#i hope they're both living their best lives they were wonderful and mango liked that dog a lot
vehxmence · 6 days
me seeing a well-trained small dog: ohlookatthalittlebaby i could put you in my pocket :)
me @ small dogs allowed to bark incessantly: hey put your fucking screechrat back in your purse
#zulu time // ooc#i LOVE little dogs.......i just hate a significant majority of Small Dog People(tm)#who think that because pupper is smol they don't have to train#or that the entire fucking neighborhood wants to hear precious little pookie shriek his fool head off because he's bored in the yard#EYEBALLING the neighbor next door rn#i am in a place with BSL and my amstaff mix is in her anne frank era for a couple weeks until we get out of this rental#and it makes me so goddamn mad that my dog who stands 6 inches from the fence while these shrill little terrorist scream at her#and does not react aside from a vaguely concerned thinkle or two#is illegal here but they're fine because they're little#mine also loves small dogs. her first friends when i got her were mini scotties and they were lovely#and one tiny weird mutt in her puppy class because his mom said 'i refuse to be one of those Small Dog People'#i hope they're both living their best lives they were wonderful and mango liked that dog a lot#anyway also 3 of 5 times mine has been attacked it's been someone's little fucking unmanaged purse goblin#'hahaha he's feisty' yeah and mine could fucking eat him and chooses not to so maybe handle your fucking dog?????#if i can handle 70 pounds of reactive amstaff you can pick up your crusty little fuckass#but yeah i hate shrill noises in general so these two obnoxious lawn decorations are driving me up the fucking wall#meanwhile my big scary vicious criminal menace goes out and looks at me like 'fuck's their problem' lmao#anyway........................periodic zulu psa to train your fucking dogs please for your own sake and everyone else's#they're as intelligent as young children and there's always a reason they're acting out and it's on you to help them with it#also nobody wants to listen to your fucking yappy little asshole no matter how cute you think it is#stares in 'violently resentful because i've sunk thousands into training my rescued and traumatized bully mix for the image'#'while little dog owners allow their purse terrorists to continue to be the problem'
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