#i know the rhyths i can still read that but in terms of like the notes themselves. no idea
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i also took dance classes for 6 years of my early childhood and they too tried to get me to do dance professionally but i declined due to lack of natural talent for it
its like with both music and dance i can follow instructions just fine, give me a choreography you already planned, give me some sheet music, i can do it. but dont ask me to make my own dance or play my own song. dont ask me to identify any proper terms or moves or notes. I dont know anything. i am just sitting here
#i should specify ‘could’ actually bc i cant even follow instructions anymore#6 years of not playing regularly i cant read sheet music really anymore#i know the rhyths i can still read that but in terms of like the notes themselves. no idea#and i certainly cannto dance LMFAOO#i was ‘good’ for being an 8 year old yknow.#now even if i was given a choreography i cant do anything#nevermind all my body problems. aches and pains and inflexibility.#even beyond that i just cant dance period LMAOO#whenever i think of my dance days its rhe funniest thing. its so not me at all#both bc physicLly im the most potato floppy noodle uncoordinated kinda person to ever exist#but also personality wise its just. ME?#but well my mother forced me into it. my brother got to do sports and karate. i had to do dance. sigh#i wanted to do karate so badly but she never let me#alternate universe where i got to do karate and maybe i would actually be physically fit due to finding something i enjoyed at a young age..#brot posts
0 notes
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0), and also spoilers parts of Chapter 5, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Ghost Club and the Tears of Ryūgū” sidequest.
3.0 added a lot of new quests I want to translate eventually, this here happened to be the first I got around to. I will do others too, don’t worry.
I’ll go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Mission description: 探偵社に 手紙が届いています。 「不思議な探偵さん 私たちの 心霊研究部に 入りませんか?」 なんともあやしい勧誘ですね…。 A letter arrived at the Detective Agency. "Will you join our Ghost Club, Mystery Detective?" A very suspicious invitation...
Whapir: そうそう… 探偵社に こんなお手紙が届いてますよ。 Oh right... This letter arrived at the Detective Agency.
USApyon: なになに…? 不思議な探偵さん 「心霊研究部」に 入りませんか? …ダニ? What's it say...? Join our "Ghost Club", Mystery Detective? ...dani?
USApyon: 探偵依頼かと思ったら ただの勧誘ダニか…。 I thought it'd be a detective request, but it's just an invitation, dani...
Inaho: ……お お おもしろそぉ〜!! ...T-t-this is so exciting!!
Inaho: だって 「心霊研究」だよ!? ワタシたちに うってつけじゃん!! I mean, the "Ghost Club"!? Isn't it just perfect for us!!?
Inaho: いつも隣に 「心霊」っぽいのいるし! I always got a "spirit" right next to me! (1)
USApyon: ダニ!? ミーは「心霊」じゃないダニよ!? Dani!? I am not a "spirit", dani!?
Inaho: 細かいことは いいから! ねぇハッくん! どこに行けばいいの!? That's just a minor detail, it's fine! So, Whapy! Where do we need to go!? (2)
Whapir: 依頼人は そよ風ヒルズにある ご自宅の前で お待ちのようですね。 Seems like the client is waiting in front of their home in Breezy Hills.
Inaho: オッケー! んじゃ行くよ USAピョン! Okay! So, let's go USApyon!
USApyon: やれやれダニ… Good grief, dani...
The word Inaho uses to describe USApyon here is 心霊/Shinrei which can be translated as ghost or spirit, but it seems that it’s also used to describe things like “psychic/spiritual” things. The Ghost Club of Zoey and Lina is called 心霊研究部/Shinreikenkyūbu in Japanese, which roughly translates to something like “Psychic/Spiritual (things) Research Department”, and this this why Inaho makes the comparison here.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to Whapir with the nickname ハッくん/Hakkun which is derived from her Japanese name ハク/Haku, presumably combined with the suffix くん/kun. “Whapy” feels like a good way to translate that.
Talking to Lina and Zoey:
Lina: フフフ…… 待っていたわ未空さん…。 Huhuhu... We've been waiting for you, Misora... (1)
Zoey: クックック…… それじゃあ 移動しょうかね…。 Kukuku... Well then, let's move...
