#i know it's alicia's show so the last shot should be focused on her face but hey this is self-indulgent and kalinda got mistreated
warningsine · 2 months
Damn, they really sidelined and got rid of Kalinda, the only queer character on the show, to bring Jason, a recycled white male iteration.
But of course since this investigator has the right gender, Alicia fucks him on the spot.
(Not that they could have ever given us a same gender relationship between two leads on CBS--even had the feud never happened, but their friendship would have been enough.)
I'm choosing to ignore the Kings' "She might work things out with him post finale" and stick to the actual full-circle ending:
Alicia becoming her own person and making her own morally ambiguous choices instead of walking into the sunset in the arms of yet another man.
Of course, in my heart of hearts, things do get a little soapy.
A few weeks after Bishop gets sentenced to life, Alicia takes a plane from Chicago to Miami.
The camera cuts to Kalinda drinking her favorite tequila at a bar.
She is working for the law again. That's what she's good at; that's what Alicia would want.
Alicia. Kalinda often finds herself thinking of her. Diane and Cary too.
Of course, she goes by Sarita these days. Leela, Kalinda, Sarita. Does she even know who she is anymore?
While she's lost in thought, her background gets deblurred. We hear a familiar feminine voice.
"You're really hard to find."
There's enough time to see Kalinda's body stiffen, her surprised/shocked face and the turn of her head, but before we can see Alicia, the scene cuts to black.
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writingdumpsite · 4 years
That’s because she’s shy (g.w.)
Summary: George Weasley doesn’t think you fancy him and decides to prove his point. What he doesn’t see coming is your reaction.
pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader
words: 3k
A/N: just something I wrote these last days inspired by some lines from one of my favourite films. yes, a couple of days ago I rewatched Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time and the scene where Darcy proposes to Lizzie hit as hard as usual.
   “Oh c’mon George! Can you please stop looking at her and listen to what I’m trying to tell you?” Fred groaned once he’s seen his twin brother staring at her, yet again. But George couldn’t help but stare at the entrance of the Great Hall. To be completely honest, he thought she was one of the most beautiful girls he’s ever met. She was talking to Hermione, too focused on her to sense his piercing eyes on her figure. Her soft features seemed even softer thanks to the light that invaded the Great Hall. Her eyes were shining while discussing animatedly with Hermione. George supposed it was something rather interesting. At some point – he couldn’t tell when, though – she has even started gesticulating.
A loud smack on the back of his head brought George back to reality. When he turned his head towards a smirking Fred he felt his cheeks reddening. Fred was not the only one smirking but Harry, Ron and Lee were there, too. The knowing looks were enough for George to be sure he wasn’t getting away with some lame excuse. But he stayed silent, not exactly knowing what to say to his friends. And now that he thought it through, what was he supposed to say? That he fancied Y/N? That seemed pretty obvious. Harry and Ron chuckled but decided not to torment him any further. Instead, they excused themselves and went to their next class.
  The silence made him feel uncomfortable but he didn't want to speak first. George sighed in relief when Lee finally decided to open his mouth. “Don’t you think it’s time to say something to that poor soul?” The boy shook his head “I don’t think she fancies me. I mean, we’ve known each other for years. All I've been doing for months now is flirt with her any chance I get.”
“Are you sure you’re flirting? Eye contact and light touches here and there aren’t enough sometimes” Lee nodded at Fred’s words. And deep down George knew his twin was right, that he should tell you instead of subtly flirting once or twice a week. It’s not that difficult. Once you find her alone, you take her somewhere more private and shoot your shot. The plan in his head, though simple, seemed rather effective.
  But she was so out of his league, even for the most famous prankster of the entire school. So smart, genuine and kind that nobody was worth her undivided attention. Her grades were stellar and the hobbies she had were unparalleled and far from George’s. She was an artist. In her free time, she was always doing something creative, like reading, playing an instrument or knitting. He knew that because he has been bothering Hermione to get to know pretty much anything he could on her .
  He didn't notice the girl turning her head towards the boys at the Gryffindor table. Y/N is quick to catch George's eyes and shoot him a gracious smile. Oh c’mon you idiot, do something. She’s flirting, she’s definitely flirting is all is repeating to himself. But before he could wave at her, she starts to approach the boys at the table, Hermione right behind her.
  “Hello boys” she greeted them with the same smile she shot George a minute ago. With that, the idea of her flirting with him faded together with his hope of being his type. Again.
He didn’t pay attention to the greetings she received and avoided the conversation she started with Fred and Lee. Until she said the word “cracker”. His eyes shot up to the girl in time to catch the remaining of the discourse. “My cousin sent me some crackers after I told him about the situation with the Umbridge. They’re nothing like yours, of course, but I reckon the pink toad knows nothing about how these muggle ones work.” The conversation went on for a couple of minutes. She told them how to use them and George found himself mesmerized by the girl’s knowledge on the topic. “I’m not a fan of crackers and I'm not going  to use them so if you ever needed them, let me know. I’ll be more than happy to get rid of them.”
She was out of sight when Fred cleared his throat and announced to his twin that if he didn’t ask her out soon, he would. George laughed at that but knew that he needed to end his agony. He spent all day pondering the options on the matter but they seemed so stupid the more he went through them.
It was at dinner that Ron suggested something interesting. “You could always try and make her jealous. You know, you could pretend to date some random girl and see her reaction”. At first, George thought it was a bad idea. He would have to convince someone to pretend to date him. But he also thought that, if the plan worked, Y/N would make a move on him, tell him that she's always fancied him. And they’d finally be together. But if that didn’t happen, if she didn’t show interest at all, that would hurt him even more. Yet, the more he considered the plan, the more he convinced himself that was the right thing to do. So the next day he asked his good friend Alicia to fake-date in front of Y/N next Monday at breakfast.
George needed to get a reaction from the girl. He wanted to know if what he felt for Y/N was unrequited ad he had to give up and forget her, or if she fancied him as well.
What he wasn’t aware of was that Y/N has fancied George for a while. Yet, if he looked for proof, he wouldn’t find any. She was pretty good at disguising her feelings as kind gestures, such as smiling or waving. She sometimes would try and speak to him alone, laugh at his jokes or ask questions if she was chatty that day. And that wasn’t flirting, was it? Plus, everyone knew she was always the quiet one who didn't mean to sound flirtatious. She was aware that she was shy and not good at showing affection to her loved ones. So, she never considered she was acting like a flirt. She was sure she was being rather subtle with her pining but she was wrong, of course. On that day, Hermione explained what she knew about flirting and dating. She resolved, what Y/N was doing was flirting, even if almost non-existent. After that, it didn’t take long for the bright witch to learn what Y/N felt for George Weasley. And that lead to hours of telling her to confess, to make a move, to make it crystal clear that she fancied the prankster. Otherwise, someone else would find a way to his heart.
The process lasted less than imagined. Only a couple of days of distracted expressions and head in the clouds. It also coincided with the weekend and Y/N was not planning on crying her eyes out because of a boy. So, she postponed the whole “profess-your-feelings-to-George” idea to Monday. She was sure that having time to let everything sink in would be good.
All weekend Y/N expected second thoughts or any other impediment to happen. But on Monday morning, there was nothing that could prevent her from her original plans. So, nervously, she got changed and mentally prepared herself to face George.
“So, are you going to do it?” asked Hermione as soon as Y/N met her in the Great Hall. “If it’s of any help, Ron and Harry told me George has been talking non-stop about you for weeks. I'm pretty sure he likes you.” Y/N smiled and tried to stay calm, but everything inside her was screaming. “I’m not sure I’m ready but I'm doing it anyway.” she stated. Then, she took a big breath a continued on a funnier note. “And if it goes wrong I’ll drown myself in the huge pile of homework we have to do”. Hermione laughed and then patted her shoulder to show her support. “I’ll be here in case you need me”. Y/N ’s face softened at her friend's words. After taking another big breath, she stepped into the crowded Great Hall.
Her eyes meticulously scanned all the faces in search of George but it seemed like he wasn’t there.That’s odd, he’s never late for breakfast she thought. Fred was already there, surrounded by everyone she could think of, except for the one she was looking for. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe some kind of guardian angel was trying to send the message that it was not a good day to profess her feelings.
She went back to reality when someone lightly bumped into her shoulder. Y/N ’s eyes, until that moment, fixed on the Gryffindor table, landed on the couple who passed her. They were holding hands and Y/N couldn’t help herself imagining what holding hands would be like with George. But she didn’t have the time to indulge too much in the thought because something ginger caught her eyes. The “something” turned out to be George’s hair.
All she wanted to do was to divert her gaze, forget what she was going to do that morning. But her eyes seemed glued to the scene unfolding in front of her and incapable of focusing on anything else. The couple was now standing mere feet away from her and George was leaning in, as if he wanted to kiss the girl. In the end it was a simple kiss on her forehead but the act itself was enough for her. Y/N felt her heart sinking and before she could do anything to prevent it, tears formed in her eyes. And the more she saw, the more she wanted to slap herself. How could she be so naïve and mistake some kind gestures for interest? George was being so nice to her because it was in his nature and because she hung with his little brother’s friends a lot. How could she not see it?
She was so focused on the scene in front of her. So much that she didn’t notice the tears starting to stream down her face or George’s head turning towards her. But she wasn’t going to show him any of her feelings, so she turned around and run out of the Great Hall as fast as she could. Her run came to an end when something – or rather, someone – pulled her robes and made her turn around. Hermione was now standing in front of her, a sad expression on her face, and Y/N knew that her friend knew. She still wanted to say something, anything to try and justify her run but couldn’t. Instead, she felt her cheeks turning even redder and new tears forming. She had no idea how it happened but a moment later, she felt Hermione's arm around her. And as her head fell on her shoulder, she started sobbing.
Where did it go wrong? Were they happy tears or sad tears? You idiot, obviously they were not happy tears. George couldn’t shake Y/N ’s tear-stained face out of his mind. He wasn’t expecting this reaction. He didn’t do anything completely wrong, either. He didn’t snog Alicia or proposed to her in front of Y/N , he simply kissed her forehead. That meant nothing, either for him or for Alicia. He did what he did to prove his point that Y/N didn’t fancy him. To get a reaction, to see what she felt. He was so sure she would understand that and make a move, it didn’t matter if good or bad.
“So, how did it go?” asked Ron when George took a seat next to him. Across from him, Fred and Lee stopped planning their next prank and turned their head to hear George. He was still studying Y/N ’s reaction, pondering words as not to sound more confused than he already was. “I didn't think I'd made her cry” blurted out the boy, pouring himself a goblet of juice. But before anyone could make any type of comments he added “I’m not sure if that was the reaction I was looking for, though”. “Well, now you’ll understand if she fancies you or not” stated calmly Ron “And decide whether what you’ve been doing for months was flirting or pining” added a smirking Fred.
“Excuse me?” Hermione’s voice snapped behind George. The boy went white as he realised Hermione has been there long enough to find out about the plan. One by one, the other boys decided it was best to return to their breakfasts. That left George to deal with the girl alone. He could see she was fuming so thought it best to stare at her, letting her rant about how stupid the whole idea was. “How could you do that to her? She’s a sobbing mess because you didn’t have the guts to confess your feelings. Among all the options you had, you chose to risk hurting her to not deal with your heart being broken. I wonder why she fancies you. Yes, she should have admitted her feelings for you as well, but she didn’t do something like this just to get a reaction.” The whole situation, Hermione lecturing him, made George feel like a young boy again. Always trying to defend himself when accused of something. But at that times, it never mattered whether it was his fault or not. This clearly wasn’t the case.
“I didn’t know what to do. I panicked because she’s so out of my league. And I didn’t want to make a fool of myself in case she wasn’t interested.” he tried to resonate with Hermione, wording out loud the thoughts that have been floating in his mind for weeks. But the moment he spoke, he came to the conclusion that the whole plan was stupid. “Plus, it seemed like she was completely indifferent to me and my flirting” that was his last resort. Blaming her for not noticing all along only angered Hermione more. “That’s because she’s shy. Y/N hardly shows her true feelings for me. We’ve been friends for years now and I have seen her cry only once when she got bad news from home." An uncomfortable silence fell and George could see Hermione pondering her next words. "Also, if it is of any consolation,  a couple of day ago I found out she likes you.” George stayed silent, letting Hermione’s words sink in his brain. “I really fucked up” was all he admitted before getting up and running out of the Great Hall to find Y/N .
“There you are. Ron thought you might be here but I wasn’t sure I should listen to his suggestions this time.” George has been looking all day for the girl, but it seemed impossible. She always managed to find alternative ways to go to class to avoid him but they both knew she couldn’t hide forever. When she didn’t show up for dinner, Ron hinted at Y/N ’s favourite spot. And there they were, right outside one of the greenhouses.
Y/N didn’t have the strength to find an excuse to sneak away. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically after hiding from him all day. At this point, whatever he needed to tell her, she was ready. “What do you need?” she sounded tired and even a little unpolite but she didn’t care. She forced herself to look up at George’s face. Sparkling eyes and a loving smile looking at her. George  
“I’d like to apologize for how I behaved this morning. Alicia and I are not dating, we’re just friends. I actually asked her to help me. That scene this morning was supposed to get some kind of reaction out of you, I never wanted to hurt your feelings.” he stopped to catch his breath. He’d never admit it to anyone but he has been rehearsing this whole speech all day so that he wouldn’t make mistakes. Y/N smiled and nodded weakly, encouraging him to continue. “The thing is that I like you, a lot. And I've tried so hard to make it obvious but it didn’t work. I know I am out of your league. I mean, you’re gorgeous, kind, talented and smart, but I’d be honoured if you’d go out with me”. He couldn’t believe he said that. It was a piece of cake, why didn’t he do it sooner? Silence fell between the two, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. George knew Y/N was thinking it through. He didn’t want to pressure her further and so turned around and mentally prayed that everything would turn out fine.  
“You know, it hurt. A lot. Today I wanted to tell you the very same thing you told me. But what hurt wasn’t the act itself but the fact that I thought I was late to tell you that I liked you.” George turned to face the girl, who was now smiling. “All day, I've wanted to slap myself because of that. It seemed like, the only time I decide to speak clearly about my feelings and overcome my shyness, I get there late. So, it’s me who’d be honoured to go out with you” her smile was wider now. And though it was dark outside, George saw her cheeks turn red. “Friday night it is then. It’s a date.” it was difficult to contain the happiness now. Before he could stop himself, he felt his arms wrap around Y/N’s figure in a tight hug. The girl grinned and reciprocated. “It’s a date, then” she confirmed and lost herself in George’s arms.
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Alicia Amin
Place: 10th Place
Average: 3.4
WELL UH, I really don’t know how to explain how she has such a high average and how I would have her in my final 5, should I, do I? I don’t know but Alicia was the poster child of an underdog for my blog and possibly much more (MrAsNTM). I expected full well to hate her, her look wasn’t the best due to her more chubby face and she did have more curves than the other girls but to my surprise, she knocked my socks off harder than anyone ever had. I think the reason why I liked Alicia was because that she was able to adapt to whatever was given to her along with. Her jump shot is just full of energy and made her bland look look heavenly, she was able to pull off a good commercial appeal with her collage shot (which I find so underrated by fans and the judges), and her denim doesn’t even look like her, she looked heavenly in it. However, she did falter from her last 2 weeks due to her being more insecure of herself and it showed it a lot of the shoots. Her urban shot had a decent pose but the blank fearful face really ruined her group’s shot and and her Maybelline shot was boring, though she looked really good in it. It was clear that the judges didn’t really care for her and were more focused on the shitwins rather than someone with actual model potential. Alicia proved to be the verb not the noun, with her more plain look, she was able to overcome it by knowing how to adapt to every challenge given to her, even with her shitty haircut and her face. I would easily have her in my top 5 and she is truly a stepping stone for this blog, someone who I expected jackshit from and just ended up being one of the strongest of the cycle, so robbed in my opinion.
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Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 32 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING:  M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: Alicia is faced with new knowledge and trapped in the healing room.
~ ~ ENJOY ~ ~
Emma was the first in the room as she yelled several names.
Loki was rushed out of the room despite him trying to clear Alicia's air ways himself.
He couldn't live without her, he would not.
Emma pushed Loki aside and yelled, "go! Get him out!"
Loki seen the change of color in Alicia's skin and the gasps for air were not there as Alicia went limp.
He knew Alicia would not live forever but he hoped she would die an old woman in a comfortable bed and Loki would be able to say goodbye. She would live a long life surrounded by children of all ages due to having grandchildren. Maybe it would be longer with Asgardian blood in her veins but did the small amount make a difference?
It felt like an eternity before Loki watched the exhausted healers leave the room.
Eir instructed the others what to do and to call for a few elders then went to Loki.
Eir wiped her brow. "I do not know what either of them seen, but the visions are certainly in Alicia's dreams now. Rest will not be satisfying anymore and it is likely that Emma will be needed to slow the possibilities down enough to see anything." Eir maintained her calm composure. "Go sit with her for now. We will take things by each moment."
Then Eir gave Loki a nod causing his feet to immediately carry him into the room. Alicia was laying on the bed with her eyes towards Emma who was passed out on the chair. Alicia's eyes locked with his. Swiftly walking to her placing his hand in hers as he sat down. Emotions flooded him once he realized she was alright.
Alicia whispered, "Are you alright?"
Loki laughed incredulously, "you are the one who passed out because you couldn't breathe. And you ask about me..." Loki brought her hand to his lips, "I thought I was going to lose you." Loki put her hand over his heart, "my heart was going to give out because it was beating so fast."
Alicia gave him a tired smile, "I never get your heartbeat this fast."
"Let's agree to not let that happen again."
Alicia hummed as if thinking about it.
Sternly Loki warned her. "Alicia. No."
She forced a chuckle, "I will try not too. I did not like that experience either."
Loki grimaced, "I do not want to lose you."
Alicia put her hand on his face, "no matter what, know that I love you."
His hand went over her hair and he admired her disheveled appearance that showed the battle for her life. She took his hand and held it to her lips as she closed her eyes. There was a comfort in the silence, the simple touch of her lips to his hand, and the look of peace on her face as she sighed.
"I'm really tired."
There was a knock and Eir's calm voice, "I am here to check on you."
Alicia sighed again as Eir went to make her to lay down. "Okay."
"Your heart rate is still elevated as well as your temperature but you are in pain. I am ordering for several days to maybe weeks of rest. You need to get used to your visions in your dreams and Emma needs to get used to a new schedule so she can be awake as you dream. She has given you all the tools to take care of yourself so you will be fine."
Alicia looked off to the side as she replied. "She did…" Alicia's eyes widened and then searched Eir's eyes for any lean way. "But what about Christmas? I have to make the food for my friend-"
Eir stood her ground. "Lets not worry about that right now. You need to heal."
Alicia protested. "Christmas is in just three days."
"Only worry about getting better." Eir left with the last word.
Loki took his place back to her side and placed a hand to her shoulder then up to her cheek as Eir left.
Loki whispered. "It will be alright Love. Alicia I will figure something out."
Alicia's eyes watered as her voice was strained. "I really thought I would be ok. I get Maci wanted to prepare me but it just.. she just."
Loki rubbed her hand, "The ring she enchanted helped?"
Alicia nodded. "I am pretty sure. When I tried to use my magic to get out of the cuffs or when I felt a vision happen..that's when it would hurt the most."
Loki locked eyes with Alicia. "The spell is only able to be used by those of Luit's blood. I am familiar with Luit and some of his family's spells."
Alicia's face scrunched in confusion. "Luit? Thats not -is it possible? I just assumed she was unique with her powers-she had healing like my mother but she didn't do much of my dad's magic… Is Marcibeth Luit's daughter? How much Asgardian is she? Am I related to Luit?" Alicia shook her head, "nothing makes sense."
Loki thought for a moment as Alicia kept frantically talking. He interrupted her, "Alicia." His hands went to her arms to rub circles into taunt muscles. "There are ways to find out where your Asgardian lines come from. We will get this figured out."
Alicia nodded as she looked to her bandaged wrists. "You actually broke those cuffs off of me?"
"Marcibeth claimed she had no key."
"My sister seen the visions when we were in SHIELD. In that vision I was chained up with cuffs and you were there. Maybe she was just preparing us?"
"Alicia you were in those things for almost an hour. You expelled blood, if we didn't get there, you would have drowned."
Alicia held Loki's hand and winced due to pains in her wrists. "Please don't be mad. She is my sister and she has always done.. questionable things for my training."
Alicia watched as Loki closed his eyes and breathed. "I don't like this."
"I know." Alicia brought Loki's hands to her lips. "I am sorry."
Loki finally opened his eyes. "I can not lose you. I love you too much to let you go."
Alicia smiled as her finger moved along his hands. The winces did not go unnoticed by Loki and he moved his arms away.
Alicia let her hands rest on her lap, "I love you too."
A nurse announced, "The Avengers want to see Lady Alicia. Prince Loki you get them when you are ready." 
They left once Loki nodded.
"Ok." Alicia gestured to herself. "I am sure everyone will love to see me in the state I am. Can I have a brush?"
Loki's hands busied himself with her blankets and then helped her with her appearance. Loki admired her flushed cheeks and how her freckles could barely make themselves known. Her eyes were focused as she looked around but with scrunched features, lessening when she seen Loki.
She quickly suggested, "let's get this over with." She spoke up quickly, "thank you Loki."
With a kiss to Alicia's temple Loki stood up and went to the waiting room, he nodded. "You can see her now."
Thor went to Alicia's side, "are you ok?"
Alicia shrugged, "I mean.. I'm breathing now."
Natasha smirked, "yeah. She is good now."
Loki watched Alicia look at Emma with worry.
Jane seemed to notice as well, "she requested no one bothers her. Something about keeping the vision safe."
Alicia nodded slowly but still questioned. "Why is she so tired though?"
Thor explained, "Your vision was too fast with an infinity of possibilities after. She tried to slow it down to get a better look… Do you remember anything? Emma will not be able to say anything."
Loki watched Alicia's eyes narrow in thought and then her eyes widened when realization hit her. 
A whisper escaped Alicia. "The contract."
Thor's eyes apologized to Loki as he spoke. "yes. So it is up to you to keep us updated on your vision."
Her lips rolled into her mouth as her teary eyes looked above her.
Thor pressed the issue, "Do you remember anything?"
Alicia kept her eyes up and her lips rolled out, turning red after the release of pressure disappeared. "I saw so many things and it is all a blur… I remember stuff with my sister… something with space. I don't know if it was Bifrost related." She paused to swallow, the muscles moved drastically to show how difficult a simple task was. "Good things and also the bad possibilities…"
Everyone asked if Alicia could draw anything. Alicia couldn't remember what it looked like, or anything for that matter. She explained it was like her mind refused to give an image when she tried to draw. Loki stood quietly as Alicia tried to explain how there was death, life, happiness, and sadness.
Alicia was staring at her hands, "it is like… anything is possible and then everything is lost. It just repeated in different ways."
Eir came into the room in that moment. 
"No. All of you out. Alicia is not to be put under stress. Out." Eir rushed them out of the room.
Once everyone was gone Eir straightened her dress. "They were not allowed in here. I was arranging for another person to help with your visions."
Alicia quickly demanded. "Another? Why?"
Eir went to Emma and checked something by placing her hand on Emma's temple then neck. "To better record your visions after you wake. Emma is going to wake soon. I will have all the information Emma is able to give so it is recorded for easy access to those who are going to help you."
Alicia looked at Emma as she started adjusting to a more comfortable position.
Emma yawned, "you and I have long nights ahead of us as we try to get information from your visions."
Loki knew Emma had a point and Emma stayed by Alicia's side for the next 13 hours.
Alicia stated, "Emma you look like a mess. You should rest."
"I am fine Alicia." Emma poured her Seder into Alicia's wrists.
"You look like you are gonna pass out."
"I am waiting for the elder called Hassiba. She is going to be your recorder when you wake." Emma yawned for a while then shook her head once she was done. "She is a witch and I think she is going to be able to help you."
