#i hope this is what you were getting at. sorry if it's not. i was't sure about that last bit in particular.
scoobydoodean · 28 days
I just perused your tags about Dean’s narrative heart, and Sam’s motivations, and I’ve been full of thinky thoughts. There’s nothing to really disagree with in your premise, but I am trying to piece that together with something external to the story.
I knew before I watched the first episode that Sam was The Chosen One, but I didn’t really start watching until s12, and had some catching up to do. So I’m trying to wrap my head around making your Chosen One act so… morally grey. It’s a risky move, but I feel like if Kripke’s story had enough to keep us all so fascinated more than a decade after his personal involvement, maybe there’s a deeper reason Sam seems so young.
Maybe that’s just it, though. Whatever we think we know about his childhood, and Dean’s parentification, Sam is only 22. He’s not sheltered, but he is still maturing.I’m showing my creaky bones here, but to me, Sam behaves consistently with his age group. BUT he’s deliberately not presented against a backdrop of college kids, and Dean leaning into the macho party boy in the first few years sort of deflects from that, like sleight of hand.
And so Sam sliding from the Chosen One straight into addictive behaviours does make a strange kind of sense, because there’s part of the wound the addiction is patching up.
I’m sorry for rambling into your inbox, but I’m pretty interested in your thoughts on this.
I think maybe it helps to know that one of Kripke's influences was Star Wars and to consider this through that lens. Dean was partly based on Han Solo, and Sam was partly based on Luke Skywalker. Luke matures over the course of the original Star Wars trilogy, but he had some growing to do between episode IV and episode VI (and the fact that he has matured is something the characters specifically make note of in the jump from "The Empire Strikes Back" to "Return of the Jedi".
I also think it's reasonable to think Kripke decided to take Sam in a sort of hybrid Luke/Anakin direction after he completed the pilot (Star Wars Episode III where Anakin turns to the dark side came out in May of 2005, and Supernatural began airing that Fall). Playing out the Chosen One trope with Sam, in a Star Wars context means that him going grey and then dark is exactly what you want, because that's exactly what happens with Star Wars' Chosen One, Anakin. When we consider that the only people actually calling Sam The Chosen One in Supernatural are demons... well. Sam, the "chosen one", is actually destined to be used by the dark side (demons). He just doesn't know that in season 4 (or doesn't believe it).
In Star Wars, anger and hatred are considered primary tools of The Dark Side. Anger and hatred are big motivating factors for Sam in season 3 (where he really starts to turn morally grey) and 4, and season 5 is in some sense supposed to be about Sam maturing and learning to let go of some of his anger because it's something Lucifer (The Dark Side) can use (5.10, 5.11, 5.20). I'm not a big fan of anger being treated as "the bad emotion", but it is a big deal in Star Wars, and it helps make sense of what it means for Sam to have a chosen one storyline over the first 5 seasons.
Within that whole framework, there's also definitely a lot about growing up and becoming more mature (like Luke Skywalker did) and the tension of whether the protagonist will be consumed—essentially—by the ghost of his father (just like Vader initially tried to lead Luke to the dark side).
There's an intersection somewhere in this ask with "being the main character" I think? But I don't actually consider Sam to be the sole lead of Supernatural. From a story perspective, that simply hasn't ever been true whether Kripke intended it or not (and I don't even think he did. I think Sam functions as the sole lead in the pilot episode just like Hughie functions as the sole lead in the pilot for The Boys as a relatable vehicle for the audience to be introduced to the world. After that, we get Butcher and Homelander and everyone else and realize it's an ensemble show). Beyond the pilot, there is simply nothing that materially or narratively distinguishes Sam as a sole lead beyond Jared's name being first on the call sheet. He doesn't get more screen time than Dean (Dean gets more in almost every season and there are several episodes Sam is barely in), Sam doesn't get more dialogue than Dean, the found family does not center around Sam (it centers around his brother). He isn't even centered as the most competent fighter in action sequences. I don't say that to suggest Sam isn't a lead, but that seasons 1-5 are about Sam and Dean, and both are leads, which means Sam can be morally grey and even unlikeable at times (and so can Dean) as long as the brothers contrast/oppose one another in those circumstances so the audience doesn't become totally alienated. If Sam was actually the sole lead in any material way, they wouldn't have had the space to explore Sam's "dark side" this deeply, I think. At least not without entirely reframing what kind of story Supernatural is/what it's about.
