#i know i haven't posted about alley cat au in a while and i swear i haven't forgotten it
perpetualexistence · 7 months
How Izzy and Noah help Eva deal with her anger
Izzy: She gets Eva a bunch of pencils. Some are colored pencils, some are just regular pencils. She names each and every one of them, and comes up with different backstories for them. Then, she tells Eva that whenever she gets mad, she can murder one of the pencils instead. Just snap it like a twig. They've all committed crimes worthy of the death penalty. Eva can be their executioner!
This actually does help since it allows Eva to be destructive without hurting anyone. Noah points out the backstories are unnecessary, but Izzy still insists on them.
Noah: He coins the phrase "Space or company?". If he sees Eva taking her anger out on something, or if she looks like she's on the edge of getting overwhelmed by rage, he asks whether she wants space or company. If she says space, then he just leaves her be and tells her to text when she's feeling better. If she says company, he'll stick around and listen to her vent about whatever's upsetting her.
If she's nonverbal, or can only scream, he texts Izzy for back up. They'll watch over her while keeping their distance. Noah's goal becomes making sure that nobody else approaches Eva and risks getting hurt when she's unable to control herself. Izzy's goal is to step in if Eva starts hurting herself terribly and stopping her if she is.
AU Masterpost
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poohbea · 2 years
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geto suguru | angst | detective!au
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wordcount: 1.8k
content: detective!geto, criminal!reader, established backstory, implied past relationship, a knife is used, swearing, trespassing, just a lot of stuff they haven't really worked through
synopsis: a life of crime wasn't necessarily your first choice, but after the hard life you've lived it seemed to be the only option. but this however, makes you a target and the one taking aim is an old flame.
note from pooh: this was a bit of an unplanned release, i think i wanted to expand it a bit more but after a little more thought i kinda liked it being something short and sweet like this. this was inspired by an old work of mine for something personal i had been working on (i have a few of those). but it came out lovely, so as always...
Hope you enjoy ♡ reblogs are greatly appreciated
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You perused the farmers markets of Manila, tugging the hood of your jacket over your face, blending yourself into the crowd. The owner of a fruit stall greets you kindly, offering you the specials of the morning. Thanking him coyly, the glossy produce shines in your hand as you turn it, inspecting it so thoroughly you miss the body leant against the post beside you.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you l/n?” The man in uniform eyes you up and down, hands buried in his coat pockets.
You smile. “Well, it did take you this long…” Placing the fruit back down on the stand you continued your stroll along the various stalls, eying their vibrant goods curiously. All the while trying to maintain your composure around the familiar bounty hunter at your tail. “I was starting to think you forgot about me, Detective.”
“Forget…” He scoffs and chuckles simultaneously, an amused expression on his face. “Hardly. You’ve been making my life difficult for months.”
You peered at him over your shoulder innocently. “Me? Little insignificant me?”
“Keep that attitude up and I'll cuff you right here.”
“It’s shameful to put your hands on a lady, Suguru. You of all people should know that.” You watched a challenging glint flash in his dark irises as his name left your mouth.
You enjoyed this game of cat and mouse you played. Using his first name, acting as if you'd known him for decades, it seemed to just piss him off more. You weren't friends, not in the slightest, not anymore, but it didn't make pushing his buttons any less enjoyable.
“Not if that lady has a warrant out for her arrest in over twenty countries. I’d call that necessary force.” With a switch of the basket between hands, you continue your stroll and to your dismay so did Geto.
“You know what your problem is?” You question, to which he responds with an interested gaze. “You've been on a high horse ever since you got promoted. You used to have a better moral code before you became a detective. Less… how do you say? Kiss ass.”
“And you would know a thing or two about morals?”
“At least I maintain mine, you on the other hand… have your head so far up the government’s ass I can smell what they had for dinner yesterday.”
“You know what your problem is?” He picks up a glass off the display table you were currently browsing, a mischievous smile on his lips.
“Please, enlighten me oh Great Detective Geto.”
Strolling was over. He'd never let you go peacefully, the man was too stubborn for that. Once he'd found his target, there was no pulling him away from it. A trait you'd come to learn from months of this relentless pursuit.
You’d stepped into an alley way out of sight and out of the way of prying eyes littering the marketplace. The basket hanging from your forearm, empty.
“You've lost your edge. This is your life now.” He gestures to the dirty gully, water ridden and dank. “Stuck hiding yourself from the world, running away from me for the rest of your life.”
“Mm, you like to flatter yourself don’t you?” The look on his face almost made you laugh. “While you ran off to kiss political ass, I had to figure out how to make a living. You see this,” you gesture to the scar across your cheek. ” Is what I had to do to stay alive, it kept everyone alive after you abandoned us. And for what? A job as a pig?”
“You had so many other options than the fucking Underworld! Criminals y/n!” Silence befell you both.
He hadn’t addressed you by your first name in years. It was one you replaced since starting down this path. You didn’t mind, it was easier when no one knew who you were.
The regret in his eyes only made it worse because that told you he didn’t mean to let it slip out. It was a mistake.
“What should I have done, Geto? Subjected myself to slavery? Mental and physical abuse? Overworked and underpaid in a ‘stable and lawful’ occupation? I thought you knew me better than that, I really did.” You begin walking further into the alley, searching to find any way out of this conversation.
“I thought so too, but here we are having this conversation.” His footsteps mimic yours further behind.
“Don’t follow me.”
