#i just want to have the information i need to be able to explain taht
qjhughes · 4 years
Hi lovely! I recently got hearing aids, due to my hearing loss and I’m really insecure about them so i don’t wear them. I was wondering if you could write something about Y/N getting them and Harry’s fans make fun of her for them so she stops wearing them but he makes her feel okay about having them :(
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 1,135
Summary: Harry’s fans leave hateful comments about you hearing aids, but Harry makes sure that you know he loves every part of you.
Warning(s): Hate because of reader having hearing aid, a little bit of angst, fluff, i think that’s all 
A/N: I would like to say that I DO NOT tolerate any form of hate on my blog. I wrote this piece because it was requested. Things as simple as this, as simple as things that are NEEDED are made fun of every single day and I personally find it disgusting. If anyone finds hate in any form acceptable, please kindly find your way off of my blog and, while you’re at it, block me so that I never see your blog, thanks. 
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys and to the anon that requested this, I’m sorry it took so long, I was kinda ~emotional~ writing this because it kills me thinking about you getting any form of rude comments/hate.
Add yourself to my taglist here
Request anything here but make sure to read my guidelines first
“Can she even hear H sing?”
“Must be embarrassing to go around with her and have to have everyone repeat themselves.”
“I bet he hates taking her to his Gucci events, she probably annoys everyone there.”
“How can he stand to be around her? Those hearing aids are a big no from me.”
“Why does she even go on tour with him if she can’t hear a single thing he’s singing?”
“Why would he wanna be with someone like that?”
“He could do so much better, get someone that could, you know, actually hear him?”
You had never been this ashamed of your hearing aid before, never really had a reason to be. It was just something that was a part of you, as common with you as the nose that’s on your face. But once you started going out with Harry, letting that paparazzi catch sight of the two of you, the world was quickly made aware of the fact that Harry Styles was dating a girl that couldn’t even hear him.
You could definitely hear him, that being the whole reason that you wore a hearing aid, so that you could hear better. But it wasn’t even the fact that people made fun of you for not being able to hear him, it was more so the comments that say you shouldn’t be with him, or that he deserves better.
You had been receiving comments like this on your pictures, and even reading some of the comments on the pictures that Harry posted, for almost three months. You hadn’t told Harry, thinking that his fans would just get used to it, that they would eventually leave you alone.
You also hadn’t told him because you knew how much he valued his fans, and you didn’t want to do anything to dampen his adoration for them, even in the slightest. 
So, you did the next logical thing, you stopped wearing them. You stopped getting up in the morning and slipping them in once you finished your shower. You stopped wearing them out to parties and red carpet events. You even stopped wearing them when you went over to Anne’s house.
He hadn’t really noticed, seeing as you refused to ask him, or anyone, to repeat what had just been said, until you were at dinner with Anne and Gemma. You hadn’t wanted to be the annoying girl that everyone thought you were, so if someone said something that you couldn’t hear perfectly, you just nodded along.
When you were at dinner, though, Anne had asked something and you hadn’t heard it at all, you just continued eating, oblivious to the fact that a question had been directed at you. 
Harry nudged your side and you looked up at him, confused as to what he needed.
“Mum asked you a question.” He said, pointing over at Anne.
“Oh, what was it?” You ask.
She repeats herself, but you can’t make out the words. You try so hard to, not wanting to look like a fool in front of her, the woman that you see as your mother. But you can’t understand what she’s asking.
You refuse to request for her to repeat herself, so you just stare at her blankly, feeling the panic rise in your chest. Harry looks over at you, confusion in his features, until he understands. His eyes widen and he excuses both of you from the table.
He gets close enough to you and speaks at the volume he knows that you need to be able to hear without your hearing aids and asks, “Why aren’t you wearing it?”
You pretend not to know what he;s talking about, cocking your head and giving him a raised brow in question.
“Where’s your hearing aid, love?” He asks, specifying, although he knows that you didn’t have a doubt in your mind what he was talking about.
“It’s at home.” You mumble, not really wanting to have this conversation at his mother’s house.
He can sense your reluctance, so he excuses himself, telling you to stay put. After a few moments, he comes back with your jacket and his keys and informs you that he told Anne and Gemma that you weren’t feeling well and that the both of you were going to head home.
The car ride is silent, him not saying a word and you being too scared to start the conversation, not wanting to have to explain to him why you preferred not to wear the device now, when you’ve always been fine with it.
He has other plans, however, walking to the room taht the two of you shared and retrieving your hearing aid from the drawer he knows it’s kept in when not in use.