Lina: ええ 行きましょう…。 Yes, let's go...
Lina: あらためて 未空さん… ようこそ 「心霊研究部」へ…。 Once again, Welcome to the "Ghost Club", Misora...
Zoey: クックック…… 来ると思ってたよ。 アンタには 同じニオイを感じるしね…。 Kukuku... I figured you'd come. You've got the same aura as us... (2)
Inaho: ぐっふっふ…… どうやらワタシは「導かれた」ようね…。 Guhuhu... Seems like I have been "guided" here...
Lina: フフフ… 入部ってことで いいのね? Huhuhu... Will you join us?
Inaho: もちっすよ!! Of course!!
Inaho: …で? で? まず��� どんなことやるんすか!? ...So? So? What do we do first!?
Zoey: クックック… 未空さんが加わった 心霊研究部 初のミッションは…… Kukuku... The Ghost Club's first mission after Misora joined is...
Lina: …「竜宮伝説」よ。 ... "The Ryūgū Legend". (3)
Inaho: 竜宮伝説ぅぅ!? うひゃーー おもしろそぉ!! Ryūgū Legend!? Eeeee, how exciting!!
Lina: フフフ… これは 私たちの とある「ともだち」に聞いた話なのだけど… Huhuhu... This is something we heard from a certain "friend" of ours...
Lina: その竜宮伝説のひとつが 「ナギサキ」に あるらしいの。 Seems like something from the Ryūgū Legends is at "San Fantastico".
Inaho: 「ナギサキ」…? えっと どこだっけ…? "San Fantastico"...? Umm, where is that...?
Lina: ここから電車で行ける港町よ。 It's a port town we can go to by train.
Zoey: 最近まで工事をしていたから 調査を見送っていてね…。 They were doing construction until recently, so we had to put investigations on hold...
Inaho: で… そのナギサキって町に どんな竜宮伝説があるんすか!? So... which Ryūgū Legend is in that San Fantastico!?
Lina: 出るらしいのよ… 「亡霊」がね… It seems that there is... a "ghost"... (4)
USApyon: 亡霊ダニィィィ!?? A ghost, daniii!??
Inaho: うひゃーーー!! いいねぇ いいねぇ! Eeeee!! Nice, nice!
Zoey: クックック… それじゃあ決まりだね。 Kukuku... It's decided, then.
Lina: そうね… 私たちは準備があるから… Right... We have already prepared, so...
Lina: ナギサキ 現地集合にしましょう。 駅前で待っているわ。 Let's meet up in San Fantastico. We'll be waiting at the station.
Zoey and Lina refer to Inaho by her last name, also adding the suffix さん/san, which is a normal thing to do with people you’re aquainted, but not very close friends with, in Japanese.
More literally translated, she says something like “I feel the same smell from you”, however “smell” is sometimes used like in this case, where it refers more to the general vibe you get from a person, like an “aura”.
Ryūgū Legends likely refers to the various legend surrounding Ryūgūjo, the legendary castle of Ryūjin , a dragon ocean deity.
The word I translated as “ghost” here is 亡霊/Bōrei, which refers to ghosts and similar apparitions, very similar to 幽霊/Yūrei.
Talking to Lina and Zoey in San Fantastico:
Inaho: グッフッフ… 待たせましたな…。 Guhuhu... Sorry to keep you waiting...
Lina: フフフ… これで3人そろったね…。 Huhuhu... That makes three of us...
Zoey: クックック… ミッションスタートってわけだね…! Kukuku... The mission starts now...!
Inaho: ちょっとさみしげな港町… いかにもって感じで コーフンしますな…! A slightly dreary port town... I'm absolutely getting excited...!
Zoey: それじゃあ まずは情報収集しないとね… 町の人に聞いてみるかい? Well then, first we need to gather information... Why don't we ask the town people?
Lina: ええ こういう昔話は お年寄りがくわしいものよ。 Yes, older people might know details about this old story.
Inaho: よーし じゃあ… おじいさんか おばあさんに聞いてみよう! Alright, then... Let's ask an old guy or an old lady!