It was silent for a moment.
Loki was looking over Emma's notes of how to take care of Alicia.
Loki watched Emma as he questioned. "The herbs you use are actually poison?"
"Yes but with fast and large amount of seder, or magic, it helps regulate the flow. Since her first training session I had to look for something to help her." Emma gave Loki a side glance. "Remember when you insisted on getting in the water with her the first time? I advised against it."
"Yes. I remember." Loki flipped through the herbs. "So mixing all these gets you a poison. Impressive."
"Herbs were my choice as an elective. I know many combinations for all sorts of things."
Alicia mumbled, "Like those disgusting drinks."
"Exactly." Emma said it with pride. Emma released Alicia's arms then wrapped them with bandages with her Seder mixed into them. "These bandages will lessen the pain."
Alicia tested out the wrappings and winced.
Emma chided. "It will not help if you keep rolling your wrists. And do not think about using your magic."
Alicia huffed as she rested her hands on her lap again. "So when do the tests start to find out my Asgardian bloodlines?"
Emma yawned again. "We are going to wait for the keepers. They will get a blood sample and will look through their books."
Alicia glared at her hands. "Were they able to save all their books from Ragnarok?"
Emma sighed. "They got the majority of them."
Alicia rolled her eyes. "I am no help to anyone."
Loki looked at Alicia as she kept glaring at her hands. "Without you changing the vision of people boarding the ship, there would be nothing left of Asgard."
Alicia leaned her back against the raised bed. "I wish I had information."
Emma stayed silent then after a silence overtook the room she cleared her throat.
Loki spoke quickly, "we will have the information when it is time to acquire it."
Alicia stared at Emma as she went to get a food menu. 
Emma studied the menu. "I am really wanting to try the smoked ham for lunch."
Alicia looked at Loki, "how am I going to cook the Christmas ham?"
Loki frowned. "Listen to what Eir said and worry about getting better."
"But Loki-"
Loki explained. "I can call Susan. Just a training incident gone wrong."
Alicia nodded after a pause… "can you just make sure they get a dinner for Christmas?"
Loki put Emma's notes aside as he stood. "I will take care of it." 
Alicia looked up at him as he leaned to kiss her temple. "Loki?"
"Yes my Love?"
"You still have those online carts full of gifts?"
Loki gave her a smile when he said, "Of course I do."
"Order the smaller items. They don't have much room in their house."
Loki searched her eyes, not hiding his excitement. "Is that my only restriction?"
Alicia nodded with exhaustion. "Until you go through the carts to keep the smaller ones for me to approve." Alicia gave him a deadly serious look, "nothing alive."
"Noted. I will be back."
"Thank you."
Emma called for Loki, "what do you want to eat?"
Loki spoke as he left. "Alicia will order everything for herself to sample and I will eat what is left."
Alicia laughed slightly. "Just order basically everything."
Emma smirked, "and one of your favorite drinks."
Alicia grumbled under her breath.
Loki left as Emma chidded her about needing the special made food to regain her strength.
Loki kept walking until he was alone then called Susan. The dial tone was quite compared to the screams of the children in the background. Susan yelled for quiet and then for the kids to go to their rooms.
"Hey Loki. You aren't going to try to convince me into the live animals again are you?"
Loki laughed. "No. I have some bad news."
Susan paused, "is Alicia okay?"
"There were issues with a training exercise. Alicia needs to heal and I am sorry she is not going to be able to make the ham herself -but I was thinking everyone could come to the tower for Christmas."
"Are we allowed to visit her?"
"She needs to focus on healing…" Loki paused as the children started to scream again. "The children might be a little stressful."
"You have a point." Susan sighed. "Okay. I could get everyone there for Christmas."
"Sounds good. Do you have any recipes I could have the cooks make?"
"Well Alicia has always been the better cook… and with Marcus still missing... How is that going?"
"We are working on getting him back."
"And Marcibeth? How is she?"
"Off on a mission."
"I see. Well thank you Loki. I will make sure we all get there for Christmas."
"I will have a driver bring you."
Susan refused. "We can drive ourselves."
"I want you to relax. Plans changed and you were not planning on driving." Loki thought of the perfect excuse, "Plus the children will love it."
Susan laughed. "Okay. Okay. Let me know what time."
Loki smiled, "I will. Have a good day Susan."
She hummed before saying bye.
Loki took a moment to appreciate the quiet after the call was ended before he turned to go back to Alicia's room.
Alicia stared at the elders.
One held a blade and his helpers stood beside him.
The elder, Hassiba, stood silently on the outskirts with eerie bright eyes.
Alicia's eyesight is bad but she could easily see the bright eyes compared to the face of the man close beside her.
There was a well known knock as Loki stepped in. His figure paused for a moment before walking over to the eerie eyes.
The keeper spoke, "we should get her to the soul forge and extract the blood for the best results."
Thus Alicia was transferred to the room with the soulforge. 
The Eldest Keeper held Alicia's hand as the blade rested on her palm. "This will hurt."
Alicia nodded then shut her mouth as the pain slithered through her body from the cut. The pain paused in spots that lit up on the soulforge display.
One of the helpers ordered, "Just a little longer."
The slicing pain did not stop, it grew stronger as the elder drew more blood.
The one with the blade to Alicia's hand hummed as he kept his eyes to the cut.
Alicia watched the soulforge and how the pain disappeared at the same time the invasion retreated to her hand. There was a turn of the blade and Alicia watched as her blood was drank by the dull edge. Her cut healed together as if there was no injury to her hand at all. Once the man let go of her hand she sighed the huge breath she was holding.
Loki stood with Emma and Hassiba as the group of keepers began talking. He could not hear what they were saying.
Hassiba asked, "How has the mischievous young god been?"
Loki stared at the group. "Not making as much mischief as I once did."
Hassiba smiled as she looked at Emma. "And what of the stubborn healer?"
Emma forced a laugh. "Getting tested by a witch who is more stubborn than I am."
Alicia was getting up when Emma was rushing to her side.
Emma barked, "Do you ever wait for confirmation you can move."
Alicia grunted as she was forced to sit in the wheelchair. "I figured they were done."
Emma sighed, "they are but you can not put stress on your body."
Alicia felt dizzy as her back met with the chair. "Yeah.. stress."
Alicia hated this. She had no answers and depended on everyone else. She couldn't walk to the next room, she barely made it to the wheelchair. If not for Emma she would have fell. 
Loki and Hassiba were talking with the elders as Emma moved to Alicia's room.
Once in her bed Alicia felt a need for sleep. "Emma… I am tired."
Emma explained. "It is a side effect of the blood ritual. Don't fall asleep until Hassiba gets in here."
With a drawl Alicia replied, "Right."
Emma put thick blankets on Alicia as she started to shiver.
Hassiba and Loki walked in followed by food carts. 
Loki went to one side as Hassiba went to the other.
Hassiba suggested. "Eat a little before falling asleep. It will help you get warm and focus on your visions. Also, poor Emma needs food as well."
Alicia's teeth chattered. "I am so cold."
Loki held Alicia's hand, "it is a side effect of the ritual. Hassiba is right, eating will help."
Alicia tried not to chatter her teeth. "What did the Keepers say?"
Loki answered. "It seems like one they know but they need to check the books."
Alicia ate soup and her body warmed to a more comfortable temperature but she was still tired.
Hassiba had explained."Emma will slow visions. When you wake, you will immediately tell me or anyone present what you saw."
Alice squinted at the window to try to experience something outside of the healing room.
"Dear… your eyesight is not well. Why refuse to use present visions?"
Alicia kept trying to see anything of interest. "I want to experience things the same time as others."
Hassiba chided. "Then you will need glasses. No point in having blurred vision if you want to see someone's face."
Alicia stayed quiet as she shivered despite having multiple blankets on her. She felt a little better after eating but sleep was calling her name. Alicia's eyes could barely stay open but she tried to hold on for Emma.
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Huntress- Part 20: It’s Cold
Sam x Daughter!Reader, takes place in S12 E20 so warning: SPOILERS
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen
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 “So that Super Mario power up thing last night, what was that?” Uncle Dean asked. He was pacing the room as he tried to grasp a hold of what had happened. When you passed out thankfully you also woke before them so no questions were asked. “I mean,” Uncle Dean continued when no one answered, “I don’t know who that was, but it sure as hell wasn’t Cas. What was it he said? That he had faith in Lucifer Junior? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You shared an unsure look with your Dad. “I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Look,” your Dad sighed, “this doesn’t make any sense to me either, Dean. I mean I guess we just have to think like him.” “I don’t know how anymore, Sam.” Dean threw his hands up in the air with frustration. The three of you fell silent in thought, turning your attention to your Dad as he unwrapped the colt. It was in pieces, singed and burnt and by the looks of things never to be used again. “Can you fix it?” Uncle Dean asked. To your surprise, Dad gave a little nod, “Maybe.”
Just then a vibration cut off whatever Uncle Dean was going to retort with. “It’s not me.” Dad said, feeling his pockets to double check. Without even looking at his phone, Uncle Dean shrugged, “Not me.” “Not me, either.” You added, looking around the room. You got up and headed towards where the noise was coming from. Under a few books scattered on the side table lay a silver grey phone, buzzing against their spines and pages. You held it up in question. “Must be one of Moms.” Your Dad said to his brother. You didn’t want to answer it so you just held it out for them to take. Dad took it from you, “Hello?...Uh Alicia, hey…” he put it on loud speaker and you all leaned in, Alicia was one of the Hunters at that guys funeral a few weeks ago. “Hey so uh our Mom went on a Hunt a few days ago and she usually contacts us by now. We’re a little worried so we thought-“ “Woah,” Her brother interrupted, “no we didn’t.” “-Okay, I thought that maybe you guys could help.” “You’re over reacting! Mom’s fine.” The brother continued to object. Dad cleared his throat, “Hey uh why don’t you text us your address. We’ll come and help.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Uncle Dean said the moment Dad hung up. For once, you had to agree with him, the spawn of Satan was probably the priority for now. “Yeah, Dad, we should probably find Cas…” “Jodie has people looking. There’s not really much we can do so we might as well help Alicia.” He had a point so you nodded, not wanting an argument. Only, you couldn’t help but worry. All these pains you kept getting were getting worse and worse very day…what if something happened whilst on a hunt? You knew you probably should have told Dad, but you knew they had worse things to worry about. Besides, you were handling it. An overprotective parent is almost worse than an under-protective one.
You all parted ways to pack your things and get ready for the trip out, however you noticed Uncle Dean was hanging back. When your Dad turned the corner to his room you crept back and saw Uncle Dean hold his phone to his ear: “Hey Mom, uh I just wanted to tell you that me and Sam are heading out to help those Witch twins, Max and Alicia, if you can help that’d be great, but uh…I get that the Brits have sorta got your work covered. Maybe just at least…call me back?”, his voice broke just a little and you found your shoulders dropping in sympathy, “It’s just some stuff…it’d be good to talk to you.” He hung up and you hurried back to your room, grabbing supplies and stuffing them in a bag.
Your head swayed a little, making you stumble and shoot your hand out for the desk to steady yourself. “No…not now…” You hissed at nothing, staying still as thought that would help whatever this was go away. Thankfully, it didn’t come to anything.
“Hey guys.” Dad called out at the twins who were staring off into the distance. You smiled at their dramatic stance and how happy your Dad was to be working with other hunters. But, glancing over to Uncle Dean, you could see the hurt in his eyes and you knew Mary hadn’t called back. “What have we got?” Uncle Dean asked bluntly. You tore your eyes away from him and tied your hair back from the wind. Wrapping the hair-tie around your pony tail, you felt it. Just for a split second, not even that. A little blackout in your mind where your body felt like it was about to shut down. It wasn’t long enough even for you to react, but it was just long enough that you noticed it. Alicia explained that their Mum was hunting a Borrower Witch, the ones that have their power because of a deal.
“Dean, sweet car.” Max whistled at Baby and you shared a look with Alicia. “Come on man, I’ll give you the tour.” Uncle Dean smirked before they headed towards the Impala. “He’s in some serious denial.” You noted. “He’s always been that way, thinks he knows Mom best,” Alicia sighed, wrapping her arms around her jacket to stop it flapping in the wind, “they’re both naturally magic so I guess it’s normal.” “You’re not?” You asked. “No, magics just a load of noise to me. It’s their thing, you know?” “I had a similar deal growing up,” your Dad began, “Dean and our Dad had that sort of bond thing going on with hunts.” “What about Mary?” “She get’s a case and she just sort of…disappears.” Dad admitted with a shrug. “What about you?” Alicia asked you. The way her eyebrows raised and her mouth hid a curious smile told you she actually wanted to know. “I don’t really have a set pattern. I’ll do whatever’s easiest. Work alone, work with Dad, work with ten, fifteen, three hundred people. Whatever’s easiest.” You said. You hadn’t really thought about it before…you were trained for everything. To be adaptable above all. “That’s smart.” Alicia nodded. “Come on,” Dad put an arm on her shoulder, “let’s go find your Mom.”
“Max…Alicia, what are you two doing here?” The five of you had entered the building where their Mum’s car was outside. Expecting a fight or at least some arguing, it was safe to say you were all a little taken back that their Mum was just…fine? “Mom!” Alicia ran over to her and threw her arms around her, “I’ve been texting and calling you all this time!” “I’m sorry sweetie my phones been charging.” “Mom,” Max cleared his throat and took a step forward, “this is the Winchesters. Did you know Alicia called them because she was that worried about you?” “You know,” You said quietly, “it’s not a weakness to show a little consideration.” You weren’t trying to be mean, but you wanted to make it clear to Alicia she was okay to be worrying. In the world of Hunting everything was worth worrying about. Embarrassed, and perhaps shocked, Max shrugged, “Yeah, I know.” “I like this one,” the Mother smirked at you, “you must be Y/N.” You nodded. “Well, come on in everyone. I have wine.”
At the table, Tasha, their Mum, opened the wine bottle and handed it to your Dad. You watched her turn around and fumble about before sitting down opposite you. You were a little concerned as she didn’t quite seem to be behaving normally, but in all fairness,  you’d never met a Witch family that hadn’t wanted you dead before. You were sandwiched between your Dad and Uncle on the sofa, looking between everyone and waiting for them to talk or something. “I would’ve had the food from that vegan place delivered, but they don’t do that-“ “That’s okay,” your Dad stood up way too fast and something told you he’d been racking his brain for an excuse to leave this whole time, “I’ll get it. Dean, drink. YN, come on.” You glanced up at your Dad before patting Uncle Dean on the shoulder, shooting him a smirk when no one else was looking. “Good luck.” You mumbled to him and he shot you a sarcastic smile in response.
Dean glanced at his phone: no new messages. With a sigh, a hand through his hair and an adjustment to his posture, he turned his attention back to the family. Tasha sat down next to him, “You expecting a phone call?” She asked. It wasn’t nosy, but rather a display of concern. “Guess not,” Dean smiled, turning to face her, he then nodded towards the twins, “I gotta say you did a bang-up job with those two.” Tasha laughed dismissively, “I did the best I could with Max and Alicia.” “I see how you are with them,” Dean gripped his wine glass, “they’re happy.” “Alicia said you grew up in the life?” Tasha said questioningly. “Yeah. My Dad raised me and Sam.” “And your Mother?” Her head titled. “It’s uh, it’s complicated.” “Family always is…and what about Y/N? Did you bring her up to hunt?” “Uh…yeah that’s pretty complicated as well. We haven’t known her all that long. A little over a year, is all. Her Mom raised her in England. Raised her to Hunt…hell, she’s good at it. Better than I was at her age.” Tasha looked at Dean, she had that motherly look, “You don’t seem happy?” Dean looked between her and the carpet, placed his wine glass down and spent a good few seconds opening and closing his mouth…”Well…” he found the words carefully, “I just wonder if Sam would’ve done things differently.” “There’s no use focusing on the could haves of life,” Tasha smiled at her children from across the room, “she’s a good kid, Dean.” “We didn’t exactly raise her, though. I mean she knew everything already. We haven’t taught her anything. It just doesn’t feel right.” “I think you’ve taught her more than you notice.” She smiled, gripping his shoulder and heading over to her kids. Dean sat back twiddling his thumbs and thinking it through.
“Uncle Dean’s in his element.” You commented, getting out of the car. Dad shot you a frown so you elaborated, “Wine? Chit chat? Waiting on vegan foods. I’ve never seen him so happy.” Dad laughed, “Yeah, you’re right.” The restaurant was surprisingly busy, but then again it was the only vegan one in town. You stood just a little behind your Dad as he took the food. You glanced around at everyone, they were all talking loudly and drinking loudly and every bit of cutlery and crockery was loud. Everything was loud. Loud. Too loud. The cacophony of human interaction filled your ears over the muffled sounds of the white noise piercing over the top. You felt yourself sway a little when the pain struck again. It shot over the noise, over the smells and the sights and was all that filled your mind for just a few seconds. It was enough to make you wince, throw your hand up to your head and almost lose your balance in the process. And then, it was gone. “Sweetheart,” the southern twang of the cashier sounded normal again, “you alright?” You looked up, taking your hand away from your head, “Yeah,” you then blinked a little in attempt to balance reality back up, “just something in my eye.” “Arighty then.” She smiled sweetly, but her tone said she didn’t believe you. You didn’t’ dare look at your Dad who’s stare you could feel on you like a hawk. To your surprise, he didn’t say anything.
“Hey, Y/N,” he pointed to a MISSING poster on the door, “isn’t that that guy we saw?” “It says he’s been missing a month?” You read, taking it off the window and folding it up for your pocket. “Okay, come on, Bug. Let’s go.” He took you arm and you were half dragged to the car.
You, your Dad and your Uncle Dean crept down towards the door where the man had come from. It was a sort of hatch, closed by a padlock which your Dad was busy picking. Clicking your torch on, you stepped next to Uncle Dean and prepared yourself for whatever might be inside. All three of you made the same mistake when it opened. You leaned forward to have a look. The stench of rotting bodies and sewage and anything else revolting was overbearing. “You first.” Uncle Dean coughed at his brother. “No way,” Dad winced, “you.” You watched them go back and forth and sighed, “Move.”. The steps were uneven and the smell did nothing but worsen as you neared the base. “Be careful.” Dad warned, but couldn’t take it as he soon followed you down.
The three of you stood back to back, torches outwards and guns at the ready, but it was soon clear no one was about. No one alive, anyway. Leaving them to the corpses at the side, you neared a table curiously where a body lay under a white sheet. It didn’t smell as bad which told you it was fresh. Your Dad looked up and watched as you carefully took the sheet away, revealing the face. It was her. There was no doubt about it. “Dad…” You said quietly, unaware he was already looking. He came over to you and put an arm on your shoulder, “I know…her hearts been ripped out…” “This is everybody in the house.” You added, shining your torch over the faces. “Okay so who the hell were we just talking to?” Uncle Dean asked the air.
Footsteps sounded and three guns cocked, your Dad taking a step in front of you. “Hey,” said a voice, you shifted your feet so you could see who it was, “I saw the light. You guys find some trouble to get into?” It was Max. Oh God. “Nah, no no-“ Dad stuttered, putting his hand on Max’s chest to stop him from going any further. Max locked eyes with yours and frowned at your fearful expression. He barged through Dad and Uncle Dean, coming to a halt in front of the body. “I was just…I don’t…no…”
You backed away and stood next to your Dad, your eyes not leaving her body. Tears began to fall from Max’ eyes as he knelt down next to the body. You felt awful for him, knowing all too well what it was like to find your Mother dead and alone, cold. You looked away, turning to leave and went back up the steps. It was cold out, but at least the smell didn’t follow. You clutched your jacket round you opened up your phone. It was strange that Mick had stopped calling you, even though you’d asked him to you never thought he would. He was your step-Dad after all. To him that meant family. But not to you and certainly not to Max. “Y/N, hey. You alright, bug?” Dad asked, hopping up the steps and taking a stance at your side. “Yeah…” You nodded blankly, putting your phone back away and shivering a little. “You sure?” He pushed. “I don’t know…it just- “, but before you could start explaining Max ran past, Uncle Dean following afterwards. “Max!” Uncle Dean shouted, racing after, “A little help?!” He then called back to you and your Dad, who then raced after him. He was no doubt expecting you to do the same, but you were stuck in place.
You couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened to you. The death of your sister, your Mum and then suddenly finding your Dad…it seemed unreal. Part of you expected to wake up and find out that this was all a dream. That’s why you needed to call Mick. As irritated with yourself as you were, he was the only consistent person in your life who’d been there from day one. He wasn’t exactly a good step-Dad, but neither was he a bad one. He was just confused. Not meant for the Men of Letters, really. Your finger hovered over the call button, before pressing down. To your surprise and disappointment, he didn’t pick up. It rang and rang, but no one picked up. “This is Mick Davis, leave a message.” You didn’t have anything to say so you let in run silent for a few seconds before hanging up.
The cold night air became more and more unbearable, making you shiver. Then, out of the blue, one more sharp pain hit. It was much worse than any of the ones before. It was loud and quiet. It was heavy and light. It was dense and airy. It was too much. Harsh voices whispered through your bones and hovered around your eardrums and it all became too much. You collapsed to the hard ground, clutching your head as though if you held it hard enough everything would go back to normal. Your eyes drooped and the sound subsided along with consciousness.
You woke up running. Sprinting, even. Racing through the forest, your heart beat so fast you thought it was going to stop all together. Like an idiot, you looked back. You looked back to see nothing chasing you…nothing at all? But when your head turned to face the direction you were running you skidded to a halt. There it was. The Hell Hound. It pounced on you, it’s sharp ravenous claws slicing through your skin. You screamed in agony, flailing your limbs abut helplessly as it tore into you. The pain was all you could sense. It was the smell and the taste and the sound. All pain. And then nothing.
“Brooks how are you supposed to outrun a real Hellhound when you can’t even outrun one that’s half the speed?” Mr K tutted, taking the replicators off your body and face. They were pain replicators, used to put Hunters in a simulation where everything was very much real. “Sorry…” You managed, out of breath and still able to feel the aftermath of the Hound. “Wait here.” He ordered, leaving the room. You waited a few seconds before following quietly after, peering round the corner of the corridor to eavesdrop:
“Well,” Ketch began, “they still don’t’ seem to be having any affect on her.” “That’s impossible. These injections are designed to rework you into a cold killing machine.” You felt your body tense…so that’s what they’d been jabbing you with? “Well she’s just as irritatingly Y/N as always. We might have to try her Mother, see if it’s genetics or just her.” “Rebecca doesn’t need them. She follows the rules just fine.” “Does she?” Ketch snapped, “Because I happen to be aware of just how many monsters she leaves unharmed. She’s as disobedient as her daughter is. Get me those shots.” “Yes sir.”
Part Twenty One: Realignment 
Masterlist I do not own these gifs (Tag list after cut)
@reddeputation @analisespn
@barbygrozna @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @chelseypaigeake @impala-hunter @msdooos @starswirlblitz @fanboyswhereare-you @amorluzymelodia @d-willem @adidabach @booksarecoolio @winchesters-favorite-girl @squirels-angels-and-moose @27bmm @practicallyawinchester @demonic-meatball @xsecretrejectx @bea789 @sarahthewriter55 @jiggysupernatural @trashforwinchesters @snazzyjazzyh @diesintheshower @intoomuchfandoms
@the-chick-with-the-best-fandom @kbarnett1089 @riversong-sam @intoomuchfandoms @teamfreewill-67 @revwinchester @jensen-jarpad @itseverythingilike @avalon821 @miss-miep @lovelouisbabe @wcmanwcnder @graceless-dragon @sofy7012 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @oneshotsdeanshort @caroldanversinatardis @soulfiretheobsessed @whovianayesha @fandomsstolemylife00 @straightasdeanwinchester @soullessbabee @heytherecutie13 @spnkisum @clairedelalune @honeybeetrash @sammy-salamander @saltyasshxe @wingsanddarkness
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter Four
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep, and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language, Warped thoughts, Violence.