He comes back to the living room, handing the case with the device inside and waiting patiently for you to slip it in your ear and turn it on.
“Why didn’t you have it in?” He asks almost as soon as the hearing aid is on.
“I dunno.” You lie, really, really, not wanting him to hear about the things that you read.
“Baby, please don’t lie to me. What’s going on?” He all but pleads, coming closer and cupping your face with his hands. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
You can feel the tears welling up, and you hate that you hadn’t told him sooner. Hated that you made him worry so much. “It’s nothing, H. Just read some comments, and started questioning why you’re with me if I can’t even hear the things that you have to say.”
“Baby, I love you. So much. You do hear what I have to say. And it’s not just that. You don’t just hear what I say, you listen. Just ignore them, lovie. They’re always going to find something to talk bad about, but their opinion doesn’t matter, because no matter what, you’re the love of my life. Whether you have hearing aids or not, I love you because you’re you.”
The tears had begun to fall and he quickly brushed them away with the pad of his thumb, “Don’t ever feel less of yourself because of something that’s a part of you, okay? And if things ever get this bad again, please tell me, alright?”
“Yeah.” You mumble, leaning into the palm that’s still pressed against your face.
“Promise?” He asks.
“Promise.” With that, he smiles and leads you down the hall and into the bedroom, plopping down on the bed and dragging you with him.
You remove your hearing aid once again, but this time, it’s different. You’re just taking it out to sleep, not for good. Because, now you know, that no matter what anyone says to you, Harry loves every part of you, even the hearing aids.
Permanent Taglist -  @spideygirl2003, @jackiehollanderr, @scarletsoldierrr, @thewayilookatbacon, @parker-barnes-af, @lost-in-the-stars03, @kisses-holland, @josiemara, @god-knows-what-am-i-doing, @fanficscuziranout, @akila-stilinski @babebenhardy @write-from-the-heart, @slytherinambitious, @miraclesoflove @tomshufflepuff, @quaksonhehe,
Harry Styles Taglist -  @alwayshave-faith, @hufflepuff-always-and-forever, @sucker-09 @just-chillin-out-in-me-box, @macksmedicine, @wendaiii, @theresthingsthatwellneverknow,
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orangeoctopi7 · 5 years
A Small Setback
@stanuary Here with week one. The Theme is “Burn” and I’ve got a sequel to last year’s oneshot “A Minor Inconvenience”
It had been a few days since the elder Pines twins had received definitive proof that little bits of Bill were still floating around in Stan’s head. Ford had immediately set a course for the nearest land, a Norwegian island called Spitsbergen, where he was planning on doing some more in-depth research. He had already collected all his notes on the Dreamscape and Bill, as well as contacted Fiddleford for more data on the effects of the memory gun. When the old inventor asked why his old friend needed this information, Ford simply replied it was to help Stan with some unforeseen side-effects. 
What sort of side-effects? Fiddleford’s next email replied. I’d have a better idea of what data to send you if I knew what he was experiencing. 
He’s asked me to keep it confidential. Ford replied back. Just send everything.
The next email Ford got from McGucket contained an attachment so big, it took over 24 hours to download with their limited internet bandwidth at sea. 
The old researcher also asked his brother to start keeping a dream journal, and routinely asked Stan to recount all he could remember of his fateful encounter with Bill last summer. By now, Stan was getting a bit exasperated by it all.
“Seriously, it was over six months ago!” he whined, “I don’t remember any more of it now than I did yesterday! Can we just drop it?”
Ford looked ready to argue, but he must have changed his mind before he opened his mouth. “Ok, ok, if it’s frustrating you that much, I’ll stop asking.”
“Thank you.” Stan sighed. 
“We'll just have to find another way to figure out what happened.” 
Stan rolled his eyes. Of course he wasn't free to go yet.
“I've been going through the data Fiddleford sent me. The memory eraser doesn't actually erase memories, it just subliminalizes them by severing the main neurological connections.”
“... Meaning?”
“The memory is still in your head, you just can't recall it.”
“Great. What good does that do us?”
“I might be able to find access to the entire memory through your dreamscape.”
Stan grimaced. “So you wanna go digging around in my head again?” 
“Well I don’t want to, but it’s our best option to learn how Bill survived.”
“Didn’t he tell you the last time you were in there? Something about Tylenol?”
“Xolotl,” Ford corrected, “An Aztec god of death, among other things. I’m having trouble figuring out exactly how it’s connected to Bill. Which is why I need to know exactly what happened.”
