#i just have a suspicion they're not going that way and they're gonna flat out make serena a villain or something i dunno
Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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002yb · 1 year
Hello, may I get jaydick accidental child acquisition? (a/b/o or not)
Note: there's Dickjay way, way far down below the cut. My love of Dick and Roy being friends and Dick having a place in Lian's life got away from me. No capes, modern AU!
Dick happening upon a baby on the doorstep of the flat he shares with Roy and all he can do is stare, unable to process because he's just gotten off of a double shift plus some and he cannot with this situation.
He openly grimaces as he checks that he's on the right floor, that he's at the right unit and heaves the weariest of sighs because yep, it's them alright.
The pressing question is: is the baby Roy's or Dick's?
But then the baby cries and there's no time for Dick to think about it. He startles into motion, crouching down to mind the baby. Picking them up and being generally confused and intimidated because yeah, it's a baby.
The dark hair isn't promising if Dick is honest with himself. The green eyes give him some hope though. Those are definitely Roy's eyes. Right?
As Dick holds this baby at arm's length and stares them down, they look back at Dick in wonder and then they're giggling and, oh.
Dick smiles despite himself; smitten, easy as that.
'Hey, baby.' He says to them, bringing them close to hold them properly while crouching down to search the carrier and bag that were left behind.
Like out of every cliche, there's a note. While Dick reads it, he holds the baby - Lian - leaning away when she swats at him before tucking her head beneath his chin and forcing himself to breathe as he finishes reading the note, crumbled in his hand as he wraps himself around Lian and holds her dear and tells her she's gonna be alright and ahhhhhhh. ;3;
This isn't the dickjay portion, but it is the Roy portion:
Where there's a jump to Roy coming back home from his mechanic job. He's grungy, but chipper enough up until he opens the door and finds Dick sitting with a baby propped up on his legs and looking stressed as all get out.
Because Roy is quick, he puts together what's happened in an instant. And because he's a good friend, Roy laughs. Both Dick and he knew this day was coming. Who's the lucky lady? The dad look looks good on Dick! Just endless teasing as Roy goes over to see Dickie Jr.
Roy staring for a long moment, head tilting as he takes this baby in because - uh oh.
To confirm Roy's suspicions, Dick holds the note out to him. Which Roy snatches up and frantically reads because oh no oh no oh no.
While Roy goes through a crisis, Dick is all sorts of woeful because Dick is not the father but this baby is beautiful she's so sweet wtffffffff ;A;
Anyway, Roy is panicked. He's not ready to be a dad! He's not qualified, he's not--
Dick passing baby Lian to Roy, only for Roy to abruptly pass her back because 'don't do that, Grayson! I'll drop her!' Roy can't be trusted. He's just barely gotten on his own feet; he can't do this!
Lian thinks the game of pass the baby is funny. Dick and Roy don't quiet share the sentiment at that moment.
But yes, Roy is convinced that he can't do this. He just can't.
Only he does.
Of course he does.
Dick has full faith in him, too, even if Roy doubts and sells himself short.
Which leads to Dick being Dick, claiming that he has to go back to work to cover another shift. To which Roy adamantly argues against because Dick can't leave him with a baby; Dick's exhausted anyway. Stay!
But Dick 'goes to work' (he's sat just outside the door, or hidden in the stairwell) in a manipulative tactic for the greater good; it's tough love to show Roy that he's dad-material.
So Dick leaves. Roy struggles. (So does Dick because Lian screams and cries and Roy might, too. And he wants to help, but Roy needs this so Dick stays put).
Then eventually there's a father daughter heart to heart moment of connection and it's beautiful. Maybe Lian smiles that same smile that stole Dick's heart and Roy is just so taken despite being so incredibly overwhelmed and ahhhhhhh. Just cute little baby hand slaps to Roy's face as he has a breakdown; Lian comforting her dad and Roy is just so taken by her sweetness. Taking her little baby hand in his and kissing it, pressing it to his forehead while promising to take care of her fawoi;ejfaowijef;oajwef. Cute Roy and Lian sweetness. ;3;
And now the dickjay portion and spoilers they're cute:
Basically Dick's life is still hectic as ever, just in a different way. He trades in double shifts for more reasonable work hours and uses the free time to babysit Lian while Roy is caught up at his own job at the garage.
And Dick doesn't mind. He wants to help Roy however he can. Possibly more than that, Dick adores Lian with his whole heart. Of course he wants to spend time with her when he can.
Which leads to this: Dick running errands for their makeshift household, baby in one arm and shopping basket in the other
And what the hell Dick doesn't know what the fuck to buy for a baby. Why didn't Roy and him take pictures of what was stocked in the bag that Lian arrived with fuuuuuuuck
To make matters more stressful, Lian is not feeling it that day. Because maybe she's teething. Or the abrupt shift in her life has left her fussy. But point is she's stressed and it starts to stress Dick out, which stresses Lian out worse and it's a vicious cycle
Just Dick putting down his basket to try and comfort this screaming, crying baby and feeling helpless and frazzled because obviously something is wrong but she can't tell him; she doesn't understand how he tries to soothe her either and Dick is ;A;
Enter: Jason. An angel dressed in grunge clothing and who, despite his gruff tone, is polite when he asks if he can help. And just. Yes please. Help. Him.
Which eventually leads to Lian passing hands (after a comical exchange of keep-away because Dick is equal parts desperate and protective and paranoid) and it's like Jason is a baby whisperer because only a few moments later - she's calm. Soothed in an instant when she's brought to Jason's chest and Dick is just. Hold him, too? Dick is so damn distraught.
But Dick keeps his composure and smiles instead, relieved because Lian is finally not miserable. Big sighs and a weak laugh because he's bad at this parenting thing.
To which Jason calls it like he sees it: Dick was doing good. Not all parents are as patient. Not all of them care like that, either. So. Dick is fine.
Which flusters Dick just a little bit, because ugh. Maybe he needed to hear that a little bit. OTL
Dick asking after if Jason has kids, too. Or maybe younger siblings? Because Jason looks young.
Which is when Jason introduces himself as an au pair. Caretaker of babies of the infant and parent variety.
Dick smiling at the light teasing. Being especially fond because when Dick shifts Lian's arm to be in a more comfortable position, she holds onto Dick's finger which brings Jason and him real close and when they make eye contact there's something electric there and - whoah.
Dick finally getting a good look at Jason and being very 👀, which is only made worse when Jason comes to their rescue again by helping Dick shop for baby necessities.
Jason holding Lian the entire time, rocking her gently and Dick keeps getting distracted and no, nope. This isn't a thing for him. Not at all.
Only it very much is.
It doesn't help that the cashier compliments them on being such a beautiful family. Dick's thoughts were already straying; he didn't need the fantasy spoken into the world. Just Dick having all the internal screams because he's so far gone ffs.
Let this be a universe in which Dick is charming and likes to flirt, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has game. Just confidence being everything and Dick has plenty of it, but like. There are those few people he wants to impress and he's not scared to ask them out, but he wants it to last and doesn't want to come on too strong and basically he overthinks everything and gets lost in his own head and intimidates himself and ack.
Dick asking Jason out on a date and Jason startling at the come on, eyes wide and cheeks flushing
To which Dick panics because oh shit, too much too fast
Just because Dick has their future planned doesn't mean Jason is interested oh fuck
But Dick is smooth in his recovery, smiling the most devastatingly charming of smiles and gesturing to Lian when he says, 'Like a play date.' Because that's something babies do, right?
Jason breathing a sigh of both relief and disappointment because Dick is 👀 and Jason is not immune to attractive man doing his best to be a dad (/uncle/friend/person the situation is complicated and messy, but Jason is used to that)
ANyway, Jason agreeing and they exchange numbers and Dick floats all the way home
Like this man is straight up bouncy he's so giddy. When Roy gets back, it's to the sound of Lian giggling because Dick is so smitten in love and it's everyone's problem. //u///
Thus proceeds Dick borrowing Lian at every opportunity to hang out with the au pair and have little play dates with the babies. And Roy becomes so l: because 'dude, you're infringing on my time with my daughter.' But Roy doesn't get it, Dick has found the one. Lian is his wing-baby.
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vapolis · 4 months
i love love love that we can be suspicious of d’s actions/words - imo the merc has a very warped idea of what a trustworthy person is (ie. a trustworthy person is someone that has other motivations) that d’s seemingly genuineness is so incredibly off-putting. my own merc generally wouldn’t help someone without an ulterior motive so their interactions are so juicy. while i’m not romancing d, d is also one of the only people in the demo so far to pull back some layers from the merc and take a peak at their more vulnerable side (which seems to be refreshing to d but incredibly damning to the merc). also! i actually really love that jax gets mad at us & the ways we can take this; like yes, my merc is a loose canon and will murder people, but they also know their work (/take pride in their work?), & (not to play too much into this dog metaphor but) they know that a dog can only bite so many hands before they are put down (ie. they know who they can kill under oral’s hand). so, no they didn’t kill them and yes they are gonna be angry about being accused. but jax is also so valid for thinking this bc they’ve only seen a very surface level version of the merc. & this just makes me so excited for their relationship bc they are going to be peeling back so many different layers of one another once they begin their strange relationship
I agree!! I know most people don't trust D as far as they can throw them, but they're definitely different to the other ros. they want to know the merc at the very least, even if that's not something that has the merc especially trusting towards them.
it's going to be interesting to get more into their dynamics and how they mirror each other in certain things.
jax not trusting the merc's word is smth that has definitely ruffled some feathers, but it's in character. as you've said, the/your merc is known to be a bit of a loose cannon. you play it more violently but even as someone that hasn't killed someone so far, the way others are playing the merc, they've still done plenty to warrant the suspicion.
I also think it would be a bit boring if jax didn't fight them on what happened lmao like flat out agreeing and having no conflict makes their relationship fall flat to me.
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samcscreams · 1 year
Scream VII idea
Open with Sidney Prescott’s babysitter getting killed. However, Sidney is well prepared for this moment. Before Ghostface can get the jump on her and her family. She shows up and flat out kills Ghostface. Sidney gives us the slash to title card sequence. 
Cut to a happy Core Four they're doing well for as well as they can. The phone rings its Sidney looping them in on her nights events. 
Phone call gets cut off. Ghostface takes over. The core four are attacked but Sam is able to get everyone out as an act of self sacrifice she locks herself in with this Ghostface. Its gonna be either her or him and either way this nightmare will end. But here’s the catch, Ghostface doesn’t attack her. No, he escapes out the window leaving Sam shocked and confused as she now has to explain he didn’t attack her. 
This causes suspicion to be cast on Sam causing tension between everyone. Until Tara gets a call. 
Ghostface recall’s her original call and how Tara’a the key. She has to die for all to be right.  For the cycle to end Tara must die. Again core four plus Kirby are attacked. But this time they're two Ghostface’s one of them knocks Sam out but leaves her untouched and someone dies trying to protect Tara. I feeling like Chad would be the best option here as he would be the person to step in-between Ghostface and Tara. After this attack they all realize that Tara seems to be Ghostface’s main objective. 
Tara now want to give herself up as Sam wanted to do in VI. However, this idea is causing Sam to fray at the seams. She doesn’t trust herself in a world without Tara. She can’t live without Tara. Sam shuts Tara down in a dark and demanding voice. Tara recognizes the fear within her sister and backs down. They need a plan so they all hold up together. 
The next call is again to Tara but Sam takes the phone and starts questioning Ghostface. They start to reveal more about how Tara’s the key for Sam to take up her birth right. But before they can reveal any more, three Ghostface’s attack. Sam’s been more on edge with everything going on so she’s much more prepared, more unhinged, and kills one of them and gravely injure another. Sam’s also been taking Tara to self defense classes so she holds her own with Kirby. However, Kirby is injured and had to go to the hospital. 
They can’t help but to think this has to be over. Out of the four masked murders two have been killed and one injured to the point they might as well be dead. But of course it can never be over. 
Tara drawn out and kidnapped. Thus forcing Sam to venture out of her own. Regardless of what she knows is right (to call back up or get help) She takes off on a war path to get Tara back. She’s out for blood.   
Act three starts with Sam entering a building and being jumped by Ghostface. She’s deep into her rage at this point and easily kills this one. Only to take the mask off and realize she has no clue who this person is. Then we jump to the reveal that it’s not a person who’s after them. It’s the cult of Ghostface. They tell Sam that she’s the only true Ghostface and they have been pushing her to except that. They want her to snap and they will die trying as its an honor for them to die by her hands. So it truly doesn’t matter who’s under the mask as they won’t be taking it off. They are Ghostface and everything it represents. They are Billy, Stu, Mickey, Nancy, Roman, Jill, Charlie, Amber, Richie, Wayne, Ethan, and Quinn. The final Ghostface is just Ghostface. 
They reveal that Tara must die for Sam to snap. That Richie and Amber failed because their opening kill survived and if they had just finished the job Sam would be leading them. They’ve been waiting for Sam to snap for her to take the mantle of Ghostface, to be the one to kill Sidney Prescott, to end the cycle. To finish the movie.
Skip to them revealing they also have Sidney kidnaped as well as Kirby, Mindy and Gale. 
All survivors together under one roof surround by a plethora of Ghostfaces. 
They give Sam a choice to either finish her fathers work and kill Sidney or to watch her sister die. 
Sam would burn the world to keep Tara alive. They know this so she puts on the mask. She cracks. Gives a beautiful villain monologue (respectively taking the place of a regular killer reveal) 
But of corse it’s all an act. Sam unties Sidney. Working together. One Prescott one Loomis. To heal the cycle. Not finish it. They all work together in an epic blood bath. Effectively killing the ghost faces. Some will die and be injured not sure who. But it will be all vs all since there are no rules in a finally. 
In the end Sam fully embraces who she is. Even with being pushed to take on the mantle with her sisters life on the line she stayed true. She isn’t her father but sometimes she can be to keep them all safe  and she’s okay with that. 
They all finally get to walk off into he sunset. For now until some executive somewhere goes lets reboot Scream again. 
The End. or not Idk.