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Lucifer, Belphie, Levi NSFW - The Kinks They Discovered With You/Because of You
Hello there, sweets! Happy Halloween!! 🎃
And thank you for deciding to follow this blog lol. I'm honestly kind of surprised with the engagement lol.
This is a bit late but the day has been busy haha. I hope you like my first released NSFW for this blog... And since it's Halloween, I'm not holding back on kinks~~ Sorry, if it's not up to your standards, I am very tired. 🙈
Lucifer - Cockwarming
Well, he was surprised with this because… To put it simply, he never liked mixing pleasure and work. Before you, he would always get annoyed with someone as much as trying to hit on him in a professional setting. But you… You were different. You were there for him, you supported him, and he trusted you. He knew you wouldn't let him fail, and wouldn't get in the way of responsibilities, even if he sometimes wanted you to. Would stay all night doing his work for him, if he felt overwhelmed.
It was your idea. You thought it would be relaxing. Truth be told, he didn't exactly buy it. But he would indulge you, just this once if not again and again if needed.
He would get distracted at first, feeling your warm tight hole around his cock. If he had will any weaker, he would give it up right then and there.
But he had self-control.
He leaned into it, scratching line after line into the paper.
And after a while, he discovered… It really was relaxing in a way. Your presence often had that effect on him but this… Closeness, and intimacy, even when he was otherwise distracted. Somehow… He felt completely calm.
He would lean back in his chair sometimes, push his hips further into your willing mouth, and run his gloved fingers gently through your hair.
It felt good. In a way that was different than sex, or cuddling.
Something in between.
"What a good little pet." He would whisper, unwilling to break the sleepy trance you seemed to find yourself in. "You really knew me better than myself there. Good job."
Belphegor - Dacryphilia
Oh boy. He has a complicated relationship with this one. Here's the thing he always knew about himself - he liked to be somewhere on the "mean in bed" spectrum. He perhaps had more appreciation for tears than he ought to have before. But. You were and remain to be different.
It started for him when he was still stuck in the attic, after meeting you. He would fantasize about his brother's reaction a lot at the time. And your reaction, inadvertently, as well. He imagined how satisfying and thrilling it would be to see the look of betrayal and surprise on your face. And then he started seeing you more and more. It was only natural you appeared in his mind more and more. He wanted to see you crumpled on the floor, looking up at him with pleading eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks. He wanted to tangle his hands in your hair, bring you to his level, and lick them off your face.
Except not really. That would have been gross. You were a human, he would never do anything so dirty.
He wanted, for a second, to be your God and then crush you under his heel.
It was't sexual. Really, it wasn't! So what if he woke up with an aching dick a few times after those dreams. He was just… Excited. It happened. No way he would think of a human in this way. Gross, downright disgusting.
Later though… After his plan had been realized, he found out he was an idiot for punishing you in this way, for something that was never your fault.
Well, it… Still wasn't sexual. Now your tears would make his stomach throb, and he only wanted to wipe them away. Tear apart the person that caused them. They lost their appeal after he was the cause behind them one time too many.
Or so he had thought.
He did not expect the fantasy to come back. He did not expect that him teasing you, looking up at him with a pouting flushed face, tears in your eyes, would make him feel like he was on the highest point of a rollercoaster again.
Truth be told, he felt guilty. Probably not as guilty as he ought to be though (because… He didn't need to crush you, not in the same way. You could be safe, and his, and not really suffer and break for them to flow. And hell, if that happened, he was there to protect you now. You didn't need to bear them alone now.) because he kind of… Indulged.
He would tease you, even if he knew some things would make you terribly shy. Playfully deny you when you wanted to touch him, or just play with his things. Stop at the last moment, when he knew you were just so close to cumming. Overstimulate you on purpose, when he knew you already did.