“Alright, fine.” Stan consented. “But no more reading outta your nerd textbooks!”
“Oh, don’t worry, we won’t be needing that.” Ford assured him. “I need you awake this time.”
Stan raised his eyebrows curiously. “Didn’t think it worked that way.”
“Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely certain it will work.”
“... should I be worried?”
“No, no, worst case scenario, I recite the spell and just stay in my own head.”
“Great. Let’s get this over with.”
Stan sat in the middle of a ring of candles glowing dimly in the perpetual darkness of the arctic winter. Ford extinguished his match and stood behind his brother. Stan turned in his chair to watch.
“Don’t pay any attention to me.” Ford instructed. “Just close your eyes and concentrate on what you can remember about beating Bill. Tune me out.”
“Heh, got plenty of practice doing that.” Stan chuckled nervously.
“Concentrate.” Ford reminded him.
Stan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. There wasn’t much he remembered, and it wasn’t something he liked to dwell on. For the most part, all he remembered was blue flames, Bill begging for his pathetic life, and then punching the filthy dorito out of existence. More than anything, he remembered how he felt. Fear, then determination, a grim sense of satisfaction, and finally, acceptance. He tried to focus on those feelings and ignore Ford reciting the incantation. 
Stanford really hoped this would work. As he finished the incantation, there was a blue flash of light, which was a good sign. He opened his eyes, and sure enough, he no longer saw himself in the darkened galley of the Stan’o’War II, but back on the deck of Stan’s mindscape. There was a major difference this time though: Stan was actually standing there, clutching a treasure chest in his hands. It was severely damaged, blackened and burned. It seemed as though it might fall apart if someone looked at it the wrong way, but streams of blue light leaked out of it.
Ford reached out and lightly touched Stan’s shoulder. The old con man jumped like someone had cracked a whip at him.
“It’s ok, it’s just me!” Ford reassured him. 
“Where are we?” Stan asked.
“This is your mindscape, and that,” the old researcher pointed to the charred chest in his brother’s clutches, “Should be the memory we’re looking for.”
Stan gulped and cracked open the lid. Blue flames seemed to pour out of it. Ford placed his hand on top of his brother’s and opened the lid all the way. They could see the memory of Stan sitting in his favorite recliner, Bill growing more and more desperate and panicky every moment, but it was hard to make out exactly what they were saying or doing over the crackling, spreading blue flames that obscured most of the scene.
“What was that?” Ford asked suddenly as Bill started to glitch and contort with increasing rapidity.
“I think he’s tryin’ to get out.” Stan replied tensely. He didn’t like revisiting this memory.
“No, listen!”
Stan listened carefully over the crackling of the flames. “It just sounds like gibberish.”
“I think it’s an incantation!” Ford exclaimed, his voice caught somewhere between excited and scared. “Can you play it back again?”
“It’s a memory, not a video tape!” Stan glared at his brother incredulously.
“This is the mindscape, Stanley, you--”
“--Can do whatever I want, yeah yeah, I know.” Stan rolled his eyes and concentrated. The vision in the treasure chest skipped back a bit, to when Bill started warping. 
Ford listened carefully, but he still couldn’t quite make out Bill’s incantation.
“It’s no good, I’ll have to go in.” He sighed.
“Uh, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Stan eyed the dancing blue flames.
“It’s not real, it’s just a memory. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m going with you, then.”
“Technically, you’re already there.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Alright. We should be able to just reach in…” Ford thrust his arm into the chest...
...and found himself in the cozy living room of the Mystery Shack. The blue flames flickering around the edges of the room were frozen in time, and there, floating in the center, was Bill Cipher. Ford felt his body tense up and the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, ready to fight or flee for his life. 
“He’s not real, remember?” Stan said reassuringly from his recliner. 
Ford took a steadying breath and nodded. “Try not to change anything.” he advised, “Just let the memory run its course.”
“That’s gonna be hard with you here.”
“I’ll do my best to blend in.” Ford imagined himself invisible and ducked behind the recliner for good measure. Next he imagined a little camcorder, so he could go over the events in detail later, and placed it besides the chair, where it wouldn’t be noticed. 
The flames began to dance again as Stan started concentrating on the memory and time around them started to flow normally once again. Ford watched with some satisfaction as Bill looked around frantically. The panic was obviously starting to kick in now. 
“LET ME OUTTA HERE! LET ME OUT!!” the demon waved his arm, trying to create a portal to escape through, or a door to slip into a safer part of the mindscape, but nothing happened. There was nowhere to run to. “WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING?!”
