#i love baby Jecki so much
stealingpotatoes · 2 months
What do you think of Yord fandar and jecki lon ?
jecki is my perfect baby daughter who has done nothing wrong in her entire life i love her so much <3 yord's a huge neek i want to shove him into a locker.
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transitranger327 · 3 days
Spin the Thread, Weave the Story: Ignition
Day 1: For Light and Life (Jecki Lives AU)
Osha and Jecki discover they can hear each other think…and that they want to kiss.
While this chapter was written for @oshecki-week 2024, I did start writing it back when the show was airing. Read it here or on Ao3:
It had become easier for Jecki to breathe. Whether that was her body adjusting to the new lungs or Osha unconsciously continuing to heal her, she could not say. But she now felt strong enough to, if not walk, at least get up from her resting place of the forest floor. “Maybe sitting up, maybe that would help.”
“Here, let me help you up.” Osha had started to drowse off, but she had reflexively answered the other girl’s suggestion. She didn’t actually move at all, which made Jecki start to laugh (with only slight pain). 
She ran a finger down Osha’s cheek, “so are you gonna help me up or not?” The “baby” she almost added was left unsaid. 
Osha still heard it. “Sorry baby, did i say something?” 
The “baby” made Jecki freeze up. She blinked a few times, “Uh yeah, you offered to help me up.” 
“Oh okay, sure. Do you want to try walking somewhere, or just sitting up?”
“Can we try standing?”
“Of course, if it’s too much we can always sit down again.” First, Osha propped Jecki up, then she stood up and extended a hand down to her. 
As she was lifted up, Jecki was brought close to the other woman. She took in the rich hues of her dark skin, examined the intricate texture of her braids, and glimpsed the depth of her brown eyes. “I wish I could stare into these for hours,” she thought. 
“Shit, is she flirting with me?” Osha was taken aback, being unprepared for any serious flirting from the Jedi. 
Jecki, realizing, asked, “did I say that out loud?”
“Wait you heard that?” 
The two women stood face to face, equally flustered. Both thought “Can she hear what I’m thinking?” simultaneously. Both heard the other’s question loud and clear. 
As the realization set in, Jecki began to hear a faint ringing in her ears and saw stars form around the edges of her vision. Osha reacted, “Oh no, you’re not fainting on me.” She wrapped her arms tightly around Jecki and gently lowered her to the ground, making sure to elevate Jecki’s legs above her heart. “At least, I think that’s where her heart is.” “There you go, nice and easy,” “beautiful.”
A silent “Thank you” formed in Jecki’s mind. 
“You’re welcome,” Osha thought back. She sat down, parallel but facing the opposite direction. “We’re gonna need to find some water and probably food to keep you from fainting ag—”
“Stars, she’s so pretty.” Jecki’s semi-conscious thoughts had managed to cut off Osha’s planning. 
“Right. This ‘hearing each other think’ thing is gonna take some getting used to,” Osha continued the sentence in her mind, “especially if we’re both down bad.”
“Oh,” thought Jecki, “You really feel the same way?”
Osha mused, “Well, there’s no sense in lying.” “Yeah, I think so. You’re gorgeous and I’ve loved the time we’ve spent together.” 
“Me too, except the ‘nearly dying’ bit.”
The thought made Osha laugh. “Yeah, that was rough. I was torn up when I thought I’d lost you.” 
The strange sensation of aborted grief brought Jecki’s brain back to full consciousness. Nevertheless, she continued to just think her end of the conversation. “So the flirting we did was real? I wasn’t just pining alone?”
“I flirted with you mostly for fun when we met. I thought you were cute, but I was a Jedi, I know the rules.” She paused. “But I think I broke about 15 rules bringing you back so I really don’t care anymore.” Osha smiled something in between a grin and a smirk.
That smile made Jecki feel things; a craving she hadn’t allowed to grow now blossomed. She vocalized her background desire, “Can you kiss me?”
The tension broke as Osha slid forward and pressed her lips up to Jecki’s. 
The tension shattered into a thousand glittering fireworks as the kiss lengthened. 
Lips on lips, tongue on tongue, the sweet taste of life flowed thru their bodies in a way neither truly had experienced before. Their souls buzzed, vibrated, crackled with an electricity that could power a planet for months. 
This was desire amplified by the Force between them. And neither wanted to stop.
Jecki had to come up for air. She lowered her head into Osha’s lap, taking deep breaths to regain some semblance of normal thinking. “That was incredible.”
“Yes it was,” Osha thought. “I guess you never learned how to breathe while kissing.” She leaned down and kissed Jecki’s pale forehead. “It’s all right,” she grinned, “it’s not something the Jedi would teach you.”