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
tell me about ur horror comics please
horror comics rant part 2 electric boogaloo:
thank you lovely people once again for asking me about the horror comics it is much appreciated and got me through my studying!!
so the second one i got way too obsessed with is called the guy upstairs!!
we open with a character who is joining my group of "all time faves, itches my brain" characters, a girl named rozy
(its set in malaysia)
she is an orphan, who grew up in an orphanage but is now in college and in her own apartment
it's not exactly the best apartment, she works a couple of cleaning jobs to afford it, but it'll do
she's got a friend named hawa, who is literally the sweetest
she's very popular, cause she's both nice and very very pretty and lots of people are like how are they friends
now for all you "get your dog under control" (they're talking about a human) fans, you are gonna go CRAZY
rozy is insanely protective over hawa, which seems to be a theme all throughout
basically, rozy doesn't really get ill, but when she does it gets real bad - nightmares, fevers etc etc
so one day when rozy accidentally walks into her upstairs neighbour's flat and witnesses him brutally murder a woman
she thinks that's just another nightmare or a product of the medicine her boss gave her to help with her headache
but she knows what she saw. and she refuses to trust him.
thus begins the most TENSE game of cat and mouse ever
rozy knows that adam (the neighbour) is a killer, but no one will believe her, she's been tagged as crazy before and will be again if she brings it up
and adam knows that rozy knows, but he also knows that he can't kill her, cause it'll be traced right back to him
so what does he do? tortures her emotionally
he starts to date hawa
a policeman looking for his sister (who fits adam's victims' MO) becomes friends with rozy, trying to give her advice on the situation (they have a sibling relationship by the end its really sweet)
together, they realise that what he does is date slim, fair skinned women with long brown wavy hair and then kill them
so hawa seems to be in grave danger
rozy does everything she can to try and break them up, without looking insane
(it doesn't work)
it gets to the point where adam proposes and hawa cuts off rozy for being too suspicious and clingy, while rozy thinks hawa is too easily trusting but can't say why
finally they talk again after a suspicion she had about a classmate turns out to be true
and hawa decides to help rozy find proof that adam is a serial killer
the reason why i'm so obsessed with this is because rozy is such a compelling character like honestly. she's smart, she's rude, she's highly independent, she's funny, intensely loyal and has massive abandonment issues. like girl is adamant that she is fine and ok and not traumatised and that her way is the best way to go about things, which it is in this case but not because she's right, she's just right in this extreme situation. i just love characters that seem reasonable but are one threat to their loved ones away from batshit insane.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
OKAY so last night's episode actually gave me a lot of hope for serena's arc. [SPOILERS] there was a blatant parallel: the shot of serena standing in front of the window on the nursery at that house and the shot of june standing in front of the window in eleanor's room after convincing eleanor to go for a walk (with the intention of going to see hannah). also the fact that fred is clearly lying to her makes me believe that's the catalyst for her wake up call. or maybe I'm delusional who knows
(cont.) also the fact that the only point of june’s storyline this episode was essentially to show us that june’s selfishness has consequences, just like serena’s. I really can’t help but think they’re setting them up as different sides of the same coin.
So I purposely put this in my drafts before I left the house so I could reply in the car. (Since I cant open asks on my phone)
Now, caveat, I skimmed the episode really quickly and only watched serena scenes (sorta), and alma, and naomi. So I doubt really have a good grasp of the episode.
Thank you for pointing out the framing parallel! I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise probably. Honestly, I think maybe you’re right … I thought it was curious when Olivia mentioned “home” and Serena was like “i dont have a home anymore” or whatever it was. She’s so unmoored, but in a quiet way. Even with Fred around she’s still not… home. (It’s where the heart is, right? And Nichole is in Canada, and even in a non-shippy way, June was her ~heart side, the compassion/humanity side only June has been able to draw out, miraculously.) And the contrast with June who is equally unmoored, emotionally (in a much louder way than serena). It’s like they’re both incredibly unbalanced without the other. There are other counterweights of course like Nichole (for Serena) and Nick (for June) (and Hannah too). But they are both missing tethers. Yet they also refuse to admit that connection. Cos it sucks lmao.
Anyway, what was my point? Oh, yeah. So, the convo with Naomi. Firstly, you have to love Eleanor lmao. “It’s good you didn’t die, little babby!” I found that interesting for many reasons but also cos it was a direct reference to Serena and June’s work in 2x08. Serena saved that baby. With June’s constant nudging. There have been seemingly frequent references to 2x08, either explicit or implicit. That was June and Serena’s teamwork, with Janine’s instincts. And then I’m not totally sure what to make of Naomi’s comment about how well June is getting along with Eleanor. That was a dig about Serena, but I can’t decide if it was an admonishment, suspicion, or veiled jealousy on behalf of Serena, or what it was. I’d have to watch it again. I love Naomi, that’s all I know.
I loved how awkward Serena was at the ball with those other Wives. She’s no longer one of them. Not that she’s ever been particularly socially apt with them. I like how it’s setting up that Serena is not quite who she used to be, and she’s a bit outcast. I’m sure given time she would assimilate though; she’s good at that.
Now, as for Fred. I honestly skipped through a lot of those cos I hate him more than any other character ever on this show. I just hope and PRAY that they’re setting Serena up for a rude awakening, cos right now she seems to be blocking out his abuse like a superstar. I don’t want her to be assaulted again by him, but I don’t see her really getting the message any other way. Cos Fred is clearly lying to her face. 
So, I guess its hopeful in a way. But I’ll have to wait and see cos my faith in this show is very low.
(I can’t even talk about that ballroom dancing scene cos I skipped it and it was stupid af. Typical melodramatic American primetime TV bullshit. Whatevs. I’m past it.)
And yeah, I need 100% of fandom to hop off Serena’s dick about her selfishness when June Osborne is running around endangering every Martha, Wife, and Handmaid she sees – all for Hannah. And all cos she has some arrogant, inflated sense of her own ability to be a ~rebel. She’s actually going insane I think. And like… what does June expect anyway? She’s gonna show up at Hannah’s school… and then???? WHAT?????? 
I’m on mobile but can someone do the underpants gnome meme for June??? Please? Like honestly she has no plan and just gets everyone upset or DEAD.
And none of it even makes sense. If June had just left with Nichole, that baby would be safe and untouchable. (Or less insecure anyway.) And Serena wouldn’t be flipping out nearly as hard (if you believe that’s reason she’s upset at June). June could have then used Serena as her inside contact to get Hannah out. Ta da. You’d still have to trust Serena and likely get her something in return but I’d say that’s a better shot than just randomly running around Gilead getting innocent people killed. But hey, that’s me lmao. Right now NEITHER of her kids are safe lol. GOOD JOB.
So, yeah, I think (hope) they’re setting it up as Serena and June are basically the same person, in many ways. They’re both incredibly narrow minded and self absorbed, and dont seem to care who they trample on to get their way. Just in slightly different ways cos at least June wants her babies out of Gilead, and isn’t delusional af about parental rights lol.
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how the Sakamaki triplets bond in the fake human world AU
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Remember my fic and headcanon where the Sakamaki brothers sealed their own memories and turned human? A friend of mine asked me to do headcanons of how the triplets spend most of their days with each other.
Important things to keep in mind:
Ayato is a nightclub owner. Kanato is an online indie singer. Laito is a restaurant owner (discussed in this post)
These three are perverts lol but they have varying levels
They have money, but they ain't like those super millionaires (they're freaking rich)
They live in one giant-ass luxury condo unit
Teddy is not in Kanato's possession. But he later on has him back tho he leaves him to the vampire doll (my OC) bc he has a reputation to keep
Now, on to the headcanons:
Since Ayato is the chaperone, he emphasizes the 'my car, my rules'
Doesn't care if they complain abt the colors or his music taste
Kanato is mostly the one to complain esp when Ayato repeats a song he's been hooked on lately
Like this one time he kept on playing Birthday Sex by Jeremih this dirty fvckboy
"Ayato, stop playing that dirty song on repeat."
Ayato would, but he would change it into another dirty song
Kanato is always the last person Ayato picks up cause his studio is 10 mins away from the condo
Most of the time, Laito sits in the front seat bc Kanato sleeps in the back
Kanato covers himself with his large dark blanket in case they open the windows to flirt w/ hookers and get their phone numbers
Ayato is keen on not having car sex
But Laito and Kanato believe he has done it already with Yui but disinfected the whole area to avoid suspicion
Kanato and Laito always reprimand Ayato to drive safely because they always have the police tailing them
They always get off the hook bc they see Kanato and get his autograph
Even asked him to sing
No selfies tho
Almost got into an accident once bc Ayato and Laito were both drunk
Kanato had to drive them back home using Ayato's car much to his dismay (I swear he's gonna be Reiji no 2 😭 in the making)
They sometimes go grocery shopping together (P.S. no one can cook so they buy ready-made foods)
Ayato and Laito would mess up all the products in this one aisle (the shop owner looks at them murderously)
Laito is the one pushing the cart while Ayato sits in it
Kanato would be in his usual disguise but strangers will take a double look and ask if he was the singer
He flat out denies ofc but his brothers betray him
"Oi Kanato have you picked out a snack yet? We're going."
Kanato has to hide somewhere to avoid public attention
Would try to murder Ayato and Laito at home later
They have wild night rides every week. No particular destination, but it would always be outside the city.
Laito sometimes books a luxury beach house for 2 nights so they could unwind
He just wants to get some this perv
And if he and Ayato did pick up girls and have sex with them at the beach house, Kanato would put on his headphones or go out and have fun on his own
But most of the time they would party at the nearby night club
Ayato and Laito are jealous that Kanato can pick up girls way easier than them
It only takes Kanato a look and the girl sashays her way towards him
But no, Kanato will not kiss them or have sex with them or even hold their hands
Just plain smooth talk only
The girls will give him their numbers, but Kanato won't text them. Should the situation be the other way around, he gives them either Ayato or Laito's number.
Would dress up as ghosts in the streets just for the sake of it
Ayato and Laito had been caught by the officers once for scaring passers by while wearing dinosaur costumes
Kanato hides under the backseat and pretends not to know them
Laito would sometimes sneak into one of his girlfriends' place to have sex and Ayato would help him climb up the window. Kanato will be on the lookout.
Sometimes they're just chilling at home and they mostly hang out in Ayato's bedroom
Cause this Oresama wants the master bedroom for himself
Ayato and Laito would play Just Dance with Kanato trying hard not to laugh as he films them
Laito danced to songs with twerking and splitting
Ayato swore Laito can be a stripper in his night club
Kanato has actually gone to both Ayato and Laito's workplace but it was kind of like him silently moving around and making sure no one knows him
But he would always refuse to perform there
Ayato always tries to disturb Kanato during his live stream with fans (his life span decreases by 10 yrs)
The only time they used Laito's car is when Ayato's car suddenly broke down and he had to take it to the mechanic
It was a mess. Lipstick tubes everywhere, condom wrappers, dirty lingerie, and a pungent smell that makes Ayato puke
"Wow. This is garbage of a car."
Kanato had to use his own car for a while because of it
And no, he didn't take Ayato with him
Imma write more but there's a limit (as per Tumblr). Stay tuned for Part 2, I guess. Here are the memes for now:
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
Chapter 1
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The five remaining siblings stood in the front yard of the Umbrella Academy. Their adoptive father had died. They had all come to the academy to attend the funeral, instead, they were standing in front of what looked like a portal. 
"What is it?" Vanya Hargreeves, the seventh child adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves asked, stepping a little closer to the portal. Her sister, Allison grabbed Vanya's shoulder. 
"Don't get too close!" She warned. Her brother, Diego, glanced at her. 
"Yeah, no shit." He replied. Allison rolled her eyes. 
"Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two." Luther Hargreeves said. He was what you could consider the older brother of the siblings. 
"Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan." Diego said. Suddenly, one of the siblings, Klaus, came running over with a fire extinguisher. 
"Out of the way!" Klaus shouted, activating the extinguisher. After the foam was sucked into the portal, Klaus did the most logical thing you could do. He threw the entire thing into the portal.
"What are you doing?" Luther asked. Allison looked at the drug addict.
"What is that gonna do?" She asked. Klaus shrugged.
"I don't know. Do you have a better idea?" Klaus asked, as his shoulders fell in defeat. Suddenly, electricity started crackling. An elderly man was pushing his way through the portal. His body started flickering, moving from a thirteen year old boy to an elderly man. The Umbrella Academy got ready for a fight, even though they hadn’t fought something in years.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody get behind me." Luther said. He and Diego pushed everyone behind him. Diego stepped forward.
"Yeah, get behind us." Diego said. The man's body kept changing. 
"I vote for running, c'mon!" Klaus shouted. Finally, the portal faded, and a thirteen year old boy fell to the ground. The group saw something scamper around the boy, but they payed little attention to it. The group walked up to the boy as he stood up. Klaus was the first to speak. "Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" He asked. The boy, Five Hargreeves, looked down at his thirteen year old body and sighed.
"Shit." He cursed. 
They were all inside now, Five wondering around the kitchen, preparing his favorite snack.
"What's the date? The exact date." He said. 
"The 24th." Vanya said. 
"Of what?" He asked. 
"March." She replied. Five nodded.
"Good," he looked down at his side, then froze, noticing that someone was missing. "[Y/N]?" He asked. Shit. Did she not grab onto me? He thought to himself. Before he could freak out, a familiar voice sounded inside his head.
Check your breast pocket. The voice said. Granted it was a few years younger. Five sighed in relief. She was there. His siblings watched in confusion as he stuck a finger into his breast pocket and pulled out a field mouse,
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clinging to his finger for dear life. Five held out his other hand and gently set the mouse down in his palm. He looked at the animal. 
"Can you shift? I want to make sure that you are still the same age you were." He said. The mouse looked behind him at the other people in the room, then back at the thirteen year old boy, silently asking if she could trust them. Five looked at them and then back at the mouse. He shook his head. "They're harmless. Don't worry, sweetheart. If they try anything, I'll protect you." He said. Even though he wanted to confirm her age, he still had a suspicion that she was the same age as when he had first found her. The mouse looked at the boy and nodded. Five smiled and knelt to the ground, placing his hand out flat. The mouse scurried off of his hand and went next to him. 
"Five, what the hell is going on?" Allison asked. Five looked at her. 
"Just wait." He said. Purple mist surrounded the mouse. Soon, a five year old girl in a dress that was way too big for her stood in its place. The girl looked at her form and then back at the thirteen year old boy. 
"Shit." She said.
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sigritandtheelves · 4 years
a fic in which chuck burks notices something has changed betweem mulder and scully and goes to mulder to ask if they're finally doing it
PG-13  |  850 wds  |  Set during “Rush.”