"So cute." He would breathe against your face, his cheeks flushed and eyes bright, your face caught between his soft and warm hands. "I can never get enough of it. Cry for me, just a bit more…"
Leviathan - Public+Voyuerism? Being a perv lol
Throughout his years on the planet (and various released hentai), Leviathan had a lot of sexual fantasies. Honestly, there wasn't a lot he couldn't find conceptually hot in one way or another… Well, this was it.
It was just… So embarrassing. The mere idea that he could be found out in any way was so utterly mortifying, that he sometimes had trouble with it, even within the context of his own fantasy. Let alone actually trying. He would always find himself embarrassed of PDA, screeching when something had even the tiniest potential of turning him on, turning away from revealing clothes, terrified of being called a pervert…
In retrospect, maybe that's why after all this, he found public to be such a turn-on in reality.
All the repression… Seeing you wear shorter and shorter skirts, lower necklines, coyly flashing him when you noticed him staring, pretending like you didn't notice but not only accepting his perverted gaze but revelling in it… He was never so turned on in his entire life.
The idea that you would see him as this dirty otaku pervert, see him like this and like it… He couldn't get enough of it.
He got a bit brave after a while. Not only staring but subtly brushing his chest against your back, smelling your hair, rubbing his bulge against your ass or thighs just for a moment in the school halls, before he would seriously die on the spot… Pretending like all this was just some freaky accident.
Slowly trailing his finger higher and higher on your leg while waiting in line, beyond titillated with the way your skirt hiked up, and you just stood there, red-faced, and took it.
He once couldn't take it anymore, couldn't stand the thought of getting found out that riled up, and took you to the public bathroom. He covered your face with his large palm, and thrust between your thighs, with your panties lowered just beneath your ass, slowly getting wet with both of your arousal.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" He would frantically chant in your ear, barely louder than a whisper. "Just for a little longer… Just let me for a little longer…"
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Rick Grimes' Girl
Rick Grimes x female!reader
Warnings: season 5 Rick, kiss, cursing, Judith crying, Aaron looks at the reader for a second too long for Rick's liking, everything Rick does is hot
kinda short but I rushed because I have too any ideas for this. Kinda bad too. Sorry
Summary: When meeting a stranger in the woods, the group seeks out the stranger's cars. Leaving you and Rick with the stranger in the barn with Judith.
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The rain had cleared up. Maggie and Sasha came back with a man. A man we did not know if he was bad or if he was good. We knew nothing about him. Rick was talking to the man, at least he was before he punched the man. You were holding Judith, since taking him from Carl's arms, and watched the toned man's back flex after the punch.
Michonne wanted to check out the man's words but Rick did not trust them. He was not going to put his kids and the group at risk over something a man said. Eventually Rick caved to her words and gave them an hour to get back.
"You have 43 minutes," Rick said to the man who claims to be named Aaron.
Judith started crying while Rick tried and struggled to crush acorns in a bowl with the handle of his gun. You walked up to him and removed the crying Judith from his arms.
"Let me take care of her," You offer, bouncing the baby in your arms.
Rick looked at you with love and adoration which was not all that rare when he looked at you. With everything he had seen and done, you could barely believe that he was still able to look at someone with that stare.
"Did you see the apple sause in my pack?" Aaron spoke.
Rick then went on a crazy spree, not trusting the sause for his daughter. He forced the man to eat a spoonful to prove that it was not poisoned or anything that could harm Judith and then licked the remaining bit off the spoon. Now was not the time to fantasize about his tongue sticking out for just a second to lick the spoon.
You fed Judith and flattened her growing hair. Rick kept glancing at his watch, waiting for the group Glenn took out. He just itched to be proven right by the man that was bound on the ground of the barn. Yes, there was a small part of him that hoped there was actually a camp or community or whatever the hell Aaron had said but he just did not trust the man. Something in his gut was telling him not to trust the man who claimed that he could help the group and give them a home. He just did not want to risk it.
Aaron looked worried when the group still was not back after about 35 minutes. He looked at you while you cooed the baby to sleep and he smiled. He looked at how Judith fit right in your arms and how much you may be the mother.
"Is she yours?"
"No, I wish but no she isn't."
"She kinda looks like you."