His pace picks up to match yours. “You know I can’t do that.”
“I don’t give a shit what you ‘can’t’ do.” Instinctively you flinch away from his grasp, too close for comfort. “You touch me and I’m keeping that hand.”
“I have orders, l/n.” There he went with the formalities.
Coming to a fire escape you stop, analysing your escape route. “And I hate you.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” That struck a nerve in you. Why? You didn’t really know.
“No! Fuck you! For everything! For all this! For your selfishness! For leaving me! For breaking my fucking heart…” It was your turn for a mistake.
He didn’t speak immediately, but his eyes graced you with sympathy, a sentiment that infuriated you more than his voice ever could. “I can’t… I…”
“You know what? Forget it, I prefer it when you act like you don’t know me anyway. I can treat you like the stranger you are now.” Securing the basket over your shoulder, you jump and take hold of the ladder, letting it fall before you make your ascent.
Geto stood speechless behind you, mindlessly witnessing your escape up the metal platforms periodically.
“Y/n, I- stop!“ He follows behind you with haste, clumsy in his oversized raincoat.
“Don’t follow me!”
An open window invites you inside, the place dim as grey clouds shielded the sun. The sound of water beating against the tiled floor told you the owner of the apartment was in the shower, the coast was clear.
“L/n!” Geto shouts, sounding a little out of breath. His face comes into view in the windowsill, cheeks pink, a layer of sweat upon his brow.
The wry expression on your face has him swearing. Bowing through the window, while probing his surroundings hesitantly.
“You don’t listen do you?” You throw the question nonchalantly as you rush for an exit, pathing your way through the strangers home like it was your own.
“Not to you, no.” Flicking hair out of his face, his feet imitate yours through the unfamiliar place, hot on your tail every step of the way.
You can't help but roll your eyes, kissing your teeth as your hand finally reaches the handle of the front door. Soon to be covered with his larger one. “What did I say about that hand Suguru?”
He takes your threat lightly with a low chuckle, not making an attempt to move. “You can certainly try.”
Right as your mouth opens a scream catches you both off guard. A middle aged woman stood in the hallway, towel clutched to her chest as she eyed you both in horror.
“What the hell are you doing in my house?!” She thrusts forward a cast iron skillet, flicking the pan between Geto and you with shaky hands. Most likely the closest weapon she could find in her compromised state.
“I was just leaving!” You and Geto blurt in unison, blinking before your eyes meet in confusion.
Without a second thought you unlock the door and burst out the entrance, starting down the empty corridor to the stairwell at the end of it. Slamming into the awaiting emergency door, you force your way through it, nearly slipping whilst your foot hits the first step.
“L/n! Fuck! Y/n!” His voice echoes above you, mixing with your laugh that bounced teasingly off the walls.
“Better luck next time Suguru-!” You were made to eat those words, forced to the ground almost instantly as they left your mouth. “Get off me you piece of shit!” A whimper is drawn from your throat as his weight presses further into your chest. Did this prick really just jump from the floor above you?
“Would you stop struggling?” He grunts, hair falling into his face, dishevelled from the chase. He tries to hold off your hands and legs thrashing against his own, likely painting bruises into his skin on impact.
“Geto!” You growl, frustrated and tired, doing anything in your power to push him off you, to no avail. Somehow always being outmatched when it came to strength and size. “Get the fuck off of me!”
“Just sto-“ His words die with the bob of his Adam’s apple, now imprinted with the side of a blade that threatened to draw blood. “Really now? This is what we’re doing?”
You laugh in his face. The audacity was astonishing. “Don’t act like you’ve never done the same thing to me.”
“Touché.” Was all he could manage before being silenced by the blade pressing further into his skin. “Okay, okay, okay.” He concedes, slowly sitting back on his heels with his hands raised. All the while you followed, keeping the knife close to his larynx, ready to slit his throat at any given moment.
“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to get up and you’re not going to follow me. Got it?” You sneer, keeping a close eye on those hands of his.
He gulps, gaze shifting to the blade then your face. “I can’t. I can’t just let you go, I have a job to do. Orders to follow.”
“And those orders automatically outweigh your morals? Is that right Suguru?” With squinted eyes you feel your heart race, begging, pleading for him to just let this war between you end.
“I’m not going to go through this with you again.” His exasperated sigh has your jaw clenching.
“You’re fucking pathetic.” You curse the break in your voice, tears rimming your lash line as a wave of buried emotion hurtles toward you. “Leave me be, do I make myself clear?”
Don’t. Don’t use my name. Don’t put me through this again. “Do I make myself clear, Geto?!”
His eyes close hesitantly, nostrils flaring ever so slightly as he lets out a deep exhale. “Yes.”
That was all you needed. Withdrawing the knife from his throat you tuck it back into its sheath at your hip, before making a break for it. Your shoes squeak with each hastened step down the stairs, ears on the lookout for the patter of the detective's own footsteps behind you. To your relief they never came.
You finally make it to the exit, swinging the door open haphazardly, catching the attention of the few passers by. You pay them no mind as you draw your hood over your head, merging into the crowd effortlessly. Driving forward and missing the dark haired man in the window above watching you slip away from him yet again.
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tags: @getosarea, @gardenof-venus, @sintiva, @sailewhoremoon, @okhotel, @xharia, @sakinotfound
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© poohbea, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, reupload or modify my work to other accounts and platforms. if you intend to translate any of my works please ask permission first ♡
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