#i love her!! i should draw her more often next year
captainmalewriter · 2 days
Miss Pigwin's Journal
Among the myriad of stereotypes surrounding gay men, Ivan never really fit into any of them. He was never the flamboyant queen nor the circuit party gay. Ivan always considered himself to be more of a lone wolf type. Although many would find the life of a social hermit boring and exhausting, Ivan truly didn’t mind his quiet, solitary lifestyle. Just class, work, gym, rinse and repeat. It was a simple routine, but it was one that Ivan loved. 
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One evening, after his engineering classes, Ivan made a quick pit stop at the local store before heading back to his apartment. He needed to buy a new journal after he had filled out the last page the night before. Journaling was a hobby that Ivan took very seriously. For the past five or so years, Ivan would take 10 minutes every night to write his complete, unfiltered thoughts in his journal before bed. It was a therapeutic practice for Ivan, and he did not plan to stop anytime soon. 
Ivan was hoping to find a stylish yet relatively cheap journal but was quickly met with disappointment instead as he made his way down the stationary aisle. The store had completely run out of notebooks! A nearby employee told Ivan that the overnight crew would restock the store and that he should return the next day, but he was too determined to give up after having gone through the trouble of walking to the store. He scoured the store until he finally found one misplaced notebook, although its gaudy design left much to be desired…
It was a bright pink journal with glimmering sequins and came with a large bundle of pink ribbon. The journal had an ugly cartoon drawing of a pig in a princess dress along with her name ‘Miss Pigwin’ written in glitter across the top of the cover page. Ivan pulled out his phone and did a quick internet search to find out more about the Miss Pigwin notebook. Apparently, it was limited edition merchandise for some obscure children’s cartoon that never made it past 5 episodes. The idea behind Miss Pigwin was that kids could better understand their pets by helping them communicate with them. Kids were tie a piece of ribbon around an animal, and with Miss Pigwin's help, they would become their best friends. At least that was what the old advertisements promised anyway.
Obviously, the designers meant it to be used for pets like dogs and cats, so it was no wonder the pink journal was quickly discontinued after kids tried to tie ribbons around dangerous, wild animals instead. All in all, it was just cheap scraps of overly decorated paper for imaginative little girls. 
Ivan didn’t care much for the girly pink notebook. However, it was still a notebook at the end of the day, and the $5 price tag was too enticing to give up. He bought it and promptly returned to his apartment where his roommate Jesse was hosting a few of his frat friends over for beer pong. 
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Ivan and Jesse were not friends but they were civil enough as roommates. Jesse wasn’t officially a part of a frat yet, but he already had the wild personality of a frat brother anyway. Jesse’s constant partying and drinking was annoying to Ivan, so he often made himself scarce—  as he did that night. He went about his usual nighttime routine and thankfully, by the time he sat down at his desk to journal, all of Jesse’s guests were gone. But just before he could touch pen to paper, Jesse came stumbling into the room.
“Hey, bro, you got any ribbon or string by any chance?” Jesse asked. Ivan hesitated saying yes right away.
“Maybe, what for?” 
“There’s this stupid Tiktok trend going on right now. Dudes are tying a piece of ribbon around their bicep and flexing until it breaks. The bros are saying I need to do every trend I see if I wanna continue rushing.”
“Cool, makes sense. Here, you can have it all. I don’t need it.”
Ivan took the bundle of ribbon that came with the Miss Pigwin journal and helped Jesse tie a piece around his bicep. Although Ivan did not like Jesse in that way, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit excited as he wrapped the ribbon around his straight roommate’s muscular arm. It was probably the only time he’d be that close to Jesse, so he relished in the moment as much as he could. Once it was tied, Jesse thanked him and left the room to record his Tiktok. Meanwhile, Ivan returned to his journal and began writing. 
March 12th - I am soo fucking h*rny. Sometimes, I wish my roommate would give in to his secret desires and just makeout with me already. 
Just as Ivan finished writing the last letter, a terrifying scream coming from the living room interrupted his journaling session. He quickly ran out with the pink journal in hand and saw Jesse straining himself to break the ribbon. No matter how hard he flexed, the pink ribbon stayed firmly wrapped around his bicep.
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Although Ivan was worried about the pink ribbon constricting Jesse's arm, he couldn't help but stare at the massive bulge in his roommate's gray sweatpants. It was huge! Was Jesse hard? Ivan always had a feeling that his straight roommate was packing some serious heat downstairs, but he would've never guessed he'd be that big and thick! Just seeing his bulge was enough to make Ivan's jaw drop!
"Dude is this ribbon made out of fucking titanium or some shit! Where the fuck did you even get this!?" Jesse yelled out in anguish. It was enough to bring Ivan back down to Earth.
"I don't know! It came free with this weird notebook I found."
"Whatever!! Just go get the scissors! This shit's way too tight, my arm's starting to go numb!"
"Right! Hang on, I'll be right back!"
Uh oh!!
Just as Ivan turned around to go get the scissors, a sudden high-pitched voice made him stop dead in his tracks. It was a girl's voice, and it was coming from the notebook in his hands. Ivan looked down and froze from what he saw. The cartoon princess pig had come to life!
Uh oh!! It looks like our new friend isn't being a very good listener! Let's play some music to help clear his mind!
Miss Pigwin began singing a melody while soft piano music played. The music had no effect on Ivan, but it did on Jesse. Jesse suddenly stopped fighting and just laid flat on the floor. Within seconds, he had gone from a pissed off jock trying to rip the ribbon off his arm to eerily calm and relaxed. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled heavily. Jesse had a dazed look in his eyes once he opened them. He had a dull, almost sleepy-like expression plastered on his face too. It was like he was sedated by simply listening to Miss Pigwin's song! Only once Jesse was fully relaxed did Miss Pigwin finally stop the music.
Yayyy!! No more distracting thoughts! Now what did our best friend tell us?
Ivan watched in awe as Jesse got up from the ground while massaging his protruding bulge. His movements were almost mechanical, like a mindless robot following orders. He then began walking towards Ivan while reciting what Ivan had written inside the Miss Pigwin journal.
"I'm soo h*rny... I just wanna make out with my roommate. I'm soo h*rny... I just wanna make out with my roommate. I'm soo h*rny... I just wanna make out with my roommate."
It was incredible. Despite having never read it, Jesse kept repeating what Ivan had written over and over like a personal mantra!
Once Jesse closed the gap between them, Ivan got a good look how dilated his pupils were. It was quite the sight to see, though Jesse didn't give Ivan any time to react. Instead, he quickly joined his lips with Ivan's and kissed him roughly. Ivan was caught off guard by the surprise kiss but quickly matched Jesse's energy as the two kissed like it was their last night being alive. Ivan could hardly believe it. He had gone from merely tolerating his roommate's existence to making out with him in the same night! He felt himself light up with joy and pleasure as Jesse's hairy chest pressed against his with every kiss.
They continued at it for a while, locking lips until they gradually moved towards the couch. From there, they both discarded any remaining clothes they had on. Ivan hopped into Jesse's strong arms and went in for another deep kiss. He was shuddering with anticipation as he felt Jesse's rock hard boner tap against his butt. Luckily for him, it didn't take them much longer until they decided to get into position. Ivan spit onto Jesse's cock to lube it up, then guided it into his hole. A deep, sensual moan escaped his mouth as Jesse slowly thrusted his hips into him. Inch by inch, his dick disappeared into his ass. The room then filled with the sounds of men grunting and heavy, cum-filled balls clapping against Ivan's cheeks. Ivan was in heaven, while Jesse was in a trance with only one thought in his mind. Give into his desires, and makeout with his roommate.
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Ivan woke up the next morning feeling like a brand new man after the amazing pounding he had received from Jesse. To say he was in a state of bliss would be a massive understatement! Even just remembering the feeling of Jesse's massive cock inside of him was enough to make Ivan smile with delight. But his grin quickly faded when he reached out for the Miss Pigwin journal and found it wasn't where he had left it before falling asleep. Even worse, he found a piece of pink ribbon had been tied around his wrist while he was sleeping.
"No... Nononono NOO!!"
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty! Looking for something?"
To Ivan's horror, Jesse was holding the Miss Pigwin journal and he looked furious! Although, despite the present danger, Ivan couldn't help but notice that Jesse still had the same ribbon tied around his bicep.
"Hey man... Let's put down the journal, and have a civilized conversation between adults. I promise it's not what it looks like, just let me ex-"
"Nahh FUCK that. I'm glad I woke up just before you did, otherwise I would've never found out what the fuck you did to me with this weird journal. You always gave me weird vibes but this? I... I don't even know where to start I'm so MAD!"
Jesse slammed a fist against the wall, startling Ivan. He then let out a maniacal chuckle as he pulled out a pen and opened the journal.
"Alright, Ivan, you wanna fuck up my mind so badly? Two can play at that game!"
Loud scribbling filled the room. Once he finished, Jesse read out loud what he wrote.
"Ivan's too serious for his own good. He needs to lighten up and join my frat so we can become best bros forever!!"
"...That's stupid. I'm not gonna do that."
"Are you sure?"
Uh oh!!
"I think Miss Pigwin might disagree with-"
Ivan smacked the book out of Jesse's hands, catching him off guard. The journal landed against the wall with a loud thud. Ivan wasted no time making a break for the journal. He bought himself a few seconds by smacking it away from Jesse. Those few seconds were all he needed to open the journal to a new page and write something down. In the heat of the moment, he could only think of one thing to write.
"Jesse's gay 4 me!"
Jesse grabbed the journal but Ivan had a tight grip on it. The two slammed into the nearby walls and furniture as they tried to wrestle it out of the other's hands. The Miss Pigwin journal was getting torn and crumpled up in the crossfire of their fight, but that didn't stop the princess from carrying out her sole purpose.
It looks- New friend- Good listener! Let's- Some music- clear his mind!
Miss Pigwin began singing her soothing song, forcing both men into a hypnotic trance as they listened. They both fell to the ground screaming as the pink ribbons grew tighter around their bodies. They tried plugging their ears with their fingers, but it was already too late. The second they heard the first few notes of her song, Miss Pigwin was already deep within subconscious- ready to broadcast whatever was written in the journal directly into their brains. However, because the journal had gotten destroyed during the fight, Miss Pigwin's subliminal messaging turned out to be incredibly potent than usual.
Ivan fell back against the ground in a daze. He couldn't believe how discombobulated he was. It was like he was trapped underwater as he felt his mind beginning to clear of any and all thoughts. Ivan let out a heavy sigh as a powerful, cool calm filled his body. Soon enough, the only thing he could think about was how badly he wanted to become a frat bro just like Jesse. Ivan repeated his new life mantra to himself as his mind became hyper focused on only one goal.
"I need to lighten up... I need to join a frat... I need to become best bros with Jesse..."
A lot of his engineering knowledge got wiped away from his mind to make room for his new personality. Mathematics and physics were replaced with workout regimes and a strong, itching need to drink and get laid. The partying lifestyle of the frat bro that once repulsed Ivan became as normal as breathing to the former homebody gay man. Ivan tried resisting against Miss Pigwin's conditioning. He tried reminding himself how much he loved a quiet night at home by himself. He tried recalling how much he hated loud, obnoxious men who did nothing but party and drink all night. But everytime he tried fighting against it, the little voice repeating his mantra grew louder and louder until all opposition was completely stamped out. Ivan had been reborn.
As he rose from the ground with an altered conscience and personality, the only thing on Ivan's mind was how to maximize his gains the next time he hit the gym. After all, how could he even dare to show his face around his frat brothers if he couldn't keep up with them in terms of bodybuilding?
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Meanwhile, Jesse laid out sprawled on the ground as a calm stupor washed over his aggravated mind. Soon enough, his mind became a quiet place where only one thought remained.
"I'm gay for Ivan... I'm gay for Ivan... I'm gay... For Ivan..."
Jesse repeated the same sentence to himself until the words no longer felt foreign leaving his mouth. Soon enough, saying he was gay for Ivan felt as natural as saying his name. His desires to sleep with women melted away from his subconscious everytime he recited his new mantra.
Like Ivan, Jesse tried fighting against it. He tried remembering the taste and feel of a woman's touch, but it was no use against Miss Pigwin's powerful conditioning. His memories of being with women were quickly fading. In their place, a deep, profound love for his roommate-turned-loved began to take hold. Within minutes, Jesse wanted nothing more in life than to stand by his boyfriend's side and make sure he felt loved.
Once Ivan and Jesse woke up to their new personalities, Miss Pigwin finished her song, never to be heard from again due to the journal being in tatters. Jesse woke up with a headache and with a grinning Ivan by his side.
"Good morning my handsome boyfriend, how'd you sleep?"
"Amazing because I slept with you, my love." Jesse joined his lips against Ivan's. The two shared a deep kiss filled with passion, ending with a loud smack when they finally pulled apart.
"You ready for today? I can't wait to start the rushing process, then we can join together!" Ivan flashed a wide smile. Jesse wrapped his hands around Ivan's neck.
"The frat can wait till later. Right now, I want you all to myself."
He pulled Ivan in for another kiss. The two men then proceeded to fuck all morning, completely unaware of the strange circumstances that led them to that point. All thanks to a little princess pig on the cover of a bright pink notebook.
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k0yaz · 1 month
Hi love 💕 May I request comfort/fluff one shot Arlecchino x fem Reader who developed a terminal illness a few years back and is now often bedridden but is getting better however Arlecchino is still super overprotective of her
white light.
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Pairings: arlecchino x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, terminally ill reader, angst, but there’s comfort yay I know yall love this, LOTS of mentions of death, like a ridiculous amount, dw reader doesn’t die but grim reaper bullies us every chance he gets like damn, or is the grim reaper a she, that means my friend is immortal since if death is a woman it’ll never come for them, sorry off topic, very soft arle, yes we love our soft king walskskfj, why is the shower so cold help me, not proofread.
A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE AND IT TURNED OUT SO NICE HOLY also, school is starting soon so I might have to go on break in couple months but no worries I can find some time to write and it’ll be a while into the year until i actually need a break yk <3 🕯️
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The fluffy layered clouds hovering in the sky slowly parted themselves to reveal illuminating gleams of sunlight pouring into the room through the window curtains situated to the right of your bed. Slow gusts of wind began to join the warmth of the gold light, brushing along your skin and causing an array of goosebumps to bloom along your arm. You were lucky. Not too long back, your immobile body was enveloped into the same bed, a sickly hue painting your face as your pale tinged lips could only part to cough out a few strained noises.
