#i honestly want people to read this because i see so much unneeded critisism that essentially boils down to 'the subtext can be considered
pktsundere-archive · 4 years
im surprised no one is cancelling shit over the fact that entrapta literally owned slaves
i’m not at all saying kids shows should be demonised for having narratives that would be terrible in real life (if that were the case literally every overexaggerated kids show would be cancelled because they all feature brutal fucking murder) but the fact that y’all have a breakdown about catra scratching adora once and calling out this fictional relationship for being toxic, or calling fictional characters controlling another fictional character with a leash abliest because yeah it would be in real life but then brush off stuff like idk ficitonal slavery feels like y’all are just finding problems when you want them. like sure enjoy kids shows, i sure as hell do, just don’t pick them apart because its uhhh fuckin fiction??? like kids aren’t gonna see entrapta being pulled by the hair for walking into an enemy base and then go ‘oh haha entrapta is autistic coded which means it’s ok for me to tug on my autistic classmate’s hair’ they’re gonna enjoy the exaggerated content like a normal human. and you spop crits should too. media is not direct reality (sure it can affect reality but in this case like no it doesnt). like so many of you are so angry. but of all the kids shows that can teach the wrong lessons to kids you pick on spop?? if you’re like over the age of 20 and you’re analysing a piece of media that’s aired on a kids cartoon channel just to find flaws that you’ll label with something like ‘sexist’ or ‘abliest’ that are usually used for pretty horrible people, get a life. go outside. or at least get something a little more productive to do, like i don’t know, actual activism. if you care so much you’d focus on the actual problems and not on a kids show
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