#i just can't unsee it XD
bubblegumflavor · 6 months
If it was filmed in the 80s, Matt Dillon would have played Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen and no one can convince me otherwise.
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team-chaotics · 1 year
(I can't help but think of llamas with hats with Ferid and Guren and I don't know why. Like, I'm sure there's probably others that may fit it better but for me, at least rp wise, that's what I keep getting lmao.)
Guren: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Ferid: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Ferid: We haven't gotten to the surprise.
Guren: I'm sure it's very upsetting.
Ferid: Well now I don't want to show you.
Guren: Good. I do not want to see it.
Crowley: There is a dead human in our house.
Ferid: Oh! Hey! How did he get here?
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flonkertainment · 3 months
Shoo! The both of you! Before I give you a lecture on how grass grows!
I think he means it, Walls! Run!
Bye Frank.
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Ah yes, it is the beginning if summer, but the pickerwheel decided to land on my homewarming idea xD Finally my first time actually drawing Wally, I definitely need to add more ideas with him to my wheel! He was such a delight to draw :D Also I love the size difference between Barn and Wally, those two are just so cute next to each other and I love how Barnaby is always like a big brother to Wally. Also my lovely friend @bladedheavens said that Frank looks like he is about to flap his arms like a bird and fly away with helicopter sounds and I straight up died. Now I can't unsee it, thanks for that :| I had quite an enjoyable time drawing the background as well, the colours of Franks House are so pleasant <3
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elvenbeard · 26 days
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SO. While blorbo-modding I stumbled over something (that is probably known already but made me all giddy and validated in my cyberware headcanons rn xD).
I think it's a more-or-less popular hc that Kerry is deaf af and has some kind of hearing implants. And I always hc'ed the little golden pieces behind his ears as connected to that in a way (be it just fancy decorative covers for maintenance access for the hearing implants or actual touch-based volume control for example - to mute Kovachek whenever he's talking too much again, for example).
BUT NOW looking at the actual mesh and such in wkit it looks like the golden lines on the outside of his neck are actually supposed to be connected to the bits behind the ears (and I can't unsee it now aaahhh, but I also like the broken-up look). And like. I can see how that would happen, with the body and head/neck being separate parts and Kerry in general having some clipping going on here and there. But also, I've always been a little annoyed at the clipping bc it didn't make sense, why would this little part clip so weirdly in such a triangular shape when it's supposed to end right below his ear... well, cause it's not supposed to end there but actually continues?! What to make of this info now (and also, forever gonna be debating now if I want to "fix" this by restoring more of a look like in the left picture or editing the mesh to get more of the "vanilla" look with the gap between - cause I think otherwise it might clip with his lil music note thingy, which I'd be sad about xD).
But also, no matter what I do, I'm feeling so validated in the hearing aid headcanon that can be synced to a microphone for monitoring BUT intead adding on sth new: the hearing implant is directly connected to his voice box implant, making this whole piece of tech capable of built-in monitoring during concerts :3
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theladyyavilee · 6 months
after thinking about it all day now I am insane enough to make it into an actual post, sorry for just copypasting my own tags, but alas xD
this was in response to this post about how buck probably didn't even realize at first how close tommy and he were standing, because him and eddie always stand this close which SO FUCKING TRUE, I just spiralled a little frome there