Perhaps the gods had took pity on you? You supposed you’d never figure out the answer as to how your body curved back from a terminal illness in its final stage. It was supposed to be incurable, and your body back then seemed to agree with what should have been. You were dangerously dangling right above the realm of death, only a hair apart from succumbing to your imminent demise. The doctor who noted your worsening state only had a strike of pity in her voice whenever she’d inform Arlecchino of your current condition, shaking her head as the words: “she won’t make it.” muffled through the door seperating your room from the outside.
It hurt to hear. Not for you per say, but more to hear the emptiness in Arlecchino’s voice when she attempted to dismiss the doctor’s words coldly. She didn’t want to hear that. She didn’t want to hear that your condition was only drawing you closer and closer to death, she wanted to hear that you atleast had a small chance of surviving. As much as she tried to choke back the bitter pain in her unwavering voice, she always clung onto that small sliver of hope deep down, internally calling out to a sea of nothingness in hopes that something would come help you.
Sudden news of your recovery, or rather your condition suddenly improving one day was nothing short of a miracle. It shouldn’t have been possible at all. You were around the final month mark, your entire body burning with an agonizing rush of soreness as you wanted to plead for death to take you away from the unbearable discomfort searing every limb of your ghastly and thin form. That night you had gone to bed, hoping to escape the aching pain of your illness eating away at you. That was when you saw it. You dreamt of a faint glow of white light—or was it a slight pale yellow? The dream was vague and confusing, and held no meaning at all. The light simply danced in circles before you as your life trajectory seared across your eyes.
However, the dream must have meant something.
The next morning you had awoken, your body feeling much lighter all of a sudden, as you had the strength to now sit up completely. Hands carefully massaging the thick blanket draped over your lap, you blinked in confusion upon realizing that you were indeed alive and able to sit up. Sure, you were still incapable of moving around or sitting up for long, but originally, you weren’t even able to raise your body a quarter of the way up, as it would simply result in your spine slamming back into the sunken, comfortable mattress.
When the doctor made her way into the room, performing her checkups which she believed to be futile and tragic, her initial expression of sorrow shifted to one of quick shock. This shouldn’t have been even the slightest bit possible. Arlecchino’s reaction was all the more endearing the moment the newly discovered news made its way to her. You’d never forget the rare smile of pure relief and happiness crossing her usually stoic front, seeming as if Arlecchino was glowing in that moment.
She had attempted to clear her throat and position herself upright, concealing the internal delight bubbling in her mind at that moment. The door had softly creaked open, the sway of the old hinges on your bedroom door being the only noise, along with the quiet howls of wind, resounding within the cell of a room that held your life by a mere thread.
You simply sat there, your scrawny form nearly engulfed by the heavy blankets cascaded onto your lap as the light livened the hue of your face. And when that sweet smile made its way onto your lips weakly upon seeing the harbinger hover before your bed, Arlecchino had to suppress every urge of hers to hem you between her arms in a tight hug and never let go. She wanted to embrace you with every drop of love and affection lingering in her heart as her blackened hands tightened into your back, like a promise to never let you go. Since then, your condition had steadily improved. Months passed, and then years. At this very moment, you now had the ability to walk around and perform minor tasks adequately, yet you still remained bedridden for the majority of your time.
A light pain slowly overtook the side of your chest abruptly, drawing out a few heavy coughs from your throat as your palm pushed against your left breast in an attempt to soothe the throb pushing and pulling against your heart. Quiet ticks of the clock seemed to inch in sync with the rugged beats of your heart, both echoing throughout the room in a sort of twisted harmony. Although your condition had gotten better, storms of weakness and coughs would still persist through, as this was quite a serious illness you suffered from.
The silk white blankets enveloped your limp frame, cascading over your body and situated slightly below your chest, while the back of your head burrowed into the pillows to bask in the favorable comfort enshrouded around every outline of your lounged body. Your chest rhythmically rose and fell as you choked out a few labored breaths, still clenching your fingers against the fabric of your loose shirt covering your chest.
Your vision suddenly started a gradual spin, objects within your range slowly drawn out of focus, and not taking long for the spin to pick up the pace as your vision suddenly shifted to a bleary mess of the room. Head tilting back, you rasped out a line of shaky breaths as the frightening episode of dizziness quickly subsided as soon as it began, causing a sense of panic to rush through you briefly while your chest rose and fell in uneven motions from your initial fright. In that very moment, a small screech of wooden hinges caught your attention, your head carefully raising as to not incite any possible negative reaction from your sensitive body.
Swift and heavy clicks of heels prodded across the room, a sound you’d recognize anywhere even if you were miles away. You raised your head barely even level to the headboard, delivering Arlecchino a feeble smile as her eyes softened upon meeting yours. Slowly, you took her hand into yours, palm resting over the top of her defined knuckles as your thumb circled along the cursed gradient of her hands gently. She could only breathe out a grateful sigh, her head dropping in a restful state as she rested herself onto your shoulder affectionately.
“Are you feeling any better?” She almost immediately questioned, her usually composed eyes having a flicker of concern dashed across them. Her eyes wandered along your frail body, the hints of worry still subtly etched onto her face as her grasp on your hand below hers grew increasingly taut and stiff as she awaited your answer. As much as you wanted to chuckle and tell her you were okay, you clearly couldn’t even say that much.
“Hm. Same as usual. Can’t move my legs well today, but I’ll live.” You casually answered, not taking in the impact your words might have placed onto Arlecchino.
She was so glad you were able to live.
Arlecchino suddenly dragged her teeth along each other, her mouth remaining closed as the grit of her teeth quietly bounced off of her cheek into her eardrums. It took everything she had to swallow back that wretched feeling boiling up to her throat, her heart wrenching and flooding with discomfort upon hearing the way you threw your life around so casually in your words. She had always been extensively protective over you ever since your condition deteriorated, yet it grew exponentially once you began to recover over the years. She’d always tend to you, sometimes never leaving your side for hours on end as she’d just sit there, head lowered and lips pushed against your frail hand.
Her grip on your hand tensed noticeably, making you shift your eyes up to her lowered dark gaze, staring off into an endless abyss as her expression just seemed…soulless and empty at the mere thought of your passing away. She was afraid. Afraid that just when she believes that her beloved would live despite being in poor condition, she’d walk into your room one day to discover your heart dead still, body completely limp and deceased.
The thought of that made her hand noticeably quiver between yours, disturbing images of your possible sudden death plaguing her mind like a broken subliminal record trying to shatter her soul by tearing away the one person she loves most in this cruel world. It was indeed cruel, as this very world had targeted the reaper to loom over the side of your bed at all times, carefully awaiting the moment to take you away from Teyvat. Arlecchino internally cursed herself at the idea that perhaps this punishment was because of her. She wanted you to be spared. You weren’t the one with blood on your hands, she was.
Despite her agonizing thoughts gnawing at the back of her mind, your sudden firm grip on her hand made her head snap back up abruptly, eyes locking onto your thin fingers cupping her shaky hand in place. If she could, Arlecchino would cry at this very moment, allow herself to shed a couple tears. Yet she knew she couldn’t. She didn’t want to worry you any further, especially in your current state.
“Arle, I’m staying. Please, don’t worry about me. I am better now, right?”
“I know. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t around.”
It was evident that Arlecchino had a difficult time a few years ago, when you were announced to die in under a couple months. She had to mentally prepare herself to lose you soon. She was used to it, you were just another person in her life that slipped away too soon, right?
But she couldn’t.
She couldn’t bear losing you. It was too much even for her.
Arlecchino needed you in her life, and she’d wipe out the entirety of the world just to keep you safe.
Your hand reached up to graze along the skin of her cheek, smiling as she instinctively leaned into your touch. Her eyes fluttered shut as she held your hand in place against her cheek, opening her eyelids once more to gaze at you lovingly with red x-marked eyes.
“Hey Arle, I’m still not feeling the best today…so do you think you could-“
You didn’t even get a chance to finish your hesitant sentence as she lowered herself onto the side of your bed, squeezing herself next to you as her arms gently circled your torso and grasped you against her. You only hummed out a content sigh as you felt your slouched back press to her upright chest, the difference in your postures just making the moment oddly romantic and sweet. Arlecchino’s face buried into your shoulder, intaking a soft inhale as if she missed your scent clouding her senses every time she was close to you.
It didn’t take long for you to drift off to sleep in Arlecchino’s arms as you curled up into the warm blankets piled over both of you. Arlecchino, still awake, quietly shifted her weight onto her side to glance down at you, smiling softly upon seeing your peaceful rested expression. Maybe finally, she rinsed the lingering blood splattered on her hands that led you to this awful fate. She’d rinse it a thousand times if it meant that you would remain safe like this for as long as you lived.
However in this very moment? Arlecchino had forgotten every sense of dread clawing at her constantly, instead focusing on your huddled up form engulfed between her protective grasp.
She swore that she would never let you go again, and she would treasure every inch of you. Not even death can do you two part.
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A/N: omg I kept switching between being proud of this and being not so proud bc I had to stop midway through and I lost my train of thought AUUUSHSHDBFN anyway yayayayashshdhd I loved writing this so much AND CALM DOWN ON THE ARLE REQUESTS HOLY SH-
ok bye I’m gonna go on character ai cause I can’t sleep to bed
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
hi!! How are you? I hope you have a great day! ^^
Ngl, i'm in love with the Albino!reader series
So, can you do a Albino!reader with a pomefiore dorm (like imagine Vil first time meeting them) orr a diasomnia dorm (some of them might think that they are a fae) orr maybe Rollo (he might think that Albino!reader is an angel at first)? (You can pick one you like or all, it's fine!)
Thank you! And keep it up with your writting talent! ( ^∀^)
A/N: We are now on dorm number 4 with our albino!reader series! I am so glad that you guys are rather liking this one, I am enjoying it as well! As I have already done Pomefiore dor, I will be doing Diasomnia + Rollo for this request!
Tw: None
Request: Diasomnia family + Rollo with albino!reader
Headers and dividers made by @blueberry-pride and @cafekitsune
(I apologize for the constant tags, I simply wish to give credit for the lovely headers and dividers :) )
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Instantly captivated by you the first time he had laid upon your form
It was late in the night, the moon high in the sky when he had first seen you out walking along an older pathway that was slightly hidden underneath overgrown vegetation
Underneath the light of the silver moon, the flickering of fireflies, he found himself utterly speechless and completely drawn to you
At first, he thought you to be a diurnal fae, until he gazed upon your very human ears
Albinism you say?
It was the first he had heard of such a condition
And the light of the sun and the heat that it emits can be very dangerous for you? Damage your skin and your eyes?
Well, that just won't do
Hence why you are often seen more around Diasomnia (after managing to talk him out of keeping the sun away as we know how this fae's mood can affect the weather)
It is usually quite dark there and there is a certain chill in the air that should keep you nice and safe
Simply say the word and you will have a full, new wardrobe that will cater to keeping your skin safe from the sun
He grows to enjoy each visit you grace him with, looking forward to each one
Yes, his grandmother knows of you
And yes, she wishes to see you when her beloved grandson invites you to Briar Valley during the next school break
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This fae is essentially 700 years old, you are not the first person he has seen with albinism
But you are certainly the first he has seen where he nearly mistook you for a Diurnal fae. Everything about you just radiated the presence of one
But when you were now facing him, able to see your human eyes and ears, he was pleasantly surprised
Will absolutely charm you to the moon and back without hesitation, he has no shame
Will be the epitome of a gentleman, and you will have the pleasantries of being courted the old fashioned way in fae culture
At his age, there is no time to dally around, and Lilia finds himself fully captivated by you
Do you like children?
Also, keep him away from the kitchen and do not eat anything he has made if you value your life
He often invites you for tea in the Diasomnia lounge room, something the both of you rather enjoy
Oftentimes, when you fall asleep when with one another, he allows a gentle smile to come to his face, brushing your hair back before holding you close
Perhaps you would like to travel with him? With his life soon drawing to a close, there is no one else he would rather spend it with (aside from silver, that is)
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He has heard the tales of Diurnal fae from essentially everyone in his family, from Lilia, others in Briar Valley, and even in books that he has read
And from afar, everything about your appearance screamed that you were, in fact, a Diurnal fae
One whose beauty that could be described as ethereal
......what do you mean you're human?
You, a full blooded human, look more akin to a fae, than him, someone who is half-fae
No, he is not mad.....
Maybe a bit self conscious about it, but not angry
.....are you sure that you have no fae lineage in your blood? It was always a possibility
Ah, he had briefly heard of such a condition, but had never seen it before with his own eyes
Instantly thought that Diasomnia would be the best place for you after hearing about the damage that the sun and heat can do to you
Gathered advice from Lilia
Good or bad, you can decide
But you two are often either seen in Diasomnia together in the lounge with small snacks discussing books or in the library further away from the windows studying
Has offered his jacket to you on more than one occasion to cover your skin from the sun
You complimented his skill as a knight (in training), and how much for a gentleman he was, you instantly saw him fighting that grin on his face as he straightened himself up quite a bit
Lilia commented that he looked like the cat that just got the cream once he was back at the dorm
Was this how his mother felt when she fell in love with his father?
He will have to inquire more information for the future
Always commented on how Briar Valley would be the perfect place to be. The weather was cooler, and the sun wasn't as bright. Even then, the forests helped to block sunlight in most places
Not to mention, he thought you would look absolutely stunning in Briar Valley clothing
Already planning on getting pictures, he wants to carry one around with him like the knights of old did with their loved ones when they were sent out
Perhaps you would like to come with him back home during winter break?
His mother is absolutely dying to meet the human who has softened her son's heart
The entire family is (even good old grandpa Baul)
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Sevens, help anyone who manages to see both of you together. Between his calm aura and gentle beauty, and your ethereal glow, there's no doubt that you two are seen as the most captivating on campus (even Vil believes that after seeing both of you together)
It all started when he was returning from club activities, on the verge of falling asleep once more before something rather bright caught his eye
For once, it woke this man up as he made his way over to see who happened to be behind such an image
Only to see you, moving to sit in a meadow underneath a tree, pulling out a book, seeming to relax
Thought you to be a fae first as well, Diurnal, in fact based on your appearance
But after correcting him, he let a slight smile come to his face
Seeing the drowsy look return to his eyes, you offered a spot for him to lay, he did, you read, and the rest was history
Silver always helped to keep you protected from the sun, covering your shoulders with his jacket, informing you of the weather for the day, and anything in between
His father raised him to be a gentleman
You are often seen accompanying him to various places, even helping him after he had just fallen asleep
Lilia is begging you to marry his son already, you are literally perfect
Perhaps you would like to join Silver on a trip back home? He is certain you would quite like the quaint little cottage he calls home
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An angel, that is the first thing that came to his mind the moment that he first laid eyes upon you
It was weeks after what happened during the Glorious Masquerade when he found himself now at NRC
He was still trying to find his way around this rather large school (he really underestimated the size of this college, especially when taking into account the pocket dimensions that held the dorms), when he first saw you walking through the courtyard with a parasol over your head and books in your other hand
Everything about you seemed to just be glowing
You're looking in his direction
You're looking at him
That smile would be the end of him, he could see it all happening now. and now you are walking towards him
Is he lost?