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' POVs throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 4
(Alicia's POV)
None of this would've happened if Nick hadn't left us to wander with the dead. Mom was on a mission to find him after that, even though it was clear he didn't want to be found; but we did- in a new world death camp lead by Troy Otto.
Don't get me wrong: I'm grateful to be reunited with my brother. I missed him. It's just that a lot happened while he was gone and, well, it would've been nice if he was there for us.
As much as Nick didn't want to be around the living, it turned out he had joined another community. It honestly hurt. Didn't he want to be away from people? He got so wrapped up with that group that he even ended up with a girlfriend.
Enough of these thoughts right now. They're not helping. I should be focusing on the task at hand.
Jake and I are heading to his ranch by foot now. We've been carrying Nick's unconscious girlfriend between us for the past few hours. I'm fucking exhausted. Everything about life is exhausting now. No use in complaining though. At least I'm not in Luciana's boots. She had been shot and was already in bad shape before the helicopter went down. I'm still shocked the three of us made it. I just hope we make it to the ranch in time. If anything, for Nick's sake.
Finally, our destination is in sight. A handful of people come to the gate to meet us; either to help or to find out what's going on. Jake and I carefully lay Luciana down so a red-haired man, who appears to be a medic, can check her vitals.
My thoughts wander again. I'm worried about my mom. How is she going to handle it when she sees Travis isn't with us? She's always been so strong; even through all of this mayhem with the dead rising. Will losing him break her? I guess I'm about to find out.
I am given a quick hug and then I notice her looking down the road, expecting to see Travis lagging behind. "Where is he? Where is Trav?" Realizing he isn't coming, she asks once more, looking me in the eyes this time. "Where is he?"
"He," I hate this. "He's not-" I see it in her eyes. I don't need to say any more.
"No... No, no..."
"I'm sorry-" I cut myself off. Those words seem so pointless, though I mean them from the bottom of my heart.
Mom doesn't have time to mourn right now unfortunately. Here comes Nick, sprinting towards the scene. He goes straight to Luciana and kneels at her side. I see fear in his eyes.
"Luci.. Luci, hey.. Hey, it's Nick. Luci.."
"Not sure she can hear you," the medic tells him.
"What? What do you mean? Nick panics.
"She's not going to make it is what he means." That's an all too familiar voice- Troy fucking Otto.
"Help her!" Nick shouldn't even have to say that. They should be on it already.
"No. We take her to the infirmary, she may turn. It's against policy." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Why is this even up for debate? Luciana is still alive!
"It's your fault! You shot her!" Despite the fire in his voice, Nick sounds scared and helpless.
"I was defending my people. I'll do it again." Troy walks over to Luci while pulling out his pistol. "I know what to do."
"No no no no." Nick stands and puts himself between Troy and Luciana.
"This is how it has to be." Troy nonchalantly pushes Nick to the side. I can't believe what's unfolding in front of my eyes. Nothing feels real anymore. Why isn't anybody doing any-
"Troy!" A girl about my age approaches the scene, interrupting the tension. She gets close to Troy, and looking up at him with pleading eyes, she speaks quietly as if only to address him; though she can faintly be heard anyway. "This is one of those scenarios we talked about, ok? Do the right thing."
Troy mirrors her volume. "I am, Jaymie. I'm keeping you safe. I have to keep you- and everyone here, safe."
"But she could pull through, Troy. You know this isn't right. We should give her a chance."
"She's not worth the risk."
"What if, what if it was me laying there?"
The way he looked into her eyes was so intense. He went quiet; her words sinking in. After a brief moment though he swallowed hard and shook his head slightly.
"It isn't." Then Troy addresses Nick again. "Come on, out of the way. Move aside." He fails to heed the direction of this Jaymie girl. She looks more disappointed now than concerned for Luci's life as she was just moments ago.
Troy advances on his target.
"I'll do it." I barely heard him, but Nick said it twice. "I'll do it. I'm allowed this."
Troy contemplates Nick's words. He continues to stare down at the dying girl, his pistol ready to fire. I was stunned when he actually agreed.
"Troy wait-" Jaymie doesn't trust my brother. The transaction is already in progress though. Troy released the hammer of the gun and passed it over. Nick was now the one pointing the weapon at his girlfriend. There's no way he'll do this. I bet he's-
His arm raises, aiming the pistol directly at Troy's face. I knew it. The crowd reacts in gasps as a few others draw their own guns.
Jaymie doesn't hesitate to step in front of Troy. "Nick, please! Please don't do this!" Troy gently but hurriedly pushes Jaymie to the side and gives her a stern look. Her expression is one of utter desperation. "Nick, put the fucking gun down!" Tears form in her eyes. It's hard to believe someone actually cares this much about the guy.
"Let her in," Nick demands.
Jake has his own pistol trained on my brother. "Nick, this is not how we do things here."
Nick stares Troy dead in the eye, then changes his aim, putting Jaymie in the line of fire.
The color in Troy's face drains and his entire body language changes. He certainly didn't seem all that phased when the pistol was pointed at his self. "Whoa, hey, Nick, this is between you and me. So you keep that thing aimed at me, alright?"
Nick doesn't move it. "I said let her in."
With his unpatched eye trained on my brother's trigger finger, Troy cautiously reaches over to Jaymie, hoping like hell Nick won't pull the trigger. He guides the girl behind his body, shielding her. She is clearly against the idea, as she shows restraint, but Troy's grip on her is persistent. Unsure of what else to do, Jaymie wraps her arms around him, splaying one hand over his heart and the other on his stomach, like an instinct to protect his vitals, perhaps? Of course it would do no good since Nick is aiming for Troy's head anyway; that and her hands aren't going to stop a damn bullet. She doesn't seem that stupid, so maybe she's just grasping at straws.
"Nick, please. I'm begging you!" Jaymie's voice cracks as a tear runs down her cheek. "Don't do this!"
"Put the gun down, Nick." Mom's voice chimes in.
"Not this time."
More tears run down Jaymie's face upon hearing Nick's words. She attempts to hold in her sobs. If I'm being honest here, her reactions are breaking my heart. I actually feel bad for her. Too bad it's Troy she's defending.
"Do what your mommy says." Troy provokes Nick, who takes another couple angry steps towards him. Jaymie's hold on Troy tightens as she lets out a yelp.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Jeremiah steps between Troy and my brother. "Nick, Nick, easy there. Let, let me have the pistol, son."
It's Nick's turn to have a broken voice. "You can't let her die."
Jeremiah's voice is soothing. "If she's got a pulse, we'll let her in; but you got to give me the gun."
"Do it, Nick. Give him the gun," our mom encourages.
Nick reluctantly disengages the hammer and hands the gun over to Jeremiah. I look over at Jaymie to watch her let out the breath she had been holding, and the remainder of her tears fall. She rests her cheek against Troy's back, and moves her arms to wrap around him completely. He affectionately places his own hands on top of hers.
"Get her to the infirmary, and secure her before you treat her." Jeremiah gives the commands concerning Luci. "Everybody, that's enough fun. The show's over. Go back to what you were doing." At last, the crowd disperses.
"Everything's alright, Jayms." I hear Troy calming Jaymie as he turns around, interrupting their embrace. He then puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, and guides her through the gate.
I have a feeling we'll be staying here awhile. Maybe befriending this Jaymie girl would be in our best interests. If anything, we could probably find out some useful information from her. I suppose I should wait for some of the emotional distress that my brother is responsible for to dissipate though. She was obviously terrified for Troy's life. What a sweet, foolish girl.
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letswritefuriously · 5 years
Try not to be confused challenge
You’ll fail; I wrote it and I failed So tbh, I’ve been having a little trouble with episode two, so I’m skipping straight to episode three. If you want to see if you can win the challenge, keep reading (prizes to the winner - but be honest).
Scene 1
Our team of three sprints through the woods, torch beams waving and flickering through the pre-dawn shadows. ETHAN stumbles, and ALICIA helps him up.
ALICIA: Ari, wait!
ARI turns back, exasperated.
ARI: Come on, hurry!
ALICIA: I don’t understand, what’s the urgency?
ARI (pointing): Sun’s nearly up.
ARI: I don’t have time to explain! We nned to hurry. She turns and ushers them past. Go, go!
ETHAN coughs and wheezes as he jogs past.
ARI: Sorry, Ethan. Keep going, you’re doing great!
ETHAN coughs something that sounds suspiciously like a bad name.
ARI: If you can talk, you can run, come on, move it!
Scene 2
Our three heroes crest a hill, and ARI points. The camera focuses on a small log cabin, smiliar to the one that ETHAN and ALICIA were staying at in the last episode, only, this one appears to be completely hand-made. The camera focuses back on ALICIA and ETHAN, doubled over and panting.
ARI: That’s it, up ahead.
The other two just nod, not answering. ARI looks up, and pales as she sees the sky lightening near the horizon.
ARI: We need to go. Now! Go, go! She physically pushes them down the hill, the camera doing an extreme close-up of her hand, pulling two boomerangs from her belt. Beat it, you moronic lumps!
Using a handheld camera, there is a tracking shot of ALICIA and ETHAN sprinting tworads the hut-
ALICIA slams into the door, ETHAN a few seconds behind her.
ALICIA: Let us in! Let us in!
VOICE (masculine, gruff): Who are you?
ALICIA: We’re friends! Friends- of- Ari!
VOICE: And where is that a-hole?
ARI: Right here! She has suddenly appeared behind them, panting, her boomerangs still out. ALICIA jumps. Call me Johnny for I am the chronicler of Australian thots!
The door suddenly swings open, and ALICIA and ARI, who are leaning heavily on the door, tumble inside. ETHAN quickly steps in after them and shits the door.
He looks up, and gulps, cowering a little. Standing in front of him is NOAH (tall, as in like, really really tall okay, muscular, just overall really threatening).
NOAH: So... what brings you here?
Scene 3
Title card.
Scene 4
A car gets closer, closer, closer... and then zips past, revealing out team of three sitting on the side of the highway, just on the edge of the woods.
The camera focuses on ARI, stuffing a few packs of dried fruit into the top of her bag. In the background, we can see ALICIA and ETHAN, sitting on a log, talking indistinctly. ARI pauses and frowns, then shakes herself and continues to pack.
The camera cuts to ALICIA and ETHAN, talking quietly.
ETHAN: ...Actual plan?
ALICIA: We need to know WHY she’s in trouble before we can cover that.
ETHAN: Riiiiiight. If I die, I’m blaming it on you.
ALICIA: You’re not gonna die! I have a-
ETHAN: Plan?
ALICIA sighs, and mock glares at him.
ARI: Right-o! You guys good?
ALICIA (standing up and putting on her pack): Ready when you are.
ETHAN: I hope you know what you’re doing. I don’t wanna get eaten by a bear.
ARI: Aren’t there, like, no bears in Oregon?
ALICIA: There’s definitely bears in Oregon.
ARI: That’s what I said.
Scene 5
A scream rips through the air. ARI, who was some way ahead, throws herself around the corner.
ARI: Alicia? ALICIA is being supported by ETHAN, who looks at her, worried. Alicia!
ALICIA whimpers quietly.
ARI (to ETHAN): What happened?
ETHAN: I dunno, she just started screaming-
ALICIA: Can’t you see it?
They both look at her, startled.
ARI: See... She looks to the tree and starts suddenly, albeit it subtely. She quickly corrects herself. ...what?
ALICIA raises a shaking hand, and points it towards a tree directly in front of her.
The camera suddenly cuts to ALICIA’s pount of view, and... seemingly carved out of the base of the tree itself, face contorted in a silent scream as if she were trying to escape... is a small, woman, her hands curved into wooden claws as the clutch the bark of the tree. She is clearly dead.
ARI: Alicia... She waves her hand in front of ALICIA’s face. Alicia! Alicia, whatever, you’re seeing, it’s not real. Nothing’s there.
ALICIA (hyperventilating): You can see it, too, I know you can see-
ARI: It’s not there. Nothing’s there.
ETHAN: Alle, you know the drill. As he says this, ARI looks over, startled. Deep breaths, okay? Just like what’s-her-name, the weirdo lady said.
ALICIA gives a nervous laugh.
ALICIA: Her name was Ms Askan, Ethan. (In admiration) She was a psychiatrist... not a weirdo...
ETHAN: Yeah, whatever. Just... close your eyes. Think about being in her office, reading that bug book you like.
ALICIA (dreamily): The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
ETHAN: Do you feel better?
ALICIA (swallowing hard): That lady... that lady was... she was dead, Ethan.
ETHAN: Why do you think you saw that? Do you think it was really there?
ALICIA: Yes. It was there, I saw it.
ARI: No it- ETHAN shoots her a look and she shuts up.
ETHAN: Are you sure?
ETHAN: Why do you think you saw it, Alle?
ALICIA: I think... I feel guilty about killing those soldiers.
ETHAN: Should you feel guilty?
The camera cuts suddenly back to that scene in the abandoned house, th colours distorted nightmarishly.
OFFICER: ...Why?
We cut back to ALICIA, her face tortured.
ALICIA: No. Her expression tells us otherwise, but ETHAN doesn’t catch it.
ETHAN: Okay, then. Open your eyes. She obeys. Can you still see it?
The camera cuts back to the tree. The woman is still there.
ALICIA: No. I can’t see it.
The camera zooms out to a wide shot. Every single tree has a dead person carved out of wood at the base, and with a groan, their heads all turn towards ALICIA.
TREES: Your fault. Your fault...
ALICIA draws a shaky breath, scrunching her eyes shut again. When she opens them, the tree-people are gone.
ALICIA: I’m okay. I’m okay. She straughtens up, pushing ETHAN away. Let’s go.
Scene 6
ALICIA and ETHAN are sitting inf ront of a crackling fire, looking pretty miserable. ALICIA turns suddenly from her place on the ground.
ALICIA: What are you even doing?
ARI straightens up, hits a tree and yelps, dropping the sack in her hand, which hits the ground with a supicious clink. ARI leans down to pick it up, but the moment she straightens up, she hits her head on the branch again, and a brown and blue crystal falls out.*labarodite, fluorite*
ARI: Pagan voodoo?
ALICIA throws her her tradmark bitchface, and ARI rubs her head.
ARI: Not used to being this tall, see. The bitchface reaches ETHAN’s face as well. That was a joke, guys.
ALICIA: Well, what are you doing?
ARI: I told you; pagan voodoo. (At ALICIA’s confused face); What? I’m a Wiccan.
ETHAN shrugs and turns back around. After a moment, ALICIA follows suit. ARI continues laying crystals in a circle around their camp for a fe moments, and then comes over.
ARI (sitting down next to them and poking the fire): So, you guys gonna tell me why we’re doing this?
ETHAN opens his mouth, but ALICIA interrupts.
ALICIA: Nope. (To ETHAN) Why do you keep telling her stuff?
ETHAN: I like her. He smiles at ARI.
ARI: Trust me, you won’t.
ETHAN: Why wouldn’t I?
ARI (shaking her head): Just wait a few days. You’ll be leaving faster than someone can say ‘oh s***, it’s a- She breaks off and gives them a wry smile, which fades all too quickly.
ETHAN: I find that hard to believe. Besides, you saved our lives. (To ALICIA) We can trust her.
ARI: Bold of you to assume that. She scrunches up her face. Hold on, I’m supposed to be arguing my favour here. She chuckles. Oof.
ALICIA (disdainfully): Oh for God’s sake, stop trying to be cool! You’re not a teenager!
ARI: Bold of you to- She catches ALICIA’s look. Okay, okay. What’s got you so wound up?
ALICIA frowns and opens her mouth, and then pauses, looking up at the sky. When she speaks, her voice cracks.
ALICIA: I don’t... I don’t know... something happened today, but I can’t remember what.
ARI: Do you remember... She notices ETHAN shake his head and trails off.
There is silence.
Scene 7
A soft, pink glow comes from the woods, gradually growing stronger. ALICIA continues to look straight ahaead, but we can tell from the way her eyes dart to the side that she can see it.
ARI, who is walking in front of ALICIA and ETHAN, sees it to, but keeps walking as if she hadn’t noticed it. The glow gets brighter, and out from behind a tree comes a short but willowy figure, about a metre tall, like a child, but with an adult’s face, her back decorated with beautiful pink wings. It is VIOLA (1m, appears to be in twenties, beautiful, Phillipino).
VIOLA: Ari! I’ve been looking for you for forever! You have no idea how long-
ARI’s fingers begin to flick subtely in what appears to be rather broken ASL. Subtitles appear on screen.
ARI: Be quiet. Have Idun-marked with me. May or may not be able to see.
VIOLA (whispering): Oh great Idun, your ASL is terrible!
At this, ALICIA starts and immediately looks towards ARI’s hands, but she clearly doesn’t understand ASL. She looks at ETHAN to see if he can see this, but he’s still looking at his feet, clearly unable to see the woman in front of them.
ARI: Do you not understand? Sign. Not talk.
VIOLA (still whispering): May or may not? What do you mean?
ARI: A little sight. Not always.
VIOLA: Why not? Gosh, if my ability to see the Children of Idun was turning on and off, I’d be going mad!
A shot of ALICIA’s face shows us that she thinks she might be.
ARI: I have trouble. Spirits care about her. She points, and VIOLA finally looks over at ALICIA.
VIOLA: Gracious! It’s a full Mark!
ARI: Know that. Worried.
VIOLA: Why? If I was in charge of the welfare of a-
ARI: Curse, you fool.
VIOLA: I’m glad this isn’t a verbal conversation, I know the profanities you can spew in-
ARI (rather violently): CURSE!
VIOLA: Ohhhhh. The Curse. Right. Well... What really is the loss of another human?
ALICIA looks alarmed.
ARI: Never say that. Unless you want your bicycle on the ceiling.
VIOLA: My bicycle...?
ARI: GUTS. Your GUTS on the ceiling.
VIOLA: Whatever. They fall into silence.
ARI: You knew I was me. How?
VIOLA: How? Why would I not- oh... you’re doing that disguise thing you- ARI gives her a pointed look, and indicates ALICIA with her eyes. Oh, please, if she could see me, we’d know by now. Your secret is safe with me. Anyway, I was tracking your aura. Dimwit. How else do I find you?
ARI: I’m wearing – Sher breaks off, sighs, and casually, ever so casually, pulls out a blue-brown stone on a rope from around her neck, the same as the one she was putting around the camp before. You can’t track my A-U-R-A. She spells out the last word.
VIOLA: Oh. I... Well I did know it was you.
ARI: But-
VIOLA: How do you really plan on keeping this a secret from her?
ARI: Lies?
VIOLA: Well, good luck. I know you’re okay now, and that was all I wanted to know, because as much as I hate you, you’re a useful bastard.
ARI: You don’t hate me.
VIOLA: You sure?
ARI: I don’t hate you.
VIOLA (looking away): Whatever. I’ll tell Citrus that-
ARI: Don’t say anything bad, I said I was sorry.
VIOLA: Oh, yes, that! She’ll be very pleased to know that your ASL is better.
ARI: I said I was sorry!
VIOLA: Sure, sure. Well, don’t let me- Where are you off to, anyway?
ARI: I-L-L-I-N-O-I-S. But first, safe house.
VIOLA: Which one?
ARI: It’s new, you wouldn’t know it. You can... She chews her lip, debating. You can come. If you want.
VIOLA: Don’t let me keep you. Besides, like you said, we don’t know if this asshole of an Idun-marked can see me. She salutes, and looks almost sad. Godspeed, my – my friend. She turns and flies into the woods.
Scene 8
It is the middle of the night, so ETHAN and ALICIA are in their tent. ARI is sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of the fire, murmuring quietly. As she mutters, the sighing sound of wind becomes gradually stronger. ARI begins to speak louder, raising her hands. The fire turns pure black, and the only light is the stars, which are rapidly being blotted out by clouds. It begins to rain, softly at first, and then harder, until it is hammering down, causing the tents to shake. It is miraculous that ETHAN and ALICIA don’t wake up.
ARI’s face is screwed up in concentration. Emotions flit across her face like birds, as if multiple people are inside her, holding negotiations. Perhaps they are. Her nose begins to bleed, and the shock is visible on her face, though her eyes do not open.
ARI: No. No! We had a deal! You can’t- A strangled sound comes out of her throat, and her eyes open, pure white, but she scrunches them shut again and concentrates harder.
ARI: I- have- a- job- for- you! Her hands dig into the ground, and she begins to gasp. (In a vice that is very not her own): I see you here, shifter, vulnerable. Why should I not take you? (Back to her normal voice): You- will- heed- my- will!
Her eyes shoot open again, and the white slowly leaches from them, back to their normal green and blue. Her nose stops bleeding, the blood washing off in the slowing rain.
ARI: You can’t conquer me. Not today. She wipes off the remainder of the blood. Come. We have work to do.
Scene 9
ARI shakes ALICIA and ETHAN awake.
ARI: Come on. We’re going.
ETHAN rolls over and groans, and ALICIA sits up, blearily looking at her watch.
ALICIA: It’s 12:30...
ARI: 0030 hours. Come on, I’ve decided that we’re moving at night for... ah... secrecy.
ALICIA: Can’t we-
ARI: No. (Directly in ETHAN’s ear) Let’s go!
She grabs their arms and drags them outside.
Scene 10
We are inside the small hut that belongs to ARI’s ‘friends’; NOAH and ELIJAH. ARI stands up, brushing herself off.
ARI: I don’t know why I have to use that goddamn code every time, it’s kinda degrading-
NOAH’s fist slams into her face, and she hits the floor. ETHAN yells and backs away, and ALICIA kneels at ARI’s side, and then – to her credit – steps towards NOAH. ARI, however, holds up her hands to stop her. She gets up slowly, wiping blood from her mouth.
ARI: I guess I deserved that. (To NOAH) Feel better?
NOAH: What the hell, Ari? You defied a direct order back there at the Evil Organisation Base!
ARI is silent, her eyes on her feet.
NOAH: Everyone’s had to go into hiding, and it’s all your goddamn fault! E.O is swarming over the whole freaking country, our forces went down in _____, and- and we- we lost half of our troops...
They both bow their heads, and at that exact moment, ELIJAH comes into the room, his hand firmly on the wall, a blindfold over his eyes.
ELIJAH: We have no evidence that that was Ari’s fault.
NOAH: We can goddamn claim it though. He jabs his finger at ARI. You screwed up everything. This is why you lost your squad the first time! You endanger everyone around you-
ARI: I never took any of them with me on my suicide missions.
NOAH: Soldier’s could’ve tortured their whereabouts out of you-
ARI: I sent them all home the moment I was doing anything stupid. You just made it a lot easier by taking away my squad.
ALICIA: Hol’ up. What’s going on?
Both NOAH and ELIJAH fall silent, NOAH staring at ALICIA. He steps backward, and reaches out a hand to ELIJAH, who take it, and then takes a step back in shock.
NOAH: Great Idun. It’s the most powerful- ARI kicks him -uh... eggshell I’ve ever seen. When ARI looks at him, NOAH looks just as confused as she is. Uh... I-
ARI: You know how I was telling you about the resistance against E.O? That company that tried to shoot you?
ETHAN and ALICIA nod to indicate that they do.
ARI: Welcome to one of the resistance safe-houses. (To NOAH) Anybody else here?
He shakes his head.
NOAH: Like I said, we lost pretty much the whole force.
ALICIA: Hang on... lost them? Like, they died? NOAH nods, and she swallows. What does that have to do with Ari?
ARI: I... may have defied a direct order the other day.
ALICIA: May have?
ARI: ...I did.
ALICIA: And that lead to people dying... how?
NOAH: Because she alerted a bunch of soldiers to our presence, that’s how. The organisation was ignoring us for a little while, and she basically poked a stick at the ant nest.
ETHAN: It sounds like it was an accident.
