#i lack the energy rn to scream about how much i love this series but
nohh-r · 11 days
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misc. sploon (2023/24)
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bubbyleh · 4 years
A Series of Shockingly Close Calls (ch.1)
oh no I fan fic’d a fan fic. I got thinking about soft monster au Boomer moments and it made my brain go bbbbrrrrr so then this happened. I’m woozy as hell because nobody told me that the antacids they were putting me on would make me not able to absorb my thyroid meds so I’m both very hypo, very potsy (cus hypo makes my p.o.t.s. worse) and in withdrawal so there’s no blood in my brain and I’m wacked out which makes me get suuuuuper purple with my prose so sorry for all the “forthright"s and "moreovers”. I’m just a little creature I cannot help this. Written in one sitting and probably a lot of typos and I’m sorry if I accidenally used ‘he’ for bubs in there somewhere I was having trouble with that. Once again, I’m p deep in withdrawal rn so bear with me. Anyway let me know if this is acceptable to put on ao3 as a gift fic to your fic. (yes I do plan on their being more than one chapter. no I make no promises due to aforementioned medical issues)
crocs here! sorry to put this in the middle of your submission, but i thought it’d get lost at the end. this is amazing! fanfic of a fanfic? i love this so much and i’m going to cherish it forever, thank you!
you can post this to ao3, i would be so happy if you did! i hope you feel better soon, i know health problems can be sucks. and don’t worry if you called bubby “he”, i write them using he/they pronouns (i just default to “they” for simplicity). 
also, i hope you don’t mind that i put a read more in! ________
Three months.
  Three months into Harold Coomer’s acquaintanceship with his eccentric and eclectic(in both taste and physical composition) companion was the first time the homunculus had begun to feel, as they’d put it, ‘drained’. 
  Bubby had explained to an enraptured Coomer,on more than one occasion, the nature of their state of reanimation, far different from Coomer’s own. They were a man-made construct of flesh, artfully pieced together from pieces of different corpses, stitched into a singular being and imbued with life by the great and terrible force of the heavens, in the form of lightning. 
  Coomer said it reminded him of Prometheus, sculpting mankind from clay.
  Bubby said it reminded them of a penny dreadful.
They existed in a state between life and death, though not quite undeath, either. Certainly each composite part of them, corpses as they had been, could be considered undead, but Bubby themself was a new creation that came into life for the first time upon the metal slab of their creators laboratory, never having ‘died’ and therefore not being themselves brought back from the dead, but nevertheless composed of reanimated parts.  
  They were sustained not by blood coursing through veins, but rather electricity, which was honestly a boon for Coomer. He was still fairly young, by vampire standards, anyway, and his self control could be…spotty at times, and it was nice to have a companion that he could sit beside and feel no desire to tear their throat out and drain them of their life juices. They could subsist without food or drink if they needed to, as well, which was also helpful, as it was often not possible for either of them to venture into civilization to obtain rations of any kind.
However, there were downsides to Bubby’s condition, as well, which began to make themselves apparent those three months in.
  Bubby’s escape from the lab of their creation was as unplanned as it was unorthodox. The whole thing had apparently been pure chaos from beginning to end, and Bubby didn’t seem to enjoy talking about it very much. Certainly an angry mob was involved, at least some pitchforks and torches, and a massive inferno of less than fully explained origin(‘Fire good,’ Bubby had said with a shrug), the last of which providing a convenient distraction for Bubby to make their escape into the nearby woods, but they hadn’t exactly had ample time to plan or provision their flight. They couldn’t take any of the tools or resources their creator had with them when they fled. They had no idea what they would need, nor any idea of what to expect when they were away from that lab for any extended period of time
  Three months after their escape, it began to become apparent.  
  Coomer noticed long before Bubby said anything, and, in fact, had to more or less force a confession out of them about it. 
  Bubby just began to…slow, the way one does when they’ve gone too long without proper sleep. They began to stumble more often, to take longer to think of words, and such. The difference was very slight, only so drastic as someone who had woken up an hour or so before they’d have liked to that morning, and generally only became noticeable when Bubby was themself tired, but sleep never seemed to completely chase away that fatigue and Coomer worried. 
  He especially worried when Bubby practically panicked at Coomer’s slight inquiry into the subject, insisting far too forcefully that nothing was wrong and changing the subject. Coomer was eventually able to wrestle(both metaphorically and literally) an answer from them.
  Energy of any kind, is finite, and that included the energy that maintained Bubby’s state of ‘half life’. Without supplementing it, it would eventually run out. Bubby’s creator had a huge contraption of wire and steel that Bubby would be attached to via the bolts on their neck. When lightning struck the lightning rod atop the laboratory roof, it would travel down those wires into the bolts and, by extension, Bubby, ‘recharging’ them, as Bubby put it. 
  “Why on Earth didn’t you tell me?” Coomer demanded.
  “Because I didn’t…Because it’s none of your business!” Bubby snapped. “I don’t go snooping into how you get your ‘fix’! When you disappear into a town for the night, I don’t pry into your sudden improvement in pallor. I don’t ask you about the screams!”