"Shut you fucking mouth," Rick said. He did not want you to be talking to the stranger. He did not want the memory of Lori coming back to mind. Even after so long, she still haunts him in his sleep. But not when you can help it. You knew that he loved his wife and you knew that she would always have a place in his mind. She was the mother of Carl and Judith. Even if Judith wasn't Rick's, he still loved her as if she was. And in a way, she was his. She was everything to the former cop.
The group made it back with the news that Aaron was telling the truth about the cars, at least. Rick was listening to Michonne and Glenn speak while you moved to a haystack to sit on. Aaron looked over at you for a minute, hoping you could talk to the stubborn cop who threatened to stab him in the skull.
Daryl noticed and leaned down to Aaron's ear.
"I would stop staring."
"I was't staring."
"Listen, tha' girl is with the man in charg'. That's Rick Grimes' girl and ain't no body gonna touch her'. So if I was ya, I would stop lookin'."
Aaron looked at you and then the archer beside him. Daryl was giving him the look as if to say, "Go ahead and see what happens". Aaron simply bows his head and then glances up when Judith started to cry softly.
"Tell me where the camp is," Rick demanded.
Rick argued with the tied up man and he kept noticing that Aaron looked at you for help. But Rick did not think this quickly. No, no, he thought that Aaron was sizing you. Looking at you for too long and he was tired of it.
"She.is.mine." He gritted out and strutted over to your area.
Rick grabbed your head and pulled you into a kiss. His lips moved against yours and you started to get dizzy from how good it felt. Rick pulled away all too soon and you leaned to get another kiss from his soft lips. He chuckled and turned to Aaron.
"Stop looking at my girl and tell me where the camp is."
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anxiousstark · 1 year
Hey! Read you are taking requests for king!eddie. Super happy about that. Was wondering if you could write about Eddie seeing his Queen play with children, maybe they visit a orphanage, and wanting to give her that joy in her life. But talking about it with her, Eddie confesses how he doesn't think he will be a good father, since his father was't either, and his Queen reassuring him. It could end with smut, but I leave that up to you 🙏❤️
Love The Way You Do | EDDIE MUNSON First and foremost, I am sorry for not updating this sooner. Unfortunately, life happens lol, and to be honest, I had written at least 1K words before deciding it wasn't good enough and deleted it in order to write something else. I hope you cherish it and that it meets your expectations. I truly loved this idea.
Bastard King! Eddie x Queen!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, breeding, pregnancy, unprotected sex, child abuse, and violence. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, does not allow any type of copy or adaption.
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"You are incredibly talented." Eddie's soft fingertips glided across worn and tattered pages, his attention drawn to the wonderful artwork that appeared to be highly realistic. "This is seriously incredible, Tristan." His gaze was reluctant to divert away from the exquisite paintings, but his words were honest, and he wanted the teenager to grasp his true feelings. 
Tristan, who sat next to Eddie, grinned, his cheeks flushing as he bowed his head, hands between his legs, an act of shyness. "When I get out of here, I want to be a painter." He was about to turn eighteen, which meant he'd be allowed to leave the orphanage. Eddie, on the other hand, made certain that if someone needed to remain for a longer period of time, they could. "If I can." He sighed, looking down at his most prized notepad, which was on Eddie's knees. 
"Are you unsure whether or not you want to be a painter?" Eddie creased his brows. 
Tristan's head was instantly shaken. "I'm pretty sure I want to be a painter. It's my passion." The glint in his eyes vanished with his next words. "But I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to be one."
Eddie nodded his head, visibly pondering. "Well," His fingertips glided over the sketch of what appeared to be Aurora, one of the orphanage's girls. One that Tristan appeared to paint a lot, giving Eddie the impression that he liked her. "It won't be easy." He winced at the sound of his own words. He didn't want to lie to him or imply that life was simple. "However, I believe that if you dream big and work big, you will be big." Tristan didn't appear completely convinced, but he agreed, feeling a little more optimistic about his future.
"I will work tirelessly."
Eddie smiled at him, returning his gaze to the sketches sitting on his knees, and his fingers proceeded to trawl through the works he hadn't had time to look at. "This." His breath became trapped in his chest. 