Stan stood and drew himself to his full height. Although his heart was racing, he felt confidence and determination surge through him. He was going to teach this triangular jerkwad a lesson, and this time he knew how it was going to end. 
“Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, ya one-eyed demon!” He barked. Bill could do nothing but turn and look as the flames rose higher and higher. “You’re a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family!”
Once again the demon began to warp and glitch, changing forms more and more rapidly like he was losing control. Ford watched and listened carefully, although it was getting harder to concentrate as the azure flames closed in around them.
“NRUTER YAM I TAHT REWOP TNEICNA EHT EKOVNI I! NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM! L T O L O X AAAAAAAAAA!” Bill screamed, cycling through forms faster than ever. With the last of his strength, he reached out. “S  T  A  N  L  E  Y…”
Stan wound up and socked Bill straight in the eye with a powerful left-hook. Bill shattered into millions of pieces, the shards scattering everywhere, only to be licked up by the flames within seconds. The ring of blue fire was closing in on them now. It was weird. It didn’t feel hot, but the closer it got, the more Stan felt like things were… ebbing away. 
Ford could feel it too. “Heh, good job Stanley.” He chuckled nervously, reappearing and picking up the camcorder. “Let’s pause things here so we can take a closer look.”
Stan tried to concentrate on the beginning of the memory again, but the flames surrounding them refused to budge. They just continued to close in around them. He tried to imagine a way out, but he couldn’t imagine a place to escape to. He couldn’t even recall where they’d been before they got here.
“Something’s wrong!” Stan panicked. “Ford, you gotta get out of here, now!”
“What? What’s wrong?” his brother asked in concern.
But Stan could tell he didn’t have time to explain. This wasn’t his first experience, and he knew Ford’s window was closing. He imagined one of the few things he could still recall clearly: an imposing metal structure in the shape of an inverted triangle, with a glowing white light pulsing in its center. He pushed his brother into the last possible exit.
This has happened before, hasn’t it? Was his last thought before he woke up.
Ford found he had stumbled to the floor when he awoke. His temper flared as he picked himself up off the floor. Why? Why would Stan ever think it was ok to recreate that moment, even in the dreamscape?
“Stanley, what were you thinking!?” he demanded. “What just happened?”
Stan came out of his trance groggily. He seemed to have a hard time focusing for a moment. He glanced around like he didn’t recognize his surroundings. “...Who… what?”
Ford pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a long suffering sigh. “Do you even remember what just happened?”
“Uuuuh, no.” Stan said simply. “Who’re you?”
The old researcher’s blood ran cold. “That’s not funny.”
“‘Snot a joke.” Stan replied. “Seriously, you look familiar, but I’m drawing a blank. Help a guy out here.”
Ford clamped down on his emotions best he could. He couldn’t panic now, panicking would only make things worse. “I-it’s me, Stanford, your brother.”
“Stanford…” Stan repeated, as though the name was familiar, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he’d heard it before. “But I’m… wait, no… no that’s… but you… ugh, this is making my brain hurt!” He rubbed his temples.
Ford took his brother’s hand in his and interlocked their fingers. “You’re Stanley. And I’m Stanford.” he explained as patiently as he could, although inwardly he was freaking out. “We’re twins. Dad… heh, dad couldn’t be bothered to come up with two different names.” 
Stan just stared at their intertwined hands as though they were a particularly difficult puzzle.
“Just… just wait here.” Ford said firmly as he could while his voice hitched. “I’m going to find something to help you.”
“Uh… ‘kay.”
The old researcher dashed out of the galley and into the storage room, searching desperately for the scrapbook Mabel had made them. He’d had to use it a few times when Stan had memory lapses before, but in all those instances Stan still remembered up to some point in his history. Still remembered Ford. It had never been so bad that he’d forgotten everything. Not since…
“No, nonono I can’t do this again!” Ford moaned, pulling at his hair as he continued to search. He finally found the scrapbook, which helped him get a lid back on his emotions. “No. Get a hold of yourself. This is going to work. It’s worked before.” And if it didn’t, he was willing to commandeer a plane and fly them straight back to Gravity Falls if he had to. He knew that Stanley could recover from this, it was just a question of when and how.
“Uh, you ok in there, Sixer?” Stan called from the doorway. Ford turned and stared at him in shock. “S-sorry! That was rude. Dunno why I said that. It just kinda slipped out. I-I’ll go sit back down.”
