#i know melo wont do this publicly (maybe?) but it's a good exercise to do i think
laisai · 7 years
Thanks to @eruscreaminginthedistance for tagging me. I’m tagging @teaminlovewithcap, @spudsgood, @arwcn, @melomniac, and @starrypuddle.
This didn’t really come with many instructions (all I could gather was that I need to list five things I love?) and I’ve been feeling pretty down lately so I tried to really put some thought into this. I don’t think anyone expected answers this detailed, haha, don’t worry!
Five Things I Love:
I love when roofs have those little delicate decorations at the edges, kind of hanging down. (Tell me what it’s actually called please.) Especially when it’s white and the roof is some deep color, like navy blue or black; I love the contrast it makes, how the color seems austere or foreboding but the little edges add a fanciful element to the house. Also reminds me of cake, which is a bonus.
I love the world right before the sun sets (I’d love it before the sun rises, too, except I’m not awake enough to appreciate that, usually). I like how soft everything looks, and how it’s not dark, so it’s not scary, but it’s also not so brightly-lit that it seems as if all the world’s secrets have been exposed.
I love the taste of buttercream on heavy, moist chocolate cake, with crushed cookies and dark chocolate. I love the first bite of it, before I inevitably overeat and feel sick, the light sweetness working in tandem with the slightly bitter chocolate, the creamy, airy icing a nice contrast to the solid cake. I just. I miss that cake. I used to get it for my birthdays, but then the bakery’s branches closed and the farthest one is too far, and now I’m not even in the same country. I bet Toronto’s got something equally as good, but I just miss that cake.
I love the middle of a good book, when the protagonist has had their first (or second...or third...?) setback, and it is not the last hurdle they have to get through to achieve their goal, but they are working through their obstacle. That is the best part of the book--there is a lot of book left to read, so you won’t be scared of a bittersweet goodbye and a lingering book hangover, there is a slight lull in the action as the characters figure out what to do, which is perfect for really getting to know the characters, and it’s great fun to try and find a solution in your mind for the protagonist. The middle of a book is when the rest of the world disappears and you’ve fully immersed yourself in the adventure.
I love when I am with all my friends, and we are doing something simple at someone’s house, just hanging out and talking, maybe squished together on a sofa or on the floor, and everybody is getting along and I forget what it’s like when they’re not there. (I’m an only child.) Maybe we’re playing a board game, or we’re on Tinder in a group, or we’re discussing politics; I really don’t care. I love that feeling of perfect harmony with the people I love.
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