#i literally don't even eat anymore at home cause i can't afford groceries rippppp
elliesbelle · 7 months
I wish you the best of luck, and I’m praying for you. I really hope you get that raise because you deserve it more then anything!!:))
thank you babes!
had a discussion with my boss before i left work today, and i can't get my raise just yet. there's a lot of steps i need to take in order to get it (and i've been trying to but it's hard AND expensive unfortunately), but i love my job so much. i wanna make it work out and stay, and my boss was super sympathetic and told me she would give me the raise instantly if she could. told me that the kids and the parents love me so much and she'd love to see me stay, but she also gets it if i need to leave.
not sure what i wanna do now!!! i love my job so much, but i'm literally in the negative rn!!!
being an adult and having to pay rent and bills sucks, y'all! don't do it!
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