#i hope this could do o w o'a
armaxlucis · 6 years
He was on his way back from Professor Oak’s lab after delivering the samples and research result from the Kalos Fossil lab. He could have returned faster if he had borrowed a ride Pokemon from a rent place, but he wasn’t very comfortable in traveling a long distance with a Pokemon since he’d tire them out. Therefore he chose to ride the ship from Vermillion City again. 
There was also the thing about the letter that was suddenly sent to him, but... he was still contemplating whether to find out about it or not. And while he was in a daze about what his mysterious letter told him, he saw two children engaging a battle. A boy and a girl with similar faces. 
The girl was battling with a Pikachu. While the boy has... 
“Look, Carol, that boy has an Eevee.” Lucea called to the Eevee that was napping in his hoodie. The eevee suddenly perked up when her name was called and immediately climbs to his shoulder to watch. 
It had been an interesting fight. Both trainers seems to be a new trainer, and they were fighting equally. At least, that was what Lucea thought until the eevee suddenly changed its form and became a Jolteon. He was sure that the boy didn’t use any thunderstone, nor was there any thunderstone nearby. Perhaps it was a rare evolution. That was what he had thought at first. However, when he saw the Jolteon returned into an Eevee, he was dumbfounded with shock. 
“...huh?” Could Eevee do that? Or was it actually a Ditto? No, that wasn’t possible. Ditto’s face wasn’t that realistic. It’s definitely not a mega evolution either. Jolteon isn’t part of the mega-evolution line. Whatever that is happening, this Eevee wasn’t normal at all. 
And he’s dying to know. After all, he’s a researcher. 
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“Excuse me...” He approached the boy after the battle was over, and bent down a little to the boy’s height. “Sorry for suddenly calling you. My name is Lucea, and this is Carol. We watched your battle earlier with that Pikachu trainer. If you don’t mind me asking, did your Eevee just evolve into a Jolteon and revert back?” 
The eevee on his back jumped down and greeted the boy’s eevee as well. She was probably older than the boy’s eevee, having living with the researcher for about 10 years now. But she’s still as energetic as ever, and she greets the younger boy’s eevee with a loud smile “Voi!”
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