What did he do to be blessed with your presence?
Thus, he found himself being led by you to class and after, a full tour to help him remember where everything was
It was where he asked if you truly were an angel
Tried not to be disappointed when you denied, discovering that you had merely been born with albinism
Well, it looks like there was more to you than what he had first thought
Perhaps you would like to join him one day in the City of Flowers? He is certain that you would enjoy yourself, he would make sure of that, himself.
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Thank you for your request! Is it easy to tell who was my favorite? Have a wonderful day/night!
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zordanna · 5 months
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A fluffy fic inspired from this old drawing I did🍃
English is not my first language and I hate writing so don’t expect too much. It’s just a small scene where Sebastian realises he’s in love with my MC, you can imagine yours there too of course! I ain’t stopping you🫡 enjoy I guess?
Sebastian yawned softly as he kept silently reading his history of magic notes while sitting on the carpet and resting his back on the couch, Eleonora was next to him laying fully on it while reading the chapter trying really hard to not fall asleep.
“Ugh I swear I’m failing this time”
She mumbled while flipping pages. Sebastian rolled his eyes and spoke back with annoyance.
“You literally have the highest grades of all the students in our class, shut up-”
Eleonora huffed and gave him a soft nudge with her knee in response.
“Just because the competition prefers wandering in the restricted section more than studying actual subjects. You know- instead of  forbidden ones”
Sebastian groaned and rested his head on the couch seat cushion to look at her better.
“You are a pain in the ass.” He breathed out glancing back at his notes pretending to ignore her.
“The feeling is mutual”
She ruffled his brown curls gaining a soft laugh from him , the boy rested one cheek on the  cushion and gazed at her while his notes ended up spread around the intricated embodied carpet of Russel  living room. Sebastian  glanced at the book and got an idea.
“I can read it for you, if you want, so we both learn something at least”
His proposal sounded quite nice to Eleonora, she gave him the book and set herself comfortable as he cleared his throat. He started reading and he could almost feel her gaze caressing his skin, Sebastian didn’t know how he managed to say the words correctly without fumbling while having that lovely pair of blue eyes staring at him, the warmth of her presence, her sweet scent of lavender and soap pervading his nostrils…Merlin help him!
On the other side Eleonora’s eyes were looking at his freckles, she always thought they looked like a starry sky , sometimes she would find full constellations in them while stealing glances at her friend’s features. She  glanced  at his lashes, was it even legal to have them so long and soft? The way they fluttered while he was  reading, the way the sun was making them shine with a warm orange shade. She was mesmerised. That’s for sure. The words sounded like a sweet lullaby rather than an actual lecture on how their ancestors channeled magic trough the years, her eyes felt heavy and her body a little too relaxed. 
Maybe if she closed her eyes just for a second…yeah that should do it.
Sebastian was reading the last paragraph when he heard  soft snoring coming from his right side ,he turned his head a little to check on Eleonora and a warm smile formed on his lips as he realised she had fallen asleep. He closed the book putting it away before adjusting himself leaning closer to the sleeping girl. He rested his elbow on the couch cushion careful to not disturb her rest, as usual Eleonora needed her afternoon nap.
Memories of their third year flashed in his mind, rainy afternoons spent napping all together on the same couch down in the undercroft between a mess of books and unfinished candies. Anne was still…well Anne. No curse, no pain just Anne, sleeping peacefully while her tiny head would rest on Ominis shoulder as he was  nestled up almost like a cat. Eleonora’s long blonde hair would tickle his nose as he often found himself using her soft curls as a pillow. They always smelled so good it wasn’t his fault they felt so comfy.
Instinctively Sebastian brushed off some of her blonde strands that were framing her face, very carefully as if she was made of porcelain. Her long blonde curls that once were left wild and free were now tied up in that blue ribbon he gifted her almost two years ago.
“You keep wearing it all the time mh?”
He mumbled softly more to himself than to her. The soft blue satin fabric was a bit smudged near the knot after years of wearing it every day, that’s what happens with the things you love most isn’t it? They change. 
Sebastian always questioned why she would refuse to buy another one, a prettier one maybe made from the most expensive silk with embodied details but she always said that one was just perfect. She loved it.
And he loved how beautiful she looked with it. He loved the way it always made her eyes stand out matching their colour, he loved how it swayed like a swallowtail when she would rush around the hallways late for classes trying to not trip on other students. Swallows are a sign of hope and freedom, he was certain that if she had to be an animal she would be one of them. She was always there trying to see the good side of everything, which in his darker days was both infuriating and yet comforting. It was reassuring  having her slapping some sense in his thick skull sometimes, he couldn’t deny it.
He also loved that, her scolding tone, her stubbornness and resolution whenever he was acting like a complete ass. He loved the way she would ruffle his hair to annoy him, he loved how her soft hands were making him feel butterflies flying around his stomach every damn time…
Sebastian’s chocolate brown eyes were fixed on Eleonora’s delicate face as the sudden realisation hit him like a whole bombarda in his chest.
He was falling in love. No. He was in love. Utterly. Undeniably in love. 
He didn’t realise his face was few centimetres away from hers till now, his lips dangerously close to hers. Before doing something stupid and reckless he pulled away slightly and took a moment to gain his composure, his eyes wandered around the luxurious living room of her family’s manor, the paintings of the Russels were almost staring at him, judging him with their cold gaze.
Who was he trying to fool? He was nobody compared to her family, an orphan living in a cottage with his grumpy uncle, it would never be fair to her. Knowing her parents Eleonora had probably her life planned since day one, as her older sister Ofelia once told him they lived in a golden cage with all comforts but still a cage. It was all doomed from the start so- for now it was better to suppress those feelings. To pretend they never had been there.
For now having her friendship was more than he could hope for, Sebastian looked at the big wood carved clock and checked the time, it was getting pretty late, he sighed and with a soft spoken tone called for her.
The world would never want them together, that’s what he was telling himself, yet when he saw those blue eyes and that warm sleepy smile greeting him Sebastian thought that the world could burn or destroy itself in that exact moment.
The world would know Lady Eleonora Russel but Birdie. Birdie was just for him and that was all he needed.
“Birdie? What am I a chicken?”
Eleonora said with a snort while sitting up and stretching a bit letting a yawn escape her lips.
“No more like a goose.”
Sebastian retorted with a cheeky grin. She had no idea of what passed by his mind all the short time she was asleep.
“Ouch- did I snore loud?”
“Terribly. I mistaken you for a troll or something at some point.”
Eleonora laughed at  the statement and crossed her arms in a proud stance. 
“Was I annoying you?”
“Terribly.” Sebastian said faking an exasperated sigh.
“Good. I can consider my mission accomplished then”
She added with a chuckle while they both got up to walk towards the kitchen for stealing a snack or two. Luckily her parents wouldn’t be back till next early morning considering their habit to attend balls and ceremonies  maintaining their high social status connections. That was a relief for the two of them but also for the servitude. The house elves were quite fond of Eleonora, a true ray of sunshine in that toxic household.
The afternoon passed by with their usual playful bantering like any other. It was better pretending nothing happened for Sebastian, it was for the best really.
Was it? Only time would tell. For now they were just fifteen, sitting on the kitchen counter munching a stolen slice of lemon tart while yapping about how they were both convinced Professor Garlick was hiding “special plants” somewhere in the greenhouse. 
It was a normal  spring afternoon during the end of the 19th century.
Flowers were blooming , birds were chirping and the air smelled like clean laundry and soap.
Winter was just a distant thought, none of them could ever imagine how everything  would irreversibly change in few months.
Moments like these would be soon turned into distant faded happy memories but for now…it was all that mattered.
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leoruby-draws · 3 months
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Some batfam doodles set in my TrWh au, with a bit of a focus on Stephanie Brown!
The first pic with Arthur trying to make Steph his sidekick (probably inspired by Bluejay Jason following Robin around) is kinda meant to be an explanation on why Steph becomes spoiler so early in this comic. While explanations are not really needed because my au focuses on comedy and cuteness, I thought this would just be a little fun bit of background info on Steph and her father Arthur Brown in this au. The pointer name comes from the cw Batwoman show, where Steph is a redhead for some reason.
Also we see that Steph often goes to sleepovers with the other batkids, tho she's really having fun being Starling. I think in another post I was thinking on how to work around the issue of Steph being a 8 year old vigilante without her mom finding out, I even considered the possibility of Bruce somehow fostering her. But I decided that just do the classical superhero identity shenanigans is all I need to do.
Also don't worry about Jason and Cass being tossed, they're having fun there! Kids love being tossed like ragdolls, I should know as the eldest sister myself lol.
Next pic has Steph and Cass switch roles for a bit with Steph being a mini batgirl as 'Batlass', a name I considered for Cass. And Cass is a mini robin as Blackbird, aren't they cute?
Little gag comic with Barbara shrinking into a kid, Steph and Cass look shocked to say the least. Lori Zechlin with often play magical pranks on other superheroes, its can end up pretty chaotic.
More batfam doodles, look at Steph, she's such a little creature!
Lastly a glimpse in a possible future in the TrWh world, with Steph as Batgirl at last with Nell Little as her protege Starling! Perhaps she might have also use the Spoiler moniker as well too. We also see Damian and Tiffany Fox hang out as well, also Cass (as batman?) seems to be mentoring Maps Mizoguchi. Tho I haven't really thought about the details that much, just something fun to draw. Oh, theres also Carrie Kelley but she likely doesn't exist in my au, just felt like drawing her.
Anyways that was a lot, hope you like it!
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Thunderstorm (Simon Riley x f!reader)
Summary: Simon spoils his daughter and he’s always there when she needs him–even if it’s because of a little thunderstorm.
Note: MW3 is coming, I’ll be back on my bullshit. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics.
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“Daddy, please.”
That was it. Simon was usually defeated by these two words that his four-year-old used every time she wanted something. After all, he was his little princess, the sweet child who often fell asleep on the couch next to him in the evening, the one who held tea parties for her toys and him every now and then.
Since he wasn’t home that much, and since he never knew when his luck would run out on the field, he treated every second with her as if it was the last time he saw her. You knew perfectly well that’s why he always spoiled her, why she quickly became daddy’s little girl, so you never said anything to stop him. They needed to bond so she would have good memories of him, and you didn’t want to take it away from them.
“One day you’ll have to stop letting her get away with everything, you know,” you told him one evening after he came back from his daughter’s room following a fight about bedtime that was over an hour ago. “We need to set certain rules.”
“I know, I know.” Simon took his place in bed next to you, an arm wrapping around your shoulder to pull you closer. “It’s just so hard to say no. I swear I’m trying.”
You looked up at him and before you knew it, his lips captured yours in a sensual kiss that aimed to make you forget about what he had just done. But you knew better than to fall into his trap, so you pulled away with a delicate smile and gave him an understanding look.
“I know that, Simon, but we need to be partners in this. It must be nice to be the good cop, but she’ll become a little monster if we let her do anything she wants.”
After taking a deep breath, Simon nodded. “You’re right. It’s just so tough to be strict when I’m away this much,” he admitted before placing a soft kiss on your temple. “By the way, did you hear that?” You gave him a confused look so he went on almost immediately. “A thunderstorm. It’s coming this way.”
Finally it made sense to you because you let out a sigh and said, “She’ll run in crying anyway. Go get her.”
He got out of bed, but instead of leaving the room, he just put his hands on his hips and asked, “You sure? I will be the good cop again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
His daughter was terrified of thunderstorms. She had been like that since the beginning, always crying when lightning struck nearby, instinctively calling for her mommy and daddy when she was scared, or running into their bedroom right after the sound reached her. He knew she would grow out of this eventually, but until then he wouldn’t want her to stay in her room alone.
Those nights when she slept in their bed between them were his favorites. Sure, he loved to be alone with you too; to explore your body over and over again, drawing out those sweet moans and whines from you, and seeing you fall apart for him. But being together as a family, having his favorite girls so close to him was still better.
Simon liked to think of himself as a good father and husband. He broke the cycle, he became a better man than his father had ever been, and every day he spent home with you two was filled with actions that spoke louder than words. He wanted the both of you to know, to feel that he loved you more than anything in this world.
When he reached his daughter’s room and peeked inside, he noticed that she was sleeping peacefully under the warm blanket. For a moment he wondered if he should just leave her be for now, but then he heard the storm outside and realized you had been right and this was for the best. So he picked her up carefully and walked back to the master bedroom, laying the little girl on the middle of the bed next to you.
“Thank you,” you told him quietly.
Shaking his head, Simon leaned over to give you a quick kiss. “Anytime, love.”
You flashed a wide smile at him, but before you could say anything, your daughter turned on her side and cuddled up to you with her small arm wrapped around your waist. Simon was a little jealous, but he kept this to himself for now. Sooner or later she would wake up and cuddle up to him instead as she usually did.
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invisible-lint · 4 months
Before and After: Birthdays
Lucien x Archeron!Reader
Summary: part of the series of drabbles from before and after you went into the cauldron. These can be read in any order because they aren't chronological. This one is fluff!!
Warnings: mentions of/allusions to sex, but no actual smut
Word Count: 798 (short and sweet)
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The male between your legs pauses, pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh, glancing up at your face. "Are you really not going to tell me when your birthday is?" You lean up on your elbows, raising an eyebrow as you look down at him.
"Does it really matter? The day has never really been that special." Lucien frowns, sitting up and pulling you into his arms. You can practically hear him thinking as he presses soft kisses to your neck and shoulder. He holds you with care, as if you're made out of glass. And you suppose compared to him, you are, your human body leaving you far more vulnerable than you'd like. He seems to have found the words he was looking for, his voice drawing you out of your own thoughts.
"It matters to me. Not because the day should be special, but because you are." 
You shake your head. "No I'm not."
He grabs your chin gently, turning your head so you look him in the eyes. "Yes, you are. You stood up to a High Lord and insisted on coming over the wall with your sister. You went under the mountain with her. If I hadn't stopped you, you would have tried to stab Amarantha and died with her. You absolutely are special. And beyond that." He pauses a moment, brushing his thumb across your cheek. "You're special to me. And that's truly what I care about." You smile at that. 
"You're special to me too."
"Does that mean you'll tell me when your birthday is?" 
