#i love Levi's t0ngue
catboys-need-milk · 2 years
Ms ma'am, I NEED asmo and levi lactation kink headcanons PLEASE IM BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES! I can't think of anything for asmo myself but like.... Just take a moment to think about Levi just had a really bad game that he lost massively. He needs comfort, he needs to find solace latched onto your breast. He comes to your room and finds you playing a game on your phone. You put it down to pay attention to him but he's so shy! His face is so red, he's trying to ask you for some of your sweet milk, yet all he's doing is stumbling over his words like a poor bumbling fool! But you see the slightly sad look on his face, you already know what he wants. So you simply beckon for him to come over, and he just shuffles over a little awkwardly, so flustered to be doing such a thing in the first place. You scoot over so that he can lay down with you, his face unimaginably close to your tits. You lift your shirt for him and all embarrassment dissipates into thin air. He immediately goes for your nipple, and begins to suckle. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you as close as he can. You pet his hair gently as he drinks. You know how hard it is for him when he loses a game, especially when he comes to you for comfort. So you bask in the quietness, the only sound being his sucking. You'll stay with him like this for as long as he likes.
*stumbles over and fucking dies* heLLO ANON ALLOW ME TO COMPOSE MYSELF 🥴♡♡♡♡
Omg omg omg ok I have SEVERAL things to say about this
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1. Hunnnghhhghggigidjxhxhchchch damn ok that made me feel all horny and soft??? 🥵 Fuckfuckfuck...omg.....Levi....sweet boy.....I love how embarrassed he gets its so cute and hot...fuck ^_^' ♡♡♡♡
2. Also Im guessing you've seen my Lucifer headcanons? Well so in there when I listed the brothers who like being fed I didn't include Levi—and tbh I've really been regretting that recently because yeah, I think he definitely would~ 😅 So I think I'll probably go back and add him to that list.
3. Dont worry their headcanons are coming!! ♡ I just take forever to do them because I'm super picky and really try to think up ideas that make sense for the character while also being different from the rest. Like I think every character should connect, experience, and engage in the kink all in their own unique ways. It keeps things from feeling repetitive as well as adding an element of believability to the headcanons and I really like that personally ♡ But Im thinking I'm gonna have Asmo be really playful with it and share you with Solomon, and then for Levi I'm going to incorporate his tongue, tail, and some cosplay~. OH and I still have to do Satan's too!!! I did other headcanons for him a while back but I still need like a standard lactation kink headcanon list for him 😅
4. In the meantime though!!! I have something in my drafts that I've been meaning to finish for a long while, and that you'd probably be very interested in 👀 its basically a longer drabble/fic where he's dressed as a cute nekomaid and trying to suckle from you with his freaky demon tongue. I was gonna try and finish it this week! ^_^
WOW SORRY THIS WAS LONG WTF but thanks for the ask!! ♡♡ Honestly I guess I kinda needed this?? Because my heart wanted to make Levi a lil' milk hungry otaku but I kept going like "aw nah dude I can't retcon myself". But uhhhh yeah I think you broke that so thank you 😅🥵🥵 ♡
(˵Φ ω Φ˵)
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