ARI: Maybe it was, but I defied a direct order. It wouldn’t of happened if I’d just-
ETHAN: Why did we have to run that last part?
There is silence. ARI looks desperately at NOAH and ELIJAH.
NOAH: Before she explains that, we need to debrief. She’s still a soldier, even if a disobedient one.
ARI: Wait there. Don’t touch anything. She goes to walk after NOAH and ELIJAH, but then turns back around. DON’T god outside.
Scene 11
ELIJAH shuts the door after ARI with a sympathetic grimace.
NOAH: Bit of an old face you chose there, Ari. Got your reasons, I suppose?
ARI: They don’t know.
ELIJAH: Those two kids? Why not?
ARI: They were attacked by E.O. I got them out; I was posing as an agent of E.O at the time-
NOAH: Hold up. You were what?
ARI: To make up for my – for my failing on my last mission, I snuck into an E.O base and shifted into-
NOAH: So you’re saying that you were on the inside? And you just gave that up?!
ARI: They were gonna kill Ethan and take Alicia!
NOAH shakes his head with a disgusted look.
NOAH: It would’ve been worth it. Don’t you understand? This is war!
ARI: And war is to protect people, not to destroy your enemies! That’s why I can’t follow your orders!
NOAH sighs.
NOAH: Just shift back to yourself, Ari. I can’t take you seriously when you’re freaking forty.
ARI (practically snarling): You’re forty. Her body ripples, shakes and shrinks, until she becomes a short, androgynous, 19-year-old.
ELIJAH: So... when are you telling those kids about... He waves his hand. Everything?
ARI: I want to see if I can get them through this war without them finding out.
NOAH: Why?!
ELIJAH: More importantly; how? According to Noah that girl’s got the strongest mark we’ve ever seen in my lifetime, perhaps ever. She’ll be able to see-
ARI: She can’t. She can’t see any of it.
ELIJAH: Well that makes two of us. Do you know why?
ARI: No clue. Maybe having a full mark doesn’t make you more powerful, like we thought. It could be anything. All I know, is that the curse that comes along with that thing is gonna be gigantic. I don’t want her sticking a gun in her mouth.
NOAH: That’s not important. She’s part of the war effort now; with some training, maybe a few kicks to the head to get her working, and she could turn the tide of the war!
ARI: That’s not how people work. You can’t just-
NOAH: Sacrifices have to be made-
ARI: You can’t sacrifice anything that doesn’t belong to you!
NOAH: Who says they don’t-
There’s an awkward silence.
NOAH: All I’m saying is that it’s pretty selfish for her not to be involved. Him too.
ARI: Well it’s not your choice.
NOAH: And neither is it yours!
ELIJAH: You two need to calm down. We’re making no decisions just yet, until we can agree on something. (To ARI) It IS your decision whether to tell them about your... abilities.
ARI looks as if she is barely holding back a snarl.
ELIJAH: However, I need to know what you’re planning to do with them now; we’re moving out of here in a few days, so they won’t be able to-
ARI: I wasn’t planning on keeping them at this safe house; I’m taking them to Illinois. They asked to go there.
ELIJAH (frowning): Why?
ARI: I don’t know. They just said they wanted to go there, and they won’t tell me why. She sees NOAH and ELIJAH’s baffled expressions and huffs an exasperated sigh. They were going with or without me. At least this way, I could protect them from all the spirits and crap that’s gonna be in the forest.
ELIJAH: You should’ve taken them to a safe house-
NOAH: You could’ve just forced them to go-
ARI: No. I’m not gonna imprison them. Besides, I think they have a damn good reason for wanting to go.
ELIJAH: So if you’re not here to drop them off at the safe house, why ARE you here?
ARI: I need your help.
NOAH: Oh, so now you need our help? Never do anything for us, but you can just come waltzing up and ask us for any damn thing you want?
ARI: Maybe I don’t follow orders, but don’t pretend I’ve never done anything for you. She holds out her hands, which have a faint pink burn scar across them, as if she has been holding pure fire. I’ve done plenty of s*** for you.
NOAH: And that barely makes up for everything you’ve put us through. What are you doing for us in return?
ARI: I’ll go back to doing reconnaissance-
NOAH: It’s not enough.
NOAH: No, it’s not. You have to do something-
ARI: I’ll go into the infantry! There’s silence.
ELIJAH: You’re serious about needing help, huh?
ARI: You’ve got connections. With the Children of Idun. I need something other than the spirit I harnessed to get here.
Both NOAH and ELIJAH speak at the same time;
ELIJAH: You harnessed a spirit?
NOAH: Wouldn’t think you were strong enough to harness any useful one. Huh.
ARI: Is it enough?
NOAH: How long you gonna be in the infantry?
ARI: Uh... one year.
NOAH cracks up, and his laughed isn’t reduced, only exacerbated, by the look ELIJAH gives him.
NOAH: Absolutely not happening. Longer.
ARI (calmly): Five years.
NOAH consider it, and then...
NOAH: I’m not taking anything less than lifetime service until death.
ARI: No.
NOAH: Well it looks like you’re not getting any help then. Good luck getting to Illinois. I’m not gonna be surprised if they die before then.
ARI (standing up): They won’t. I’ll protect them.
NOAH: There’s not much you can do without a proper Child of Idun.
ARI (bristling): I am a Child of Idun.
NOAH chuckles.
NOAH: No you’re not. You don’t fit in anywhere, mutt. He stands. Pleasure doing business with you. He holds out his hand to shake, which Ari takes, an acidic smile on her lips. The moment their hands join, NOAH pulls his lips close to your ear. (Whispering): How long do you really think they’re gonna last? Just some silver and you’re powerless.
ARI stiffens suddenly, and the camera catches on NOAH’s hand, holding a small, silver knife to ARI’s ribs. ELIJAH’s view is blocked by ARI’s body.
ELIJAH: Noah? What’s going on?
ARI opens her mouth to speak, but NOAH presses the blade against her ribs, and a small sizzling sound rises through the air. ARI’s face compresses into a grimace of pain.
NOAH: Nothing, ELIJAH, just seeing Ari out the door. He doesn’t move towards the door at all, and presses the knife further into ARI’s side. She lets out an audible gasp.
ARI (whispering): You’re bluffing.
NOAH grins evilly.
NOAH turns.
NOAH: What? He chuckles. She was right, I was bluffing. He turns to ARI. I’m also right, though. You’re no fighter; just a monster with a speck of brains. Any silver, and you’re powerless. He leans closer to her. Just know, that if you don’t agree to this deal, you’ll be walking out on everyone in the resistance. Not just in the American one, either. I believe you have a friend in the Australian resistance... what was his name? Billingurra? Billy? He can be sent to the frontlines easily enough.
ARI pales.
ARI: He said he’d never sign up...
NOAH: Apparently not everyone keeps their promises. He laughs. Make your own choice. He begins to walk away.
ARI: Wait!
He turns, expectant.
ARI: I’ll... I... She screw her eyes shut. I’ll do it.
NOAH: Give me the whole statement, I wanna hear it.
ELIJAH: Noah, I’m warning you-
NOAH: Give me the whole statement.
ARI: I... Ari Lachlan... She swallows. I will give a lifetime service to the infantry, until inability to... to fight, or until... death.
NOAH smiles.
NOAH: That wasn’t that hard, see. I apologise for the first, possibly second degree burn on your ribs. Now, what do you want help with?
ARI: Contacts. You have contacts in the woods; I need to meet some of them, to find a faster way through the woods.
Scene 12
ETHAN and ALICIA sit together on two wooden chairs by the door in complete silence.
ETHAN: It’s a small world after all...
ALICIA: Shut up. Silence once more. (whispering) What’s going on here?
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Tagging: @dc-writes, and @juls-writes
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widgenstain · 6 years
i hope this doesnt sound creepy but what were your thoughts on submergence? I love reading movie reviews/rants about my faves (jamesy)
Lol, no,not creepy at all, I wanted write a few words after I saw it two weeks (?) agoanyway, but got distracted. I hope this doesn’t disappoint you though! Not so many positive opinions here!
(light spoilers under the cut)
The best word to sum up my feelings about this is“meh”. I expected the worst after reading some reviews but it wasn’tTHAT bad. It wasn’t good either though. I felt pretty vindicated in myassessment from January 2016 ; Submergence isn’t abook that translates well on screen. And they didn’t even try very hard. Boy, thatscript is bad…
Sceneslifted directly from the book that anyone with even the tiniest understandingof how good narratives work would have changed, or at least tried to make morefilmable. Instead we got this mess; long, clunky, scientific dialogue thatworks as a build-up in the book but needed to be cut short in the movie andmore importantly: focussed on the message and motives behind it! What does it mean to behuman, to live in certain social structures and how insignificant are we andthose social structures really in the big picture? You don’t have to explain the layers of the Ocean if you can’t get across how vast they really are and what that vastness is meant to symbolise! 
Thedirection doesn’t clear anything up either. It’s so inconsistent in its levelsof subtlety. Especially in the parts that take place in France it needed to be waymore obvious; what attracts these two people to each other? THE importantquestion in a romance!
In the bookit’s intellectual understanding and fascination with the other person’sapproach to topics like love, death, religion etc.. I wasn’t kidding in my earlierpost when I said that in the book they aren’t really characters, but voices for differentworld views that somehow still see their similarities and learn from eachother. The whole thing is supported by their weirdly intertwining heritage andlife story; she’s a biracial cosmopolitan who explores the seas his ancestors sailed,before he became a spy in Africa, who’s deeply involved with Eastern Africanconflicts.
In the movie?Yeah, that first part doesn’t come across whatsoever. They try, but it’s fartoo subtle and the script doesn’t capture the differences/similarities at all. Theyprobably realised that, so they added a lot of sex scenes instead. I was veryworried for them but they’re actually fine.They’re notreally well-matched physically, James looks way older than Alicia (well, he is,widge) but they do have chemistry. Is it the chemistry the movie needs though? No,it’s not.
I totallycan see them as two people who met at a nice hotel on the Atlantic coast and thought“hey u cute!” “hey, u cute too, let’s have some really good sex since we’reboth people who are so good at sex.” And after the three days, they went their ways andmaybe thought of each other during a wank session or two.
It’s notthe chemistry of a couple where he thinks of her in the worst moments of his lifeand she in the most triumphant yet terrifying ones. 
As for the intertwiningheritages? They actually wrote, shot, edited and left in a scene in which hetalks about her being such a “mongrel” of Swedish and Australian heritage. Noone in that whole process noticed the disconnect or the freaking white-washing!Wim Wenders deserves a few punches in the nuts for that.
As for theacting, yeah… I’m not a fan of Alicia, there I said it. I don’t subscribe tothe hate the Fassbender fans/haters/toxically obsessed creeps (who keeps upwith this these days?) throw at her but I sincerely do. not. understand. how shemade it as far as an actress as she has. 
Still, she is ok in this, she showsmore than her usual three expressions and some actual emotions. That doesn’ttake away from the fact that she acts in scenes, not in movies. She’s onecharacter in one scene, another in the next. It - weirdly enough - works bestin the sex scenes where they allowed her to be an unusually tomboyish character,not the ultra-feminine seductress you’d expect in such context. She feels more or less natural and ok in them.
She’s farless believable as the career-driven and respected-by-her-peers scientist andit’s the absolute worst in the “phone” scenes. To be fair the script fucks herover in these as well, turning Danny, a stoic woman of science about to go onthe biggest adventure of her career, into a bawling teenage girl, who’s upsetthat the guy she had really good sex with doesn’t reply to her calls. 
A betteractress than her would have struggled with that garbage too, but with her scene-actingit really feels like you’re watching someone completely different each time. Addthe gloomy goth girl rambling about suffocating in really inappropriate momentsand you’ve got your stitched together Frankenstein character.
James of course knows how to portray a coherent character, but he isn’tat the height of his game either in the beginning. He’s a bit stiff, the whole spy stuff is thankfully short because it feels like an artsy-fartsydirector trying and failing to do James Bond, and the scenes in captivity would have hit much harder if you’d gotten WHY he adores her so and whispers “OH DANNY” all so dramatically.
I mean, I get thatmovie!James is trying to hang on to his sanity as best as he can, but why think of that random girlhe had really good sex with in France? Why not his mother, his best friend or, ffs, his housekeeper in Nairobi he’s known for more than 3 days?! The film doesn’tget this across and it’s sad (I’m also convinced the editor hated them. Herflashbacks show him squinting unattractively and his flashbacks show her from areally unfortunate angle.)
However, hisacting is top notch in the pivotal scene when movie!James’ captors send him into thewater to shoot him. It starts out all dramatic but then he takes it and turnsit into this absolutely painful, human moment where he yanks the audience’sheart out and crushes it like he’s wont to do. Man is he good. From that on Ilike the movie. 
The interactions with the doctor (helloooo Julian Bashir, didn’tknow you were in this!) are the best scenes in the book as well and they’reexcellent. Nothing is black and white, how different can the lessons differentpeople take from the same situations be, etc.? It’s great.
Except whenthe movie suddenly throws all subtlety overboard. There’s a scene where a womangets stoned and instead of focusing on the fucking amazing acting that goes on onJames’ and Alexander Siddig’s faces it has to ram the pointhome with the silliest effects. It’s such a waste of two excellent actors with an amazingly uncomfortable chemistry. 
Still, the scenes with the extremists are awesome. Too short and I don’t think the movie audience really gets how intriguingReda Kateb’s character really is, but they’re part of a movie that could havebeen great. Pity that wasn’t the whole movie.
I was a bitconfused after Tiff last year where Wenders said that he changed the ending butI don’t think he really has? Both are open in ways, but not really. I liked theending in the book and I liked it in the movie, super kitschy lifetime movieshots of Danny aside.
Anotherpositive thing I noticed was the light. Whoever did that really understood whatto do with the beautiful people in front of the camera and how to tell thefreaking story. I swear, the light on her face as he leaves the hotel, in hisprison and in her sub does a far better job at connecting them and explainingthe motives than script and direction together! I hope that light person got paid a ridiculously high amount of money and gets to do more movies.The script person should find another day job though and Wenders should stick todocumentaries from now on.
In short:Meh. Not gonna buy the DVD but maybe will check it out another time when/if itcomes along on Netflix and see if my opinion changes.
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neewtmas · 7 years
Harry x Hermione ~ Stupid Partygame
Ok, so i actually planned on keeping the writing on this blog purely Maze Runner related, but this is a exception.
This is for @hermione-who , it’s her birthday today (go congratulate her, and also follow her blog, her Hp-chats are hilarious), and even if we don’t know each other for too long, i still consider her one of my best friends on this site (and on insta) . Fifi you know i don’t ship this, but i thought since it’s your OTP, i could write a little something for you. I even asked what plot you like best (i was the anon btw) and i actually planned on this being a short drabble, but now it’s over 1,8k words long lol. I hope you like it and i didn’t ruin this ship for you with my horrible writing.
"Harry Potter caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan yelled into the megaphone he was holding and jumped up and down, almost falling off the stand in the process. 
The gold and red crowd that was the Gryffindor students erupted in cheers and applause, people waving their house scarfs and hugging each other. 
Madame Hooch's whistle ended the game, and the players slowly directed their brooms down onto the pitch where Harry got buried under his teammates, who were hugging him and cheering, the moment his feet touched the ground.
It had been the last game of the season, against Slytherin. What made this victory so exceptionally great was the fact that Gryffindor and Slytherin had had the same score  - this match had decided who would win the Quidditch house cup this year.  And thanks to Harry’s spectacular catch – he almost fell off his broom – Gryffindor won the cup this year. 
Hermione had found a seat next to Ron and Luna, who changed her Ravenclaw Uniform to a Gryffindor one for this special occasion, and for once she was actually going to interested in the game, and not just watching because Harry was one of her best friends and she felt the need to support him. An outcry of indignation came from the Slytherin crowd as Madam Hooch raised Harry's arm to show the snitch he had caught to everyone. 
Ron started to climb down the stands, motioning her to come with him, his lips curled into a wide smile.  She hesitated, not even sure if they were allowed to do that, but after several other had jumped down onto the pitch to celebrate with the team, she decided to follow Ron. He had already almost reached Harry and the rest of the team, but unlike him, she walked over at a normal pace. 
When she reached the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she had to wait a few moments for Harry to free himself from all the hugs he received. He was laughing and smiling joyfully as he pulled her into a tight hug, almost lifting her off the ground in the process. 
She giggled lightly. “Well done, Harry.”  
“Only well done? Wow, Hermione, don’t be too excited!” he laughed after he put her down again.
She laughed. “You know what I mean, Harry” 
Suddenly Fred – or was it George? -  jumped up behind them and wrapped his arms around them. “Don’t talk, celebrate!”  he laughed, pulling them with him. “Party in the Gryffindor common room!” 
Fred and George had managed to get lots and lots of Fire whiskey, and Hermione didn’t know where and how, but she also didn’t want to know. Two hours after the party had started, she was the only one who was even remotely sober. Everyone else was absolutely wasted, and she did absolutely not enjoy it.  
She wondered if she should go into their dorm, cast a silencing charm over her bed and just go to sleep, but her plan got ruined the moment she set a foot on the bottom step. 
“Hey, Hermione!” Angelina slung an arm over her shoulder, pulling her back. “Don’t go to sleep now! You don’t want to miss out on a fun game of Spin the Bottle, do you?” the girl slurred slightly, her breath smelling of Fire Whiskey. 
 “Well, actually -” Hermione tried to argue, but Angelina interrupted her mid-sentence. “Great! Come on!” The older girl pulled her over to the fireplace, where a few people were already  gathered in a circle. She got pushed down, Harry on her right, Luna on her left. 
Fred, who already staggered a bit, explained with a slurred voice: “The rules are easy: you spin the bottle, whoever it lands on has to kiss the person to their right. And who’s gonna start…”
 He looked around in the circle and Hermione held her gaze down to the red carpet she sat on to avoid Fred’s attention. But he had someone else in mind anyway. 
“How about - our Champion!” Everyone cheered as he threw the empty fire whiskey bottle over to Harry, who almost missed it and only caught it right before it could hit the ground. Harry put the bottle down in the middle of the circle and it started spinning after he gave it a push. 
Everyone’s eyes were glued to the bottle as it started spinning slower and slower, eventually stopping and pointing right at Dean Thomas. He didn’t hesitate a second and turned to Seamus, who sat to his right, cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. 
The drunken players erupted in cheers and hollers, whistling at the two of them who still kissed before Dean broke away from the boy who was not yet his boyfriend, but everyone knew it wouldn’t take too long anymore. 
The next few pairs, chosen by the bottle, were Ron and Katie Bell, Neville and Ginny and Angelina and Alicia. By now everyone was even more drunk if that was even possible, and Hermione felt more uncomfortable as ever. She had already tried to leave several times, only to get pulled back again. At least no one tried to give her any alcohol because by now everyone knew that she usually didn’t drink anything.
Most of the people in the common room had gathered around the circle, drinking and cheering for the lucky pair that had to kiss. There weren’t only Gryffindors though, but also Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws - basically everyone who was interested and not a Slytherin.
Angelina took the bottle and gave it a forceful spin, so forceful that it moved for almost two minutes. Again it got slower and slower before it stopped at – Hermione. She hadn’t realized it until Luna gave her a little push with her elbow, and Fred hollered:” Hermione Granger gets to kiss our champion! What a lucky day for you Hermione, isn’t it!” 
No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t at all. Hermione felt her cheeks heat up, and she wished to floor would just open up and swallow her. But nothing happened, and so she slowly turned to Harry, who sat to her right. 
He gave her a lopsided grin, and Hermione felt worse than ever. She didn’t want to kiss Harry. This was so wrong. But she knew she had too, so she slowly leaned in, deciding to just give him a quick peck on the lips to minimize the damage.
But the moment their lips touched, she forgot everything. 
The laughter and cheers of the people dimmed down to a light background noise, and all of her senses focused on Harry and the feeling of his lips against hers. He tasted of Fire Whiskey, and even if she normally despised its taste, she suddenly couldn’t care less. Harry cupped her left cheek with his hand, sending sparks through her whole body and causing her heart to flutter.
After what felt like an eternity and still way too short, Harry broke the kiss and just looked at her, his hand still not leaving Hermione’s cheek.  
The common room was dead silent, everyone was staring at the two, dumbfounded until someone from the back of the room started to whistle. “Now that was a kiss!” another one yelled and everyone cheered loudly. 
Hermione started from the haze the kiss had set her in, and immediately realized what she had done. She had kissed Harry. Her best friend. This was supposed to be wrong, but it felt good. Too good.
She suddenly felt tears pooling behind her eyes and she jumped up and ran out of the common room as fast as possible. 
After the painting closed behind her, it was silent. No music, no cheering crowd, no Harry who looked at her like that. Like he was in love with her. 
She slowly let herself drop down to the ground, leaning her back on the cold stone wall, while hot tears started to roll down her cheeks and she buried her head in her hands.
The painting of the Fat Lady swung to the side, and someone stepped out onto the hallway, closing it immediately again. “Leave me alone”, she mumbled, thinking it was Ginny, or maybe Luna. 
“Are you ok, Mione?” But it was Harry. Her head shot up to find the black haired boy kneeling next to her, a worried expression on his face, and seemingly sober. This was her breaking point.
“No!” she sobbed, the tears now streaming down her face. Harry decided it was better he didn’t say anything, so instead, he just wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her close to his chest. 
Hermione tensed up but soon relaxed into his arms, her tears wetting his Gryffindor jumper. After a few minutes, the stream of tears began to slowly die down. 
“I don’t  know anymore”, she finally whispered, barely audible. Harry leaned back to get a better look at her. “What don’t you know?” he asked softly, wiping away some tears from her chin.
“What to think. What to do. It’s all so complicated. I know Ron likes me, and I like him too… just not that way. But I still feel like everyone just expects me to love him, you know? Famous Harry Potter’s  best friends, happily in love. And I always thought, maybe, if I just tell it myself often enough, I’d fall in love with Ron.  But – but it never happened. And after this kiss …” 
Harry had listened to her intently, but he didn’t want to pressure her into telling him more than she was comfortable with. So he just waited. 
After a short silence, where she had just nervously fiddled with the hem of her shirt, she spoke again. “- and after this kiss, I honestly believe I won’t ever fall in love with Ron. Because I think-“ 
Again she stopped talking, and Harry now knew what she was going  to say, but he wanted to hear it from her. 
“Because I think I’m in love with you. Maybe I’ve always been, and this kiss just made me realize it, or it made fall in love with you now. Either way, this whole thing has no future at all, and I don’t know why I’m even telling you this because you’re in love with Ginny and I know that-“  
She had started to cry again, and when Harry bent down to stop her from talking, her lips tasted salty. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, getting an immideate response from her as she pressed herself even closer to him and fiercely kissed him back. She buried her hands ion his soft black curls as his hands wandered over her back, gripping her hips tightly. When they broke away from the kiss, both were panting heavily but smiling at each other. 
“I’m not in love with Ginny. I’m in love with you, even if it took a stupid party game for me to realize it”, Harry whispered to her, cheeks tinted with a light red.
And they kissed again.
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briangroth27 · 7 years
The Exorcist Season 2 Review
I came into Season 2 wary of the show’s direction—in Season 1, I loved the Rance family plotline but found the papal conspiracy boring—so I was glad the show shifted focus almost completely to the “possession of the season.” Not only is a family in peril easier for me to relate to and invest in, but the conspiracy element has never felt very “Exorcist” to me and I’m glad it all but disappeared by the end of the season (even if the homage to Exorcist III’s famous hospital hallway scene was well done). In Season 2, a family was once again under siege by a demon and only Fathers Ortega (Alfonso Herrera) and Keane (Ben Daniels) could help them. This time, the family consisted of Andy Kim (John Cho) and the several foster children under his care (Brianna Hildebrand, Cyrus Arnold, Hunter Dillon, Alex Barmia, Amelie Eve, and eventually Beatrice Kitsos). I liked that the kids’ diversities—be they blindness, homosexuality, developmental issues, etc.—were utilized for characterization, but those were never the kids’ sole defining characteristics. I really hope fans didn’t take issue with the kids, Andy, and Rose (Li Jun Li) all representing some facet of diversity; this is what the world looks like and I’m glad the show fully embraced it. It’s also cool that a foster home run by a single dad was treated as just as viable a family as a traditional nuclear family.