Asking an Old Lady:
Inaho: おばあさん! この町に出る 「亡霊」って知ってる? Ma'am! Do you know about the "ghost" in this town? (1)
Old Shopkeeper Lady: 「亡霊」……? もしや あれのことかねぇ…。 "Ghost"...? I wonder, do you mean "that"...
Inaho: えっ なになに!? Huh, what!?
Old Shopkeeper Lady: 町のはずれに ふか〜い洞窟があるんだけどねぇ… Outside the town there is a deep cave, you see...
Old Shopkeeper Lady: その奥から 聞こえてくるんだよ…。 「亡霊が泣く声」 …かね。 At the end of it, you can hear it... the "Weeping of the Ghost"...yeah.
Inaho: 「亡霊」が泣く声!? The weeping of "the Ghost"!?
Lina: フフフ… 竜宮伝説に伝わる 「亡霊」の泣声というわけね…! Huhuhu... it must be the weeping of the "Ghost" from the Ryūgū Legend...!
Zoey: クックック… それじゃあ行こうか その洞窟とやらに…。 Kukuku... Let's go to that cave...
Inaho refers to this woman as おばあさん/Obāsan, which is used to refer to elderly female people.
In the Cave:
Inaho: グフフッ… こんなところに 「いかにも」 な洞窟があるとはね…! Guhuhu... This place here "really" is a cave...! (1)
Zoey: ククク… 古くから伝わる あやしい儀式とかやってそうだねぇ…。 Kukuku... It's like a place where you'd do dangerous rituals from times gone by or something...
Lina: フフフ… これは期待できそうだわ…! Huhuhu... just as I expected...!
Inaho: あららぁ これは…… Oh, that's...
USApyon: よ… 妖怪だらけダニよ!? It... It's full of yōkai!?
Zoey: クックック… そんじゃ も��と奥に行ってみるとしようか…! Kukuku... So, let's see what's further down the cave...!
Lina: そうね… どんどん進みしょう…! 亡霊はきっと奥にいるのよ…! Right... let's keep on going...! The ghost must be further down...!
Inaho: あー… そっか…。 あの2人には見えてないんだ…。 Ah... That's right... Those two can't see them...
USApyon: あ あぶないダニ! イナホ おいかけるダニよ…! I-It's dangerous, dani! Inaho, go after them, dani...!
I feel like I didn’t translate this line well, but can’t think of a better way.
Further into the Cave:
Zoey: シッ…!! Tch...!!
Zoey: なんか… へんな歌声が 聞こえないかい…? Do you... hear some kind of weird singing...?
Lina: よく聞くと 笑い声も聞こえるわ… When you listen closely, you can heard laughing, too...
Inaho: USAピョン… あれ見て……。 USApyon... Look at that...
Croonger: ラ〜ラ〜ラ〜♪ オレの十八番は 海鮮ロック〜♪ Laalaalaa♪ My specialty is Seafood Rock♪
Heheheel: ゲ・キ・ウ・ケー! なんだそれ!! HILARIOUS! What is that!!
Croonger: ラ〜ララ〜ララ〜♪ 歌ったこと〜 ないけど〜♪ Laalalaalalaa♪ Though, I've never sung it before♪
Heheheel: ウハハハハハ! ゲ・キ・ウ・ケー! Wahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!
USApyon: あれは…… 「笑ウツボ」 と 「歌ウナギ」ダニね…。 Those are... "Heheheel" and "Croonger"
Inaho: なんか よくわかんないけど すごい楽しそうだね…。 I don't really understand what's going on, but they seem to be having a lot of fun...
Zoey: ククク… やっぱり この洞窟には 何か秘密があるようだね…! Kukuku... There really seems to be some kind of secret in this cave...!
Lina: ええ もっと奥に進みましょう…!! Yes, let's go down further...!!
Even further into the Cave:
Lina: あれっ なんだが私… おどりたくなってきちゃった…? Huh, somehow I... want to dance now...?
Zoey: おかしいね… 私もだよ…。 Weird... me too...
Zoey: おどりたいなんて 思ったことない��に… 今は おどりたくてしかたない…! Dancing isn't something I thought I'd want... But right now I just want to dance...!
