talk show debut so I do have something to worry about, love." He puts his head back. I get up from my spot going I've to sit on his lap, "The crowd is gonna love you and you'll be fine." I grab his face so he would look at me. He wraps he arms around my waist holding me closer to him as he
presses his lips against mine. I don't pull away instead kiss him back the same manner he was kissing me. His tongue is quick as he slips it in, molding it around with mine. I pull back starting to laugh at him, "You're nervous to go out there but you'll make out with me in here?" I mess with his hair carefully not to mess it up. "It's different." He kisses me. "I'll be cheering you while I watch from in here. But I will be right back because I have to go pee." I leave his room. As I head back to his room Jimmy was surprised to see me. "What are you doing here Presley?" He chuckles. "Came to support Joseph. He asked me to come with him. He's nervous because it's his first talk show debut." I let him know before going back to Joseph. "Come here, I wanna hold you as I wait. You calm me down." He had his arms wide open for me.
When it was time for him to go out I give his a good luck kiss as he leaves. I watch Joseph talk about being held up at the airport and being recognized as Eddie. Joseph gives Jimmy a Hellfire shirt and he was excited to be apart of the club. "It's been amazing. I went to Brazil, never been there before." The crowd cheers. "Ah, you've been." I laugh at him. "People are passionate about your character. People love you. You crushed it." Jimmy tells him and I was happy people were letting him know. Joseph talks about what people probably relate to Eddie since he was recently at Comic-Con.
"I know Jack Black gave you a shoutout the other night." Jimmy say making him excited again. I remember Joseph calling me shouting into the phone that's how excited he wasn't seeing the video. Jimmy talks about how he played Eddie so well and that he didn't even know he wasn't American. "You doing Master of Puppets by Metallica. It's the greatest thing." Jimmy pulls out a picture from the scene of him playing. "It was a weird time during the pandemic where no one has seen any live music for ages. It was me, Gaten, and Presley. You've had them both on." Joseph says making the crowd cheer. "They're the best. And it was so fun. I was nervous but it was kinda like a rock concert. I got to feel like a rockstar for one night and that was pretty great." Joseph tells him and Jimmy said it was legendary.
"Speaking of Presley. You brought her tonight. I ran into her backstage before the show." Jimmy brings me up and the crowd cheers. "Yes, I asked her to come with me for support. And her being the best friend she is she agreed." He says making me smile. "Presley, why don't you run on out here for a second." Jimmy says seriously so I rush through backwards. They mic me up quick then I walk out way the the audience. "Great to see you again." Jimmy hugs me before I sit next to Joseph. He gives me a smile placing his hand on top of mine as I rest it on the armrest.
"I think I can speak for many people when I say I love you guy's friendship." Jimmy makes the crowd cheer loud making Joseph and I laugh. "I got really lucky we clicked and became best friends." Joseph looks over giving me a smile. "I have question to ask..." Jimmy says making us look at him. "Have you even had a secret crush on one another?" He asks so Joseph and I start laughing. "We've already said we were each other's Celebrity crush but while on set a had a little one on him." I admit. "Look at her, how can you not develop a crush on her?" Joseph motions towards Me making me shake my head with a smile. "Most people would think it's odd to admit in a friendship but we don't care." I add before I go back to the room to watch the rest of the interview
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