#but do you also think that NOW the next time he DOES stand this close to eddie he will notice?#DO YOU THINK NOW THAT HE KNOWS HOW CLOSE CLOSE IS AND HOW EASY IT IS TO BRIDGE THAT DISTANCE#HE WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE AWARE OF EDDIE BEING THIS CLOSE TOO AND HAVE A TINY PART OF HIMSELF WAITING FOR EDDIE TO REACH IN THE SAME#WAY TOMMY DID BECAUSE REALLY ISN'T THAT THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION TO EASY CLOSENESS LIKE THIS#and like *screams into hands some more* WE KNOW that eddie steps in super close next episode#we know he touches buck#and it isn't the chin it is his shoulder and hip#but really that only makes it more insane#and maybe eddie isn't thinking anything of it because they HAVE always done this THIS IS WHAT THEY DO#they have always stepped close and sought out each other's bodies and touched and just generally had a pull towards each other#but on god I cannot see a world where now buck isn't aware of it in a totally new way#do you think eddie steps close and reaches out to touch him and buck flashes back to tommy stepping close#do you think the feeling of fingers on his chin and fingers on his neck start to blur?#do you think he feels eddie's grip on his hip and for just a second he wonders if there is gonna be a pull that pulls him in unexpectedly#the way that tommy gently pulled his chin towards him? how it was both unexpected and something that he had secretly deep down been hoping#for and been TRYING to provoke by stepping closer himself by swaying closer by stepping in#do you think that for just a moment all of these things blur for buck?#and that has never happened before but HOW are you supposed to ever forget now that you have these new associations#and you have to realize that oh maybe they are not so different from what I have always had#how do you deal with that? with how suddenly suddenly something you have always had has this new meaning and you can't unsee it#but you also can't have it and you have to lock that down because with tommy it already felt like risking everything but in an exhilarting#way#but like this? oh like this the risk is TERRIFYING
the more I am thinking about this the more insane I am feeling? because then I remembered that in the stills from 7x5 we know Eddie has his hand on Buck's side from the way the fabric pulls and EDDIE NEVER TOUCHES BUCK LIKE THAT, he usually only does the shoulder grab! which by itself is insane enough
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we know from the 7x4 stills that even though we did not quite see it in the episode because of the use of close-ups, tommy too had his hand on Buck's side during the kiss/in the aftermath of the kiss, THE SAME HAND ON THE SAME SIDE VERY LIKELY IN THE SAME SPOT
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the fact that they have eddie touch him like this specifically after tommy touched him like this, when he normally doesn't do that? making Eddie mirror Tommy's touch? FUCKING INSANITY
OF COURSE it'll blurr in buck's mind for just a second, there really is no way it doesn't, sensory memory is SO INSANELY STRONG, oh I am going fully insane over this
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skyartworkzzz · 3 months
I was looking at your art and I came across the followers and when I saw Nanaty, all I could see is that it looks like that crocodile has one giant armored boob! I can't unsee it and it's so funny to me! XD
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Nanaty is just a thicc lady, she needs that armor to protect everything 😔
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pixelarthropods · 5 months
if you drew some isopods i would literally cry ;w;
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Here's some of cute isopods! Also please don't cry when you see them. XD
This ones usually grow up to 20 mm. Their names are: Dairy Cow, Ember Bee, Thai Spiky, Blister Tricolor, Porcellio Werneri and Rubber Ducky! I hope you guys like it. ^^
Also I just realized Thai Spiky looks like Eevee kinda. Now I can't unsee that lol
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Historically inspired darknut! This drawing was intended to just be a quick little doodle as a bit of a brain reset while working on a fierce deity drawing but it ended up being a lot more complex to render than I expected, even still there's some details I didn't include that I'd like to so I'll likely come back to this one at some point. For the design I wanted to incorporate elements from all iterations of darknuts. Most of the armor is inspired by twilight princess's depiction though I included the cape as a nod to the original legend of zelda as well as the knight's crest from windwaker which I adapted into a 14th century inspired plaque belt! Both the sword and the helmet I went my own route for, the sword being inspired by both the Dacian Falx as well as some of the two handed falchions depicted in the Maciejowskie Bible, overall going for a spiky "bad guy" look (or to @phoenix-arts7 's eye a cheese knife XD, can't unsee that). The helmet is based on a European "frogmouth" jousting helmet which though not being particularly practical for foot combat gives a really cool and intimidating dehumanizing effect that I always felt darknut designs were trying to achieve! Hope y'all enjoy!
