#i like the one post on hourlyhanamura where arena shadow yu goes you're my partner now :3. absolute banger.
disasterinbound · 9 months
cat prince souyo hehehe... save me cat prince souyo..
maybe yosuke saves a cat from being run over on his way to work, and a new person shows up in town. those two events are definitely not in any way related.
yu is the cat prince who comes to inaba to experience what life is like to humans and how to blend in. dojima and nanako are cat royalty as well so he gets sent to live with them for a bit. yes they can turn into cats.
yosuke saves cat!yu from being run over by a car or something. the next night after, theres a knock at yosuke's door, and yu shows up, thanks yosuke for saving his life and tells him that he wants to show his appreciation.
yosuke is of course really confused, and he's like what?? so yu goes into his cat form and stands up on his hind legs. yosuke is starting to think that this is a dream and he really should start saying no to taking those extra shifts if this is the dream he's gonna get
also yosuke being yosuke is like "nah man s ok it was nothin" and yu is like "no, no, i insist" before he leapts off and yosuke's left wondering why he's dreaming of a hot guy turning into a cat
like a day later a basket of fish appears in his kitchen and he's like ??? where did this come from until he remembers what happened. he then starts going FUCK ok ok first of all the fish. i need to give it back to him because i don't like fish. then he hops on his bike and realises FUCK where does he live. so he keeps it in the freezer for the time being until he can figure out what to do
yu then shows up at JUNES going did you like the fish :3 and yosuke is like "im so sorry dude but i actually don't like fish..." but yu looks so crestfallen like a cute cat who's sad and yosuke is about to pat him on the back until he perks back up and goes "wait for tomorrow :3" and speeds off as yosuke realises that he never asked where yu lived so he can give back the fish
cue the next few days becoming extreme tomfoolery when yu gives him gifts that cats like because he doesn't get how humans work yet and he didn't ask nanako and dojima, cats who have been more accustomed to humans and their behaviour for help. smart move bancho.
until yosuke's had enough and just tells yu that he really doesn't like the gifts but yu just looks so sad like a wet cat that yosuke goes what if you took me out to eat or hang out because he's been affected by yu's charms.
after that surprisingly fun date outing, yosuke thinks that's the end of it, until yu shows up the day after like "hi lets go out :3"
and then??? he just shows up everytime??? and they both have fun together??? and then yosuke begins to fall for bancho (and vice versa) as they both get to know each other more??? (i mean, you do seem pretty good with your hands) astounding, brain. bravo. maybe yu tells yosuke more about the cat kingdom and how he doesn't know that much about humans
one day, yu decides to confess via courtship, and starts becoming really touchy with yosuke. like in his cat form he rubs up against yosuke more, and in his human form, he purrs a lot around him and links their hands together. And yosuke's like ??? (flushed) but he's not saying no because maybe its just a normal thing in the cat kingdom. definitely not cuz he likes yu or anything.
but yu thinks yosuke is giving out a lotta mixed signals to his courting, like shying away sometimes (he's embarrassed because they were in public) or accepting it but not leaning into it, so he goes to dojima for advice.
dojima: did you ever tell him you're courting him. he probably doesn't know what you're doing.
yu: ...oops :3
and off he goes to fix off his mistake! dojima sets him a few things straight and awkwardly tells him about dating and stuff before he goes to meet yosuke on the riverbank.
funnily enough that's also when yosuke decides to confess to yu, so when yosuke goes "I like you!" all blushing and after yu also reciprocates he's like "is this a good time to mention that I've been courting you"
yosuke: you've been WHAT
yu: :3
and so they became official boyfriends!! (and maybe cat husband kings but thats for later)
yosuke gets to tease yu about it for a week until yu kisses him til he's dazed and yosuke promptly falls into a trash can.
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