Full spoilers…
I liked what all the kids brought to the family, particularly when their differences collided with each other, like Shelby’s religious beliefs and Verity’s torture at the hands of “pray out the gay” conditioning. However, it did seem like there might’ve been one too many children to fully dig into in terms of screentime. It felt like they all had solid, distinct personalities; they just didn’t have much to do. Early on it seemed like Caleb might have a bigger role to play, but outside of his initial adventure on the old well and a few moments of his blindness being used to create tension when he couldn’t see the possessed Andy, it felt like his story was a little thinner than it could’ve been. Ditto for Truck, who was sent away midway through the season. I definitely expected Shelby to become something of a junior exorcist when Marcus and Tomas arrived at the Kim household, but not doing so didn’t feel unfinished (particularly when you take into account what we learned of Marcus’ past with eager exorcists). I liked that he was identifying the unholy signs early on, though, and perhaps they could’ve nodded at him wanting to become an exorcist one day in the future. Harper didn’t get much time at the Kim house before things went crazy, but I did like that we got to see how the family adjusted to a new kid through her introduction. Verity got the most mileage out of the writing and Hildebrand crafted a compelling teen who didn’t always get along with her new family, but clearly loved them despite the front she sometimes put up. Going back for a book Andy had given her was a touching moment and I was happy she was the one to stick by Andy longest. I totally fell for the trick that “agoraphobic” Grace wasn’t real, though her “brave face”—the creepiest pillow case-turned-mask ever—should’ve been a major clue.
John Cho brilliantly balanced Andy’s grief over his wife Nicole’s (Alicia Witt) suicide, guilt for not seeing the signs of her depression, care for the kids, affection for Rose, and the demonic side that overtook him as the series progressed. I loved the layers of hallucinations the demon inflicted on him as it attempted to bond with him permanently by enticing him with a “fairy tale” life with his wife. Witt did a great job playing both the caring and troubled Nicole and the maliciously tempting demon trying to entrap him. I’m a fan of puns, so “the kids are in the garden” was a particularly fun bit of dark and ominous humor from her. The battle for Andy’s soul was intense and I liked that Andy had moments of lucidity where he was able to keep the demon from harming Verity, despite the demon’s attempts to convince him the kids distracted him from seeing Nicole’s depression and that Verity might’ve had a hand in driving Nicole to suicide by mocking her issues. Andy’s final act—keeping the demon tethered to his soul so it couldn’t possess anyone else, even if killing it meant dying with it—was tragically perfect. I wanted him to survive, but Verity was right: once he started killing people, no one would believe him. It wouldn’t have been much of a life for him to be arrested for murders he didn’t commit, but maybe he could’ve gone on the run with the priests or something. As things turned out, Andy’s sacrifice worked on an emotional level and the final battle with the demon was tense, touching, and scary in all the right ways; Andy’s goodbye to his kids almost made me cry. I liked that the kids got to start a new family with Rose, who Li Jun Li had made into a solid, supportive, and strong presence the entire season. I also liked that Rose was so open to inviting exorcists into the home to examine Andy; usually there’s a lot more skepticism to break through before the people around the possessed open themselves up to that possibility.
The tests of Tomas’ resolve when it came to saving Andy this season worked very well. I had a hard time knowing when he was in reality and when he wasn’t, making for some great twists and putting me in his confused mindset perfectly, particularly when the demon turned the exorcism around on Tomas. The demon dangling a vision of Tomas as a bishop was great, especially when it included Casey Rance (Hannah Kasulka) to try and guilt him for leaving his parishioners in Chicago to become an exorcist. I was a little surprised they didn’t have the demon play up Tomas’ temptation to stray from the strict celibacy commanded by the church, as we saw in Season 1, but I suppose we’ve already seen that and Tomas has grown. His apology on behalf of the church officials who tried to force Verity to be straight was a great moment and a nice recognition that not everyone in the church—even priests—is opposed to homosexuality. It was good getting to know Ben Marcus’ past more this year. Both his tragic family history and his past with Mouse (Zuleikha Robinson) worked well to illuminate him. I was surprised he left Mouse behind after her possession and I liked that his inaction then was juxtaposed with his resolution to stay and kill the demon possessing Andy in the present. Not wanting to repeat that mistake has probably driven much of his dedication to exorcising demons, even after falling from grace within the church. Marcus’ father killing his mother was also a clever tie to the island’s history of parents killing their families. Finding a bit of romance with Peter (Christopher Cousins) rather than continuing to drown in sadness was another nice touch. I wonder if Marcus actually did get a message from God at the end. If so—and if they can do something different than what Supernatural and Constantine have done—bringing in angels and God could be an interesting, fresh spin on The Exorcist mythos. Mouse joining Tomas as his new partner should make for a cool change in the exorcist dynamic, given she’s much quicker to jump to killing whoever needs to be killed as long as the demons are vanquished. That should play off Tomas’ relative pacifistic nature very well, unless he’s been changed by the experience with Andy. Mouse having been possessed herself and Tomas’ mental link with the demon here—opening him up to being possessed as well—should also give them a unique background to bond over. Since Tomas’ true desire was to see the demon die moreso than an eventual shot at the papacy, I wonder if Mouse will propel him along a more violent path or if she’ll recognize her own past eagerness to be an exorcist in him and council him against it. Either way, the two of them are going to have some very interesting discussions about a lot of things, including being mentored by Ben! And if Marcus has a new directive that’s different from anything we’ve seen from exorcists or the church, it should throw the three of them into an even more interesting dynamic. What if he shows up saying that demons possessing people is somehow part of God’s plan and they should stop exorcising demons altogether?
I really enjoyed the evil history of the island and the season’s shift to a self-contained demon after revisiting Captain Howdy (Robert Emmet Lunney) and Reagan MacNeil (Geena Davis) in Season 1 proved the series doesn’t need to rely on direct connections to The Exorcist to create compelling monsters. The demon forcing multiple parents to kill their children was scary, particularly played against a found family like this one, where the foster kids depended on Andy to keep them together. The series once again found a polished yet creepy aesthetic that didn’t avoid gore, but also never reveled in it. That worked very well to set the tone and setting things on a remote island gave the season a totally different feel than Season 1’s Chicago. Making everything more remote worked to establish classic horror tropes, but the season never felt derivative. If the show gets another season, I wonder where they’ll take it to create an entirely different feel this fall.
Like last season, I'm content with where the story ended with the priests and the Kim family, so if they end up not getting a third season, I would accept it. I like that it's mostly contained each year; focusing on a single family in danger makes for smart insurance against cancellation. It would be a shame to lose characters like Tomas, Marcus, and Mouse, though. Even if I’m not a fan of the papal conspiracy, seeing them grow with each new case and the threat of each new demon makes for a strong series arc for them. A message from God does seem like it holds more promise than whatever the demons are planning with the papacy, so it would be a shame to see this always solid show end here.
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twdgfanfiction · 7 years
Chapter 37 - Answers To Our Problems
Lee was woken the next morning with hands gently rousing him from his slumber. His eyes opened slowly, a yawn growing in his throat, he found he had slept on his back all night, staring up at the ceiling high above, he could see Alicia off in the corner of his vision, she had a soft smile on her glowing face. The sun beaming through the coloured window bounced off her thick hair, the ends circling on her shoulders as her brown eyes stared down at him, Lee found himself staring back at them through the thick haze of sleepiness, before he just rubbed his eyes as he sat up, groaning slightly.
Quietly, he listened as she explained. "Sorry about this, Lee, but it's morning. We should pack our things and get ready to leave for home."
He brought up his wrist to in front of his face, eyes unfocused as he pulled the sleeve back to show his watch, seeing that it was eight in the morning. With a low groan, he slowly rubbed his back, it clicking uncomfortably as he stretched, words rumbling deep in his throat. "Damn. I never thought I'd miss slipping in my office chair."
"If this was too much for you, there was some spaces on the pews." Alicia pointed out, looking around at the empty spaces around them, not even looking at Lee as she quickly added. "The others have gone to pack the truck with supplies. The leaders are gonna come around to say goodbye, and then it's off for home."
"We better get ready then." He replied, slipping out of the sleeping bag quickly. Once out, he rolled the bag up quickly, gripping on the fabric as he carried it back over to the altar, staring at the bare altar before leaving the sleeping bag beside it. Standing there, he glanced up at the cross hanging up above, staring at the frozen face of Jesus as he hung on the well known cross, his thoughts going back years, back to when his mother would take him to church every sunday. He remembered those days well. With a deep frown, he realised that he hadn't visited that church for a good few years, not since he got that teaching job in Atlanta.
Softly, he heard Alicia's voice call out. "Hey… I was wondering if you'd go on ahead? I just need some time here."
"Is everything alright?" Lee asked, turning around at her with a concerned expression.
She just stood there, staring at the altar with crossed arms and a thoughtful look on her face, eyes burrowing deep into the old stonework before she glanced up at Lee, a small smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just… I know we have the memorial and all that back home, but being here, in an actual church, I have a chance to say a proper farewell to my friends. To everyone we've lost."
"Ah, I understand." Lee replied, a grim frown pulling at his lips as he just glanced over to the double doors, noticing hardly anyone remaining in the old building. He thought about it, and slowly, he walked over to Alicia, placing a hand on her shoulder, only to feel the muscles under his scarred palm and frown deeply. Seeing the fear flash in her eyes, before she managed to get it under control, Lee wouldn't lie, but it hurt him knowing that she was still scarred by what Carver did to her. He wanted to help her, but the problem was that he didn't know how.
"I'll just, erm… I'll go find the others, give you some space. Just come to the front gate when you're done, alright?" he offered.
Nodding, she offered him a grateful smile, her eyes sparkling with happiness before she made her way over to the altar. Lee knew that she needed space, and started making his way down the aisle towards the front door. He didn't spare even a glance back before he exited. Once outside, he felt the morning sun on his face, his eyes closing painfully as they adjusted to the light, his hand rising to provide shade. Snow that had been walked on laid over the path leading to the gate, footprints clearly visible in the dirtied layer of snow, and Lee's footprints were added when he walked down the path.
Breathing in the fresh morning air, he sighed deeply, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere around him, the sound of birdsong and people walking by, chatting nonchalantly to each other as if the world hadn't gone to shit. It was almost like back at Howe's, save for the space and open spaces. Lee actually felt slightly jealous of all the benefits the people of Wellington got, wondering if this was the life Sarah would have enjoyed if she did go with Edith and her group. The wind blew through the occupied streets, nothing more than a gentle breeze compared to the blizzard winds Lee was used to. Hopefully, the winter months would be over soon, and they'd be able to get more done in the warmer climate.
Reaching the gate, he pushed it open, ignoring the squeaky noise coming from it as he left the church behind, walking down the street by himself. The street lamps, unused for the long months that had passed by, just decorated the sides of the road, some stumps left behind from where a few of the street lamps had collapsed and been cleared away. Passing on, he gave it a quick glance before carrying on. Instead, he focused on a large oak tree, a bird's nest clear in its bare branches, the adults sitting in the safety of their nest high above whilst they waited for winter to pass, finding an adequate food source from the survivors to reject the migrate down south like so many others. The sounds of their song echoed through the air, and grew quieter the further down the road Lee walked.
Just like last night, the streets were busy with survivors going on to do their daily tasks, some driving a pickup truck full of hardware supplies; sheets of metal, wooden planks, along with all the tools necessary for build and repair. Watching as they drove slowly past, Lee smiled softly, carrying on down the road to the imposing walls in the distance, knowing that his people would be waiting there for him and Alicia to arrive. Soon, the walls separating Wellington from the outside world towered over him, casting all ground running along it in shadows. The slight heat of the sun had died once he reached the shadows, instead his skin reacting to the cold with goosebumps running all over his arms.
Rubbing his hands together in a vain attempt to rid himself of the frost, he noticed the familiar truck sitting just a few meters away from the closed gate. Edith and Sam were already there, the former talking quietly with Joel and that, where as her brother had taken to conversing with Al, the female guard laughing at some joke that he likely told. Seeing her happy, it warmed Lee's heart, and his face showed it when he approached them, Sam turning to the leader and grinning. "Well, someone's had a good night sleep from the look on your face."
"Yeah, you could say that." Lee shot right back, a joking tone to his voice as he crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised as he pressed further. "So, what you two talking about?"
"You know, things." Al replied, a smile playing at her lips as she looked away, Lee's eyebrow rising higher when he noticed the dark colouring over her cheeks.
Nodding his head, he chuckled deeply. "Uh-huh, things. Anyone wanna fill me in on what those things are?"
"Well, when you got a lovely woman coming to my community, it's basic manners to show her around." Sam started, crossing his arms in a mimicry of what Lee was doing. "It's a shame that you have to go back to Howe's. I was beginning to enjoy your company around here."
"You've known me for a day," Al shot back, brushing a lock of her hair back absentmindedly as she added. "I think you can survive until I come back again."
"Hey, a day is a lifetime in this world. You never know what happens, so why not make the most of it?" Sam's voice dropped to a sultry tone, but Al's face just fell with those words, Lee knowing the events that happened the other day still cutting her deep. Lee stared at her with sympathy in his eyes, though Sam didn't realise the effect his words had on the female survivor until she started walking away, her voice stern and professional.
"We should get the truck ready. Howe's needs us back with them. When you're ready, Lee." With that, she hopped up into the driver's side of the truck, closing the door behind her whilst Sam just stood there, a dumbfounded look on his face as he turned around to Lee.
"Was it something I said?" he asked, receiving only a shaking of Lee's head. Despite the awkwardness of the scene between the two without Al, Edith walking over caused Lee to sigh in relief silently. Calmness was all that could be seen in her face, being back home with food and supplies bringing the woman's spirit up, and although her brother just stared and shrugged when she expressed confusion over what just happened, she didn't let it get in the way of what needed to be said before Lee left for Howe's.
With a gentle smile, she turned to stare at the crates sitting in the back of vehicle, one of the guards that came with Lee reading the same book she was reading yesterday, a pair of sunglasses on her face, hiding her eyes from their view. Whilst he stared at the imprint of Wellington's name on the crates, he listened as she started talking. "Marissa worked hard last night, trying to figure out alternate routes for us to take. She made this. Told me to give it to you before you guys head out."
She pulled out a roll of paper from her jacket pocket, passing it over to Lee as he slowly unrolled it, noticing that it was a drawn map, the detail amazing given the lack of time Marissa had to do it all. Lines coloured red flowed through the paper, detailing routes that they could take rather than the highway. Staring at it, Edith quickly added. "On the back are times that the Wellington trucks will leave for pick ups. She's decided to meet Howe's people halfway, if only to reduce the distance we both would have to travel. Plus, safety in numbers, isn't it?"
"That's pretty smart. We should reach Howe's before nightfall tonight, and the next stop isn't until next week." Lee pointed out, reading the times and dates on the back of the map. He had to admit, he was fairly impressed with the detail that Marissa went to making this, and he carefully rolled it back up, sticking it in his jacket pocket as he turned to Edith, nodding his head slowly. "Thank you, for all of this, Edith."
"I can't take the credit. I'm glad we picked those guys as our leaders, they know how to get shit done." Edith confessed, her eyes quickly shifting to behind Lee as her face softened, her smile widening as she chuckled quietly. "Well, looks like the gang's all here."
Confused, Lee heard footsteps approaching behind him quickly, his eyebrows raised in surprise as he spun around, somewhat panicking over the unknown target approaching them until he realised that it was only Alicia. Face red and shoulder rising up and down with every breath she took, she just stood there panting heavily, looking at both of them before she gasped loudly. "I didn't know I'd be that long. Sorry about that."
"It's no problem. We've got everything we need, so you ready to set off?" Lee asked, turning back to Edith when Alicia nodded and started making her way over to the truck, Joel and the others had packed everything up, all of them bundling into the back of the truck and closing the shutters down, trapping them all inside until they reached home. With a short hug, he muttered to her. "Thanks, again. Hopefully, we'll see each other again soon."
"Tell Sarah that I miss her, okay?" Edith asked. Nodding in response, he watched as she backed away, Sam standing next to her as the siblings watched their friend walk over to the front of the truck, opening the passenger door and climbing in. Closing the door behind him, he peered in the wing mirror, watching the two waving goodbye to him whilst the gate slowly opened, the truck engine roaring to life when Al turned the key in the ignition. Lurching forward, they drove along the short path through the gate and into the outside world, the vehicle continuing down the lonely road whilst the gate behind them closed, keeping all threats outside the safety of the walls.
Lee continued to stare at the walls through the wing mirror, listening as Alicia yawned quietly, stretching her arms out in an attempt to stretch her muscles, the cramp in them unbelieveable as she slouched back into the seat, muttering to the others in the cab with her. "Wellington was unbelieveable, did you see those walls? Nothing could scale them. God, those people are very lucky to live there."
"I gotta agree with you, but Wellington isn't impenetrable." Lee pointed out, finally looking away from the wing mirror and instead staring at his companions, Alicia surprised with his words. "You heard what the leaders told us last night. Those bandits aren't robbing because they need it, they have a grudge, and sooner or later those grudges will have a nasty effect on all of us."
"Why? What'd they tell you guys?" Al asked, keeping her eyes on the road.
Glancing over at Alicia, she and Lee shared a wary look before he moved his sights over to the driver, pausing for a moment before he explained. "Wellington's run into a population problem. Edith told me about how many people she was forced to turn away on her leader's' orders, and that because of shortages with supplies, people were caught stealing and had to be exiled."
"Damn. I mean, I know things are hard nowadays but… I always thought Wellington took people in no matter what. I guess I was just fooling myself." Al grumbled, glancing over at Lee as she confessed. "I ain't gonna lie, when Carver was running Howe's I thought about leaving. Running away with people to go and find the haven up north."
"Really? You told me that you thought Carver was doing what was necessary." Lee recalled, remembering Al picking Carver's side during the rebellion, even going as far as to reject Riley's claims that he sent children outside the walls out of cruelty rather than necessity.
With a guilt-ridden look, Al nodded her head, her voice low as she replied. "I did, but that doesn't mean I thought it was right. I was a coward. Change was coming, and I didn't want to be on the wrong side at the end of all it. If it matters, I'm glad that you gave me another chance."
"People deserve second chances." Alicia pointed out, turning to Lee as she added. "I believe the bandits are just scared people who've been hurt. Sometimes, hurt people do things that they shouldn't, and a lot of people end up dead because of it. If you were in Wellington's shoes, would you do the same as they did?"
Caught off guard by the question, he blinked twice at her, remaining silent as he then turned to stare at the long road ahead. Thinking about it, he slowly came to his answer and, with a grim face, he turned back to her, staring down at her waiting expression as he nodded. "Yes. I would."
"Really? How can you be so sure?" she asked.
"We have to have rules. Being hurt doesn't excuse your actions, it only explains them." He sighed. Quickly, the conversation came to an end, everyone in the truck falling silent as Lee just leaned back in his seat, his arms crossed leisurely over his chest, staring out of the window at the passing trees and buildings, the fields slowly opening up as they took the routes mapped down on the piece of paper that Edith gave him. Quietly, he listened to the hum of the engine as the truck drove along the snow covered road, and thought about what they had just discussed for the entire journey home.
A few conversation starters were tossed amongst them during the journey, though Lee didn't indulge more than a few soft spoken words, and eventually Alicia gave up trying to fill the silence. It was a good thing for him as well, as the familiar sight of Howe's walls came into view, small people walking along the top as they watched out for any signs of dangers. Despite the snow proving difficult to drive in, the group didn't experience any shortcomings during the drive back to Howe's, mostly catching the bandits off guard with the unknown routes they took, keeping their precious supplies away from the main settlement. The sun was shining in the sky, moving slowly towards the horizon as it would soon set once more, the skies dyed the beautiful colours that Lee constantly saw with the sunsets.
Al eased her foot on the brake, slowing the truck down so that the guards on duty could open the gate, allowing them access to the insides of their community. Driving up the path, Lee just sat there, watching the people pass by as they went on to do the rest of their duties for the day, likely getting ready for dinner and for the guards to start their night shift. Exhaustion had already hit him, despite only eight or so hours passing by, and all he wanted was to relax in his office in peace. Sadly, he would have no such luck, as once the truck entered the back of the building into the loading bay, Christa and Jack were waiting there with bated breath.
"Well, time for you two to face the music." Al pointed out, turning the keys in the ignition and opening the door, jumping down as she added. "I'll make sure the supplies are taken to storage."
"Thank you, Al." Alicia replied, jumping down from the truck on the driver's side whilst Lee opened the passenger door, slowly making his way down to the marble floor. Once down, he closed the door again, turning to Christa as the pregnant woman approached him, her face relieved that he made it back home.
"I'm glad you guys made it back. Omid and I were worried the entire time you were gone, he wouldn't stop bringing you up in conversations." She joked, earning a laugh from a tired Lee.
Stretching his sore arms out, Lee groaned softly, letting his arms fall to his sides as he replied. "Man, it's great to be back, but… it wasn't all smooth sailing up there."
"Why, what happened?" she asked, glancing at the guards as they unloaded the back of the truck, using a trolley to carry the heavy crates to the side for unpackaging. Slowly, he could see realisation hit her, eyes glancing back at him as she continued. "We're down a soldier. What happened?"
"Liam got bit during a break. The walker was hidden under the snow, he never saw it coming. Al… she had to put him down so that he didn't suffer anymore." Pausing, he glanced over at Al, the young guard dragging the trolley over to the side for the crate to be put down, remaining silent whilst the others chatted away about their stay in Wellington. Quietly, he added to his explanation. "She's not doing too good."
"I hardly even knew Liam. He was one of the people that came in a few weeks ago, right?" Jack suddenly asked, walking closer to the duo to join in on their conversation. Lee nodded slowly, not knowing much about the deceased either, and watched as Jack sighed, fixing his glasses. "Damn. I thought he and Al got on just like siblings, hell, he did her a world of good."
"That's not the only thing going on. We need to go up to my office, this needs to be said in private." Lee grumbled. Christa and Jack appeared confused, the former somewhat unnerved by how worried Lee sounded, before the four turned around and walked out of the loading bay. In the main part of the building, Lee glanced around, watching people walking around minding their own business, talking amongst each other with laughter and cheer in the air. The new spotlights fitted in the community were slowly turned on, keeping the place fairly lit despite the dying sunlight outside.
Moving towards the stairs, he noticed someone walking down them, their quick footsteps echoing against the solid marble, until the person spotted Lee and paused. It was Sarah, with worried eyes and tense shoulders, she sounded relieved as she called down to him. "I'm so glad you guys are alright!"
"Sarah, what's wrong?" Lee asked, worried by her expression and tenseness.
With a frown, she glanced up the stairs again, the sound of people chatting and laughing likely coming from the restaurant, dinner time being around that time. After a few tense moments, she turned back to Lee, her voice low as she confessed. "I'm worried about Nick. Over these past few weeks, he's been really down, and now he won't come out of his room. I-I don't know how to help him."
"It'll be alright, sweetie. I'll go and see him once I'm done with what I gotta do now, you just go and have dinner." Lee consoled.
Sarah nodded at that, though she was unsure whether Lee could actually help him or not, quickly adding before she left. "Okay, but I need to be there. He's my friend. I have to make sure he's alright."
"Sure thing." With that, she walked back up the stairs, leaving the group behind as they made their way up the rest of the staircase. Once they reached the top, they ignored the lights and sounds coming from the restaurant, rather briskly walking over to Lee's office. It was dark and silent inside, a complete opposite to the community around them, and opening the door, he moved inside quickly, eager to get the meeting out of the way so that he could see how the rest of his friends were doing.