He groans, falling back onto the bed, pulling you with him, holding you to his chest. 
"Fine. But that means you're getting double the presents next year."
You laugh. "You're assuming you'll have figured it out by then."
He grins, pressing kisses to your neck. "Of course I will. Or perhaps I'll just pick a day and shower you with gifts. And then of course there's the birthday sex..." You laugh again, and the sound is like music to his ears. He would do anything to hear it again and again, as often as he could, for as much time as he may be blessed to spend with you.
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You stir, the sun peeking in through the windows waking you. Lucien grins, pressing kisses to your face, waking you further. You swat at him gently, grumbling. “Five more minutes.” 
He laughs, but concedes, pulling you into his arms and letting you have your rest. You deserve it, after all you’ve been through this past year. 
When you’re finally ready to be awake, you kiss his shoulder before sitting to look at him. He looks back at you with a smile, so much love in his eyes you could melt. He kisses you, threading his fingers into your hair. He pulls back, that same love struck expression still on his face. 
“So, today is your birthday.”
“So it is,” you sigh.
“I believe I promised you double presents.”
“So you did. And birthday sex.” He laughs, untangling himself from you and retrieving a stack of presents from their hiding place, depositing them on the foot of the bed.
“I hope all of that means you didn’t also get me a Solstice present.”
“Of course I did.”
“How? I mean… Why? No… When?” You furrow your brow in frustration, giving up on finding the right question as he laughs.
“How? Well, Velaris has a wide variety of lovely shops. When? You’ve been so busy training your healing powers with Madja, it was quite easy to find the time, actually. And as far as why, you deserve it. You deserve every single one of these presents and then some.” He crosses over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing kisses to your cheeks.
 “Just wait until our mating ceremony. I’ll shower you with gifts then too.” He kisses your neck. “And then we’ll have our anniversary… I’ll always find a reason.” You smile, leaning into his embrace. 
“I suppose I better start opening these if we’re going to make it to the Solstice celebration on time.” He reaches for the first package, keeping you in his arms. You open a wide variety of gifts. New journals and pens, a tea you had seen and mentioned liking, jewelry, anything he had seen and thought of you. You press a quick kiss to his lips before pulling back and cupping his cheek. Lucien leans into the touch, smiling. 
“Thank you. For making me feel as special as you tell me I am.”
“Of course, Love. Anything for you.” 
You smile, a hint of mischief in your eyes. “Now, about that birthday sex…” He laughs, lowering you to the pillows.
“Like I said… Anything for you, Love.”
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A/N: Ah, finally posting something that's not angst! Requests are open, so feel free to send one in, or just ask a question :)
divider is by @tsunami-of-tears
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skzimagines · 2 months
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"A love story."
It was no secret that Hwang Hyunjin was in love. He hadn't meant to tell anyone, but he writes it in his poetry, paints it in his pictures, talks about it when his mind drifts off about her and doesn't ever realize he's even doing it.
He pictured their lives together, how perfect they would be. How perfect he would make sure to make it. He'd give her the moon if he could. Buy her a beautiful house, with a perfect garden, give her beautiful children, even a huge, family-oriented wedding. Anything for her. She'd name it and he'd get it for her. There was just one thing though....
She didn't feel the same.
It's not that she didn't "like" Hyunjin. He is sweet, caring, artistic and of course beautiful. She just knew she was way out of his league. He was a straight A student, a perfect dancer... hell, the guy knew how to paint like Van Gough.... just for fun! And she was struggling to get good grades, barely made it through the year without calling it quits.
Even if she thought she had a chance with him, it was quickly swept under the rug by the thought of him being able to find so much better.
The two shared friend groups, so they were often times around each other. Which Hyunjin loved and to which she hated... not because he was around, but because she fell for him more and more every time, she was within two feet of him.
The group decided to have a picnic at the nearby park, since everyone had the day off. Getting together was next to impossible these days.
"You're going to fall on your face, idiot!" "I am proud to let you know... Iam very good with my hands!" Changbin and Han bicker back and forth as Changbin hangs from the monkey bars upside down. His face turns red from being in the position for longer than he should have been. "Just get down, cause we're not going to the hospital if you get hurt. I want to go home." Han laughs.
Further down the lawn, where they've laid out a blanket in the grass, setting all of their things together. Sits Hyunjin and y/n. Everyone has ran along and started their own things, leaving the two behind.
"Do you ever think they'll stop bickering?" She chuckles, asking Hyunjin. "Probably, maybe when pigs learn to fly." His face contorts into a disgusted look, embarrassed by his dumb reply. She makes him nervous. Being around her caused his heart to race, palms to sweat and his brain to become a straight fog.
He looks down at the paper that's sitting in his lap, taking in the beautiful drawing that he's made of her, for the past 30 minutes. He takes in every detail of her features and pastes them into the drawing. But somehow, it's never as good as the real her. It's almost as if her beauty is unattainable by any means.
"Whatcha working on?" She asks him, moving closer to try and get a look at his book. Hyunjin quickly pulls his book away with a quick "Don't look!" She slowly backs away from him with her hands in the air in defeat. He shuts his drawing book and sets it beside him. "It... It's just not done yet. It's not even that good." He scrambles to say, giving her a small smile.
"Hyunjin, come look at this!" Felix yells from the other side of the park. He looks at her to which she gives him a small smile. He stands from his spot on the blanket and makes his way to Felix.
She notices the small black book on the blanket. Left right where Hyunjin has left it. She looks over to Hyunjin, seeing his distracted with whatever Felix has found fascinating. She knows it's wrong, that she shouldn't look inside of it. But she grabs the small black book anyway.... sifting through the pages. She comes across many photos of flowers, thinking to herself that it must be his favorite thing to draw, considering the number of drawings of them.
That's until she comes across another set of very interesting photos... Her. A drawing of her from a few weeks ago, when they were all hanging out at the beach together. She flips the page to see another, this time it's from a few days ago, sitting in the library where she thought she was the only one there. She flips the page one more time, revealing the picture Hyunjin had been so quick to hide from her. It was her, sitting on the blanket, hair being tussled in the small breeze. Her finger slowly slides against the lines of the drawing, taking it all in.
A sudden scream from Changbin scares her from her thoughts and she quickly shuts the book and sets it back down. "Everything okay?" She asks him. "Yup! I fell..." He says in defeat, laying on the ground under the monkey bars. "I told you to get down bro, you never listen." Han says, walking away from him.
She looks over at Felix and Hyunjin and sees he's making his way back to the blanket. She gives him a small smile when he arrives back and watches as he picks up his black book and pencil, before he looks up at her and sees her starring. "Everything okay?" He asks. She smiles at him before giving a small nod. "Everything is perfect.." She replies quietly, before sitting back into the position he was drawing her in.
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anemonelovesfiction · 3 months
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11~ Wet Dream
Warnings ⚠️: Masturbation, wet dreams, reader getting caught
Not Proofread
This didn’t turn out as good as I had hoped and kind of hope you guys like it anyway, but my mind is making me think this was absolute garbage…
Translation Station
Yawntutsyìp: Darling; Little Loved One
Syulang: Flower
Tawtute: Sky Person (Human)
Word Count: 2.2k
The comets of Pandora usually came around once every ten years. Today marked the day that Ri’nela, Nor, Teylan, and Aha’ri’s sister could finally join in a tradition their clan usually did by holding a gathering to witness the beauty of what today held.
The four of them had decided to invite the tawtute scientists for this occasion to watch it together as a group. A lot of them had sat scattered in their own little world but enough for one of us to stand near them in case they needed protecting from the wildlife that was active throughout the night.
I’d been stuck with one who decided to be off on her own, she was often quiet and off in her own world, never really bothering me or any of the others and I never knew what was going on in her mind, but she had managed to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.
A couple of her tawtute companions had come by, giggling to themselves as they begun drawing random and obscure objects, when I’d asked them what they were doing they stated it was a tradition they often did whenever someone fell asleep first during a gathering, it made no sense to me but I shrugged it off and believed if they hadn’t been doing anything to harm her, she would be fine.
The ironic thing is that all tawtute had fallen asleep and the comets were due to come within the next hour, I was tempted to draw on their masks in retaliation but believed it to be childish and probably something Y/n wasn’t willing to do either way, yet I wasn’t sure as I didn’t know her.
The sights the forest of Pandora had to offer were mesmerizing indeed, but as always the sun being out caused a heat that made me feel sticky, I raised an arm to wipe the sweat off my brow- as I always did whenever I was outside too long- and come in contact with my own face. I pause for a second as it takes me some time to come to the realization that I had been outside and was able to touch my face, meaning I was outside in the ambience of Pandora without the protection of my mask, I take a few more seconds to collect my thoughts and decide that since I had been breathing well before, I should be fine, right?
I blink and suddenly find myself in the meeting room with Alma, Priya, So’lek, Teylan, Nor, Ri’nela, and Aha’ri’s sister, everyone seems to be in a great mood judging by the smiles plastered all over their faces, I can feel the smile tugging on my lips as well and feel like this victory couldn’t have been done without Aha’ri’s sister doing a bunch of the heavy lifting. I hear someone clearing their throat and find myself looking up toward So’lek, who happened to already be looking back at me and I could feel my face growing hotter the longer he looked at me.
It’s like we had a silent conversation as I knew he wanted me to follow him yet I have no idea what words had been shared between us. Whatever corridor we were currently walking in made me feel as though I was being tugged to follow him, his back moving in such a way that I knew he was walking slowly because of me. I could see his tanhì glowing on his backside as he continued to block whatever light was being offered by the poorly lit corridor, which is why I knew where to keep going as I followed him.
I blink and again am shifted into the middle of the forest at night, the sky glowing a brilliant shade of black as the stars littered amongst the sky lit up the world above me, the bioluminescent plants lighting the world below me, and So’lek standing with his back against a tree. More words are shared again and just like before I’m unsure of what words were spoken, I could just tell based off of a feeling, my heart beating faster and suddenly I can feel myself with my hands and knee’s on the forest floor just as his rough voice finally speaks words I can hear.
“Are you ready yawntutsyìp?” He asks in a heavy voice and all I could do was stay in silence, half of me tempted to agree with being ready to whatever it was he was proposing, and another part of me being scared, although I didn’t have time to figure anything out as my own voice had spoken toward him.
“Yes-“ A breathy moan passes my tongue and I can slightly feel a bit of pressure on my cunt, I hadn’t even realized I had been wet and ready for him until a minuscule breeze blew by and I could feel a coolness on my own thighs right as he pushes the tip in and I can feel myself stretching to accommodate to him.
“You are very tiny, tawtute.” He groans, sounding as though he was struggling to get those words out, I could feel more pressure at my entrance and could tell he was starting to push in deeper, a whine coming from me as I struggled to fit what he was barely pushing in.
“So’lek w-wait,” I nearly shouted as I could feel his movements falter to my requests, my eyes having shut as the pressure grew, I could feel him reaching down past my breast and my stomach and toward my cunt, collecting whatever bits of moisture he could and beginning to rub my clit lightly, sliding back out slowly and thrusting whatever bit of length he had back in.
“Is this better?” He asks and all I could do was let out a low moan, not even a proper answer, and I wasn’t even ashamed of it.
I had grown to like the way So’lek looked and could appreciate the little intricate patterns of his stripes and the way his tanhì were littered around his body as if precisely placed by the great mother herself. I had harbored these feelings for quite a while now but had never said anything in fear of my feelings not being reciprocated and being left heart broken, but at this very moment my heart- amongst other things- had felt full.
“Fuck, So’lek, go faster-“ I mumbled as the strokes on my clit were starting to feel dull and I was growing used to the length he had pushed inside of me, ready to take on more of whatever he had to offer, knowing he wasn’t pushed in to the hilt.
“So’lek w-wait,”
My ears perk up at the sound of my name being mumbled from her lips, I turn my head to look at her to see if she had woken up, but her plump lips had been closed as she lied on her stomach, her head facing me, her eyes still closed. She must have been dreaming, but I wonder what she was seeing behind her eye lids as she had called out my name, curiosity gets the better of me as I sniff the air around her to ensure she was fine. Having had her straying further from her peers whenever she settled on this place meant I had to stray far as well to ensure she was safe.
My ears perk up once more and wonder if she had been injured and was too weak to rouse from sleep, a part of me growing worried and wondering if one of our snakes had managed to sneak up and bite her, its venom spreading through her body as I sat idly by without taking care of the situation. I lean down closer and sniff the air around her, wondering if she was injured in any way, careful to not sniff too close to tickle her and wake her. My brows pinched together when I caught a light floral scent instead, having never smelled that whenever I’d walked past her, wondering why that scent had been emanating from her.
I see as she grinds her hips toward the ground and lets out another moan, my eyes widen at the action as I now realize the kind of dream she had been having, but considering she had spoken my name earlier meant I was involved with it. Had she been harboring feelings for me that I had been blind to?
I turn my head to look for Ri’nela who had been the closest Na’Vi to me but I still had to squint my eyes to get a good look at her. To my surprise she too had been lying down, her back facing me, and from the looks of it she had been breathing evenly which meant she had fallen asleep around the humans she was near and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
“Fuck, So’lek-“ My head turns at the mention of my name and I couldn’t help but shamefully look at her pleasuring herself as she humped the ground below her.
“Go faster,” She mumbles her next words with a moan, her tiny hips moving faster and I couldn’t help but look back at Ri’nela to see her back was still toward me, asking the great mother for forgiveness as I turn for my back to face the tawtute before me, staring right at her and taking a breath before sliding my tewng over to the side.
It hadn’t taken long for him to push his cock all the way in and I could feel as though I was full in a good way, the tip of his cock barely kissing the tip of my cervix as he thrusts in slowly, making sure I was comfortable with such a length. I started to feel minimal pressure building in my belly and bucked my hips back to meet his thrust feeling the pressure on my clit as he pushed against my nub harder.
“Oh my God-“
“God is not present here, just me.” He speaks while slamming into me and I couldn’t help but hite my lip and closed my eyes harshly, seeing stars as he pounded relentlessly, I felt my brows knit at an upright position as he continues to pleasure me and my moans starting to become unstoppable.
“You sound like you’re close, syulang, do you want to come?” I asked as I huffed in her ear hearing a high pitched whine before she nods her head and I grin. I continued gliding my hand over my shaft at the rate of her actions and felt myself getting close as well.
“Use your words like the good girl you are,” I whispered in her ear, allowing myself to lick the shell of her ear and hearing another moan ripping through her beautiful pouty lips.
“Y-yes puh-please,” Her movements become more erratic as she digs her hips down to the floor and her nose crinkles lightly, puffs of air coming out rapidly and lightly dusting the inside of her mask with fog with every breath she takes.