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prismaticpichu · 8 months
If Sephiroth lost his mind in a less destructive way and just reverted to the mentality of, say, a 3-5 year old, would Zack take care of him himself in Midgar, spirit him away to the countryside, or take him to a nursing home and visit him a lot? Would Cloud join them?
Either way, I demand Genesis come around to apologize and Sephiroth stick his tongue out at him and go ppbbttthhhh. And maybe eventually hug him, that's negotiable.
What he looks like to Zack:
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What he actually looks like:
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THE GIFS ddgdgdggcc xD
If Sephiroth were to somehow get reverted to a childlike state, I do actually imagine him taking on some animalistic tendencies. Not a feral child or anything--but just tapping in a LOT more to those alien instincts as a kid than as an adult.
Altho it would be... very awkward at first, I do think Zack would take care of him <3 Sephiroth probably wouldn't even recognize him at first, all those books having completely warped his mind into something vulnerable and splintered and instinctive. Zack would have to approach him calmly--like taming a scared, bristled animal. Seph might back away as Zack tries to step forward, eyes wild and frenzied and unseeing. But Zack would keep going, would take it step by step. He would extend his hand and talk in a low, hushing voice. Talk to the friend that he knows is in there.
"C'mon, buddy... you know me. We're pals."
Sephiroth's breath is labored, a book skidding across the floor as he backs away.
“Please, bud... Don't let them turn you into a monster."
It takes time, it takes patience, but eventually Zack makes a break through. He gets close enough to Sephiroth to place a comforting hand on his shoulder--a gesture of affection that Sephiroth displayed to Zack countless times in ShinRa. Sephiroth doesn't speak, can't find the will to make a coherent sound. But Zack understands from the look in his eyes that Sephiroth remembers him--somewhere in the tangled web of confusion and truth and lies. Somewhere within the threads, there's a part of Sephiroth that knows he is safe.
The bond is fractured, of course, and it takes days upon days of care for Sephiroth to fully trust the person that he's with. They bade Nibelheim and ShinRa goodbye as soon as they left the library, stopping at Cloud's house one last time to have a proper goodbye. Needless to say Cloud is... startled by the drastic shift in his commander. Sephiroth is practically hiding behind Zack the whole time, unwilling to step into the house or even the porch. It's a saddening sight--and Cloud is very confused--but Zack assures his friend that Sephiroth is safer if they leave, even if it's in this condition. The boy understands, sharing a hug with Zack. And, promising not to return to Shinra himself, he watches the two depart into the outskirts of Nibelheim.
What proceeds in the following days is essentially how Zack took care of Cloud--except Sephiroth is conscious on most levels. Zack brings him food and water to eat when he can find them, having to urge Sephiroth to have some H2O and actually digest some nutrients. He's a picky eater, but Zack is always ginger, and ultimately nourishes his friend. They spend the days trekking across the continent, Zack making sure to have his sword ready and always keeping an eye out for helicopter-shaped shadows. At night they sleep under trees--unless lightning storms calls for other arrangements. Separated by a few feet at first, Sephiroth insists on sleeping closer and closer to Zack as the days pile on. His back would be pressed to the other's, just to always ensure that his friend is there. That he hasn't left him. Left him like... like the people in his mind that memory couldn't quite reach, but their spirits still loom in his mind. He's afraid of being alone. Of being abandoned. And every night, feeling the way his friend's body tenses, Zack mumbles to him that he's not going anywhere. And he mumbles it as many times as he needs to until he feels those muscles relax.
This arduous routine carries on for weeks--almost months, And while Sephiroth is nowhere near his normal self, bits and shards of his humanity begin to break through the surface again. He doesn't sleep coiled up anymore, but instead on his side; he stands up straighter and eats with far more care. Once, Zack even hears him trying to croak his name--like he's remembering he can speak, trying with strenuous effort to form the syllables and remember which order they go. Tears nearly welled in his eyes when he recognized the vague sound of a "Z..." pushing its way through Sephiroth's teeth. He's coming back to himself, piece by piece. And with each recruited fragment, the hope in Zack's heart burns even brighter. The hope that everything is going to be just fine. That they won't go back to that hellish life. That nothing is going to hurt them.