USApyon: イナホ… あいつらのせいじゃないダニか? Inaho... Is it because of those guys there, dani?
Inaho: おわわ〜 超おどってるね…。 Oh wow, they're REALLY dancing...
Mozuku-sensei: いいですか? 先生の振り付けをしっかり見てください。 Alright? Please, take a good look at my choreogaphy.
Wiglin: イェ〜イ! こんなかんじでオッケー? Yay! Is this feeling okay?
Steppa: ちょっとワカメくん 足ふんでます! 気をつけてください! Hey Wiglin, you stepped on my foot! Please be careful!
Rhyth: 先生〜 私のステップを見て〜! 波をイメージしてるのよ! Teacher, look at my steps! They got the impression of waves!
Lina: やっぱり何かあるんだわ…。 先に進みましょう! There really is something here... Let's keep going!
End of the Cave:
Zoey: ずいぶん奥まで来たけど… We've finally come all the way to the end...
Lina: 亡霊が出るってのは このあたりかしら…? I wonder if the ghost appears around here...?
???: ひっく… ひっく……。 *Sob*... *sob*...
Inaho: え… これって… 泣き声? Um... is this... the weeping?
Zoey: ちょ ちょっと! ウワサ通りじゃないかい…!? W-wait a second! Isn't this like in the rumor...!?
Lina: え ええ…! 亡霊よ! 亡霊が泣いているのよ…!! Y-yes...! It's the ghost! The ghost is crying...!!
USApyon: イナホ! 声がしたあたりから 妖気を感じるダニ…! Inaho! I feel yōki coming from the voice...! (1)
Inaho: え〜 亡霊の正体も妖怪っすか〜…。 なんか ちょっとガッカリ…。 Aww, so the ghost is a yōkai... That's kinda disappointing...
USApyon: ま… まだわからないダニよ! とにかくサーチしてみるダニ…! We... We still don't know for sure, dani! Anway, try searching for it, dani...!
“Yōki“ is a term used in the Japanese versions of the Yokai Watch games. It is made up of these Kanji: 妖/Yō (the same Yō as in Yōkai, which can mean “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things), and 気/Ki, which is the Japanese word for the concept of Qi. It’s not a term exclusive to this franchise, but in Yokai Watch it seems to basically refer to a yōkai’s Ki, to put it simple.
Finding the Yōkai:
???: ひっく… ひっく……。 *Sob*... *sob*...
Inaho: ほらぁ〜 やっぱ妖怪じゃん! See, it really is a yōkai!
USApyon: コ… コイツは…!! 妖怪ウラシマニャン… ダニね! This... This guy is...!! The yōkai Urashimanyan... dani!
Inaho: 竜宮伝説に 「ウラシマ」とは… これまた ��タな感じで……。 Like "Urashima" from the Ryūgū Legends... This feels like some cliché again... (1)
USApyon: とにかく… 亡霊じゃなくて よかったダニね! Anyway... I'm glad it was not a ghost!
Urashimanyan: お… お前… 笑ったな……? Did... Did you... laugh...?
Urashimanyan: 地上に残された… 哀れなオレを… 笑ったなぁぁぁぁ…!! I was left behind... I'm pitiful... Don't laugh at meeeeeeeeee...!!
Inaho: えええええええええええ!?? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!??
She’s referring to Urashima Tarō, a fisherman who according to legend was granted access to Ryūgūjō after saving a turtle which turned out to actually be the castle’s princess, Otohime.
After the Battle:
Inaho: ちょ… ちょっとタンマ! おちついて! 話きいたげるから…! J... Just wait a sec! Calm down! Just listen to what we got to say!
Zoey: ねぇ 未空さん… さっきから しゃべってる そのネコってさぁ……。 Hey, Misora... that talking cat just now...
Inaho: えええ!? 2人とも見えてるの!? Huuuhh!? You two can see him!?
Urashimanyan: ここは妖気が強いからね。 …竜宮城にも近いし。 It's because the yōki is strong here. ...Ryūgūjō is closeby, too.
Inaho: 竜宮城!? Ryūgūjō!?