“Come for me sweet girl,” I mumble as I feel my cock ready to blow, her gasps of air just before she came having sent me over the edge as rope after rope of my come leaks out of my abused cock, the tip had been a darker blue -almost purple- in color and I watch as her hips still, I bite my own lip and curse in Na’Vi, I’ve never felt that way before, especially with a tawtute.
I place my slowly softening cock back into my loincloth as I attempt to catch my breath, I look up to the sky to thank the great mother for this opportunity- and also to check if the comets have decided to make their appearance but haven’t seen anything- turning my head back down and freeze upon seeing her eyes wide open.
“Did I just-“ She pauses as she looks at me, her eyes crossing for a second before looking around her mask, the drawings probably becoming more visible to her in this state.
“What the fuck,” She whispers to herself and I stare in awe of her use of the language, never being one to have heard her cuss in the first place.
“To answer your question, you did.” I rip her out of her thoughts and watch as her focus returns to me, eyes widening as her pout returns.
“But I did too,” I respond honestly and watch as her eyes widen, finally lifting her head from the forest floor to look down and see the evidence I had yet to cover up, her eyes going toward my clothed member and quickly moving back up to meet mine, embarrassment filling her eyes.
“Did I talk out loud?” She questions quietly, body molding to sit with her legs crossed as she shyly stares at the floor, I can only place my hand underneath her chin and picked it up slightly to make her look back at me.
“You did, but I did not mind, I enjoyed myself as well.” I stated but she stays quiet and a thought flashes in my mind.
“Would you like to draw on your companions masks as well? I know where they hid the marker.” I offer and watch as her face shoots up quickly, a giant smile spreading on her lips as she nods enthusiastically.
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oristian · 1 month
I’m going to be putting into words arguments that I have made that are, more often than not, fragments of an overarching whole. Feel free to add on if I missed any.
A rejected bond trope cannot happen in a book that does not also share Lucien’s POV. Not only would this be the first rejected bond trope that SJM would have used in her entire catalogue of work, but it directly affects the males more than the females—not having Lucien’s immediate POV in the following chapter would diminish the climatic notion of rejecting the mating bond. The bond is just as much Lucien’s as it is Elain’s.
Following along, had Lucien been rejected in the previous book, the reader would now have to wait years for his POV in his own book where the reader would have to go back in time to see his immediate reaction, deal with the consequences of a rejection, his plethora of plot points, and also him somehow falling in love with a human woman. Not only is he going to miraculously bounce back from such a soul crushing rejection—in all meanings of the term—but he is going to manage to move on enough to fall in love with someone else.
Lucien and Elain have to resolve the mating bond before she can either reject it, and/or get with Azriel. That means, from a literature standpoint, that the reader needs to actively see Elain and Lucien exploring the bond and getting to know one another, finding out that they just do not work, and continuing on from there. If Elain just up and rejects the bond and decides to be with Azriel, that is both anticlimactic and a disservice to Azriel. Choosing love means exploring the other option, rejecting it/fate, and still choosing to be with someone else. If the bond is never explored, did she really choose Azriel for love?
Elain and Lucien are within the same plot arc—Azriel has his own established plot arc, away from Elain. If SJM truly intended for the next book to be told from Elain and Azriel’s POVs, she would have placed them within the same overarching plot arc. Instead, she separated them for two straight books and made certain that it was Lucien also tied to Koschei, and it was Azriel tied to Dusk, Illyrians, Gwydion and Truth Teller, and Valkyries.
If Elain and Azriel were meant to be endgame, SJM would have needed to already resolve/begin resolving the mating bond between Elain and Lucien, and she would not have placed Gwyn within the vicinity of Azriel—especially not in his bonus chapter—in the way in which she did. SJM would have titled the ACOSF bonus chapter and marketed it as the Elriel chapter, similarly to Nessian. However, she did not, she marketed it as Azriel’s bonus chapter and she included two women.
If Elain and Azriel were endgame, and are so blatantly obvious, what would the need for a red herring be for them? Elain’s mating bond is tension enough, why bother adding another female character into the mix? Why move so much of Elain and Azriel off page? Why have all of their biggest scenes be told from either someone else’s POV, or in a bonus chapter that many readers still have not found out about?
The ‘Elain in Black’ entire paragraph was meant to draw the reader in. Cassian, who should have been focused on Nesta, harped on the Night Court black draining the life from Elain. “She had to dress down for Nesta.” That is a fanon interpretation and not backed by canon; Elain is the most beautiful Archeron sister and would have outshined Nesta in that regard no matter what. Pair that with Nesta in the next chapter also confirming that the color of the dress was what was ill-suited, not the actual dress. Following by saying that Elain radiated good health in an amethyst dress, written in a similar way that the Day Court entourage was described in ACOWAR. Pair this with other characters expressing that Elain does not fit in with the Night Court, and the foreshadowing is there.
Anything that Vassa can offer to the narrative, the reader can learn from both Lucien and Elain—Vassa is not needed for a POV, as she has nothing she can offer that would create a compelling story. She would, ultimately, just be a love interest. Anything about Koschei, we can learn from Elain’s visions and any stories that Vassa tells Lucien. Anything about Vassa in general, we can learn from Lucien. The reader already knows what happened to Vassa and the readers know about her curse and that Koschei still expects her return. She is going to be a side character with her own love interest, similarly to Amren and Varian.
I am certain that there are more, so feel free to comment and/or reblog with some! Elain and Azriel were never meant to be taken as seriously as they have and do not make much sense from a narrative perspective. They do not share any overarching plot arcs, they are wildly incompatible with one another, and there is so much foreshadowing and symbolism between Elucien and Gwynriel that wouldn’t need to be there if Elriel truly was endgame.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
just found ur account, u post some rly awesome stuff. i was just wondering if you could write a fic for either the 141’s ghost or price in an established relationship with the reader and they forgot the readers birthday?
Forget Me Not
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Hurt No Comfort
Simon's a sharp man. He can't afford to be anything less, lest he ends up with a bullet in his back but it's most often the more mundane and meaningful things that slip his mind. Her birthday, for example.
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There wasn't an expectation to go all out for every little celebration in their lives. Both Simon and her were relatively quiet people, preferring to keep celebrations more intimate between them. A small gift for an anniversary, a walk along the beach. It was the little things that were the most special to her, they showed her that grandeur and big gestures weren't the only means of expressing love so deep and devoted.
But never had it come to one of them completely withdrawing.
Their birthday were a slightly more lively affair, having more people involved. Simon, of course, was not particularly fond of having his own but hers? In the past he'd arranged surprises for her on the day, whether that be contacting her family and friends or pulling her out of bed in the morning with breakfast he'd made just for her.
It's why it's so surprising to see him go about his morning like a completely normal day.
He'd kissed her in the morning, no different than how he does every day, went about the house gathering his gear for work that day. Nothing special, just a debrief he needed to attend in the afternoon.
"You'll be going in today?" She asks, unable to keep the slight frown off her face. Her coffee cup is set on the counter with a small 'clink.'
He nods, leaning down to lace up his boots. "Got a debrief at noon. Johnny's been yapping our ears off about a new bar he found so I've no doubt he'll find a way to drag everybody there afterwards." He rolls his eyes but she can tell it's in a fond way.
As disinterested as Ghost might act, she knows he's fond of his team.
Ghost nods, straightening up once he's done with his boots. "Don't wait up for me. Might be a while till I'm back." She watches, a little stunned as he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead before hitching his bag over his shoulder.
She didn't think he'd...forget.
"Are you sure you're not forgetting something?" She asks half thinking he's playing some sort of joke on her. He couldn't have forgotten...right? Simon was normally so good with these things. He'd never forgotten before. "Something else that's today? Something important, maybe?"
He gives her a blank look, coming to a stop next to her. "Nothing important enough to remember." He responds, pulling out his keys.
She knows he doesn't mean it like it sounds to her, but that doesn't stop the pang of sudden hurt. Nothing worth remembering?
He was probably trying to be funny with that dry humour of his, but after waking up to him already out of bed, excited to spend the day with him, finding out he'd be going to spend some time in some bar instead of with her today...
It really does sting.
She knows she could call out to him, just tell him that it's her birthday today, but part of her just...doesn't want to. If it wasn't worth remembering, maybe she should celebrate by herself this year...
He calls out a goodbye. The front door opens. Shuts close behind him.
She draws in a long, slightly shaky breath and picks up her coffee mug, willing the stinging in her eyes to recede.
                                 · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Simon's had a pretty smooth day so far, which is something that almost never happens. The debrief went smoothly confirming that the Russian intel they'd spotted the other day had been solid enough to warrant the extraction op the team was to take in two weeks time. The bar Johnny had been so eager to show them hadn't been half bad either.
The decor was old 80's themed, a nice polished mahogany bar spanning the entire length of a wall. Ghost had taken to sitting down with a whiskey, watching Price and Gaz play pool while making idle conversation with Johnny sat by his side.
Well, 'conversation' was a generous word. It was mostly Johnny doing the talking with him answering every now and then, or chiming in with a hum to show he was still listening.
"I'm surprised your still hear, you know." Johnny says, shaking his head as he takes another sip of his drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Had a fight with the missus?" Gaz's voice joins in, the other two having wrapped up their game. He orders a drink for himself before sliding into the stool next to Ghost. "Got to agree with Soap on this one. I'm bloody surprised you're in deep enough shit to spend the night here instead."
Ghost stares at them like they're stupid. Maybe they are, because neither of them are making a lick of sense to him.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He drains the last of his whiskey, not missing the look exchanged by the other two men.
"Mate-" Gaz says incredulously.
"Nah, he's not that daft." Soap cuts him off. "He's just fucking with ya."
Gaz narrows his eyes at Ghost. "I don't think he is."
"He's gotta be. Everyone knows-"
"Will either of you spit it out?" He sets his glass down on the table with a little more force than necessary.
"Bloody hell, you did forget." Gaz whispers. "Oh, you're a dead man." Soap recognising the frustrated twitch of Ghost's hand decided to blurt it out before hands get thrown.
"It's your lass' birthday today." Soap says. "Don't tell me ya forgot."
Ghost go through a rush of feelings all at once.
First in disbelief. He's not stupid, of course he'd remember something as simple as a birthday, especially hers. The second is doubt, because the look on Gaz's face is one so full of pity it makes him uncomfortable.
Ghost pulls out his phone to check the date and...
The third feeling is disbelief. There's no way he just forgot. Someone must be fucking with him.
"Are you sure you're not forgetting something?"
"Nothing important enough to remember."
The barstool scrapes as dread and guilt twist his gut. Grabbing his coat, he makes for the door without another word, cussing out Johnny for the cackle he laughs behind his back as he leaves in more of a hurry than anyone's ever seen him.
8pm. He'd spent the entire day taking the piss with the guys on the one day that should have been dedicated to her.
He'd been away for so long, arriving home only a few days ago and he'd just...left her again. Granted, those few days being so busy had been out of his control but still. That wasn't an excuse, he decides, turning on the car.
He hadn't been busy today, and had had the time to go back home to her after his debriefing.
His hands tighten around the steering wheel.
                                 · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Her earrings glint under the light of their bedroom. Staring at herself in the vanity, admiring the gorgeous dress her friend had gifted her for today, she can't help but feel a lack of excitement for the upcoming night.
Simon has really forgotten. She'd come to terms with it a couple hours ago when the sun had finally set and she'd realised that it wasn't a joke. He'd really, truly forgotten.
Going out partying hadn't been the plan at all, but when he friends had come over to give her a hug and presents, they'd seen her upset, still in her house clothes and decided it was completely unacceptable for her to spend the day like that.
Ushered into getting ready, they'd made plans to meet at this new upscale fancy restaurant before hitting a few clubs on the way back home.
Better than nothing, she reminds herself, chasing away thoughts of what her night might have looked like if Simon had stayed. No time for sulking, this was supposed to be a happy day. She was supposed to be happy.
So why does she feel tears sting at her eyes when she reaches for her purse to check if she has everything? Blinking them away, she takes a second to compose herself.
The key jingle in the lock, the sound echoing from the hallway into their bedroom. She tenses in surprise. Was he home?
Hope blooms in her chest. If Simon was home, maybe he did remember? Maybe he came home early to-
No that wasn't right, she chides herself, smile slipping off her face. Even if he did remember now, that's not an excuse for forgetting the rest of the entire day, for leaving her feeling so shitty and going off to drink with the others.
Straightening her spine, she takes a deep breath and heads for the door. Her feet take her halfway down the hall before the front door flies open on its own, baring the man in question.
His knuckles are white with how hard he's gripping his keys, and some of the tension in his shoulders relaxes when he lays eyes on her. Something akin to relief, as if he might have thought she wouldn't be there when he got home.
"Early night?" She straightens out her dress, feeling his eyes on her. He's quiet for a beat, assessing the situation before acting. Ever the soldier. "Mine's just starting." Her voice is as even as she can make it.
Simon shuts the door behind him. "I didn't realise-"
"That's right." He doesn't get to speak right now, doesn't get to fill her mind with pretty apologies and promises. Not this time, not tonight. "You forgot, Simon." A flash of guilt in his eyes makes her feel a pang in her chest she refuses to let take the reigns. "You forgot." She wavers for a moment, clears her throat to regain some control. "Nothing important enough to remember, right?"
It's a punch to the gut, hearing his words thrown back at him with the knowledge of how she interpreted them. His jaw clenches, frustrated at himself for letting something like this slip by him. "I'm going to make it up to you, yeah? Just let me-"
"No thanks." She shakes her head.
"Just let me finish," He narrows his eyes, a little irked at being cut off over and over again.
"No, Ghost." The way he tenses at his name being abandoned for his callsign is proof enough of how he's fucked up. "I don't want to hear it, alright?" She swallows. "I don't want to hear any of it, I'm going out, I'm going to have a good time on my goddamn birthday with my friends, and I'm not going to let you make me cry before I leave."
Cry? It's then that he notices how red her eyes are. Guilt slams into him hard enough to wind him, it worms it's way through his chest and eats him alive, gnawing on the little parts of his heart that haven't gotten calloused.
The first thing he notices when he walked in was how gorgeous she looked. Standing there in front of him in that dress, he's well familiar with most of her clothes, having been the one taking them off at the end of the day, but this one he hasn't ever seen before and it hugs her just right, enough to make his mind blank for a moment when he first walked in.
But he understands. Ghost sees the way she's clutching onto that purse of hers, the way her knuckles are white and the slight shake of her shoulders.
She's trying not to cry.
Because of him.