Until that day.
One afternoon, when the glaring orb of the sun is blazing high in the mountains, it's not the shadow of a helicopter that Zack spots. No. It's something... sharper. More arched. Almost like--
And the feathers begin floating to the ground.
Zack sprints to where Sephiroth is resting--currently eating a piece of meat that he had used his own Firaga to cook. The warrior hardly has time to register why his friend is so frantic before Zack is standing over his body like a shield. And he hardly has time to register that before a red-cladded figure descends before them--Rapier flaunted, eyes glimmering with vulpine intent.
Genesis laughs that he has finally found Sephiroth after all this time--taunts Zack for being his little guard dog. But what Genesis can't see behind guard dog!Zack is the way Sephiroth is reacting. The way the man is bristling as he listens to his voice, the way his muscles are tethering into knots and the embers purring in his eyes--ready to be ignited. Something inside of him is being stirred; something visceral, something raw. A flash of something that extends beyond his earliest memories of the library--beyond the books and shelves and sickening splatters of words. Something that transcends all of that. Something that catalyzed it. Something that he remembers.
And he hisses.
The conversation--argument--that Genesis and Zack are having is cut short, severed mid-sentence. Genesis initially thinks it's a monster--some piercing sound made by some animal in their proximity. But it's not. Of course it's not. And as Zack sees the look in his eyes, the confusion--all those horrifying feelings he felt when he first found Seph in the Nibel library--he decides to show Genesis the full consequences of his actions.
Visage stern, Zack steps aside, and reveals the hunched, dehumanized Sephiroth behind him. Seph's eyes are blazing--more wild than they hd been in month; his lips are pulled back in a vicious snarl; his muscles are tauter than rope, almost ready to snap at the faintest quiver of his limbs. He looks insane, rabid. Dangerous. Monstrous.
And Genesis is horrified.
He tries asking what the Hell happened to him, tries to get through. But he can't. There's no response--which is somehow the loudest answer he could have been given. Zack takes the reins then and explains exactly what happened--how he found Sephiroth in this state in the Nibel library, all after what happened in the Reactor. After what he learned; after what he was brutally told. Genesis can't speak, is unable to grasp onto any semblance of coherence. He can only take step after step back, staring at his friend--gaping, the glimmer in his eyes extinguished--unable to tear his gaze away from the sight of his old friend.
Of his old friend...
Of his old friend...
His old friend....
The first words he sputters are messy, broken. Pained. They're laden with something--heavy with some ghostly form of regret and sorrow. They're words that are sunken deep, poisonous and dry in his throat. But he gets them out anyway. He needs to. He needs to, because they are eating his voice away.
"This.. this isn't what I wanted..."
But it's what he got. It's what he did. The words are no more healing outside his lips than they were inside his body. He continues to stand there, staring at his shattered friend, feeling so incredibly caged amid the endless swaths of stone and mountain surrounding them. He drops his sword, lets the echo ripple and rattle. He wants to clutch his chest; he wants to fall to his knees. He wants to say something that matters.
He... he wants to...
"Can... can he hear me?"
Zack, recognizing the genuine swarm of emotions consuming the auburn, lets his visage soften. His eyes lose a lot of their malice, his heart slackens from its vengeful grip. And he responds to the question honestly.
"I don't know, really... but I think so."
It's all Genesis needs to hear. With a lump of iron in his throat, he begins to cautiously approach the snarling Sephiroth--step by step, inch by inch, like he was barefoot and walking on a sheet of flaming coals.
"Sephiroth... it's not true, okay? I was wrong. Do you hear me...? I was wrong."
Sephiroth doesn't take his eyes off of him.