Inaho: どこどこ竜宮城!! ねぇ どうやったら行けるの!? Where is Ryūgūjō!! Tell, how can we go there!?
Urashimanyan: 行けなくなっちゃったんだよ…! 竜宮城に…!!! We can't go to Ryūgūjō...!!!
USApyon: そ…それで ずっと ここで泣いてたんダニ…? S... So you have been crying here because of that, dani...?
Inaho: でも どうして行けなくなったわけ…? But, why can't you go there...?
Urashimanyan: 竜宮城に行くには カメ妖怪が必要なんだ… でも… 行方不明…。 To go to Ryūgūjō you need turtle yōkai... But... They're missing...
Urashimanyan: うわぁーーーーん! もう二度と 竜宮城にいけないんだー! Uwaaaahhhh! I will never be able to get to Ryūgūjō again!
Zoey: な なんだか 気の毒だねぇ…。 I-I feel kinda bad for him...
Lina: そうね… 私たち何か してあげられることとかないかしら…? Right... I wonder if there is something we can do...?
Inaho: そうだよ… ワタシは 心霊研究部員である前に… 名探偵!! That's right...I am a Ghost Club Member second... and a Great Detective first!!
Inaho: ウラニャン!! ワタシたちが助けてあげるよ! Uranyan!! We will help you! (1)
Lina: フフフ… たのもしい。 そうね ぜひ��力してあげたいわ。 Huhuhu... you’re reliable. Right, I want to work together with you.
Lina: これから私たちは… 「心霊探偵部」よ…! From now on we are... "The Ghost Detective Club"...!
Zoey: クックック… でも 手がかりなんてあるのかい? Kukuku... But, do we have any clues?
Lina: そうね… ただのカメならともかく… 「カメ妖怪」だのね…。 Right... It's not normal turtles anyway... It's turtle yōkai...
Inaho: ん〜… カメ妖怪って どっかに いたかなぁ〜…。 Hmm... where could these turtle yōkai be...
Inaho: ん? まてよ? Hm? Wait?
Inaho: やっくんちにいるじゃん!! しかも3匹も…!! There's some with Maddy!! Three of them, even...!! (2)
Inaho: 3匹もいれば どれか当たるっしょ!! Three should do the trick!!
USApyon: まさか… あの実験動物妖怪のことダニ!? No way... Are you talking about those Experimental Animal Yōkai, dani!?
Inaho: そうそう!! Sure am!!
USApyon: アイツらが ここにいたってことダニ? そんな偶然 あるわけないダニ…? You think those came from here, dani? That would be quite the coincidence, dani...
Inaho: まぁまぁ とりあえず行ってみよう! やっくんのとこに!! Well, let's just go there for now! To Maddy's place!!
Lina: フフフ… 心当たりがあるようね…。 それじゃ よろしくお願いするわ。 Huhuhu... Seems like you know something... Well then, please do so.
This isn’t a typo, she really calls him Uranyan for short, it seems.
In Japanese, Inaho starts referring to Dr. Maddiman as やっくん/Yakkun after their second meeting. It’s a nickname which seems to be a contraction of his Japanese name やぶれかぶれ院長/Yaburekabure-inchō, with the suffix くん/kun added. “Maddy” feels like a good way to translate this.
Going to Dr. Maddiman's place:
Inaho: やぁやぁ!やっくん! 元気にしてたかね! Hey there! Maddy! How are you doing?
Dr. Maddiman: な… なんだね! いつでも急だね キミたちは…! Wha... What is it? You guys always show up so suddenly...!
Inaho: 突然なんだけどさ〜… ちょっとカメたち貸してくんない? This is sudden, but... Can we borrow the turtles for a bit?
Dr. Maddiman: な なんだと!! 私の家族は モノじゃないんだぞ!! W-What!!? They're my family, not objects!!
USApyon: と とにかく…! 事情を説明させてほしいダニ! A-anway...! Let me explain the circumstances, dani...!
Dr. Maddiman: そ そういうことな��仕方ないな…。 だが ひとつ条件がある…! I-If that's the case, it can't be helped... However, only under one condition...!