It made sense to Mulder. The case was in Virginia, he lived in Virginia. After it took Scully so long to get to Pittsfield that first morning, of course he’d asked her to stay with him. For the easier commute.
“We have to be on time,” he mumbled, arm slung over his eyes and enjoying too well the softness of his partner’s body.
“Hmm?” She was heavy and dozing, one palm flat against his chest, face in the pillows. He’d pressed the snooze twice already.
“Chuck,” he said. “We have to be on time, Chuck’s gonna be in the office.”
A grunt from her red head, and then she rolled to cover him like a blanket. “S’warm though.”
His arms came around her without hesitation, and he buried his face in her hair. “Yeah.”
He felt her lips pressing to his chest, then her teeth grazing, her tongue’s gentle flirtation. “But you don’t want to be late.”
Mulder groaned, hands slipping down her waist to her hips, which she wriggled obligingly. “Damn you, woman,” he said, and she laughed.
Despite a rushed simultaneous shower and on-the-go coffee, Chuck was already at Mulder’s desk when they arrived, perhaps conspicuously, in tandem. They both played it cool while Chuck took them through the image software: a solid object, not a specter—a momentary blur of purple and gold.
“You recognize these colors, Scully?”
She frowned at them for a moment, thinking, before realization set in. “Go team,” she said, and smirked at him.
Something passed between them—small and unnoticeable to most—but her faux grumpy skepticism, arms crossed over her chest, made him smile. It was the contrast, he thought, with her breathy sighs above him that morning, the surprised, gasping giggle when she came. Mulder flushed, then cleared his throat to cover it. “So,” he said. “What do you think?”
Scully pushed herself up from her chair. “I’ll requisition us a car? We’ll head back to Pittsfield?”
Mulder nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Try not to get that shitty Civic again.”
She gave him a look and grabbed her bag from behind the desk. 
When she’d left the room, Mulder turned to Chuck. “Hey, thanks for coming…” but he was stopped by the look on the man’s face, which was wry and smiling. “What?”
“What do you mean, what? You and Scully.”
Mulder cleared his throat again. “Me and Scully what?”
Chuck laughed, a true guffaw, and shook his head. “Come on, man. Fox. My friend. You and the spicy red-head have been dancing around the obvious for years. Last summer when you brought me that weird artifact, I had my suspicions, but from what I can see now, there’s no way you two aren’t a thing.”
Mulder chewed on the inside of his cheek and kept his face as blank as possible.
Chuck held his gaze. “So?”
“So what?” Mulder was feigning innocence, but he was faltering.
“So is it everything you thought it would be or what? You guys gonna settle down and make some spooky little babies, or is it just stress relief?”
The second question was like a hot zinger in Mulder’s gut, and he felt his mask cracking. He heaved a deep sigh and let his head fall back, eyes closed. How many friends did he have in this world anyway? Who was Chuck gonna tell? “It is most definitely not just stress relief, the spooky babies are TBD, and it’s… Jesus, it’s better than anything I could have hoped.”
Chuck was a good guy, a genuinely kind soul in the conspiratorial mess that was the rest of Mulder’s life. The bald man cracked a huge grin and smacked Mulder on the arm before leaning in to pack up his equipment.
“That’s good, my man. That’s just—“ he shook his head. “That’s really great. You guys deserve it, ya know? The shit you put up with, you need something good like that.” He stood, laptop bag in one hand, keys in the other. “Let me know if you need anything. You need some funky evidenced analyzed, I’m your guy. You need a babysitter this time next year, I can do that too.”
Mulder’s pulse did a double-beat at the thought. “You have kids?”
“Three. Monsters, all of ‘em,” Chuck said, but he was smiling. He raised the hand with keys and moved to the door. “Take care.”
“You too, Chuck.”
Mulder leaned back in his chair, propped a foot up on his desk, and let his chin rest in his hand, thinking. He and Scully were maybe more transparent than they’d thought, but then again, Chuck was an observant guy. Three kids. Married, Mulder presumed. He hadn’t known.
When Scully returned a few minutes later, she found him that way, head in his hand and lost in a small and hopeful domestic fantasy: little spookies on the mind.
“You ready?” She asked from the doorway.
Mulder nodded and stood up, grabbed his coat from the back of the chair. “Let’s get it on,” he said, and they walked out together.
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mybrothershands · 3 years
MBH/Dumpling 2
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second installment, same art because otherwise you'll be waiting on it all day tomorrow. Characters by myself and @diddlesanddoodles and editing by @thundering-susurrus
The giant pinched up his face as if he smelled something bad. He then prodded the lump in his chest-pocket. "Get up, you lazy fool."
Several emotions crossed Yale face all at once, from anger to confusion to relief. Now that he knew where to look, Yale could see a distinctive lump in the man’s front pocket and heard the smaller voice emanating from within. Well, if he had a human companion of his own, that was a welcome relief. But he still kept his hand on Nenani. Grinning, he jerked his head to indicate the lump on Ka's shirt. “Ah, well I suppose that answers that. He yer assistant then?”
"Parasite, more like," he said, fishing around in his pocket until he caught the man by the shirt and pulled his shoulders over the lip of the pocket.
"Why you little two-ton son of a hog-bellied cob, I ought to--" The human smacked the hand away.
A nervous laugh escaped the giant, and he clasped his hand over the smaller man's mouth. "Er, this is my brother. He took care of me when I was small," said Ka.
Yale had been watching Ka fish around in his pocket and smirked at the human’s grouchy reply. The human’s snark immediately reminded him of Farris, but upon hearing Ka call him his brother, Yale gave pause. His curiosity was piqued.
“Wha –? Really? Can’t say I’ve ever heard ‘a that. That must be one hell of a story,” he said and jerked his head towards Ka. “Ye must’ve had a time of it keepin’ ‘im fed and clothed proper.”
The giant paused, then seemed to draw back within himself and looked away. Cairo, however, had no such loss for words. "Got that right. Ungrateful, too. You should see the spot in my side where he--" The massive hand clamped over his mouth again.
"I, erm," Ka cleared his throat, worry painted on his face. "I was old enough to work when he took me in. I cleared land for a human farmer in exchange for food. Cairo paid for my clothes and gave me a place to stay."
Polly then decided to use his leg as a scratching post and began rubbing her face up and down the side of his pants, leaning into him. "Woah, hey!" Ka said as he was knocked off balance. Once he found his feet, he pulled her bridle back over her ear and straightened her forelock. "But yes, I'm," he waved his hand in a circle, "I can work with humans just fine. They just need to let me know they're there and keep away from my feet."
“Ah, well no worries there,” Yale said with a light laugh as he pulled his apron aside to reveal Nenani at his hip. “You know better than to be underfoot, ain’t that right Dumplin’?”
Nenani nodded while she observed the new giant and silently marveled at his height. Despite the way in which he towered over them, he had a kind face, and she was not afraid.
“Farris doesn’t like it if I’m on the floor,” she explained. “He doesn’t trust the footmen to keep a look out.”
Ka's expression softened. She was a little thing, even for her kind, with auburn hair that shone in the sunlight. Somehow she met his gaze without fear, and it gave him pause. "H-hello there," he said quietly. "I am Ka. It's nice to meet you, miss."
It took the giant a moment to realize that the young man must have been hiding her, and why he had questioned him so. Come to think of it, he had not seen a single small person, nor chest pocket since he had entered this town. Pieces began to fall into place, and he decided he should not stay here for long. Not with Cairo. Absently, his hand found its way to his pocket.
“Hi. I’m Nenani,” she replied back, trying to look friendly. He looked so nervous, she thought. Yale easily scooped her up and sat her on his leg. After getting comfortable, she gestured up at the cook and said, “And he didn’t say so, but this is Yale.”
Looking confused, Yale looked down at her. “I didn’t introduce myself at all did I?”
“Nope,” she replied. “That was very rude. Lolly would swat you.”
“Ah, well,” he said, giving Ka and Cairo an apologetic shrug. “She wouldn’t be too pleased with me bringin’ the lil’un on this errand either. So there’s that.”
Cairo grumbled as Ka fawned over this little girl. She seemed unafraid and even kind towards his brother, which he respected. Still, he regarded Yale with a critical eye. Hooking his elbow over the frayed lip of the pocket, the human raised his voice. "What kind of kitchen is this anyway, boy? It's a bit late in the day to be fetchin stuff. What are you doing out here now?"
“Best kitchen in Vhasshal,” Yale fired back with a smug grin. He pointed over his shoulder towards the castle behind them. “That being the royal kitchen.”
“But Gjerk didn’t clean the chimney and it ruined the luncheon roasts,” Nenani supplied with a frankness that made light of the true disaster. “Almost caught the whole kitchen on fire.”
Yale frowned and, blushing just a bit, agreed with a muted nod. “Aye. Well, even the best kitchen in Vhasshal can fall victim to inattentive tenderfoots. So we’re needin’ to shuffle things ‘round a bit. Headin’ to a merchant who raises and sells field rocs.”
Ka's face became a smiling mask with a blank stare. Royal kitchen? Was this boy not worried that some stranger picked off the street could poison someone Important? Even the king himself? What if something went wrong and he was blamed for it and put in prison? Even he himself was not sure he deserved such trust, and yet kept his mouth shut in hopes that there was something he did not know.
Cairo, meanwhile, looked the man up and down, and then the girl in turn. They seemed easygoing and honest, if not a bit frank. At last he nodded. "We will accept your offer."
The giant balked. "Cairo, I'm not sure--"
"Shut up," he said, waving a hand. "Your belly's been a'growling all day, and I'll have no more of it. This is an easy job, and you're gonna take it," Cairo barked.
Ka paused, a hint of frustration on his face. Still, this was Cairo. The giant seemed to let go of his worries and nodded. "Just tell me what to do," he said, fixing Yale in his gaze, "and I'll help as much as I can."
He seemed eager enough, Yale thought. And even if his kitchen skills were minimal, so long as he could hold a knife, he could find something for him to do. Ka’s human companion was clearly the more dominant of the two, which Yale found to be quite amusing. And even a bit refreshing. He was so used to humans reacting to him with fear or at the very least nervous suspicion. Not that they did not have a valid reason of course.
He decided he liked Cairo.
“Well, first we gotta go collect them rocs and scurry on back,” Yale said with a grin. “So if we just wanna follow along we’ll go get that done and we can get ye to work.” He paused as he considered Ka. “And get ye somethin’ t’eat. Farris might gripe at me fer it, but believe me. He’s gonna be thankful fer yer help. Even he don’t show it. Or say it. Or yells at ye.”
Yale flicked the reins to usher Polly forward, bringing a hand up to hold onto Nenani when she almost fell off his lap.
“Oh, sorry there, Dumplin’.”
"Oh," said Ka as he backed away and let the animal slip past until he could walk beside the cab. This Farris fellow seemed a bit crotchety. "Thank you," he said above the creaking wheels. The mention of food set his mouth to watering. They had had so many good things down at the market, maybe now he could get his hands on something. "I can pay you, but I'm afraid my coin may just be trinkets to you."
From his pocket, Cairo squinted one eye, adjusting his position to better watch the small giant. "Why you call her 'dumpling,' anyhow?"
“It was a joke,” Nenani explained with a flat look. “Wasn’t a very funny one.”
“I dunno, I thought it was a pretty good one,” Yale replied with a knowing grin. He poked her belly and the girl squealed and laughed, batting at his fingers. She lost her balance and almost fell back off his lap, but Yale was quick enough to catch her and place her safely down on the bench beside him. He ruffled her hair into a bushy mess. “Anyway, I caught this one here after she’d nicked some fruit. And right in the middle of the King’s weddin’ feast too. Don’t think I’ve ever been that stressed in my life.”
“He threatened to eat me...” Nenani said with the same flat expression.
As lovely as he found the girl's laugh, Ka's smile quickly faded as the girl voiced the joke. He made a sound half way between a choke and a quack. "Hmm?"
Cairo looked more surprised at the noise his brother made than Nenani's admittance. "Oh he did, did he?" He sat up, eyeing Yale. "He looks like a pansy to me."
Yale could not help the smirk of satisfaction at seeing the way Ka reacted. But his focus drew to the man’s pocket and the human within. Leaning towards them and planting his hand on the other side of where Nenani sat, he grinned at the human man.
“Big words fer a fella who travels by pocket,” he challenged. “Why not come on outta there and I’ll show ye how much of a pansy I am.”
Nenani glared up at Yale and grabbed onto his sleeve and gave it a firm tug. “No fighting.”
Cairo merely laughed at the girl's reaction. "I ain't stupid. Think I'll stay in the pocket, eh?" He slapped Ka's chest.
The giant rolled his eyes. He kept pace with the cart fairly easily, even as the Svaldifari trotted. He cleared his throat. "Keep acting like that and I may just let him have you."
"What!" he exclaimed, clutching a hand over his heart. "He might skin me, don't you think? You brute, you should protect your poor old brother."
Ka sighed, plodding along. "You can take care of yourself just fine."
“Smart man, your brother,” Yale said to Ka. “With him taggin’ along, ye might just survive a day in Farris’s kitchen.”
There was something very comforting about watching Cairo and Ka banter. It was all too easy for Yale to be drawn back to the horrible memories of the war and the way it seemed to him at the time that the bloodletting would never cease. Yet before him was a man who openly and easily called a human his brother.
“As fer skinnin’: nah. Too much of a hassle. Much easier to just toss ye into the stew and pop the lid on.”
Beside him, Nenani rolled her eyes. She had become nearly desensitized to all staff’s banter about eating and cooking people. Cairo didn’t seem like the sort to take Yale seriously. But Ka, she observed, seemed to not care for the jokes at all.
Ka lolled his head back, exasperated, then clamped his hand back over Cairo's mouth. "Ne- Nena-nani, er..." he chewed on his tongue for a moment, still trying to decide how many syllables the girl's name had. "Nenani," he said decisively. "He... Yale. He said he found you stealing?" said the giant, desperate to change the subject.
There were a few shoves and knocks on his hand before there at last came a double-tap and Cairo's mouth was freed. However, he kept his mouth shut for once and watched the road ahead. The mare seemed to need a bit of guiding, unused to going this way, but Yale was not quite paying attention. He peered ahead. Was this the way they had come before? Where was the market?