"Don't listen to what I said... please. I was angry... so angry. And i just wanted your help. And... and I didn't know what to do when I couldn't get it."
A flicker, distant and almost imperceptible. A glimpse of something. A response.
'You're not... okay? Please, just listen to me. You're not one. Okay? Okay..?! Do you hear me?!"
Sephiroth closes his mouth, loosening... listening. Watching as the red-cladded figure grows closer and closer. Closer and closer. Zack doesn't intervene, doesn't say a word. He recognizes the shift, can feel it in the air--the faint shadow of a smile falling onto his lips as Genesis continues to approach him.
"Please... you're not.. you're not a monster, Sephiroth. Don't do this. Please. I'm..."
A deep, broken breath rattles through the air. A swallow. A choke. And the unmistakable shimmer of a teardrop.
"I'm sorry, my friend. I'm... I'm so sorry... for everything"
He is practically standing in front of Sephiroth now, legs shaking. Weak. The air had grown significantly thicker, a dense and heavy pressure weighing on all three's shoulders. Sephiroth has gone completely silent--his mouth closed, his muscles untethered, the embers controlled and purring. He stares at the red-cladded man for a long stretch of time, not saying a word. Almost like he's thinking. Considering.
Until. suddenly, faster than the speed of a bullet, the man pounces.
"Seph, DON'T!--
But he hadn't pounced to attack; he hadn't pounced to kill.
Instead, the man had lunged forward, and wrapped his arms around the winged SOLDIER.
"...F... forgive."
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airasora · 8 months
My friend just pointed out to me that Astarion and Angel Dust have a lot of things in common both personality-wise, story-wise and character arc-wise and I am MAD that I can't unsee it xD
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Things I LOVED from NATLA Episode 5 - Spirited Away
Katara creating a water version of the earth disks!
Small moment, but Sokka and Aang don't jump until Katara is there and grabs their hands to lead them off in the jump onto Appa
Love that Momo's the one who picks up the acorn to give to Katara - he's so cute!
Katara calling on Gran Gran's teachings <3
"Seeds for the future, not past mistakes" - bringing back up the themes around needing to let go of past guilt so you can step into the future
Big brother Sokka 😭😭😭😭
Zuko is such a sassy dick to Lt. Jee XD but like, kinda deserved atm as a girl with ice is kinda, really, something that should raise some flags.
But damn, Jee's face - it makes the next episode all the more satisfying
"Water the most promising seed" ooooohhhhh
"Not self-serving flattery and coy whipers" oooohhh BBUUUURRRNNNNNN
Though it burns all the more as we know that children want the approval of their mentors/parents and it's unlikely Azula has ever gotten that organically, so she feels the need to prompt it.
tHiN pLaCeS????? Sorry, Bruce from Dungeons of Drakkenheim has just primed me to fear that phrase and what it will bring.
Jumpscare where I really thought Sokka had just been yoinked into the Spirit World by that tree branch XD
Aang and Sokka bickering because Sokka can't stop talking and Aang is trying to concentrate - love the group dynamic here
Sokka's little "sshhhhhhh" in the back
Katara practicing her forms!!!
Blue Aang!!
Sokka being absolutely not here for a Spirit World journey and Katara quickly accepting it and just enjoying the ride
"When have I ever caused trouble?" 🙄 "When indeed." 😐
The most AWKWARD and NOT SLICK questioning by Zuko 😩 failing to smoothly slide the money pouch over the counter, just…he's SOOO BAD at being 'nonchalant'! He wants to just scream at you and demand you obey his orders, damn it!!!
Just Dallas' whole performance here - so fucking funny
Pirate mention! Canyon guide!! Stopped the volcano from erupting!!!
All those side quests get nice little mentions <3
Iroh's little run as he chases after Zuko throwing his tantrum 😭
Omg perfect. So perfect. Perfection. Gorgeously perfect. Did I mention perfect?