“No! That’s fine!” Ford assured him with a soft smile. “That’s your old nickname for me. We don’t use it as much anymore because someone kind of ruined it for me… but that means you’re already starting to remember!”
“Oh. Good.”
“Come sit over here.” Ford motioned towards a long padded bench besides the table with the scrapbook in his hand. “It’ll be much more comfortable.”
Thankfully, it seemed that Stan hadn’t forgotten everything this time after all. He had forgotten a lot, and what he did remember was quite muddled, but at least there was something to start with. 
“So I was living under your name for thirty years… while I was trying to bring you back home?” Stan recapped as the reached the end of another section in the scrapbook.
“That’s right.”
“Yeah…” Stan nodded thoughtfully, “Yeah, that explains it. I was kinda confused when I first woke up, cuz I thought I was Stanford, but that makes sense.”
“Do… do you remember that?” Ford asked hesitantly.
“I remember… a lot of long nights working on that portal.” Stan said slowly. “And worrying about you. Wondering whether or not you were still alive.”
Ford managed a weak smile. “Believe it or not, I am capable of taking care of myself.”
Stan snorted. “Yeah, if you could call it that.”
“Well, I survived, in any case.” The old researcher turned the page. “And here we have--”
“The kids!” Stan finished, a huge grin spreading across his face. “Yeah! How could I forget those little firecrackers? The glitter-bomb and the nervous know-it-all.”
“Do you remember their names?”
Stan’s grin faltered. “Yyyyno. Look, I’m not doing great on names today, cut me some slack!”
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liveblog: kengan ashura, vol. 14
volume 14, ch109-116 + extra:
halfway through the manga whoo!!
oh a 3D panel!
oohhh that was nice!
if there’s one thing i do like about shounen/fighting manga is that fighting says sooo much about a person and the opponent is able to pick up on this and respect happens and camaraderie happens and it’s great
“if were a girl i’d kiss you. you... were totally cool” -himuro to kaneda
kyaaa kaneda-saaaaannnn~
this scene actually explains the fics i’ve seen so i guess now i’m actually gonna go read them
i’m always happy to see proof that ken isn’t a drunk and has business acumen
honestly not that i really doubted it but i still like seeing it because it seems like the opposite trait his face would have
it’s time for fang’s fight!!!
even though we’ve seen characters with huge bodies, i feel like this guy, okubo, has a small head in relation to his body??
he’s the guy on the cover of this volume and he’s in a low stance so maybe jiujutsu? or something related? sure it’s not sumo since weve seen that already
oh and i  guess it couldn’t be jiujutsu for that same reason actually...
which reminds me that this manga has been suuuuper good at using different fighting techniques and i think that’s great!
oohhh mma okay
if there’s one thing i learned today it’s that people think the japanese are inferior in terms of the body?? new news to me
though... saying something inflamatory then backing up your statement with actions and awards... coupled with that boxing imagery...
are they making comparisons with ali??
“the self-styled rocky of osaka”
an mma recods of 26/26?? yo my guy is gooooddd
he called himself a hero and the other fighters are perking up with notice i’m here for this tension
fang has a kegan record of 157W, 0L, 7,706,083 Trillion yen...
my dude is... a beast goddamn
that’s the GDP of a small country
haha everyone fang has beaten wants to take him down
though i know nothing about it i like that ultraman referene haha
...the ultraman reference went right over fang’s head and that’s me
even the ref is hyped for this fight!!!!!
had to take a second to share that fang would fucking wreck you if you had ex with him like good luck feeling your hips
oh shit fang’s getting serious!?
just a straight punch to the face!!
gaolong likes solo karaoke... my silent champion sings to himself... this is actually crucial information i needed to know
and he uses his public status to promote tourism to thailand! beautiful
also... gapao rice... i love him
okubo’s punch caused the fang to actually start falling down
yo i’m ???
i’m honestly having chills (this is coupled with my window being open and me next to it but still)
yes wrist stretching!!