“Oh. Yeah,” she replied as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt in slight embarrassment. “But it’s not like what Farris and they all thought at first. I’m not from the Hill Tribe, I’m from the Southlands. They were loading a bunch of carts near the docks and I tried to sneak in and grab a persimmon before anyone noticed, but the basket was really big and I just...kind of fell in. And got stuck.”
Yale stifled a snicker as he corrected Polly’s path. She whinnied at him in annoyance. “I remember all them peels, lil’un. It was certainly more than one.”
“I was in there for three days,” she said and stuck her tongue out at Yale. “What else was I gonna eat? The basket?” When Yale only shrugged at her, she continued. “I grew up being told stories about Vhasshal and I was really scared. So as soon as the caravan stopped, I tried to run.”
“Caught her tryin’ to make a run fer it,” Yale added lightly pinching her arm. “Didn’t get all that far. Like...a half a dozen yards maybe before I got ‘er.”
Ka frowned. He did not like the way that last bit sounded. He steered away as they passed another cart on the road. He wanted to ask the stories about Vhasshal, and why she had been so frightened, but the girl had not seemed a bit embarrassed about that point in her past. Come to think of it, maybe he did not want to know. "Persimmons... have peels?"
The edge of the village was approaching, and Yale could hear the sound of the rocs long before their pens came into view. Their destination was a handsome little cottage just at the end of the tight clusters of row homes. Though was an older building and had but a thatched roof, it was well maintained and clean. Behind it were the roc pens. There were a dozen or so of the birds loose in the larger space, and Yale felt relieved. He was only going to need ten for the luncheon service, and he’d be able to get a few extra just in case anything else went horribly wrong today.
“Well, I think they’re actually husks,” she was saying. “They’re from overseas somewhere. But you’re not supposed to eat the outsides because it’ll make you sick.”
“Ye did get sick though. Just not from eatin’ fruit,” Yale pointed out. His eyes trailed after the other cart as they passed, having seen the way they had been gawking at Ka. Poor guy must get that a lot.
“Yeah, I had the red reap,” Nenani said. “It was terrible. But Farris took care of me and gave me medicine and watched me all night while I had the fever.”
Ka blinked, trying to make sense of this new information. He had no idea what red reap was, but then again, he was not familiar with most diseases. "It sounds terrible," he said, worry on his brow. The way she had explained it, it sounded deadly. He could not imagine having to care for someone through the night, not knowing if the little thing would make it.
Though he had not yet met the man, Ka found himself reconsidering this Farris guy. If he was the type to yell at someone new, it seemed a bit backwards that he would worry over a thief. He shook the thought away. He had not met him yet. Maybe he would understand later.
It was then he heard some bird-like squabbling, and looked up to find a pen with some frighteningly large feathery beasts. "What... are those?" He felt a bit stupid for asking, but then again, nothing was familiar to him here. Nothing at all.
"What, you never seen a chicken before?" Cairo butted in.
“Oh them ain’t no chickens,” Yale answered, giving Cairo an amused sideways glance. “Those are common field rocs. Those beauties eat chickens fer breakfast. Literally. They’re birds of prey. And they’re what we’re here fer.”
Yale maneuvered the cart towards the pens and when they were close enough, he pulled the reins lightly and Polly came to a gentle halt. She turned to her head back at Yale, expectation in her eyes. With a chuckle, he reached into his apron pocket and pulled out a pressed oat cake. Turning to Ka, he held out the treat. “Wanna give Polly her reward while I go spend the king's money?”
A grin spread across Ka’s face, and he chuckled. "Seems she's in good hands," he said, gently taking the biscuit from him.
Twelve common field rocs were in the back of the cart, their wings tied down to their sides and hemp sacks placed over their heads to keep them docile. Nenani hung off the back of the driver’s bench, looking down at the immobilized birds. They were as large as cows, and it was a little daunting to think that there were birds that big in the world.
The trip back was fairly uneventful, except that news of Ka seemed to have made its way around the village, They seemed to be getting more stares than before, but Yale made a point of staring down whatever gawkers he noticed. But he did not have the same presence as Farris did, and mostly, the people just kept on staring.
Nenani found it to be pretty rude, and to several she stuck out her tongue.
As they approached the back gate that led to the kitchen courtyard, the guards stationed there did double takes as Ka came into view, but Yale was quick to head off any questions. “He’s here to help out for the day. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Farris.”
There was enough of a threat in those words that they were allowed to pass without any form of harassment.
“Don’t let those guards make ye nervous none, lad,” Yale said to Ka. “Most of ‘em are real decent fellas.”
Yale was still looking towards Ka as he directed Polly along the road, around the last bend, and into the courtyard. He pulled the reins and was about to say something else when felt a tug on his sleeve and he looked down at Nenani. “Hm? What’s it?”
Nenani merely pointed further ahead of them and Yale’s gaze followed along. A large fire pit had been lit in the middle of the yard, and the largest of their cooking pans was placed over the top, with a sizable pile of pumpkins next to it. Saen and Avery were in the middle of carving a few up but had made little headway.
But what had caught their eye was none of them, but the solitary figure just a short distance away. Standing with his arms akimbo and looking very displeased was Farris. His green eyes narrowed at Yale.
“Yer fuckin’ late.”
Ever since the border guards, Ka had gotten increasingly fidgety. As soon as Yale quieted down, he slowed up and walked behind the cart. The castle ahead was bigger than any he had seen, especially this close up. He ran his hand up and down his sleeve, trying to create some warmth as his breath crystallized before him. Upon hearing the voice, the giant's first impression was how gravelly and frayed it sounded, possibly from overuse. The second was that it did not sound happy.
"What's it to you?" Cairo muttered under his breath. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction, than anything, but it was enough to remind Ka to keep an eye on him. The human's left arm and legs lolled out of the pocket. He picked at his teeth as the giant walked. "Move over, Ka, I want to get a look at this meathead."
Ka merely shook his head, hand straying up to cover the man. "Be careful here. We don't know for sure if it's safe yet." There came a grumbling and a shove at the fingers, but for the most part he kept his mouth shut.
Before Yale could even begin to explain himself, Farris caught sight of Ka, and the kitchen master’s eyes widened as his gaze traveled up and up and up until he met the taller giant’s eye. “And just who in the Seven Hells are ye?”
Ever since the border guards, Ka had gotten increasingly fidgety. As soon as Yale quieted down, he slowed up and walked behind the cart. The castle ahead was bigger than any he had seen, especially this close up. He ran his hand up and down his sleeve, trying to create some warmth as his breath crystallized before him. Upon hearing the voice, the giant's first impression was how gravelly and frayed it sounded, possibly from overuse. The second was that it did not sound happy.
"What's it to you?" Cairo muttered under his breath. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction, than anything, but it was enough to remind Ka to keep an eye on him. The human's left arm and legs lolled out of the pocket. He picked at his teeth as the giant walked. "Move over, Ka, I want to get a look at this meathead."
Ka merely shook his head, hand straying up to cover the man. "Be careful here. We don't know for sure if it's safe yet." There came a grumbling and a shove at the fingers, but for the most part he kept his mouth shut.
Before Yale could even begin to explain himself, Farris caught sight of Ka, and the kitchen master’s eyes widened as his gaze traveled up and up and up until he met the taller giant’s eye. “And just who in the Seven Hells are ye?”
Before Ka could answer, though, Yale jumped in. “Came across him on the way to get the rocs. He was lookin’ fer some work, and I offered to let him help us today.”
All through Yale’s explanations, Farris sized Ka up with a critical eye, pausing at the distinct bulge in the tall man’s pocket. His eyes narrowed suspiciously before turning their vitriol onto his assistant. 
“Oh ye did, did ye?” he demanded. “Are ye fuckin’ daft boy?”
Yale hopped down off the cart. “We need the extra help, and as mad as ye are, ye can’t deny the big fella could be of some help. Hell, he’d make short work breakin’ down the pumpkins.” Yale leaned around Farris to yell past him towards his fellow cooks. “A whole lot faster than them two knobheads!”
Saen and Avery looked up from their work to glare back at Yale. Avery waved his knife in the air, calling back, “Go fuck yerself, Yale.” 
Yale was still grinning when Farris drew his attention back with a growl. “And ye think I’d let just anyone off the street come in and cook in my kitchen, do ye?”
Yale glanced over his shoulder at Ka and then back to Farris. With a shrug, he said, “Honestly boss, I don’t think he’d fit. Be a bit tight.”
Farris’s ever-present glare faltered as an amused smirk crossed his lips. With a grunt he looked back at Ka. “Ye have any experience in a kitchen there, son?”
The giant clutched his fists against his chest, shoulders hunched and brow scrunched with worry. Though the man was half his height, he scared Ka. He looked like someone who knew how to fight and just might if aggravated.
"Y-yessir, just a bit, sir." Ka stuttered, coming out from behind the wagon. "Look, I promise I mean no harm, sir. I just, well I- I- I was looking for some work is all. He was nice enough to give me a chance. I promise I'll do my best if you'll only let me help."
Farris was silent for several moments, eyeing Ka once more. “Where ye from?”
The giant straightened up a bit, a slight hope welling in his chest. "Benhyke, sir. I'm... trying to find my way back there, actually."
“Never heard of it. So ye mean to tell me yer as tall as a fuckin’ house with no proper sense of direction?” The kitchen master didn’t give Ka a chance to answer before walking over to the cart where Nenani sat. He laid his arm across the drivers bench and looked at the girl. “What say ye Dumplin’? Think he’s some sort of secret assassin tryin’ to worm his way into the castle?”
Nenani blinked and shook her head. “No.” 
“Well, if yer so sure,” he said with a small smile and scooped her up. Tucking her into the crook of his arm, he turned back to Ka.  The warmth he had spoken to Nenani with was gone and the harsher tone returned. “Ye got a name?”
He scratched his head, still harboring the initial insult in his mind, and had not quite heard him speak to the girl. "What? O-oh I am Ka. And this is--" he paused. At first caution took over, but once he saw the way he cared for Nenani, the fear melted. "--Cairo," he finished.
Upon hearing his name, a single hand came out of the pocket and gave a dramatic wave. "Evening to you, you motherless goat," he called, then the hand disappeared again.
Farris’s expression darkened and, behind him, Yale was making a frantic motion with his hands at Ka that translated roughly to “Bad idea. Stop.”
“I’ll give ye fair warning now, boy,” Farris warned as he walked towards Ka. Pressing further into his space, he stared up at the taller giant and pointed towards his pocket. “Keep that one’s mouth under control or I’ll be doin’ it fer ‘im. I’ve had plenty of humans toss out insults at me and, one way or another, they learn not to. If ye wanna work, I’ve got work fer ye. And you’ll be paid fair wages fer it. But if that one skulking in yer pocket don’t watch it, he’s gonna become intimately acquainted with the inside of a roasting pan.”
Ka's face paled and he backed away, clutching one hand to his pocket. "No! No, please, he's my brother. Y-you can't--I won't..." He seemed to get ahold of himself then, squared his shoulders. "Take that back," he said, regaining his ground. If it were not for the girl in his arms, Ka was not sure what he might have done.
Farris did not back away, and his only movement was to use his free hand to cover Nenani as though to shield her. He met Ka’s eyes with a firm unwavering stare. “I don’t take it back. This is my kitchen and my word is law.” Farris let a small smirk come to his lips. “Just keep in mind though, I didn’t say nothing about actually cookin’ ‘im.”
The giant blinked, relaxing a bit. "What?"
At this point, Cairo heaved a dramatic sigh and pulled himself up. He looked the man up and down and came to a conclusion. "Ugly lump."
Nenani poked her head out from behind Farris’s hand. “No fighting.” 
At Nenani's word, Ka took a step back. There was still anger in his blood, and he elected to stay on his toes, but any hostility was snuffed out by the girl's voice.
Farris only adjusted his hand to ruffle her hair.  “Well ye ain’t no Blue Thorn Beauty yerself,” Farris shot back at Cairo, then raised an eyebrow at him. “Ain’t ye a bit old fer being carried ‘round like a babe?”
Cairo raised a brow, then patted the chest behind him. "This one here's the baby when it comes down to it, little man. Now--" He cut himself off as if he had heard something. "Alright already," he grumbled at apparently nothing. "What do I have to do to get your sorry bag of bones to do something decent, eh? This boy's half starved."
"Cairo..." Ka hissed through his teeth. "I haven't done the work yet."
Farris huffed and rolled his eyes. “Yale,” he called without taking his eyes from the pair. “Go grab this one one ‘a the leftover meat pies.” He paused, reconsidering the man and his height. “Make that two.”
“Will do, boss,” Yale replied, flashing Ka a wide grin before running off towards the stairway that led into the kitchen proper. 
“I don’t run a charity here,” Farris told him sternly. “But if yer gonna be any use to me at all today, it wont be with an empty belly. Ye’ll eat and then ye’ll work. Understand?”