Fucking hell, that hurts. But not as much as what he's made her feel. Simon wants to argue, wants to tug her close and make it all better, but he sees that she means it, and hell does she deserve to have a good time after the way her morning went.
Simon steps aside with a tight nod.
Letting out what almost is a small, shaky sigh of relief, she brushes past him on the way out and Simon really doesn't have enough self control, because his hand wraps around her elbow to halt her in her tracks.
"I'm sorry, love." He says, so gently, so quiet. Such a stark difference to how he usually is. "I really am. And I will make it up to you, yeah? I promise."
A tight knot forms in her throat, threatening to send a fresh wave of tears at her conflicted feelings. It's all she can do to give him the barest of nods, avoiding his eyes.
"Don't wait up for me. Might be a while till I'm back." She echoes his words from the morning back to him before she shakes off his grip and leaves him alone.
An empty house, a mind full of buzzing remorse.
Requests Are Open! Reblog, Reply and Like!
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thewulf · 2 years
Who are You? || Jake Seresin
Summary: After breaking up with you lovely cheating fiancée you find a place to stay at your Aunt Penny's house in San Diego. You might just get more than you bargained for when you meet the Jake Seresin.
A/N: First attempt at Top Gun, loved writing for him!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 4,700+
Part 2
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Life came at you fast. One moment you were planning your wedding with the supposed ‘love of your life’ Aaron, the next you were on the floor of your shared apartment wondering why he had to go and ruin everything. You and Aaron had met back in college when you were both studying engineering. He swept you off your feet, quite literally. A mishap in a chemistry lab had him picking you up so you wouldn’t get burned. From then on, the two of you had been inseparable.
Aaron was everything you wanted in a man. He was sweet, kind, funny and just an overall good person to be around. At least, that’s what you thought. The two of you moved to Michigan after graduating, both of you securing well-paying engineering jobs. You thought you were happy, you thought you’d start a life in Michigan but apparently Aaron had other plans.
You stated noticing odd behaviors from your fiancée five years into the relationship. His once calm and kind demeanor changed ever so slightly. He snapped at you often, something your Aaron wouldn’t have dreamed of doing even just a year prior. He wasn’t fun to be around anymore, you tried to make jokes that would have made him laugh and crack one back with you, but he just rolled his eyes at you instead.
You weren’t sure when it all started culminating but you were damn near a breaking point. Five years into a relationship and his personality changed so drastically over the last six months. You tried taking advice from both your mom and aunts, but nothing worked.
All the tension came to a head when you were out one night with a friend, Mandy, heading to the local bars. Aaron was supposed to be gone for the week on a work trip. He was indeed not on a work trip. Mandy spotted him and excitedly tried to drag you over to him. Your eyes widened and you yanked your arm away from her. She didn’t know Aaron was supposed to be gone. You quickly ducked your head and walked to a side of the bar you were sure he couldn’t see you from. Mandy was clearly confused but followed you anyway.
“He’s not supposed to be here Mandy.” Y/N said while quietly sipping on the whisky sour you had ordered earlier.
“Where’s he supposed to be then?” She asked with confusion laced on her brow.
Y/N took a slow and drawn-out breath while closing her eyes knowing something wasn’t right. Mandy was looking at you expectantly when you opened your eyes again, “Minnesota, for work.”
She bit her lip trying to come up with any excuse for him in the book. You gave her a sad smile while shifting around a few people trying to get a better line of sight on the liar.
Your heart sunk when a beautiful girl seemed to appear out of thin air wrapping her dainty arms around your fiancée. You bit the inside of your cheek hard, trying to will the tears that were threatening to spill to stay put. You continued to watch half hoping it was just a friend, God willing it’d just be a friend. Your heart shattered when he placed a soft kiss on her lips smiling like the fucking idiot he was. Your teeth clenched down harder drawing a metallic taste from your mouth.
“Oh, Y/N, let’s go.” Mandy softly grabbed at your arm attempting to pull you away from the bar. Your legs felt like lead as she tried to drag you away. You couldn’t hear anything nor process what you saw. You heard your heart beating slow and not so steady. Closing your eyes again you swallowed the blood that pooled in your mouth.
“I should go up to him.” You mumbled ignoring Mandy’s protests.
This time Mandy squeezed your arm trying to get you to snap out of whatever daze you were in, “That’d be an awful idea Y/N. Take some pictures and let’s go home.”
You nodded taking another sip from your sour, nearly hissing when it hit the open wound from your cheek bite. The fucking loser was continuing to hurt you without even realizing it. Mandy snapped a few more pictures making sure to get everything.
That’s how you landed on the floor of your shared apartment silently crying. The gravity of the situation finally hit you, your life you wanted to start was over. Aaron ruined it before it could really begin.
You sent the pictures to your mom and aunts who, of course, were nothing but supportive. They helped to get you out of the situation. Your mom flew in to help you pack your things and your Aunt Penny offered to let you come out to San Diego and live with her for a while. You worked it out with your boss, he agreed to let you work from home rather than lose you completely. You were free to go to San Diego for the next six months.
The actual breakup was heartbreaking yet again. Aaron almost looked relieved when you ended it only confirming your worst nightmare, being used in a relationship. It was a blessing in disguise you kept telling yourself as you made the 35-hour drive to your Aunt Penny’s. It certainly was the biggest blessing in disguise for Y/N.
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You pulled up to Penny’s blue home three days after starting your cross-country road trip. You smiled taking in the views around you, smelling the salty ocean air that was unfamiliar to you. The air was warm and refreshing and the ocean front views went on for miles. Penny and Amelia ran outside to greet you, more than excited to have you come stay with them.
“Y/N!” Amelia yelled running up to you throwing herself into your outstretched arms.
“Meals!” You enthusiastically replied, “you’ve grown.” You whispered into her hair as you held her closely.
“You would have known that if you visited.” She stuck her tongue out at you after getting a better look at you.
You ruffled her hair sighing, realizing just how much you missed out because of Aaron. “I know, that’s on me. Don’t let stupid boys make decisions for you.” She nodded her head smiling while backing away, giving room for Penny to sneak in.
“It’s okay,” Penny cooed pulling you into a hug, “we’ve got plenty of time to catch up.”
You nodded your head feeling very good about the decision to stow away at the Benjamin household for a while. “How’ve you been Aunt Pen?” You asked while grabbing a suitcase out of the back. Amelia came around and started unloading the contents with you.
“Been wonderful.” She grinned ear to ear.
“Moms got a boyfriend.” Amelia giggled while wiggling her eyebrows, “A pilot boyfriend.”
“Really?” You asked your aunt, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
She nodded, “I do. He’ll be around tonight.”
“What’s tonight? Anything happening?” Y/N asked nobody in particular.
Amelia ran inside with your items leaving you alone with Penny.
“Nothing major. I’ve got to close the Hard Deck tonight. He usually stops by to say hello. Along with a few other aviators.”
You smirked at your blushing aunt, “A boyfriend huh? Is he cute? What’s his name? Can I come tonight?”
She laughed at your rapid-fire questions, “Of course he’s cute! Very handsome. His name is Pete Mitchell.” Penny smiled thinking about him. “And yes of course you can come on by, it’s always a good time on a Friday night.”
“Oh, so you’re in love love.” Y/N smirked grabbing the last of the items from your car.
Penny shrugged, “A bit.”
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“How do I look Amelia?” You asked your cousin as you walked down the stairs.
She grinned setting down the book she was reading, “Beautiful, as always.”
“You’re way too nice to me Meals.” You smiled sitting down next to her on the couch.
She shrugged, looking eerily like her mother, “It’s the truth.”
“We’ll thank you, you’re my favorite cousin.”
“I’m your only cousin!” She laughed punching you in the shoulder lightly.
“Precisely.” You winked getting up from the couch. “So, what am I walking into?” You eyed the fridge containing beer, you knew one would calm your nerves.
She peeked back over her book, “Lots of flyboys. All cute too. Some cool girls come around too.”
You nodded cracking open the beer, getting rather nervous hearing that, “Pretty cute hmm?”
She nodded her head enthusiastically, “I think so. They’re all very kind. Just twice my age. So, it’s more of a looking situation for me.”
“Not twice mine.”
Amelia giggled shaking her head, “Mom always says no flyboys. I assume she’ll say the same for you. Bit of a hypocrite she is.”
This time it was your turn to laugh, “Sounds like she knows something.”
Amelia nodded looking down at the time, “You better go if you want to beat Mav there.”
“Maverick, it’s Pete’s callsign. They all have one.”
You nodded finishing the rest of the beer, “I have no idea what I’m getting myself into.”
“You’ll have fun! Go! Don’t think of that stupid boy either. Enjoy the night.” She shot up from her spot on the couch and began pushing you towards the front door.
You put your hands up, “Alright, alright! Have a good night, Meals.”
“You to! But not too much.”
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You hesitantly walked towards the Hard Deck really regretting your decision to go out tonight. You just weren’t feeling up to it now. All you really wanted to do was grab a pint of ice cream and hang out with Amelia.
Sighing you pushed open the door to the bar taking in your surroundings quickly. Everybody appeared to be normal, no flyboys in sight. Smiling you walked over to the bar spotting Penny’s blonde hair.
“There you are, was beginning to worry you wouldn’t show.” She grinned grabbing you a beer and setting it down in front of you.
“Thanks Pen. Your daughter distracted me when I was leaving.”
She shook her head, “Pete and the crew should be here any moment.”
You nodded taking a big sip of the beer, hoping to feel lightly buzzed before meeting a bunch of new people.
True to Penny’s word a few people in uniform came waltzing through. All of them seemed to ooze confidence which sent you scrunching down in your chair trying to avoid any and all eye contact. It’s not that you didn’t like meeting new people, it’s just that they were all so intimidating. You snapped your head back to Penny with wide eyes.
“What’s the matter?” She laughed pouring what you assumed to be Pete’s beer.
“They’re terrifying.” You whispered leaning in close.
She let out an alarmingly loud laugh that you were sure grabbed the attention of the crew, “Hardly love. They may look it but they’re a bunch of hooligans.”
“I can attest to that.” A male voice spoke from behind sending you nearly jumping out of your seat.
“Jesus.” You took a breath and turned around to look at the very handsome man.
“Pete! This is Y/N. She finally made it in from Michigan.” Penny handed him his beer as he sat down next to you.
“Hello.” You smiled at him taking another good look at him while sipping on your own beer.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. Penny’s told me all about you.”
You turned to your aunt with a raised brow, “She’s always had a big mouth.”
“Hey!” Penny laughed hitting you with the bar rag, “Only good things I promise Y/N.”
“I believe you Aunt Pen.” You smiled brightly at your aunt.
“Alright, let me go serve the kids and I’ll be back.” She winked at the both of you before turning around to a ‘kid’ who was sporting a rather pornstache looking mustache. You noticed him pointing over to you and Penny looking back at you. Rather uncomfortably you turned your entire body to Pete and tried to distract yourself.
“So, Pete, are you good to my Aunt Pen?”
He smiled watching her pour beers and hand them to the kid, “Of course. I lost her once and I’m certainly not planning on doing that again.”
“Good.” You nodded taking another swig from your glass.
“And you? What’s your story kiddo?”
You sighed not really wanting to get into the nitty gritty details with Penny’s boyfriend, “My fiancée cheated on me. I needed to get away and Penny offered her place for a while.”
He nodded slowly taking you in this time, “Sorry kid. People suck sometimes.”
You bobbed your head unsure what to say to the man, “Indeed they do.” You said while sighing, finishing off the beer.
“Not all of them suck,” he smirked finishing his off at the same time, “Looks like somebody else has some eyes for you.” He set his glass down and stood up, motioning for that somebody to come over.
“Don’t leave me.” You pleaded seeing him start to walk away.
He laughed, “From what Penny tells me, you’ll be able to handle him just fine.” He winked and disappeared behind a few people. You sighed yet again scrunching your nose up, not too thrilled with the situation you had landed yourself in.
“Need another?” A new voice spoke from behind. Y/N turned around slowly shyly smiling at the aviator in behind her. 
“Uhh, sure.” You bit your lip turning back towards the bar cursing your inability to even hold a conversation with the handsome stranger.
“You mind?” He pointed to the chair.
You shook your head no racking your brain for anything to say to the man sitting beside you. He was beautiful Y/N thought. A far departure from her once fiancée Aaron, the stranger sported blonde hair and green eyes, stunning green eyes. Y/N took a breath and smiled again at him.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Beautiful name for an even more beautiful woman.” He grinned calling Penny over to refill both drinks.
You couldn’t stop the light blush that crept across your face, earning a chuckle from the handsome stranger sitting next to you.
“Don’t even think about it Hangman.” Penny spoke eyeing her niece and the serial player sitting close together, “Not my niece.” She glared at him taking both glasses.
He chuckled sticking his hand out to you, “Jake Seresin, callsign Hangman.”
You took his hand gingerly in yours shaking it briefly, “Nice to meet you.” You eyed him curiously waiting for an explanation that was never going to come.
“Hangman?” You questioned.
“Long story.” He nodded scooting ever so slightly closer to you.
“Like the kids game?” 
This time he laughed, loudly, drawing the attention of his fellow aviators. “Exactly like the kids game.”
You nodded, “That’s interesting.”
“Just like me sweetheart.”
You could feel another blush creep up, you mentally cursed your face for giving you away so easily. Y/N was flustered. Aaron wasn’t nearly as smooth as this beautiful man was before you. You didn’t know how to deal with this level of boldness, not quite used to the attention he was giving you.
Penny saved your racing thoughts setting the beers down rather hard eyeing Jake in the process. “I’ve got my eye on you Seresin.” She smiled walking away back over to Maverick on the other side of the bar. 
“What’s that about?” You asked sincerely hoping for an honest answer from the man sitting even more closely now, not that you minded.
“Nothing sweetheart.” he finally looked back up into your eyes stopping whatever he was going to say. 
This time it was his turn to sigh, “I might have a small reputation.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you took a long drawn-out sip of your beer waiting for him to go on.
He ran a hand through his hair trying to figure out what to say to the beautiful woman sitting next to him. He wasn’t sure what had come over him, but her eyes stopped his usual spiel. It was like she was bearing her entire soul to him in just the way she was looking at him. He sucked in a breath before continuing.
“A playboy reputation?” He spoke timidly, grinning at her but he knew she could see right through it.
“Ahh, there it is.” Y/N clicked her tongue almost afraid to look back him. You knew you would get sucked back into his eyes, all green and perfect. It’s always the eyes for Y/N.
He gulped knowing his next words would dictate the way the rest of his night would go, “Come over and meet my friends. They’re a great group of people.”
You looked at him expectantly considering the options. He quickly pivoted away from that statement. Bud what else did you have to lose? You knew his end game now and you certainly weren’t going to let him take you home tonight.