  Coomer flinched. It was a low blow and he was immediately inclined to take the bait, but the look in their eyes gave him pause. It was a fearful glint like a trapped animal, lashing out in fear, not anger. 
  He huffed out a small, unnecessary breath and crossed his arms.
  “What is this really about?” he asked, voice calm, but stern. “Why didn’t you…,” his voice wavered, ever so slightly, “Why didn’t you trust me?” 
  The anger in Bubby’s face drained in an instant, falling instead into a look of pain and remorse.
  “No, it’s not like that!” they insisted. “I just…I didn’t…I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t…I didn’t want you to…”
  “To what?”
  Bubby sighed, deflating. They averted their eyes, not meeting Coomer’s gaze. 
  “I didn’t want you to leave me behind,” they admitted at last, voice barely above a whisper. “There’s never been anything else like me before. I don’t know exactly how I work or how to keep myself working. I was afraid if you realized that, if you thought I couldn’t take care of myself, you’d…decide I was too much trouble.”
  Coomer burst out laughing.
  Any meekness to Bubby’s expression vanished in an instant and their bolts sparked with indignation. 
  “Why is it every time I bare my soul to you you laugh?!” they spat.
  Coomer wiped a tear from his eye. 
  “Forgive me, Bubby,” he said. “It just strikes me as so completely preposterous I can’t help but laugh!”
  “That I don’t even know how I can exist?” Bubby snarled. “That I don’t have any idea how this…hodge podge of flesh I call a body can even hold itself together? That I could just stop working one day and have no idea why? You find that ‘preposterous’?” they again cast their eyes to the ground, a mixture of shame and rage on their face.
  Coomer’s expression softened and he stepped towards Bubby to lay a hand gently on their cheek and guide their face up to meet his gaze.
  “That you could think there was anything that would make me want to not be with you,” he said.
  Bubby’s eyes went wide and his bolts sparked again, but with a softer sort of ‘hum’ of energy, rather than the earlier harsh zapping. 
  “You are one of a kind, Bubby,” he went on. “I’ve never even heard of something like you. I didn’t think something like you could even exist. It’s fascinating! You’re fascinating.”
  Bubby’s mouth opened and closed like they wanted to speak, but couldn’t find any words.
  “It’s easy, as an immortal, even one so relatively young as myself, to feel as though the world begins to stagnate.” Coomer continued. “That someday one will reach the point at which existence can yield nothing else but that with which one is already too well acquainted. But you…You’re something entirely new. Something unprecedented. There’s so much to learn from you. About you. I want to… understand you.”
  Coomer dropped his hand from Bubby’s face to their shoulder, this time being the one to avert his gaze.
  “Moreover, I want to…I want to see you experience this world, as new to you as you are to it,” he said. Had he not been long dead, a flush would have probably risen to his cheek. “There’s so much you haven���t seen, haven’t done. I want you to see them, to do them. And moreso, I want to show them to you, give them to you. The way your eyes light up at things I’ve lived in fear someday would hold for me only monotony and makes me feel as though I could never again find them mundane…I want to see that. I want…I want to never stop seeing it.”
  He braved a glance back up at Bubby, who was agape with shock. 
  “Nothing so trivial as a lack of energy could possibly deter me,” he said, voice resolute. “Even if I have to build a tower of steel and wire myself, there’s nothing that would make me leave you. For as long as…as long as you’ll have me.”
  Bubby’s hand clasped onto Coomer’s still resting on their shoulder, holding on like they expected him to disappear if their grip wavered. 
  “Forever!” they said, instantly, then seemed to panic at their own forthrightness. “I mean, for as…for as long as you’ll have me.” 
  Their bolts were crackling with electricity now, sending off small, glowing motes and arcs of energy. 
  Coomer smiled and reached out with his other hand to touch Bubby’s cheek again.
  Many years later, when Coomer would become fully educated on the idea of a ‘circuit’ and the ramifications of completing one by placing one’s hands on either side of what was essentially an openly sparking power source, the resulting occurrence would be an interesting and enlightening memory.
  As it stood in the moment, the resulting electrocution simply caused him to be rendered briefly unconscious and his hair to not lie flat for a week. 
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heroicstar · 7 years
ok!! I was too sleepy the other day but I want to put down some more bnha thoughts now that I’m all caught up with the manga!! but then i just kinda speed read through a rather large portion of it and watched the anime while doing so many other stuff bc sob i have v limited free time, so until i’m done with a much appreciative re-read, I only have a few v quick Conclusions rn
putting them under cut bc i have a giant headache and i’m rambling but i’m not very sorry for it but anyway
1) Iida Tenya is the purest, squarest child I have ever seen in a good long while, and he is my pure, square child now and I love him v much (ALSO IT WAS HIS BDAY RECENTLY AHH HE IS THE BEST BOY HE DESERVES THE WORLD!!! also crying a bit since i wanted to make something for this new child of mine and yet i have zero time and energy weeps!)
