#i know im tje only unmarried female and that's why this is happening. i want to kms
theunemployedrogue · 2 years
The vet gave Pumpkin a couple shots and sent us on our way. She'd lost another 1/2 lb but he talked like she was ok. Idfk anymore. My cat has been chronically sick for over a year now and it seems like there is really nothing we can do bc the vet keeps saying it's related to that feline herpes virus she's had since before I ever met her. I have broken down sobbing more times than I can count now just looking at how thin she's become.
She still eats and plays and uses the litterbox but she is sick all the time now. I told the vet I felt I was neglecting her and he said I was doing everything I could but it makes me sick to my stomach seeing her like this. Legit want to hurt myself bc of what my shitty fucking life has done to my cat's health. I can't handle this on top of cleaning up human blood and throwing my back out and taking on the jobs of 10 different people for my elderly grandma while trying and failing miserably to focus on a 40 hr work week, like I'm seriously not in a good place rn and I do not know what to do.
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