"The queen," Tristan responded sheepishly.
"I know," he chuckled, his fingers longing to caress her face but not wanting to ruin the sketch. "Even in the darkest of rooms, I'd recognise her." His heart burned, and sensations of love tingled every part of his body. 
The artwork depicted her gorgeous grin as she waved through the carriage window on the day he revealed her as their future queen. He flushed as he recalled what had transpired between them minutes earlier. 
"It was the very first time we saw her." Eddie nodded without looking away. "She appeared kind, and I couldn't help but draw her." He waited for a few seconds, watching King Eddie's expression as he stared at a simple sketch of her. "She is kind." Both looked up as soon as those words were pronounced.
Eddie sighed, his gaze wandering over his wife's form. Her grin was wider than the one in Trsitan's sketch, and she had no worry in the world as she kneeled on the ground, surrounded by some of the orphanage's young children, who gazed at her with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks. 
As she kneeled on the ground, his queen, but more importantly, his wife, was unconcerned about her new gorgeous gown. She had spent hours playing with the kids, while he had paid more attention to the older ones, who understood their predicament best. 
He chuckled. She had been anxious about meeting them, considering Eddie was heavily involved with the orphanage.
Eddie's initial move after assuming the throne was to visit the orphanage in his kingdom. He had discovered deplorable working conditions and treatment, and he had fired those who did not deserve to work with the younger generation, instead employing those who had proven to be pleasant souls. Then he used a portion of his nation's financial system to rebuild and expand the orphanage. He additionally made certain that the youngsters had all they needed. As a result, you were concerned about not being accepted by the children since you knew they adored Eddie, who interacted with them as if he were a child and spoke to them as if they were grownups.
Nonetheless, your husband had no doubts that you would be adored by all of the children, from the youngest to the eldest.
You'd played 'Save the Queen' with them, then 'tea time,' pretending to drink nothing and eat sand. The kids adored the fact that you played in the same fashion as they did. 
They sat on the ground around you now, listening to you read them a story. Some leaned against you, asleep, while others paid intent attention with eager eyes and thumbs inserted in their mouths as they sucked on them. 
Eddie's heart quivered as he saw your right hand clutching the book and your left hand cradling a toddler against you.
"Will you..." Tristan paused. "Would you like to have children, my King?"
Those words were so innocent, but so frightening for Eddie as the image of an individual he had buried deep inside himself flared in his mind. Did he desire children? The true question was not whether he wanted children or not, but whether he should have children. "I think I understand." Tristan kept on speaking, given that Eddie hadn't replied. "If I ever marry and have children." His glance travelled in the direction of Aurora, confirming Eddie's previous thoughts. "I'd be afraid of becoming like my father."
Tristan was one of the children who had lived with his father before being abandoned. 
Eddie was well aware that the man in question had carried out atrocities, and that the youngster seated next to him had endured the emotional and physical effects of having a violent father. Eddie couldn't help but tighten his fists whenever he identified his anxieties or the evident limp in his gait.
"Did your dad know how to paint?" Eddie inquired at random. Tristan raised his brows for a split second, perplexed by the shift in subject, but swiftly shook his head. "If you were different in that aspect, why wouldn't you be different in that one?" He took a peek at him. 
"If you're such an outstanding king, why wouldn't you be a wonderful father?"
Eddie was now bewildered since Tristan had used the same logic he had used on him. "Tristan." When he overheard his name, the boy gave a nod. "When will you be 18?"
"Next month."
"Perhaps you'd like to be the royal painter of the palace?" His mouth was gaping as he gazed at Eddie with wide green eyes. "You would be the one doing every portrait for the royal family, and you will be offered a very good place to live with your..." He cast a peek toward Aurora before returning his gaze to Tristan. "Your future family. You'll get compensated, of course, and I'll do all I can to get you professionally taught so you can learn more." Tristan nodded his head rapidly. "Great." Eddie grinned, snatching a pen from Tristan's fingers and writing a directive on a blank piece of paper. "As soon as you reach the age of 18, write a letter to Dustin. He is one of my devoted peers, and he will notify me that you have written to him." He returned the drawings and the paper. "I will send a carriage for you as soon as I receive such a letter." He smiled as his hand rested on the kid's back.