To his surprise, once they entered the room, he noticed a blanket left in the corner of his office, Buddy curled up on top of it as the animal slept soundly. The noise of the door opening alerted the dog, big eyes opening slowly and a loud yawn coming from deep within its throat, pearly white canines appearing behind curled back lips. A smile crept on Lee's face, his body relaxed as the dog noticed his presence, his tail wagging wildly whilst it jumped to its feet, approaching his new owner with squinted eyes and parted lips, his tongue flapping out of the corner of his mouth.
Kneeling down, Lee stroked the fur on Buddy's neck affectionately, listening as Christa spoke up. "He wouldn't leave your office for the entire time you were gone. We used a few blankets to make him a bed, and he seemed right at home this morning."
"Heh, you missed me, Bud?" Lee asked Buddy, the dog just panting loudly as he slowly stood up again, walking over to his desk and sitting down in the leather chair, his hands resting on the cold wood whilst the others surrounded him. Christa, with a hand on her swollen stomach, leaned against his desk, staring down at him with worry clear in her eyes.
"What's happened? You seemed pretty unnerved by something before." She asked.
Lee and Alicia glanced at each other, before the leader took in a deep breath and revealed what he was told back in Wellington. "The bandits. When Alicia and I were talking to Wellington's leaders, they told us something. People who've made their way up had to be rejected because of population problems, and they've joined the bandit settlement set up in Charleston."
"Charleston? That's on the point where all the routes we use to Wellington meet… I used to live there." Jack revealed, his face grim as he thought over what Lee just said.
Nodding, Lee allowed Alicia to take over, watching her speak out to the others with a concerned tone. "That's not all. The shortages in Wellington had caused people living there to become desperate. They tried to steal anything they could get, and the leaders had to kick them out… It seems that the bandits took these exiles in, turned their anger against Wellington into something useful."
"Jesus, these bandits have a grudge against Wellington." Christa gasped, crossing her arms as she fell silent, allowing Jack to take over with a stern look.
"I thought we were just dealing with shitty people, but if Wellington turned these people away, they're most likely seeing Charleston as a goddamn haven." He pointed out, looking down at Lee as he added. "Anger's a powerful motivator, and with our alliance, we're putting our people in the way of the bandits' wrath."
"I don't see a way around this, Jack. Both you and I knew Howe's before the alliance with Wellington, we need them just as much as they need us." Alicia snapped, turning to Lee as she added. "Edith gave you something before we set off, what was it?"
Remembering that, Lee shoved a hand in his jacket pocket, pulling the rolled up piece of paper and lying it across the desk, the advisors peering down to look at it. With a raised eyebrow, Christa was the first to speak, pointing out dryly. "It's a map."
"Really? I didn't notice." Lee shot back, a sarcastic bite to his words that caused her to glare at him, before he went on to explain. "Marissa made this. It shows other paths that we can take to avoid Charleston, and the bandits. They ain't gonna travel all the way out here to find supplies, and they don't know that we're changing routes."
"That's smart." Jack approved, turning to Christa as he added. "We keep changing routes, they won't know which one to stalk for supplies."
"She put times and dates on the back," Lee continued, flipping the map over to allow the others to see the scribbled handwriting. "They're times when the truck will leave Wellington and the routes they will take on different times. We use these to meet up halfway, exchange the supplies, and head back to Howe's. Lee fuel spent for both of us, and the numbers on both sides will offer extra protection."
"I gotta say, thank god for Marissa sometimes." Jack sighed, straightening himself up once he was done looking at the piece of rolled out paper. "Howe's was fine whilst you were gone. Frank gave Christa some reports about food, but on the medical side, we're running low on antibiotics."
"There should be more in the crates we brought back, including some natural remedies." Lee replied, rubbing his bear absentmindedly whilst Jack nodded at that, turning to Christa to silently gesture for her to give in her reports.
"Thanks to all the farming supplies we gathered from that farm, Frank's pleased to say that food production has increased. He's looking into ways to store some for next winter, in case the crops fail." She explained. Pleased with how well his community was getting along, it was almost possible for Lee to push his worries back, if only almost. Leaning back in his chair, he listened as Christa yawned. "I say we end this meeting quick. You need to eat, and then go help Sarah with Nick. He isn't doing good nowadays."
"I'll get right on it." Lee replied, standing up from his desk and moving back towards the door, ignoring Buddy sitting in his bed, short whines coming from the animal as his owner just left the office with the others behind him. Jack carried on towards the stairs, likely returning to the clinic to help the rest of his patients, whilst Christa walked off towards the restaurant, Lee spotting Omid standing by the door, waving a hello to the leader before rejoining with his girlfriend.
Smiling at the both of them, he listened as Alicia paused, staring at the restaurant before muttering to him. "I'm gonna go and find Kate. She must have been missing me so much… I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, Alicia." He replied, watching as she left his side to go and find her daughter. With a deep breath, he exhaled through his nose and walked over to the restaurant as well, eager to find Sarah. It seemed that she had the same idea in mind, nearly running into Lee when he was close to the entrance, eyes wide as she bounced off his solid frame and stumbled backwards, a meek noise of surprise coming from her whilst she steadied herself.
With a surprised look, Lee stared down at her as he mumbled. "Careful there, Sarah."
"Lee! Good, I was gonna go and get you from your office after seeing Christa come in!" she explained, moving past him with a urgent expression on her face, her words spoken quickly as she added, turning back to face the leader. "Nick's hardly left his room and I'm scared for him, I don't know what to do… Please, can you try to talk to him? See if you can snap him out of this?"
"I'll try my best. Let's go." With that, the two of them made their way over to the staircase, wasting no time in walking down the steps quickly, their footsteps echoing against the marble. Sarah was fast on her feet, visibly worried and eager to reach Nick's room to try and help him, sparing no looks to Lee as she reached the bottom of the stairs, quickly turning to walk over to the shop next to the greenhouse doors. Lee followed, staring ahead at the door with his gut twisting, unsure what he would see when he went inside, and Sarah shared his worry, pausing once she reached the room.
Bringing her hand up, she hesitated in knocking, instead glancing behind her at Lee, her lips pulled in a deep frown as she breathed heavily, trying to calm her nerves before she finally knocked, her hand rapping against the solid wood twice. The sound echoed across the main building. Waiting, Lee gulped quietly, something solid trapped in his throat as he waited anxiously. There was no response, and so Sarah reached for the handle, slowly opening the door whilst calling out into the darkness. "Nick? It's me, Sarah. Lee's back from Wellington and wanted to know if you were alright."
Once again, there was no response from their friend, and Sarah glanced up at Lee as he came to her side, allowing him to enter first before quickly following after him. The room inside was pitch black, the light from outside highlighting the bed, a body lying on it quickly revealed to be Nick, his back to them as Lee held his breath. Slowly, he approached his friend, his hand reaching out to gently shake him, and he immediately retracted it when he saw that Nick was breathing. Sighing out in relief, he just stood there as Nick turned around, eyes reddened and almost lifeless as he stared up at Lee.
"What do you guys want?" he asked, shifting his stares from Lee to Sarah as he added. "I told you, Sarah, I'm fine."
"No, you're not." She argued, a concerned tone to her voice. "You're not eating, you ain't leaving your room at all. Nick, I'm worried about you. Please, just tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong. I just want to be alone, is that too much to ask?!" he snapped, turning back around whilst Sarah and Lee shared a look, the younger survivor nodding her head at Nick, urging Lee to talk to him silently.
With a deep breath, he turned back to Nick, his voice gentle and soft as he called out. "Nick, man, you know we're your friends. We just want to help you, that's all. Problem is, we can't if you don't tell us what's wrong."
Nick didn't reply. Rather, he kept staring at the wall, his back to Lee and Sarah, and the former started to doubt that they could do anything to help him. Lee could see himself in Nick, the weeks after Clementine's death and all his friends falling save for Christa and Omid, and he knew exactly what it was like. Slowly, he moved closer, staring down at Nick as he started to explain. "Nick, I know what all this feels like. You lost someone close to you, and you're sad and hurt, you're probably thinking 'If I just did something different, this wouldn't have happened', but please, you have to listen to me. What happened with Luke and Pete, none of this was your fault. You can't look back and beat yourself up over it."
"What if I can't help but look back? You don't understand, Lee. My mom, Uncle Pete, Luke. It's never gonna stop. No matter what we do, someone is gonna die eventually, and then… it'll be our turn." His voice was low, but Lee managed to pick up what he said, feeling his gut twist at how utterly dead Nick sounded. Sarah moved closer to her friend, slowly sitting down at the end of his bed.
"You're right, Nick. Eventually, we all will die, but it's how we live during the meantime that matters. We can't give up, 'cause then everyone who died to protect us would have given their lives for nothing. We owe it to them to keep fighting." She explained, glancing down at her hands as she confessed. "I know what you're going through. When I ran away from Howe's, I didn't know why all of this happened. I couldn't think of a reason for what Carver or Luke did, or why my dad had to die. I had no one, and it was a scary time, but then I met Edith and the others. They made me see that there is still a reason to keep going, and when Lee came to look for me, I knew that I could be that reason for our friends, for you."
Slowly, Nick sat up, turning around to face Sarah with a crushed expression on his face, Lee watching with saddened eyes as his friend shook his head. "You guys can just take everything this world throws at you and still keep going. I wish I was strong, but I guess I'm just not built for this."
Sarah frowned even more at that, staring at Nick as she quietly replied. "No one is."
"We can't tell you how to get over this, Nick. That's for you to decide." Lee continued, adding with a saddened smile on his face. "We're here for you, though. Every step of the way."
Nick paused, staring over at the open door with a thoughtful expression, until he glanced back at Lee, nodding his head slowly as he managed a small smile. "Thank you. I mean it."
"It's no problem, Nick. We should let you get some rest, and then we can start work tomorrow, yeah?" With Nick nodding in agreement, Lee's smile widened, and he instead moved to leave his room again. Sarah remained where she was for a moment, appearing in thought as Lee waited for her by the door, watching with confusion as she turned back to Nick. Slowly, as if unsure she was allowed to do so, she wrapped her arms around her friend, embracing him in a tight hug that he returned, his own arms wrapping around her chest.
"I was so worried about you." She muttered, her face buried in the crook of his neck. "Please, if you're ever like this again, tell me. I don't want to lose you as well."
"I know, I promise." He replied quietly, finally releasing her from his grip as she backed off, giving her a weak smile as he suggested. "You should get some rest. You've been working hard these past few weeks, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty tired." She agreed, turning around to leave the room as she finished the conversation with a quiet. "Goodnight, Nick."
"'Night, kid." He replied. Lee allowed Sarah to leave the room first, closing the door behind him to give Nick some privacy, staring at the wooden door with a heavy heart before turning back around. Immediately, he noticed Sarah sitting down on the unused fountain, her eyes staring at the floor as he made his way over to her, feeling his gut twist with worry.
"Sarah, you alright?" he called out, sitting down next to her. She made no effort to move, rather keeping her gaze downwards as she thought of a response, each second passing by only worsening the gut feeling in Lee's abdomen.
Slowly, she sighed, and confessed to the leader. "I'm sorry, I just… I'm scared for Nick. After thinking about it, I realised that we're the last two from our group… Everyone I knew, everyone I loved. They're all gone."
Lee said nothing, instead allowing Sarah to vent her feelings without the fear of being pushed aside or judged. Rather, he just sat there, watching as she pulled something out of her jacket pocket, and eyebrow raised when he noticed that it was a photo. Sarah stared down at it with a broken look, shoulders sagging with grief as she turned it slightly, allowing Lee to see it. Holding his breath, he recognized the photo, and pointed it out with a low whisper. "That's the photo you showed me when we first met."
"I took this before all of this happened. It's the only thing I have left of him…" she muttered.
Watching as she placed it back in her pocket, Lee replied to her with sympathy in his voice. "I'm sorry about Carlos. You must really miss him."
"I do… Lee?" she suddenly asked, waiting as he hummed in response, glancing up at him. "Do you still miss Clementine? I mean, do you think the pain of her being gone will get any easier?"
Lee just sat there with a shocked expression, his heart constricting with the mention of the little girl, and he quickly turned away, grim faced and silent. Sarah waited for his response, somewhat uneasy with his silence until he finally nodded. "I do miss her. Being back at the motel, watching her colour with her friend and being a kid, I'd give anything to be back there. Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever get over what happened to her… but hopefully, the pain will get easier to handle with time."
"That's what I hope to. Thinking about my dad, the times we spent together before all this… it hurts a lot. I just want him back." She confessed, sniffing slightly as she rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, standing up before Lee could comfort her. "I-I'm tired. You should go and see Lilly in her room, she's been asking about you all the time you were gone."
"Alright. Sarah, if anything's bothering you… you know you can come to me, right?" he pointed out, watching as Sarah just nodded in response, before turning around and walking back to her room near the clinic. Lee watched her go, worried about her, and yet a small smile appeared on her face when he noticed Riley appearing, stopping Sarah and talking in hushed tones.
Standing up, he glanced over at them talking, deciding to go to Lilly's room to see how she was faring. Walking over to the flight of stairs, the voices ceased and Riley pulled Sarah into a comforting hug, the scene heartwarming for him as he paused for a moment, before deciding to carry on to give the two teenagers some space to talk whatever needed to be talked out. Taking the steps two at a time, he quickly reached the top, feeling his stomach growl in hunger. He hadn't eaten all day, most of the car ride with him worrying about what to say to the other advisors when he got back to Howe's, and staring at the restaurant, he pushed the feeling of hunger down until he was finished with talking to Lilly.
She had gotten her old room back, the door closed completely to give her some privacy from the rest of the community. Reaching the door, he quickly knocked on it, waiting patiently as he heard mutters from behind and footsteps, soon after the door opening to reveal a sleepy Lilly behind it. Wearing just her tank top and some shorts, her hair was all over the place with her undamaged, half-lidded eye staring at him through the haze of drowsiness, a eyepatch covering her damaged socket. With a smile, he softly spoke to her. "Hey, Lilly. I was just coming by to see if you were alright."
"Lee? Damn, I didn't know you were even back." She muttered, rubbing her eye to rid it of sleep before she gestured for him to come in. "Come in."
"I didn't know you were sleeping. I'd have left this until the morning if I knew otherwise." He confessed, closing the door behind him as he glanced around the room. A lamp on her small table lit the room up, shadows dancing across the walls as Lilly moved back to her bed, slowly sitting down as she yawned.
"I wasn't sleeping. It's just these damn painkillers Jack gave me. They're strong as shit, but damn do they really take it out of you." She explained, leaning against the wall at the end of her bed, looking up at her friend as she added. "How was the trip to Wellington? You sorted shit out there?"
Lee paused, unsure whether he wanted to stress Lilly out even more with the truth, and knowing her slippery mental state, he elected to keep it from her as he nodded, moving closer to her bed as he sat down at the end of it. "Yeah. We've changed routes, and have decided to meet Wellington halfway to reduce the amount of gas we're using. With luck, the bandits won't know where the trucks go during the supply runs."
Lilly breathed a sigh of relief, a rare smile on her face as she replied. "That's good…. I'm gonna be honest, Lee, it's so much better not being in charge. The motel… I'm starting to think that maybe Kenny would have been a better leader. After all the shit that happened. I could have handled it better, and that ain't up for discussion, I'll be stuck with that until I die, but if it matters… I'm glad you were there to help."
"Lilly, about what happened with Carley…" Lee started, noticing her expression fall when he mentioned the late survivor. "I need to know. Why? Why did you kill her?"
Lilly didn't reply. Rather, she just sat there, her eyes falling to her feet whilst she thought about his question, Lee giving her time to think of what to say as he remembered the woman, his heart aching as he missed her dearly, even after all the time that had passed. Slowly, she quietly muttered. "I don't know. I want to say because she stole, but honestly? I just couldn't stop. We lost the motel, my dad, everything I worked so hard to keep. I just wanted to stop something before it could take any more from me… from us."
"What you did… I didn't know if I could ever forgive you, if I wanted to forgive you, but you almost gave your life for me. When Carver pointed that gun at me, you took the bullet. I may never forget what you've done, but… I think I can start to forgive you." Lee confessed, staring up at Lilly with a weak smile, the gesture returned by the tired survivor as she nodded.
"Thank you. I really mean it, Lee. I know I don't deserve it sometimes, but I'm glad we can start to put the past in the past." She replied, noticing the exhaustion hit him as she then pointed out. "You should really get some sleep. We can talk more in the morning."
"Yeah… Yeah, I'll do that. Night, Lilly." He agreed. With a nod, she watched as he stood up, walking back to the door with a slow pace to his steps, his hand pushing the door open as he glanced back, smiling at her before he left the room once more. Closing the door, he stood there for a moment, and was about to retire to his office when he noticed Omid leaving the restaurant, Christa nowhere to be seen when he walked over to his friend.
Omid paused, noticing Lee when he was a few feet away, a smile on his face when Lee noticed that he had a jar of pickles in his hand. With a raised eyebrow, Lee quickly joked. "You got the late night munchies?"
"I wish, but I can't stand these things." Omid laughed, a smirk on his face as he added. "They're for Christa. She's been having all sorts of weird cravings, guess it's the pregnancy or something."
"Huh, can't say I'm a big fan of pickles myself." Lee confessed, crossing his arms as he stared down at the few vegetables left in the jar.
"Anyway, I suppose it won't be for much longer. Christa's due date is just around the corner…" Omid paused, his face a mixture of worry and excitement as he quietly confessed. "Honestly, I'm scared shitless. I mean, what do I do? I don't have any previous experience with babies."
"I think a lot of fathers have been here before you, man. You just do what you think is right, as long as the baby's healthy that's all that matters, right?" Lee asked.
Nodding, Omid exhaled deeply, appearing calmer as he replied. "Right. Thanks, man. Now, I should get the lovely woman I call my girlfriend her pickles before she throws the jar at me. See you in the morning."
"See ya, man." With that, Omid left him alone, Lee watching as his friend disappeared up the stairs, retiring to his room on the second floor. After Omid could no longer be seen, Lee chuckled deeply at his worry over the baby, shaking his head as he retired for the night. Christa's due date wasn't for a couple of months, there wasn't much to worry about until then, but Lee would be a liar if he said he wasn't surprised with how quickly those months flew by.
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Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 5 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING:  M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: Loki finds out Alicia's secret.
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Alicia awoke to seeing Loki combing his hand through her hair. Hummed in pleasure she closed her eyes and then felt peppered kisses all over her face. She giggled trying to back up from him but he held her firmly to him.
"Are you hungry?" She murmured against his lips.
"I am happy with this current feast."
She laughed his name, "digestible, healthy, first meal of the day, food. Ok maybe not healthy with what you would like."
"Are your lips poison?"
"To you they might have an addictive property."
It was Loki's turn to laugh but he pulled away from her to see her beautiful flushed face. "Are are truly something I fear I would not have enough of."
A heartbeat.
She pecked his lips. "I will give you everything. Now..Come on. I'll make you breakfast." As she sat up she felt the dizziness of a vision and was glad she was no longer facing Loki so he couldn't see the brightness to her eyes as she fought off the vision.
Both of them walked out to the kitchen where Marcibeth was waiting. She instantly commented they were in the same clothes, and she had to clean up their food. Also that the two should just stop eye fucking each other.
Alicia ignored her after a while and just focused on making the brown sugar and cinnamon french toast.
Alicia felt a vision coming on. Everything blurring and getting fuzzy. Alicia cursed aloud. She has been putting off this vision for a while and she was going to have it in front of Loki.
The place went silent as Marcibeth stopped mid sentence. Marcibeth called Alicia's name in question.
“Get.. draw…”
And Loki watched as Marcibeth ran and brought back paper and pencils. Guided her to the counter. 
Loki saw Alicia's tell-tail bright and lost eyes.
She was in a vision.
Loki watched as Marcibeth did nothing to guide Alicia through her vision. He stood. And looked at her picture. 
It was him and the other Avengers on the floor of the cursed tower. Obviously everyone was displeased with Loki.
“Good Darling. Now. Can you show me after this?” Loki removed the paper and placed another.
Alicia drew her in a uniform before Loki in what looked like a training room.
“Good Darling. How about a little further?”
Alicia drew the Avengers around a table looking at papers with a few SHIELD agents. Including Fury. The atmosphere was tense.
Loki watched as Alicia shook. She had her limit.
“Ok Darling. When are these things going to happen?”
Loki's hair stood on end at her scream of pain. He was quick to catch her before she could fall.
“So you can't get a time either," Marcibeth was at her sister’s side.
“Apparently she is a witch that can't share when things will happen. I didn't know.” Loki picked Alicia up and gently sat with her on the couch. Marcibeth was close behind. Loki asked, “How long has she been having visions?”
“I'll let her talk to you about that if she desires.” Marcibeth went to the kitchen and resumed cooking where Alicia left off.
Loki was amused, frustrated and maybe worried. She was an agent of SHIELD, had this all been just a mission. Was he played so easily by a Midgardian? He calmed himself. He would have known if that was the case. He felt her stir. He let her sit up but didn't take his hands off of her.
“I'm so tired… did… I have a vision?”
“Yes Darling. How long have you been having them?”
Loki saw the hesitation but was glad she answered with the truth.
“Since I was 5.” Her eyebrows knit together, “can I see it?”
Marcibeth brought the visions. He saw the shock on her face.
Alicia smiled sheepishly, “yeah.. I.. I'm an agent.” She gestured to the three pictures, “I had three visions? This has never happened before.”
“No one ever guided you?”
Marcibeth spoke up from the kitchen. “No one knew how. Or even that it was possible. We asked before when her vision would take place but she stopped drawing and came out with a huge headache.”
Alicia rubbed at her head. “It does feel like my head is going to split.”
Marcibeth approached placing her hands on Alicia's temples. There was a glow of grey magic from Marcibeth’s hands. “This is going to make her tired.” Marcibeth spoke up. And as if on cue Alicia slumped into Loki's lap. “You might want to just throw her in bed. She's going to be out for a while.”
Loki gently put Alicia in bed and covered her up. Her hair laid out beside her and a golden color in the little light coming in from the window. Her face was peaceful while he was having a war inside. He had so many questions for her.
“If she gave you the honest answer about when her magic surfaced she obviously wants to trust you. She started as an agent at 13. Worked her way up to being one of SHIELD's best eyes for threats. She is all about saving people though. In my opinion, she has too kind of a heart for her being an agent. However, when people are hurt she is a machine.” 
Loki couldn’t help but go back to his thoughts if he was just a mission. That she felt nothing for him. That there was once again no one that cared for him. He felt alone again.
Loki heard Marcibeth laugh.
“And no. You weren't a mission. SHIELD doesn't know you two have been interacting, yet. I'm sure it's a matter of time due to those visions she just had.”
“You’re an agent as well?”
“Yeah. I'm an empath. I feel people's emotions with close distance and get a glimpse of their thoughts with a touch. I specialize in acquiring information from unwilling informants and a few healing techniques.”
“That's a clever way to say interrogation by prolonged torture.”
Marcibeth chuckled. “I have been called out. Well, come on. She will be fine. I'll let you have the french toast Alicia made.”
Loki let his hand graze Alicia's face one last time before going to the kitchen to share an awkward breakfast with her sister.
Marcibeth grumbled as she cleaned up. Not with relaxing music, a dance and smile on her face like Alicia. Then she turned to Loki. “You know New York's heroes are going to bust through that window anytime now right?”
Loki chuckled. “I suppose you are not wrong.”
“I'll have her message you when she wakes up.”
Loki took the hint, thanked Marcibeth and left. He sent Alicia a text so she would see it when she woke.
The weather was terrible and felt as if due to Thor's foul mood. As he guessed, Loki was confronted by Thor as soon as he arrived on their floor.
"Where were you?"
"I went out. Am I not allowed a little privacy?"
