#i know there's so many people who love APICO but
ellraiser · 1 year
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Another sale, another wave of negative reviews because the NPCs in the game have pronouns visible!
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At this point I don’t care about these sorts of reviews, I’ve read plenty of them now
What I do care about is that nearly the largest % of common negative reviews is this sort of review, rather than like, actually useful feedback or actual gameplay mechanic feedback
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For me, negative reviews are a good chance to see if there’s been any glaring issues with the core game
Sure some boil down to “wasn’t for me” (and that’s okay ofc!!), but it’s usually the only place you get people telling you how X Y or Z is shit (in very blunt honest words), and can lead to improvements all round.
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So when I do dredge up the courage and trawl through the reviews, it’s always a shame to see that there’s still a large amount of people complaining over a couple words 
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