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Eddie had been fairly quiet on the trip home, and he remained mute even while you recalled your greatest highlights of the day. His gaze looked lost, and he appeared to be deep in contemplation as he changed his clothing, slowly undressing, eager for the day to end the moment he went under the sheets of your shared bed. 
"Eddie?" He hummed. His back was against the bed's headboard, and his arms were draped over the sheet that covered his naked chest. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Hmm?" His gaze shifted to his side when he noticed you donning one of your nightgowns and grabbing a corner of the sheet to get into bed. "Did you say something, sweetheart?"
Eddie would often turn on his side and gaze at you as soon as you climbed into bed, but he didn't this time. "Eddie." Your voice was barely audible, accompanied by a grimace. "What thoughts are you lost in?" 
His gaze met yours for the first time in hours. He didn't look at you. He saw you. 
"Today," he said as he took a big breath. As he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his hands flew to his head, fingers digging holes into his temples. "You looked breathtaking with the kids today." When he finally looked your way, he noticed your perplexed countenance. "You were filled with joy, and you seemed so natural holding that little girl." His face lit up with a smile. "They loved you, and you loved them."
"Is that...bad?" 
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. "No, not at all." His right hand brushed your cheek. "It made my heart ache peculiarly, and I found myself wanting to have children with you." You found yourself crying as you grinned at his remarks. "I want little yous and little mes running around this palace giggling, but..."
"But what?"
A quivering sigh exited his body, sending shivers down your spine. "I have no idea what a good father is supposed to be like, and I don't want to bring children into this world if their worst enemy is the person who should always have their back."
"My love." You sat down, acknowledging his concerns and allowing him to place his head against your chest and tummy. "You are not going to be like your father." You could feel his chest heave as he inhaled deeply to speak, but you didn't allow him. "I have proof that you will be a fantastic dad." Your fingers were entwined with his locks. "The way in which you treat Dustin and the others? How you are so involved with the children at the orphanage, and how much you care about everyone?" As you spoke about him, his head tilted upward, attempting to gaze at you. "You played with the kids, talked to the older ones, and played with them too." The pride in your voice as you mentioned him. "You looked very handsome and caring while feeding Lily." Your eyes sparkled. Lily, a one-year-old, appeared to be entirely in love with Eddie, her eyes shining as she only relaxed in his arms. "You were fantastic with them, Eddie. And, while I didn't know your father personally, I know he didn't love the way you do. He didn't have a single ounce of affection in him. However, you," Your hands gripped both of his cheeks, forcing him to stare at you. "King Edward Munson, you are all love."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"Do you want to have children with me? Children we will absolutely love and protect?" You nodded, your eyes welling up. "Fuck." As he rose from your breasts and abdomen, he drew a big breath and blinked swiftly. "Are you sure you're serious?"
"I wouldn't say yes if I wasn't serious, Eddie." He nodded, his gaze shifting from yours to your lips. "Children come with a lot of responsibility."
Eddie's eyes darkened as he sat on the bed, his stare fixed on you. Your brow wrinkled, perplexed by his solemn gaze. As his hands held your legs, you fell fully on your back, your head resting against the mattress rather than the pillow. "Eddie? What?" You were stunned by his behaviour and had your eyes wide open. His curls vanished beneath your nightgown and between your legs. As his warm breath stroked your sensitive skin, his fingertips rubbed on the flesh of your thighs. "What exactly are you doing?" A chill ran through your body, and an unsteady breath became trapped in your chest. He did not respond to your query, though, as he planted a light kiss on the center of your core. "Eddie." A cry emerged from between your lips, and the heat threatened to overpower you as you pushed up your nightgown, wanting, yearning to see the magnificent sight of him between your legs. Yet another kiss. This one was longer and filthier as he sniffed your mound with his nose.