"What did you do?"
"Nothing wrong if we all want to get to the point."
"He has been more tolerable recently…" Valkyrie spoke up.
Everyone eyed Loki. Then at each other.
Loki saw Thor starting to smile, "you are seeing someone." 
Loki was going to speak. However he was unsure what he could say. If he should say anything. 
"Who is this special person?" Thor’s eyes narrowed at Loki’s hesitense. "Is it a midgardian?" Thor stared more intently at Loki. "I know I have lifted many rules as far as courting alone to better adjust our people to Earth. But I swear. If you even dare take your relationship without care and you hurt this person-"
"I will do no such thing as to hurt her."
Tony eyed Loki, "What's her name?"
"And why might I share this information with you all now?"
"FRIDAY can you track all of the cars and tell us where they have been?" Tony then searched through the information. "FRIDAY track Loki's movement within the tower."
Alicia was right. Loki was exactly like a child sneaking out from their parents. It seemed he was caught. Loki had hidden from and manipulated the cameras to get his privacy since the night he met Alicia. Loki decided to let the information be known by canceling the spell. Loki decided to let them know everything, thus making it look like Tony's AI lagged information. From Alicia's visions they would meet her at some point. Loki even granted them with the footage for the past, almost eight months. Tony naturally demanded to know Alicia’s name from the AI.
The AI spoke, "Alicia Mae Gad. Early 20's. Lives in an apartment with her sister Marcibeth Gad who works the desk often of Mind and Body. Alicia is an artist, there are no records of any artwork. However she does have an unknown collector that buys all of her works. Loki has been seen meeting Alicia in the lobby starting seven and a half months ago. There is no further information. There are pictures of both women."
Loki watched Natasha whisper to Clint and he nodded. "You do anything to her and you will be found in many uncomfortable situations." Clint spoke up with a grin.
Alicia woke in a fuzzy state of mind. Marcibeth must have used her magic on her. Alicia got her phone to look at the time. She was late for her morning routine. And she saw the message from Loki.
Loki: 7:38 AM. Good morning, Darling. I hope you got enough rest. Would you like to cash in that date tonight?
Alicia: 10:42 AM. Good morning. I apologize for you finding out that way. I will talk later about it. What time for that date?
Alicia decided to just relax the rest of the day because her mind was fuzzy and her body was weak. Alicia decided to read and draw. Texting Loki as he could between meetings and routine check ins on the world. He had told her to wear only black and be dressed nicely. Alicia couldn't help but tease him by laying out an all black workout jogging suit, claiming it was in nice condition.
Loki told her he would have a dress sent if he needed so she quickly had to tell him she had something.
He made his intentions clear to spend more than the 30 dollars she did at the cafe. Despite Alicia offering just to cook for him, Loki insisted he wanted to spoil her as she has been for him. Loki insisted on her to get more rest because he knew visions took a huge toll on a witch.
Setting an alarm, telling him she was going to take that nap as instructed. Alicia went to her bed and was delighted when her bed smelled of Loki still. She thought of how nice it was to wake up with him. She wanted that to happen again. She thought of his kisses but quickly pushed those thoughts away because she was getting aroused. After getting through her sinful thoughts Alicia was finally able to relax.
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squaredcirclesirens · 6 years
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PREDICTIONS: WrestleMania 34
Today is the day!nIt’s WrestleMania! With the most women’s matches on the card in WrestleMania history, this is sure to be a can’t miss spectacle! So who does the squared circle siren staff think will win at WrestleMania? Let’s find out!
WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal
  SCOTT: Predicting a winner is going to be fairly tough since we don’t know the full list of women that will participate. The men’s battle royal has had a few as 20 men so I would presume we will have at least 20. There have been 14 women announced, so I anticipate some women from NXT. I think the majority of the story within the match will revolve around the conflict between Sasha Banks & Bayley. This is a storyline has been evolving for several months and I think it will continue to work toward complete implosion. I would love to see the return of Alicia Fox from injury knowing that she is in NOLA, but I’m not sure if she has been cleared to compete. One of the highlights of this match will be Beth Phoenix as a guest commentator. Given the state of both main brand divisions, my prediction is that someone from NXT wins. Hopefully, that will provide an injection of new life into one of the main brands post-Wrestlemania. PREDICTION: Ember Moon
CASEY: I’ve gone back and forth on who I thought should win this. I originally thought Becky Lynch should win this, having been in my opinion the top face of the SmackDown Live women’s division, however, with her performances since her call up I’m going to go with Ruby Riott. She has been nothing short of amazing since her call up to the main roster and I think the numbers came with the Riott Squad could play into things during this battle royal. PREDICTION: Ruby Riott
DENNIS: Well, there’s been just about everything now. And although I am more curious to see whether or not we will have a second elimination chamber match or a second Hell in a Cell. Or are we just focused on having the first and calling it a day? But here we are. A battle royal of everyone, and who knows what this could look like. I think WWE has put some weight on this battle royal with the under matches of Ruby and Becky. Nattie randomly beating Charlotte. Sasha and Baylee. Absolution. Mickie James. You could honestly make an argument for any of them winning. Which is why I think none of them will. I think there aren’t enough people to call this a battle royal, so I’m expecting some NXT Callups. And who better than the woman who just lost her NXT women’s championship (if my prediction is correct) to put herself on the main roster. I think it’s the only standout that makes sense at face value. And although I’ll continue to hold out for my Sasha Heel Turn at Mania, I think Ember Moon wins the battle royal PREDICTION: Ember Moon
RYAN: I feel like the winner will be someone that we don’t expect. For me, that would be Alicia Fox. Someone of her stature and longevity could use this win. Plus, she’s a veteran. But realistically, I could see Becky pulling through as well. PREDICTION: Alicia Fox
JAY: I just have a feeling Becky Lynch. Shes a hard worker and a trophy like this will give her more prestige. Who knows, will someone from NXT show up and steal the show? PREDICTION: Becky Lynch
  RAW Women’s Championship | Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Nia Jax
DENNIS: Sigh. This match is really hard for me to comment on because I’m a HUGE Alexa Bliss fan and I’ve become a big Nia Jax fan, but in the midst of WrestleMania week, I am just not as excited about this match as I thought I would be. I like the idea of a Nia Jax face turn and I think that could do great things for her, and the roster overall. Alexa Bliss is magic as champion, and her promos regularly deliver. But I really wish Mickie was left out of this one. I wish it was just Alexa using Nia and Nia finally catching on and shutting down Alexa and Alexa always running leading to this match. But meh, here we are. I think for me, there just hasn’t been enough here for Nia Jax to take the championship. Which is my official prediction, Nia Jax does not walk out of Wrestlemania Raw Women’s Champion. Whether that means Alexa wins somehow or Carmella cashes in here. Whatever. I don’t think Nia wins it here. So my official words are Alexa Wins, but I won’t be surprised if Carmella cashes in or this ends in a dirty finish. PREDICTION: Alexa Bliss
RYAN: This one continuously has me second guessing myself. As much as I would love for Nia Jax to finally win the RAW Women’s Championship, I’m not too sure it will happen. On one hand, I could see Nia destroy Alexa, get over as a face, and WWE could have Nia stand tall against the bully. However, Alexa is incredibly over (as is Nia). So if WWE wants a heel to run a division as champion, Alexa is their go-to girl. Her beating Nia would put her over even more as a heel. But all in all, I see Nia getting her big moment.PREDICTION: Nia Jax
SCOTT: This is the one that I’m completely unsure of how it will end. I have loved Alexa as a Champion since day 1 of her Smackdown Live reign. She is probably the best woman on the roster with a mic and she makes matches really fun to watch. Nia’s booking, on the other hand, has been all over the place. She is pushed for a few weeks then forgotten about. Alexa is going to have an uphill battle if she is going to keep the belt. The way she and Mickie have treated Nia recently has enraged the beast that Nia contains. Titles have evaded Nia, both in NXT and on the main roster. This weekend, however, may be the time that changes. PREDICTION: Nia Jax
JAY: With the way the storyline is going I am hoping for a Nia Jax victory. Body shaming, something WWE says they are against, it would surprise me for the bully to win at Wrestlemania. WWE creative has made an interesting story the last month or so and believe Nia can be a strong force on Raw. But, don’t ever count out Alexa Bliss with Mickie by her side. PREDICTION: Nia Jax
CASEY: Since being called up Alexa Bliss has only been without a title for 45 days. Isn’t that crazy? Alexa has been a great champion but with the way this storyline has been going, I just can’t see her retaining here. Nia has turned babyface and has the crowd behind her. She hasn’t gotten her hands on Alexa and I think she’ll get her big moment at WrestleMania this year and win the title. PREDICTION: Nia Jax
SmackDown Women’s Championship | Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Asuka
RYAN: Asuka’s streak is going incredibly strong, and I don’t see it ending now. She’ll defeat Charlotte, win the belt, and move to SmackDown. The only other possibility I see is Asuka winning by DQ via Carmella and having her cashing in on Charlotte. You never know with WrestleMania. PREDICTION: Asuka
CASEY: I’m sure everyone will predict Asuka to win. How could you not with her streak and her winning the rumble? However, I don’t think she’ll lose technically. What I think will happen is Carmella will attack Asuka with the Money in The Bank briefcase, giving Asuka the DQ victory before focusing on Charlotte and winning the belt from her. I think Carmella will make the most and steal the WrestleMania moment from Charlotte and Asuka. PREDICTION: Carmella
SCOTT: I think this match will be the best women’s match WWE shows this weekend. Askua is one of the best women that WWE employs and has yet to find anyone that can beat her in the ring. She has the record for longest reigning NXT Women’s Champion as well as being the winner of the first Women’s Royal Rumble in January. She challenges the genetically superior Charlotte. Charlotte has held a title 7 times for over 800 days. While she may not have the winning streak of Asuka, she definitely has an impressive resume. Charlotte has had incredible matches with many of the women on the WWE roster and this match will be no different. These women will take each other to the limit. But in the end, I believe the streak will remain intact. PREDICTION: Asuka
DENNIS: This is hands down the match I’m most excited for in the sense of this will simply be a good match. We’ve been waiting for Charlotte vs. Asuka and it’s finally happening, even if the build is meh and if it weren’t for the fact Asuka was undefeated and Charlotte was a champ this match wouldn’t matter. Anyway, I’ve learned from past write ups to never bet against Asuka, so for the sake of predicting correctly, I’m taking Asuka. But I’m praying I’m wrong and Charlotte is the one to dethrone Asuka. But I doubt it will happen and we will see Asuka vs Ronda next year. PREDICTION: Asuka
JAY: If you are going to win, win it with Flair. I know its a long shot but we’ve seen other streaks broken at Wrestlemania (must I say more?)   Now, do I think Flair is going to win, no, but I would like to see her victorious. Asuka is still a force to be reckoned with so putting her ahead makes sense.  Woooo! PREDICTION: Charlotte Flair
Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs. Stephanie McMahon & Triple H
CASEY: I mean, you’d have to be Stevie Wonder if you don’t know who is winning this. No way Ronda loses her first match with WWE. PREDICTION: Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle
DENNIS: I feel I am about to be in the major minority here. But I actually haven’t minded this build. Is it a little cheesy? Sure. Does Ronda need to build more into her character? Yes. But overall, I’m still excited to see Ronda wrestle. I mentioned this on the soundoff, and it might not be for much as I still expect a Cena/Nikki Miz/Maryse Match. Nonetheless, I think this one is a toss-up. I don’t see Ronda taking the fall. I think for me there isn’t a sense to having Ronda lose. Therefore, I’m picking Stephanie and Triple H. Because the WWE needs a swing moment here and that’s probably it. PREDICTION: Stephanie McMahon & Triple H
SCOTT: Of all of the WWE matches this weekend, this is the match that I’m most unsure of how it will go.  Stephanie McMahon was never a great wrestler.  She has had some good matches with women that are able to help carry the moves.  With this being Ronda’s first professional wrestling match, the jury is still out on how she can perform in the ring.   Her draw is unmistakable and I’m sure she will definitely get some rough shots in on Stephanie.  However, I anticipate this match will feature Triple H and Kurt much more.  In the end, the pair of Olympians will surely stand tall.  I can’t see Ronda being brought in with such fanfare to lose to a woman who has maybe a couple dozen matches in her entire career, with her last being in 2014. PREDICTION: Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle
RYAN: This is a no-brainer for me, and for most people I assume. Ronda Rousey is going to win her debut at WrestleMania. Most likely with her getting Stephanie to tap out. PREDICTION: Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle
  Who do you think will win on the grandest stage of them all? Let us know in the comments or tweet us!
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placetobenation · 7 years
November 13, 2017
From the Philips Arena in Atlanta, GA
Your hosts are Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Booker T
  We get a video package of the past few weeks where Smackdown has continued to get one-up on RAW and GM Kurt Angle.
  Stephanie McMahon heads down to the ring. She talks about making decisions daily, such as ones that effect shareholders and employees across the company. Stephanie said she needs leaders to help make decisions, like the GM of RAW, then brings out Kurt Angle. He understands that Stephanie might be upset but says he was 100% prepared for Smackdown’s raid. Stephanie then asks how the New Day got into the building as Kurt replies “I don’t know” then makes fun of him for getting manipulated again by her brother. She then suggests putting together a compilation reel of this for the 25th Anniversary of RAW. Stephanie then becomes upset over Angle naming his son, Jason Jordan, as the 5th member of the RAW Survivor Series team despite having few accolades unlike Smackdown’s 5th memer John Cena. She then says the last time Cena was on TV happened on RAW, meaning Angle chose Jordan over Cena or that Cena was so embarrassed to be part of RAW that he went to Smackdown. Angle then told Stephanie to ask Cena why he chose to be on Smackdown. Stephanie now asks Angle what he will do at Survivor Series as Angle promises to break Shane’s ankle and challenges him to start off the match. However, Stephanie says “what’s this, the 90’s” and that Shane will have people do his dirty work then continues to run him out until demanding they decimate Smackdown. The Shield come out from the crowd to interrupt as Stephanie is pissed. Dean talks about seeing a lot of leaders come and go but that Angle is the best that proved at TLC he still has it, drawing a chant from the crowd. Stephanie then tells The Shield they looked like fools then asks Reigns where he has been. However, Reigns flips the question around and says the last time we saw her she went through a table courtesy of her husband before saying they do what they want and what they want is to fight the New Day. And, if the New Day has balls and accept, it will happened at the Survivor Series. Reigns promises victory for Team RAW and themselves before The Shield celebrate with Angle.
The stuff between Stephanie and Angle was terrible and went on forever but luckily The Shield got the crowd going and a match against the New Day should be a blast. 
  Mickie James vs. Dana Brooke vs. Bayley
The four members of Team RAW (Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Asuka, Sasha Banks) are watching from ringside. Cole brings up how Mickie is undefeated at Survivor Series. She takes down both women then they all switch off until Bayley gets knocked off of the apron right before commercial. We return as Bayley hits both women with back suplexes but walks into a flapjack from Mickie. Bayley cuts Mickie off of the top rope but is knocked off as Mickie flies off with a Thesz Press as Dana makes the save. Mickie hammers away on Dana then catches Bayley with a neckbreaker. Mickie clears the ring then Asuka goes to help up Dana, who hits her then rolls inside. Asuka chases her back out and hits a roundhouse kick. Back inside, Bayley uses a few pin combinations then blocks a DDT and hits the Bayley-to-Belly (7:32) **.
Thoughts: It was fine for what it was. Mickie and Bayley had solid showings and they kept it easy for Dana. Bayley becomes the 5th member for the RAW Women’s Survivor Series team and I assume they start some sort of conflict between Sasha and herself.
  Enzo Amore & Drew Gulak head out to the ring. We learn that Enzo will defend the Cruiserweight Championship against Kalisto on the Survivor Series Kickoff Show. Enzo asks the crowd “how you doin'” then tells Gulak to be quiet when he says he’s doing great and tells the crowd to stop chanting. Enzo then says his pockets are deep, unlike Kalisto who is like a pair of “NBA Shorts” because he has no pockets. Gulak is then about to talk about how he has benefited from being on the ‘Zo Train but is interrupted by Kalisto & Akira Tozawa.
  Enzo Amore & Drew Gulak vs. Kalisto & Akira Tozawa
Gulak and Tozawa start off as the crowd chants with Tozawa. Enzo makes a blind tag then attacks Tozawa from behind but Kalisto makes a blind tag of his own and sends both men outside with a springboard dropkick. We head to break then return with Gulak working the neck of Tozawa. Gulak cheap shots Kalisto but Tozawa comes back with a suplex as both men are down. Kalisto tags in and runs wild on Enzo then flies out with his partner as everyone is out on the floor. Back inside, Tozawa drops Enzo with a kick and sets up for the senton but Gulak pulls his partner to safety. However, Kalisto takes him out then Enzo shoves Tozawa into Kalisto and hits the Jordanzo for the win (7:47) **.
  Replay from earlier when Stephanie ran down and issued an ultimatum to Angle about winning at Survivor Series. And when The Shield issued a challenge to the New Day.
  Angle is backstage with Team RAW. He tells Finn Balor and Samoa Joe they will team up against Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows to prove that they can work together. Angle tells Jordan his selection to the team has pissed people off so he will face Bray Wyatt as Braun Strowman demands Kane as Angle makes that the main event of RAW. These are not the most exciting matches.
  Miz TV with guest The Bar. He first addresses “internet tough guy” Baron Corbin and how he has the opportunity to face him at Survivor Series as long as he doesnt squander his chance against Sin Cara tomorrow night. Miz calls out Corbin for being unable to compete and pissing away opportunities, unlike himself who is able to create his own opportunities. He then brings out The Bar, his partners against The Shield tonight, as they talk about not being distracted and focusing on the Tag Team Championships. The Bar talk about The Usos being the champions on the “B” show then Sheamus becomes the target of a “you look stupid” chant. Sheamus then says they are the Champions of the flagship show as Cesaro promises they will break the Uso Penitentiary. Miz then switches focus to The Shield and how they had their moment and the happy reunion tour will end tonight as they are the champions.
The promo was fine as they all put over their Survivor Series matches and their match tonight against The Shield. 
  A replay of when Smackdown took RAW under siege.
  The New Day accept The Shield’s challenge.
  Bray Wyatt vs. Jason Jordan
Jordan catches Wyatt with a dropkick after the two felt each other out. Wyatt then cheap shots Jordan as we see Angle watching backstage. Jordan picks up and rams Wyatt into the corner twice then hits an overhead suplex but sadly the crowd does not care whatsoever. They head outside where Jordan crashes into the barricade then we head to break. The action returns as Wyatt works a chinlock. Wyatt then hits a senton for a two count and hammers away on the back of the neck. Jordan’s knee gives out on a floatover then he gets planted with an uranage. The crowd gets behind Wyatt and boos Jordan’s comeback attempt. Wyatt has Jordan in the position for the Sister Abigail but Jordan gets out and uses a rollup for the win (7:11) *1/2. After the match, Wyatt knocks Jordan outside and gets cheered. Wyatt then attacks the injured leg of Jordan as a worried Angle leaves the monitor where he was watching with Stephanie. A “thank you, Wyatt” chant breaks out then Jordan tries to make it to his feet but a referee helps him out as the crowd does the “good bye” chant.
Thoughts: The match was flat and the crowd was booing Jordan. Even if Jordan does turn on Team RAW, will it even get over? The guy is toast as is and they even cheered possibly the stalest character in the company over him. The Angle/Jordan storyline was awful from day one and has remained that way so the quicker it ends and those involved move on to something else, the better.
  Angle is Jordan in the trainer’s room. Jordan says he saw Angle work through injuries and wants his big break. He then says “I deserve this “dad” as the camera cuts away.
  Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman head out to the ring. Heyman then gives us some selling points of why we should see the Survivor Series and talks about AJ Styles has mastered the strategy of “speed kills.” The fans then start a “she said yes” chant as someone proposed to their girlfriend as Heyman jokes about her saying yes because she has not been up close to a beast like Lesnar. Heyman now talks about AJ being the ultimate opponent for Lesnar as he has more momentum than anyone else in WWE and is a respected and admired champion. However, this time AJ has to be the ultimate underdog because he’ll step in the ring with a “Georgia bulldog eating carnivore” that is the #1 Champion in the WWE. Heyman said that AJ is a “Rocky” movie come to life as the crowd chants for their hometown hero before Heyman puts over how Lesnar will win. Heyman sold this match as good as you can with one promo. It was probably the best thing on the show.
  Miz w/ Miztourage & The Bar vs. The Shield
Rollins and Cesaro start off the match. Rollins wins that battle as The Shield work over Cesaro for a while. Ambrose ends up trapped in the wrong corner then Miz mocks Reigns as The Bar cut off the ring. Ambrose fights back then The Shield clear the ring. Rollins & Ambrose hit topes on the bar as Miz bails to avoid Reigns. Miz tries to fight behind The Miztourage but they get destroyed so he takes off through the crowd then we head to break. The action returns as Miz almost puts Rollins away. Rollins comes back with a clothesline as both men are down. Sheamus tags in and kicks out of a small package before roughing up Rollins. He leaps off the top rope but Rollins kicks in and tags out as Reigns runs wild. Miz grabs Reigns leg from the outside then Ambrose takes him out with a tope. The Bar beat on Reigns and almost put him away but The Shield help out Reigns, who hits Cesaro with the Superman Punch but Cesaro cuts off a spear with an uppercut. Miz makes a blind tag then the match breaks down as The Shield clear the bar from the ring then Reigns hits Miz with a spear then The Shield hit a triple powerbomb for the win (15:07) ***.
Thoughts: An enjoyable match that picked up in the second half after a dull beginning. They really only used Reigns at the end as they appear to be easing him back into action. They could have saved this match until after Survivor Series as there was no good reason to have Miz and Cesaro lose heading into the PPV.
  We get a package on what happened between Strowman and Kane at TLC.
  Kane is backstage and gloats while recalling what he did to Strowman at TLC to hype up their match tonight. This was a bad promo presented in a goofy manner.
  Angle is in the ring. He talks about what Stephanie said earlier tonight about making choices as a leader and since Jordan is injured, he cannot allow him to compete. The crowd cheers then Angle is about to name his replacement but Jordan is on the ramp, pleading with his dad not to take the chance away from him as its the first time he can fight side-by-side with his dad. Jordan said he will be fine by Sunday but Angle said he’s not 100%. Jordan talks about Angle being his idol and how its a dream come true to be on RAW and that he was chosen on the team due to being the best option. Jordan continues to plead and beg but Stephanie comes out and tells Angle to make the announcement. However, Triple H comes out and says if Angle will not make the announcement, he will, then names himself as the 5th member of RAW. Jordan then says he can prove himself as Triple H looks at him while the crowd chants for the Pedigree, so he hits it and the crowd cheers.
The big news is that Triple H is back and on team RAW. Also, Jordan and Angle had a cringeworthy back-and-forth to cement this entire storyline as one of the worst in 2017 and not just in the WWE. Jordan’s toast and the WWE is to blame for the reactions he’s getting from the fans. If you put this story together and thought it would succeed, then you have no business in the entertainment industry. And once again, Angle comes off as an incompetent and soft. 
  Finn Balor & Samoa Joe vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows
Joe shoves Balor before the bell, allowing Anderson to attack from behind. Balor fights back and tags out then quickly returns as Joe saves him from an attack just before the break. We return as Balor & Joe work together and beat on Anderson. Gallows distracts Balor as we has perched on the top rope then Anderson cuts him off. Gallows tags and beats on Balor for a bit. Anderson is back in and works a chinlock then switches to the arm. Anderson catches Balor with a spinebuster as we head to another break. The match returns as Balor hits Gallows with a pele kick. Balor then tags out as Joe runs wild on Anderson. Balor takes out Gallows on the outside with a running soccer kick and Joe dives out with a tope before Balor puts Anderson away with the Coup de Grace (12:55) **. After the match, Joe heads up the ramp by himself.