Zuko and Iroh's little slap fight XD
June noticing Iroh is cute 🙌
And Zuko's disgust at that 😂
Love Aang always mentioning Gyatzo and all he taught Aang - and Katara really wanting to soak in the knowledge
I like that they brought the entire Gaang into the spirit world here so we could have a natural in-road to deep character work
Nice birdie!!!!
Also great touch with only Aang being able to understand him here, humans just can't
Pretty eye shot!!
Azula's blue fire!!!!!
Really like the choice to let us see her progression to the blue flame - more character development is always a good thing in my book
"Everyone knows you're perfect" "That's not good enough" - smash cut to Zuko
SOOOOO GOOOODDD - seeding her fear that if she doesn't prove herself adequately, her father will treat her like he did Zuko
Showing not telling, people! This is what that means!!!
Zuzu!! Being disgusted - love it
Love Iroh trying to seed his lessons in with pai sho anecdotes
I'm sorry, this scene is hilarious and I cannot unsee it being Iroh trying to prep Zuko for the news that he and June are a thing XD "I know it's unexpected, and she's much younger, but open up your mind to new ideas! There's much you (I) can learn from a dommy mommy."
Again, reinforcing that Zuko has a strong sense of right and wrong - right now, that's leading him down the path of following the Fire Nation's rules, but that very same integrity will be what makes him change sides
Ugh, Iroh's lessons wrapped in pai sho terminology are soooo gooooddd
Creeeeeepy spirit world!!
Who's a cutie patootie panda bear?? YOU ARE!!!!
Oh no, Sokka!!! He went flying.
Suspicious 3-tailed fox!
Her talk about pain right here is so poignant not only for this storyline, but the future one with the ocean spirit
"Do you always make jokes when you don't want to talk about something?" - cutting right to the heart of a lot of Sokka's humor as a coping mechanism
Just… everything with Katara's spirit vision
Her getting to see her mom again and hug her, the women joking around about braiding and Kya encouraging Katara with her waterbending
The absolute gut-wrenching horror as Katara knows what's about to happen, the viewer knows what's about to happen, but the helplessness you feel as you have to watch it play out
Katara trying to save her mom but not being strong enough - it's so well done and we see why the trauma is so very deep when it comes to her and waterbending
Omg Koh's introduction was sooooo terrifying
The sounds, the way he senses despair - it's everything I love about the spirit world
Hakoda!!! DX
I like how we're getting to see that Sokka's feelings of inadequacy as a leader and warrior aren't unfounded - he DID struggle, it didn’t come naturally
I don't blame Hakoda in this moment - he knows the war is coming and he's going to have to leave Sokka in charge - he knows it's not fair - he knows it's an impossible situation, and he's desperately trying to exert some control over the uncontrollable
It makes sense that he'd want Sokka to be magically perfect, that way he could feel marginally better about abandoning him and the village - it's not like he has a choice to stay, everyone is in impossible situations and wishing your kid could be the perfect leader when you know it's going to be forced on them anyways is totally rational
Love that Aang immediately clocks the vision as not real
Despite wanting nothing more than to go see his home and people again, he's a master of the spiritual side of his nature - he knows how to rein it in.
It hurts all the more when we get to Gyatzo and there's the initial distrust - completely founded
Koh's lair!!!
Creepy centipede boiii
Love their chat and I like to think that Aang's past lives subtly let him know not to show emotions with Koh
The whole situation around Koh's face that opens and closes - thanks, I hate it.
It's well done. And I hate it. Please get it away from me. I do not like. Please, kill it with fire. Thank you.
But Gyatzo!!! He waited for Aang for 100 years!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna say it again - everything with Gyatzo is pure gold. I'm so glad they expanded more with him being Aang's first mentor, even after his death
Gyatzo trying to relieve Aang of his guilt over not being there for the fire nation attack ): It's something Aang really needed to hear and I'm glad it was someone who was present who told him that, not someone just trying to make him not feel as sad.