“Sure.” You nodded standing from your seat. He grabbed your beer and led you over to the small group of people standing around the pool table. Jake cleared his through garnering the attention of the crew.
“This is Y/N, our dear Penny’s niece.”
“We know.” Pornstache guy smiled walking over to you, “Penny told me.” He winked at Jake before continuing looking down at you, “Bradley Bradshaw ma’am, these assholes call me Rooster.”
You smiled seeing the rest of the group groan telling him to shut up, “Nice to meet you, Bradley.” You opted for using his real name, not quite comfortable enough to use the nicknames just yet.
“These two are both trouble.” The lone female stepped up and pulled you away, “Natasha, or Phoenix.” She smiled snatching your beer away from Jake before handing it back to you. “Those two playing pool are Payback and Bob.”
You waved quickly turning your attention back to Natasha, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all, although slightly overwhelming.”
She laughed patting your back, “You just missed the big group. We just wrapped up a mission a few days ago. Everybody is getting reassigned. I luckily get to stay for a while longer with these smooth brains.” 
“Hey now,” Jake walked back over eyeing you subtly, “You love us Phoenix.”
She scoffed, “Love is a word you can use.” She spoke while rolling her eyes.
“So, Y/N,” Jake spoke in his oddly attractive southern draw, you turned you attention back to the man, “where are you from? What’s your story?”
You noticed the rest of the crew go back to what they were doing leaving you with Jake, Phoenix shaking her head used to Jake’s antics. 
You tapped your glass thinking of what you wanted to tell him, “From Ohio, lived in Michigan, broke up with a guy and now I’m here.” You nodded your head knowing that’s all you wanted to say.
He chuckled this time taking his turn to respond. Noting that Y/N was closed off. “You want to go for a walk darling?”
You eyed him curiously, “Are you going to murder me?”
You earned a snort from him this time, “Now why would I do that to the beautiful woman I’m trying to take out on a date?”
You shrugged, “Just something a murderer would suggest.” You smiled up at him charmingly, “Wait, did you say date?”
“I did beautiful.” Smirking he took a long drink from his glass. You gulped eyeing him, how could one be so attractive taking a drink of beer?
You hummed keeping your eyes on him as he lowered his glass, “Maybe. You’ll have to convince me though.” You shrugged as nonchalantly as you could muster, trying to form some sort of confidence.
“Well let me take you on a walk then darling.” He grinned setting his empty glass down on a table. 
“Alright,” you set your glass down and turned towards Natasha, “if I don’t come back though, he did it.” You pointed towards Jake.
She laughed, “Jake is many things, I don’t think he’s slick enough to get away with murder though.”
Jake rolled his eyes and softly touched your wrist, “May I?”
You snapped your body back around feeling his warm touch on your arm, “Okay.” You spoke while your brain short circuited from the contact. He pulled your arm gently into his side bringing you closely to him. You were sure your heart was about to beat right out of your chest.
The two of you walked slowly down the beach in a comfortable silence listening to the waves crash onto shore.
“From Ohio? And moved to Michigan?” He asked softly not wanting to startle you.
You hummed agreeing with his statement, “Got my degree and found a job in Michigan. It’s a beautiful state, just too cold in the winter.”
He chuckled, “It doesn’t get too cold in Texas.”
“That where you’re from?”
“Yes ma’am.” He spoke while rubbing his thumb along your forearm sending a wave of chills down your body. “Born and raised, Texas is home.”
“Never been.” You admitted.
He gasped, “Well I’ll be. I’ll take you there one day.” He squeezed your arm gently.
“Oh really?”
“If you let me that is.” He spoke sounding rather nervous, a far cry from his previous flirting.
“We’ll see Tic Tac Toe.”
He threw his head back laughing loudly, “Hangman darling.”
“I like Candyland better.” You looked up to him for the first time since you two left the bar smiling as his green eyes reflected the sunset on the horizon. 
“Well, I’ll tell you what darling,” he stopped abruptly which halted you in place, “you can call me whatever kids game you want if you let me take you out?”
Giggling you bit your cheek to suppress the grin forming on your face, “That’s a tempting offer.”
He nodded, “Then take it.” He winked down at you pulling you slightly closer to him.
You did want to take his offer. He was a beautiful man practically begging you to go on one date with him. Why were you so apprehensive? Was it the look Penny gave you before you went off with him? Was it the thought of even attempting to form a new relationship so soon after the last one ended? Was it simply because you were scared? You looked up at him biting your lip softly trying to form a coherent sentence with him looking at you so expectantly.
“What’s got you thinking so hard beautiful?” He asked while raising his eyebrow, curious to the girl’s apprehension. Jake wasn’t used to it. Sure, women have played hard to get but he always knew their end game. With you? He wasn’t so sure. You were shy, quiet and seemed uncertain. Something was stopping you and it was already driving Jake mad. You were simply different, as cliché as that sounds. You clearly wanted to entertain his advances, but he could not figure out the why, yet.
You hummed still trying to figure out what to say to him. Of course, the stupid blush you couldn’t hide crept back up onto your face. Should you just tell him the truth? You didn’t want to offload so much onto this nearly complete stranger, but he seemed so earnest, so eager to learn about you that you had the urge to.
Still stopped on the supposed walk you were supposed to be taking you finally garnered the courage to speak to him, “Jake, I just got out of a long and quite frankly heartbreaking relationship. I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I don’t want to string you along or hurt you.” You finished the last part of your statement quietly, so quietly you weren’t sure if he heard it.
There it was, he knew there had to be something. He also knew you were a total sweetheart just in the admission. You didn’t want to hurt him?
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
This question made you think. Did you want to talk about it? You’ve only talked to your mom about it, Penny a bit but the nitty gritty details were left out. You did want to talk about it, but with Jake? You weren’t sure.
“I don’t want to unload on you like that, I hardly know you.” You admitted sheepishly avoiding his gaze that never seemed to leave your face.
“And how do people get to know other people Y/N?” He asked sincerely, not trying to sound like an asshole but really trying to get to know you.
You let a small chuckle escape your mouth nodding your head to his point, “They talk.”
“Exactly.” He grinned at you once you finally got the courage to look back up to him, “And I asked about that, I want to know. But if you don’t want me to know that’s alright. There’s many things to talk about.”
You shook your head more in disbelief than anything, “Who are you, Jake? My aunt obviously thinks of you a certain way yet you’re speaking to me like somebody completely different.”
He shrugged, “She sees a certain persona that I want everybody to see. I’m not just that person, that’d make me a pretty awful person.”
“Then why do you put that persona out there?” You questioned, genuinely curious.
“That’s a great question Y/N. One that I’m still figuring out.”
You nodded at his honesty deciding to air out your own baggage to him, “My fiancée cheated on me. I’m not sure how many times or when it started but I caught him out one night at the bar making out with somebody else.” You spoke quickly.
He softly squeezed your arm in comfort, “That’s no man, darling. Dodged yourself a bullet.”
“Spent way to long chasing and holding onto that bullet.” You sighed.
The rest of your walk with Jake consisted of you spilling every detail, to an extent, to him. Something felt so right talking with him. He was the first person who just listened and let you speak your mind. He spoke up when you needed him to, but he let you get it al out. You also learned quite about him in return, you weren’t going to let him get away knowing so much of your baggage without knowing some of his.
He talked about the ‘one that got away’ and how he fucked it up. How his insecurities let the best thing that’s ever happened to him walk away. He admitted to you that he didn’t want to do that again, to feel such sadness knowing it was from your own mistakes.
Before the both of you knew it you spent two hours walking up and down the now dark beach as the sun had set hours prior. When you finally got back to the Hard Deck your aunt was closing the place down with Pete sitting there patiently waiting on her. You didn’t see any of the other aviators as you looked around.
“Have fun?” Penny asked eyeing you curiously seeing as who you came back to the bar with.
You nodded walking to her, Jake in tow, “I did.”
“Me too.” Jake chimed in placing his hand at the small of your back. You could not stop the shiver that ripped down your body from the feeling. You could have sworn you heard Jake laugh softly in response.
Penny smiled shaking her head, “That’s good. What’d you two do?”
You noticed Pete listening in but trying to make it seem like he wasn’t, “Just walked and talked.” You admitted without admitting a single thing.
Penny smiled eyeing Jake yet again, “Just, be careful.” She spoke to you.
“I am, don’t worry Aunt Pen.”
“It’s not you that I’m worried about.” She answered truthfully earning a chuckle from the tall blonde pilot.
“I can promise you Penny, there’s no way I could hurt this one right here. If anything, she’ll go breaking my heart.”
You rolled your eyes trying to play it off cool, but the blush had another idea. Penny grinned like a Cheshire cat seeing your reaction to his over-the-top statement. Penny handed the two of you another round of beers, on her, before quickly turning her attention back to cleaning and Pete.
Gaining some confidence as he led you away from earshot you finally said what you wanted to, “So Jake, about that date?
Part 2
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
INTRO POST!!1!!!!!1!
Hello! I'm Ellia! Welcome to my weird-ass writeblr blog! Here's some things to know about me:
I am an Aspiring author and Devoted Christian Woman. I live in the USA (CDT time zone) I am a minor, and the only other language I know is some very spotty spanish.
I mainly write Fantasy, and I'm working on four main projects (Listed Below)!
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I like: Jesus, Bright Colors, People, Writing, Reading, Cats, Music, Warm Weather, Rain, Flowers, Dresses, and my Moots!
I Dislike: The texture of wool, Heavy Lifting, Baked Beans, Sin, Satan, Demons, and the Time Travel Trope
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Hey! Pst! Before you continue! I have a side blog! Check out @jakkon-and-rose-topic if you want to read some stuff!
Ellia Writes - Any talking or sharing of any aspect of any of my WIPs
Ellia's Construction Company - How I make stuff, tutorials, ect.
Ghost Party - Chatting and geeking out with my friends/Moots
Ellia answers - Answering questions
Ellia's Rambling - Me talking about stuff (a little too much)
Ellia's Haunted house - Any posts that I could slot into my story and character/world building. And my pile of creations (Including shitposts)
Ellia's mind palace - Stuff I'm adding to my mental Library :]
Ghost gardens - Aesthetic Pictures and stuff
Ghost scribbles - Art/Drawing Practice
My Wips:
TCOT - (The Cursed One's Throne) - TCOT is a low fantasy Novel Series I have been working on for 5 years, and I hope to publish in the next year, and the Main Wip I will work on and talk about on this blog (Tags: #elliatcot, #ellia tcot, #ellia's tcot, #the cursed one's throne)
J&R - (Placeholder Title) - High fantasy Adventure with Sass, spunk, and a heck of a lot of conflict (To be turned into a comic one day)
StF - (Steel and Feathers) - StF is a High Fantasy project about a Chosen one And stuff (Tags: #stf, #elliastf, #ellia'sstf, #ellia stf, #ellia stf)
Fallen - (That's the title) - A High Fantasy Romance between a Runaway Noble and a Disgraced (probably Criminal) (Tags: #elliafallen, #ellia'sfallen, #ellia fallen, #ellia's fallen, #rustpearl)
StF Short story Masterpost!
Alkain - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Raavas - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 3.5
Old Pinned post Copy-paste below (followed by my moots)
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------------------------------------ Hey there! Hi! You! Tumblr user!
Are you a fan of epic fantasy? Want a story with romance, action, and sassy heroes and villains? How about some good old-fashioned ANGST?
If so, you're in luck! Get ready for the upcoming release of The Cursed One's Throne (TCOT for short), coming... well, eventually!
A story of trauma, war, recovery, trust, and love intertwined with curses, magic, sacrifice, and a few too little hours of sleep. Who needs a release date when you've got me, the very entertaining author, right?
Wtf is TCOT?
TCOT sneak Peek
TCOT Ships
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Post this comes from
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@agirlandherquill - HER WORDS ARE ART, GO FOLLOW NOW
@aredeemantagonist - Fun to talk to! AMAZING IDEASSS
@bigwipscholar - Yes
@bloodmoonloveletter - Slay
@blue-kyber - READ IT ALL
@corinneglass - Why is she so amazing and sweet?!??!? I do not deserve her 😔
@cosmolumine - Extremely Creative with wonderful ideas you can't help but get hooked on :]
@cybercelestian - I don't talk to her as much as I'd like to, but I live her <333
@darkandstormydolls - AN AMAZING WRITER, Her research on medieval clothing and settings is really cool and useful too! <3
@fantastictrashpolice - I need to talk to her more often too because she is very sweet and wonderful <3
@homelessnerdwrites - Very kind and wonderful, and I don't think I've seen any of her writing yet but she still ROCKS!!!
@i-hate-happy-endings - A wonderful author with FANTASTIC ideas that you all should check out!!
@lunaeuphternal - A wonderful friend who I don't speak to often but is an amazing person you should check out!
@pastellbg - A Wonderful artist and friend all of you Need to follow!!!! (Slay Queen)
@phoenixradiant - His ideas and writing is amazing and poetic in EVERY SINGLE WORD he chooses
@rivenantiqnerd - YES
@savepoint-has-died - ALSO YES
@sunflowerrosy - Why does she follow me, I am so LAME?!?@?@?
@sunglasses-in-the-bentley - My beloved adopted daughter who deserves all the attention :]]]
@supercimi - A WONDERFUL friend with ALL the Amazing ideas you could wish for
@thepeculiarbird - Amazing Artist, I deeply admire her every word and movement
@urnumber1star - The author I can only wish to be 😔✊️ Follow Her
If you made it all the way to the end, have a wonderful day, don't forget to drink water, have a little snack, sleep, take a walk, and Don't forget that I love you :] <3333
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
Let's go!
Warning: the reader is a college student; age difference; the reader is a little shy
I love Leon and no one will do anything to me for this. So here are some more headcanons:
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You met Leon only because you lost the desire of your friends, and as punishment they sent you to chat with this gloomy drunk sitting in an embrace with an expensive bottle of whiskey.
It was really shitty, you drank two more glasses of liquor before you plucked up the courage to sit next to him and say, "Hi, handsome."
Damn, you literally blush after every word you say, and alcohol doesn't help at all. Leon, on the other hand, laughs nervously at your inept attempts at flirting, considering your friends as shitty as possible, since they did this to you by sending you to flirt with a man 10-15 years older. But on the whole, he likes you.
Leon will order you a coffee, because cheap alcohol only makes you worse. However, you're so cute when you blush at a compliment he says.
You have a strange relationship that should have been interrupted a long time ago, but you talk to him on the phone for a long time on various topics.
You are comfortable with him as well as with your friends. Therefore, embarrassment aside! You can talk to him about anything.