Thoughts: The final minute was fun but the rest was terribly dull. Despite shoving Balor down, Joe played nice for the match then left by himself.
  Charly Caruso is with Alexa Bliss. She asks her about facing the winner of Natalya vs. Charlotte at Survivor Series and does not care as Smackdown is the “B” show, something see usually DVR’s and forgets to watch later but might just show up live tomorrow night before promising to reign supreme at Survivor Series.
  Tomorrow night on 205 Live there will be a birthday celebration for Kalisto.
  Kane vs. Braun Strowman
Kane slaps Strowman then gets knocked down. Strowman stomps away as Kane rolls outside but Strowman follows and hammers away. Kane sends Strowman into the steps then pulls out a table and a chair from underneath the ring. Kane whacks Strowman in the back with the chair and attempts a chokeslam but that gets blocked. Strowman whacks Kane then beats him down and tries a superplex to the floor through a table but Kane fights him off. Strowman then hits Kane with a double axe handle before hitting a running powerslam through the ring and we see a replay then the show ends.
Thoughts: The bell never rang so it was not an official match. I expect them to face off again, perhaps in a stipulation match. The going through the ring spot did not get the reaction it was intended and that’s because Strowman has done far more impressive stuff with better opponents. The brawling itself was slow and plodding.
  Final Thoughts: On paper, the Survivor Series card is stacked. Since the original plans were uninspired, they decided to give us Styles/Lesnar and Sheild/New Day along with other stars in the RAW vs. Smackdown match. It should be an excellent PPV.
With that being said, the built for the show has been poor. Hotshotting everything for a PPV is fine but what are we left with on RAW next week and until the end of the year? Strowman vs. Kane, More of the Jordan/Angle saga, and more of the Authority neutering a babyface GM? Besides that there isn’t much else going on here and what I listed has not been good. And god forbid they go back to the Balor/Wyatt stuff.
If you continue to book PPV’s in this manner and craft storylines that struggle to connect, then you are not giving fans a reason to watch your TV show.
0 notes
wrestlingisfake · 7 years
Extreme Rules preview
Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Samoa Joe - This is to determine the #1 contender for the universal championship, who will challenge Brock Lesnar in July.  It’s a fatal five-way match, so everybody can be in the ring at the same time, there can be no disqualifications or count-outs, and whoever scores the first fall on any other participant will win the match.
Originally the card for this show was to feature Reigns vs. Braun Strowman for the title shot, with Joe vs. Rollins and Balor vs. Wyatt in the undercard.  Strowman was expected to win and go on to face Brock, but that went out the window (or at least got pushed back) when he needed elbow surgery.  Caught in a creative pinch, WWE just took the top three matches and balled them up into this one.  With Braun out, it is legitimately unclear whom WWE wants to step up into his spot, and with five possible choices it will be really hard to guess.
It’s apparent that WWE would really like to do a long build towards Lesnar vs. Reigns, probably at Wrestlemania and definitely at a major show.  That would seem to rule out Roman winning here, but WWE has become notorious for sudden short-term swerves in their long-term plans for Roman.  For anybody who thinks Brock/Roman has to happen at Mania, I want to point out that Summerslam 2015 was built around a Brock/Taker match that had to happen at Mania, until Vince McMahon decided otherwise.  It’s not inconceivable that Roman gets the shot in July to set up a rematch in August.
Balor looks to be a favorite, given how his name comes up when Paul Heyman talks about future opponents for Lesnar.  It’s obvious Reigns and Strowman are the tentpole programs for Brock, but Balor is consistently the third name that comes up in the conversation.  That could be a conscious effort to get people to buy Finn as a credible threat to a man nearly twice his size.  On the other hand, why do that kind of build just for Brock to squash Finn in July and move on?
Wyatt’s promos lately suggest he’s looking past the match completely and is focusing on the idea that he is uniquely qualified to beat Lesnar.  It’s somewhat unusual to have a guy do that in WWE unless he’s going to actually get the match he’s looking ahead to.  That doesn’t mean Bray has to win here, but it does make me think a Wyatt/Lesnar match is in the cards this year.
Joe is my pick for the most interesting Lesnar opponent right now, but I’m not counting on him winning here.  He’s only been on the main roster for a few months and he hasn’t fully established himself as the wrecking ball he was in NXT, TNA, and ROH.  To get the most out of Brock vs. Joe, you’re gonna want Joe at peak badass, and we aren’t there yet.
There’s no reason Rollins can’t win, but I’d call him a dark horse since there’s no particular hook to pairing him with Lesnar.  (At least, not beyond “Seth really wants to be champion again,” but that’s been his gimmick for a year and a half.)  Anything is possible, but I think if Rollins wins we’ll hear a lot about how plans have been shifting around backstage.
The safest bet is Finn, so that’s who I’m going with.  But really, literally anything could happen, which should make the match an entertaining clusterfuck.
Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley - Bliss defeated Bayley for the Raw women’s title in April, so this is the rematch.  This is a “kendo stick on a pole” match, because Bliss has been attacking Bayley with a shinai for weeks to prove she isn’t egggstreeeeam, so this will potentially give Bayley a chance for some retribution.  The weapon will be hung from a pole attached to one of the ring posts, and the first participant to climb up and retrieve it can legally use it for the rest of the match.
The shinai is essentially a Japanese practice sword, made of bamboo so people could practice swordfighting without getting hurt.  It is singularly designed to minimize injury.  In pro wrestling, though, it was introduced as the dreaded “Singapore cane” (amid the Michael Fay caning controversy), and although now it is more commonly called a “kendo stick” it retains an aura of cruel and unusual punishment.  Alexa could frankly hurt Bayley far worse with a leather strap or a length of rebar, but wrestling fans just instinctively know the kendo stick is somehow less merciful.
I think it’s safe to say Bayley will get to use the kendo stick on Bliss, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s going to win.  Personally, I’m tired of the women’s titles getting hotshotted every month, so I’d rather not see yet another title switch.  So I’m expecting Bliss to pull some shenanigans to get out of this one with just a couple of welts.
Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz
- Ambrose is defending the intercontinental championship.  Normally the challenger cannot win the championship if he beats the champion by a count-out or disqualification, but for this match if Ambrose is disqualified, the Miz will be awarded the championship.
The whole “title can changes hands on a DQ” stipulation is a classic gimmick, where fans fantasize that it would be used to put a stop to rule-breaking heels.  But occasionally the tables get turned and a conniving heel convinces the powers that be that the babyface is the one who is recklessly flaunting the rules.  The idea is that we’re all supposed to be worried that our favorite brawler is fucked because he can’t stop himself from taking cheap shots, and the heel is trying to goad him into a DQ for the easy title win.  Win or lose, though, the heel gets comeuppance when the match is over and the face can do whatever he damn well pleases.
The problem with these matches, though, is that they end up being pretty dull, as the babyface ends up second-guessing every move and the heel reduces his offense to merely taunting and baiting the face.  The only way I expect this to be entertaining is if Ambrose outwits Miz with some novel approach to the scenario, like maybe beating him half to death with a chair before the match starts, or taking a count-out loss to end the match and get on with a fight.
I guess Miz could win the title, but this is really an “is Ambrose stupid?” match, and WWE tends to want to book him as being deceptively intelligent.  I’m picking Dean to retain.
Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus & Cesaro - The Hardys are defending the Raw tag team title.  Sheamus and Cesaro turned heel right after their last shot, so this is a grudge match.  The Hardys earned the right to name the stipulation and chose a cage match, so cyclone fencing will be erected around the ring posts.
A standard cage match can only be won by being the first to a) exit the cage and/or b) score a pinfall/submission.  In a tag team cage match, it’s not always clear if both members of the team have to exit the cage or not.  A common scenario is that one of the babyfaces climbs out of the cage, leaving the other babyface in a two-on-one scenario that ends with a pin or submission.  In a Hardys cage match, I can almost guarantee that:
Matt will exit the cage
Jeff will get double-teamed for a while
Jeff will mount a comeback and leave the heels laying
Jeff will start to climb out and then stop at the top
Jeff will suddenly decide to do a flip onto his downed opponents
The announcers will wonder if this is a good idea
Jeff will hit it and win the match OR miss and get pinned.
I would hazard a guess that Jeff is about .167 when it comes to winning cage matches, so this looks like trouble for the Hardys.  On the other hand, they’re riding high right now and I feel like the Sheamus/Cesaro feud is almost over, so maybe this time he’ll actually hit the damn flip.
Neville vs. Austin Aries - This is for Neville’s cruiserweight championship.  It’s a submission match, so pinfalls won’t be counted.  I don’t think anybody has spelled out whether the match can end by count-out or disqualification, but usually a submission match keeps the action on the mat so it never becomes an issue.  Aries has recently beaten Neville by submission in a tag team match, so the angle is that, after months of chasing the title, he’s got the champion on the defensive.  I’m pulling for a title change because that would at least create the hope of seeing a different fucking match next month, but I don’t really believe it.  I am resigned to seeing Neville/Aries IV in a blindfold match or something.
Sasha Banks & Rich Swann vs. Alicia Fox vs. Noam Dar - This is a mixed tag team match, so if one side tags the other has to tag as well, to ensure that no man vs. woman scenarios occur.  Fox has barely wrestled at all in the last six months as she’s been wrapped up in a cruiserweight storyline where she broke up with Cedric Alexander and Noam Dar caught her on the rebound and Rich Swann is mad on Cedric’s behalf or something.  So she finally gets back into action on Raw and she and Sasha are beating the shit out of each other, which leads to Banks and Swann forming an alliance. 
I like how Fox projects intensity in her matches, but it’s really easy to forget how much fun that is because she doesn’t get to wrestle on TV all that much.  On the other hand, WWE and romance go together about as well as nachos and steak sauce, so I’m not looking forward to more with Fox and Dar.  Which probably means Fox and Dar will win.
Apollo Crews vs. Kalisto - This is scheduled for the pre-show.  They’ve been doing this endless angle where Titus O’Neil wants to be Titus’s mentor, and Kalisto thinks that’s a load of crap, and Apollo waffles on it.  I don’t know where this is going but I’m damn sure the next story beat won’t happen on a pre-show.  Apollo wins, I guess?
0 notes
Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 15 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING:  M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: A new life.
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Alicia was awake and staring at the ceiling. Loki held her hand but she hesitated before holding his. They stayed like this for at least half an hour. Loki caressed her hand with both of his. He kissed her knuckles as he stood. 
"Love. We need to get ready. The Avengers will be here soon." He placed a kiss on her temple. She closed her eyes and silent tears disappeared into her hair. "We need to get you a shower. Or would you want a bath?"
"Do I have too?"
"Yes love." He ran fingers carefully through her hair till the dried mud stopped him. He had never seen her so dirty before… mud and blood covered her. "You are filthy. I will help you."
Alicia allowed him to carry her. She was wrapped in blankets still. Loki's heart broke as she tried to hide within him and cried. Sitting on the edge of the tub, he soothed her while getting the tub ready. He had a few special herbs with calming effects specifically for this moment in mind. Loki cooed, "you are going to make it through this love. So much more."
How many heartbeats?
Alicia whimpered, "I want him back. I want him safe."
"He will be ok love." Loki kissed her head. "Get in the bath. Let me help you." Loki vanished the materials covering them as he entered the large bath.
Her nose wrinkled, "It smells kind of funny."
"It's Asgard herbs used to soothe away stress. Just relax I will make sure you are clean." Loki felt his known stressors melt away to only a small cube of ice. The rest of the stress? He could fall asleep he was so relaxed. That is why these herbs are only used with others present so the person in the bath would not drown. Loki was fast but gentle while washing Alicia. He rubbed fiercely at his own skin to get rid of the dirt and grime faster. 
The whisper of his name as Alicia slumped onto him had Loki hurry to rinse both of them, "It's ok love. Relax. If you go back to sleep everything will feel much better. I will take care of you." Loki had already changed the dirty sheets with seder. Tea should be hot still from him making himself some just moments before she awoke. He heated it up just a little anyway. He ordered food to be prepared for them so when he ordered for it to her room the chefs could deliver everything faster.
Loki got her out of the tub and dried her as she sat on the chair in her bedroom. "You don't need to fight sleep love. It will make you feel better. The herbs work remarkably well when someone sleeps. Are you hungry?" Alicia nodded, "I will order it right away." Loki kissed her forehead again as she laid down. 
As Loki was turning for the phone he felt a pull at his clothes. Loki used his Seder to order the food instead of calling to demanded harshly the food be done as of five minutes ago. Alicia needed him. Loki needed to be there for her more than she would admit. 
"It is my fault."
Their conversation carried on quietly as Loki's hands comforted her.
"No love. It's not."
"Why did you take me?"
"Remember when I talked to your father? He made me promise to always protect you. I was in no position to save even you. With Luit's abilities my Sedeir was halted and unusable. I wouldn't have been able to fight any of those people. You were no better than I was. You used so much magic."
"You should have saved hi-"
"I couldn't. You would have attacked Luit and they would have what they wanted. You."
"You should have let them take me."
"Your father would certainly be dead. You saved him."
"It doesn't feel like it."
"I know love. But you did."
Loki held her in silence. Just when he was thinking of what to do to the staff for taking so long there was a knock at the door. Loki helped her get to the small table and went to the door. He made sure to have a stern look when he opened the door.
The familiar choppy dark hair pushed past him, "Come on Loki it's just me." 
Loki turned once he saw the food tray in her hand. There were two others with trays but they cowered under his harsh stare. Loki saw Alicia staring at the food but did not eat anything he went to her side, "do you want something else?"
Her reply barely disturbed the silence, "No."
Loki waved his hand at the staff and they took their chance as quick as they could. Loki sat down beside Alicia and she got onto his lap. Loki wrapped his arms around her as she cuddled into his neck. Loki's neck slick with tears and he soothed her disheveled wet hair from her laying down. Loki gave her a bread roll and she took it. Loki kissed her head when he heard her chewing.
"I got some information. That Luit is an Asgardian that is the one to make those cuffs. They plan on using Grumpus as bait. As that vision shows...They get her and it's likely you will get there to save her. We knew that already. There are a ton of videos, pictures and survivors telling all points of the event. Alicia is the most popular topic. The child she saved has their grandparents now. The group she organised saved a ton of people and significantly reduced casualties. Everyone is asking about her and the man she threw a fit about as you took her away. Obviously that is Grumpus, some are claiming they heard Alicia call him dad. The Avengers refused to talk until they had more answers and promised to find them. Fury gave them our location and Alicia will be sent back with your team."
Loki glared as Marcibeth kept making a sandwich, "So you have nothing to keep her safe."
"Nope. You know they get her. Her visions come true everytime."
"Marcibeth. You know that food is not for you."
"I'm aware but I delivered. This is payment." Loki glared as she took a bite of a sandwich. Marcibeth smiled when Loki felt his eyebrows angle harshley.
Alicia turned her head, “Marci.”
Marcibeth laughed “Don’t sound so sad. Your going to be with your boy toy."
"I'm worried about you." 
Loki watched as she sat up and wiped her tears.
"Fury already has a team ready for extractions for informants." Marcibeth was quick to silence her, "you are to act as though you moved to New York for your art." Marcibeth licked her fingers after she was done with the sandwich.
Loki could not stand people talking with a mouthful and the way she licked her fingers was noisy.
Alicia's voice quivered, "What if people ask about my use of magic?"
Marcibeth's hum was high as if she remembered an important part, "Loki taught you. Though many are claiming, 'she definitely was trained in magic. The results of her healing are proof of that. She orchestrated people in a plan in such a short time. So I can assume she has been training long before Loki arrived.' Her voice varied to show many people talking."
Alicia looked at her hands, "So what do I say?"
Loki rubbed her arm, "Just say it was taught by family that you lost touch with." He felt her tense and he pulled her back to him as he encased her in the protection and security of arms.
"I just don't understand…" Aicia pushed forward to sit up and put her elbows on the table. "He.." her hands went to her face, "my visions don't tell me he is coming back."
"Well… I imagine they let him go in exchange for you." Loki let his fingers trail up and down her back.
Silence so quiet that it was deafening.
Loki swore he could hear his heart pulsing.
"I am not willing to let that happen." Marcibeth said and her fingers curled but we're still in a claw shape instead of fisting. "Do not worry about me. I will figure something out." Marcibeth's hand fisted as she stood and had a smile that uncharacteristically threatened to turn to a frown. "This is probably the last I will see of you till… I'm actually not sure when."
"What?" Alicia's question was a hushed whisper.
"Yep. We are focusing on finding Edward, Luit and anything else to get Marcus back." Marcibeth waved her hand and walked away, "what you choose to do is up to you. I want to get more information out of these people."
The door shut.
"Alicia?" Loki asked as she got off of him and paced. Loki got up slowly with his hands raised slightly. "Lets-"
"Please." Alicia turned her back to him and threw her hand down and back at him. "Don't. I.. I can't."
Loki followed her as he spoke carefully, "Let's talk. Let's eat."
Alicia stopped once by the bed. "You eat. I don't have an appetite."
"Talk then."
Loki saw her shudder and was quick to cradle her in his arms. 
He put her in the bed and comforted her the best he could. She had been through so much. The attack. Saving those people and using so much magic. Her father..all of those events surrounding him... The suffering was so much. Then to be told she couldn't prevent her near torment, possibly be unable to keep her father alive and could not have contact with anyone she knew? When Alicia turned and held him tightly they both knew Loki was all she had now.
"I can't.."
She couldn't take anymore. She was at her limit. Too much in a few hours. And this was just the beginning. "I will be here for you. To help you with anything."
"You.. I can't. Loki I just can't."
"You can."
"I don't want to."
"Alicia listen. This will pass." Loki kissed her forehead, "I will not allow you to give up. I love you."
How long will this last? How strong is the combination of their hearts together in this moment? Loki's heart beat in his chest wildly.
"I love you too. So much. Thank you."
"Don't thank me."
"You stayed. With me."
"Now.. love. I told you before, I'm not going anywhere."
Alicia calmed down slightly. Her quick breaths were controlled, "If you put me to sleep… would I feel better like you said with the herbs?" She was still sniffling and looked up at him
"Yes love. Is that what you want?"
"Alright love." His hand took the place of his lips. He looked at her face as she became drowsy then drifted off.
Loki ate his food as he watched Alicia. He had attention on his spell when he was taken to the meeting room with Furry. When the Avengers arrived they were somewhat surprised to see Loki there but Natasha said,
"He has been here with Alicia multiple times."
Tony barked at Fury, "What the hell is going on?"
Thor held loki, "Is this about Alicia?" The words were concerned but the tone was fierce.
Fury spoke loudly, “Follow me.” Fury lead them down many hallways then went through a door and Fury had to give access to everyone other than himself. Several passwords for Loki still...
There were pictures everywhere that she drew and news articles linked to them. The non-shield agents looked around the walls. Loki, and the other agents took their seats among the circular placement of chairs in the center of the room. A glass table in between those chairs.
Loki sat back in his seat as she watched everyone walking around.
“So who drew these?” Tony questioned loudly.
“Agent A.M.G. or Alicia as you all know her. As anyone could guess they were images of the future. The ones without information are ones that have yet to happen."
The Avengers walked around asking many questions about the thousands of images. Loki left Fury to answer as he watched everyone walk around. Loki focused on Alicia. She was in a deep sleep and he could feel her mind clearing.
Fury spoke loudly, "Your mission is to protect Alicia and find her father."
Steve spoke up, "The man Loki pulled her from?"
"Yeah. Alicia is the new team mate."
Tony sounded exasperated, "You have got to be kidding. How are we to protect her if she is fighting, her vision will come true, and she has a huge Target on her?"
Fury stared down Tony, "I will leave that up to you."
Thor asked after a tense silence took place, "Where is Alicia?"
"She is resting. You will announce her as a new Avenger." Fury paused, “I assume you have space for her in your tower” Fury stated though it should have been a question.
“We do have a few rooms.” Tony replied.
Thor took the first opportunity to speak, “She will stay on our floor. It makes logical sense since Loki will be able to easily guide her through visions if they live close together.” 
“Then go.” Fury commanded.
Loki was beside Alicia through the whole transfer. 
In the aircraft Thor asked, "How long have you known about her magic?"
Then Loki saw all eyes on him, "a few months after we met."
"What can she do?"
"Visions and healing as you all know. She can make a cloaking shield, we are working on a shield for physical attacks. She can enhance her strength and senses. I have been working on teaching her how to do those properly."
"Is she skilled?"
Loki picked at his hand, "She has potential. She just needs to be taught properly."
Everyone agreed it was in Alicia's best interest to be put in the med unit. And Loki stayed by her side the entire time.
Loki felt she was healing well. Five hours after the spell was put in place he cancelled it. Loki watched as she started to dream. Her once still body moved to get comfortable and her face was still peaceful.
The memories from only six hours ago ate away at his mind. She was so distraught. He wanted to touch her. Let her know he was there. He thought about messing with her dreams to shine a bright light to showcase his goodness. Loki let his hand cover his face as he leaned forward at the thought, in the end it wouldn't work and only make it worse should she find out.
The smooth glide of the sliding door grabbed his attention. Loki only glanced at the Intruders.
Bruce and Thor.
Bruce was checking the screens as he talked, “We got notified that she was not in a deep sleep so we are checking on her. Everyone else chose to stay on the party deck to give her some space.”
There was a silence as everyone stared with anticipation.
Thor spoke up, “What state of mind will she be in when she wakes?”
“It should be her natural one.”
“How many times have you seen her in visions?” Bruce glanced at Loki quickly.
“Many times.”
“Do you think she is capable of giving us more information?” Thor asked as if in a careful way to tell Loki it was just a question.
Loki did his best to keep a stoic face. “I'm not sure. She has never been guided properly. From what I gathered, she is self taught in magic. I have been teaching her a few things."
Another silence besides the beeps from the machine. They all watched Alicia stir. Alicia's eyes started to open and she grimaced then covered her eyes with her arm. 
The bright light was too much. She was definitely in a new place. It looked like some very high class and expensive hotel hospital.
The transfer. Right. That probably happened while she was under Loki's spell.
She heard someone ask how she was feeling.
"I'll be alright," was her reply.
Her voice was groggy. She uncovered her eyes and surveyed the room. Thor, Bruce, and Loki. 
She smiled at Loki but it was a tired smile.
Bruce did a few more check ups. Then said, "I'm just going to unattach you from the monitor." 
Alicia glanced down and saw she was in a gown and didn't feel anything else on her body besides the sheet waist down and the stickiness from the pads on her. She laughed, "you were thorough."
"We wanted to make sure you wouldn't slip into a coma." Bruce's laugh was nervous.
Loki dressed her in one of her favorite comfortable outfits and went to the party deck. Alicia and Loki informed everyone together of how her visions work after supplying Alicia with food. There were questions about certain seemingly easy to deal with visions. Especially the ones where there was a biofrost working in space and how SHIELD already had their hands on the matter before anyone else. Loki and Alicia parroting what they said before the attack.
"A biofrost will work near Earth somewhere. We have no idea as to when. It will come true though."
Tony waved his hand towards Alicia, "Speaking of those visions. You know, where you are a hostage. I think it's going to be best to have you stay in the tower. Under surveillance."
"I'm much more useful on the field. If you think locking me up is going to prevent any vision, that is not going to work. Use me as an Avenger or I'm going back to SHIELD."
Tony voice raised, "They don't want you and it's our job to protect you now. I'm not going to have you putting your life and ours on the line."
"Then I won't put your lives at risk."
Tony rolled his eyes then pinched his nose.
Loki stepped into the conversation, "She's going to get to mission locations either way. And if anyone is hurt, that's her specialty. Also as you have seen, she can hold her own in a physical fight." Loki's voice was laced with frustration. "She has visions and will help us get some preparation before those things happen."
Alicia leaned on her arms after pushing the plate overloaded with food away. She sighed heavily, "my visions happen and the only thing we can do is prepare ourselves."
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