"No," Cairo said blatantly before Ka had a chance.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Distract me and tell me how it is like you haven't just got back there Buster: Summer ain't arrived here yet in any sense, I feel like I'm in a old school gothic novel, staring at the rain & brooding Rio: Awh, baby Rio: just don't go aimlessly wandering through it and catching your literal death Buster: I'm not an invalid 💪 nor an amateur, babe Buster: Just as well, 'cause I saw your snaps & you're obviously already surrounded by the latter Buster: I can easily make them into invalids for you though Rio: Oh, so that's what you were doing Rio: Mr Darcy approach Rio: be mean to girl at party BUT look great in a wet t-shirt = get laid Rio: fair play, babe Rio: 🙄 honestly do, it's properly dickhead night tonight, worse than usual for no reason 'cept I already didn't wanna come in Buster: You know it Buster: 'Prideful but nobel at heart' is basically a summary of me Buster: Is any night not dickhead night? Genuine question, like Rio: Can't argue Rio: so chivalrous 😍 Rio: You've been a punter in enough to know the answer to that Buster: So only when I'm there? Okay, I guess I'll have to come back Rio: Looks like it Rio: Tough job but someone's gotta Buster: Not afraid of hard work, don't worry Rio: Exactly Rio: you need a challenge Rio: school ain't it Buster: Can't argue Rio: How bad did all your mates miss you then Rio: not bad as me, obviously Buster: None of 'em wear lipstick so how bad they missed me is an easy secret to keep Buster: Unlike you Rio: 😏 Rio: Amateurs Rio: and I'll pay for your dry-cleaning, was worth it Buster: Telling me to get friends who do? Please, you'd be so jealous of any girl who got to spend the day with me Buster: Nah, you spent enough on the hotel & that was even more worth it Rio: 😒 Oh tah Rio: make me sound like that bitch 🐇 Rio: You can have whatever friends you wanna, including boys who might wanna glow up, no judgment 💁 Buster: 😂 Rio: I am jealous of anyone and everyone who gets to see you right now though Buster: Tell me about it, I'm even jealous of your undesirable customers Buster: I really miss you, you know Rio: You can tell me about that Rio: you better Rio: 'cos I miss you stupid amounts Buster: All I've done since I got back here is think about you Buster: I'm already in trouble, but I can't & don't wanna stop Rio: What kind of trouble Buster: I have to write lines & they ain't about how much I wanna be with you so it'll be a struggle Rio: I didn't know they still did shit like that Rio: I won't make you write it out but can think of lots of ways you can show me Buster: My school is stuck in a different century, I've told you before Buster: Yeah? Let me know when you've thought long & hard about it then Rio: Could at least make it fun and cane you though Rio: honestly Buster: Like I've also said, there ain't any young, hot female professors to make that a real shame Rio: I remember Rio: Just trying to get distracted, like I said Buster: I approve of how committed you are Buster: Keep trying Rio: 😞 Don't be mean Rio: I don't wanna go back to the flat after this shit either, I miss the hotel Buster: Not mean, motivational Buster: Come on Buster: You could go back to the hotel Rio: Live there Rio: my life ain't that goals yet that they're giving me permanent residency Buster: Well, I was thinking more like get the same room & stay a few more nights to remember & reminisce Buster: If they've fixed the bed Rio: 😏 Don't worry lads, I'm just here to 'reminisce' Rio: I wonder if I could go that hard alone Buster: You have to go & find out Rio: Well if I have to Rio: that settles it Buster: It's the only experiment that'll hold my attention so unless you want me uneducated Rio: Can't have that Rio: gotta keep everyone on side Rio: your parents and professors included Buster: Exactly Rio: 'cos you know I'm so good at keeping it secret, don't lie Buster: I know how good you are at everything Buster: You're a very talented girl Rio: 🤤 Rio: Please Buster: Please, what? Buster: Use your words, baby Rio: Please can this month be over so you can be here again with no need for excuses Buster: You don't need to wait that long, I'll come at the weekend if that's what you want Rio: I can come to you Buster: Whichever Rio: but you can be here all summer, right? Rio: or we can go somewhere Buster: Of course Buster: Think about somewhere you wanna go Rio: I'll start looking Rio: not getting shit for being on my phone enough, obvs Buster: Me too Rio: I don't care Rio: should consider themselves lucky, if you were here, I wouldn't be at work at all so Buster: They are lucky, there's nothing I wouldn't do to have you here right now instead Rio: I really miss you Buster: I know Buster: & You know I feel the same way too Rio: I know Rio: but always like hearing it Buster: Alright, I really fucking miss you, Rio Rio: Name too Rio: you really wanna make me happy 😊 Buster: Yeah, obviously, 'cause I like saying your name as much as you like hearing it Buster: & Making you happy is all I want Rio: It sounds good in your mouth, baby Buster: It tastes good, just like the rest of you Rio: Ugh Rio: you're so hot Rio: why can no one here get close to your level Rio: if they feel they've gotta try Buster: No one anywhere can get on this level Buster: It's only me & you Rio: Yeah Rio: I know that now Rio: had suspicions but now I'm sure Buster: You better, babe Rio: You know I do Rio: wasn't I vocal enough? Buster: You can always give me more Buster: I believe in you Rio: So encouraging Buster: Yeah Buster: [sends a selfie like oh hey to be even more encouraging] Rio: God Rio: This is gonna be so motivational when I finally get off this shift Buster: When's your next break? Rio: How inspirational are you planning to be? Buster: As inspirational as I always am Rio: Give me 10 then Buster: Okay Rio: Hey good looking Buster: 😏 Buster: You're the one who looks fucking beautiful Rio: I'm knackered Buster: Well, you don't look it Buster: What can I do so you don't feel it Rio: Tell me how you're gonna help me relax Buster: So many kisses, of course, I'm just debating where to start Rio: [selfie pointing to her pouting like here] Buster: Baby Buster: I'm gonna make it better Rio: I believe you Buster: Expect a delivery, you need all your other favourite things when you're done since I can't be there Rio: I just Rio: love you Rio: you know Buster: Where are you gonna be, I'll do it now Rio: The hotel Rio: I do want just one more night Buster: Easy then Buster: Prepare to be spoilt, babe Rio: You're the best Buster: I love you & it's even easier to do Rio: Is it so weird being back Buster: Weird ain't the word Rio: I've been worried about you Rio: Know I don't need to but Buster: You're right, you don't Buster: It's only a month, like Rio: I know Rio: but so many people around you suck Buster: I can be a bigger cunt than any of 'em, there's no contest Rio: No Rio: you're such a sweetie Buster: Shut up & keep my secret Rio: 😏 Rio: fine Rio: I like having it just for me Buster: Good 'cause I'm all yours Buster: & There's nothing you can't have, you know Rio: Really? Buster: Really Buster: Anything you want Rio: I just want you Rio: I should think of more but Buster: What more could you want? Like you said, I'm the best Buster: Come see me Rio: Exactly Rio: When? Buster: Whenever you can Rio: I have Wed-Thurs off this week but I can still come Rio: easy enough to entertain myself during the day, get some work done Buster: Be here then Buster: I'll come home for lunch Rio: Find me some cheap hotels that aren't a million miles from you Buster: You can stay, there's nobody in during the day Rio: Are your parents really not gonna realize Rio: or do I have to be really really quiet Buster: You're gonna have to be a good girl at night Buster: Quiet enough they don't hear us on their floor Rio: 😇 Rio: Always, you know that 😏 Buster: I'll take you out if you need to be loud Rio: See how long you last Buster: Always underestimating me, babe Buster: Worry about yourself Buster: But don't 'cause I can handle keeping you quiet too Rio: Nah, just miss your noises 💔 Rio: but that'll make it up to me Rio: I reckon Buster: [sends her a little recording so she doesn't have to miss his voice saying hot things at least] Rio: 🤤 Rio: your voice Buster: [even hotter things said in an even hotter voice] Rio: Daddy Buster: Call me Rio: [Does, obvs] Buster: Do you have to go back now? Rio: Yeah Rio: only got a couple of hours left Rio: but 😞 Buster: I'll be here with you Rio: How are you nicer to me than any boyfriend I've had tbh Rio: even the not crazy ones Buster: I told you, no half measures Buster: Everything I do is 100% or why would I do it, like Buster: & You're the best thing that's ever happened so obviously you're getting the most Rio: You'd have been such a good boyfriend Rio: no wonder they're raging, like Buster: Am I? Rio: Are you what? Buster: A good boyfriend Rio: Are you my boyfriend Buster: Yeah Rio: Oh Rio: then yes Rio: the best Rio: of course Buster: [a selfie that's trying to be OTT smug but just looks happy cos that's how he really feels] Rio: that's my boyfriend Rio: 😋 Buster: I like the sound of that Buster: I never thought I would, but coming from you, it's just Rio: Yeah? Good Rio: I didn't think I'd ever say it so Rio: headfuck but good Buster: Can I tell people I have a girlfriend then? Rio: If you wanna Rio: will make turning everyone down easier, for sure Buster: Not that that's the reason Buster: But agreed Rio: You're cute bye Buster: I'm in love, I don't wanna have to hide that as well as who with, that's all Rio: You don't have to Rio: Me either Rio: just don't make your fake gf absolutely nothing like me or I'll be fuming 😒 Buster: I mean, you've gotta be American, 'cause that makes the most sense Buster: Unlucky like Rio: Truly the worst Rio: I'll deal but it'll be a struggle, like Buster: Loads of 'em are always going on about their 1/9th Irish heritage & shit though so Rio: How do they even work that out Rio: I don't think they know how percentages work, tbh Buster: After having sat in many a maths lesson there, I can confirm Rio: 😂 Rio: You'll take my 1/4th and be happy with it Buster: What do you want your fake name to be? Paris? Sydney? Odessa? Vienna? Buster: So many possibilities, honestly Buster: 😂 Rio: World's your oyster, duh Rio: gotta be Paris Rio: really changed the sex tape game Buster: Have you been there? Rio: No, haven't actually Buster: I'll take you then Buster: You'll like it Rio: That's a trip sorted then Rio: still have to do a guaranteed sun getaway too, obviously Buster: We need at least a week alone somewhere hot & beachy, if not a fortnight Rio: Definitely Rio: Maybe we should save that for the end Rio: right before you have to go back Buster: Good idea Buster: One of the week's anyway, we can do another somewhere else if you have the days Rio: We're gonna go everywhere together Buster: Definitely Buster: I don't wanna go anywhere without my girlfriend Rio: There you go, making me weak Rio: baby 😍 Buster: Lie yourself on that bar, baby Buster: Take a moment Rio: Don't tempt me Rio: though the tips would be amazing Buster: But tempting you is my fave Buster: & You'd look so perfect up there Rio: But I want you here to see Rio: more than see Buster: You can show me Buster: & If I like what I see, when I'm back, I'll lift up there & show my appreciation in person Buster: you* Rio: Challenge accepted Rio: as I'm closing tonight Buster: Good Rio: if we can call it a challenge Rio: obviously, you'll like it Buster: I didn't reckon challenge was the word Buster: Unless you really are that tired Rio: I'm revived now Rio: not to fuel your god complex more than I already do Buster: It ain't your fault worshipping me feels so good that you wanna do it all the time Rio: Can't disagree Rio: just evangelical like that Buster: Yeah Rio: Hard work being an 😇 but I like it Buster: Not being my angel Buster: I'll make sure that's easy Rio: I don't mind if it's hard Rio: I can handle it Buster: I know you can Rio: You're worth any amount of bullshit, for real Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you too Rio: sleeping without you is shit Buster: It's worse here than when I was away, there was host families & shit around then Buster: I hate it Rio: Babe Rio: I'm sorry Rio: you know I'll always be here though, even though it's just on the phone Buster: Probably too late for me to move schools & to Dublin too, yeah? Rio: Probably Rio: you didn't put in all that hard work and as many years for nothing Rio: gotta let your school's clout work for you or else what was the point, yeah Buster: Obviously, it's just not how I thought it'd be, coming back Rio: What's different? Buster: Me Buster: Us Buster: But too much of the bullshit is still the same Buster: I've wanted to beat the shit out of half my friends today, just for being who they are & were, like Rio: Makes sense Rio: It happens Rio: some of my friends I've got nothing in common with now Rio: and lots of yours were already immature before you really started to change yourself so Rio: it's awkward when you still have to see them though Rio: be part of it and not feel it Buster: I don't know what the fuck to do & uncertainty ain't me Rio: Well Rio: what are your viable options Rio: you can pie 'em all but then, like it or not, you'll be more lonely unless there's other people you wanna be friends with but assumedly you would be already Rio: or you can deal for the sake of company but have to deal with their bullshit without smacking 'em one Buster: I'll just shut myself away studying when you aren't here then 🤓 Done Rio: 😏 Rio: Do you just play football for your school Rio: you should join a team if not, outside of it, they can't all be nightmares too Rio: you'll be fine, fuck them, like Buster: I have a team & all the boxing lads too Buster: Obviously, I'm a delight 👑 everyone loves me Buster: I'm gonna join a new gym for my general workouts though, further from school 'cause your point is valid Rio: As long as it's not as much as me, I'm happy about that Rio: good idea Rio: just do what you gotta to make day to day school bareable Rio: you'll be gone sooner than you know it so Buster: Rio Rio: yeah Buster: Cheers Buster: Shit was feeling like a lot there for a second Rio: 'Course Rio: I'm gonna try and be a good girlfriend too, like Buster: You are Buster: I mean it, I feel well better 'cause of you Buster: Having you here with me, on my side Rio: Get used to it Rio: 'cos that's how you've got it now Buster: I'm doing my best to Buster: At least it's a positive headfuck Rio: As long as it is Rio: I only wanna be good for you Rio: in all the ways I could mean that Buster: It is & you are Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you the most Buster: There you go again with your underestimation of me, babe Rio: If you wanna make it a competition, babe Rio: don't see how I can lose Buster: You will but it'll feel like a win anyway Rio: Exactly Rio: I want you to love me best Rio: 👑 Buster: Don't I? Buster: You want better, yeah? Okay Buster: Noted Rio: You know you do Rio: I want it forever Buster: I'm yours forever Rio: You'll be hot when you're old Buster: Unless my kids age me horribly Buster: But then I'll go under the knife, like Rio: Would you Buster: With the size of my ego, obviously Rio: Don't get all plastic and non-moving Rio: that ruins the whole point Buster: I know you wanna see all my facial expressions, don't worry Rio: 😏 Buster: [selfie that's basically that emoji but sexier] Rio: rude Rio: indecent Rio: trying to concentrate Buster: Not yet Buster: [sends a pic that's actually rude & indecent] Rio: Well now you're just being Rio: ugh Rio: I can make everyone leave early right Rio: that'd go down well Buster: It's what they deserve for being cunts Buster: Concentrate on me Rio: I can't not Rio: tried that Rio: didn't work, not worth it Buster: I can't focus on anything but you either Rio: I really will have to start helping you study Buster: Please Rio: 🤤 I mean Rio: I was going to but since you were polite Buster: What can I say? You've taught me that much already Rio: You're a good pupil Buster: I'm a quick learner, yeah, but I'm an even better teacher Rio: Are you now Buster: Deny it Buster: You've never regretting following a single instruction from me, have you? Rio: No but Rio: if I started thinking about this fantasy I ain't gonna wait 'til they're gone Buster: Don't wait Rio: Is that an instruction or an idea Buster: I'm telling you, not asking you Rio: Yes sir Buster: Don't just say what I wanna hear Buster: Do it for me Rio: Everyone's looking at me Rio: but I am Buster: Everyone's always looking at you Rio: I can't handle it right now Rio: trying to focus Buster: So focus Rio: Okay Buster: Priorities, babe Buster: [sends her something motivational, wink wonk] Rio: I did promise I'd do better Rio: I meant it Rio: You deserve it, look at you Buster: You deserve it more, I don't even have to look at you to know or mean it Rio: [Sends 😳 pic anyway] Rio: I want you to look at me Buster: I can't look away now Buster: Fuck Rio: you are meant to be teaching me here Rio: lead by example Rio: show me how it's done Buster: [obviously shows her a lot of things but I'm loling imagining like an 80s instructional video] Rio: Good thing it is so