Dr. Maddiman: 保護者として… わ… 私もついていく! As a guardian... I... I'll go with you, too!
USApyon: ダニ!? Dani!?
Inaho: まぁ いいけどさ〜… 暴れないでよ? Well, that’s alright, but... Don't be rowdy, okay?
Dr. Maddiman: わかった! Got it!
Returning to Urashimanyan:
Inaho: ウラニャン! 一応カメをつれてきてみたんだけど…。 Uranyan! We brought you some turtles for now, but...
Urashimanyan: お前たち! どこに行ってたんだよ! You guys! Where did you go?
Inaho: えっ…!? まさかのビンゴっすか!?? Huh...!? Was that really a Bingo!?? (1)
Dr. Maddiman: こ… この町は… お前たちの故郷だったのか!? T... This town... is where you guys came from!?
Inaho: ねぇねぇ ウラニャン! どうやったら 竜宮城に行けるの? Hey, so, Uranyan! How do we get to Ryūgūjō now?
Urashimanyan: ああ それはね… 助けるのさ… カメを!! Ah yes, for that... We have to save... the turtles!!
Urashimanyan: イジメられているカメを助ける! …っていう劇をすればいいんだ! We need to save turtles that are being bullied! ... Well, just pretending is okay, too!
Inaho: 劇ぃぃーー!?? ハイハイ やるやるー!! Pretend!?? Yes, yes, I'll do it, I'll do it!!
Inaho: USAピョン! ワタシたちが イジメっこ役ね! USApyon! We will play the bullies!
USApyon: なんでイジメっこ役を選ぶダニ!? Why did you pick the bully role, dani!?
Urashimanyan: よーっし! やっぱり助ける役は このボクが…… Alright! So, then I guess the one to save them will be...
Dr. Maddiman: 私だ… 私がやる!! わ… 私にやらせてくれ…!! I... I'll do it!! L... Let me do it...!!
Urashimanyan: わ… わかった わかった…! 今回は キミにゆずるから! I... I got it, I got it...! This time you can do it!
Inaho: それじゃ はじめるよ! やっくん!! Now, let's begin! Maddy!
Dr. Maddiman: あ… ああ…!! Y... Yeah...!!
From what I can tell Inaho at least sometimes uses “bingo” when she gets something right. So in this case, she’s suprised they really did get the exact correct turtles.
Turtle Rescue:
USApyon: ダニ? こ〜んなとこに ジャマなカメどもがいるダニねぇ〜。 Dani? There's some turtles in our way there, dani. (1)
Inaho: おらおら カメども〜 トロトロあるいてんじゃねぇよ〜。 Hey, you turtles. Don't just loiter about like that.
USApyon: メッタメッタにしてやるダニ! We're gonna get you good, dani!
Dr. Maddiman: そこまでだー!! Stop right there!!
USApyon: ああん? だれだテメー! Huuhh? Who are you supposed to be!?
Dr. Maddiman: わ… 私の名は うらしまたろう院長! カメたちを いじめるんじゃない! I... I am Dr. Urashima Tarō! Don't bully the turtles! (2)
USApyon: …なんか かなり やばそうなやつが来ちまったダニ。 ...This guy that showed up kinda seems pretty dangerous, dani.
Inaho: ちっ… ここは一旦ひきあげるぜ。 覚えてるよ カメ野郎ども! Kch... Let's scram for now. Remember this, you turtle bastards!
Lina: ねぇ これって…… So, this...
Zoey: こ… こんなんで 竜宮城に 行けるはず… T... This is supposed to get us to Ryūgūjō...
Text Box: カメ救助センサー反応! カメ妖怪の救助を確認! Turtle Rescue Sensor Response! Turtle Yōkai Rescue Confirmation!
Urashimanyan: やったー! 成功だよ! 竜宮エレベーターだ! Hooray! Success! It's the Ryūgū-Elevator!
USApyon: り… 竜宮城って こんなシステムなんダニィィ!? Ry... Ryūgūjō has a system like that, dani!?
Dr. Maddiman: す すばらしい演技だったぞ お前たち! さすがは 私の家族だ…! W-Wonderful performance, you guys! As expected from my family...!
