#i know he a villian or smth and I'm not watching it but still
desire-for-madness · 10 months
I thought Korea was at least halfway over love triangles and then BAM, all airing dramas got some...
Please stop breaking my heart by watching someone else's hopes fall apart... someone's fears stop them from finding love...
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So I made myself wait to watch the witchcraft smp finale till all the povs were out, which means I waited for Cleo to upload and also my college decided to allow offline/traditional classes to be back so it took me a bit longer to finally sit down and watch the povs. So here is some of my thoughts while watching the witchcraft smp finale episodes:
(Spoiler warning)
-Yeah Lauren you kinda did drop the whole competition just to vibe, but that's okay I still love you!
-Omg her wings look like thicc slices of bread!!And the colors of it are real pretty
-Yeah Joey!!! You were the worst best friend ever, screw you!
-Scott to the rescue!!!!
-YOOOO Joey's out first!!!!!
-Hi supreme Lizzie
-Scott's the new supreme!!!
-Oh yeah they all do have her autograph in a way huh?
-Everyone reaction to finding out Cleo was an undead this whole time is really funny
-Lauren just dipped lmao?!?!??
-The "Yep that's me, you are probably wondering how I got here." Bit to start the episode was good
-Training montage
-Damm Shellby's strong af, she really giving them a hard time
-Ohhh her artifact exploded on her because of the reset, alright that makes a bit more sense
-Oh she skipped the demon fight hmm
-Lol she became a witch content creator after the competitions?!
-Oli and Sausage got bailed out by El
-They made wcsmp's version of love or host lol
-Did she steal a award!?
-Someone get Scott I found his supreme crown
-Oh that ice blast spell is cool(pun wasn't intended)
-Bro not the Stacy callback!!
-Cleo's time freeze ability <3
-Okay demon battle time
-Gods why was it that Joey give the "If we work together we can defeat the villian." Speech, it's not at all a thing his character would say
-Bro the demon's not even taking any damage lmao
-Scott's new to his supreme witch powers leave him alone
-Dude what home the mages won't accept you ba- oh that one right...
-I mean yeah screw those ice mages and all that but how is Joey's story gonna end now?
-You don't have any best friends le- oh yeah Tiff would be your best friend after all the demonic and botania stuff the both of you bonded over
-Where's Tiff?! Did mother earth take her back or smth?!
-No Joey she couldn't have gone through the elf portal, she has told you before that the portal works only one wa- aphgkgdj?!SURE JUST GO IN JOEY BYE WITCH!!!
-Okay so at this point I'm pretty sure that there many chests in the area but not all of them have stuff in them and are there for decor
-Where did that blaze come from?!
-Lmao Cleo saying "Do we have a cool name?"
-Cleo and Scott are not giving Pris a chance to breath lol
-"I can't see it but I'll pretend I do"
-Bertha's curse got broken!!(see Bertha you didn't even have to bring back your dead sister and the demon she took down with her to break your curse you just had to wait)
-Is Bertha immortal?? Also do they not have a job outside of being the supreme witch competitions referee(???)
-Is Mertha's curse also broken now?
-Lol the demon fight crashed Pris' computer
-Is Pris a siren of some kind?
-Oh her dead sister is there, I'm going to assume that's her spirit coming for a visit or something
-Oooo we are finally meeting this "she" Shubble keeps mentioning
-My girl saw the weird dead deer skulls and said "Ew"
-*Big gasp* *choking noises* *literally dying* *it was nice knowing you*
-*In a nerd voice*Uhmm actually those look like shiny charizard wings thank you very much
-Her immediate respons to seeing Cleo was zap-teleport out of there
-Love how Tiff, Shubble and Pris are just watching Lauren and Joey "attacking" eachother
-Shubble leaving the scene when Scott shows up lol
-I love hduo, found sisters <3
-So is Tiff's first death not counted?
-"He is already dead let it go" SHELLBY?!!?!!!KAGLZHSK
-Why is it always these 2 in a fight to death
-Oh she just flew away?!!
