#i like to think watcher is shitty and can't see why this punishment is too much for poor guy
grian's wing got taken away by watcher when third life start and from then till now he didn't get it back
they ripped them off his back and hide it somewhere as a punishment for running away (inspired by maleficent the movie)
so after dead game thing he came back wingless and have to use actual elytra instead
this head canon sit in my head for the past few months and i have to share sorry
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papermint-airplane · 2 years
I know it's late, ladies, but I think we have just enough time in the day to squeeze in...YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE!
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Angel: I'm ready to prove my worth to the Watcher!
Bailey: Oh yay, meaningless competition. Can't wait.
Eleanor: Seriously? Haven't we done enough today?
Angela: Woo! I'm ready! This is gonna be fun!
Kitty: If I win, can I have some long pants? Or potentially opaque tights of some sort?
Rose: Yesssss, excellent. Now the real game begins. 😈
Since this is the first challenge, there won't be an elimination, but I still expect all of you to try your very hardest to make this entertaining for the folks at home.
This will just be a very simple photography challenge. You'll each take a picture of each other and the best photo wins. Good?
Contestants: *murmured agreement*
Good. Here's how the order will go:
Kitty will take a picture of Angel.
Angel will take a picture of Rose.
Rose will take a picture of Bailey.
Bailey will take a picture of Eleanor.
Eleanor will take a picture of Angela.
Angela will take a picture of Viridia.
And Finally, Viridia will take a picture of Kitty.
[Photo-taking montage ensues but there are no pictures of this part because A) it's boring and B) Sims 3 doesn't let you see the Sim taking a picture]
Alright. That was, without a doubt, the most boring 5 minutes of my entire life. I just want you all to know that every last one of you failed.
Eleanor: What the hell? We did exactly what you asked!
You failed in the sense that you all took perfectly normal, serviceable, totally fine pictures. I was banking on the idea of one of you failing so miserably that we could all point and laugh, but no. All of these pictures are ok. So, since none of you have the decency to fail properly, we're going to judge these photos on good old fashioned subjective opinion. My opinion. Let's have a look.
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Kitty's picture of Angel. Pretty good. Nice posing. Clear shot. 7/10.
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Angel's picture of Rose. Again, nice pose. Pretty cute. I don't like how you cropped out the double peace sign she was throwing though. I would have thought, you of all Sims, would have left those in. 5/10.
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Rose's picture of Bailey. Unexpectedly moody. Really captures the blank nothingness of Bailey's resting bored face. 9/10.
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Bailey's picture of Eleanor. It wouldn't have killed you to smile, you know, Eleanor. But you were just following the direction Bailey gave you which was absolutely nothing. Bailey literally just stood there and pointed the camera straight forward in total silence. Still, pretty decent shot, despite giving us nothing. 6/10.
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Eleanor's picture of Angela. Really cute, actually. Love the pose. You really captured Angela's sweet bubbly persona. 8/10.
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Angela's picture of Viridia. Perfection. Stunning. I have no notes. 10/10.
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Viridia's picture of Kitty. Terrible. Literally the worst of the bunch. You zoomed in way too far and that angle...what is that angle? What is that pose? This is bad and you should feel bad. 1/10.
That's how the game is played, kids. Get used to it.
And that's why the loser is...
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Kitty: I beg your pardon?! But you said my photograph of Angel was good!
Well yeah, it was, but you were such a shitty model for Viridia that I just can't let you walk out of here with anything but a 0/10 score.
Kitty: Those were not the rules of the challenge! You said whoever took the best photograph would win!
No, I said the best photo wins. And I considered all aspects of the photo, including the model, and frankly you sucked. Angela wins, you lose. Get over it.
Anyway, it's time to announce the punishment.
Contestants: *alarmed whispering amongst each other* Punishment? She never said anything about a punishment.
Look, just because there's no elimination this round, that doesn't mean I can just let failure go unpunished. And that's why I'm taking away Kitty's bed!
Kitty: I beg your entire pardon?!
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That's right! While your fellow competitors are sleeping on hard lumpy beds, you'll be sleeping on the hard lumpy floor! I'm not a total monster, though, so I gave you a sleeping bag. And look! It's your favorite color! 
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Kitty: I am positively incensed about this.
Aww, Kitty, bless your heart. I do not care.
Nighty night girls!
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