#i just saw Invitation to Romance and so many actors i think of as americam ARE CANADIAN???
gjdraws · 1 day
Just saw Invitation to Romance and may I say how incredibly funny it is to see such a funny parallel that I wonder if they intended it:
1. Evil guy Eillis arguing with his fiancé and generally being difficult because his fiance is just Like That
2. Ellis having his fiance followed for no reason except jealousy and so of course, she's indignant and angry and trying very hard to lose the tail her husband has on her because she expects this every now and then you know?
3. His fiancé telling him there were shenanigans on the water bed! Ellis going OH MY FIANCÉ she is telling me terrible true things!
1. Ray arguing with Fraser like a couple but going along with it because Fraser is just Like That
2. Ray following Fraser bc Fraser will legitimately get in trouble and DOES and so Ray's here swooping in as Fraser's gonna get shot like oh hi babe btw I brought Dief and a gun! and Fraser's like oh cool nice wasn't expecting you but totally not surprised hi babe! Oh you're in a mountie uniform, I'm sure you have your own very good reasons! And in general being not at all surprised Ray is here but in a very "He's always around" sort of way.
3. Fraser being no I did not commit any shenanigans at the water bed they were entirely innocent, and Ray going Yeah I believe that
In conclusion they are very well matched your honour.
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Incredibly miffed that he danced with Catherine when Ray was right there to have a chat with instead.
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