Dr. Maddiman: そう… お前たちは私の だいじな家族だ……。 That’s right... You guys are my beloved family...
Zoey: ククク… この先が竜宮城だなんて… 信じられないね… でも……。 Kukuku... Ryūgūjō is beyond this... I can't really believe it... but...
Lina: 本当に竜宮城だとしたら…… どうしましょ… ドキドキしちゃう…。 If Ryūgūjō is there... What should we do... my heart is pounding...
Inaho: よっしゃー! それじゃ竜宮城へ レッツゴー!! Alright! Let's go to Ryūgūjō!!
Inaho and USApyon talk with more over the top “delinquent” accents here.
This is another reference to Urashima Tarō, of course.
In Ryūgūjō:
Inaho: 竜宮城にとうちゃーーー…… We've reached Ryūgūjō....
Inaho: あれっ……。 Oh...
Zoey: これ… なんていうか… 思ってより…… This is... kind of...
Lina: …せまいわね。 ...smaller than expected.
Dr. Maddiman: お お前たち… やっぱり……。 Y- You guys... are really...
Urashimanyan: 乙姫ちゃん…!! Otohime...!! (1)
Inaho: ちょ… 待ってよウラニャン! Hey... Wait, Uranyan!
Uranyan refers to Otohime using the suffix ちゃん/chan.
Talking to Otohime:
Otohime: あら ウラシマちゃん…! おひさしぶりですね…! Oh my, Urashima...! It has been so long...! (1)
Urashimanyan: 乙姫ちゃん〜 会いたかったよ〜!! I missed you, Otohime!!
Lina: あなたが乙姫様…! じゃあやっぱり ここが竜宮城…? You are Otohime...! Then this really is Ryūgūjō...? (2)
Otohime: ええ 私が乙姫です。 Yes, I am Otohime.
Otohime: もっとも… 今は実家を出て 一人暮らし中ですので… Altough... I left home and now I'm living on my own...
Otohime: ここは 「一人暮らし用」の竜宮城… 竜宮ハイツなのですけどね…! This is a Ryūgūjō for "Living on your own"... it is Ryūgū Heights...!
Inaho: 竜宮ハイツ!?? なにそれ なんかカワイイ…!! Ryūgū Heights!?? That sounds kinda cute...!!
Lina: フフフ… それに ここは海の中…! ちょっと小さくても 本物の竜宮城よね…! Huhuhu... And this is also within the ocean...! It's a bit small, but it's a genuine Ryūgūjō...!
Zoey: クックック… 夢でも見てるみたいだね…! Kukuku... It's like from a dream...!
Otohime: あらあら あなたたち… 今まで どこにいたのですか? Oh dear, you... Where have you been until now?
Dr. Maddiman: や… やっぱり お前らは ここから来たんだな……。 Y... You guys really came from here after all...
Dr. Maddiman: そ それじゃあ カメたちを よろしくたのむ……! T-then, please, take good care of the turtles...!
Otohime: ええ… たしかに この子たちは竜宮城の使い……。 Yes... It's true that these little ones are familiars of Ryūgūjō...
Otohime: ですが…… この子たちにとって 竜宮城に残るが一番なのでしょうか…? However... Would it really be the best for them to stay at Ryūgūjō...?
Dr. Maddiman: ど どういうことだ……! W- What do you mean...?
Otohime: この子たちは そう言っているのです…。 The little ones said so...
Otohime: 「パパ」 といっしょに暮らしたい……と。 They said... they want to live together with "Papa".
Dr. Maddiman: パ パパ……? だ だ だれのことだ…? P-Papa...? W-Who are they talking about...?
Inaho: え〜 そんなの 決まってるよねぇ〜? Huh, Isn’t it obvious~?
Lina: フフフ…… まるで家族みたいだったものね…。 Huhuhu... They do look just like a family...
Otohime: ええ あなたのことですよ。 Yes, they are talking about you.
Dr. Maddiman: う… ううっ……! お おまえたちぃ〜…! *Sob*... *Sob Sob*...! Y-You guys...!
USApyon: うう〜 よかったダニ〜…! *sob sob* I'm so glad, dani...!
