#i like thinking of them beyond 'irredeemable monsters who abandoned their son'
shigayokagayama · 22 days
post the teru parent headcanons pretty please 🧎
ok my basic thoughts on these people are that theyre not like. uniquely shitty people. theyre just rich people who had a kid more out of obligation than actually wanting a kid. like it was just a milestone in their life the same way as graduating school or buying a car would be. they just figured they could offload most of the responsibility of actually raising him onto paid help because like. thats what people with money do. they dont really think about how badly having a rotating cast of people caring for you and only getting attention from the people who are supposed to care for you when you accomplish something will fuck you up because a lot of parents just. dont think about that. like youre more worried about them doing good in school and not getting in trouble than you are the long term consequences of your parenting style, and that especially goes for rich folks who want to be able to brag about their kids to their peers.
more specific baseless headcanons: i see them both as tech startup ceos who got really lucky and made something that got bought out by a big company when teru was relatively young and went from being "yearly vacation to the bahamas" rich to "private jet" rich in a very short period of time. i think both his parents have really bad relationships with their own families. i see his dad as being born into money and having a similarly distant relationship from his own parents as he has with teru meanwhile i think his mom was more like. upper middle class who didnt really get money until she married her husband and started a business with him and i think that her turning into her "too busy to maintain familial relationships" self caused a huge falling out between her and most of her family and she stopped talking to them when teru was little (specifically i think she kept dumping her son at her sisters house to babysit then just leaving for days at a time when their company was in the process of getting bought out and her sister got sick of it)
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altocat · 1 year
The patrick chains meme but it's an opinion you have for ff7
Lucrecia does some despicable things, but I don't think she deserved having her newborn child taken and subsequently kept from her.
While she indeed ran away and essentially abandoned Seph, we don't see how and why she came to the conclusion that there was nothing she could do to see or get to him. Hojo could have threatened her son. He could have triggered her into a state of complete futility. Or maybe she tried multiple times to no avail. We don't KNOW. We never get to see it beyond a single scene of her pleading with Hojo, only for him to blow her off. For all her immortality, Lucrecia doesn't have super powers, and was in an extremely weakened emotional and physical state thanks the the Jenova cells. So perhaps getting to Sephiroth would have always been physically impossible. Dirge doesn't really show us the full extent of her regret because it's limited to her relationship with Vincent over the larger narrative.
I don't think Lucrecia is evil. Or a monster. I think she made some very real, very human mistakes and has no idea how to fix them. She shut down because the hole just kept getting bigger and bigger and she kept making stupid decisions in order to try to fix it. And I think that's a surprisingly realistic reaction. She didn't hate Sephiroth or regret being his mother. I think she truly thought there was nothing she could do. And I think she believed the Jenova Project was some misguided way to make up for what happened to Grimoire--a great achievement after a great loss. She likely didn't think Sephiroth would be taken away.
Lucrecia is a complex character. I think too many people demonize her in the fandom. She's done some downright disgusting, awful, irredeemable things. But I don't think she's an evil person. She can't crawl out of the hole she's in and her learned helplessness has effectively ruined her capacity to make good choices. That's a human dilemma. A real one. And one worthy of healing. She's responsible for what happened to Sephiroth. But her presence, had they allowed it, might have also helped avert what he became. Them keeping him from her was NOT her fault. And realistically, one severely depressed and physically weakened woman against a fascist mega corporation with literal armies at their disposal probably couldn't amount to much.
I don't think she's a good parent. But I also believe she loved her son. I think people are complicated.
People who say she's just as bad as Hojo....no. No, I'm sorry. But no.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
as much as I love dfo in fanfics, I don't know if I want I to be canon. Because like what exactly would it add to the story? Izuku doesn't care about his dad, it would just seem like pointless drama at this point. Maybe I can see it working if AFO doesn't care for him, maybe he was supposed to be an experiment to see if his quirk would pass down and it failed when Izuku was born quirkless, society and the king of quirks rejected Izuku for not having a quirk but Izuku rises past that and has all his dreams come true? I don't know, I just can't see it be thematically relevant in any other way.
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That’s a perfectly valid feeling to have. Though I think calling it pointless is a bit much I understand some people just don’t like that kind of twist.
But it actually does work with the theme actually. If willing to indulge my thought process a bit.
I mean we already got the ‘pointless’ drama of Bakugou dying but now he apparently going to come back with open heart surgery nothing is really off the table. That provides theme of saving those that seem beyond saving which pisses Tomura off who had been abandoned and no one but AFO gave a crap. So Izuku just not caring about his dad and it turn out to be AFO wouldn’t really change the story direction.
But it WOULD provide another layer.
That EVERY villain, even the worst of the absolute worst, can have loved ones. That there is no such thing as a true monster, that a bastard can be someone you care or love. It can be someone you haven’t seen in a while.
It doesn’t need to be a huge kind of drama, even if AFO did ‘care’ about his son like he did with his little brother it wouldn’t make him kind. This is a man who hoards people like treasures and vaulted his brother, not kill. There is evidence that is how this man is even to those he seems to care about. He’s killed for less.
Honestly this is why I don’t really like a lot of depictions of DFO in fanfics since they don’t match the canon mood. He is either too nice(Again locked brother in vault) or TOO much of an aloof bastard(like dude he cares a wee bit too much). Don’t tell anyone this.
He can care and STILL be an absolutely irredeemable bastard because he was selfish. 
If is DFO he could be the antithesis of other parent heroes who sacrificed themselves for strangers like Nana who abandoned Kotaro, or Kota’s parents who died in the line of duty. Or Endeavor who so blind to heroism doesn’t even see the family he is hurting.
Because he ‘cares’ but he hurts people, he will do anything he can to KEEP the family without their consent. If Nana and Kota parents can be seen as selfless because they help ‘strangers’ then DFO is selfish for only ‘caring’ about family to the point of toxicity. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he used a quirk to make them forget or be unaware he ‘left’ so can insert himself back once it over.
It also be a interesting way to humanize AFO and I know people don’t like that but sometimes it important to make the villain ‘human’ so people know it can come from anywhere.
HOWEVER, it doesn’t mean you have to like it. I’m just telling you that if it happens it can be used as a way to show the other side of the spectrum. 
TLDR; DFO can actually provide layers and show that anyone obsessed or so selfish with their family instead of leaving for greater good can also be harmful. Also someone evil can produce someone good. As I’m sure him abandoning his family to fight All Might certainly is fucked up but he does it for the selfish reason as to keep them around.
AFO an entitled person who think family belongs to him even when didn’t do shit with them.
As All Might in canon said, “Justice is Born from Evil.” But I know it not everyone cup of tea~
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