#i know jakob doesn't want to be written about and i'm iffy on joe tbh
grumpychop · 7 years
could i ask how the cow chop boyz would help you through a bad break up? yeah you show up to work and do what ur supposed to but It Still Sucks (ur call on which boys if u don't wanna do them all cause that's A Lot of Boys lol)
of course you can!!! so i’m gonna do the bois i know best. also i wish i could write for trevor but for some dumb reason i can’t get the boi down. that’s a job for @peachy-cube lol. but anyway, they’re under the cut bc they got super long. 
I feel like Aleks would know something was up the moment you came into work. he’d be eyeing you, trying to figure out if you’re just tired or not. but the second he’d see something that hinted at you being sad, he’d keep an even closer eye on you. and during lunch break, he’d probably be like ‘okay, i’m kidnapping you, we’re going to get something to eat,’ and drag you out to the car and make you sit in the back with him. and he’d wrap an arm around your shoulder, and he’d ask you what was up. you’d spill the beans about the breakup and he’d frown and pull you into a hug, rubbing your back and shit and just letting you cry. he’d probably add a few kisses to the top of your head and whisperings of how it’d be okay. and yeah, it sucks, but he’d be there to help you feel better. and then he’d really take you out to get something to eat, his treat, and he’d even get you some chocolate and ice cream or something. and then he’d make sure to be there for you whenever you needed it during your recovery and healing period. the boi would always offer himself up for some cuddles when you needed it. 
Asher would probably be a little slow to catch on at first. he’s normally late to work, and he’d try and get most of his work done, but if he’s called to help record with you or something, he’d probably know something was up. like you’d be a lot more focused on recording and you wouldn’t really laugh or smile at anything that was going on like you normally do. so he’d watch you for a while, and when you all went back to doing what you normally do, he’d send you a quick text. and you’d sort of brush it off as nothing, but he knew things weren’t right. so he’d corner you after lunch and you two would sit in the office after hours and you’d talk about it. he hate the fact that you’re upset, so he’d try and distract you. he’d probably go on a rant about space or tell stories about stupid stuff that’s happened at places he used to work at to try and make you laugh. you’ve probably already heard most of the stories before, but he’s not the best at remembering if he’s told a story or not. regardless, you’d appreciate every single moment he’d try and help you out. he’d also probably offer video games and pizza and drinking to help cheer you up and distract you. 
Brett, in a heartbeat would be like ‘i’m going to kick their ass’, once he found out about it. like you’d be a lot quieter than normal, or just off if you’re already pretty quiet. he’s like a dad, he notices these things. he probably would’ve called you into the office for something stupid he made up and you’d shut the door and he’d ask and you’d just kind of let it out. and that’s when he’d threaten, but it wouldn’t be a real threat. he’s just super mad that your ex was an ass or mad that you’re upset over the situation. but he’d pull you into a big hug, letting you cry or whatever and hold you. once work was done, he’d take you to get dinner and you’d go back to his place to watch movies or something. anything to help get your mind off of things. 
James, I think, would probably know something was wrong pretty early off the bat. he’d also be the one to glance over at you, trying to figure out if you were tired or if there was something wrong. he would save any questions until after work. and it wouldn’t even start out as questions. he’d just go like ‘hey, you wanna get some food and come back to my place and binge watch this new show i’ve found?’ and if you’d say no, he’d question you right then and there, which would lead to you explaining things. if you said yes, you guys would go and get food, head to his place, turn on the new show he wanted to watch, and about an episode in, he’d casually bring it up. regardless, i think he’d let you cry and he would offer his shoulder for you to cry on. he’d also try and give advice on how to deal with a break up. 
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