"I really want you." He grumbled, his big eyes fixed on you. "I need you." His fingers tightened around the band of your underwear, and he truly needed you since he ripped it instead of pulling it down. "I want you to be stuffed full of my cum." Your entire body began to tremble, and you became flushed as a result of your body's reaction to him, whether it was his words, a touch, or merely a look. "And I want your tummy with my baby inside it." Your teeth bit down on your lower lip, followed by a gasp. "I can't even stand it. I'm sorry, but I can't worship your body for hours like I normally do." A squeeze on the inside of your thighs. 
"I can't because coming in my pants without even being touched by your hands would embarrass me." Your fingers discovered their favourite hiding place: entwined between his curls. "So I'm just going to be inside you until we both fall apart, and then I'm going to fall asleep while softly sucking you right here." His fingers massaged your slit, which was already moist. "Like an adorable baby." His gleaming eyes met yours. "Is that okay with you, sweetheart?" You swiftly nodded your head. "Words."
"I want to have children with you, Eddie. I want to teach them what it's like to be loved and to be as compassionate as you are. More people like you are needed in the world." 
Several minutes went by in a haze. A haze of naked bodies, heated breaths, stray hands, and wet lips. You couldn't stop yourselves, and there was no time for nice words or any other form of preparation. There was no need.
As soon as he received confirmation, his head pushed your slit open, and both of you groaned in delight since you both felt at home with each other. 
"You are soft and tight at the same time. How is that even possible?" His hips didn't move as swiftly as in previous times, but his thrusts were mighty, his testicles smacking against the fluid dripping to your bottom. "I can't wait to fill you all up." Your pleas were frantic. Eddie made you feel as though you were losing your mind and about to pass out. "I can't wait for your stomach to round out." His hands moved from your breasts to your stomach. It was excruciatingly uncomfortable to have the nightgown pulled up under your chin, but you both have been impatient, not being able to entirely undress. "I want to feel the changes in your physique. I'm curious to see how your breasts grow in size." His thrusts emphasised every one of his claims. 
"I won't last much longer." It hadn't been long since you both started, yet there was a desire, a passion, and an awful sensation of being too far apart. Your wrapped legs around his waist sought to force him farther inside as if he could get closer to you. "Please, Eddie. "Fill me up."
His cock jolted within you twice, his balls tightening as he inhaled deeply or gasped. "Fuck, I will, baby." His left hand ran down your body, thumb pressing against your clit, and you were coming undone before he could circle it, Eddie doing so first. It was his warm jets of cum that finally pushed you over the brink. 
"Oh, my lord."
"Just your King, sweetheart." He continued thrusting you both to the utmost degree of pleasure possible while kissing your forehead. "I hope you're ready for more, sweetheart, because I'm not going to stop until you are with child."
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ssin-ent · 4 years
reader being a english tutor and riding Jaemin as he (tries to) concertrate on his english flashcards
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You sighed " maybe this will hep you to memorize"
You said as you moved to straddle jJaemin's thighs on the couch. he blushed, but played along, smirking as he gripped your hips .But you quickly put his hands down his side tssking.
"The more right answer you have the more you'll get"
You peaked his curiosity, his eyes seemed more determined.
Jaemin answered correctly at the firsts flashcards , this allowing him to touch you and giving you the opportunity to start to grind your hips against his.
You noticed he was't expecting it when his eyes grew wide at the friction, failling to look at you as he was getting hard under you.
" next, how do you say 쓰다?"
You saw Jaemin concentrating the best he could to finally answer correctly, so you grinded harder, switling your hips in a way that made him moan.
A few flashcards later and he couldn't concentrate anymore, losing his focus as he was more and more desperate.
" I'm sorry baby, wrong answer" He pouted at your statement, but whined loudly when the movements of you hips came to an alt. Jaemin gripped your hips, trying to get you to move
"Y/n~ please! I'll get it right, I- it's- just, give one chance, only one" he said the last words in english trying to convince you the best he could
But you shook your head " you know the deal sweetheart, get the next one right and I'll move again" You leaned close to his ear to whisper
"And I might let you cum if you're a good boy"
His breathing trembled at your whisper, more motivated than ever.
And there you were, sat on his cock, Jaemin twitching inside you as he was so close to reach his high yet, he got the last answer wrong so you stopped moving completely.
