#i listened to toes by glass animals while drawing this btw
okaydiscount · 1 year
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yay i did the dtiys for @poopyboiman!!! congrats on 1000 :D
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for bitesizedwizard
Hellooooooo everyone! Things have settled down a little bit around here, therefore giving me time to write @bitesizedwizard ‘s ship! I’ll also probs have more ships out by the time this week is over too! So without further a do, let’s go! 
Based off of your request, I learned these things about you: 
4′10 with brown eyes, auburn hair, and freckles
Friendly but shy
Dry sense of humor and sarcastic at times
Can be a little scatterbrained 
In school for phlebotomy omg that’s so cool! if I wasn’t scared of needles I’d go to school for that
Likes/hobbies: drawing, dancing, baking, reading 
Favorites: elephant as a fav animal, lavender as a fav smell
And in your request, you were asked to be shipped with BTS, Got7, and Monsta X! I had fun with this request, so let’s get to shipping (: 
BTS: Jimin 
Okay so, you sound like a cute and sweet bean, so of course I’m gonna give you the amazing counterpart that is Park Jimin! First of all, short jokes are always possible, and Jimin would take advantage of being the taller one. We all know that Jimin is shorter, so he would be over the moon happy to be the taller one for once lol yes I just threw shade at Jimin. However, Jimin would love your height in all realness, you’re a sweet little bean and Jimin wouldn’t have it any other way. I can also see Jimin being entranced by your hair and freckles. Hear me out here. There is a certain authenticity to your beauty that Jimin would admire about you, so be prepared for a lot of compliments. Jimin has had auburn dyed hair before, right? He’d had the hair himself before and he was able to change it, but the fact that you get that natural state of beauty would have Jimin in huge heart eyes of you, and he’d love to count your freckles. I can also see Jimin highkey loving your scatterbrained nature. He’d love it when you would tell stories and ramble on. He would always let you ramble for a while, but he would always get you back on track to tell the main idea of the story. Jimin also has his quirks, so no matter what, I think that you two would never have a dull moment. And as a couple, I think you two would have a dancing quirk. Omg I think this is so freaking cute, okay. Jimin can dance likes no bodies business, but I think it’s super cute if Jimin would ditch the professional dancing and do the cutest little dances with you, like twirling you around. You two would also have a little inside joke with jazz hands, you’re just so cute. And on a professional level, I feel like Jimin would like to take you to work with him. He’d enjoy having you with him, it helps his stress levels. And I also think that Jimin would be a little aloof when it comes to your sarcasm- it’d be like a cute little quirky aloofness though. He’s just a little slow sometimes to the joke hehe. And I know I’m all over the place but there is a method to my madness. I can see date night would be more of a relaxation for you and Jimin tbh. You two would have cute little spa nights too!! Omg lavender candles everywhere to bring those stress levels down. You personally would like for Jimin to focus more on self care ya know? PDA is so sweet omg. Jimin would handle you like glass, with the softest hand holding and the softest pecks on the cheeks, and can’t forget the lips. Jimin would also love to grab you and hug you and give you the biggest bear hug. 
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Got7: Jinyoung
Okay so not only does your senses of humor match up nicely, but I think your personalities match up well too! You two are very quirky and dorky in theory, but you two would also have this feeling in your relationship where you can tease each other -playfully- and pick at each others -playfully- quirks. But overall, on the outside of the picking, Jinyoung would be very sweet and respectful towards you. Little back story, I don't remember if you remember it, but, there was a broadcast that Jinyoung and JB went on where they were talking to an older man that was an abusive drunk. We really got to see the inner gentleman like qualities of JB as well ad Jinyoung, and after seeing that broadcast, I can see Jinyoung being a true gentleman, specifically leaning more old school gentleman as well! Like, he always will say ‘yes ma’am’ ‘no ma’am’- aka extremely respectful towards you. He literally goes above and beyond for date night to give you the best experience ever, and he will devote himself to you no matter what, like the loyalty this boy has is so admirable, other guys are shaking in their shoes. He is also like the best listener ever, so you can trust me when I say that Jinyoung would treat you like a queen and make sure you’re put together so not only can he be the best, but you can be your best as well! The in the beginning, when I mentioned that you two are happy dorky beans, omg you’re so freaking cute together. You two would really bounce off of each others happiness and you can easily get in giggle fits over little things. Like, just imagine getting into a giggle fit with Jinyoung, you lucky girl lol. And if you’re not doing date night, I can see you and Jinyoung spending more time at home than anything else. You two enjoy staying home for the relaxation time. Then if the weather is just right, you’ll go out for walks or cute little picnics in the park or on the river. I can also see Jinyoung going all out for date night. No two dates are exactly the same, and you are treated like a queen the whole time. Those dates are also memorable bc Jinyoung will take your interests and loves into every date, he’s just that good. Lastly, for PDA, I can see Jinyoung being protective and almost possessive when it comes to PDA tbh. Like, one of his arms are always around your waist, a hand holding yours, and sudden kisses if necessary. He’s possessive for different reasons, but a big reason is because you’re a smol bean, and he wants to keep you close to him so you won’t lose him. (: 
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Monsta X: Hyungwon 
So we’re ending this ship with the most handsome meme man I can think of. He is now in your hands, you are welcome, hehe. You two are a little shy but quirky and I can see you two showing your love through touch. I don't think I have ever talked about this type of love before, but hear me out. This doesn’t count as PDA, so don't worry, btw. But, not long after you two would be together, you two would develop a sense where you two would exactly know how and when to hold each other. You two would also know if one of you needed something. Overall, if what I mean is to confusing, it basically means that you two are in sync. When Hyungwon is not a sleepy bean, I can see you two being pretty active. You’re not the wild and mild spectrum, it’d just be really cute for Hyungwon to take you out. To be honest, none of us would be prepared for soft boyfriend Hyungwon, but girl are you lucky. Hyungwon would be that type of guy that would look at you in the eyes with the most loving adoration look in his eyes. He also is that type of guy that really enjoys engaging in the conversations that you two have, and he would always love to know more about the topic you were talking about, he just loves to engage with you. Also, Hyungwon would also love to see you get excited over your favorite books or movies. OMG LISTEN HERE. Okay SO, it would be no surprise that you love elephants, I can see Hyungwon learning that when you’d first meet. Hyungwon can be really good at surprises, but imagine one day he shows up with a stuffed elephant and your favorite candy. Like, omg, the thoughtfulness that Hyungwon would give to you sometimes is so stinking cute, I’m so soft. Moving right along, I can also see Hyungwon taking a big interest in your profession. Like, you’re like a person who sticks big needles into people and take their blood like a metaphorical vampire? COOL(btw, I give blood so like, you’re awesome, keep going!)! And tbh, you would be able to convince Hyungwon to give blood. Hell, you would even convince the rest of Monsta X to give blood, every pint counts! Also omg, imagine you giving saxophone lessons to Hyungwon. Make that man a jazz king lol. Last but not least, PDA. Height differences would be shown, it’s Hyungwon lol. OMG IT WOULD BE SO CUTE IF YOU WOULD STAND ON HYUNGWON’S TOES FOR KISSES. MY HEART. For real though, you two are so freaking cute and I love you two together! 
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