loud in here Rio: oh my god Buster: & Warm 'cause you're gonna work up a sweat following my lead Rio: I'm already so red Rio: but I can get hotter Buster: Red suits you Rio: Yeah? Buster: Of course, that lipstick didn't just look good on my collar, like Rio: 🤤 Rio: If you like it that much I better show you what I'm wearing under what I'm wearing Rio: ['cos of course a bitch would wear red under white lmao] Buster: 😍 Buster: See, I'm always right Buster: You look so fucking good Rio: I feel it Rio: you're so right Buster: I can tell Buster: You're really making me feel better too Rio: Good Rio: Don't forget who you are Buster: How could I? I'm yours Rio: You're mine Rio: and I only deserve the best of everything Rio: that's you Buster: We've both got the best of everything, that's this Buster: I'm never gonna forget that Rio: Promise Buster: I promise you, Rio Rio: Not just for me, you know Rio: I never won't care about you Buster: Good, 'cause you're the only person I've cared about for such a long time Buster: I'll love you forever Rio: I'll love you forever too Rio: no matter what Buster: You can, you're safe with me, no matter what Rio: I trust you Buster: Even if you're the only person who ever says that to me, I don't care Rio: I won't be Buster: It's you I wanna hear it from anyway Rio: Easy Rio: it's true Rio: no matter how much I like making you happy, I'm never saying anything I don't mean Buster: Me either Rio: That's why I trust you Rio: you've definitely said some bullshit in the past but on the whole Rio: you don't lie like most people do Rio: without even knowing they are Buster: It's a self-preservation thing for me, but I'm developing better habits for coping now, like Buster: Loving you being the main one Rio: Beats heroin Buster: Good to know, babe Buster: Haven't tried it myself Rio: Shut up Rio: Idiot Buster: 😂 Rio: You think I'm so scummy 😒 Buster: No, I don't Buster: I think you're a goddess, you know that Rio: [sends dramatic pouty selfie] Buster: Baby Buster: How else can I treat you like one? The hotel's been sent so many treats for you Buster: Do you want more? Rio: You don't need to do that Rio: I'm only playing Buster: It's done Buster: [let's say he's also just sent flowers to arrive at the pub before she finishes cos extra like that] Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You can't keep spoiling me like this Buster: Yes I can Buster: It's literally the least I can do Rio: You are so lovely Rio: too good Buster: You mean good enough for you Buster: That's what I am Rio: No, too good Rio: but I'll keep you anyway Buster: You're too good & I'm keeping you Rio: I need to up my game Rio: motivational always, babe Buster: Me too Buster: So much work to do Rio: Teamwork 💪 Buster: Cheers for the reminder I need to hit the gym as well Rio: Don't worry, all that we do 100% counts as a full body workout Buster: Only if you wanna go again for a few more hours Rio: Who do you think you're talking to rn Buster: An angel, obviously Buster: A good girl like you can't take the risk of getting fired Rio: They'd never fire me Rio: the only reason to drink here, like Buster: Oh so you wanna test the limits? Okay I'm good at that Rio: You know I like breaking boundaries Rio: that along with how much I always want you isn't exactly news Buster: Just 'cause I know it don't mean I don't wanna hear you say it again Rio: I wish you were here Rio: not just so I could tell you all the things I wanna Rio: but it's so rude I never got to close up whilst you were here Buster: Make sure you do in summer then Buster: Or give me a weekend sooner Rio: 'Course Rio: I'll get to more now Rio: Shona and Mark always wanted to do it 'cos they were having a really blatant affair but that's on the rocks so Buster: Their loss is our gain Rio: Soz babes Rio: they're both married so console yourselves with your neglected partners, like Buster: Or cheat outside the workplace Buster: Either/or Rio: Don't reckon we can judge anyone for doing things they shouldn't, babe 😏 Buster: Everything I'm doing I definitely should Rio: Hey, I think so too Buster: Though, it could be argued that my strong desire to say fuck it & catch a flight to be with you goes against that Buster: By several people if not me Rio: I've said it hundreds of times Rio: no need for school to be in person Rio: but you know Rio: 'til then, baby Buster: My school needs to stop being so old fashioned & let us study online Rio: We've all been socialized enough by our age, lbr Rio: ugh, real life Rio: what a drag Buster: Even my parents would struggle to deny how much socialisation I've had Buster: They've seen the aftermath of every house party, like Rio: 🙄😏 Exactly Buster: Your visit will keep me going though Rio: 'Course Rio: that's the plan, like Buster: Do you wanna stay in, go out or both? Rio: Hmm Rio: Should probably go out Rio: so we don't become hermits, for one Rio: and so I have things to post for all these weekends away Rio: besides pictures of you that are trying to look like not pictures of you Buster: Well, as long as we leave this postcode we ain't gonna run into the cunts I know Buster: The rest of London is all ours, babe Rio: Easy Rio: World definitely does not start and end in SW, like Rio: don't tell 'em or nothing Buster: I'll take you shopping, buy you more red Rio: 💖 Rio: We are gonna need city break AND beach resort wear so Rio: a must, really Buster: Exactly Buster: We're not gonna wear the shit we did last summer, fuck that Rio: Not even for the mems Buster: Okay, I admit I might keep some from this one Buster: 'Cause the memories will just be Rio: 😍 Rio: So adorable Buster: I'll probably give most of it to you for when you miss me though Rio: Why are you trying to kill me Rio: It'll be the best summer in Rio: forever Rio: I swear Buster: I haven't looked forward to going back there this much since we were kids, you know Buster: Unsurprising that again it's your fault, like Rio: I'll take the credit, happily Rio: even though I will have to share you some of the time so it's not suspect Buster: Yeah, I'll show up for granddad as per Buster: Be less of a drunken mess this time though maybe Rio: You what Buster: So you want me to get wasted then? Rio: Oh, I thought you was calling ME a drunken mess Rio: like rude and untrue 😂 Buster: I know my memories of fam functions ain't that reliable but I can safely say I reckon calling you out for that would make me a next level hypocrite even if you were Rio: You can try it like but I could be that bitch and scroll 'til I find evidence Buster: You're alright Rio: 😂 Rio: You don't wanna relive those memories, then? Rio: fair Buster: Are you telling me you do? Rio: Probably not Rio: I try not to think about before Christmas Buster: You don't have to, we're gonna make so many more good memories for you to think about instead of that bullshit Rio: It wasn't all bad Rio: idk Rio: a lot was but Buster: Regardless, I'm gonna do better Rio: Me too Rio: no more wasted time Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: are you gonna invite me to your birthday this year or what Buster: Before I decide, are you gonna jump out of a cake for me or not? Rio: I know how you feel about being upstaged, babe Buster: You know you're the exception Rio: Then sure Rio: I'll stick to the strict non-costume dresscode this time Buster: Like I said, those rules don't apply to you, if you wanna wear a costume, I won't be mad Rio: 😏 Rio: Keep it as a maybe Buster: Alright Rio: is Halloween after-all Rio: how gutting, you have to share with your sister AND a holiday, like Buster: Don't Rio: Poor boy Rio: I'll make you feel special this year, don't worry Buster: Yeah, you will Rio: What did you do for your 16th anyway? Buster: I know you saw all my holiday pics, don't act like you didn't Rio: 🙄 Of course Rio: That one kept showing me how lavish he was living, even if I was trying to ignore you at the time Buster: You didn't post as much as I expected on yours though Rio: Meh Rio: Standard party Rio: can't drink, can't drive Rio: weird birthday to rate in this country, like Buster: Fuck that we're having another sweet 16 for you this summer then Buster: Me & you Rio: 😂 it's alright, you can say you don't fancy our chances of making it to december, like Buster: I'm serious Buster: Pick a day & that'll be your birthday re-do Rio: It wasn't THAT bad, babe Buster: You're really turning down a day of me doing whatever you say or giving you whatever you want? Buster: Who am I talking to right now, like Rio: I thought I got that all summer 😉 Buster: I like telling you what to do too much Rio: Lucky for you I like that too Buster: Lucky ain't the word Rio: I miss you Rio: you can still tell me what to do from far away but sometimes I just need you to make me, you know Rio: I can only be so good when you ain't here Buster: I miss you too, baby Buster: I'll see you really soon though, yeah? Buster: Book your flights Rio: Yeah Rio: I will Rio: everyone has finally pissed off, pretty much Buster: Good 'cause I was about to get on a plane & kick 'em out for you Rio: ♘ Rio: our security is laughable, like Rio: bless 'em Buster: Don't tell me that Buster: Now I really am gonna have to get you a new job Rio: You're so cute Rio: I'm just saying, I do a beter job of getting them to shift than Mike, who's probably starting a game of pool or something Buster: I'll have a word with him next time I'm there then Rio: He's pushing 60 Rio: you big bully 😂 Buster: An actual word not a word 🥊 Buster: Behave Rio: 😘 Rio: Not my fault you look hot in the ring Buster: I look hot whatever I'm doing & wherever I am, like Buster: I've got a fight coming up actually though, 'cause there weren't no time to do more than practice in the US, you can come if you want Buster: [sends her the deets] Rio: If you say so, baby Rio: Sure, I can bring Janis Buster: You should be saying so, babe Buster: Yeah, she'll be into seeing me win Rio: Come on Rio: have to tease you sometimes Rio: just keeping you on your toes, it's practice Rio: you're welcome 😉 Buster: I'll forgive you only 'cause of that seamless 🥊 tie in Buster: Not 'cause I like being teased, obviously Rio: 'Course not Rio: I'll never tell Buster: It gets hotter every time you say that Rio: You like secrets too Buster: I like our secrets Rio: They're the best kind, obviously Buster: 'Course Rio: What other secrets you got then 👀 Buster: You know I ain't ever been able to keep any from you Rio: 😏 Good answer Rio: you sure you've not had a girlfriend before, like Buster: Shut up, it's true Buster: Whether I've always liked or not Buster: You pay too much attention Buster: Such a mum, like Rio: How rude Rio: calling me nosy Rio: you just weren't that good at keeping secrets Rio: you've got better, all this practice Buster: 'Cause I wanted people to notice, obviously Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Buster: I can keep secrets when I want to, don't worry Rio: I know that too, baby Buster: Why do you think I keep telling you how smart you are? Rio: You love complimenting me Buster: Yeah, but not lying to you Buster: They have to be true Rio: You're just nice Rio: you think they're all true Buster: They are all true Rio: I'm not gonna fight it Buster: Good, don't Rio: I'm not stupid Rio: you can think whatever good thing you wanna Buster: Yeah, I can Buster: Clearly, 'cause I do Rio: Shh Buster: I'd like to see you try & make me Rio: That is a challenge Rio: if you wanted me to get you to make some noise Rio: no problem Rio: Hmm Buster: 😏 Buster: Well, if you can't do it, you can't do it Rio: Did I say that, boy Buster: It was heavily implied, but alright Rio: 😒 Buster: Calm down & rise to the challenge Rio: I am Rio: be patient Buster: Fine, I'll do my best Rio: You'll have to Rio: I'm busy Buster: Like I said, fine Rio: [video from on that bar like hey] Rio: don't you dare be anything other than speechless Buster: [reaction vid because they just that extra] Rio: I'm saving that for the hotel Rio: finally leaving Buster: It's only fair 'cause I'm saving yours forever Rio: Glad to know you aren't deleting everything now Buster: I never did Buster: I've still got it all Rio: Cheek Rio: you made me Buster: Did you actually? Buster: Come on Rio: What if I did Rio: you owe me Buster: If you did that's a rookie mistake Rio: Don't be rude Rio: meanie Buster: Don't be an amateur, you're better than that Rio: You're the one that freaked, boy Rio: I didn't delete it anyway 😏 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I did not Rio: You so did Rio: know it was a while ago but please Buster: You so did Rio: I don't recall bribing my sister Buster: Well, you should recall that it worked, first of all & second of all, that's not losing my shit that's handling it Buster: You were the one who looked like you were gonna puke or cry, babe, that's what I recall Rio: 🙄 Rio: You definitely weren't looking at me Rio: drama queen Buster: I shouldn't have been which you should know means I definitely was Rio: Mhmm Buster: & Don't call me a drama queen Rio: 😂 Rio: That's what you're taking issue with Buster: Yeah Buster: I already knew you weren't as good under pressure as me, like Rio: Fuck off Buster: Calm down, nobody is Rio: You're ridiculous Buster: Shut up Rio: You Buster: I'm not the one taking the piss, that's you Rio: Poor baby Buster: Stop Rio: I'm only joking Buster: 'Course Rio: Don't be moody Buster: I ain't Buster: I just don't need the reminders of how close we came to fucking everything up Rio: but we didn't Buster: Still Buster: We're gonna have an entire summer that literally starts with a fam function Rio: You worried? Buster: Obviously not, we can handle it, but Rio: It'll be easier, if anything Rio: if you think about it Rio: less tension Buster: That's true, finally getting to fuck you did clear the air, a little Rio: Lovely 😏 Rio: People were only looking 'cos we was making a holy show Rio: I still maintain she didn't see anything anyway Rio: it'll be good, promise Buster: I still maintain it's not my fault you're the most distracting person to ever exist Rio: Who's gonna blame you Rio: true Buster: Whoever wants to can try but I don't care Buster: Being your boyfriend feels right & is probably the best thing I've done Rio: Yet Buster: Yeah, so far Buster: We're gonna do epic shit together, remember Rio: Yeah Rio: and just in general Buster: That goes without saying, we are who we are, like Rio: Not staying in that pub forever Rio: not the plan Buster: You ain't staying in that pub a second longer than you need to Rio: I don't hate it Rio: just gets boring Buster: You don't have to hate something to want better than it Rio: Yeah Rio: it's just about getting out there Rio: getting known Buster: You know what you're doing Rio: Cheers Rio: you're probably the only one that reckons so but me Buster: I'm the only one who really knows you other than yourself, so it stands to reason Rio: Do you think that's fucked or normal Buster: It's normal for this family & that's the one we've grown up in Rio: Yeah Rio: it's just weird to think about Buster: You don't have to think about it Rio: It's not a choice, like Buster: Yeah, it is Buster: Change it or move on from it Rio: Again Rio: how is that up to me Rio: I'm not being fake Rio: I can't force people to look deeper if they don't want to Buster: It's up to you to accept it or not Buster: Most people you'd have to open up to in order to change things aren't people you'd have to force to listen Rio: It's not that deep Rio: people don't need to know people like that Buster: You're the one telling it's weird Buster: I didn't say it Buster: I'm alright with my own circumstances, cheers Rio: Weird doesn't equal bad Rio: it is weird Rio: I've got loads of friends Rio: almost as much family Buster: Weird has more negative connotations than it does positive but whatever Rio: Not in my fam Buster: 😂 Rio: I'm being disappointingly normal Rio: far as they're aware, anyway Buster: Plenty of time for you to change that Buster: You ain't even 16 until we have your birthday again Buster: Whenever that re-do is gonna be Rio: Really repping 'barely' legal Rio: probably boost the views, tah Buster: You're welcome Rio: 😬🤢 Buster: You know you couldn't be normal on any day though, yeah? Buster: Not on my level Rio: I can tell that was meant a compliment so Rio: thanks Buster: It is, you're literally extraordinary Rio: Shut up Rio: you're such a nerd Buster: I'm keeping up with you, I keep telling you Rio: I love you Buster: You'll love me more when you get to the hotel & see everything that's waiting there for you Buster: Miss me less too Rio: 😍 Rio: I'd run rest of the way if I had more sensible shoes on Buster: I'd carry you if I could, but alas Rio: When wouldn't you Buster: You love it almost as much as you love me so shh Rio: 👑 Buster: You're so cute Rio: Yours Rio: you gotta look after me Buster: When don't I? Rio: Don't forget, that's all Buster: I won't Rio: Good Rio: I wish you were holding me right now Buster: Me too, baby Rio: I feel lonely too Buster: Don't Buster: I'm always here even when I'm not there Rio: I'm just letting you know Rio: I feel it too Buster: I knew that Buster: It ain't opposites that actually attract, is it Buster: I told you before that we're the same Buster: & We are, about shit that matters Rio: Think what you wanna of my previous choices Rio: and