I mean it really is a bit surprising for me, since super serious class president character types don’t usually leave that much of an impact for me, but I fell in love with Iida so quickly??? He’s so earnest and passionate, always does his best and just such a Good Boy all over, then after when his emotions are threatening to plunge down the deep end after that tragedy with his brother bc ofc that much passion and determination used for revenge could be a v bad thing v quickly, but then he acknowledges it!!! and strives to be a much better person from it...!! I just thought welp he’s my child and he’s in my heart forever now. I’m also v invested on seeing his career develop?? i mean he’s taking up his brother’s hero name, does that also mean he’s taking over the Team Idaten??? How would Tensei’s sidekicks react to his baby bro becoming their new leader? Are they even still around? But you know I bet Tensei talks about Tenya all the time like the doting big brother that he is, to the point that they begin to adore Tenya themselves but man I hope Tenya wouldn’t have to suffer complexes and find himself comparing himself to Tensei and decides he himself is lacking when it’s time for him to face the team but welp i’m getting too far ahead god i need to stop here 
ALSO IIDA TENSEI IS A MOST WONDERFUL PERSON, A GIFT, A BLESSING no wonder Tenya loves him and adores him above all, and I too love Tensei with my entire being and i need to know how he’s doing oh my gosh pls let him be okay...!! also I need him to be a teacher at UA preferably of Robotics or tech something (bc he just screams tech nerd to me ok have you seen his hero suit oh my god) too with a swanky high tech wheelchair and teaching kids and you know he’ll be amazing at it too since he’s so supportive and a generally wholesome person god I need to yell out my utter love and adoration for Iida Tensei in a different post one day...!! (i obvs have a thing with siblings who adore each other and then one of them has to suffer horribly and I just-- goD WHY??!! i’m just so v glad Tensei’s still alive... weeps! gdi ace!!) 
2) okay i’ve been betrayed by aloof, genius, over powered pretty boys before so i didn’t trust Todoroki Shouto at first (it’s so hard though holy shit he’s just so aesthetically pleasing with that ice/fire thing, and that scar doesn’t help either since it’s just like my other son sabo’s and also zuko’s actually and zuko’s a good egg) but then he learned to forgive and love himself??? and he’s actually soft and v kind???? Todoroki didn’t let me down, and I love him for it. also his shitty old man is shitty. 
3) that said, it’s v easy for me to ship todoiida, i mean there is just so, so much fun to be had thinking about a very square super beefy nerd speedster and a soft hotcool pretty boy genius getting together, so I was so v hyped in checking out their tag for shippy goodness.... only to discover they’re actually a rare pair???!!!! i am shocked and appalled tbh. like. they’re right there????? I’M UPSET ABOUT THIS
4) thank god for todoiideku ot3 though (tho tbh i’m still working on truly liking Midoriya bc as adorable and so painfully, unbearably kind as he is, somehow it’s always so hard for me to like /THE/ main character/s of any series (except luffy. monkey d. luffy is always the exception to any rule.) so yeah there’s that but goddamn i’m so weak towards this ot3′s mutually supportive relationship dammit and i just want more okay!?) 
5) actually i’m THIS close to ot4 shipping the deku squad bc how could I ever leave out Uraraka holy heck just how good for the soul is the main trio’s relationship is???? it’s so pure i’m crying a bit. i just need horikoshi to give me some substantial todochako interaction and i’m game (i only vaguely remember them during the school trip arc being in the same group trying to get back Bakugou from that mask guy)
6) but then ship or no ship Uraraka herself is enough, okay!!! she’s a wonderful ray of sunshine she could float me to infinity and I’ll thank her for it. also I super want a re-match between her and Bakugou 
7) i’m so conflicted about Tsuyu, I mean I love her, but frgs are literally a  nightmare to me so????? 
8) Mirio and Tamaki...!!! need to get married asap (also I keep thinking about that yearbook post where that one guy says “You got to enjoy little things in life so I like blowing bubbles” or smthn like that, then that other dude goes “My friends call me Bubbles bc I’m always rising to the top!” bc you know I’m dying a lot over the origin of Tamaki’s hero name I mean “Suneater” when he literally calls his bf “the sun”??? yeah i’m dead) But anyway!! they are also precious kids and I love them v much 
9) well anyway aside from todoiida and any combination of todoiideku, and also miritama, I'm not feeling too invested in other ships??, I mean like Momo and Jirou are practically gfs already, and i like how Kirishima's so very good in getting through Bakugou in a v positive way, and also Tokoyami and Shouji during the school trip arc is so, so good, but for the most part I just want to watch the kids grow to the heroes they want to be except the grape kid delete him
10) BUT ACTUALLY MOST IMPORTANT wtf give the girls more depth and character development you coward...!!! there’s 150 chapters already and yet from the girls, it’s only Uraraka’s motivations why she wants to be a hero that we know about. gdi horikoshi i want to know their stories too!
ok I’m stopping here for now I keep messing up the sequence of events in this manga I mean holy shit they’re always almost dying literally every arc, man give them a break
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