Otohime: ふふ みんなさん ゆっくりして��ってくださいね。 Huhu, everyone, please enjoy yourselves.
Otohime refers to Urashimanyan with ちゃん/chan as well.
Lina refers to Otohime with the suffix 様/sama.
Preparing to leave:
Inaho: ウラニャンの問題も解決できたことだし… 私たちも そろそろ おいとましよっか! We managed to solve Uranyan's problem, too... We should probably get going soon!
Lina: フフフ… ええ… 心霊研究部のミッションは完了ね…。 Huhuhu... Yes... The Ghost Club's mission is complete...
Otohime: みなさん せっかくここまで お越しになったのですから… Since you were able to come this far...
Otohime: 「おみやげ」を 持って帰ってくださいね…! Please take this "souvenir" home with you...!
Inaho: おみやげ!?!? いやほーい もらうもらうー!! Souvenir!?!? Yahoo, gimme, gimme!!
Lina: え… でも… 乙姫様のおみやげって まさか… Yes... but... If it's a souvenir from Otohime, could it be...
Otohime: ええ こっちらの箱です…! Yes, it is inside this box...!
(receive box)
Lina: どこからどう見ても… 玉手箱… よね…。 No matter how you look at it... It's... Tamatebako... (1)
Otohime: ええ 玉手箱です…! Yes, it is Tamatebako...!
Zoey: そ それってやっぱり…… 開けたら大変なことになるアレだよねぇ…? S-so then... it really will be bad if we open that, right...?
Otohime: うふふ… 大丈夫です…! 改良に改良を重ねたので 今は安心ですよ! Uhuhu... It's alright...! I have made improvements to it, so you don't have to worry now!
Tamatebako is the gift that Otohime gave the Urashima Tarō in the legend, but it was actually very dangerous, as it contained his old age that he didn’t gain while being with her, and opening it caused him to rapidly age.
Dr. Maddiman: そ… それじゃあ… 私たちは そろそろ帰るよ…! W... Well then... We should be going home, now...!
Inaho: うんっ ありがとうね! やっくん! それにカメたちも! Yeah, thank you! Maddy! And the turtles, too!
Dr. Maddiman: よ よぉ〜し! お前たち! 今夜は ごちそうにするぞ…!! A-alright! You guys! Tonight I'll make dinner...!! (1)
USApyon: やぶれかぶれ院長 ずいぶん 幸せそうダニね! Dr. Maddiman seems pretty happy, dani!
Inaho: うんっ よかったよかった! いやぁ〜 しかし…… Yeah, I'm glad! Ahh, but...
Inaho: 乙姫からのお礼…… これ… ��うしょっか…? Otohime's gift... What... do we do with this...?
Zoey: た… 玉手箱ってねぇ…。 It... It's Tamatebako...
Lina: 改良したとは 言っていたけれど……。 She said she improved it but...
Inaho: さすがコレ開けるのは 勇気がいるっていうかなんていうか…。 As expected, you gotta be brave to open this...
USApyon: なにやってるダニ? 早く開けるダニ! What are you doing, dani? Let's just open it, dani!
Inaho: あ! まさか… Ah! Wait...
Inaho: USAピョン メリケン妖怪だから… 玉手箱のこと しらない!? USApyon is a Merican Yōkai, so... Does he not know about Tamatebako!?
Inaho: う… USAピョン待って…! 玉手箱ってのは……! U... USApyon, wait...! Tamatebako is...!
USApyon: ふぅ… いきなり煙が 出るもんだから びっくりしたよ。 Phew... Smoke suddenly came out of there and startled me.
USApyon: それで… 玉手箱が何だい? Anyway... What was Tamatebako?
Inaho: だれ!?!?? Who's that!?!??
I’m unsure if it’s “I’m making dinner” or “I’m treating you to dinner”.
Mission End Description:
助けたカメに連れられて、竜宮城へ来てみれば、 絵にもかけない美しき家族愛の物語に、涙した。 If you are taken by the turtles you've helped, and come to Ryūgūjō, you will shed tears, over a story of family love, too beautiful to capture on canvas.
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