it'd probably be fair Rio: but never been following that cosmo level of advice, like Buster: I don't reckon I'm the right person to judge any of your choices Rio: Where's that realization come from? Buster: I've never let it stop me before 'cause I didn't want it to stop me before Buster: Don't mean I wasn't aware of the fact it wasn't my place Rio: Fair enough Rio: it's not like I didn't know Rio: or others weren't Buster: Yeah well Buster: There's only one me & I'm responsible for myself so Rio: I don't care, don't worry Buster: I care Buster: About you Buster: & Doing better Rio: Okay Rio: then it's okay Buster: Good Rio: All that's in the past Rio: I don't think about it anymore Buster: Yeah Buster: I only think about the future too Rio: We can try anyway, yeah Buster: Of course Rio: Let's stop talking about it Rio: we're not meant to lie Buster: I haven't lied Rio: Alright Buster: Do you wanna try again? I reckon you could easily sound more like you don't believe me Rio: It's got fuck all to do with believing you Buster: What then? Rio: I said, I don't wanna talk about it Rio: think about it Buster: Fine Rio: No it isn't Rio: you don't get what I mean Buster: Well, either explain it to me or don't Rio: If you're gonna be like this about it then forget it Buster: Jesus Christ Buster: I'm not being like anything Buster: I'm just saying, if you want me to understand something, tell me about it Rio: I don't want to start shit for no reason Rio: but yeah now I am thinking about it Rio: and you've said a lot worse to me than about having shit boyfriends Buster: What's your point? Buster: I was there, I know I have Rio: My point? Rio: Maybe it ain't alright Rio: I don't know Buster: It obviously isn't Buster: I've never said it was Rio: I did Buster: Don't Buster: I'm not asking you to Rio: It isn't just that Rio: saying it Rio: it's everything Rio: everything I do Buster: Do things differently then Buster: You're not my doormat, you're not anyone's Rio: You're still telling me what to do Rio: that's fucked Rio: I'm fucked Rio: I've got to go Buster: Okay Rio: Don't Buster: What? Buster: If I tell you to stay that's telling you what to do too Rio: Don't say it's okay when it clearly isn't Buster: If you need to go, you need to go Buster: I'm not gonna say fuck you, am I? Rio: This is pointless Buster: What do you want? Rio: Maybe actually kill him Rio: that might work Buster: Alright Rio: Right Rio: I'm going home Buster: That's not gonna help Buster: You know that Rio: I don't want to be alone Buster: You're not Rio: I've got to be the one to say it, yeah? Buster: Apparently so Rio: Fine Rio: it's not always the same Rio: I need someone here Buster: I'll get on a plane right now Buster: Just wait Rio: You can't Buster: I can Buster: & I will Rio: No Rio: There's no need Rio: I just need to be around other people then I'll be fine Buster: You won't be fine, that's bullshit Rio: But I will be if you come, will I? Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: Obviously not Rio: That's me Rio: stupid doormat Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: That's not you, stop this Rio: You said it, not me Buster: I said the opposite actually Rio: No, you said that I needed to change Buster: No, I said you don't need excuse how much of a cunt I was Buster: & Yeah, you can always change if you want, which you said you did Rio: Well you implied plenty by telling me I WEREN'T your doormat Buster: I told you, you aren't anyone's so you don't have to act like you are & tell me what I wanna hear Rio: Are you seriously talking about that right now Rio: that has nothing to do with it Buster: It has to do with why I said it Buster: So don't put words in my mouth Rio: I wasn't acting like anything, that's bullshit Buster: Oh my fucking god Buster: You know exactly what I mean Buster: Pick your battles, like Rio: Shut up Buster: Don't Rio: Whatever Buster: I'm not gonna let you provoke me into having a fight with you Buster: Just go home Rio: I'm on my way Rio: this conversation can be over Buster: Consider it over then Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm the one that needs to Buster: With that attitude, yeah, you do Rio: I've got more to worry about right now than my attitude Rio: sorry Buster: All the more reason to go & focus on that Buster: So goodnight, like Rio: I'm in a cab Rio: too far to walk Rio: but okay Rio: night Buster: I never assumed you were walking in those shoes, babe Buster: But cheers for the clarification on that much Rio: Should've tried for a lift but you know Buster: Too late now Rio: Figured if he's not in and I have to text him, he'll already think I wanna fuck him Rio: can't risk it Buster: What are you talking about? Rio: Drew Rio: he's the only other person who knows enough about this to talk to Buster: So you're going home to talk to him Rio: What did you think I meant Buster: You said you wanted to be around people, not have a heart to heart with the local drug dealer Rio: if I just wanted oblivious people near me I'd go home home Buster: That could've been what you meant as far as I've been made aware Rio: You said the conversation was over Buster: It hadn't been a conversation before then Rio: It's hard to talk about this stuff Buster: So you'd rather talk to Drew about it? That makes sense Rio: Yeah, it does Rio: I've told you, it's embarrassing it's Rio: too much Rio: with you Buster: You also said you trust me Buster: But whatever Rio: It isn't about trust Buster: If you can't talk to me about anything, whatever it is, then yeah, this conversation is over Rio: Fine Buster: Of course it is, you'd rather talk to him anyway Rio: Yeah, was waiting for that Buster: Well, I aim to please Buster: You're not gonna be disappointed Rio: Cute Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: Don't worry about it Buster: Why would I? Buster: I'm only in love with you, like Rio: I am sorry about that Rio: really Buster: Don't fucking say that to me Rio: What do you want me to say, Buster Rio: I am Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that Buster: Why would I ever wanna hear that? Buster: You're not a mistake I've made, none of this is anything to apologise for Buster: Fucking hell Rio: You might not want to hear it but I want to say it because Rio: it breaks my heart that that's true Buster: I don't wanna hear it 'cause it's bullshit Rio: Not to me Buster: Yeah to you, 'cause this isn't what you really think, it's what that cunt thinks & has tried to make you think Rio: I'm a mess Rio: why would I wish that on you Buster: You're got no more shit than anyone else has Buster: Why would you want me to be alone? Rio: I don't want you to be alone Buster: Well, I don't wanna be with anyone but you so if you're gonna push me away, you clearly do Rio: No I don't Rio: it's just not that easy Buster: I want you, forever, no matter what, it's that simple as far as I'm concerned Buster: There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind Buster: & There's even less that cunt could say Rio: I'm sorry Rio: everything is shit Buster: No it's not, he is Buster: But I'm gonna kill him Rio: He always knows what to say Buster: It's not gonna happen anymore Rio: It's like Rio: the way he says things Rio: like he knows me better than anyone Rio: even me Buster: He doesn't know you, Rio Buster: He's just knows what works Buster: On literally one part of you Rio: It shouldn't work Rio: I should be stronger Buster: It ain't about strength Buster: We've all got shit can be exploited Rio: I swear Rio: I ignore him so much Rio: whatever he's saying or doing Buster: I know Buster: That's strength, babe Rio: Just sometimes, when I already don't feel all that great Rio: it's easier to listen Rio: or harder to ignore, idk Buster: If anyone understands how easy it is to give into negative impulses or self destructive bullshit, it's me, yeah Buster: You can always talk to me Rio: It's like Rio: I just want to be better Rio: you've seen too many of my worsts Buster: Don't do it for me, I already think you're the fucking best Buster: Nobody has ever made me feel like you make me feel Buster: They've never even tried Rio: I want it for myself too, obviously Rio: I wanna be the person you see Buster: Then obviously I'll do whatever I can to help you Buster: I know I'm too blunt & I make everything black & white & I'll never understand what you saw in him or half the shit that's happened 'cause of but I'll do anything for you Rio: Attention Rio: that's what I saw in him Rio: he was always at the same parties, he was nice to me, you know Buster: Well, alright I'll correct myself then, 'cause I do understand that Rio: It wasn't supposed to be deeper than that Buster: Him wanting it to be more than that is the only thing I can't blame him for Buster: 'Cause you're perfect Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: I still don't know why you like me Rio: but I'm glad you do Buster: I love you & I'm going to forever Rio: you can't help that Rio: but you could choose not to like me Buster: That'd be a bad choice & I'm not making 'em anymore Buster: & You do know all the reasons why Buster: I'm not gonna let you forget just 'cause that's what he wants Buster: Who the fuck is he? We get what we want Rio: Yeah Rio: ugh Rio: no chance we can forget this ever happened, I suppose? Buster: Nah, but I won't hold it against you that it did Rio: Alright Rio: that's fair Buster: & It won't happen again after I kill him so Rio: I wanna think about you now Rio: not him Buster: Okay Buster: Are you back yet? Rio: Yeah Buster: Is that where you wanna be still? Buster: I can get you another cab if not Rio: I'll stay here Rio: I'd still rather have people nearby Rio: but I don't wanna talk to him now Buster: Is Indie home? Rio: Yeah Rio: school night Rio: must be planning on going Buster: Helping her with her homework won't be as fun but she'll cheer you up Rio: Yeah, normalcy is welcome Rio: if not the absolute ideal, obviously Buster: I'll allow it Buster: That kind of understanding god, like Rio: Why I love you Buster: Yeah Rio: You know I love you Rio: don't ever doubt it Buster: Don't you ever doubt it Buster: That I love you & you're worthy of me Rio: I know Buster: There's a reason you're the only girlfriend I've ever had & it's not that I just really wanted to keep it in the fam Rio: 😂 Rio: Don't make me laugh Buster: Your laugh is cute & you can't stop me Rio: You're cute Rio: I missed you Buster: I miss you Buster: Just come & move in for this month, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: sure Rio: we'd get away with it, easy Buster: We could Buster: Say yes for real & I'll make the rest happen Rio: Baby Rio: you know I wanna too Buster: Then why not? Your job is boring, he's there & it's nearly summer so Indie's as focused on that as we are Rio: There must be reasons Rio: though when you put it like that Buster: There are loads of reasons why you should Buster: I'll look after you & neither of us have to feel lonely Rio: Say I did say yes Rio: why do I need to be in London for a month Rio: and will your parents let me stay Buster: Tell everyone your boyfriend's here Buster: I'm letting you stay, I'm here more than they both are Buster: But I'll get you a hotel if you don't want the questions, like Rio: Not for a whole month you won't Rio: but it's feasible Rio: hmm Buster: Say yes then Rio: I would have to sort stuff first Rio: giving in my notice, for one Buster: Of course Rio: and tell Indie Rio: and all the others Buster: Yeah but then you'll come be with me Rio: Providing that all goes okay Rio: then yeah Buster: Alright Rio: is this stupid Buster: Stupid ain't the word Rio: It feels like this can't happen Buster: No risk no reward Buster: Trust me babe Buster: If you want it, you can have it Rio: 'Course I want it Rio: I always wanna be with you Buster: Then we'll sort it Buster: Easy Rio: We've still got to be good though Rio: you go to school, I'll work Buster: 😇 Rio: 😏 Rio: Convincing Buster: I'll be so good, I swear Rio: Yeah? Buster: Hold me to it, baby Buster: I'll make you feel so good too Rio: I need you Buster: You can have me every day Rio: All to myself Buster: Just me & you Buster: All night as well Buster: As soon as you're ready Rio: I'm gonna sort it Rio: fast as I can Buster: I know Buster: I just need you too Rio: You do Rio: you don't just want me to come 'cos of all this Ryan shit, do you Buster: Obviously I want to get you away from him, but I'd still need you here if he didn't exist Buster: That's about us, not him Buster: I love you & I want you Buster: Even more than I wanna kill him Rio: Okay Rio: I just had to ask Rio: I wouldn't want to come if it was just that Buster: It's never gonna be just that Rio: I know Buster: It is gonna be okay Buster: I promise Rio: Yeah Rio: he's just annoying Rio: that's all Buster: Annoying ain't the word Buster: But we don't need to talk about him anymore if you don't want Rio: I'm so excited Buster: Yeah? Rio: Obviously Rio: how could I not be when you've already promised to be so good to me Buster: I'll keep every promise Buster: But actions do speak louder so, just wait until you're here Buster: If you reckon you're excited now, like Rio: 🤤 Rio: You're hot Buster: You're hotter Rio: Gonna be Rio: you won't ever want me to leave, like Buster: I already don't Rio: Then I'll just have to stay Buster: Please Rio: Please what, babe? Buster: Stay forever Rio: Alright Rio: I will Rio: gonna need a bigger bag Buster: That's a given for summer anyway Buster: Do you have one? Rio: Yeah, at my parents Rio: I'll get it and tell them tomorrow probably Buster: Get some coke to help you pack, it really worked for me Rio: 😂 Rio: Not the worst idea you've ever had Buster: How many times do we have to go over the fact I have no bad ideas Rio: Keep proving me wrong, babe Rio: welcome it always Buster: Keep making it sound so hot & I won't be able to help myself Rio: Please Buster: Since you asked so nicely Buster: I'll lose control for you, babe Rio: Good Rio: it's all I really want Rio: today, anyway 😏 Buster: Tell me what you want tomorrow too & I'll get a headstart, like Rio: 😂 Rio: Be more you Rio: not necessarily tomorrow's request but wouldn't be mad Buster: I'm not mad that there's no challenge there Buster: Keep that secret for me though, yeah? Rio: Of course Rio: not everything has to be one to be fun, yeah Rio: I coulda told you that ages ago Buster: I don't reckon I would've listened ages ago Rio: Probably not Rio: all talk, you were Buster: Shut up Rio: 😘 Rio: Bless Buster: Behave Rio: I don't wanna Rio: I miss you Buster: I'll call you if you're good Rio: How good have I gotta be Rio: and for how long Buster: Depends how long you want me to talk to you for Rio: 'Til I fall asleep, obviously Rio: who am I Buster: Well, how tired are you right now, then? Rio: Not very Rio: why, are you? Buster: No Rio: is that a no no or a not going to admit it no Buster: It's a 'how could I be tired when I miss you this hard' no Rio: Good Rio: only ever trying to exhaust you in fun ways not actual Buster: Don't be doubting my stamina Rio: You could still be jetlagged Rio: my poor baby Buster: I'm as fine as I can be without you here Rio: So soon Buster: I'm gonna make you so happy every day that you're staying, I swear Rio: You always do Rio: I dunno how I went without before Buster: You don't ever have to now Buster: Wherever I go, I'm bringing you with me Buster: Literally as much as possible, but always on my phone if not Rio: Not that I'm needy or anything 😏 Buster: You know I like it Buster: & That I want you just as bad every time Rio: That's why I don't feel weird Rio: or mind letting you know Buster: That's why you're the only girl I've ever really wanted Rio: Yeah Rio: I feel it too Rio: we're just the same Rio: in loads of ways Rio: but especially that way Buster: Exactly Buster: I didn't know it was possible to actually be this compatible with someone Rio: I can't even bring myself to be mad that it's you, of all people Rio: not anymore Buster: Excuse you Buster: So impolite Rio: Obviously not personal, silly Buster: Good backtrack, babe Rio: I meant 'cos you're my cousin, duh Buster: You also meant 'cause I used to be such a cunt though Rio: Well I didn't but you know Buster: Say that you're lucky to have me Rio: Really Buster: Come on Buster: Be nice Rio: You know I love you Rio: 'course I am Buster: [calls cos he said he would if she was a good egg]
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bakugou-ou · 6 years
Bakugou scenario when he found out that his gf is pregnant but she's not telling him yet? (because she didn't want to tie him down and take responsibility before he become a pro hero? They're at college and mature enough to have a baby) a little angst with happy ending? Thanks
*whispers* this reminds me of an RP I did with my pal Vampy, it was BakuJirou, and it was amazing, and I’m feeling nostalgic so I’m gonna do this now… >:3
For the fifth time thatday, Katsuki was stood outside the women’s restroom, waiting for his girlfriendto come back out. He wasn’t a theme park kind of guy, but he was on a mission,and there was no better place to go to get someone sick than a theme park.Sugary food, violently spinning rides, hot sun beating down, noisy children, itwas a recipe for sickness…
They hadn’t been on asingle ride yet.