Aang leaving Appa and Momo in charge of watching over Katara and Sokka!!! So sweet
Gyatzo's monologue is great - how sometimes it feels like we'll always be alone, the only thing keeping you company is your own pain
It ties into every single character of the series and it's such a great through line - they're all suffering in different ways. They NEED people (even Azula) 
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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gemsofgreece · 2 months
I have said so many times that I love the National Basketball team but I REALLY love it which means I also love the young national teams. Therefore, congrats to the Young Men's team (U20) for getting the bronze for the second time in a row in Eurobasket.
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Congratulations also to Vaggelis Zougris for making it to the All Star 5 a second time in a row, despite starting playing basketball relatively late for current standards, he's in the game 4-5 years at most.
And... I just can't not say it, Zougris looks (and acts) like the archetype of "60s Greek young lad"TM and I can not unsee it xd
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pamsimmerstories · 9 months
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yes, @gunthermunch made it canon that lucas and max is a thing and i can't unsee it XD
[mila]: wolf… i think i can get you a job where i work. what do you think? wolfgang: no offense mom, but no thanks. i don’t wanna work on a kitchen or whatever. [mila]: but i don’t like what you’re doing right now, wolfgang. you deserve better. aurora and your children deserves better. what your father would think about this? wolfgang: he can’t think right now, mila. he’s dead. [lucas]: so, you and max have a band now? wolfgang: what’s about you and max huh? [lucas]: he’s my friend, wolf. you know that. wolfgang: just friends, huh? [lucas]: yeah… i don’t know what you mean with those questions
[wolfgang]: nothing [lucas]: good then
[wolfgang]: yeah
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
I don't know if it's just me, but...
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Hugo in this pic looks like Emile from Ratatouille XD
Now, you can't unsee it.
"Now take a bite of thi..."
[Hugo snarfs the cheese]
"No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!"
Hugo: Too late.
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hurthermore · 5 months
Sending this anonymously because I'm kinda embarrassed. But for a long time when I was newly binging your stuff I thought your user name was hurther-more, like an intentional mispelling of further more. I can't really unsee it, so I just say the wrong name of your blog now.
Anyways I think your work is really cool.
xD i have another person point this out haha!! oh well!<3
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abyssforphantoms · 3 months
I know it can be kinda rude to make comparisons (and i kept quiet about this for a long time... more than 2 years)
BUT THEN THAT FREAKING 2 EMBERS THING HAPPENED. And I cannot keep this to myself anymore...
Resh (Eden Elder) be shaped like Elf King (from Amulet) XD
Resh (from that trailer thing)
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Elf king
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I just can't unsee it ;-;
Granted I been an Amulet fan for about 14 years... ( basically grew up reading those comics), so maybe seeing something that isn't there, or both may have a few similar inspirations, or a coincidence.
Also not accusing TGC of anything!!! but they kinda do have a habit of wearing their inspirations on their sleeves and if Amulet influenced them...
ngl that would make me really happy. :D
But wait, there's more... except it goes into some amulet spoilers, so continue at your own peril
So Elf King is Ikol - a ghostly mf entity thing that is connected to crystals who is the main antagonist of Amulet's story...
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Also, including images of Emily's (and one image of max's) Amulet
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But yeah that symbol reminds me of the season of prophecy symbol.
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Granted, it is a simple star shape sooo.... like idk
However, I do remember seeing an image that was "supposedly" was a leaked model of Resh on the official sky discord but can not find it again (tbf idk if it's even real), but if u know what I'm talking about... doesn't that look similar to Ikol a little???? Just saying.
There are also a lot more things I could bring up between both Sky and Amulet that remind me of each other, but it was mainly the Resh/Elf King thing that was a worm in my brain...
Also I don't really feel like that would be best thing for me to do because, at the end of the day, I like both Sky and Amulet for their own merits, and while they may have similar themes, they still go in very different directions.
Granted, if someone wants to continue that conversation... I would be interested.
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