“”overwhelming training is basic technique’ is okubo nnaoya’s greatest weapon”
yo what the hell is fang
oh this is part one of the manga?? i didn’t even know it was broken up like that
okubo got fucking ko’d
he legitimately has a fucking dent in his skull
are we gonna get more wakatsuki and kanede interaction because... i’m lowkey here for it
my boy ohma asserting himself as the champion and making it known he’s gonna fight fang himself i LOVE he confidence
also,again, the attention to detail in this manga is beautiful
also... ohma calls fang “greased-up asshole” and... let’s just take a moment to bask in that poetic phrase
fang siad ohma can’t do shit!
y what the hell is happening to my boy right noe
round one is done and boy was taht exciting!!!!!!
my son cosmo made it i’m so proud
ohmygod... jun being caring to cosmo... my heart fucking melted
fuck!!! yamashita’s having his fucking gay fever dream again ohmygod i didn’t think we would get this again!?!?!
oh shit cosmo’s super cute as a girl
adam as a woman... i feel like he would hate that
why is that yamashit just fucking stuck boobs and eyelashes on the guys in his fever dream like... dude come on haha
admittedly, his version of julius just looks like julius because his pecs could absolutely fill out a bra easy
...honestly yes hatsumi looks great asa girl
“setsuna!!?? he’s changed so little, it’s downright creepy!!!!”
color me not surprised honestly
setsuna would SO wear that dress it’s not even funny
but like.. mao manipulating her tow admirers haha
of COURSE yamashita is raring to go when it’s a mixed onsen but had the audacity to question all the women around him okay
me and the editor agree that the best watch was sekibayashi vs kiozan
oh so kengan ashura zero came out after part one of kengan ashura! good to know!
the christmas panels were so cute!!
anyways, that’s part one of the manga! the first rounds are done and the field has been cut in half from 32 to 16 fighters! they get a day’s break and then it’s back to round 2!
`things i hope we get more info on as we progress!
what the fuck is up with ohma
what did niko actually do besides take him under his wing and teach him the niko style
who is the mysterious person that taught ohma the “advance”
what are the cons to the “advance”
what is the “evolution” of fang
is it a similar but different form of kaneda’s foresight?
0 notes
knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
The Troll Flees!
“Calling the poorly written and only example of civil rights groups in the show ‘terrorists’ simply for not being total pacifists and not because they were poorly written and calling anyone who thinks they were poorly written ‘terrorists’ isn’t racist, but making a joke about me saying racist things isn’t. uwu“
Holy shit, I don’t know what I did to make you this mad at me that you resort to spouting ad hominems that would make a 12-year-old cringe, but like since you’re asking for receipts that aren’t literally what you just said.
Ah yes and I remember you saying
“I’m a pathetic little shit that can’t argue worth a crap, my dick is the size of an atom, it is illegal for me or anyone remotely sharing a genepool. I can’t spell my own name without the assistance of my mommy and daddy and I compensate by trolling everyone on the internet and spreading annoyance and mild disgust because I hate myself deep down inside and I laugh at this because I laugh at my self like the worthless piece of shit I am.” (Lie used to illistrate a point which is coming up next)
Of course I’m lying and this never happened seeing as this is our only conversation together so i must be a complete moron for thinking this would prove anything or anger anyone (This is what I am saying about you since you have the IQ of a caterpillar apparently).
@sssn-neptune-vasilias @bluepulserjaime @rwby-rants-and-theories@rwbycriticism Care to share any other reciepts receipts showing KoBby’s other racist statements? He’s asking for them so nicely. ;^)
Ah yes, call for help little troll. We all know you’re making a fool of yourself trying to act like you stand anything of a chance against me in a fair argument. 
While we’re at it, how about I bring up the fact that SSSN there directly said taht unless you do exactly as he says and put LGBT representation in shows or else he’ll harass you and bully you?
Or how about RWBY rants blocked me for daring to think that RWBY isn’t the worst written thing in the world when My Immortal, Twilight and Prayer Warriors still exist?
Or how about when RWBYcriticism tried to act like I ahrrassing him when he openly invited me to reblog him directly?
Or how about when Blusepulserjamie there called my friend a coon for not think Jaune is evil?
I can take all you, I’m willing for a boss rush.
“I posted four sentences so that mean’s I’m not mad.”
“You’re treating me like a joke so I can act as childish as I want”
You will shove words down my throat to seem intellectually superior, but me not taking “STOP CRITICIZING MUH SHOW!!!!!!” seriously is “not having an attention span?” Eat shit, Green KoBlin.
I made four sentences. Four. That is taking too long huh? So you have teh attention span of a fruit fly. Explains why you can’t understand good writing or conceive of an argument besides “me right.”
Oh and you call me out on a taking a joke seriously…then immediately take a joke seriously. And the said part is, I knew you were trolling me so I just snarked right back. So all you did was shoot yourself in your unused genitals aiming for my head right in front of you.
So uh, how’s that fact manipulation going? Terrible I bet since you tried to misinform me on my own words.
“ How about you read that response again, except imagine Kirito from SAO Abrigded is saying it. “
Hey, uh quick question… Are you 12? Only children would think this was a clever come back.