“Good thing you’re not a Jedi then.” Jecki immediately regretted her words when she felt a pain from Osha. “Sorry, is making light of…that…a boundary for you?” 
“I guess it’s good she immediately knows when I don’t like something…unlike some of my exes.” “Yeah, it’s a sore spot, especially since I’ve been working with you all recently.” 
“Okay baby, I won’t do it again.”
The roaring fire of the kiss had been reduced to a smolder, but it had left an indelible mark on their minds. A new idea popped into Osha’s head, “Kelnacca’s hut has food and water, and probably a better comlink.”
“I was hoping we could avoid that, but it probably is our best chance of staying alive.” “I really didn’t want to have to relive his death.”
“We’re gonna have to make peace with it sometime. Come on, let me help you up.” 
Jecki resisted, “Wait, I just…” “I need a minute to process it first, why he’s gone and I’m not.” “…need a moment to breathe.”
“Okay, we can wait.” 
Notes: Take it from a gal who faints, you want to get your legs above your head & heart when it happens.
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webtrinsic1122 · 3 months
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A Force Dyad: Chapter 5
There are more graphic depictions of male/male sex later in this chapter, so I must include a warning. I also did say that I would add some smut at the end of the last chapter.
Enjoy some of my cringey sex dialog.
Yord paced around Qimir's Coruscant flat, thinking how he would break his new relationship to Jecki and Osha. He wanted to come forward to them. Whether they approve of it or not, hiding this won't help either.
Yord took a breath as he waited for a response from Jecki to meet up. He was going to tell her and Osha. When the response came through, Yord took the information and started out.
Not before kissing Qimir while he laid asleep on the couch. He put a blanket over Qimir and gave him another kiss.
"I love you." Qimir smiled.
"I love you too." Yord responded. He pulled a hoodie on as he walked out the door.
Osha brought Mae with her. They all got a booth at a popular diner. Jecki sat next to Yord. She was that happy and relieved to see him. Mae sat awkwardly playing with her utensils. Osha tried to get her to communicate with the same Jedi she tried to kill a few days ago.
Jecki and Yord sensed the tension. So Jecki did what she does best, embarrassed Yord. She got a dastardly smile on her face.
"So tell us about your boyfriend, Yord!" Jecki announced. "I believe his name is Qimir Ren, right?"
"You know?" Yord yelled, covering his mouth.
"Yup. We all assumed that you when weren't coming home or trying to contact us that you were doing the forbidden saber duel." Jecki teased.
"You're okay with this? With Qimir being my boyfriend?" Yord asked.
"We accepted Mae. Besides, with everything going on with Master Sol, this is a nice change." Jecki responded.
"How much do you know?" Yord asked.
"I don't know the full story. I stormed out when Sol confirmed that he was lying about the events." Jecki sighed. "I didn't want to hear anymore. The Sol I knew was dying in front of me. I wasn't ready to face the reality."
"So honestly, it just made hearing the truth about Qimir, and you made this whole thing such a relief!" Jecki revealed. "I mean, he still killed our comrades, but so did Mae. If Osha asked us to give her a chance, then I guess we can try to do the same for Qimir."
Yord felt a flood of relief, knowing he had his friend's approval. He won't have to choose between his boyfriend and friends. The truths that are coming out about Brendok and Qimir's exile made their news good by comparison.
Later in their bedroom, Yord rested on top of Qimir, his head on Qimir's chest. Qimir's chin on Yord's head. His arm wrapped firmly around Yord. A warm blanket covering both of the men. A holo-drama was on for the background noise.
They shared a few passionate kisses and then a few more. Interlacing fingers. Yord returned his head to Qimir's chest.
Yord held up his end of his promise to Qimir and left the order. Tasi Lowa was transferred to Plo Koon. A condition Yord made with the council in exchange to leave peacefully.
He was supposed to leave his lightsaber, but Jecki snuck it back to him when they met earlier.
Right now, Yord just wanted to enjoy his newfound freedom. Plan out their new coven. Where'd they'd settle down and how'd they'd recruit new members. They could definitely start by helping refugees.
They found themselves consistently talking about having kids of their own. The more it was brought up, the more excited Yord got about carrying a child.
They wondered if they should wait a bit longer since they just settled in together. They wanted to make sure their baby would have the stability they needed.
When they discussed it, Qimir would randomly find himself rubbing Yord's belly. Even if they were on top of each other. Somehow, Yord's belly would become accessible for Qimir to put his hand on. They took it as their sign to have a baby. But not now. They had to secure some necessities for themselves. Also, find out how Mothers Koril and Aniseya did it.