All they had done so farwas eat some funnel cake, play a few carnival games, during which he wonseveral large stuffed animals for her, and walking around a bit. Between almostevery game they played, she had ran off to the nearest bathroom, or trashcan ifshe couldn’t make it that far, and they’d only been there about two hours.
For weeks, Katsuki hadknown something was up with his girlfriend; she complained about the way hegroped her chest during sex, saying he was being too rough despite him being tamer than usual, she became inexplicablydefensive when he asked about them having sex right through the week her periodusually arrived, she started complaining about being nauseated by the smells ofher favorite foods, and then the vomiting started.
Even if he wasn’t smart, being a genius wasn’tnecessary to put two and two together to make four; or, in this case, one andone to make three. Looking back on the months leading up to that day, he knewhe had fucked up along the way, they both had, throwing caution to wind a fewtimes in the heat of the moment, and as he stood, leaning against a railingsurrounding an artificial lake, watching the entrance to the women’s restroom,he could hear his mother’s nagging voice: itonly takes one time.
They were usually good about using protection, butsometimes they ran out, or they just didn’tuse anything, which he knew was stupid, but it wasn’t ever his idea, that was all on her… Except he let it happen, so he wasjust as at fault, and he knew it.
His goal that day was totry and get her to admit it; usually, he would have just flat out asked, buthaving tried that several times earlier in the week and being yelled at for it,he figured that he’d tire her out and get her to cop up to being pregnant thatway. Even though she was constantly getting sick, she seemed to be in a goodmood, appreciative of him calling out of work for the day to take her on adate, but he was sure she was just as suspicious of him as he was of her.
Why wouldn’t she tellhim? They were partners, weren’t they? And if she was pregnant, which he had no doubt about by that afternoon, he hada right to know. It irked him, it kept him up at night, but she just wouldn’tsay anything to him.
He heaved a heavy sigh,and as soon as he had resigned himself to the fact that he might not actually hearher say she was pregnant until after the baby was born, with how pigheaded shecould be, she came out of the bathroom, looking exhausted.
“Must have been somepretty bad funnel cake,” Katsuki remarked, smiling softly as his girlfriendreturned to his side, “Maybe we should just sit for a while, get some fluidsinto you.”
“I’m fine,” She protested, glaring daggers at him, “We came all the wayhere, we need to at least do something.”
“Well, so far we’vewalked around, played some stupid carnival games, and you’ve thrown up fivetimes,” He replied, moving closer to her, “I don’t think you’re up for rollercoasters, or bumper cars.”
“I can handle it,Katsuki.” She hissed, knocking her shoulder into his arm as she moved past him,heading for the path to the nearest roller coaster.
“I can handle it, Katsuki.” He mocked quietly, rolling his eyes andfollowing after her.
Of the many qualities heloved about his girlfriend, her stubbornness and determination to conquer any adversecircumstances were probably two of his favorites, even if they often got intosilly little arguments because he was even morestubborn and determined to win than she was… But that day, it was justconcerning.
Her pants weren’t fittingright, there was no denying that her abdomen was just the smallest bit rounderthan it had been before, and she was wearing baggier shirts. He wondered if shethought she was slick, or if she was just in denial; either way, he knew, andnothing she did to hide it would work now.
“Hey, loser, wait up!” Hesaid, tapping her shoulder with the large cup he’d gotten, filled with Gatorade,“Drink some of this, you’re gonna get dehydrated if you keep throwing up andnot replacing what you put out.”
As irritated as he wasthat she hadn’t just said somethingto him, he was more concerned with her health, and making sure she was takencare of. He found himself unintentionally being more concerned about her,cooking her dinner, making sure she was constantly drinking water or otherstuff that was healthy… He was always a bit of a protective person, but hissuspicion was bringing that nature out in spades.
She snatched the cup fromhim and took a few good sips from the plastic bendy straw, blue liquid flowingthrough it, and then she stopped, looking at him like she was suspicious of hisintentions.
“Why are you acting soclingy today?” She questioned, shoving the end of the straw back into its holeso that the cup wouldn’t spill.
“Because you’re mygirlfriend and you’re acting weird as hell,” He answered, gently kicking theback of her calf, “Roller coaster, right?”
“Yep.” She nodded.
The two of them movedthrough the crowds towards the largest roller coaster at the park, all thewhile his suspicion eating away at his will to keep quiet. She seemed stoic,other than the obvious queasiness she was experiencing, the way she kept hermouth tightly shut and eyes planted on the roller coaster ahead of them.
Whywon’t you just tell me?
The queue was massive, a sign near the entrance to theline read current wait time: eighty threeminutes. Katsuki hated lines, he didn’t want to wait in one when he knewthey couldn’t even go on the ride.She’d get sick again long before they got on the ride, he was positive of that,but still she charged ahead, entering the queue even after he asked if she was sure she wanted to wait in that line inthe hot sun.
Every now and then, she’dtake the cup back and sip from it, watching a family a few people ahead of themwith their twin toddlers. Whenever she caught him looking at her, she seemedflustered and would look everywhere but at him or the family ahead of them.
He wasn’t actually sureif he wanted kids or not, he hadn’t given it a lot of thought. He lived in the moment,and he thought that if he was goingto have kids, it’d happen a lot later in his life, after he was already a prohero, after he had done everything he had wanted to do. They hadn’t ever talkedabout it, so he had no idea how shefelt, and she had no idea how hefelt.
Was that why she wasn’tsaying anything?
The idea of having a kidthen was a bit terrifying, but he had always known it was a possibility; sexmade babies, and they had had a lotof sex, so it was inevitable, wasn’t it?
As they stood about a quarterof the way through the queue, he spotted a large sign off to the side of thequeue, displaying the ride’s rules again. In very bold writing, it stated people with certain medical conditions, suchas heart conditions, those who are prone to motion sickness, and those that arepregnant, are not allowed to ride this attraction.
The closer they moved tothe sign, the closer Katsuki came to just flat out pulling the two fo them outof the line; his girlfriend was definitely pregnant, and he wasn’t going to risktheir secret baby’s existence because his girlfriend wanted to be stubborn andsay nothing about it to him.
“You sure you wanna go onthis thing?” Katsuki asked as they came parallel to the sign.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”She asked in response, looking to him with a perplexed look.
Katsuki glanced over tohis right, seeing the sign, reading the line again: people with certain medical conditions, such as heart conditions, thosewho are prone to motion sickness, and those who are pregnant, are not allowedto ride this attraction.
He reached out and tappedthe sign, pointing at the part that explicitly mentioned pregnancy.
It took a second, but hisgirlfriend’s expression when from neutral confusion to looking like the wholeworld had just crashed down around her. Her hand came up over her mouth, hereyes widened, and he sighed.
He reached out andgrabbed the hand that was still at her side, and he gently tugged, pulling hercloser to himself, and to the exit to the line. She didn’t protest, her handdropping away from her face as they ducked out of the line, heading to find asquiet a place to sit and talk at as could be managed at a theme park.
After a bit of wandering,purchasing a couple slices of pizza and a drink refill, they found a table nearan area of the park designed specifically for families with children to relax;that wasn’t them, yet, but it would be, so Katsuki figured he might as well getused to being there.
“So, when were you planningon telling me?” He asked as she took a bite into her pizza.
She was quiet, and shewasn’t looking at him.
“I wasn’t.” She answered,staring down at her pizza.
“That’s not how being ina relationship works, you know,” He replied, somewhat snarkily, “Especiallywhen it comes to something that’s as big of a deal as having a baby.”
“I just didn’t want totie you down, and you’ve never said you wanted a kid, so I didn’t know what todo!” She snapped, turning to face him, “You’ve got a lot you want to do, and Idon’t wanna make that harder for you.”
That was somehow the mostselfless and selfish thing he had ever heard, but whatever irritation he hadfelt with her before about her refusing to tell him she was pregnant, itdisappeared. He understood it, even if he didn’t like it, but he had to make itright.
“If I didn’t want to riskbeing tied down, I wouldn’t be in a relationship with you, let alone havingsex. Kind of how that works, isn’t it?” He said, draping an arm over hershoulder and pulling her closer, “Besides, of all the people I could have a kidwith, I think you’re pretty kickass.”
“Are you saying you’reokay with this?” She asked, looking astounded.
“As okay as I can be,” Heanswered, leaning over and stealing a bite of her pizza, “I’ve got a decent paidinternship, we’re almost done with school, I love you, I’m pretty sure you love me, we were going to move in together afterthis semester was over anyway, you’re already pregnant, I don’t see why thiswouldn’t be workable.”
He already knew how muchshit he was going to get from his parents, though they’d come around to the ideaafter a bit, since they weren’t really all that much older than the two of themwere when they had him.
“Forgetting for a secondhow worried you are about how us having a kid would impact my future, do you wanna have this baby?” He asked.
If she really wanted tohave his kid, he’d make it work. He hadn’t known before if he wanted kids, but ifhe was having a kid, it didn’t matter; he liked kids, he was pretty good withthem, in his own opinion, so if she was set on it, he could be just as happy aboutit and set on it as she was.
“Well, yeah,” She answered,“Before I found out, I was thinking about what I wanted for our future… Youknow, like a nice house, and both of us to work good jobs, you being a prohero, me doing what I wanted, a couple of kids who look exactly like you and your mom…”
She giggled, and it wasthe first time she had sounded that bubbly in weeks.
He could easily imagine allof it; nice house, being a pro hero, coming home after a long day at work toher and two tiny humans who looked freakishly like himself, but one having hernose and lips, the other having her eyes and hair. In his mind, they were bothboys, but he didn’t know what she was thinking.
“Cool, because I wantthat stuff, too.” Katsuki said, taking another bite out of her pizza, “But, you’regonna have to make it up to me for hiding shit.”
“And how would you like meto do that?” She asked, leaning into him.
“Well, you can start bytelling me if you’ve been to a doctor already,” He answered, “And if you have,and you’ve got ultrasound images, you can show them to me.”
“I haven’t, yet, but I’ve got an appointment next week,which I’d really like you to be there for.” She replied.
I’vegot an appointment next week, which I’d really like you to be there for.
He hadn’t really felt anykind of way about the situation until she said that, but as soon as he heardit, his heart felt unusually full, his stomach was fluttering, and he was excited. She wanted him there, and he wantedto be there for her. And he would be, there was no way in hell he’d miss somethinglike a doctor’s appointment, especially if it was the first.
“I’ll make it work.” Hesaid, kissing the top of her head.
And that was the truth,he would make it work; all of it,every bit that went into whatever their future was going to look like. It wasn’t the end of the world, it was morelike the big bang, and knowing he was right, hearing it from her and not fromhis own brain, he was looking forward to it.
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