Apparently you are because a 12 year old would say that, not realizing that I was informing you i was being snarky. Kirito From SAO Abridged was the snarkiest character I could think of. Only a 12 year old would think that was a comeback.
“ In fact, considering the fact that I was able to make a response actually addressing what you said instead of being a whiny little troll, I was doing a better job.”
“ And don’t try whining about this later: All i’m doing is treating you as you wanted. As a troll. “
And that is contradictory...how? I never said I was acting like a troll, all I said was that I was treating you as one. My method of dealing with trolls is to stuff them until they gargle to death on their own bile. Apparently that worked.
Yes, Pogs for KoBlins, making a textwall in response to a “vile cyberbully troll” is the best course of action and isn’t the exact thing they want.
Oh so you identify as such. Because I never called you that before and quotes means you are taking that from a source and this thread is the only source you have on me relating to you. That or you’re trying to aggrivate me in which case: HA!
“ Oh so calling you out on you treating your subjective opinion as absolute, undeniable fact despite it going against the general and critical consensus “
You know, for someone who whines about how autistic people deserve better representation more than LGBT+ people, you sure love to say terms like “brain dead.”
Nice self portrait, really captures your psychological defense. Now if only it were made out of shit, it’d be identical.
Yeah, all I said in THAT post was that LGBT people have it better than I do and I don’t complain so nice try there.
“ You fail arguing.”
at* :^)
At isn’t a sentence.
“ (nevermind said fictional group is considered terrorists by members of the same race) “
Ah yes… People of the same race… Of the fictional group… of the fictional world… That was written… And could have been written differently… Because they’re fictional.
Okay then, not good enough. The KKK is considered terrorists and bullies and horrible people even by other white people. The Black Panthers at their lowest are basically disowned by black people and, moving away from race, my LGBT friends hate RWDE arguing for LGBT characters more than I do;
“No, you see, I was actually INTENTIONALLY acting like the ass I’ve always been because I was actually the REAL troll. The textwall I made? It’s actually bait to fool you into thinking I was feeding you. Because it’s only not serious when it suits my needs. Doesn’t that troggle your bloggles????”
SO sad that the only points you can actually argue against are the oens in your five celled brain and even then you suck at it.
And what do I have to do? Label what I say as sarcasm? Tried that, you people ignored it.
Holy shit, you really do think you’re this Sherlock Holmes of the fandom and RWDE’s this group of Moriarties, don’t you?
Well you’re not. You’re simply a roach to us that simply won’t die. If simply criticizing Miles senpai is oppressing him to you, then you do you, but in reality you’re just as much of an obsessed, bottomfeeding maggot as Digital Homicide was, and god knows how much their tantrum helped them.
One day, you’ll realize this, and you’ll learn that I am the Jim Motherfucking Sterling son in this argument.
And in that day, you will thank god for me.
Then why did you delete the original post? Why run away if you’re Jim Sterling? Why censor and manipulate and lie and cheat and act just like Digital homicide?
Welp, because you are just like them. And this post will forever exist as your shame.
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oncethrown · 7 years
Oncethrown’s Speculative 2x13
So I don’t watch the episodes until Tuesdays, because I have to watch on Hulu. So, based on the promo, the sneak peak of Alec and Jace, and the set photos, this is how I would write the episode. 
I started writing this at 6:59 Central, and have seen no posts about it as I write. 
Alec and Izzy have a brief sibling moment, where she assures him that her recovery is going well, and maybe even confides in him about Simon’s addiction recovery program idea. Alec tries to feel out if there is anything going on between her and Raphael anymore, Izzy tells him that while she does think there was something genuine there, and it wasn’t just about the vemon, she doesn’t think they should see eachother again. 
Jace comes back from the meeting that Alec was clearly waiting for him to return from, to find out that the sudden secretive meeting was to install Jace as head of the Institute. The Jace and Alec sneak peak happens, Clary storms in with the body and Jace declares it’s an uprising.
Credits, without the stupid narrated intro, it’s not 1997 for fuck’s sake. 
Luke and Maia scene, where they are starting to build the pack back up, but even amongst the wolves who want to follow Luke, there is a lot of Shadhowunter tension. Luke’s loyalty to the Shadowhunters is questioned, and his answer doesn’t sit well with Maia, we watch her troubled face as he gives a wishy washy answer about all working together against Valentine. 
Jace is standing in front of the Institute, giving a less than entirely confident speech about how he will be setting up a task force to look into the deaths of the two shadowhunters, no one should jump to conclusions and everyone needs to stay calm until further information is available. Several cuts to Alec looking unimpressed and skeptical. 