Upset, Jaemin tried to move under you, faking a tantrum in hope to come without you knowing it but this only earned him a slap on his thighs.
" Do that again and I leave you like this"
Jaemin panicked apologizing lrofusely
" Let's start again will you"
He gave you more and more answer so you decided to stop your torture here.
You swirled your hips on his cock, clenching volunteraly around him, the tighness making him throw his head back.
You dropped yourself hard in his cock, hips slapping loudly as you finally gave him what he wanted. Still, you were moving slowly, making sure you were feeling every inch of his cock
"Y/n, stop torturing me...please" Jaemin said breathlessly
"Hmm...I don't know...You were quite bratty earlier..."
" I- please, I told you I'm sorry I- HO MY GOD FUCK"
He shout, pleasure going through his veins as you slammed yourself on his cock quickly, giving him exactky what he needed. Jaemin's mouth was half open, his eyes squeezed shut
" This feels so good, god so good don't s-stop please"
Jaemin plead, feeling on cloud 9. You kissed his neck making him tremble at the feeling of your lips on his skin. You teased him more and reached under his shirt, goosebumps appearing on your skin . You thumbed at his nipples making him bite his lips, when you pinched them a bit too hard making him cum uncontrollably in a moan of your name.
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janiedean · 5 years
sorry to bother you, but I was wondering why Theo/San was't your cup of tea?
you mean theon/sansa? (also no bother!)
... hahah. uhm. 100% show-based, but. PLEASE ANYONE INTO IT STOP READING NOW I WARNED YOU XDD
first: in book canon I wouldn’t mind I guess, but in show canon nvm the travesty of giving her his storyline, there were those two scenes in 5x07/8 where a) she asked him to help her escape.... without telling him she’d take him with her so basically assuming he’d just stay back and most likely get killed but whateverb) she told him that if she could she’d do to him what ramsay had done all over againand like... sansa never apologized for that, it never was referenced again and it was assumed textually as something he somehow deserved to hear (??) and even with that he saved her anyway because.... what? he’s a stark? he loves the starks? we just don’t know because oh, wait, they gave her his storyline, and I have to assume that hey since he helped her then it’s all fine? like, sorry but I can’t buy it and the fact that it was never resolved on screen sealed it for me
second: she had his storyline. like, sorry but show!sansa had S5/6 doing what he should have done, theon never even was told on screen that ramsay was dead, they made his death all about sansa and theon was forgotten or what, we didn’t even have a possible last minute patch for that in 8x02 because who knows what they talked about, I had to see my favorite storyline in the books butchered and theon’s character reduced at ‘being a honorary stark’ at the end of it all (which... ofc he was, since they took all his sl and agency and whatever to give it to sansa)... and I should be into that? like sorry but if I see show!theon/sansa I see validation of the show’s choices which imho weren’t even done well bc they didn’t even bond during their shared captivity or whatever and it was horribly written and I checked out of validating those show choices the moment they went there in S5. if it had been show endgame I’d have gritted my teeth and borne it but it wasn’t and all the rhetoric about theon’s redemption arc making him a stark after all was... well, not the worst that came out of S8 because they butchered jaime worse and dany worse and whatever but honest, no
third: unpopular opinion but with how they wrote sansa in S8, if at the end they had made san/san canon I wouldn’t have enjoyed a iota of it bc show!sansa is not book!sansa, she’s cersei lite, and I detested her characterization since S5 but S8 took the cake and atm I’m not interested in any show!only sansa ship bc I spent the last two episodes hoping that dany would roast the entirety of westeros for how done I was with dnd’s horribly written attempts to make me root against her and/or put sansa as their feminism model while writing her like cersei and tramping over every other female character to get there, and I’m saying this with pain in my heart because I love book!sansa and I could have pretended to ignore my issues with characterization in S6-7 if 8 had been done well... but it wasn’t.
tldr: that ship is encapsulating everything I hated about what they did with theon and sansa’s storylines and characterizations from S5 onward and I can’t get past that stuff in S5 that no one bothered address on screen. obv it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t ship it because like I’m not gonna ship shame anyone and you do you, but personally I don’t want to have to do with it if I can help it. :/
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