-"Aren't you like dead though?" Shellby you need to stop!!kdhdhchbj
-Oh come on!! We are not meeting "her" aww man :(
-Witch Tiff's grandma used to make nightsade berry pies. Good fact to know
-Oop the Bertha clone is back
-Oh her sneaking behind Cleo was so cool
-"Our leader!"
-"Yeah I want a piece of that. Equality!"
-The voices are back
-Oh, so she did went through the portal...huh
-This is just a random thought, but are we getting a fairies smp next? Cause I feel as though both witch!Tiff and witch!Joey 's stories are meant to continue in a way? Guess we'll have to wait and see
-Oh this is the longest episode, kinda nervous...
-The voices of all the Cleo's?! Excuse me?!??
-Gods, to get any of the end armor set pieces is so expensive
-Oh here is Pris making her amends, yeah I know this already I watched Pris' pov
-"I'M YOUR MAKER!" It's great to finally understand what she said at that time
-Yeah, I think "the coven" does sound cool and ominous
-Did Cleo just pledge herself to Scott? I-yo-I can't understand what their saying from everyone talking over eachother
-Damm has she not liked any part of being a time witch...
-All the skins!!
-And she's human again!
-"And they lived happily ever after." That's a poetic end to Cleo's story. Since she did introduce us to her character with "once/twice a upon a time" and had kind of a storybook structure from then on
-He sounds so annoyed that he's only allowed to take 20 items with him lol
-I don't like how Scott said that he feels like he was going to "burst" and green particals started coming out of him...
-"Wow, you can't just say she's big!"
-"It encapsulates how weird and wonderful we are but it all still works together." Whatever you say new supreme!
-Frank and Agatha were in a 20 buck bet lol
-Agatha what other stuff is down in your secret lair??
-Oh he is really going through with it!! Anything for his love ig
-Oh he drowned to save Maxwell(I still don't know who that is. Their dog maybe)
-4 years?!
-Maxwell passed away a year later?!
-"Moonlight" "My little shadow" aww Milo is soo sweet, I love him already
-So he left the crown behind willingly. I mean I guess it make sense he just needed the power of the supreme witch to finally bring Milo back and since he lost all his powers he's not fit to have it anymore...
-Wait does this make Eloise the new supreme or do we need a new competition to be held pronto?!(in my opinion Shellby should be the new supreme cause she came in second place)
-So the supreme cursed Bertha and Mertha because she looked into the future and saw terrible things were to happen if anyone else were to become the supreme witch? Yeah that's fair ig :/
-Oh wow that was a quick forgivness lol
-Mertha did get the worst of it
-Her nap got interrupted that's so rude
-Time for the supreme games to begin!! But were skipping that probably cause I already watched it 8 times before this
-Oh quick run down of the events?! Sure...
-Oi!! That's so mean to Lauren she did her best!!
-That was an accident though!
-Oh when Joey asked to break the crown to have all of the being the supreme witch Bertha said "Me too?" Hehe
-Where is Mertha?!
-All "-ertha named" mobs lol
-I'm getting nervous, where is Mertha?!
-Why was she on top of a ice mountain?!
-Mertha's uncursed!!
-"666 hours later" sihdudynxtwhAT!?!
-Also why were you 2 spying on Joey and how did he not see the 2 of them, they're not hiding all that well
-They have a witch police?!
-Oh Mertha looks so sad waiting for Bertha...
-"Bertha will return" well yeah I sure hope she does!
And just like that it's over...how do I feel about it? Well...I think the smp had a strong start and a strong middle the ending though...is fine I guess...just wasn't my cup of tea, but I still liked the smp
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lemon-ty · 4 years
I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL U ABOUT THE NEW EPISODE AND I WILL! (also my screenshots have russian subs because, u know, I'm Russian and I usually watch with subs? Sorry..)
The begining isn't really interesting to me so let's just move right to the fendra thing
They're... too soft. Sorry. But... disgusting...
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Oh, Huey, u're too naive, my kid.