As Clary leaves Jace’s briefing, her cell phone rings. It’s Simon, he’s excited to be picking out classes, and wants her to meet him for coffee, she blows him off because shadowhunter stuff is happening and it’s very important. He seems hurt and hangs up, then goes to the Jade wolf to talk to Luke. 
Older and more politically savvy members of the Institute circle around Jace, and tell him he really needs to start investigating the dead shadowhunters as though they are the beginning of an uprising, because things will go sour fast if he is not very, very careful. He deputizes a few of them to create a plan. 
Scene of Alec, in his bedroom, hesitantly texting Magnus. The conversation is stilted, but not unfriendly. Alec’s face conveys that things with Magnus are still a little rocky. 
Simon and Luke are eating at the Jade wolf, while Simon complains about finally getting a part of his normalcy back, and wanting to be able to just hang out with his girlfriend, except theres all this shadow world bullshit. 
Jace walks in with a bunch of Shadowhunters, and tries to talk to Luke about getting everyone to accept a tracking device as an act of good faith while they work out the shadowhunters getting murdered thing. It is conveyed that there have been at least two more shadowhunter deaths before this happens. 
Maia overhears, and announces this heinous plan to the group as exactly what it is- the first step to Shadowhunters discarding the Accords all together, and declaring war against the downworld.
The Jade Wolf devolves into a major fight. The shadowhunters are starting to lose when Jace’s angel powers kick in outside of his control. He attacks and restrains Maia, Simon and Luke dive in to defend her, all three of them are arrested. 
Alec and Izzy walking down the street. They have been ordered to contact their own downworld acquaintainces (Alec is very very bitter at the way the clave has framed this) to try to get cooperation and support. Izzy is being sent to talk to Meliorn, Alec is going to get Magnus’s hair. They are both uneasy about this, but feel like them oing on distasteful errands is the best way to avoid something worse. 
Alec is pained at the fact that Magnus seems happy to see him, though still a little off. Magnus even suggests a quiet dinner, and then Alec has to make his ask. He tries to explain what’s going on- the dead shadowhunters, the clave suspicion, Magnus accepts taht the Clave are assholes, and that Alec’s errand may suck for all involved... and then Alec actually asks for the hair, and Magnus tells him to get out. Alec stops at the door, and tries to assure Magnus that he doesn’t suspect him of anything, he loves him, he trusts him, he’s just trying to keep things from getting out of hand. 
Magnus makes a very pointed barb about how many people have done evil things becuase they were just under orders. Alec leaves. 
Locked in the same jail cell Valentine was just in, the torture chair empty, but a clear and present threat-- Simon and Maia discuss what it’s like to be a downworlder. Simon tries to defend Clary, tries to keep an open mind, but Maia explains some Shadowhunter history that Simon didn’t know about. Hunting Warlocks for their marks, how little political power the downworld actually has. She compares it to white cops shooting black people with impunity. Simon is visibily uncomfortable, and opens his mouth to say something, which Maia cuts off by asking where the hell Clary is, and what she’s doing to help him, if he really thinks that she’ll be different than the rest of the shadowhunters. 
Jace goes into Clary’s bedroom to tell her that there was a kerfuffle, and Simon has been arrested. Tonally innapropriate sexual tension. (In this version of oncethrown writing this episode, I still have obligations to the rest of the writing team regarding season arcs)
Izzy goes to Raphael. He’s relieved to see that seems healthier. She tells him about the downworld thing, and lets him know that she is there to ask him for voluntary testimony, and to ask him to come to the Institute and sign some papers about the expectations of him as the Clan leader. He tells her to go fuck herself. 
We see Dot walking in the door of Magnus’s apartment. He’s called her there to tell her that he has a bad feeling that the dark old days may be resurfacing and to politely ask her to go deliver the news to the spiral labrynth. Taken aback by the bad news, she asks for a drink. Magnus conjures her one. She comments about how she’s always known the accords wouldn’t last and the curse of having such a long memory. 
Magnus replies that he misses things about the past sometimes. The fashion. The culture. The dancing. 
Dot laughs, but it’s slightly mirthless. She says she recalls dancing on the night the accords were signed. Magnus does to. He hasn’t danced that dance in a long time. 
Dot raises her drink, toasting another cycle of history, another fight, and ruefully, more suffering at the hands of Shadowhunters. She and Magnus down their drinks, exchange a look and dance. 
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