His humor can be terrible, just like yours
"I was told that to solve the problem you need to sleep with her, but my problem is you!"
oops, someone drank too much…
Leon wants to be your problem, but not when you're drunk. He doesn't like too much that you drank more than your norm.
You will laugh a lot and make indecent jokes, and in the morning you will be ashamed of your behavior. "Did you really tell him so many vulgarities?"
"You seriously proved to me that my middle name is not Scott, but Sexy Kennedy. Leon Sexy Kennedy."
He really likes it, he wants you to talk about it more often, and not shyly look away.
You're fucked. You cover your face with your hands, begging him to forget about everything you said last night, but he doesn't want to forget about it at all. Moreover, he thinks that his shirts will look sexy as hell on you.
Leon will ask if you want to solve your "problem", or is it better for him to take you home? If you stay, he'll be glad. And yes, his shirts look great on your naked body!
He likes it when you stay with him all day or all weekend. To do this, he specifically buys you a bar of chocolate so that later he can watch you lick your fingers while watching TV
You feel uncomfortable when you notice the gaze fixed on you. Leon clearly has something obscene on his mind, you can see it by his grin. At night he will tell you what it is, or show you…
"Come on, baby, I'm not one of those college guys who, after spending the night with a girl, pretend they don't know her."
However, Leon is happy to spend more than just nights with you. It seems to me that he is quite a homely person. He doesn't mind your things in his house or the books you read while you're with him. In fact, he likes it when you read aloud to him.
He doesn't want to be an unusual "relationship experience" in your life. He's already got enough shit because of work, so he asks you to think about whether you need a relationship with him. He wants to love and be loved in return, so think about it carefully, princess.
If you agree to a relationship with him, he will be immensely happy, but he is unlikely to show it. However, taking care of you will be a priority for him now. Leon is clearly a defensive type.
You'll be his little spoon when you sleep in the same bed with him. Leon will kiss the top of your head and draw contours on your back. You instill in him a forgotten sense of calm that alcohol will never give him.
He likes the idea that he can protect at least one loved one.
So don't be scared when he wakes up at night with the desire to hug you tightly. You'll get used to it very soon, because you know that he has some kind of super-complicated job that he doesn't like to talk about.
His worst nightmare - you were killed or you got infected.
Leon definitely likes to kiss you between the shoulder blades when you're lying on your stomach.
He is so grateful to you for treating his simple wounds. It may be a bruise or a small cut, but the way you tenderly treat the wounds makes his heart flutter. Leon doesn't believe in God, but then why are you his angel?
He understands that you want to have fun with friends from time to time, but please be careful! If you have any problems or someone bothers you, then immediately inform him.
He doesn't have anything against your friends, but he's still worried about you, and he definitely doesn't like that guy…
It's not jealousy! Leon trusts you, but he's also learned to be a good judge of people, so he can't stand some of the people around you
He likes to watch movies with you when you're both wrapped in a blanket and lying on the couch. Even if it's boring, Leon likes being with you, so he's ready to watch your favorite movies/series/shows as much as he wants. But when you fall asleep yourself, he will take you to bed, or maybe he will fall asleep with you.
Maybe someday he'll marry you.
It's okay if you don't want to.
He doesn't want to rush into serious offers, but if you want to move in with him, he'll be happy.
Sometimes he will make fun of you, but more often he will call you by affectionate names. So often that you will begin to think that he has forgotten your real name. Leon will laugh at this, making it clear that he has no problems with his memory.
Leon will gradually open up to you more and more, but don't wait for everything at once. It's hard for him too, and he's not the kind of person who takes out his problems on others. He is ready and willing to take care of you, but prefers to keep to himself what is bothering him.
none of you will ever say it out loud, but Leon puts you above himself. This is a simple truth that makes no sense to discuss. Don't waste your time, because Leon won't change his mind. He loves you and will only love you more because you also love him and care about him.
And yes, he still doesn't trust your friends, although he's glad they made you sit with him that day at the bar.
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blues824 · 1 year
The Remarried Empress where a Fem!Reader who's an Empress from a distant land who doesn't have a husband but has a harem of men whom she loves equally and treats fairly comes to the New Year Ball. If one man gets a kiss, they all get a kiss. They all communicate with each other and make sure everyone is heard and happy.
Emperor Sovieshu sees her and immediately wants her for a mistress; to his surprise, she rejects him (rather harshly).
"You think you are enough to join my loves? You; who can only cherish one woman? In my harem, my men are of equal standing and care for each other as well. You do not give your wife what she deserves and focus only on the one who came second. I may have room for many but I have none for you."
She slowly teaches Navier how healthy relationships with more than one partner are supposed to be and fully supports her when she notices the Empress has an interest in Heinrey.
"While my partners and I are happy having more than one to love, you clearly are not and that is okay. You are unhappy with that Emperor and deserve to be cherished as the Prince will cherish you. Follow your heart and it will lead you to happiness."
(Maybe she brings Kosair into the harem (after discussing it with the others first) if she notices he has feelings for her)
I took inspiration from the webnovel, Men of the Harem, which was recommended to me a while back by @angel-tsugikuni-kamukura
Preface: You are from the Southern Empire (I should commission someone to draw the landscape for this, since I use it so often), and you have four men in your harem. You were invited to the New Year’s Ball so as to reinforce the alliance between both Empires.
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Even if you were interested, it wouldn’t work out because neither of you could stand to belittle yourselves by joining either’s harem. But that didn’t stop him from asking at the ball, and that didn’t stop you from giving him a harsh rejection.
“You think you are enough to join me and my loves? You, who can only cherish one woman? In my harem, my men are of equal standing and love each other as well. You do not give your wife what she deserves and focus only on the one who came second. I may have room for many, but I have no room for you.”
Well, this was definitely unexpected. He honestly doesn’t know what to do in this situation as he had never been told ‘no’ before. But you remained steadfast in your decision, even turning your back towards him before placing your hand in one of your husband’s. The sight made the Emperor’s blood boil, but all he could do was swallow his pride and move on.
The other guests all started whispering, and Rashta burst into tears. He watched as you danced with each of your husbands throughout the night, and none of them seemed jealous. Oh, but he certainly was. Had they not been legally married to you, he would have banished them so he could have a better chance at having you join him and become his second mistress.
Unfortunately, you were born into the Imperial Family of the Southern Empire, and you were the current reigning Empress, which again meant that you couldn’t join him as a mere mistress without bringing dishonor upon your Empire. Besides, even if you did, who knows how long it would take for him to get bored of you and move on to the next girl who strikes his fancy?
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She was right next to him, clinging onto his arm, when she heard him ask if you would be interested in joining him as his second mistress. Tears immediately started forming as she started panicking, but then she heard you reject him rather harshly.
“You think you are enough to join me and my loves? You, who can only cherish one woman? In my harem, my men are of equal standing and love each other as well. You do not give your wife what she deserves and focus only on the one who came second. I may have room for many, but I have no room for you.”
Needless to say, Rashta did feel offended because you did call her “the one who came second”. The tears were already there, so she let them fall as she fled the room. The guests around the room started whispering to each other, and it was causing her more distress. She stayed there for a few minutes to help calm herself down, and she eventually went back into the festivities.
But, she did not expect you to be dancing with multiple different men, the ones that aren’t dancing with you are dancing with each other. Sovieshu eventually told her that you were married to multiple different men as per the customs of your Empire. This made her quite curious, actually, considering in the Eastern Empire, the Emperor or Empress could only be married to one person at a time.
Then, she looked at you again, and you were dancing with Navier. You both seemed to be talking about something, and this frightened her again. Two of the most powerful women in any of the lands were both angry and conversing with each other… she had every right to be afraid.
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She was probably the one who invited you. She had considered not, but realized that you could give her advice since you have 4 husbands. Plus, the two of you were actually quite friendly towards each other. You weren’t able to attend her wedding, but you did send her a few gifts, courtesy of the Southern Empire, and she did the same for you and your husbands.
But, at the Ball, she had overheard you rejecting Sovieshu’s request for you to become his second mistress. Navier made sure to ask you if everything was okay, and you said it would all be alright and that you just needed time with your husbands. She had never seen someone as happy as you were to be dancing with the four men.
Later on in the evening, you asked if she would like a dance, and she accepted by putting her hand in yours. You led. Throughout the dance, everyone could tell that the atmosphere between the two of you was serious since you were discussing a rather private matter. You both were whispering, and something you said really caught her attention:
“While my husbands and I are happy with having more than one to love, you clearly are not and that is okay. You are unhappy with that Emperor and deserve to be cherished just as I know Prince Heinrey will cherish you. Follow your heart and lead to happiness, and I and my loves will be supporting you.”
Honestly, if it weren’t for your words that night, she probably would have just sucked it up and stayed with Sovieshu. But you gave her the shove she needed, and she started to realize that Heinrey does treat her better than her husband ever did. She could see that he was completely devoted to her, reminding her of a golden retriever. She would have to thank you at a later date.
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Your rejection towards the Emperor was rather loud, so he was definitely able to hear it. He was about to spit out the drink he had, but you didn’t make that big of a deal. He was originally conversing with one of your husbands when he heard it, and the man snapped his head towards you and went off to find you to make sure you were okay.
The two of you already knew each other, as you were able to attend his brother’s wedding to Lady Krista. The two of you struck up a lovely conversation, and that set you off as good friends. So, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone that you were able to decipher the puppy eyes he was giving Navier. As a result, you went to go talk to him about it.
“If the Emperor had the audacity to ask me to be a mere mistress to him, imagine how he is treating his wife. You need to do something, be it offer a shoulder or an ear. I know you’ve been visiting her already, and I know that she appreciates the letters. Just be sure to cherish her, and all will be well.”
He nodded, and now he was a man on a mission. That mission was to woo her Imperial Majesty and make her see that he’s the better fit. With your help and guidance, he’s sure that he will accomplish his mission in no time. He even asks your husbands how they managed to win over an Empress.
Each one of your husbands had different pieces of advice, but there were a few common themes: loving you, honoring you, communicating amongst the entire harem, and helping you make executive decisions. This was a great help for him, and it’s one of the reasons why he is now married to his beloved Queen.
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The two of you met when he spontaneously visited Navier. You were still there because you still had to work out the trade route with the Eastern Empire and the Kingdom of Luipt. The way he rizzed you up was unlike anything you had ever seen. It even surprised his younger sister to see her older brother be so charming.
He even got along with your four husbands, which was rare when someone was trying to seek your heart. I feel like what made him fall for you even more was the way that you made each man in your harem feel loved and appreciated. You paid him no special attention compared to your husbands, but you paid more attention to them than any other person (save for Navier).
That’s right: you treated him like he was already part of the harem, and so did the other men. The fact that you treated Navier like she was a little sister really sealed the deal for him. Bro studied the customs and rules of the Southern Empire just so he could know how to join the harem, and he eventually did.
It was made official when he was banished from the Eastern Empire. You wrote to him as quickly as you could, and the letter was essentially a proposal that he accepted. So, he became your fifth husband. It took a bit of getting used to, but he loved the idea of being called yours.
When Navier made her escape to the Western Kingdom, you and Kosair went for their wedding. Of course, that meant you had to leave your other husbands behind, but they were completely fine with it. We love people who ask their partners for consent in their actions.
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
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August 2nd is Juice with the prompt "There is a reason I don't celebrate my birthday". Requested by a lovely Anon. As always my stories are 18+
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I thought she would like this thought Juice to himself as he collapsed onto the floor outside of your bedroom door. He knew it was unlocked but had decided against going in. You had not responded to his knocks or request to enter. He knew from the way your eyes had shown with tears and your lip had trembled when you entered the house that you were upset.
For the life of him he wasn't sure why though. He had surprised you before with trips and gifts. He figured a house full of friends for your birthday would be greeted with joy and happiness. He had spent weeks planning the perfect day for you. Everything from breakfast in bed to a day out on the water surfing to a surprise party once you got home.
Streamers and balloons of your favorite colors decorated the whole of the house. Your favorite foods, drinks and birthday cake had been made to perfection. He had been sure of it. You deserved to have the best day ever but yet somehow he had fucked it up.
"Aye Juicy boy. Ye want us to clear out?" inquired Chibs quietly as he entered the hallway a few minutes later. Juice sighed as he looked up. "I don't know. Probably. I'm not sure anymore. We were having such a good day.....I don't know what happened" admitted Juice as he rubbed his face with his hands.
Before anything else could be said the door opened and he fell in at your feet. "Could we talk" you murmured as you sniffled. Your eyes red and puffy and your makeup running down your face. Juices heart broke as he looked up at you but nodded as he sat up when you crouched down to sit next to him.
"I will give you two a few minutes" stated Chibs before heading back the way he had came.
"Tell me what I did wrong babe" murmured Juice as he grabbed your hands as he watched you closely. "Nothing. It's silly. I'm an adult and should be over it" you started as you shook your head and sighed. "I'm sure its not silly. Talk to me" encouraged Juice. "There is a reason I don't celebrate my birthday. Well lots of reasons honestly. This is my fault for never bringing it up. I usually just get the guy to break up with me before my birthday so it's never been an issue before" you rambled as you looked anywhere but at the man you had grown to love over the last ten months.
Juice frowned but waited patiently for you to speak again. "So you know how I don't speak to my family anymore?" you asked looking down at your hands. Juice nodded. It was something you had mentioned on one of your earlier dates. The two of you had bonded over your unique family situations. You had been no contact with yours since you turned eighteen.
"My parents and sister made it clear I was not wanted. They called me a mistake and I was left more often than not to fend for myself. My birthday was always treated as a day to tease, belittle and physically hurt me on occasion. Some years they would trick me into thinking things would change but they never did. My sister always got to use my birthday as her half birthday. So while I was being hit, starved and locked in a cage in the basement. My sister was getting presents, cakes and pony rides." you explained keeping your eyes down as tears started to fall again.
Juice could feel his temper started to flare at your words but kept it contained. He would do some looking into your family. They would pay. Right now he needed to reassure you that would never happen. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I promise my only intent today was to shower you with love and show you how special you are not only to me but to others" started Juice as he lifted your chin up gently. "I'm sorry that you were reminded of your past. I promise you that will never happen again as long as I breathe" he added as he wiped your tears with his thumb.
"Wait here. I'm going to have everyone head out and then I'll draw you a bath okay?" offered Juice as he started to stand. "Actually.....I...I would like...to try having a birthday party. If that is okay" you stammered as you laughed nervously at the silliness of it all. "Of course. I'll let everyone know you will be back out in a bit" stated Juice with a grin as he helped you up and gave you a kiss before heading down the hall.
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