He just agreed too easily and too fast like that wasn't him who've just been 'oh no, u're an evil F.O.W.L. agent we must fiiiiight uuuuu". That shows he believes Fenton so much, he can stand on his side in a second with no questions and be the most devoted person to him in the whole world...
that's adorable ~
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One more person in the list of ppl knowing he's Gizmoduck.
Good, keep moving, one day it actually will be 'everyone knows'. 'Everyone, except Drake Mallard'.
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Maria (ah, well, yeah, I should say, that's my headcanon for officer Cabrera's name) is so cool so she can discover Louie in a second. Even if she'd never at least talked to him! That's amazing. Really spectacularly.
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Oh no, let's stay here and have a talk. Fenton, my boy, do u really thing she was right? Bc, u know, she was exactly the opposite! She was too much like 'oh no that's a secret project, we must not tell anyone about it bc it's seeeeecreeet' so she became the reason why Beaks actually have known about it. If u had told at least Dr. Gyro everything could be different! Such bad thing could never take a place! She was wrong, she was awfully wrong. O p e n u r e y e s, F e n t o n.
Oh right, and now she wants everyone to know. Too late to rehabilitation, u've already ruined everything. I would never apologize u and I suggest everyone to do the same.
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I adore 'Huey being Gizmo's sidekick' thing and now this world have lost me. I'm so in love with this part of the episode.
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oh my god...
(and the RoboCop joke...)
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That all is of course really great but... Don't u thing we're talking too much about Gizmoduck? I'll explain my point: we were talking about how much attention takes Gizmo and how little attention and love takes Fenton for a caple of episodes. We were talking about how it's important for him not to be only Gizmo but be himself and now... U might say 'that's his – Fenton's – project but think about some facts:
The project named GIZMOcloud (the opposite of fentonium that was really Fenton's project)
Everyone in here is saying "Blathering blatherskite' again and again and Gandra said 'it's Gizmo' (or smth like that I don't remember every word)
They all is talking only about Gizmo and this feels wrong for me. Like... What about Fenton? Do we still remember he wants to be useful while he's not a cool armed superhero? No????
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Dr. Gyro is iconic in this episode. Like in every episode where he is. And he fixes everything. Again.
(still u should say to him earlier) (I mean have u seen his happiness when he discovered this place? That's very cruel to keep it in secret from him)
Also the 'turn off' thing? Omg, that's hilarious.
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I really really really really tried not to hate Gandra BUT. She said THAT and I can't keep myself calm anymore-
I think she's soooooo badly written character. Like, see: she's so poor girl bc noone paid attention to her and she thinks she's not good enough. Meh, disgusting. I mean, this origin had already became some kind of a new cliche. She's not a character with a sad story, she's a chiche girlfriend for a hero. And that's without saying what the 'villian who's in love with a hero' is an awful chiche as well. She's cliched to the core and I can't love her and I would never love her.
She could be a better character but they made her like that and that's awful. I hate the thing that she wants to leave F.O.W.L. bc that's SO PREDICTABLE. AND SO LAZY. AND SO C L I C H E.
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Never loved him so much as do now.
Well, summary: The episode is AMAZING. I love Fenton. I love Dr. Gyro. I love of. Cabrera. I love Huey. I love Beaks. They all are perfect and the Gizmocloud is so great project that I can hardly breath. But Gandra ruins everything for me. So that's the reason why I will not be rewatching this episode again and again like I do with other episodes with Fenton. And that's... sad((
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yourclownpal · 4 years
Me and @brocolibean : talk about Ryota, Chihiro, Chiaki, and Kokichi being chaos siblings
Me: >:3
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Chihiro is the oldest but the shortest, Ryota and Chiaki are the middle children and Kokichi is the youngest
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there was also a picture of Ryota walking in on Kiibo and Miu but it looked bad
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Mondo offered to drive them to the store
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their all doing their own thing, which is playing on a switch, doing some coding, animating, and creating a master plan to rule the world (also Ryota looks like Simon from infinity train)  their  probably listening to a lofi playlist 
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they fight a lot, neither of them are adopted
this post is very long so beware! also you can add onto this! or ask questions! in fact please do ;0; I've spent so long on this post, ALSO what do you think their last name is??? cuz i COULD just pile on all their last names for the comedy buuuut idk 
extra headcannons and stuff below the cut
extra scenes and stuff i didnt draw :
Nagito and Hajime are over to hang out with Chiaki their all cuddling or something and Kokichi just slams her room door open  standing there until Chiaki has to push him out.