While studying the dark side under Darth Plagueis, he watched his master do experiments on the midicholorians to create life. Qimir always paid close attention. They both wanted the same goal but to use it for different reasons.
Darth Plagueis wanted to live forever. Qimir didn't care about that. He wanted to create a new life that he and Yord could raise as their child.
It did not matter if they were biological, adopted, or padawan as long as their children were healthy.
One night, they threw caution to the wind and gave natural conception a shot. It wouldn't happen, but their ultimate goal was bonding through sex.
Qimir started by removing Yord's shirt and kissing his neck, making his way to his chest, from left to middle and burying his face in Yord's chest. He turned his head slightly to bite his pecs. He felt Yord pull him closer and guide him to their bed on top of him.
Yord separated his legs to let Qimir lay on him. He slid his hands down Qimir's back and started pulling on his shirt. Qimir lifted himself up to allow his button to be undone so his bare chest could be pressed again his lover's.
He made his way back up Yord's neck to his jaw line, then finally to his lips. He pushed his tongue into his mouth.
Yord's free hand yanked Qimir's pants. He took his free hand to help get his pants completely off before springing up to free Yord from his. The two locked eyes as Qimir positioned himself between Yord's legs and penetrated him.
He knew his little jedi rule follower was enjoying it. He penetrated deeper to get closer to his fellow former Jedi. He made his way back up through placing a trail of kisses on Yord's stomach, then chest, then neck, and finally reuniting their lips.
He returned to biting Yord's neck just below his jaw line. Humping just right to make Yord moan with each thrust. Yord wrapped his arm tightly around Qimir and grabbed a handful of his hair.
Qimir whispered filth into Yord's ear to make him more aroused. "Jedi scum!"
"Fuck the Jedi." Yord yelled as he orgasmed
"No. Fuck you!" Qimir smirked.
"Fuck me yourself, coward!" Yord snapped. Qimir pulled out to flip Yord over and reentered him.
"You're going to regret that." Qimir teased.
"I better." Yord moaned.
"You broke so many rules." Qimir started. "I have to do this. You're making me do this."
"I'll break more!" Yord moaned as Qimir pulled Yord closer. He felt Qimir bury his penis deeper into him. One of his hands interlaced with Yord's own, the other grabbing Yord's chest.
Yord got his turn on top. There was no kissing this time. It got a little rougher. Qimir thrusted while Yord moaned. Qimir's strong hands on his hips, holding him in place.
Knowing his Jedi wasn't going anywhere, Qimir grabbed Yord's dick and started massaging it. He kept playing with it and rubbing it just right.
The look of absolute pleasure of Yord's face made him go rougher. Between his own orgasms, he checked to make sure Yord was still experiencing pleasure.
With the two men facing each other once more, Yord lowered himself to Qimir's chest for his turn to leave hickeys and bite marks. Leaving a trail of kisses up his chest and neck to reach his lips. This time, he pushed his tongue into Qimir's mouth. They shared deep, passionate kisses.
Passionate kisses that would continue even after Qimir came inside Yord three times. They both experienced many orgasms at the same time. Every time he came he felt Yord's inner muscles tighten around his cock.
The session was over. Or so Qimir thought as he watched Yord get off of him. Only for Yord to spread his legs and penetrate Qimir.
"You think you weren't going to have to answer for your crimes?" Yord teased. Qimir was surprised at Yord's sudden snatching of control. He loved it!
"Yord Fandar!" Qimir laughed easing himself. "Are you bossing me around now?"
Yord closed the distance between them, returning the penetration he gave him earlier. Yord copied Qimir's trail of kisses up his chest to his lips. Not missing a step.
Through their connection, Yord knew Qimir was loving this. He would be pleasantly surprised by Yord taking charge. Qimir left scratch marks on Yord's back. They exchanged a few more long, passionate kisses before Yord came and pulled out.
Yord laid on his back and pulled Qimir towards him. Qimir rested his head under Yord's chin. Their arms wrapped tightly around each other before they finally rested.
"You were okay with what I did, right?" Yord asked.
"I love it when you take control." Qimir answered, running his hand across Yord's chest and stomach. "It was quite a pleasant surprise. You are free to do it more. If I don't like it, I will let you know. It will most likely be because I'm tired."
"Good. I'm glad we can agree on this." He kissed Qimir's head and then tilted his head up to kiss his lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Qimir replied, returning the kiss.
"I remember we first did this as padawans in our late teens." Yord whispered. "The thrill of it combined with worrying if one of our masters would walk in on us."
"I remember that too." Qimir laughed. "We were on a mission to your home planet of Alderann, and our masters had to go help with peace negotiations. Little did they know we were also having negotiations."
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