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the younger siblings all go into Chihiro’s room arguing 
Chihiro already has their phone out : get out or I'm calling Mondo 
Kokichi: hell yeah he’s fun!-
Chihiro: taka’s with him
Kokichi runs out on all fours screaming.
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Kokichi: hey Chiro, how do i ask a boy out?
Chihiro coding or smth: quit being a pussy.
Chihiro: don't you d-
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head cannons for this au thing
Kokichi and Chihiro dye their hair (purple and orange) all of their hair colour is blonde in some way
Kokichi is trans, pan and ace he uses he/it, he has a crush on Shuichi but it seems pretty one sided
Chihiro is queer in all senses, uses any pronouns, their in a poly relationship with taka and Mondo
Chiaki uses she/her pronouns while being bi with a male lean also being poly, she's dating Nagito and Hajime
Ryota is mlm and uses he/him pronouns, he's dating imposter! 
they all make fun of Chihiro for their height especially Kokichi
their parents are always out on business trips or something so their usually home alone, chaos ensues 
are their parents rich? does Kokichi steal money? we’ll never know 
all four of them are night owls
if Kokichi has D.I.C.E over they hang out in the garage and no one is aloud to mess with them 
they all watch anime together
they all also take meds for different things
IOU cards are very important in this household
more character based headcannons 
the oldest kid!
probably has a job to go along with school
has taka and Mondo over often
the hermit of the house hold
part of a robotics club with, Miu, Kiibo, and Souda 
only one who even remotely knows how to cook
their bad at it tho so taka and Mondo come over to help a lot
their room is a mess most of the time despite what you'd think
really tired
uses a fanny pack, and light up heelies 
1/2 of the twins
middle kid with Ryota
also really tired?
also has a messy room but its not as bad , cleans it up for when nagito and Hajime come over
the one who takes care of the bugs
she's a twitch streamer 
always has a backpack on sometimes even at home
brings her switch everywhere
has a bunch of plushies and figures of anime and videogame characters 
bad at cooking but the best at making Raman
makes money through twitch streaming
2/2 of the twins
somehow even more tired then the other two
has he even slept?
his room is somehow the cleanest? its still a mess though
the reason Kokichi drinks monster
him and Chiaki shared a room for a little bit but their stuff started to overlap a bit
if he makes new characters they'll subconsciously be modeled off of his siblings 
uses Chihiro as a reference a lot
he draws imposter a lot, his sibling's tease him for it
he falls asleep drawing a lot of the time
he’ll draw stuff for his siblings but they have to repay him with doing his chores or something (again IOU cards are VERY important)
doesn't mind watching cartoons with Kokichi
has a commissions page where he’ll draw pretty much anything except for  nsfw (cuz he’s a minor duh)
youngest kid
his room is the messiest 
he has caution tape and a keep out sign on his bedroom door 
he gets teased for having a crush on Shuichi by them all
Kokichi has claustrophobia  (get it bcuz hydraulic press)
Kokichi has been stabbed twice by Ryota with his digital art pen both times where him calling imposter names 
Kokichi has a bit of a caffeine addiction usually substituting food with panta or monster
the least tired out of all the siblings but he falls asleep in class a lot
out of all of them people make fun of him for “not being as talented as his siblings” but he's pretty good at scaring them away (his older siblings will pummel them)
he of course has a l*ing problem he's working on it though 
he likes cartoons more then anime unlike his siblings 
his favorite cartoon is Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart  or Villianous you can fight me on this
the only one who doesn't make money yet
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